y2 = array(); $this->xdata = $xdata; $this->ydata = $ydata; $n = count($ydata); $this->n = $n; // Natural spline 2:derivate == 0 at endpoints $this->y2[0] = 0.0; $this->y2[$n-1] = 0.0; $delta[0] = 0.0; // Calculate 2:nd derivate for($i=1; $i < $n-1; ++$i) { $d = ($xdata[$i+1]-$xdata[$i-1]); if( $d == 0 ) { JpGraphError::Raise('Invalid input data for spline. Two or more consecutive input X-values are equal. Each input X-value must differ since from a mathematical point of view it must be a one-to-one mapping, i.e. each X-value must correspond to exactly one Y-value.'); } $s = ($xdata[$i]-$xdata[$i-1])/$d; $p = $s*$this->y2[$i-1]+2.0; $this->y2[$i] = ($s-1.0)/$p; $delta[$i] = ($ydata[$i+1]-$ydata[$i])/($xdata[$i+1]-$xdata[$i]) - ($ydata[$i]-$ydata[$i-1])/($xdata[$i]-$xdata[$i-1]); $delta[$i] = (6.0*$delta[$i]/($xdata[$i+1]-$xdata[$i-1])-$s*$delta[$i-1])/$p; } // Backward substitution for( $j=$n-2; $j >= 0; --$j ) { $this->y2[$j] = $this->y2[$j]*$this->y2[$j+1] + $delta[$j]; } } // Return the two new data vectors function Get($num=50) { $n = $this->n ; $step = ($this->xdata[$n-1]-$this->xdata[0]) / ($num-1); $xnew=array(); $ynew=array(); $xnew[0] = $this->xdata[0]; $ynew[0] = $this->ydata[0]; for( $j=1; $j < $num; ++$j ) { $xnew[$j] = $xnew[0]+$j*$step; $ynew[$j] = $this->Interpolate($xnew[$j]); } return array($xnew,$ynew); } // Return a single interpolated Y-value from an x value function Interpolate($xpoint) { $max = $this->n-1; $min = 0; // Binary search to find interval while( $max-$min > 1 ) { $k = ($max+$min) / 2; if( $this->xdata[$k] > $xpoint ) $max=$k; else $min=$k; } // Each interval is interpolated by a 3:degree polynom function $h = $this->xdata[$max]-$this->xdata[$min]; if( $h == 0 ) { JpGraphError::Raise('Invalid input data for spline. Two or more consecutive input X-values are equal. Each input X-value must differ since from a mathematical point of view it must be a one-to-one mapping, i.e. each X-value must correspond to exactly one Y-value.'); } $a = ($this->xdata[$max]-$xpoint)/$h; $b = ($xpoint-$this->xdata[$min])/$h; return $a*$this->ydata[$min]+$b*$this->ydata[$max]+ (($a*$a*$a-$a)*$this->y2[$min]+($b*$b*$b-$b)*$this->y2[$max])*($h*$h)/6.0; } } // EOF ?>