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3 | Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
4 | For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
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8 | <title>ASP integration Samples List — CKEditor</title>
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11 | <body>
12 | <h1 class="samples">
13 | CKEditor Samples List for ASP — CKEditor Sample
14 | </h1>
15 | <h2 class="samples">
16 | Overview
17 | </h2>
18 | <p>The ckeditor.asp file provides a wrapper to ease the work of creating CKEditor instances from classic Asp.</p>
19 | <p>To use it, you must first include it into your page:
20 | <code>
21 | <!-- #INCLUDE file="../../ckeditor.asp" -->
22 | </code>
23 | Of course, you should adjust the path to make it point to the correct location, and maybe use a full path (with virtual="" instead of file="")
24 | </p>
25 | <p>After that script is included, you can use it in different ways, based on the following pattern:</p>
26 |
27 | <ol>
28 | <li>
29 | Create an instance of the CKEditor class:
30 | <pre class="samples">dim editor
31 | set editor = New CKEditor</pre>
32 | </li>
33 | <li>
34 | Set the path to the folder where CKEditor has been installed, by default it will use /ckeditor/
35 | <pre class="samples">editor.basePath = "../../"</pre>
36 | </li>
37 | <li>
38 | Now use one of the three main methods to create the CKEditor instances:
39 | <ul class="samples">
40 | <li>
41 | Replace textarea with id (or name) "editor1".
42 | <pre class="samples">editor.replaceInstance "editor1"</pre>
43 | </li>
44 | <li>
45 | Replace all textareas with CKEditor.
46 | <pre class="samples">editor.replaceAll empty</pre>
47 | </li>
48 | <li>
49 | Create a textarea element and attach CKEditor to it.
50 | <pre class="samples">editor.editor "editor1", initialValue</pre>
51 | </li>
52 | </ul>
53 | </li>
54 | </ol>
55 | <p>Before step 3 you can use a number of methods and properties to adjust the behavior of this class and the CKEditor instances
56 | that will be created:</p>
57 | <ul class="samples">
58 | <li>returnOutput : if set to true, the functions won't dump the code with response.write, but instead they will return it so
59 | you can do anything you want</li>
60 | <li>basePath: location of the CKEditor scripts</li>
61 | <li>initialized: if you set it to true, it means that you have already included the CKEditor.js file into the page and it
62 | doesn't have to be generated again.</li>
63 | <li>textareaAttributes: You can set here a Dictionary object with the attributes that you want to output in the call to the "editor" method.</li>
64 |
65 | <li>config: Allows to set config values for all the instances from now on.</li>
66 | <li>instanceConfig: Allows to set config values just for the next instance.</li>
67 |
68 | <li>addEventHandler: Adds an event handler for all the instances from now on.</li>
69 | <li>addInstanceEventHandler: Adds an event handler just for the next instance.</li>
70 | <li>addGlobalEventHandler: Adds an event handler for the global CKEDITOR object.</li>
71 |
72 | <li>clearEventHandlers: Removes one or all the event handlers from all the instances from now on.</li>
73 | <li>clearInstanceEventHandlers: Removes one or all the event handlers from the next instance.</li>
74 | <li>clearGlobalEventHandlers: Removes one or all the event handlers from the global CKEDITOR object.</li>
75 |
76 | </ul>
77 |
78 | <h2 class="samples">
79 | Basic Samples
80 | </h2>
81 | <ul class="samples">
82 | <li><a class="samples" href="replace.asp">Replace existing textareas by code</a></li>
83 | <li><a class="samples" href="replaceall.asp">Replace all textareas by code</a></li>
84 | <li><a class="samples" href="standalone.asp">Create instances in asp</a></li>
85 | </ul>
86 | <h2 class="samples">
87 | Advanced Samples
88 | </h2>
89 | <ul class="samples">
90 | <li><a class="samples" href="advanced.asp">Advanced example</a></li>
91 | <li><a class="samples" href="events.asp">Listening to events</a></li>
92 | </ul>
93 | <div id="footer">
94 | <hr />
95 | <p>
96 | CKEditor - The text editor for the Internet - <a class="samples" href="http://ckeditor.com/">http://ckeditor.com</a>
97 | </p>
98 | <p id="copy">
99 | Copyright © 2003-2011, <a class="samples" href="http://cksource.com/">CKSource</a> - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
100 | </p>
101 | </div>
102 | </body>
103 | </html>