1 | <?php
2 |
3 | /************************************************************************/
4 | /* Eleonline - Raccolta e diffusione dei dati elettorali */
5 | /* by Roberto Gigli & Luciano Apolito */
6 | /* http://www.eleonline.it */
7 | /* info@eleonline.it luciano@aniene.net rgigli@libero.it */
8 | /************************************************************************/
9 | /* Modulo Autorizzazione Comuni */
10 | /* Amministrazione */
11 | /************************************************************************/
12 | # e' l'unico file in cui Ú presente un controllo su tipo_cons, per ora va bene così. Per toglierlo va inserito un campo-flag in ele_tipo per indicare se per il tipo di consultazione si dovra' procedere al calcolo dell'assegnazione dei seggi
13 | if (!defined('ADMIN_FILE')) {
14 | die ("You can't access this file directly...");
15 | }
16 |
17 | $aid=$_SESSION['aid'];
18 | $dbi=$_SESSION['dbi'];
19 | $prefix=$_SESSION['prefix'];
20 | $id_comune=$_SESSION['id_comune'];
21 | $id_cons_gen=intval($_GET['id_cons_gen']);
22 | $perms=ChiSei(0);
23 | if ($perms<128 or !$id_cons_gen) die("$perms Non hai i permessi per inserire dati, o non hai scelto la consultazione!");
24 | $res = mysql_query("SELECT t1.tipo_cons,t1.descrizione,t2.id_cons,t2.id_conf FROM ".$prefix."_ele_consultazione as t1, ".$prefix."_ele_cons_comune as t2 where t1.id_cons_gen=t2.id_cons_gen and t2.id_comune='$id_comune' " , $dbi);
25 | list($tipo_cons,$descr_cons,$id_cons,$id_conf) = mysql_fetch_row($res);
26 |
27 | $res = mysql_query("SELECT genere FROM ".$prefix."_ele_tipo where tipo_cons='$tipo_cons' " , $dbi);
28 | list($genere) = mysql_fetch_row($res);
29 |
30 | include("modules/Elezioni/funzionidata.php");
31 | include("modules/Elezioni/ele.php");
32 | if (isset($_GET['descr_comu'])) get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? $descr_comu=$param['descr_comu']:$descr_comu=addslashes($param['descr_comu']); else $descr_comu='';
33 | if (isset($_GET['do'])) get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? $do=$param['do']:$do=addslashes($param['do']); else $do='';
34 | if (isset($_GET['ok'])) $ok=intval($_GET['ok']); else $ok='';
35 | if (isset($_GET['id_cons_comu'])) $id_cons_comu=intval($_GET['id_cons_comu']); else $id_cons_comu='';
36 | if (isset($_GET['id_collegio'])) $id_collegio=intval($_GET['id_collegio']); else $id_collegio='';
37 | if (isset($_GET['idcomune'])) $idcomune=intval($_GET['idcomune']); else $idcomune='';
38 | if (isset($_GET['idcomunenew'])) $idcomunenew=intval($_GET['idcomunenew']); else $idcomunenew='';
39 | if (isset($_GET['chiusa'])) $chiusa=intval($_GET['chiusa']); else $chiusa='';
40 | if (isset($_GET['id_conf'])) $id_conf=intval($_GET['id_conf']); else $id_conf=0;
41 | if (isset($_GET['idfascia'])) $idfascia=intval($_GET['idfascia']); else $idfascia=0;
42 | if (isset($_GET['min'])) $min=intval($_GET['min']); else $min=0;
43 | if (isset($_GET['help'])) $help=intval($_GET['help']);
44 | if (isset($_GET['pwd4'])) $pwd4=intval($_GET['pwd4']);
45 | if (isset($_GET['preferenze'])) $preferenze=intval($_GET['preferenze']); else $preferenze=1;
46 | if (isset($_GET['vismf'])) $vismf=intval($_GET['vismf']); else $vismf=0;
47 | if (isset($_GET['sg'])) $sg=intval($_GET['sg']); else $sg=0;
48 | if (isset($_GET['disgiunto'])) $disgiunto=intval($_GET['disgiunto']); else $disgiunto=0;
49 |
50 | $offset=15;
51 | $hiddenInfo = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"min\" value=\"$min\">";
52 |
53 |
54 | /******************************************************/
55 | /*Funzione di visualizzazione globale */
56 | /*****************************************************/
57 | //
58 | function all() {
59 | global $user, $admin, $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $prefix,$descr_cons, $dbi,$id_cons,$desc,$indirizzo,$centralino,$fax,$id_cons_gen,$id_collegio,$idcomune,$chiusa,$id_conf,$tipo_cons,$language,$help,$preferenze,$idfascia,$vismf,$sg,$disgiunto,$id_cons_comu;
60 | $aid=$_SESSION['aid'];
61 | $dbi=$_SESSION['dbi'];
62 | $prefix=$_SESSION['prefix'];
63 | ############# Controllo flag per cancellazione consultazione
64 | echo "<SCRIPT type=\"text/javascript\">\n\n<!--\n"
65 | ."//-->\n";
66 | echo "function del_cons() {\n";
67 | echo "if (document.getElementById('pwd3').checked==false) {\n";
68 | echo "if (document.getElementById('chiusa').selectedIndex==3) document.getElementById('chiusa').options[0].selected=true \n";
69 | echo "document.getElementById('pwd4').checked=false \n";
70 | echo "document.getElementById('trspunta').style.visibility='hidden' \n";
71 | echo "} \n";
72 | echo "else document.getElementById('trspunta').style.visibility='visible' \n";
73 | echo "if (document.getElementById('chiusa').selectedIndex!=3) { \n";
74 | echo "document.getElementById('add').value=\""._MODIFY."\" \n";
75 | echo "document.getElementById('do').value=\"update\" \n";
76 | echo "}else{\n";
77 | echo "if (document.getElementById('pwd4').checked==false) \n";
78 | echo "document.getElementById('add').value=\""._DELETE." "._DATI."\" \n";
79 | echo "else document.getElementById('add').value=\""._DELETE." "._CONSULTA."\" \n";
80 | echo "document.getElementById('do').value=\"delete\" \n";
81 | echo "} \n";
82 | echo "} \n";
83 | echo "</script>\n";
84 |
85 | echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"JavaScript\" >\n\n<!--\n"
86 | ."//-->\n";
87 | echo "function showdate(str,posiz,tempo)\n";
88 | echo "{\n";
89 | echo "if (str==\"\")\n";
90 | echo " {\n";
91 | echo " document.getElementById(posiz).innerHTML=\"\";\n";
92 | echo " return;\n";
93 | echo " }\n";
94 | echo "if (window.XMLHttpRequest)\n";
95 | echo " {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari\n";
96 | echo " xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();\n";
97 | echo " }\n";
98 | echo "else\n";
99 | echo " {// code for IE6, IE5\n";
100 | echo " xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject(\"Microsoft.XMLHTTP\");\n";
101 | echo " }\n";
102 | echo "xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function()\n";
103 | echo " {\n";
104 | echo " if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200 && posiz!=null)\n";
105 | echo " {\n";
106 | echo " document.getElementById(posiz).innerHTML=xmlhttp.responseText;\n";
107 | echo " }\n";
108 | echo " }\n";
109 | echo "xmlhttp.open(\"GET\",str,true);\n";
110 | echo "xmlhttp.send();\n";
111 |
112 | echo "}\n";
113 | echo "</script>\n";
114 |
115 | #########################
116 | if (isset($help)) include("language/$language/ele_associazioni.html");
117 | OpenTable();
118 | echo "<tr><td><hr><br>";
119 | $res = mysql_query("SELECT descrizione FROM ".$prefix."_ele_consultazione where id_cons_gen='$id_cons_gen'" , $dbi);
120 | list ($descr_cons) = mysql_fetch_row($res);
121 | //inserire avviso su mancanza dei permessi
122 | echo "<form name=\"model\" action=\"admin.php\">";
123 | echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"3\">";
124 | echo "<tr align=\"center\"><td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\"><b>"._CONSULTA."</b></td>";
125 | echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\"><b>"._DEFCOMUNE."</b></td>";
126 | echo "<td width=\"10%\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\"><b>"._PREFERENZE."</b></td>";
127 | echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\"><b>"._STATO."</b></td>";
128 | if($tipo_cons==3){
129 | echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\"><b>"._CONF."</b></td>";
130 | echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\" align=\"center\"><b>"._FASCIA."</b></td>";
131 | }
132 | echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\" align=\"center\"><b>"._VISAFFMF."</b></td>";
133 | echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\" align=\"center\"><b>"._ASOLO_GRUPPO."</b></td>";
134 | echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\" align=\"center\"><b>"._DISGIUNTO."</b></td>";
135 | echo "</tr>";
136 | echo "<tr align=\"center\"><td>";
137 | echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"associazioni\">";
138 | echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id_cons_gen\" value=\"$id_cons_gen\">$descr_cons</td>";
139 | $rescomu = mysql_query("SELECT id_comune, descrizione from ".$prefix."_ele_comuni order by descrizione asc", $dbi);
140 | echo "<td>";
141 | if($idcomune) {
142 | while ($listele=mysql_fetch_array($rescomu))
143 | if($listele['id_comune']==$idcomune) {
144 | echo $listele['descrizione'];
145 | echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"idcomunenew\" value=\"$idcomune\">";
146 | }
147 |
148 | }else{
149 | echo "<select name=\"idcomunenew\">";
150 | echo "<option value=\"0\"> ";
151 | while(list($id,$descr_comu)=mysql_fetch_row($rescomu)){
152 | $sel= ($id == $idcomune) ? "selected":"";
153 | echo "<option value=\"$id\" $sel>$descr_comu";
154 | }
155 | echo "</select>";
156 | }
157 | echo "</td>";
158 | echo "<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"preferenze\" value=\"$preferenze\" size=\"2\"></td>";
159 | $selez['0']='';
160 | $selez['1']='';
161 | $selez['2']='';
162 | $selez['3']='';
163 | $selez[$chiusa]="selected";
164 | echo "<td><select name=\"chiusa\" id=\"chiusa\" onChange=\"javascript:del_cons()\">";
165 | echo "<option value=\"0\" ".$selez[0].">"._ATTIVA;
166 | echo "<option value=\"1\" ".$selez[1].">"._CHIUSA;
167 | echo "<option value=\"2\" ".$selez[2].">"._NULLA;
168 |
169 | if($idcomune) echo "<option value=\"3\" ".$selez[3].">"._ELIMINA;
170 | echo "</select></td>";
171 | if($tipo_cons==3){
172 | if($idcomune) {
173 | $rescomu = mysql_query("SELECT id_fascia from ".$prefix."_ele_cons_comune where id_cons_gen='$id_cons_gen' and id_comune='$idcomune'", $dbi);
174 | if($rescomu)
175 | list($fasciacom)=mysql_fetch_row($rescomu);
176 | } else $fasciacom=0;
177 | $rescomu = mysql_query("SELECT id_conf, descrizione from ".$prefix."_ele_conf order by id_conf desc", $dbi);
178 | echo "<td><select name=\"id_conf\" id=\"id_conf\" onchange=\"javascript:showdate('modules/Elezioni/ele_desc_fasce.php?fascia=$fasciacom&id_conf=' + model.id_conf.options[model.id_conf.selectedIndex].value,'fasceconf');\">";
179 | echo "<option value=\"0\"> ";
180 | while(list($id,$descr_conf)=mysql_fetch_row($rescomu)){
181 | $sel='';
182 | if ($idcomune and $id == $id_conf) $sel="selected";
183 | echo "<option value=\"$id\" $sel>$descr_conf";
184 | }
185 | echo "</select></td>";
186 | if(!$id_conf) $id_conf=1;
187 | $rescomu = mysql_query("SELECT id_fascia,abitanti from ".$prefix."_ele_fasce where id_conf='$id_conf'", $dbi);
188 |
189 | echo "<td id=\"fasceconf\"><select name=\"idfascia\">";
190 | echo "<option value=\"0\"> ";
191 | $inffascia=0;
192 | while(list($id,$abitanti)=mysql_fetch_row($rescomu)){
193 | $sel='';
194 | if ($idcomune and $id == $fasciacom) $sel="selected"; elseif ($id==1) $sel="selected";
195 | echo "<option value=\"$id\" $sel>$inffascia - $abitanti";
196 | $inffascia=$abitanti;
197 | }
198 | echo "</select></td>";
199 |
200 |
201 | }
202 | unset($sel);
203 | $rescomu = mysql_query("SELECT vismf,solo_gruppo,disgiunto from ".$prefix."_ele_cons_comune where id_cons='$id_cons_comu'", $dbi);
204 | list($vismf,$sg,$disgiunto)=mysql_fetch_row($rescomu);
205 | echo "<td><select name=\"vismf\">";
206 | if ($vismf==0) $sel="selected"; else $sel="";
207 | echo "<option value=\"0\" $sel>No";
208 | if ($vismf==1) $sel="selected"; else $sel="";
209 | echo "<option value=\"1\" $sel>Si";
210 | echo "</select></td>";
211 | echo "<td><select name=\"sg\">";
212 | if ($sg==0) $sel="selected"; else $sel="";
213 | echo "<option value=\"0\" $sel>No";
214 | if ($sg==1) $sel="selected"; else $sel="";
215 | echo "<option value=\"1\" $sel>Si";
216 | echo "</select></td>";
217 | echo "<td><select name=\"disgiunto\">";
218 | if ($disgiunto==0) $sel="selected"; else $sel="";
219 | echo "<option value=\"0\" $sel>No";
220 | if ($disgiunto==1) $sel="selected"; else $sel="";
221 | echo "<option value=\"1\" $sel>Si";
222 | echo "</select></td>";
223 |
224 | echo "<td><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ok\" value=0>";
225 | echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id_cons_gen\" value=\"$id_cons_gen\">";
226 | if ($idcomune) {
227 | echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"do\" name=\"do\" value=\"update\">";
228 | echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"idcomune\" value=\"$idcomune\">";
229 | echo "<input type=\"submit\" id=\"add\" name=\"add\" value=\""._MODIFY."\" ></td></tr>";
230 | echo "<tr><td colspan=\"5\"><fieldset><legend>"._SPUNTALABEL1."</legend><label id=\"prov1\">"._SPUNTAELIMINA." <input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"pwd3\" name=\"pwd3\" value=\"\" onclick=\"javascript:del_cons()\"></label></fieldset></td></tr>";
231 | echo "<tr id=\"trspunta\" style=\"visibility:hidden\"><td colspan=\"4\"><fieldset><legend>"._SPUNTALABEL2."</legend><label id=\"prov\">"._VIASPUNTAELIMINA." <input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"pwd4\" name=\"pwd4\" value=\"1\" onclick=\"javascript:del_cons()\"></label></fieldset>";
232 | }else{
233 | echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"do\" value=\"add\">";
234 | echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"add\" value=\""._ADD."\">";
235 | }
236 | $i=0;
237 | echo "</td></tr></table></form>";
238 | echo "<hr><br><table width=\"100%\" border=\"3\">";
239 | echo "<tr align=\"center\"><td width=\"15%\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\"><b>"._CONSULTA."TEST:$id_cons_comu</b></td>";
240 | echo "<td width=\"20%\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\"><b>"._DEFCOMUNE."</b></td>";
241 | echo "<td width=\"10%\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\"><b>"._PREFERENZE."</b></td>";
242 | echo "<td width=\"10%\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\"><b>"._STATO."</b></td>";
243 | if($tipo_cons==3){
244 | echo "<td width=\"20%\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\"><b>"._CONF."</b></td>";
245 | echo "<td width=\"20%\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\" align=\"center\"><b>"._FASCIA."</b></td>";
246 | }
247 | echo "<td width=\"10%\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\" align=\"center\"><b>"._VISAFFMF."</b></td>";
248 | echo "<td width=\"10%\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\" align=\"center\"><b>"._ASOLO_GRUPPO."</b></td>";
249 | echo "<td width=\"10%\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\" align=\"center\"><b>"._DISGIUNTO."</b></td>";
250 | echo "<td width=\"10\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\"><b> "._FUNZIONI."</b></td></tr>";
251 |
252 | $resmod = mysql_query("SELECT '',t1.id_comune,'',t1.id_cons, t2.descrizione, t1.chiusa, t1.id_conf, preferenze,t1.id_fascia,t1.vismf,t1.solo_gruppo,t1.disgiunto FROM ".$prefix."_ele_cons_comune as t1, ".$prefix."_ele_comuni as t2 where t1.id_cons_gen='$id_cons_gen' and t1.id_comune=t2.id_comune order by t2.descrizione", $dbi);
253 | while (list($id_collegio,$id_comune2,$descr_coll,$id_cons_comu,$descr_comu, $chiusa,$id_conf,$preferenze2,$fasciacom,$vismf2,$sg2,$disgiunto2) = mysql_fetch_row($resmod)){ //elenco dei modelli inseriti
254 | $resconf = mysql_query("SELECT descrizione FROM ".$prefix."_ele_conf where id_conf='$id_conf'", $dbi);
255 | list($descr_conf) = mysql_fetch_row($resconf);
256 | $i++;
257 | $bgcolor1=($bgcolor1==$_SESSION['bgcolor1'])?$_SESSION['bgcolor2']:$_SESSION['bgcolor1'];
258 | echo "<tr align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\">";
259 | echo "<td><b>$descr_cons</b></td>";
260 | echo "<td><b>$descr_comu</b></td>";
261 | echo "<td><b>$preferenze2</b></td>";
262 | $stato['0']=_ATTIVA;
263 | $stato['1']=_CHIUSA;
264 | $stato['2']=_NULLA;
265 | echo "<td><b>".$stato[$chiusa]."</b></td>";
266 | if($tipo_cons==3){
267 | echo "<td><b>".$descr_conf."</b></td>";
268 | $rescomu = mysql_query("SELECT id_fascia,abitanti from ".$prefix."_ele_fasce where id_conf='$id_conf'", $dbi);
269 | $inffascia=0;
270 | if (mysql_num_rows($rescomu)==0) echo "<td></td>";
271 | while(list($id,$abitanti)=mysql_fetch_row($rescomu)){
272 | $sel='';
273 | if ($id == $fasciacom)
274 | echo "<td>$inffascia - $abitanti</td>";
275 | $inffascia=$abitanti;
276 | }
277 |
278 | }
279 | if ($vismf2==0) $sel=_NO; else $sel=_SI;
280 | echo "<td>$sel</td>";
281 | if ($sg2==0) $sel=_NO; else $sel=_SI;
282 | echo "<td>$sel</td>";
283 | if ($disgiunto2==0) $sel=_NO; else $sel=_SI;
284 | echo "<td>$sel</td>";
285 | echo "<td>";
286 | echo "<form name=\"modello$i\" action=\"admin.php\">"
287 | ."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"associazioni\">";
288 | echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id_conf\" value=\"$id_conf\">";
289 | echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"idcomune\" value=\"$id_comune2\">";
290 | echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id_cons_comu\" value=\"$id_cons_comu\">";
291 | echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id_cons_gen\" value=\"$id_cons_gen\">";
292 | echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"desc\" value=\"$descr_cons\">";
293 | echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"preferenze\" value=\"$preferenze2\">";
294 | echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"chiusa\" value=\"$chiusa\">";
295 | echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ok\" value=0><input type=\"submit\" name=\"edit$i\" value=\""._EDIT."\">"
296 | ."</form></td></tr>\n";
297 | }
298 | echo "</table></td></tr></table>";
299 | CloseTable();
300 | }
301 |
302 | function associazioni($ok, $do,$descr_comu,$id_cons_comu,$id_collegio,$id_comune,$chiusa,$id_conf,$preferenze) {
303 | global $admin, $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $prefix, $dbi, $descr_cons,$genere,$id_cons_gen,$idcomunenew,$pwd4,$idfascia,$vismf,$sg,$disgiunto;
304 | $delcons=0;
305 | if ($do !="" and $id_cons_gen>0 and $idcomunenew>0) {
306 | $rescomu = mysql_query("SELECT id_cons from ".$prefix."_ele_cons_comune where id_cons_gen='$id_cons_gen' and id_comune='$idcomunenew'", $dbi);
307 | $max = mysql_num_rows($rescomu); //esiste autorizzazione?
308 | list($delcons)=mysql_fetch_row($rescomu);
309 | if (!$max){ //se no la inserisce
310 | $result = mysql_query("insert into ".$prefix."_ele_cons_comune (chiusa,id_comune,id_cons_gen,id_conf,preferenze,id_fascia,vismf,solo_gruppo,disgiunto) values ('0','$idcomunenew','$id_cons_gen','$id_conf','$preferenze','$idfascia','$vismf','$sg','$disgiunto')", $dbi) || die("<br><br>Errore di inserimento: ".mysql_error());
311 | $rescomu = mysql_query("SELECT id_cons from ".$prefix."_ele_cons_comune where id_cons_gen='$id_cons_gen' and id_comune='$idcomunenew'", $dbi);
312 | list($id_cons_comu)=mysql_fetch_row($rescomu);
313 | $res = mysql_query("SELECT id_cons FROM ".$prefix."_ele_comuni where id_comune='$idcomunenew' ", $dbi);
314 | list($id_cons_pred)=mysql_fetch_row($res);
315 | if (!$id_cons_pred)
316 | $res = mysql_query("update ".$prefix."_ele_comuni set id_cons='$id_cons_comu' where id_comune='$idcomunenew' ", $dbi);
317 |
318 | }
319 | if ($do == "update") {
320 | if ($idcomunenew>0) $newid=", id_comune = $idcomunenew ";
321 | else $newid='';
322 | $result = mysql_query("update ".$prefix."_ele_comu_collegi set id_collegio= '$id_collegio' $newid where id_comune='$id_comune' and id_cons_gen='$id_cons_gen'", $dbi) || die(mysql_error());
323 | if (!$result) return;
324 | $result = mysql_query("update ".$prefix."_ele_cons_comune set id_conf='$id_conf', chiusa= '$chiusa', preferenze='$preferenze',id_fascia='$idfascia',vismf='$vismf',solo_gruppo='$sg',disgiunto='$disgiunto' where id_comune='$id_comune' and id_cons_gen='$id_cons_gen'", $dbi)|| die(mysql_error());
325 | Header("Location: admin.php?op=associazioni&id_cons_gen=$id_cons_gen");
326 | }elseif ($do == "add") {
327 | if ($id_collegio){
328 | $result = mysql_query("insert into ".$prefix."_ele_comu_collegi (id_collegio,id_cons,id_comune,id_cons_gen) values ('$id_collegio','$id_cons_comu','$idcomunenew','$id_cons_gen')", $dbi) || die("<br><br>Errore di inserimento: ".mysql_error());
329 | }
330 | Header("Location: admin.php?op=associazioni&id_cons_gen=$id_cons_gen");
331 | }elseif ($do == "delete" and $delcons>0) {
332 | $idcns=$delcons;
333 | $res_del = mysql_query("delete from ".$prefix."_ele_voti_ref where id_cons=$idcns" ,$dbi);
334 | $res_del = mysql_query("delete from ".$prefix."_ele_voti_candidati where id_cons=$idcns" ,$dbi);
335 | $res_del = mysql_query("delete from ".$prefix."_ele_voti_lista where id_cons=$idcns" ,$dbi);
336 | $res_del = mysql_query("delete from ".$prefix."_ele_voti_gruppo where id_cons=$idcns" ,$dbi);
337 | $res_del = mysql_query("delete from ".$prefix."_ele_voti_parziale where id_cons=$idcns" ,$dbi);
338 | $res_del = mysql_query("delete from ".$prefix."_ele_controllosez where id_cons=$idcns" ,$dbi);
339 | if ($pwd4==1){
340 | $res_del = mysql_query("delete from ".$prefix."_ele_candidati where id_cons=$idcns" ,$dbi);
341 | $res_del = mysql_query("delete from ".$prefix."_ele_lista where id_cons=$idcns" ,$dbi);
342 | $res_del = mysql_query("delete from ".$prefix."_ele_gruppo where id_cons=$idcns" ,$dbi);
343 | $res_del = mysql_query("delete from ".$prefix."_ele_sezioni where id_cons=$idcns" ,$dbi);
344 | $res_del = mysql_query("delete from ".$prefix."_ele_cons_comune where id_cons=$idcns" ,$dbi);
345 | $res = mysql_query("SELECT id_cons FROM ".$prefix."_ele_comuni where id_comune='$id_comune' ", $dbi);
346 | list($id_cons_pred)=mysql_fetch_row($res);
347 | if ($idcns==$id_cons_pred) {
348 | $res = mysql_query("select id_cons from ".$prefix."_ele_cons_comune where id_comune=$id_comune order by id_cons desc limit 0,1" ,$dbi);
349 | list($id_cons_pred)=mysql_fetch_row($res);
350 | $res = mysql_query("update ".$prefix."_ele_comuni set id_cons='$id_cons_pred' where id_comune='$id_comune' ", $dbi);
351 | }
352 | }else{
353 | $res_del = mysql_query("update ".$prefix."_ele_sezioni set validi='0', nulli='0', bianchi='0', contestati='0', solo_gruppo='0', autorizzati_m='0', autorizzati_f='0', voti_nulli='0', validi_lista='0', contestati_lista='0', voti_nulli_lista='0' where id_cons=$idcns" ,$dbi);
354 |
355 | }
356 | Header("Location: admin.php?op=associazioni&id_cons_gen=$id_cons_gen");
357 | }
358 | }
359 | }
360 |
361 |
362 |
363 |
364 |
365 | //****************************
366 | // switch
367 | //****************************
368 | if ($op=="associazioni"){
369 | associazioni($ok, $do,$descr_comu,$id_cons_comu,$id_collegio,$idcomune,$chiusa,$id_conf,$preferenze);
370 | }
371 | ele();
372 | if (isset($_GET['id_cons_gen'])) $id_cons_gen=intval($_GET['id_cons_gen']); else $id_cons_gen='0';
373 | all();
374 | include("footer.php");
375 |
376 | ?>
377 |
378 |