"; echo $_GET['mex']; echo ""; } OpenTable(); $esiste=0; echo ""; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; $resins = mysql_query("select aid from ".$prefix."_authors where id_comune='$id_comune' order by aid",$dbi); echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "

"; $resmod = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."_authors where id_cons='$id_cons' and id_comune='$id_comune'", $dbi); echo "
"; echo ""; if ($perms==256) echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "" .""; echo ""; echo ""; }else echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; if ($aid2) { echo ""; }else{ echo ""; } echo "
"._NOTAOP." $descr_com
"; echo "" .""; if ($perms==256 and $aid2==''){ if($esiste) $supadm=''; else $supadm='admin'; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "

"; CloseTable(); } function operatori($do,$aid2,$name,$email,$passwd,$passwd2,$id_comune) { global $aid, $prefix, $dbi, $id_cons,$id_cons_gen,$currentlang; $perms=ChiSei($id_cons_gen); if ($perms!=256) $id_comune=$_SESSION['id_comune']; if ($perms>32 and $aid2) { if ($do == "add") { $sql="select * from ".$prefix."_authors where aid='$aid2' and id_comune=$id_comune"; $res=mysql_query($sql,$dbi); $max=mysql_num_rows($res); if ($passwd==$passwd2 and $max==0){ if ($aid2=='admin') $super='1,0,0,'; else $super = '0,1,0,'; $sql="insert into ".$prefix."_authors (aid,name,id_comune,email,pwd,counter,adminop,admincomune,adminsuper,admlanguage) values ('$aid2','$name','$id_comune' , '$email','".md5($passwd)."',0,$super'$currentlang')"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $dbi)||die("Errore 1301: Non e' stato possibile inserire l'utente!
".mysql_error()); if ($perms==256 and $aid2=='admin'){ $result = mysql_query("insert into ".$prefix."_ele_operatori (id_cons,id_sede,id_comune,permessi,aid) values ('0','0','$id_comune','64','$aid2')", $dbi) || die("

Errore di inserimento: ".mysql_error()); } Header("Location: admin.php?op=operatori&id_cons_gen=$id_cons_gen"); }else{ $mex=''; if($passwd!=$passwd2) $mex="- Le password non coincidono! -
"; if($max>0) $mex.=" - Utente $aid2 presente in archivio! - "; header("location:admin.php?op=operatori&id_cons_gen=$id_cons_gen&aid2=$aid2&name=$name&email=$email&mex=$mex"); } } elseif ($do == "update") { $result = mysql_query("update ".$prefix."_authors set name='$name',pwd='".md5($passwd)."', email='$email' where id_comune='$id_comune' and aid='$aid2' ", $dbi); if (!$result) return; if ($aid2==$aid) $_SESSION['pwd']=md5($passwd); Header("Location: admin.php?op=operatori&id_cons_gen=$id_cons_gen"); } } } //**************************** // switch //**************************** if ($do) operatori($do,$aid2,$name,$email,$passwd,$passwd2,$id_comune); ele(); all(); echo""; include("footer.php"); ?>