1 | <?php
2 |
3 | if (!defined('ADMIN_FILE')) {
4 | die ("You can't access this file directly...");
5 | }
6 |
7 | function getaffluenze()
8 | {
9 | global $dbi,$prefix, $id_cons_gen;
10 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."_ele_rilaff where id_cons_gen=$id_cons_gen order by data,orario";
11 | $sth = $dbi->prepare("$sql");
12 | $sth->execute();
13 | $row = $sth->fetchAll();
14 | return ($row);
15 | }
16 |
17 | function daticonsultazione()
18 | {
19 | global $dbi,$prefix, $id_cons_gen;
20 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."_ele_consultazione where id_cons_gen='$id_cons_gen'";
21 | $sth = $dbi->prepare("$sql");
22 | $sth->execute();
23 | $row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH);
24 | return ($row);
25 |
26 |
27 | }
28 |
29 | function daticonscom()
30 | {
31 | global $dbi,$prefix, $id_cons;
32 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."_ele_cons_comune where id_cons='$id_cons'";
33 | $sth = $dbi->prepare("$sql");
34 | $sth->execute();
35 | $row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH);
36 | return ($row);
37 |
38 |
39 | }
40 |
41 | function datitipo($tipo,$lang)
42 | {
43 | global $dbi,$prefix;
44 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."_ele_tipo where tipo_cons='$tipo' and lingua='$lang'";
45 | $sth = $dbi->prepare("$sql");
46 | $sth->execute();
47 | $row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH);
48 | return ($row);
49 |
50 |
51 | }
52 |
53 |
54 | function setconsultazione()
55 | {
56 | global $prefix,$dbi,$perms,$id_comune,$espandi,$id_cons_gen,$aid,$id_cons,$limite;
57 |
58 | if ($id_cons_gen) {
59 | if ($id_comune and $perms<256)
60 | $sql = "SELECT t1.tipo_cons,t1.descrizione,t2.id_cons_gen FROM ".$prefix."_ele_consultazione as t1, ".$prefix."_ele_cons_comune as t2 where t1.id_cons_gen=t2.id_cons_gen and t2.id_cons_gen='$id_cons_gen'";
61 | else
62 | $sql = "SELECT t1.tipo_cons,t1.descrizione,t1.id_cons_gen FROM ".$prefix."_ele_consultazione as t1 where t1.id_cons_gen='$id_cons_gen'";
63 | }else{
64 | if($perms>128)
65 | $sql = "SELECT tipo_cons,descrizione,id_cons_gen FROM ".$prefix."_ele_consultazione order by data_fine desc limit 0,1 ";
66 | else
67 | $sql = "SELECT t1.tipo_cons,t1.descrizione,t2.id_cons_gen FROM ".$prefix."_ele_consultazione as t1, ".$prefix."_ele_cons_comune as t2, ".
68 | $prefix."_ele_operatori as t3 where t3.id_comune=$id_comune and t3.id_comune=t2.id_comune and t1.id_cons_gen=t2.id_cons_gen and t2.chiusa='0' and (t3.id_cons=t2.id_cons or t3.id_cons=0) and t3.permessi>0 and date_add(t1.data_fine, interval 3 day)>CURDATE() and t3.aid='$aid' order by t1.data_fine desc limit 0,1 ";
69 |
70 | }
71 | $sth = $dbi->prepare("$sql");
72 | $sth->execute();
73 | $row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH);
74 | $espandi=0;
75 |
76 | if ($sth->rowCount()) $id_cons_gen=$row[2];
77 | # list($tipo_cons,$descr_cons,$id_cons_gen) = mysql_fetch_row($res);
78 |
79 | $sql = "SELECT t2.id_cons FROM ".$prefix."_ele_consultazione as t1, ".$prefix."_ele_cons_comune as t2 where t1.id_cons_gen=t2.id_cons_gen and t2.id_cons_gen='$id_cons_gen' and t2.id_comune='$id_comune'";
80 | $sth = $dbi->prepare("$sql");
81 | $sth->execute();
82 | if ($sth->rowCount()) list($id_cons) = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
83 | else $espandi=1;
84 | if(!isset($tipo_cons))$tipo_cons=0;
85 | if(!isset($id_cons))$id_cons=0;
86 |
87 | $sql="SELECT t1.limite FROM ".$prefix."_ele_conf as t1 left join ".$prefix."_ele_cons_comune as t2 on t1.id_conf=t2.id_conf where t2.id_cons='$id_cons'";
88 | $sth = $dbi->prepare("$sql");
89 | $sth->execute();
90 | if ($sth->rowCount()){
91 | list($limite) = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
92 | } else $limite=0;
93 | return($row);
94 | }
95 |
96 | function elenco_cons()
97 | {
98 | global $perms,$dbi,$prefix,$currentlang,$aid,$id_comune,$giorniaut;
99 |
100 | if ($perms<64) {
101 | $sql="select t2.id_cons,t1.descrizione,t4.genere,t1.id_cons_gen,t2.chiusa from ".$prefix."_ele_consultazione as t1, ".$prefix."_ele_cons_comune as t2, ".$prefix."_ele_tipo as t4 where t1.id_cons_gen=t2.id_cons_gen and t2.id_comune=$id_comune and t1.tipo_cons=t4.tipo_cons and date_add(t1.data_fine, interval $giorniaut day)>CURDATE() and t2.id_cons in (select id_cons from ".$prefix."_ele_operatori where aid='$aid' and permessi>0)";
102 | }
103 | elseif ($perms<128) {
104 | $sql="select t3.id_cons, t2.descrizione,t4.genere, t2.id_cons_gen, t3.chiusa from ".$prefix."_ele_operatori as t1, ".$prefix."_ele_consultazione as t2, ".$prefix."_ele_cons_comune as t3, ".$prefix."_ele_tipo as t4 where t4.lingua='$currentlang' and t2.tipo_cons=t4.tipo_cons and t1.aid='$aid' and t1.permessi>0 and t3.id_cons_gen=t2.id_cons_gen and (t1.id_cons=t3.id_cons or t1.permessi=64) and t1.id_comune=t3.id_comune and t1.id_comune=$id_comune order by t2.data_inizio desc";
105 | }else{
106 | $sql="SELECT '', t1.descrizione,t2.genere, t1.id_cons_gen,'' FROM ".$prefix."_ele_consultazione as t1,".$prefix."_ele_tipo as t2 where t2.lingua='$currentlang' and t1.tipo_cons=t2.tipo_cons order by t1.data_inizio desc";
107 | } #die("$sql");
108 | $sth = $dbi->prepare("$sql");
109 | $sth->execute();
110 | $row = $sth->fetchAll();
111 | return($row);
112 | }
113 |
114 | function elenco_comuni()
115 | {
116 | global $dbi,$prefix;
117 | $sql="select * from ".$prefix."_ele_comuni order by descrizione asc";
118 | $sth = $dbi->prepare("$sql");
119 | $sth->execute();
120 | $row = $sth->fetchAll();
121 | return($row);
122 |
123 | }
124 |
125 | function elenco_consultazioni()
126 | {
127 | global $dbi,$prefix;
128 | $sql="select * from ".$prefix."_ele_consultazione order by descrizione asc";
129 | $sth = $dbi->prepare("$sql");
130 | $sth->execute();
131 | $row = $sth->fetchAll();
132 | return($row);
133 |
134 | }
135 |
136 | function elenco_cons_comune()
137 | {
138 | $sql="SELECT t1.id_cons, t2.descrizione FROM ".$prefix."_ele_cons_comune as t1 left join ".$prefix."_ele_consultazione as t2 on t1.id_cons_gen=t2.id_cons_gen where t1.id_comune='$id_comune' ";
139 | $sth = $dbi->prepare("$sql");
140 | $sth->execute();
141 | $row = $sth->fetchAll();
142 | return($row);
143 | }
144 |
145 | function elenco_tipi()
146 | {
147 | global $dbi,$prefix,$language,$currentlang;
148 | $sql="SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."_ele_tipo where lingua='$currentlang'";
149 | $sth = $dbi->prepare("$sql");
150 | $sth->execute();
151 | $row = $sth->fetchAll();
152 | return($row);
153 |
154 | }
155 |
156 | function descr_comune()
157 | {
158 | global $dbi,$prefix,$id_comune;
159 | $sql="select id_comune,descrizione,id_cons from ".$prefix."_ele_comuni where id_comune='$id_comune'";
160 | $sth = $dbi->prepare("$sql");
161 | $sth->execute();
162 | $row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH);
163 | return($row);
164 |
165 | }
166 |
167 | function descr_cons()
168 | {
169 | global $dbi,$prefix,$id_cons_gen;
170 | $sql="SELECT t1.tipo_cons,t2.genere,t1.descrizione FROM ".$prefix."_ele_consultazione as t1, ".$prefix."_ele_tipo as t2 where t1.tipo_cons=t2.tipo_cons and t1.id_cons_gen='$id_cons_gen' ";
171 | $sth = $dbi->prepare("$sql");
172 | $sth->execute();
173 | $row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH);
174 | return($row);
175 |
176 | }
177 |
178 | function cur_cons()
179 | {
180 | global $dbi,$prefix,$id_cons_gen,$id_comune;
181 | $sql="SELECT t1.tipo_cons,t2.id_cons FROM ".$prefix."_ele_consultazione as t1, ".$prefix."_ele_cons_comune as t2 where t1.id_cons_gen=t2.id_cons_gen and t2.id_cons_gen='$id_cons_gen' and t2.id_comune='$id_comune'";
182 | $sth = $dbi->prepare("$sql");
183 | $sth->execute();
184 | $row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH);
185 | return($row);
186 |
187 | }
188 |
189 | function tipocons()
190 | {
191 | global $dbi,$prefix,$tipo_cons,$currentlang;
192 | $sql="SELECT genere,voto_g,voto_l,voto_c,circo FROM ".$prefix."_ele_tipo where tipo_cons='$tipo_cons' and lingua='$currentlang'";
193 | $sth = $dbi->prepare("$sql");
194 | $sth->execute();
195 | $row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH);
196 | return($row);
197 | }
198 |
199 | ?>