1 | <?php
2 | /************************************************************************/
3 | /* Eleonline - Raccolta e diffusione dei dati elettorali */
4 | /* by Luciano Apolito & Roberto Gigli */
5 | /* http://www.eleonline.it */
6 | /* info@eleonline.it luciano@aniene.net rgigli@libero.it */
7 | /************************************************************************/
8 |
9 | if (!defined('ADMIN_FILE')) {
10 | die ("You can't access this file directly...");
11 | }
12 | $param=strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == 'get' ? $_GET : $_POST;
13 | foreach($param as $key=>$val) {
14 | if($key=='ops') $ops=$val;
15 | if($key=='id_lista') $id_lista=$val;
16 | }
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 | include_once("header.php");
21 | $nometema=$tema;
22 | #require_once("class/db/db.php"); //classe db
23 | global $tema,$id_comune,$descr_cons,$multicomune,$dbi,$prefix,$currentlang,$ops,$id_sez,$id_cons,$id_cons_gen;
24 | include_once("modules/Elezioni/query.sql");
25 | #if(($tema='Futura2' and !$id_sez) or $_SESSION['id_cons']!=$id_cons) {Header("Location: admin.php?id_comune=$id_comune&op=logout&is=$id_sez"); die();}
26 | #die( "OP: $op - aid:".$_SESSION['aid']." - tema:$tema");
27 | include_once("modules/Elezioni/ele_spoglio.php");
28 | $row=setconsultazione();
29 | $sql="select id_sez from ".$prefix."_ele_operatori where aid='$aid' and id_cons=$id_cons";
30 | $res = $dbi->prepare("$sql");
31 | $res->execute();
32 |
33 | list($id_sez) = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);#include("TEST:$id_sez:$sql:");
34 |
35 | if(isset($row[0])) {
36 | $tipo_cons=$row[0]; $descr_cons=$row[1]; $id_cons_gen=$row[2];
37 | } else {
38 | $tipo_cons=0; $descr_cons=''; $id_cons_gen=0;
39 | }
40 | $row=tipocons();
41 | if(isset($row[0])) {
42 | $genere=$row[0];$votog=$row[1];$votol=$row[2];$votoc=$row[3];$conscirc=$row[4];
43 | } else {
44 | $genere=0;$votog=0;$votol=0;$votoc=0;$conscirc=0;
45 | }
46 |
47 | include("temi/$tema/config.php");
48 |
49 | #if($colortheme=='')$colortheme="c";
50 | # descrizione comune
51 | if(!$id_comune or $id_comune=='') $id_comune=$siteistat;
52 | $sql="SELECT descrizione FROM ".$prefix."_ele_comuni where id_comune='$id_comune' ";
53 | $res = $dbi->prepare("$sql");
54 | $res->execute();
55 |
56 | list($descr_com) = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
57 | #include_once("header.php");
58 | testata();
59 |
60 | ####################################
61 | function testata(){
62 | ####################################
63 |
64 | global $op,$tema,$dbi,$nometema,$file,$bgcolor,$sitename,$prefix,$blocco,$lang,$siteistat,$id_cons_gen,$descr_cons,$minsez,$offsetsez,$multicomune,$id_comune,$multicomune,$rss,$colortheme,$descr_com;
65 | global $id_cons,$do,$id_circ,$id_sede,$id_sez,$ops,$ov,$mv,$gv,$msv,$av,$votog,$genere,$aid,$bgcolor1,$language;
66 |
67 | include("temi/$tema/function_theme.php");
68 | $logo='';
69 |
70 | echo "<SCRIPT type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
71 | echo "function vai_cong(idrif){\n";
72 | echo "document.getElementById('frm').submit()\n";
73 | echo "}\n";
74 | echo "function vai_scelta(idrif){\n";
75 | echo "window.document.location.href=idrif\n";
76 | echo "}\n";
77 | echo "</script>\n";
78 |
79 | #
80 | if(!$ops) $ops=1;
81 | $sql="SELECT descrizione FROM ".$prefix."_ele_comuni where id_comune='$id_comune' ";
82 | $res = $dbi->prepare("$sql");
83 | $res->execute();
84 | list($descr_com) = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
85 | $descr_com =stripslashes($descr_com);
86 |
87 | echo '
88 | <div data-role="page" data-theme="a">
89 | <div data-role="header" data-position="inline">';
90 | echo '<h2 style="color: white;">Elezioni on line</h2>';
91 | $oggi=date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d")-3,date("Y")));
92 | $sql="select t1.id_cons_gen,t1.descrizione from ".$prefix."_ele_consultazione as t1, ".$prefix."_ele_cons_comune as t2 where t1.id_cons_gen=t2.id_cons_gen and t2.id_comune=$id_comune and t1.data_fine>'$oggi' and t2.id_cons in (select id_cons from ".$prefix."_ele_operatori where aid='$aid' and id_sez>0 and permessi>0)";
93 | $rese = $dbi->prepare("$sql");
94 | $rese->execute();
95 | if ($rese->rowCount()>1){
96 | echo "<form id=\"frm\" name=\"sceltacons\" data-ajax=\"false\" action=\"admin.php\">";
97 | echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id_comune=\" value=\"$id_comune\">";
98 | echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ops=\" value=\"$ops\">";
99 | echo "<select id=\"id_cong\" name=\"id_cons_gen\" onChange=\"vai_cong('id_cong');\">";
100 | while (list($id_cons_gen2,$desc2)=$rese->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) {
101 | $sel = ($id_cons_gen == $id_cons_gen2) ? "selected" : "";
102 | echo "<option value=\"$id_cons_gen2\" $sel>";
103 | echo $desc2;
104 | echo "</option>";
105 | }
106 | echo "</select></form>";
107 | }
108 | $sql="select tipo from ".$prefix."_ele_controlli where id_sez='$id_sez' group by tipo";
109 | $rese = $dbi->prepare("$sql");
110 | $rese->execute();
111 | $bordoa='';
112 | $bordog='';
113 | $bordol='';
114 | while (list($tipo)=$rese->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) {
115 | if ($tipo=='affluenze') $bordoa="style=\"border: 6px solid; border-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);\"";
116 | if ($tipo=='gruppo' or $tipo=='referendum') $bordog="style=\"border: 6px solid; border-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);\"";
117 | if ($tipo=='lista') $bordol="style=\"border: 6px solid; border-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);\"";
118 | }
119 | if($rese->rowCount()) $segna="style=\"background-color: #dd0000;\""; else $segna='';
120 | if($ops=="4" ) {$bgcolorg="yellow"; $tcolorg='blue';} else {$bgcolorg="grey"; $tcolorg='white';} #$active_gruppo=" class=\"ui-btn-active\""; else $active_gruppo='';
121 | if($ops=="3") {$bgcolorl="yellow"; $tcolorl='blue';} else {$bgcolorl="grey"; $tcolorl='white';} # $active_lista=" class=\"ui-btn-active\""; else $active_lista='';
122 | if($ops=="1") {$bgcolora="yellow"; $tcolora='blue';} else {$bgcolora="grey"; $tcolora='white';} # $active_aff=" class=\"ui-btn-active\""; else $active_aff='';
123 | echo "</div>";
124 | echo'<div data-role="fieldcontain" style="text-align:center;">
125 | <span style="text-align:center;width:100%;height:110px;background-color:#fff;color:#000;">'.$logo.' Comune di '.$descr_com.' <br><h2>Consultazione: '.$descr_cons.'</h2></span></div>';
126 | ###############
127 | //************************************
128 | // Menu spoglio
129 | //************************************
130 | $sql="select id_sez from ".$prefix."_ele_operatori where id_cons='$id_cons' and aid='$aid' and id_comune='$id_comune'";
131 | $sth = $dbi->prepare("$sql"); #echo $sql;
132 | $sth->execute();
133 | list($id_sez)=$sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
134 | $sql="select id_cons,id_sez,id_sede,num_sez, maschi, femmine, colore from ".$prefix."_ele_sezioni where id_cons='$id_cons' and id_sez='$id_sez'";
135 | $result = $dbi->prepare("$sql");#echo $sql;
136 | $result->execute();
137 | list($id_cons2,$id_sez2,$id_sede,$num_sez, $maschi, $femmine, $colore) = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
138 | echo "<div data-role=\"content\" data-theme=\"a\"><hr><table><tr><td align=\"center\" width=\"100\" bgcolor=\"$colore\"><font size =\"4\" color=\"black\" align=\"left\"><b>Sezione<br>N. $num_sez</b></font></td><td><table><tr>";
139 | #<a href=\"admin.php?id_comune=$id_comune&id_cons_gen=$id_cons_gen&ops=1\"></a>
140 | echo "\n<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolora\" align=\"center\" $bordoa onClick=\"vai_scelta('admin.php?id_comune=$id_comune&id_cons_gen=$id_cons_gen&ops=1');\"><p style=\"margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px;\"><font color=\"$tcolora\"><b>"._AFFLUENZE."</font></b></p></td>\n";
141 | if(!($genere==4) and !($votog)){ //if(!($genere==4) and !($tipo_cons==10 or $tipo_cons==11)){
142 | echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolorg\" align=\"center\" $bordog onClick=\"vai_scelta('admin.php?id_comune=$id_comune&id_cons_gen=$id_cons_gen&ops=4');\"><p style=\"margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px;\"><b><font color=\"$tcolorg\">"._GRUPPO."</font></b></p></td>\n";
143 | }
144 | if($genere==2 and $votog)
145 | echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolorg\" align=\"center\" $bordog onClick=\"vai_scelta('admin.php?id_comune=$id_comune&id_cons_gen=$id_cons_gen&ops=4');\"><p style=\"margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px;\"><b><font color=\"$tcolorg\">"._GRUPPO."</font></b></p></td>\n";
146 | elseif(($genere>2 or $votog)){ //if(($genere>2 or $tipo_cons==10 or $tipo_cons==11)){
147 | echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolorl\" align=\"center\"$bordol onClick=\"vai_scelta('admin.php?id_comune=$id_comune&id_cons_gen=$id_cons_gen&ops=3');\"><p style=\"margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px;\"><b><font color=\"$tcolorl\">"._LISTA."</font></b></p></td>\n";
148 | }
149 | echo "</tr></table></td></tr></table><hr></div>\n";
150 | if($ops=="1")votanti($id_cons,$do,$id_circ,$id_sede,$id_sez,$ops,$ov,$mv,$gv,$msv,$av);
151 | elseif($ops=="3")preferenze($id_cons,$do,$id_circ,$id_sede,$id_sez,$ops);
152 | elseif($ops=="4")preferenze_gruppi($id_cons,$do,$id_circ,$id_sede,$id_sez,$ops);
153 | footer_mon();
154 | die();
155 | }
156 |
157 |
158 | ########################################
159 | function footer_mon(){
160 | global $id_comune,$id_cons_gen,$tema,$colortheme,$rss;
161 |
162 | echo '
163 | <div data-role="footer" data-theme="a" style="margin:0 auto; text-align:center;">
164 | <div data-role="footer" data-position="inline" data-icon="cogs">';
165 |
166 | echo ' <h5><a href="http://www.eleonline.it" target="_blank">Eleonline</a> <span style="font-size:12px;"> di luciano apolito & roberto gigli</span></h5></div>';
167 |
168 |
169 | echo "<a href=\"admin.php?op=logout&id_comune=$id_comune\" data-ajax=\"false\">"._ESCI."</a>";
170 | # echo ' <a href="admin.php?name=Elezioni&tema=facebook&nocell=1" data-rel="external" data-ajax="false" >Versione Desktop</a>';
171 |
172 | }
173 |
174 |
175 |
176 | ?>