1 | <?php
2 | // charts.php v4.7
3 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 | // Copyright (c) 2003-2007, maani.us
5 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 | // This file is part of "PHP/SWF Charts"
7 | //
8 | // PHP/SWF Charts is a shareware. See http://www.maani.us/charts/ for
9 | // more information.
10 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 |
12 | //====================================
13 | function InsertChart( $flash_file, $library_path, $php_source, $width=470, $height=350, $bg_color="ffffff", $transparent=false, $license=null ){
14 |
15 | $php_source=urlencode($php_source);
16 | $library_path=urlencode($library_path);
17 | if(isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) $protocol = (strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) != 'on')? 'http': 'https';
18 | else $protocol='http';
19 | $x=$_SESSION['max'];
20 | $u=(strpos ($flash_file,"?")==false)? "?" : ((substr($flash_file, -1)=="&")? "":"&");
21 |
22 | $html="<OBJECT classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' codebase='http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0' ";
23 | $html.="width='".$width."' height='".$height."' id='charts$x' />";
24 | $u=(strpos ($flash_file,"?")===false)? "?" : ((substr($flash_file, -1)==="&")? "":"&");
25 | $html.="<PARAM NAME='movie' VALUE='".$flash_file.$u."library_path=".$library_path."&stage_width=".$width."&stage_height=".$height."&php_source=".$php_source;
26 | if($license!=null){$html.="&license=".$license;}
27 | $html.="' /> <PARAM NAME='quality' VALUE='high' /><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='sameDomain' /><PARAM NAME='bgcolor' VALUE='#".$bg_color."' /> ";
28 | if($transparent){$html.="<PARAM NAME='wmode' VALUE='transparent' /> ";}
29 | $html.="<EMBED src='".$flash_file.$u."library_path=".$library_path."&stage_width=".$width."&stage_height=".$height."&php_source=".$php_source;
30 | if($license!=null){$html.="&license=".$license;}
31 | $html.="' quality='high' bgcolor='#".$bg_color."' width='".$width."' height='".$height."' NAME='charts' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' swLiveConnect='true' ";
32 | if($transparent){$html.="wmode=transparent ";} //use wmode=opaque to prevent printing on black
33 | $html.="TYPE='application/x-shockwave-flash' PLUGINSPAGE='".$protocol."://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'></EMBED></OBJECT>";
34 | return $html;
35 |
36 | }
37 |
38 | //====================================
39 | function SendChartData( $chart=array() ){
40 |
41 | //header("Content-Type: text/xml");
42 | //header("Cache-Control: cache, must-revalidate");
43 | //header("Pragma: public");
44 |
45 | $xml="<chart>\r\n";
46 | $Keys1= array_keys((array) $chart);
47 | for ($i1=0;$i1<count($Keys1);$i1++){
48 | if(is_array($chart[$Keys1[$i1]])){
49 | $Keys2=array_keys($chart[$Keys1[$i1]]);
50 | if(is_array($chart[$Keys1[$i1]][$Keys2[0]])){
51 | $xml.="\t<".$Keys1[$i1].">\r\n";
52 | for($i2=0;$i2<count($Keys2);$i2++){
53 | $Keys3=array_keys((array) $chart[$Keys1[$i1]][$Keys2[$i2]]);
54 | switch($Keys1[$i1]){
55 | case "chart_data":
56 | $xml.="\t\t<row>\r\n";
57 | for($i3=0;$i3<count($Keys3);$i3++){
58 | switch(true){
59 | case ($chart[$Keys1[$i1]][$Keys2[$i2]][$Keys3[$i3]]===null):
60 | $xml.="\t\t\t<null/>\r\n";
61 | break;
62 |
63 | case ($Keys2[$i2]>0 and $Keys3[$i3]>0):
64 | $xml.="\t\t\t<number>".$chart[$Keys1[$i1]][$Keys2[$i2]][$Keys3[$i3]]."</number>\r\n";
65 | break;
66 |
67 | default:
68 | $xml.="\t\t\t<string>".$chart[$Keys1[$i1]][$Keys2[$i2]][$Keys3[$i3]]."</string>\r\n";
69 | break;
70 | }
71 | }
72 | $xml.="\t\t</row>\r\n";
73 | break;
74 |
75 | case "chart_value_text":
76 | $xml.="\t\t<row>\r\n";
77 | $count=0;
78 | for($i3=0;$i3<count($Keys3);$i3++){
79 | if($chart[$Keys1[$i1]][$Keys2[$i2]][$Keys3[$i3]]===null){$xml.="\t\t\t<null/>\r\n";}
80 | else{$xml.="\t\t\t<string>".$chart[$Keys1[$i1]][$Keys2[$i2]][$Keys3[$i3]]."</string>\r\n";}
81 | }
82 | $xml.="\t\t</row>\r\n";
83 | break;
84 |
85 | /*case "link_data_text":
86 | $xml.="\t\t<row>\r\n";
87 | $count=0;
88 | for($i3=0;$i3<count($Keys3);$i3++){
89 | if($chart[$Keys1[$i1]][$Keys2[$i2]][$Keys3[$i3]]===null){$xml.="\t\t\t<null/>\r\n";}
90 | else{$xml.="\t\t\t<string>".$chart[$Keys1[$i1]][$Keys2[$i2]][$Keys3[$i3]]."</string>\r\n";}
91 | }
92 | $xml.="\t\t</row>\r\n";
93 | break;*/
94 |
95 | case "draw":
96 | $text="";
97 | $xml.="\t\t<".$chart[$Keys1[$i1]][$Keys2[$i2]]['type'];
98 | for($i3=0;$i3<count($Keys3);$i3++){
99 | if($Keys3[$i3]!="type"){
100 | if($Keys3[$i3]=="text"){$text=$chart[$Keys1[$i1]][$Keys2[$i2]][$Keys3[$i3]];}
101 | else{$xml.=" ".$Keys3[$i3]."=\"".$chart[$Keys1[$i1]][$Keys2[$i2]][$Keys3[$i3]]."\"";}
102 | }
103 | }
104 | if($text!=""){$xml.=">".$text."</text>\r\n";}
105 | else{$xml.=" />\r\n";}
106 | break;
107 |
108 |
109 | default: //link, etc.
110 | $xml.="\t\t<value";
111 | for($i3=0;$i3<count($Keys3);$i3++){
112 | $xml.=" ".$Keys3[$i3]."=\"".$chart[$Keys1[$i1]][$Keys2[$i2]][$Keys3[$i3]]."\"";
113 | }
114 | $xml.=" />\r\n";
115 | break;
116 | }
117 | }
118 | $xml.="\t</".$Keys1[$i1].">\r\n";
119 | }else{
120 | if($Keys1[$i1]=="chart_type" or $Keys1[$i1]=="series_color" or $Keys1[$i1]=="series_image" or $Keys1[$i1]=="series_explode" or $Keys1[$i1]=="axis_value_text"){
121 | $xml.="\t<".$Keys1[$i1].">\r\n";
122 | for($i2=0;$i2<count($Keys2);$i2++){
123 | if($chart[$Keys1[$i1]][$Keys2[$i2]]===null){$xml.="\t\t<null/>\r\n";}
124 | else{$xml.="\t\t<value>".$chart[$Keys1[$i1]][$Keys2[$i2]]."</value>\r\n";}
125 | }
126 | $xml.="\t</".$Keys1[$i1].">\r\n";
127 | }else{//axis_category, etc.
128 | $xml.="\t<".$Keys1[$i1];
129 | for($i2=0;$i2<count($Keys2);$i2++){
130 | $xml.=" ".$Keys2[$i2]."=\"".$chart[$Keys1[$i1]][$Keys2[$i2]]."\"";
131 | }
132 | $xml.=" />\r\n";
133 | }
134 | }
135 | }else{//chart type, etc.
136 | $xml.="\t<".$Keys1[$i1].">".$chart[$Keys1[$i1]]."</".$Keys1[$i1].">\r\n";
137 | }
138 | }
139 | $xml.="</chart>\r\n";
140 | // echo $xml;
141 | return $xml;
142 | }
143 | //====================================
144 | ?>