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5 | <title>Adding new fonts and encoding support</title>
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17 | <h1>Adding new fonts and encoding support</h1>
18 | This tutorial explains how to use TrueType or Type1 fonts so that you are not limited to the standard
19 | fonts any more. The other interest is that you can choose the font encoding, which allows you to
20 | use other languages than the Western ones (the standard fonts having too few available characters).
21 | <br>
22 | <br>
23 | There are two ways to use a new font: embedding it in the PDF or not. When a font is not
24 | embedded, it is searched in the system. The advantage is that the PDF file is lighter; on the other
25 | hand, if it is not available, a substitution font is used. So it is preferable to ensure that the
26 | needed font is installed on the client systems. If the file is to be viewed by a large audience,
27 | it is recommended to embed.
28 | <br>
29 | <br>
30 | Adding a new font requires three steps for TrueTypes:
31 | <ul>
32 | <li>Generation of the metric file (.afm)</li>
33 | <li>Generation of the font definition file (.php)</li>
34 | <li>Declaration of the font in the script</li>
35 | </ul>
36 | For Type1, the first one is theoretically not necessary because the AFM file is usually shipped
37 | with the font. In case you have only a metric file in PFM format, use the convertor available
38 | <a href="http://www.fpdf.org/fr/dl.php?id=34">here</a>.
39 | <h2>Generation of the metric file</h2>
40 | The first step for a TrueType consists in generating the AFM file. A utility exists to do this
41 | task: <a href="http://ttf2pt1.sourceforge.net" target="_blank">ttf2pt1</a>. The Windows binary
42 | is available <a href="http://www.fpdf.org/fr/dl.php?id=22">here</a>. The command line to use is
43 | the following:
44 | <br>
45 | <br>
46 | <kbd>ttf2pt1 -a font.ttf font</kbd>
47 | <br>
48 | <br>
49 | For example, for Comic Sans MS Regular:
50 | <br>
51 | <br>
52 | <kbd>ttf2pt1 -a c:\windows\fonts\comic.ttf comic</kbd>
53 | <br>
54 | <br>
55 | Two files are created; the one we are interested in is comic.afm.
56 | <h2>Generation of the font definition file</h2>
57 | The second step consists in generating a PHP file containing all the information needed by FPDF;
58 | in addition, the font file is compressed. To do this, a helper script is provided in the font/makefont/
59 | directory of the package: makefont.php. It contains the following function:
60 | <br>
61 | <br>
62 | <code>MakeFont(<b>string</b> fontfile, <b>string</b> afmfile [, <b>string</b> enc [, <b>array</b> patch [, <b>string</b> type]]])</code>
63 | <dl class="param" style="margin-bottom:2em">
64 | <dt><code>fontfile</code></dt>
65 | <dd>
66 | <p>Path to the .ttf or .pfb file.</p>
67 | </dd>
68 | <dt><code>afmfile</code></dt>
69 | <dd>
70 | <p>Path to the .afm file.</p>
71 | </dd>
72 | <dt><code>enc</code></dt>
73 | <dd>
74 | <p>Name of the encoding to use. Default value: <code>cp1252</code>.</p>
75 | </dd>
76 | <dt><code>patch</code></dt>
77 | <dd>
78 | <p>Optional modification of the encoding. Empty by default.</p>
79 | </dd>
80 | <dt><code>type</code></dt>
81 | <dd>
82 | <p>Type of the font (<code>TrueType</code> or <code>Type1</code>). Default value: <code>TrueType</code>.</p>
83 | </dd>
84 | </dl>
85 | The first parameter is the name of the font file. The extension must be either .ttf or .pfb and
86 | determines the font type. If you own a Type1 font in ASCII format (.pfa), you can convert it to
87 | binary format with <a href="http://www.lcdf.org/~eddietwo/type/#t1utils" target="_blank">t1utils</a>.
88 | <br>
89 | If you don't want to embed the font, pass an empty string. In this case, type is given by the
90 | <code>type</code> parameter.
91 | <br>
92 | Note: in the case of a font with the same name as a standard one, for instance arial.ttf, it is
93 | recommended to embed. If you don't, some versions of Acrobat will use their own fonts.
94 | <br>
95 | <br>
96 | The AFM file is the one previously generated.
97 | <br>
98 | <br>
99 | The encoding defines the association between a code (from 0 to 255) and a character. The first
100 | 128 are fixed and correspond to ASCII; the following are variable. The encodings are stored in
101 | .map files. Those available are:
102 | <ul>
103 | <li>cp1250 (Central Europe)</li>
104 | <li>cp1251 (Cyrillic)</li>
105 | <li>cp1252 (Western Europe)</li>
106 | <li>cp1253 (Greek)</li>
107 | <li>cp1254 (Turkish)</li>
108 | <li>cp1255 (Hebrew)</li>
109 | <li>cp1257 (Baltic)</li>
110 | <li>cp1258 (Vietnamese)</li>
111 | <li>cp874 (Thai)</li>
112 | <li>ISO-8859-1 (Western Europe)</li>
113 | <li>ISO-8859-2 (Central Europe)</li>
114 | <li>ISO-8859-4 (Baltic)</li>
115 | <li>ISO-8859-5 (Cyrillic)</li>
116 | <li>ISO-8859-7 (Greek)</li>
117 | <li>ISO-8859-9 (Turkish)</li>
118 | <li>ISO-8859-11 (Thai)</li>
119 | <li>ISO-8859-15 (Western Europe)</li>
120 | <li>ISO-8859-16 (Central Europe)</li>
121 | <li>KOI8-R (Russian)</li>
122 | <li>KOI8-U (Ukrainian)</li>
123 | </ul>
124 | Of course, the font must contain the characters corresponding to the chosen encoding.
125 | <br>
126 | In the particular case of a symbolic font (that is to say which does not contain letters, such
127 | as Symbol or ZapfDingbats), pass an empty string.
128 | <br>
129 | The encodings which begin with cp are those used by Windows; Linux systems usually use ISO.
130 | <br>
131 | Remark: the standard fonts use cp1252.
132 | <br>
133 | <br>
134 | The fourth parameter gives the possibility to alter the encoding. Sometimes you may want to add
135 | some characters. For instance, ISO-8859-1 does not contain the euro symbol. To add it at position
136 | 164, pass <code>array(164=>'Euro')</code>.
137 | <br>
138 | <br>
139 | The last parameter is used to give the type of the font in case it is not embedded (that is to
140 | say the first parameter is empty).
141 | <br>
142 | <br>
143 | After you have called the function (create a new file for this and include makefont.php, or
144 | simply add the call directly inside), a .php file is created, with the same name as the .afm one.
145 | You may rename it if you wish. If the case of embedding, the font file is compressed and gives a
146 | second file with .z as extension (except if the compression function is not available, it
147 | requires zlib). You may rename it too, but in this case you have to alter the variable <code>$file</code>
148 | in the .php file accordingly.
149 | <br>
150 | <br>
151 | Example:
152 | <div class="source">
153 | <pre><code>MakeFont<span class="kw">(</span><span class="str">'c:\\windows\\fonts\\comic.ttf'</span><span class="kw">,</span><span class="str">'comic.afm'</span><span class="kw">,</span><span class="str">'cp1252'</span><span class="kw">);
154 | </span></code></pre>
155 | </div>
156 | which gives the files comic.php and comic.z.
157 | <br>
158 | <br>
159 | Then you have to copy the generated file(s) to the font directory. If the font file
160 | could not be compressed, copy the .ttf or .pfb instead of the .z.
161 | <br>
162 | <br>
163 | Remark: for TTF fonts, you can generate the files online <a href="http://fpdf.fruit-lab.de" target="_blank">here</a>
164 | instead of doing it manually.
165 | <h2>Declaration of the font in the script</h2>
166 | The last step is the most simple. You just need to call the <a href='../doc/addfont.htm'>AddFont()</a> method. For instance:
167 | <div class="source">
168 | <pre><code>$pdf<span class="kw">-></span>AddFont<span class="kw">(</span><span class="str">'Comic'</span><span class="kw">,</span><span class="str">''</span><span class="kw">,</span><span class="str">'comic.php'</span><span class="kw">);
169 | </span></code></pre>
170 | </div>
171 | or simply:
172 | <div class="source">
173 | <pre><code>$pdf<span class="kw">-></span>AddFont<span class="kw">(</span><span class="str">'Comic'</span><span class="kw">);
174 | </span></code></pre>
175 | </div>
176 | And the font is now available (in regular and underlined styles), usable like the others. If we
177 | had worked with Comic Sans MS Bold (comicbd.ttf), we would have put:
178 | <div class="source">
179 | <pre><code>$pdf<span class="kw">-></span>AddFont<span class="kw">(</span><span class="str">'Comic'</span><span class="kw">,</span><span class="str">'B'</span><span class="kw">,</span><span class="str">'comicbd.php'</span><span class="kw">);
180 | </span></code></pre>
181 | </div>
182 | <h2>Example</h2>
183 | Let's now see a small complete example. The font used is Calligrapher, available at
184 | <a href="http://www.abstractfonts.com/fonts/" target="_blank">www.abstractfonts.com</a> (a site
185 | offering numerous free TrueType fonts). The first step is the generation of the AFM file:
186 | <br>
187 | <br>
188 | <kbd>ttf2pt1 -a calligra.ttf calligra</kbd>
189 | <br>
190 | <br>
191 | which gives calligra.afm (and calligra.t1a that we can delete). Then we generate the definition
192 | file:
193 | <div class="source">
194 | <pre><code><?php
195 | <span class="kw">require(</span><span class="str">'font/makefont/makefont.php'</span><span class="kw">);
196 |
197 | </span>MakeFont<span class="kw">(</span><span class="str">'calligra.ttf'</span><span class="kw">,</span><span class="str">'calligra.afm'</span><span class="kw">);
198 | </span>?></code></pre>
199 | </div>
200 | The function call gives the following report:
201 | <br>
202 | <br>
203 | <b>Warning:</b> character Euro is missing<br>
204 | <b>Warning:</b> character Zcaron is missing<br>
205 | <b>Warning:</b> character zcaron is missing<br>
206 | <b>Warning:</b> character eth is missing<br>
207 | Font file compressed (calligra.z)<br>
208 | Font definition file generated (calligra.php)<br>
209 | <br>
210 | The euro character is not present in the font (it is too old). Three other characters are missing
211 | too, but we are not interested in them anyway.
212 | <br>
213 | We can now copy the two files to the font directory and write the script:
214 | <div class="source">
215 | <pre><code><?php
216 | <span class="kw">require(</span><span class="str">'fpdf.php'</span><span class="kw">);
217 |
218 | </span>$pdf<span class="kw">=new </span>FPDF<span class="kw">();
219 | </span>$pdf<span class="kw">-></span>AddFont<span class="kw">(</span><span class="str">'Calligrapher'</span><span class="kw">,</span><span class="str">''</span><span class="kw">,</span><span class="str">'calligra.php'</span><span class="kw">);
220 | </span>$pdf<span class="kw">-></span>AddPage<span class="kw">();
221 | </span>$pdf<span class="kw">-></span>SetFont<span class="kw">(</span><span class="str">'Calligrapher'</span><span class="kw">,</span><span class="str">''</span><span class="kw">,</span>35<span class="kw">);
222 | </span>$pdf<span class="kw">-></span>Cell<span class="kw">(</span>0<span class="kw">,</span>10<span class="kw">,</span><span class="str">'Enjoy new fonts with FPDF!'</span><span class="kw">);
223 | </span>$pdf<span class="kw">-></span>Output<span class="kw">();
224 | </span>?></code></pre>
225 | </div>
226 | <p class='demo'><a href='tuto7.php' target='_blank' class='demo'>[Demo]</a></p>
227 | <h2>About the euro symbol</h2>
228 | The euro character is not present in all encodings, and is not always placed at the same position:
229 | <table>
230 | <tr><th>Encoding</th><th>Position</th></tr>
231 | <tr class="alt0"><td>cp1250</td><td>128</td></tr>
232 | <tr class="alt1"><td>cp1251</td><td>136</td></tr>
233 | <tr class="alt0"><td>cp1252</td><td>128</td></tr>
234 | <tr class="alt1"><td>cp1253</td><td>128</td></tr>
235 | <tr class="alt0"><td>cp1254</td><td>128</td></tr>
236 | <tr class="alt1"><td>cp1255</td><td>128</td></tr>
237 | <tr class="alt0"><td>cp1257</td><td>128</td></tr>
238 | <tr class="alt1"><td>cp1258</td><td>128</td></tr>
239 | <tr class="alt0"><td>cp874</td><td>128</td></tr>
240 | <tr class="alt1"><td>ISO-8859-1</td><td>absent</td></tr>
241 | <tr class="alt0"><td>ISO-8859-2</td><td>absent</td></tr>
242 | <tr class="alt1"><td>ISO-8859-4</td><td>absent</td></tr>
243 | <tr class="alt0"><td>ISO-8859-5</td><td>absent</td></tr>
244 | <tr class="alt1"><td>ISO-8859-7</td><td>absent</td></tr>
245 | <tr class="alt0"><td>ISO-8859-9</td><td>absent</td></tr>
246 | <tr class="alt1"><td>ISO-8859-11</td><td>absent</td></tr>
247 | <tr class="alt0"><td>ISO-8859-15</td><td>164</td></tr>
248 | <tr class="alt1"><td>ISO-8859-16</td><td>164</td></tr>
249 | <tr class="alt0"><td>KOI8-R</td><td>absent</td></tr>
250 | <tr class="alt1"><td>KOI8-U</td><td>absent</td></tr>
251 | </table>
252 | ISO-8859-1 is widespread but does not include the euro sign. If you need it, the simplest thing
253 | to do is using cp1252 or ISO-8859-15 instead, which are nearly identical but contain the precious
254 | symbol.
255 | <br>
256 | As for ISO-8859-2, it is possible to use ISO-8859-16 instead, but it contains many differences.
257 | It is therefore simpler to patch the encoding to add the symbol to it, as explained above. The
258 | same is true for the other encodings.
259 | <h2>Font synthesis under Windows</h2>
260 | When a TrueType font is not available in a given style, Windows is able to synthesize it from the
261 | regular version. For instance, there is no Comic Sans MS Italic, but it can be built from Comic
262 | Sans MS Regular. This feature can be used in a PDF file, but unfortunately requires that the
263 | regular font be present in the system (you must not embed it). Here is how to do it:
264 | <ul>
265 | <li>Generate the definition file for the regular font without embedding (you may rename it to
266 | reflect the desired style)</li>
267 | <li>Open it and append to the variable <code>$name</code> a comma followed by the desired style
268 | (<code>Italic</code>, <code>Bold</code> or <code>BoldItalic</code>)</li>
269 | </ul>
270 | For instance, for the file comici.php:
271 | <br>
272 | <br>
273 | <code>$name='ComicSansMS,Italic';</code>
274 | <br>
275 | <br>
276 | It can then be used normally:
277 | <div class="source">
278 | <pre><code>$pdf<span class="kw">-></span>AddFont<span class="kw">(</span><span class="str">'Comic'</span><span class="kw">,</span><span class="str">'I'</span><span class="kw">,</span><span class="str">'comici.php'</span><span class="kw">);
279 | </span></code></pre>
280 | </div>
281 | <h2>Reducing the size of TrueType fonts</h2>
282 | Font files are often quite voluminous (more than 100, even 200KB); this is due to the fact that
283 | they contain the characters corresponding to many encodings. zlib compression reduces them but
284 | they remain fairly big. A technique exists to reduce them further. It consists in converting the
285 | font to the Type1 format with ttf2pt1 by specifying the encoding you are interested in; all other
286 | characters will be discarded.
287 | <br>
288 | For instance, the arial.ttf font shipped with Windows 98 is 267KB (it contains 1296 characters).
289 | After compression it gives 147. Let's convert it to Type1 by keeping only cp1250 characters:
290 | <br>
291 | <br>
292 | <kbd>ttf2pt1 -b -L cp1250.map c:\windows\fonts\arial.ttf arial</kbd>
293 | <br>
294 | <br>
295 | The .map files are located in the font/makefont/ directory of the package. The command produces
296 | arial.pfb and arial.afm. The arial.pfb file is only 35KB, and 30KB after compression.
297 | <br>
298 | <br>
299 | It is possible to go even further. If you are interested only by a subset of the encoding (you
300 | probably don't need all 217 characters), you can open the .map file and remove the lines you are
301 | not interested in. This will reduce the file size accordingly.
302 | </body>
303 | </html>