1 | <?php
2 | /************************************************************************/
3 | /* Eleonline - Raccolta e diffusione dei dati elettorali */
4 | /* by Roberto Gigli & Luciano Apolito */
5 | /* http://www.eleonline.it */
6 | /* info@eleonline.it luciano@aniene.net rgigli@libero.it */
7 | /************************************************************************/
8 |
9 | if (!defined('MODULE_FILE')) {
10 | die ("You can't access this file dirrectly...");
11 | }
12 |
13 | global $op, $prefix, $dbi, $offset, $min,$descr_cons,$genere,$votog,$votol,$votoc,$circo, $id_cons,$tipo_cons,$id_comune,$id_cons_gen,$id_circ,$csv,$w,$l,$siteistat,$flash,$tour;
14 |
15 | if (isset($circo) and $circo) $circos="and t2.id_circ='$id_circ'";
16 | else $circos='';
17 |
18 | //if ($genere==0) $tab="ref";elseif($genere=='4' || $votog) $tab="lista";
19 | if($genere=='4' || $votog) $tab="lista";
20 | else $tab="gruppo";
21 | if ($genere==0) $tab="ref";
22 |
23 | $res = mysql_query("select t3.* from ".$prefix."_ele_voti_".$tab." as t3 left join ".$prefix."_ele_sezioni as t1 on t3.id_sez=t1.id_sez left join ".$prefix."_ele_sede as t2 on t1.id_sede=t2.id_sede where t3.id_cons='$id_cons' $circos group by t3.id_sez ",$dbi);
24 | $numero=mysql_num_rows($res);
25 | $res = mysql_query("select t1.* from ".$prefix."_ele_sezioni as t1 left join ".$prefix."_ele_sede as t2 on t1.id_sede=t2.id_sede where t1.id_cons='$id_cons' $circos",$dbi);
26 | $sezioni=mysql_num_rows($res);
27 |
28 | if ($numero!=0){
29 |
30 |
31 | echo "<h5><b>"._DETTAGLIO." "._VOTIE."</b> - </h5>";
32 | echo "<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><i> "._SEZSCRU." $numero "._SU." $sezioni </i></div>";
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 | if ($genere!=0) {
38 |
39 | $res = mysql_query("select sum(t1.maschi+t1.femmine) from ".$prefix."_ele_sezioni as t1 left join ".$prefix."_ele_sede as t2 on t1.id_sede=t2.id_sede where t1.id_cons='$id_cons' and validi>0 $circos",$dbi);
40 | list($tot_aventi) = mysql_fetch_row($res);
41 |
42 | $res = mysql_query("select sum(t1.validi+t1.nulli+t1.bianchi+t1.contestati) as tot,
43 | sum(t1.validi),sum(t1.nulli),sum(t1.bianchi),sum(t1.contestati), '0', '0', '0'
44 | from ".$prefix."_ele_sezioni as t1 left join ".$prefix."_ele_sede as t2 on t1.id_sede=t2.id_sede where t1.id_cons='$id_cons' and validi>0 $circos",$dbi);
45 |
46 | }else{
47 | $res = mysql_query("SELECT sum(maschi+femmine) FROM ".$prefix."_ele_sezioni where id_cons='$id_cons'",$dbi);
48 | list($tot_aventi) = mysql_fetch_row($res);
49 | $res = mysql_query("SELECT sum(validi+nulli+bianchi+contestati) as tot,
50 | sum(validi),sum(nulli),sum(bianchi),sum(contestati), id_gruppo, sum(si), sum(no)
51 | from ".$prefix."_ele_voti_ref where id_cons=$id_cons group by id_gruppo having tot>'0'",$dbi);
52 | }
53 |
54 | while (list($tot_votanti,$validi,$nulli,$bianchi,$contestati,$id,$si,$no) = mysql_fetch_row($res)){
55 | $tot_votanti=$validi+$bianchi+$nulli+$contestati;
56 | $arvoti=array($validi,$nulli,$bianchi,$contestati);
57 | $arperc=arrayperc($arvoti,$tot_votanti);
58 | if($tot_votanti){
59 | if($genere==0 and $validi) {$perc_si=number_format($si*100/$validi,2);$perc_no=number_format(100 - $si*100/$validi,2);}
60 | else {$perc_si="0.00"; $perc_no="0.00";}
61 | $perc_validi=number_format($arperc[0],2);#number_format($validi*100/$tot_votanti,2);
62 | $perc_nulli=number_format($arperc[1],2);
63 | $perc_bianchi=number_format($arperc[2],2);
64 | $perc_conte=number_format($arperc[3],2);
65 | }else {$perc_validi="0.00";$perc_nulli="0.00";$perc_bianchi="0.00";$perc_conte="0.00";}
66 | if($tot_aventi)
67 | $perc_votanti=number_format($tot_votanti*100/$tot_aventi,2);
68 | else $perc_votanti="0.00";
69 | $non_votanti=($tot_aventi - $tot_votanti);
70 | $perc_non=100-$perc_votanti;
71 |
72 | if ($genere==0) {
73 | $resg = mysql_query("SELECT num_gruppo,descrizione from ".$prefix."_ele_gruppo where id_gruppo=$id",$dbi);
74 | list($num_gruppo,$descr_gruppo) = mysql_fetch_row($resg);
75 | }
76 |
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 | echo "<table bgcolor=\"gray\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"1\">";
81 | if ($genere==0) {echo "<br/>Referendum n. <b>[$num_gruppo]</b><br/>";}
82 | echo "
83 | <tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td ><b>"._AVENTI."</b></td><td align=\"right\">$tot_aventi</td><td align=\"right\"><span class=\"red\">100.00%</span></td></tr>
84 |
85 | <tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td><b>"._VOTANTI."</b></td><td align=\"right\">$tot_votanti</td><td align=\"right\"><span class=\"red\">$perc_votanti%</span></td></tr>";
86 | if ($genere==0){
87 | echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td>"._SI."</td><td align=\"right\">$si</td><td align=\"right\"><span class=\"red\">$perc_si%</span></td></tr>
88 |
89 | <tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td>"._NO."</td><td align=\"right\">$no</td><td align=\"right\"><span class=\"red\">$perc_no%</span></td></tr>";
90 | }
91 | echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td>"._VALIDI."</td><td align=\"right\">$validi</td><td align=\"right\"><span class=\"red\">$perc_validi%</span></td></tr>
92 |
93 | <tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td>"._NULLI."</td><td align=\"right\">$nulli</td><td align=\"right\"><span class=\"red\">$perc_nulli%</span></td></tr>
94 |
95 | <tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td>"._BIANCHI."</td><td align=\"right\">$bianchi</td><td align=\"right\"><span class=\"red\">$perc_bianchi%</span></td></tr>
96 |
97 | <tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td>"._CONTESTATI."</td><td align=\"right\">$contestati</td><td align=\"right\"><span class=\"red\">$perc_conte%</span></td></tr>
98 |
99 | </table>";
100 |
101 | }
102 | }
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 |
110 | ?>