"; $siteistat=$id_comune; if($xls!=1) $datipdf .= "
$datipdf .= ""._COMUNE." $descr_com "._RISULTA." "._CONSULTA." "; $datipdf .= " $descr_cons"._DISCLAIMER.""; if($xls!=1) $datipdf .= " |
"._SEZIONI." | "._VOTIU." | "._VOTID." | "._VOTIE." | "; //testata con nomi dei campi if ($genere==0) { //se e' un referendum $riga3 .= ""._SI." | "._NO." | "; } elseif ((($genere==5) or ($genere==3)) and $pag==1){ $riga3 .= ""._ASOLA_LISTA." | "._ASOLO_GRUPPO." | "; } $riga3 .= ""._VALIDI." | "._NULLI." | "._BIANCHI." | "._CONTESTATI." | " ."
$scrutinate | |||||||||||
$num | ".number_format($votiu,0,',','.')." | ".number_format($votid,0,',','.')." | ".number_format($voti,0,',','.')." | "; if ($genere==0 or ((($genere==5) or ($genere==3)) and $pag==1)){$righe .= "".number_format($si,0,',','.')." | ".number_format($no,0,',','.')." | ";} $righe .= "".number_format($validi,0,',','.')." | $nulli | $bianchi | $contestati | ||
"; $righe .="$scrutinate | |||||||||||
"._VOTIU." | "._VOTID." | "._VOTIE." | "; //testata con nomi dei campi if ($genere==0) { //se e' un referendum $righet .= ""._SI." | "._NO." | "; } elseif ((($genere==5) or ($genere==3)) and $pag==1){ $righet .= ""._ASOLA_LISTA." | "._ASOLO_GRUPPO." | "; } if($totel==0) $totelrip="0.00"; else $totelrip=number_format($tot_voti*100/$totel,2); if($totf==0) $totfrip="0.00"; else $totfrip=number_format($tot_d*100/$totf,2); if($totm==0) $totmrip="0.00"; else $totmrip=number_format($tot_u*100/$totm,2); $righet .= ""._VALIDI." | "._NULLI." | "._BIANCHI." | "._CONTESTATI." | " ."|
"._TOT." | ".number_format($tot_u,0,',','.')." (".$totmrip." %) | ".number_format($tot_d,0,',','.')." (".$totfrip." %) | ".number_format($tot_voti,0,',','.')." (".$totelrip." %) | ";
// se e' un referendum o una consultazione con raggruppamenti
if ($genere==0 or ((($genere==5) or ($genere==3)) and $pag==1)){$righet .= "".number_format($tot_si,0,',','.')." (".number_format($tot_si*100/$tot_validi,2)." %) | ".number_format($tot_no,0,',','.')." (".number_format($tot_no*100/$tot_validi,2)." %) | ";}
$righet .= "".number_format($tot_validi,0,',','.')." (".($tot_voti ? number_format($tot_validi*100/$tot_voti,2):'0.00')." %) | "
.number_format($tot_nulli,0,',','.')." (".($tot_voti ? number_format($tot_nulli*100/$tot_voti,2):'0.00')." %) | ".number_format($tot_bianchi,0,',','.')." (".($tot_voti ? number_format($tot_bianchi*100/$tot_voti,2):'0.00')." %) | ".number_format($tot_contestati,0,',','.')." (".($tot_voti ? number_format($tot_contestati*100/$tot_voti,2):'0.00')." %) | ".number_format($tot_si,0,',','.')." (0.00 %) | ".number_format($tot_no,0,',','.')." (0.00 %) | ";}
$righet .= "0 (0.00 %) | "
.number_format($tot_nulli,0,',','.')." (".($tot_voti ? number_format($tot_nulli*100/$tot_voti,2):'0,00')." %) | ".number_format($tot_bianchi,0,',','.')." (".($tot_voti ? number_format($tot_bianchi*100/$tot_voti,2):'0,00')." %) | ".number_format($tot_contestati,0,',','.')." (".($tot_voti ? number_format($tot_contestati*100/$tot_voti,2):'0,00')." %) | ";
$righe .= "