1 | <?php
2 |
3 | /************************************************************************/
4 | /* Eleonline */
5 | /* ============================================ */
6 | /* Installer was based on Joomla Installer */
7 | /************************************************************************/
8 |
9 | // Set flag that this is a parent file
10 | define( "_VALID_MOS", 1 );
11 |
12 | // Include common.php
13 | require_once( 'common.php' );
14 | require_once( './includes/database.php' );
15 |
16 | $DBhostname = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'DBhostname', '' );
17 | $DBuserName = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'DBuserName', '' );
18 | $DBpassword = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'DBpassword', '' );
19 | $DBname = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'DBname', '' );
20 | $DBPrefix = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'DBPrefix', 'soraldo' );
21 | $DBcreated = intval( mosGetParam( $_POST, 'DBcreated', 0 ) );
22 | $BUPrefix = 'old_';
23 | $configArray['sitename'] = trim( mosGetParam( $_POST, 'sitename', 'Elezioni On Line' ) );
24 | $configArray['nomecomune'] = trim( mosGetParam( $_POST, 'nomecomune', '' ) );
25 | $configArray['istat'] = trim( mosGetParam( $_POST, 'istat', '' ) );
26 | $Capoluogo = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'Capoluogo', '' );
27 | $Lingua = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'Lingua', '' );
28 | $Multicomune = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'Multicomune', '' );
29 | $Replica = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'Replica', '' );
30 | //tema
31 | $tema = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'tema', '' );
32 | $sceltatema = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'sceltatema', '' );
33 | $blocco = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'blocco', '' );
34 | $flash = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'flash', '' );
35 | // d'hondt
36 | $Hondt = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'Hondt', '' );
37 | $Limite = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'Limite', '' );
38 | $Consin = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'Consin', '' );
39 | $infpremio = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'infpremio', '67' );
40 | $supsbarramento = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'supsbarramento', '3' );
41 | $suppremio = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'suppremio', '60' );
42 | $supminpremio = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'supminpremio', '40' );
43 | $database = null;
44 | $themelist = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'themelist', '' );
45 |
46 | $errors = array();
47 | if (!$DBcreated){
48 | if (!$DBhostname || !$DBuserName || !$DBname) {
49 | db_err ("stepBack3","The database details provided are incorrect and/or empty.");
50 | }
51 |
52 |
53 | if($DBPrefix == '') {
54 | db_err ('stepBack','Non avete indicato il prefisso tabelle database.');
55 | }
56 |
57 | $database = new database( $DBhostname, $DBuserName, $DBpassword, '', '', false );
58 | $test = $database->getErrorMsg();
59 |
60 | if (!$database->_resource) {
61 | db_err ('stepBack2','password ed username inseriti non sono corretti.');
62 | }
63 |
64 | // Does this code actually do anything???
65 | $configArray['DBhostname'] = $DBhostname;
66 | $configArray['DBuserName'] = $DBuserName;
67 | $configArray['DBpassword'] = $DBpassword;
68 | $configArray['DBname'] = $DBname;
69 | $configArray['DBPrefix']= $DBPrefix;
70 |
71 | $sql = "CREATE DATABASE `$DBname`";
72 | $database->setQuery( $sql );
73 | $database->query();
74 | $test = $database->getErrorNum();
75 |
76 | if ($test != 0 && $test != 1007) {
77 | db_err( 'stepBack', 'Avvenuto un errore database: ' . $database->getErrorMsg() );
78 | }
79 |
80 | // db is now new or existing, create the db object connector to do the serious work
81 | $database = new database( $DBhostname, $DBuserName, $DBpassword, $DBname, $DBPrefix );
82 |
83 | // delete existing mos table if exists
84 | $query = "SHOW TABLES FROM `$DBname`";
85 | $database->setQuery( $query );
86 | $errors = array();
87 | if ($tables = $database->loadResultArray()) {
88 | foreach ($tables as $table) {
89 | $query = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$table`";
90 | $database->setQuery( $query );
91 | $database->query();
92 | if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
93 | $errors[$database->getQuery()] = $database->getErrorMsg();
94 | }
95 | }
96 | }
97 |
98 | populate_db( $database, 'eleonline.sql' );
99 | $DBcreated = 1;
100 | }
101 |
102 | function db_err($step, $alert) {
103 | global $DBhostname,$DBuserName,$DBpassword,$DBname,$DBPrefix;
104 | echo "<form name=\"$step\" method=\"post\" action=\"install1.php\">
105 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBhostname\" value=\"$DBhostname\">
106 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBuserName\" value=\"$DBuserName\">
107 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBpassword\" value=\"$DBpassword\">
108 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBname\" value=\"$DBname\">
109 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBPrefix\" value=\"$DBPrefix\">
110 | </form>\n";
111 | echo "<script>alert(\"$alert\"); window.history.go(-1);</script>";
112 | //echo "<script>alert(\"$alert\"); document.location.href='install1.php';</script>";
113 |
114 | exit();
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 | }
119 |
120 | /**
121 | * @param object
122 | * @param string File name
123 | */
124 | function populate_db( &$database, $sqlfile='eleonline.sql') {
125 | global $errors;
126 |
127 | $mqr = @get_magic_quotes_runtime();
128 | @set_magic_quotes_runtime(0);
129 | $query = fread( fopen( 'sql/' . $sqlfile, 'r' ), filesize( 'sql/' . $sqlfile ) );
130 | @set_magic_quotes_runtime($mqr);
131 | $pieces = split_sql($query);
132 |
133 | for ($i=0; $i<count($pieces); $i++) {
134 | $pieces[$i] = trim($pieces[$i]);
135 | if(!empty($pieces[$i]) && $pieces[$i] != "#") {
136 | $database->setQuery( $pieces[$i] );
137 | if (!$database->query()) {
138 | $errors[] = array ( $database->getErrorMsg(), $pieces[$i] );
139 | }
140 | }
141 | }
142 | }
143 |
144 | /**
145 | * @param string
146 | */
147 | function split_sql($sql) {
148 | $sql = trim($sql);
149 | $sql = ereg_replace("\n#[^\n]*\n", "\n", $sql);
150 |
151 | $buffer = array();
152 | $ret = array();
153 | $in_string = false;
154 |
155 | for($i=0; $i<strlen($sql)-1; $i++) {
156 | if($sql[$i] == ";" && !$in_string) {
157 | $ret[] = substr($sql, 0, $i);
158 | $sql = substr($sql, $i + 1);
159 | $i = 0;
160 | }
161 |
162 | if($in_string && ($sql[$i] == $in_string) && $buffer[1] != "\\") {
163 | $in_string = false;
164 | }
165 | elseif(!$in_string && ($sql[$i] == '"' || $sql[$i] == "'") && (!isset($buffer[0]) || $buffer[0] != "\\")) {
166 | $in_string = $sql[$i];
167 | }
168 | if(isset($buffer[1])) {
169 | $buffer[0] = $buffer[1];
170 | }
171 | $buffer[1] = $sql[$i];
172 | }
173 |
174 | if(!empty($sql)) {
175 | $ret[] = $sql;
176 | }
177 | return($ret);
178 | }
179 |
180 | $isErr = intval( count( $errors ) );
181 |
182 | echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?".">";
183 | ?>
184 | <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
185 | <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
186 | <head>
187 | <title>Eleonline Installer</title>
188 | <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
189 | <link rel="stylesheet" href="install.css" type="text/css" />
190 | <script type="text/javascript">
191 | <!--
192 | function check() {
193 | // form validation check
194 | var formValid=false;
195 | var f = document.form;
196 | if ( f.sitename.value == '' ) {
197 | alert('Inserisci il nome del sito');
198 | f.sitename.focus();
199 | formValid=false;
200 | } else if ( f.nomecomune.value == '' ) {
201 | alert('Inserisci il nome del Comune');
202 | f.nomecomune.focus();
203 | formValid=false;
204 | } else if ( f.istat.value == '' ) {
205 | alert('Inserisci il numero Istat del Comune');
206 | f.istat.focus();
207 | formValid=false;
208 |
209 | } else if ( confirm('Sei sicuro che questi settaggi sono corretti?')) {
210 | formValid=true;
211 | }
212 |
213 | return formValid;
214 | }
215 | //-->
216 | </script>
217 | </script>
218 | </head>
219 | <body onload="document.form.sitename.focus();">
220 | <div id="wrapper">
221 | <div id="header">
222 | <div id="eleonline"><img src="header_install.png" alt="Installazione Eleonline" title="Installazione Eleonline" /></div>
223 | </div>
224 | </div>
225 |
226 | <div id="ctr" align="center">
227 | <form action="install3.php" method="post" name="form" id="form" onsubmit="return check();">
228 | <input type="hidden" name="DBhostname" value="<?php echo "$DBhostname"; ?>" />
229 | <input type="hidden" name="DBuserName" value="<?php echo "$DBuserName"; ?>" />
230 | <input type="hidden" name="DBpassword" value="<?php echo "$DBpassword"; ?>" />
231 | <input type="hidden" name="DBname" value="<?php echo "$DBname"; ?>" />
232 | <input type="hidden" name="DBPrefix" value="<?php echo "$DBPrefix"; ?>" />
233 | <input type="hidden" name="DBcreated" value="<?php echo "$DBcreated"; ?>" />
234 |
235 | <div class="install">
236 | <div id="stepbar">
237 | <div class="step-off">Inizio</div>
238 | <div class="step-off">licenza</div>
239 | <div class="step-off">passo 1</div>
240 | <div class="step-on">passo 2</div>
241 | <div class="step-off">passo 3</div>
242 | <div class="step-off">passo 4</div>
243 | </div>
244 |
245 | <div id="right">
246 | <div class="far-right">
247 | <?php if (!$isErr) { ?>
248 | <input class="button" type="submit" name="next" value="Avanti >>"/>
249 | <?php } ?>
250 | </div>
251 | <div id="step">passo 2</div>
252 | <div class="clr"></div>
253 |
254 | <h1>Risultato inserimento database <?php echo "<font color=\"#ff0000\">$DBname</font> su <font color=\"#ff0000\">$DBhostname</font>"; ?> :</h1>
255 | <div class="install-text">
256 | <?php if ($isErr) { ?>
257 | Sembra che ci siano errori con l'inserimento dei dati nel tuo database!<br />
258 | Non puoi continuare.
259 | </div>
260 | <div class="install-form">
261 | <div class="form-block">
262 | <table class="content2">
263 | <?php
264 | echo '<tr><td colspan="2">';
265 | echo '<b></b>';
266 | echo "<br/><br />Error log:<br />\n";
267 | // abrupt failure
268 | echo '<textarea rows="10" cols="50">';
269 | foreach($errors as $error) {
270 | echo "SQL=$error[0]:\n- - - - - - - - - -\n$error[1]\n= = = = = = = = = =\n\n";
271 | }
272 | echo '</textarea>';
273 | echo "</td></tr>\n";
274 | ?>
275 | </table>
276 | </div>
277 | </div>
278 |
279 | <?php } else { ?>
280 |
281 |
282 | TUTTO OK!
283 | <br/>
284 | <br/>
285 | </div>
286 | <div class="install-form">
287 | <div class="clr"></div>
288 | </div>
289 |
290 |
291 |
292 |
293 |
294 |
295 |
296 |
297 | <div class="clr"></div>
298 |
299 | <h1>Inserisci i dati di configurazione del sito:</h1>
300 | <div class="install-text">
301 |
302 | Inserisci il nome del tuo sito. In genere viene usato il nome del Comune.
303 | </div>
304 | <div class="install-form">
305 | <div class="form-block">
306 | <table class="content2">
307 |
308 | <tr>
309 | <td width="100">Nome del sito</td>
310 | <td align="left"><input class="inputbox" type="text" name="sitename" size="40" value="<?php echo "{$configArray['sitename']}"; ?>" /></td>
311 | <td></td>
312 | </tr>
313 | <tr>
314 | <td width="100">Nome del Comune</td>
315 | <td align="left"><input class="inputbox" type="text" name="nomecomune" size="40" value="<?php echo "{$configArray['nomecomune']}"; ?>" /></td>
316 | <td></td>
317 | </tr>
318 |
319 | <tr>
320 | <td width="100">Numero Istat</td>
321 | <td align="left"><input class="inputbox" type="text" name="istat" size="6" value="<?php echo "{$configArray['istat']}"; ?>" />
322 | <a href="http://www.istat.it/strumenti/definizioni/comuni/" target="_blank">Preleva i codici Istat dei comuni italiani</a>
323 | </td><td></td>
324 | </tr>
325 | <tr>
326 | <td width="150"><em>Fascia abitanti</em> </td><td>
327 | <select name="Limite">
328 | <option value="1" selected>fino a 3.000 ab.</option>
329 | <option value="2">fino a 10.000 ab.</option>
330 | <option value="3">fino a 15.000 ab.</option>
331 | <option value="4">fino a 30.000 ab.</option>
332 | <option value="5">fino a 100.000 ab.</option>
333 | <option value="6">fino a 250.000 ab.</option>
334 | <option value="7">fino a 500.000 ab.</option>
335 | <option value="8">fino a 1.000.000 ab.</option>
336 | <option value="9">sopra il 1.000.000 ab.</option>
337 | </select>
338 | </td>
339 |
340 | </tr>
341 |
342 |
343 |
344 |
345 | </table>
346 | <table class="content2">
347 |
348 |
349 |
350 |
351 |
352 | <tr>
353 | <td width="70">Capoluogo</td><td width="70">
354 | <input type="checkbox" name="Capoluogo" id="Capoluogo" value="1" <?php if ($Capoluogo) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?> />
355 | </td>
356 | <td>Check se il comune e' Capoluogo di Provincia</td>
357 |
358 | </tr>
359 | <tr>
360 | <td width="70">Linguaggio </td><td width="70">
361 | <select name="Lingua"><option value="it" selected>italiano</option><option value="en">english</option></select>
362 | </td>
363 | <td>Lingua di default del sito</td>
364 |
365 | </tr>
366 | <tr>
367 | <td width="70">Multicomune </td><td width="70">
368 | <input type="checkbox" name="Multicomune" id="Multicomune" value="1" <?php if ($Multicomune) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?> />
369 | </td>
370 | <td>Check se il sito ospita piu' di un comune</td>
371 |
372 | </tr>
373 | <tr>
374 | <td width="70">Replica Db </td><td width="70">
375 | <input type="checkbox" name="Replica" id="Replica" value="1" <?php if ($Replica) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?> />
376 | </td>
377 | <td>Check in caso di replica del database. Se sullo stesso server lasciare libero</td>
378 |
379 | </tr>
380 |
381 |
382 |
383 |
384 |
385 | </table>
386 |
387 | </div>
388 | </div>
389 | <div class="clr"></div>
390 | <div class="clr"></div>
391 | <h1>Configurazione del Tema:</h1>
392 | <div class="install-text">
393 | <p>La visualizzazione dei risultati puo' essere configurata in maniera da scegliere il
394 | tema e altro ancora.
395 | <br><br>
396 |
397 | Potete comunque sempre cambiare le opzioni successivamete agendo sul file config.php<br/>
398 | </p>
399 | </div>
400 | <div class="install-form">
401 | <div class="form-block">
402 |
403 | <br/>
404 | <table class="content2">
405 | <tr>
406 | <td></td>
407 | <td></td>
408 | <td></td>
409 | </tr>
410 |
411 |
412 |
413 | <tr>
414 | <td width="150">Scelta del tema</td>
415 | <td><select name='tema'>
416 | <?php
417 | $handle=opendir('../client/temi');
418 | while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
419 | if ( (!ereg("[.]",$file)) ) {
420 | $themelist .= "$file ";
421 | }
422 | }
423 | closedir($handle);
424 | $themelist = explode(" ", $themelist);
425 | sort($themelist);
426 | for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($themelist); $i++) {
427 | if(!empty($themelist[$i])) {
428 | echo "<option name='tema' value='$themelist[$i]' ";
429 | if($themelist[$i]=="default") echo "selected";
430 | echo ">$themelist[$i]\n";
431 | }
432 | }
433 | echo "</select>";
434 | ?>
435 | </td>
436 |
437 | </tr>
438 | </table>
439 | <br/>
440 | <table class="content2">
441 | <tr>
442 | <td></td>
443 | <td></td>
444 | <td></td>
445 | </tr>
446 |
447 |
448 |
449 | <tr><td width="150">Visualizza menu per la scelta del tema</td>
450 |
451 |
452 | <td>
453 | <select name="sceltatema"><option value="1" selected>SI</option><option value="0">NO</option></select></td><td>Permette di far scegliere all'utente che naviga sul sito il tipo di grafica
454 |
455 |
456 | </td>
457 |
458 | </tr>
459 | </table>
460 | <br/>
461 | <table class="content2">
462 | <tr>
463 | <td></td>
464 | <td></td>
465 | <td></td>
466 | </tr>
467 |
468 |
469 |
470 | <tr><td width="150">Visualizza blocco laterale?</td><td>
471 | <select name="blocco"><option value="1" selected>SI</option><option value="0">NO</option></select></td>
472 | <td>Il blocco laterale destro puo' contenere dati e link </td>
473 |
474 | </tr>
475 | </table>
476 | <br/>
477 | <table class="content2">
478 | <tr>
479 | <td></td>
480 | <td></td>
481 | <td></td>
482 | </tr>
483 |
484 |
485 |
486 | <tr><td width="150">Abilita il formato Flash?</td><td>
487 | <select name="flash"><option value="1" selected>SI</option><option value="0">NO</option></select></td>
488 | <td>L'abilitazione del Flash permette di avere grafici in movimento. Se disabilitato e grafici saranno statici</td>
489 |
490 | </tr>
491 | </table>
492 |
493 |
494 |
495 |
496 |
497 | </div></div></div>
498 |
499 |
500 |
501 |
502 |
503 |
504 |
505 |
506 |
507 |
508 |
509 | <div class="clr"></div>
510 |
511 |
512 | <div class="clr"></div>
513 | </form>
514 |
515 | <?php } // fine if ?>
516 |
517 | </div>
518 | <div class="clr"></div>
519 | <div class="clr"></div>
520 | <?php include("footer.php"); ?>
521 |
522 | </body>
523 | </html>