1 | <?php
2 |
3 | /************************************************************************/
4 | /* Eleonline */
5 | /* ============================================ */
6 | /* Installer was based on Joomla Installer */
7 | /************************************************************************/
8 |
9 | error_reporting (E_ALL);
10 |
11 | // Set flag that this is a parent file
12 | define( "_VALID_MOS", 1 );
13 |
14 | // Include common.php
15 | require_once( 'common.php' );
16 | require_once( './includes/database.php' );
17 |
18 | $DBhostname = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'DBhostname', '' );
19 | $DBuserName = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'DBuserName', '' );
20 | $DBpassword = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'DBpassword', '' );
21 | $DBname = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'DBname', '' );
22 | $DBPrefix = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'DBPrefix', 'soraldo' );
23 |
24 | $sitename = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'sitename', '' );
25 | $nomecomune = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'nomecomune', '' ) ;
26 | $istat = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'istat', '' ) ;
27 | $Capoluogo = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'Capoluogo', '0' );
28 | $Lingua = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'Lingua', '' );
29 | $Multicomune = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'Multicomune', '0' );
30 | $Replica = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'Replica', '' );
31 |
32 | //tema
33 | $tema = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'tema', '' );
34 | $sceltatema = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'sceltatema', '' );
35 | $blocco = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'blocco', '' );
36 | $flash = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'flash', '' );
37 | // d'hondt
38 |
39 | $Limite = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'Limite', '' );
40 |
41 |
42 | $adminName = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'adminName', '');
43 | $adminEmail = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'adminEmail', '');
44 | $CreateUSer = intval( mosGetParam( $_POST, 'CreateUSer', '' ) );
45 | $siteUrl = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'siteUrl', '' );
46 | $absolutePath = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'absolutePath', '' );
47 | $adminPassword = mosGetParam( $_POST, 'adminPassword', '');
48 |
49 | if ((trim($adminEmail== "")) || (preg_match("/[\w\.\-]+@\w+[\w\.\-]*?\.\w{1,4}/", $adminEmail )==false)) {
50 |
51 | echo "<form name=\"stepBack\" method=\"post\" action=\"install3.php\">
52 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBhostname\" value=\"$DBhostname\" />
53 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBuserName\" value=\"$DBuserName\" />
54 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBpassword\" value=\"$DBpassword\" />
55 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBname\" value=\"$DBname\" />
56 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBPrefix\" value=\"$DBPrefix\" />
57 |
58 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBcreated\" value=\"1\" />
59 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sitename\" value=\"$sitename\" />";
60 |
61 |
62 | echo " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nomecomune\" value=\"$nomecomune\" />
63 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"istat\" value=\"$istat\"/>
64 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Capoluogo\" value= \"$Capoluogo\" />
65 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Lingua\" value= \"$Lingua\" />
66 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Multicomune\" value=\"$Multicomune\" />
67 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Replica\" value=\"$Replica\" />
68 |
69 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tema\" value=\"$tema\" />
70 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sceltatema\" value=\"$sceltatema\" />
71 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"blocco\" value=\"$blocco\" />
72 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"flash\" value= \"$flash\" />
73 |
74 |
75 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Limite\" value=\"$Linite\" />";
76 |
77 |
78 | echo "Indirizzo Email non valido";
79 |
80 |
81 | echo " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"adminName\" value=\"$adminName\" />
82 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"adminEmail\" value=\"$adminEmail\" />
83 |
84 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"siteUrl\" value=\"$siteUrl\" />
85 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"absolutePath\" value=\"$absolutePath\" />
86 | </form>";
87 | echo "<script>alert('Devi inserire un indirizzo email valido.'); document.stepBack.submit(); </script>";
88 | return;
89 | }
90 |
91 | if($DBhostname && $DBuserName && $DBname) {
92 | $configArray['DBhostname'] = $DBhostname;
93 | $configArray['DBuserName'] = $DBuserName;
94 | $configArray['DBpassword'] = $DBpassword;
95 | $configArray['DBname'] = $DBname;
96 | $configArray['DBPrefix'] = $DBPrefix;
97 | } else {
98 | echo "<form name=\"stepBack\" method=\"post\" action=\"install3.php\">
99 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBhostname\" value=\"$DBhostname\" />
100 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBuserName\" value=\"$DBuserName\" />
101 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBpassword\" value=\"$DBpassword\" />
102 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBname\" value=\"$DBname\" />
103 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBPrefix\" value=\"$DBPrefix\" />
104 |
105 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBcreated\" value=\"1\" />
106 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sitename\" value=\"$sitename\" />";
107 |
108 | echo ' <input type="hidden" name="nomecomune" value="<?php echo "$nomecomune"; ?>" />
109 | <input type="hidden" name="istat" value="<?php echo "$istat"; ?>" />
110 | <input type="hidden" name="Capoluogo" value="<?php echo "$Capoluogo"; ?>" />
111 | <input type="hidden" name="Lingua" value="<?php echo "$Lingua"; ?>" />
112 | <input type="hidden" name="Multicomune" value="<?php echo "$Multicomune"; ?>" />
113 | <input type="hidden" name="Replica" value="<?php echo "$Replica"; ?>" />
114 |
115 | <input type="hidden" name="tema" value="<?php echo "$tema"; ?>" />
116 | <input type="hidden" name="sceltatema" value="<?php echo "$sceltatema"; ?>" />
117 | <input type="hidden" name="blocco" value="<?php echo "$blocco"; ?>" />
118 | <input type="hidden" name="flash" value="<?php echo "$flash"; ?>" />
119 |
120 |
121 | <input type="hidden" name="Limite" value="<?php echo "$Linite"; ?>" />';
122 |
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 |
127 | echo " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"adminName\" value=\"$adminName\" />
128 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"adminEmail\" value=\"$adminEmail\" />
129 |
130 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"siteUrl\" value=\"$siteUrl\" />
131 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"absolutePath\" value=\"$absolutePath\" />
132 | </form>";
133 |
134 | echo "<script>alert('The database details provided are incorrect and/or empty'); document.stepBack.submit(); </script>";
135 | return;
136 | }
137 |
138 | if ($sitename) {
139 | # if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
140 | $configArray['sitename'] = addslashes($sitename);
141 | # } else {
142 | # $configArray['sitename'] = $sitename;
143 | # }
144 | } else {
145 | echo "<form name=\"stepBack\" method=\"post\" action=\"install3.php\">
146 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBhostname\" value=\"$DBhostname\" />
147 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBuserName\" value=\"$DBuserName\" />
148 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBpassword\" value=\"$DBpassword\" />
149 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBname\" value=\"$DBname\" />
150 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBPrefix\" value=\"$DBPrefix\" />
151 |
152 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"DBcreated\" value=\"1\" />
153 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sitename\" value=\"$sitename\" />";
154 |
155 | echo ' <input type="hidden" name="nomecomune" value="<?php echo "$nomecomune"; ?>" />
156 | <input type="hidden" name="istat" value="<?php echo "$istat"; ?>" />
157 | <input type="hidden" name="Lingua" value="<?php echo "$Lingua"; ?>" />
158 | <input type="hidden" name="Capoluogo" value="<?php echo "$Capoluogo"; ?>" />
159 | <input type="hidden" name="Multicomune" value="<?php echo "$Multicomune"; ?>" />
160 | <input type="hidden" name="Replica" value="<?php echo "$Replica"; ?>" />
161 |
162 | <input type="hidden" name="tema" value="<?php echo "$tema"; ?>" />
163 | <input type="hidden" name="sceltatema" value="<?php echo "$sceltatema"; ?>" />
164 | <input type="hidden" name="blocco" value="<?php echo "$blocco"; ?>" />
165 | <input type="hidden" name="flash" value="<?php echo "$flash"; ?>" />
166 |
167 |
168 | <input type="hidden" name="Limite" value="<?php echo "$Linite"; ?>" />
169 | ';
170 |
171 |
172 | echo " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"adminName\" value=\"$adminName\" />
173 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"adminEmail\" value=\"$adminEmail\" />
174 |
175 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"siteUrl\" value=\"$siteUrl\" />
176 | <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"absolutePath\" value=\"$absolutePath\" />
177 | </form>";
178 |
179 | echo "<script>alert('The sitename has not been provided'); document.stepBack2.submit();</script>";
180 | return;
181 | }
182 |
183 | if (file_exists( '../client/config.php' )) {
184 | $canWrite = is_writable( '../client/config.php' );
185 | } else {
186 | $canWrite = is_writable( '../client' );
187 | }
188 |
189 | // admin
190 | if (file_exists( '../client/config.php' )) {
191 | $canWrite2 = is_writable( '../admin/config.php' );
192 | } else {
193 | $canWrite2 = is_writable( '../admin' );
194 | }
195 |
196 |
197 |
198 | if ($siteUrl) {
199 | $configArray['siteUrl']=$siteUrl;
200 | // Fix for Windows
201 | $absolutePath= str_replace("\\\\","/", $absolutePath);
202 | $configArray['absolutePath']=$absolutePath;
203 |
204 |
205 | #########################################################################
206 | # Config visualizzazione
207 | $config = "<?php\n";
208 | $config .= "\n";
209 |
210 | $config .= "/************************************************************************/\n";
211 | $config .= "/* Eleonline - Raccolta e diffusione dei dati elettorali */\n";
212 | $config .= "/* by Roberto Gigli & Luciano Apolito */\n";
213 | $config .= "/* http://www.eleonline.it */\n";
214 | $config .= "/* info@eleonline.it luciano@aniene.net rgigli@libero.it */\n";
215 | $config .= "/************************************************************************/\n";
216 | $config .= "\n";
217 | $config .= "\n";
218 | $config .= "if (stristr(\"config.php\",\$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {\n";
219 | $config .= " Header(\"Location: index.php\");\n";
220 | $config .= " die();\n";
221 | $config .= "}\n";
222 | $config .= "\n";
223 | $config .= "\n";
224 | $config .= "/* Variabili di configurazione accesso db */\n";
225 | $config .= "\$dbhost = \"{$configArray['DBhostname']}\";\n";
226 | $config .= "\$dbuname = \"{$configArray['DBuserName']}\";\n";
227 | $config .= "\$dbpass = \"{$configArray['DBpassword']}\";\n";
228 | $config .= "\$dbname = \"{$configArray['DBname']}\";\n";
229 | $config .= "\$prefix = \"{$configArray['DBPrefix']}\";\n";
230 | $config .= "\$dbtype = \"MySQL\";\n";
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 |
235 | $config .= "\n";
236 | $config .= "ini_set('display_errors',0);\n";
237 | $config .= "?>\n";
238 |
239 |
240 | #####################################################################################
241 | # config amministrazione
242 | #####################################################################################
243 |
244 | $config_adm = "<?php\n";
245 | $config_adm .= "\n";
246 |
247 | $config_adm .= "/************************************************************************/\n";
248 | $config_adm .= "/* Eleonline - Raccolta e diffusione dei dati elettorali */\n";
249 | $config_adm .= "/* by Roberto Gigli & Luciano Apolito */\n";
250 | $config_adm .= "/* http://www.eleonline.it */\n";
251 | $config_adm .= "/* info@eleonline.it luciano@aniene.net rgigli@libero.it */\n";
252 | $config_adm .= "/************************************************************************/\n";
253 | $config_adm .= "\n";
254 | $config_adm .= "\n";
255 | $config_adm .= "if (stristr(\"config.php\",\$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {\n";
256 | $config_adm .= " Header(\"Location: index.php\");\n";
257 | $config_adm .= " die();\n";
258 | $config_adm .= "}\n";
259 | $config_adm .= "\n";
260 | $config_adm .= "\n";
261 | $config_adm .= "\n";
262 | $config_adm .= "\$dbhost = \"{$configArray['DBhostname']}\";\n";
263 | $config_adm .= "\$dbuname = \"{$configArray['DBuserName']}\";\n";
264 | $config_adm .= "\$dbpass = \"{$configArray['DBpassword']}\";\n";
265 | $config_adm .= "\$dbname = \"{$configArray['DBname']}\";\n";
266 | $config_adm .= "\$prefix = \"{$configArray['DBPrefix']}\";\n";
267 | $config_adm .= "\$dbtype = \"MySQL\";\n";
268 | $config_adm .= "ini_set('display_errors',0);\n";
269 | $config_adm .= "?>\n";
270 |
271 |
272 |
273 |
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 |
278 |
279 |
280 |
281 | if ($canWrite && ($fp = fopen("../client/config.php", "w"))) {
282 | fputs( $fp, $config, strlen( $config ) );
283 | fclose( $fp );
284 | } else {
285 | $canWrite = false;
286 | }
287 |
288 | if ($canWrite2 && ($fp = fopen("../admin/config.php", "w"))) {
289 | fputs( $fp, $config_adm, strlen( $config_adm ) );
290 | fclose( $fp );
291 | } else {
292 | $canWrite2 = false;
293 | }
294 |
295 |
296 |
297 | $database = new PDO("mysql:host=$DBhostname;charset=latin1", $DBuserName, $DBpassword, array(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => false,
299 | $sql = "use $DBname";
300 | $database->exec($sql);
301 |
302 | // create the admin user
303 | $cryptpass = md5( $adminPassword );
304 | //$query = "INSERT INTO {$configArray['DBPrefix']}_authors VALUES ('$adminName', '$adminName', '0', '$adminEmail', '$cryptpass','1','0','0','1','it')";
305 | $query = "UPDATE {$configArray['DBPrefix']}_authors SET aid='$adminName', name='$adminName', email='$adminEmail', pwd= '$cryptpass' WHERE aid='suser'";
306 | $database->exec( $query );
307 |
308 | // create Comune
309 | try{
310 | $query = "INSERT INTO {$configArray['DBPrefix']}_ele_comuni VALUES ('$istat', '$nomecomune', '','','','','$Limite','$Capoluogo','','','0','')";
311 | $database->exec( $query );
312 | } catch(PDOException $e) { die("$query");}
313 | $query = "UPDATE {$configArray['DBPrefix']}_config SET sitename='$sitename', siteurl='$siteUrl', adminmail='$adminEmail', tema='$tema', foot='',language='$Lingua',blocco='$blocco',fileout='$Replica',Versione='3', siteistat='$istat',multicomune='$Multicomune',flash='$flash', tema_on='$sceltatema' WHERE sitename=''";
314 |
315 | $database->exec( $query );
316 |
317 |
318 | // touch config table
319 | $date = date("F Y");
320 | $query = "UPDATE {$configArray['DBPrefix']}_config SET sitename='$sitename', siteurl='$siteUrl', startdate='$date', adminmail='$adminEmail'";
321 | $database->exec( $query );
322 |
323 | } else {
324 | ?>
325 | <form action="install3.php" method="post" name="stepBack3" id="stepBack3">
326 | <input type="hidden" name="DBhostname" value="<?php echo $DBhostname;?>" />
327 | <input type="hidden" name="DBusername" value="<?php echo $DBuserName;?>" />
328 | <input type="hidden" name="DBpassword" value="<?php echo $DBpassword;?>" />
329 | <input type="hidden" name="DBname" value="<?php echo $DBname;?>" />
330 | <input type="hidden" name="DBcreated" value="1" />
331 | <input type="hidden" name="sitename" value="<?php echo $sitename;?>" />
332 | <input type="hidden" name="adminName" value="$adminName" />
333 | <input type="hidden" name="adminEmail" value="$adminEmail" />
334 | <input type="hidden" name="CreateUSer" value="$CreateUSer" />
335 | <input type="hidden" name="siteUrl" value="$siteUrl" />
336 | <input type="hidden" name="absolutePath" value="$absolutePath" />
337 | <?php
338 | echo '<input type="hidden" name="nomecomune" value="<?php echo "$nomecomune"; ?>" />
339 | <input type="hidden" name="istat" value="<?php echo "$istat"; ?>" />
340 | <input type="hidden" name="Capoluogo" value="<?php echo "$Capoluogo"; ?>" />
341 | <input type="hidden" name="Lingua" value="<?php echo "$Lingua"; ?>" />
342 | <input type="hidden" name="Multicomune" value="<?php echo "$Multicomune"; ?>" />
343 | <input type="hidden" name="Replica" value="<?php echo "$Replica"; ?>" />
344 |
345 | <input type="hidden" name="tema" value="<?php echo "$tema"; ?>" />
346 | <input type="hidden" name="sceltatema" value="<?php echo "$sceltatema"; ?>" />
347 | <input type="hidden" name="blocco" value="<?php echo "$blocco"; ?>" />
348 | <input type="hidden" name="flash" value="<?php echo "$flash"; ?>" />
349 |
350 | <input type="hidden" name="Limite" value="<?php echo "$Linite"; ?>" />
351 | ';
352 | ?>
353 | </form>
354 | <script>alert('The site url has not been provided'); document.stepBack3.submit();</script>
355 | <?php
356 | }
357 | include("header.php");
358 | ?>
359 | <div id="ctr" align="center">
360 | <form action="dummy" name="form" id="form">
361 | <div class="install">
362 | <div id="stepbar">
363 | <div class="step-off">inizio</div>
364 | <div class="step-off">licenza</div>
365 | <div class="step-off">passo 1</div>
366 | <div class="step-off">passo 2</div>
367 | <div class="step-off">passo 3</div>
368 | <div class="step-on">passo 4</div>
369 | </div>
370 | <div id="right">
371 | <div id="step">passo 4</div>
372 | <div class="far-right">
373 | <input class="button" type="button" name="runSite" value="Guarda il Sito"
374 | <?php
375 | if ($siteUrl) {
376 | echo "onClick=\"window.location.href='$siteUrl/index.php' \"";
377 | } else {
378 | echo "onClick=\"window.location.href='".$configArray['siteURL']."/index.php' \"";
379 | }
380 | ?>/>
381 | <input class="button" type="button" name="Admin" value="Amministrazione"
382 | <?php
383 | if ($siteUrl) {
384 | echo "onClick=\"window.location.href='$siteUrl/../admin' \"";
385 | } else {
386 | echo "onClick=\"window.location.href='".$configArray['siteURL']."/../admin' \"";
387 | }
388 | ?>/>
389 | </div>
390 | <div class="clr"></div>
391 | <h1>Congratulazioni! EleOnLine e' installato</h1>
392 | <div class="install-text">
393 | <p>Clicca sul pulsante "Guarda il Sito" per visitare la parte in Visualizzazione oppure su "Amministrazione" per entrare nel pannello di ammnistrazione.</p>
394 | </div>
395 | <div class="install-form">
396 | <div class="form-block">
397 | <table width="100%">
398 | <tr><td class="error" align="center">Una volta configurato e testato il sistema<br/>
399 | e prima di avviare il servizio online<br/>
400 | ricordati di effettuare una politica di sicurezza<br/>
401 | come la separazione della parte di visualizzazione (client)<br/>
402 | da quella di amministrazione (admin)<br/>
403 | od anche l'utenza del database pubblico in sola lettura<br/>
404 | e altri accorgimenti che riterrai necessari<br/>
405 |
406 |
407 |
408 | </td></tr>
409 | <tr><td align="center"><h5>Dettagli Login Amministrazione</h5></td></tr>
410 | <tr><td align="center" class="notice"><b>Username : <?php echo $adminName; ?></b></td></tr>
411 | <tr><td align="center" class="notice"><b>Password : <?php echo $adminPassword; ?></b></td></tr>
412 | <tr><td> </td></tr>
413 | <tr><td align="right"> </td></tr>
414 | <!-- client -->
415 | <?php if (!$canWrite) { ?>
416 | <tr>
417 | <td class="small">
418 | <h1>config.php per visualizzazione</h1>
419 | <font color="#FF0000"><b>ATTENZIONE:</b></font> Il tuo file di configurazione o la cartella non sono scrivibili,
420 | o c'Ú stato un problema nella creazione del file di configurazione. Clicca nella area di testo per evidenziare
421 | tutto il codice. Crea un nuovo file chiamato <b>config.php</b> e copialo nella cartella <b>client</b>.
422 | </td>
423 | </tr>
424 |
425 |
426 | <tr>
427 | <td align="center">
428 | <textarea rows="15" cols="48" name="configcode" onClick="javascript:this.form.configcode.focus();this.form.configcode.select();" ><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $config );?></textarea>
429 | </td>
430 | </tr>
431 | <?php } ?>
432 |
433 | <!-- admin -->
434 | <?php if (!$canWrite2) { ?>
435 | <tr>
436 | <td class="small">
437 | <h1>config.php per amministrazione</h1>
438 | <font color="#FF0000"><b>ATTENZIONE:</b></font> Il tuo file di configurazione o la cartella non sono scrivibili,
439 | o c'Ú stato un problema nella creazione del file di configurazione. Clicca nella area di testo per evidenziare
440 | tutto il codice. Crea un nuovo file chiamato <strong>config.php</strong> e copialo nella cartella <b>admin</b>.
441 | </td>
442 | </tr>
443 |
444 |
445 | <tr>
446 | <td align="center">
447 | <textarea rows="15" cols="48" name="configcode" onClick="javascript:this.form.configcode.focus();this.form.configcode.select();" ><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $config_adm );?></textarea>
448 | </td>
449 | </tr>
450 | <?php } ?>
451 |
452 |
453 |
454 |
455 | <tr><td class="small"><?php /*echo $chmod_report*/; ?></td></tr>
456 | </table>
457 | </div>
458 | </div>
459 | <div id="break"></div>
460 | </div>
461 | <div class="clr"></div>
462 | </div>
463 | </form>
464 | </div>
465 | <div class="clr"></div>
466 | <div class="ctr">
467 |
468 | </div>
469 | <?php include("footer.php"); ?>
470 | </div>
471 | </html>