[44] | 1 | <?php echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="'. get_option('siteurl') . '/' . PLUGINDIR . '/' . basename(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/wz_tooltip.js"></script>' ?>
| 2 | <div class="wrap" style="width:850px">
| 3 |
| 4 | <h2>AdSense Now! Setup <a href="http://validator.w3.org/" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-xhtml10" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional" title="AdSense Now! Admin Page is certified Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional" height="31" width="88" class="alignright"/></a></h2>
| 5 | <table class="form-table">
| 6 | <tr><th scope="row"><h3><?php _e('Instructions', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?></h3></th></tr>
| 7 | <tr valign="top">
| 8 | <td width="37%">
| 9 | <ul style="padding-left:10px;list-style-type:circle; list-style-position:inside;" >
| 10 | <li>
| 11 | <a href="#" title="<?php _e('Click for help', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?>" onclick="TagToTip('help0',WIDTH, 270, TITLE, '<?php _e('How to Set it up', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?>', STICKY, 1, CLOSEBTN, true, CLICKCLOSE, true, FIX, [this, 15, 5])">
| 12 | <?php
| 13 | printf(__('A few easy steps to setup %s', 'easy-adsenser'),'<em>AdSense Now!</em>') ;
| 14 | ?></a><br />
| 15 | </li>
| 16 | <li>
| 17 | <a href="#" title="<?php _e('Click for help', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?>" onclick="TagToTip('help1',WIDTH, 270, TITLE, '<?php _e('How to Control AdSense on Each Post', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?>', STICKY, 1, CLOSEBTN, true, CLICKCLOSE, true, FIX, [this, 15, 5])">
| 18 | <?php _e('Need to control ad blocks on each post?', 'easy-adsenser') ;?></a><br />
| 19 | </li>
| 20 | <li>
| 21 | <a href="#" title="<?php _e('Click for help', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?>" onclick="TagToTip('rate', TITLE, 'WordPress: AdSense Now!', STICKY, 1, CLOSEBTN, true, CLICKCLOSE, true, FIX, [25, 25])">
| 22 | <?php _e('Check out the FAQ and rate this plugin.', 'easy-adsenser') ;?></a><br />
| 23 | </li>
| 24 | </ul>
| 25 | </td>
| 26 | <td width="31%">
| 27 | <div style="background-color:#ffffaa;padding:5px;border: solid 1px" id="support">
| 28 | <b><?php _e('Support this Plugin!', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?></b><br />
| 29 | <span style='text-decoration:underline' onmouseover="TagToTip('share', WIDTH, 230, TITLE, 'Ad Space Sharing',STICKY, 1, CLOSEBTN, true, CLICKCLOSE, true, FIX, [this, 5, 5])" onmouseout="UnTip()"><?php _e('Share a small fraction of your ad space', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?></span>,
| 30 | <em style="text-decoration:underline" onmouseover="TagToTip('unreal', WIDTH, 230, TITLE, 'Buy <em>The Unreal Universe</em>',STICKY, 1, CLOSEBTN, true, CLICKCLOSE, true, FIX, [this, 5, 5])"><?php _e('Buy a book, <b>The Unreal Universe</b>', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?></em>, or
| 31 | <span style='text-decoration:underline' onmouseover="TagToTip('donate', WIDTH, 230, TITLE, 'Donation',STICKY, 1, CLOSEBTN, true, CLICKCLOSE, true, FIX, [this, 5, 5])"><?php _e('Make a donation', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?></span>.
| 32 | </div>
| 33 | </td>
| 34 | <td width="29%">
| 35 | <div style="background-color:#ccffff;padding:15px;border: solid 1px">
| 36 | <center>
| 37 | <big style="color:#a48;font-variant: small-caps;text-decoration:underline" onmouseover="TagToTip('unreal', WIDTH, 230, TITLE, 'Buy <em>The Unreal Universe</em>',STICKY, 1, CLOSEBTN, true, CLICKCLOSE, true, FIX, [this, 5, 5])"><b>The Unreal Universe</b></big><br />
| 38 | A Remarkable Book on<br />Physics and Philosophy<br />
| 39 | </center>
| 40 | </div>
| 41 | </td>
| 42 | </tr>
| 43 | </table>
| 44 |
| 45 | <form method="post" name="adsenser" action="<?php echo $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; ?>">
| 46 | <table class="form-table">
| 47 | <tr><th scope="row"><h3><?php printf(__('Options (for the %s theme)', 'easy-adsenser'), $mThemeName); ?> </h3></th></tr>
| 48 | </table>
| 49 |
| 50 | <table class="form-table" width="100%">
| 51 | <tr valign="top">
| 52 | <td width="400">
| 53 | <b><?php _e('Ad Blocks in Your Posts', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?></b><br />
| 54 | <?php _e('[Appears in your posts and pages]', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?><br />
| 55 | <textarea cols="50" rows="15" name="adsNowText" style="width: 96%; height: 240px;"><?php echo(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($adNwOptions['ad_text']))) ?></textarea>
| 56 | </td>
| 57 | <td>
| 58 | <center>
| 59 | <b><?php _e('Ad Alignment', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?></b>
| 60 | <b><?php _e('(Where to show?)', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?></b>
| 61 | </center>
| 62 | <table bgcolor="white" width="450">
| 63 | <tr align="center" valign="middle">
| 64 | <td> </td><td><?php _e('Align Left', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?> </td><td><?php _e('Center', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?> </td><td><?php _e('Align Right', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?> </td><td><?php _e('Suppress', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?></td></tr>
| 65 | <tr align="center" valign="middle">
| 66 | <td><?php _e('Top', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?></td>
| 67 | <td>
| 68 | <input type="radio" id="adsNowShowLeadin_left" name="adsNowShowLeadin" value="float:left" <?php if ($adNwOptions['show_leadin'] == "float:left") { echo('checked="checked"'); }?> />
| 69 | </td><td>
| 70 | <input type="radio" id="adsNowShowLeadin_center" name="adsNowShowLeadin" value="text-align:center" <?php if ($adNwOptions['show_leadin'] == "text-align:center") { echo('checked="checked"'); }?> />
| 71 | </td><td>
| 72 | <input type="radio" id="adsNowShowLeadin_right" name="adsNowShowLeadin" value="float:right" <?php if ($adNwOptions['show_leadin'] == "float:right") { echo('checked="checked"'); }?> />
| 73 | </td><td>
| 74 | <input type="radio" id="adsNowShowLeadin_no" name="adsNowShowLeadin" value="no" <?php if ($adNwOptions['show_leadin'] == "no") { echo('checked="checked"'); }?> />
| 75 | </td></tr>
| 76 | <tr align="center" valign="middle">
| 77 | <td><?php _e('Middle', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?></td>
| 78 | <td>
| 79 | <input type="radio" id="adsNowShowMidtext_left" name="adsNowShowMidtext" value="float:left" <?php if ($adNwOptions['show_midtext'] == "float:left") { echo('checked="checked"'); }?> />
| 80 | </td><td>
| 81 | <input type="radio" id="adsNowShowMidtext_center" name="adsNowShowMidtext" value="text-align:center" <?php if ($adNwOptions['show_midtext'] == "text-align:center") { echo('checked="checked"'); }?> />
| 82 | </td><td>
| 83 | <input type="radio" id="adsNowShowMidtext_right" name="adsNowShowMidtext" value="float:right" <?php if ($adNwOptions['show_midtext'] == "float:right") { echo('checked="checked"'); }?> />
| 84 | </td><td>
| 85 | <input type="radio" id="adsNowShowMidtext_no" name="adsNowShowMidtext" value="no" <?php if ($adNwOptions['show_midtext'] == "no") { echo('checked="checked"'); }?> />
| 86 | </td></tr>
| 87 | <tr align="center" valign="middle">
| 88 | <td><?php _e('Bottom', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?></td>
| 89 | <td>
| 90 | <input type="radio" id="adsNowShowLeadout_left" name="adsNowShowLeadout" value="float:left" <?php if ($adNwOptions['show_leadout'] == "float:left") { echo('checked="checked"'); }?> />
| 91 | </td><td>
| 92 | <input type="radio" id="adsNowShowLeadout_center" name="adsNowShowLeadout" value="text-align:center" <?php if ($adNwOptions['show_leadout'] == "text-align:center") { echo('checked="checked"'); }?> />
| 93 | </td><td>
| 94 | <input type="radio" id="adsNowShowLeadout_right" name="adsNowShowLeadout" value="float:right" <?php if ($adNwOptions['show_leadout'] == "float:right") { echo('checked="checked"'); }?> />
| 95 | </td><td>
| 96 | <input type="radio" id="adsNowShowLeadout_no" name="adsNowShowLeadout" value="no" <?php if ($adNwOptions['show_leadout'] == "no") { echo('checked="checked"'); }?> />
| 97 | </td>
| 98 | </tr>
| 99 | <tr><td colspan="5">
| 100 | <br style="line-height: 7px;" />
| 101 | <b><?php printf(__('Support %s by Donating Ad Space', 'easy-adsenser'), 'AdSense Now!') ; ?></b><br />
| 102 | <?php _e('Percentage of ad slots to share [Default: 5%]:', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?> <input style="width:20px;text-align:center;" id="adNwMC" name="adNwMC" value="<?php echo(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($adNwOptions['mc'])));?>" />%<br /><br style="line-height: 7px;" />
| 103 | <b><?php _e('Suppress AdSense Ad Blocks on:', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?></b>
| 104 | <input type="checkbox" id="adNwKillPages" name="adNwKillPages" value="true" <?php if ($adNwOptions['kill_pages']) { echo('checked="checked"'); }?> /> <a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Pages" target="_blank" title="<?php _e('Click to see the difference between posts and pages', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?>"><?php _e('Pages (Ads only on Posts)', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?></a><br />
| 105 | <label for="adNwKillAttach" title="<?php _e('Pages that show attachments', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?>">
| 106 | <input type="checkbox" id="adNwKillAttach" name="adNwKillAttach" <?php if ($adNwOptions['kill_attach']) { echo('checked="checked"'); }?> /> <?php _e('Attachment Page', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?></label>
| 107 | <label for="adNwKillHome" title="<?php _e('Home Page and Front Page are the same for most blogs', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?>">
| 108 | <input type="checkbox" id="adNwKillHome" name="adNwKillHome" <?php if ($adNwOptions['kill_home']) { echo('checked="checked"'); }?> /> <?php _e('Home Page', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?></label>
| 109 | <label for="adNwKillFront" title="<?php _e('Home Page and Front Page are the same for most blogs', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?>">
| 110 | <input type="checkbox" id="adNwKillFront" name="adNwKillFront" <?php if ($adNwOptions['kill_front']) { echo('checked="checked"'); }?> /> <?php _e('Front Page', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?></label>
| 111 | <br />
| 112 | <label for="adNwKillCat" title="<?php _e('Pages that come up when you click on category names', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?>">
| 113 | <input type="checkbox" id="adNwKillCat" name="adNwKillCat" <?php if ($adNwOptions['kill_cat']) { echo('checked="checked"'); }?> /> <?php _e('Category Pages', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?></label>
| 114 | <label for="adNwKillTag" title="<?php _e('Pages that come up when you click on tag names', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?>">
| 115 | <input type="checkbox" id="adNwKillTag" name="adNwKillTag" <?php if ($adNwOptions['kill_tag']) { echo('checked="checked"'); }?> /> <?php _e('Tag Pages', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?></label>
| 116 | <label for="adNwKillArchive" title="<?php _e('Pages that come up when you click on year/month archives', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?>">
| 117 | <input type="checkbox" id="adNwKillArchive" name="adNwKillArchive" <?php if ($adNwOptions['kill_archive']) { echo('checked="checked"'); }?> /> <?php _e('Archive Pages', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?></label>
| 118 | </td></tr>
| 119 | </table>
| 120 |
| 121 | </td>
| 122 | </tr>
| 123 | </table>
| 124 |
| 125 | <div class="submit">
| 126 | <input type="submit" name="update_adsNowSettings" value="<?php _e('Save Changes', 'easy-adsenser') ?>" title="<?php _e('Save the changes as specified above', 'easy-adsenser') ?>" onmouseover="Tip('<?php _e('Save the changes as specified above', 'easy-adsenser') ?>',WIDTH, 240, TITLE, 'Save Settings')" onmouseout="UnTip()"/>
| 127 | <input type="submit" name="reset_adsNowSettings" value="<?php _e('Reset Options', 'easy-adsenser') ?>" onmouseover="TagToTip('help3',WIDTH, 240, TITLE, 'DANGER!', BGCOLOR, '#ffcccc', FONTCOLOR, '#800000',BORDERCOLOR, '#c00000')" onmouseout="UnTip()"/>
| 128 | <input type="submit" name="clean_db" value="<?php _e('Clean Database', 'easy-adsenser') ?>" onmouseover="TagToTip('help4',WIDTH, 280, TITLE, 'DANGER!', BGCOLOR, '#ffcccc', FONTCOLOR, '#800000',BORDERCOLOR, '#c00000')" onmouseout="UnTip()"/>
| 129 | <input type="submit" name="kill_me" value="<?php _e('Uninstall', 'easy-adsenser') ?>" onmouseover="TagToTip('help5',WIDTH, 280, TITLE, 'DANGER!', BGCOLOR, '#ffcccc', FONTCOLOR, '#800000',BORDERCOLOR, '#c00000')" onmouseout="UnTip()"/>
| 130 | </div>
| 131 | </form>
| 132 |
| 133 | <span id="help0">
| 134 | 1.
| 135 | <?php
| 136 | _e('Generate AdSense code (from http://adsense.google.com → AdSense Setup → Get Ads).', 'easy-adsenser') ;
| 137 | ?>
| 138 | <br />
| 139 | 2.
| 140 | <?php
| 141 | _e('Cut and paste the AdSense code into the boxes below, deleting the existing text.', 'easy-adsenser') ;
| 142 | ?>
| 143 | <br />
| 144 | 3.
| 145 | <?php
| 146 | _e('Decide how to align and show the code in your blog posts.', 'easy-adsenser') ;
| 147 | ?>
| 148 | <br />
| 149 | <b>
| 150 | <?php
| 151 | _e('Save the options, and you are done!', 'easy-adsenser') ;
| 152 | ?>
| 153 | </b>
| 154 | </span>
| 155 |
| 156 | <span id="help1">
| 157 | <?php _e('If you want to suppress AdSense in a particular post or page, give the <b><em>comment </em></b> "<!--noadsense-->" somewhere in its text.
| 158 | <br />
| 159 | <br />
| 160 | Or, insert a <b><em>Custom Field</em></b> with a <b>key</b> "adsense" and give it a <b>value</b> "no".<br />
| 161 | <br />
| 162 | Other <b><em>Custom Fields</em></b> you can use to fine-tune how a post or page displays AdSense blocks:<br />
| 163 | <b>Keys</b>:<br />
| 164 | adsense-top,
| 165 | adsense-middle,
| 166 | adsense-bottom,
| 167 | adsense-widget,
| 168 | adsense-search<br />
| 169 | <b>Values</b>:<br />
| 170 | left,
| 171 | right,
| 172 | center,
| 173 | no', 'easy-adsenser') ;?>
| 174 | </span>
| 175 |
| 176 | <div id="share" style="padding:5px">
| 177 | <?php
| 178 | printf(__("Starting version %3.1f, <em>%s</em> has an ad space sharing option, if you would like to support its future development. It gives you an option to share a small fraction of your ad slots (default is 5%%) to show the author's ads. Use the option (in \"Support %s by Donating Ad Space\") below to change the value, or turn it off (by entering 0%%).", 'easy-adsenser'), 1.5, 'AdSense Now!', 'AdSense Now!') ;
| 179 | ?>
| 180 | </div>
| 181 |
| 182 | <span id="rate">
| 183 | <iframe src="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/adsense-now/faq/" width="1000px" height="750px">
| 184 | </iframe>
| 185 | </span>
| 186 |
| 187 | <span id="help3">
| 188 | <font color="red"><?php _e('This <b>Reset Options</b> button discards all your changes and loads the default options. This is your only warning!', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?></font><br />
| 189 | <b><?php _e('Discard all your changes and load defaults. (Are you quite sure?)', 'easy-adsenser') ?></b></span>
| 190 | <span id="help4">
| 191 | <font color="red"><?php _e('The <b>Database Cleanup</b> button discards all your AdSense settings you have saved so far for <b>all</b> the themes, including the current one. Use it only if you know that you won\'t be using these themes. Please be careful with all database operations -- keep a backup.', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?></font><br />
| 192 | <b><?php _e('Discard all your changes and load defaults. (Are you quite sure?)', 'easy-adsenser') ?></b></span>
| 193 | <span id="help5">
| 194 | <font color="red"><?php printf(__('The <b>Uninstall</b> button really kills %s after cleaning up all the options it wrote in your database. This is your only warning! Please be careful with all database operations -- keep a backup.', 'easy-adsenser'), '<em>AdSense Now!</em>') ; ?></font><br />
| 195 | <b><?php _e('Kill this plugin. (Are you quite sure?)', 'easy-adsenser') ?></b></span>
| 196 | <hr />
| 197 | <br />
| 198 |
| 199 | <table class="form-table" >
| 200 | <tr><td>
| 201 | <ul style="padding-left:10px;list-style-type:circle; list-style-position:inside;" >
| 202 | <li>
| 203 | <?php _e('Please report any problems. And share your thoughts and comments.', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?> <a href="http://wordpress.org/tags/easy-adsenser" title="<?php _e('Post it in the WordPress forum', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?>" target="_blank"><?php _e("[WordPress Forum]", 'easy-adsenser') ?> </a> <?php _e("Or", 'easy-adsenser') ?> <a href="#" title="<?php _e('Contact the plugin author through email', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?>" onclick="TagToTip('help7', WIDTH, 1000, TITLE, 'Contact Manoj',STICKY, 1, CLOSEBTN, true, FIX, [20,20])"><?php _e("[Email Author]", 'easy-adsenser') ?></a>
| 204 | <div id="help7">
| 205 | <iframe src="http://manoj.thulasidas.com/mail.shtml" width="1024px" height="1024px">
| 206 | </iframe>
| 207 | </div>
| 208 | </li>
| 209 | <li>
| 210 | <?php _e('Check out my other plugin efforts:', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?>
| 211 | <ul style="margin-left:0px; padding-left:30px;list-style-type:square; list-style-position:inside;" >
| 212 | <li>
| 213 | <a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/easy-adsenser/" target="_blank" title="<?php
| 214 | _e('A complete solution for everything AdSense releated.', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?>" > <b>Easy AdSenser</b></a>: <?php
| 215 | _e('If you feel that you need more features (sidebar widgets, link units, Google searchbox etc.), consider my all-in-one plugin', 'easy-adsenser') ;?>, <em>Easy AdSenser</em>.
| 216 | <table bgcolor="#EAF3FA">
| 217 | <tr>
| 218 | <td align="center" style="border-bottom-width: 0px;">
| 219 | <?php echo '<script type="text/javascript"><!--
| 220 | google_ad_client = "pub-1213643583738263";
| 221 | /* 234x60 adNwsense, created 11/25/08 */
| 222 | google_ad_slot = "8050392339";
| 223 | google_ad_width = 234;
| 224 | google_ad_height = 60;
| 225 | //-->
| 226 | </script>
| 227 | <script type="text/javascript"
| 228 | src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js">
| 229 | </script>' ?><br />
| 230 | <font size="-3"><a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/easy-adsenser/" target="_blank" title="The simplest way to put AdSense to work for you!">Easy AdSenser</a> by <a href="http://www.Thulasidas.com/" target="_blank" title="Unreal Blog proudly brings you Easy AdSenser">Unreal</a></font></td>
| 231 | </tr>
| 232 | </table>
| 233 | </li>
| 234 | <li>
| 235 | <a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/theme-tweaker/" target="_blank" title="Tweak your color scheme"><b>Theme Tweaker</b></a>: <?php _e('To modify the color scheme of your themes with no CSS/Stylesheet editing.', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?>
| 236 | </li>
| 237 | <li>
| 238 | <a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/easy-latex/" target="_blank" title="LaTeX in your posts"><b> Easy LaTeX</b></a>: <?php _e('To translate LaTeX formulas like this [math](a+b)^2 = a^2 + b^2 + 2ab[/math] into this:', 'easy-adsenser') ; ?> <br/><img src="http://l.wordpress.com/latex.php?latex=(a%2bb)^2%20=%20a^2%20%2b%20b^2%20%2b%202ab&bg=FFFFFF&s=1" style="vertical-align:-70%;" alt="(a+b)^2 = a^2 + b^2 + 2ab" />
| 239 | </li>
| 240 | </ul>
| 241 | </li>
| 242 | </ul>
| 243 | </td>
| 244 | </tr>
| 245 | </table>
| 246 |
| 247 | <table class="form-table" >
| 248 | <tr><th scope="row"><h3><?php _e('Credits', 'easy-adsenser'); ?></h3></th></tr>
| 249 | <tr><td>
| 250 | <ul style="padding-left:10px;list-style-type:circle; list-style-position:inside;" >
| 251 | <li>
| 252 | <?php printf(__('%s uses the excellent Javascript/DHTML tooltips by %s', 'easy-adsenser'), '<b>Adsense Now!</b>', '<a href="http://www.walterzorn.com" target="_blank" title="Javascript, DTML Tooltips"> Walter Zorn</a>.') ;
| 253 | ?>
| 254 | </li>
| 255 | </ul>
| 256 | </td>
| 257 | </tr>
| 258 | </table>
| 259 |
| 260 | <div id="unreal">
| 261 | <center>
| 262 | Of Life, Universe and Everything<br />
| 263 | <big><b><em>The Unreal Universe</em></b></big><br />
| 264 | Only $9.95 for the eBook version!
| 265 | </center>
| 266 | <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
| 267 | <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"/>
| 268 | <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="1216642"/>
| 269 | <center><input type="image" src="/img/btn_buynow_SM.gif" name="submit" title="The Unreal Universe eBook for only $9.95!" alt="[PayPal]"/></center>
| 270 | <img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_GB/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1"/>
| 271 | </form>
| 272 | <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="" width="100%">
| 273 | <tr>
| 274 | <td colspan="2" align="center"><a href="http://www.thulasidas.com/about/about-my-book" target="_blank">Want to know more?</a></td></tr><tr><td>
| 275 | <small>
| 276 | Pages: 292<br />
| 277 | (282 in eBook)<br />
| 278 | Trimsize: 6" x 9" <br />
| 279 | Illustrations: 34<br />
| 280 | (9 in color in eBook)<br />
| 281 | Tables: 8 <br />
| 282 | Bibliography: Yes<br />
| 283 | Index: Yes<br />
| 284 | ISBN: 9789810575946
| 285 | </small>
| 286 | </td>
| 287 | <td align="right"><a href="http://www.thulasidas.com/buy"><img class="alignright" src="http://www.thulasidas.com/img/unreal.gif" alt="TheUnrealUniverse" title="Check out the beuatifully printed paperback!" /></a></td>
| 288 | </tr>
| 289 | </table>
| 290 | </div>
| 291 |
| 292 | <div id="donate">
| 293 | <?php _e('If you find yourself making a lot of money using this plugin, consider making a donation.', 'easy-adsener'); ?>
| 294 | <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
| 295 | <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"/>
| 296 | <center><input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_SM.gif" name="submit" alt="Support my plugin efforts"/></center>
| 297 | <img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1"/>
| 299 | "/></form>
| 300 | </div>
| 301 |
| 302 | </div>