1 | === Lexi ===
2 | Contributors: sebaxtian
3 | Tags: rss
4 | Requires at least: 2.4
5 | Tested up to: 2.7.1
6 | Stable tag: 0.7.95
7 |
8 | An RSS reader that can be placed in pages, posts and sidebar, using ajax to show contents after the site has been loaded.
9 |
10 | == Description ==
11 |
12 | Sometimes an RSS feed has a low bandwidth and during the page creation Wordpress has to wait after those RSS feeds has been downloaded. This plugin allow the site to read the RSS _after_ the page was created, not _during_ the process.
13 |
14 | To modify or delete the list of RSS feeds go to Tools -> Lexi.
15 |
16 | You can add the Lexi widget to show the list, but you can also use the tag `[lexi]` in a page, or the function `lexi()` in a template.
17 |
18 | To show just one item from the list, use `[lexi:id]` or `lexi(id)`.
19 |
20 | To show a Feed that hasn't been declared in the list, use `[lexi: configuration, rss, title, max_items]` or `lexiRSS($configuration, $rss, $title, $max_items)`. The configuration number can be calculated as follow:
21 |
22 | Add 1 if you want to save it in cache.
23 | Add 2 if you want to show the contents.
24 | Add 4 if you want to show the title.
25 | Add 8 if you want to open it in a new page.
26 |
27 | If you want to use the title given by the RSS, use `[lexi: configuration, rss, max_items]` or `lexiRSS($configuration, $rss, false, $max_items)`.
28 |
29 | There is a button in the RichText editor created by the plugin to add a Feed.
30 |
31 | This plugin requires __[minimax](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/minimax/ "A minimal Ajax library")__ in order to work.
32 |
33 | Lexi detects if your site has the __[SimplePie](http://simplepie.org/ "SimplePie: Super-fast, easy-to-use, RSS and Atom feed parsing in PHP.")__ library enabled. Since Wordpress 2.8 comes with it by default you don't need to activate anithing, but in earlier versions you have to install the __[SimplePieCore Plugin](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/simplepie-core/ "Does little else but load the core SimplePie API library for any extension that wants to utilize it.")__ to use it instead MagpieRSS. I recomend to use SimplePie. Remember to uninstall SimplePieCore if you are using Worpress 2.8 or any latter version.
34 |
35 | Screenshots are in spanish because it's my native language. As you should know yet I __spe'k__ english, and the plugin use it by default.
36 |
37 | == Installation ==
38 |
39 | 1. Install __[minimax](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/minimax/ "A minimal Ajax library")__.
40 | 2. Decompress lexi.zip and upload `/lexi/` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
41 | 3. Activate the plugin through the __Plugins__ menu in WordPress
42 | 4. Add the Lexi widget into your side bar, or add [lexi] into your posts, or use `lexi()` into your templates.
43 | 5. Use Tools -> Lexi to add, modify or delete your RSS feeds list.
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45 | == Frequently Asked Questions ==
46 |
47 | = Other RSS reader! How do you dare? =
48 |
49 | My page (I don't know if yours too) use to get blocked reading some RSS feeds. I created Lexi to read the RSS _after_ the page was created, not during the process.
50 |
51 | = Lexi shows strange characters with some feeds =
52 |
53 | Lexi encodes the feed list in UTF-8. If your site uses another character encoding you can change `wp-content/plugins/lexi/lexi.php`, but I suggest you to use UTF-8.
54 | If your site is in UTF-8, uses WP 2.7.x or an older release, and the problem persists, install __[SimplePieCore Plugin](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/simplepie-core/ "Does little else but load the core SimplePie API library for any extension that wants to utilize it.")__.
55 |
56 | = There is a cached RSS that doesn't show anything =
57 |
58 | Yes, I noticed too. It happens with some feeds the first time they are readed, but ten minutes later they work! I think the problem is in `fetch_rss($url)`, the WordPress function Lexi uses to save cached Feeds. I'll try to fix it in a future version.
59 |
60 | = It says something about a write problem in cache =
61 |
62 | Sure you are using SimplePie. Check you have write permission in `wp-content/plugins/lexi/cache`.
63 |
64 | = It say something about minimax. What's this? =
65 |
66 | This plugin requires __[minimax](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/minimax/ "A minimal Ajax library")__ in order to work.
67 |
68 | == Screenshots ==
69 |
70 | 1. Feeds administrator.
71 | 2. Feed editor.
72 | 3. Lexi widget.
73 | 4. Box to add a Lexi feed.
74 | 5. Box to add an RSS feed.