1 | ***********************************************************************
2 | What is minimax?
3 |
4 | It's a minimal Ajax library. You can read files in the same
5 | domain but it cannot read from other domains or in a page in a computer
6 | reading from a file in the same computer, it has to run in a Webserver.
7 |
8 | ***********************************************************************
9 | How to use minimax?
10 |
11 | First you need to declare minimax.js, and it has to be in the same server
12 | where the page is. Second, you have to declare the instance of minimax
13 |
14 | var minimax = new minimax('url', 'div');
15 |
16 | where URL is the URL where we are going to get the contents, and 'div' is
17 | the id for the div where we are going to put the results. You can set 'div'
18 | as false so it wouldn't put the text in the page, but even then you can get
19 | the result.
20 |
21 | Second, sometimes we can get data asyncronously, sometimes not. If you have to
22 | get those data syncronosuly we should create a semaphore. Create a hidden input
23 | and declare the semaphore for each instance that would use it.
24 |
25 | <script>
26 | var mx = new minimax('url', 'div');
27 | </script>
28 | <input type='hidden' id='semaphore' />
29 | <script>
30 | mx.setSemaphore('semaphore');
31 | </script>
32 |
33 | The input container has to be declared befor we create the semaphore in the
34 | minimax instance.
35 |
36 | Third, if you want a trobbler (something to be show while geting data) you can
37 | declare it like two states from the same div. You need to know CSS, sorry.
38 |
39 | mx.setTrobbler('trobbler_div', 'class_on', 'class_off');
40 |
41 | where 'trobbler' is the id of the div, 'class_on' and 'class_off' are the
42 | classes to switch when start the to read data (on) and stop reading data (off).
43 |
44 | <style>
45 | div#trobbler {
46 | //any css data
47 | }
48 | div.on#trobbler {
49 | visibility : visible;
50 | }
51 |
52 | div.off#trobbler {
53 | visibility : hidden;
54 | }
55 | </style>
56 | <input type='hidden' id='semaphore' />
57 | <div id='trobbler' class='off'>Reading...</div>
58 | <div id='mx_data'>Loading...</div>
59 | <script>
60 | var mx = new minimax('url', 'mx_data');
61 | mx.setTrobbler('trobbler', 'on', 'off');
62 | </script>
63 |
64 | And to get data you can use post('post') or get().
65 |
66 | <div id='mx_data'>Loading...</div>
67 | <script>
68 | var mx = new minimax('url', 'mx_data');
69 | mx.post('data1=1&data2=2');
70 | </script>
71 |
72 | The contest of <div id='mx_data'> would change, using the result from the url.
73 |
74 | If you want to get the data in a variable, insted of write it in the div, you can
75 | use the variable xhr of the instance.
76 |
77 | <script>
78 | var mx = new minimax('url', false); //false div, so, don't write
79 | mx.get();
80 | mx.xhr.onload = function() { //when there is an answer
81 | var xml = mx.xhr.responseXML;
82 | var text = mx.xhr.responseText;
83 | }
84 | </script>
85 |
86 | And if you want to change the div (or span) where the text would go, you can
87 | use setDiv()
88 |
89 | <span id='new-span'>Old-text</span>
90 | <script>
91 | var mx = new minimax('url', false); //false div, so, don't write
92 | mx.setDiv('new-span');
93 | mx.get();
94 | </script>
95 |
96 | ***********************************************************************
97 | Contact
98 |
99 | Ideas? Comments?
100 | email me: sebaxtian at gawab dot com
101 | www.sebaxtian.com