Edit list filter #

get_list($list); if(!$result) { echo "

Unexpected error: could not find output format #$list

\n"; } else { // setup stuff $lname = bdpDisplayCode($result->{$bdprss_db->lname}); $llistall = $result->{$bdprss_db->llistall}; $lurls = $result->{$bdprss_db->lurls}; $ids = preg_split("','", $lurls, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); //for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($ids); $i++) echo "DEBUG '$ids[$i]'\n"; /* DEBUG */ ?>

About this list

List ID:
Name of list filter:
(Only used for list management)
Disable filter (List all sites): > (If checked, the filter will not filter and all items are displayed)

Manage the sites

get_all_sites(); if($result) { echo "". "\n"; $class = ''; foreach($result as $r) { $id = $r->{$bdprss_db->cidentifier}; $url = $r->{$bdprss_db->cfeedurl}; $site = $r->{$bdprss_db->csitename}; $updated = PBALIB::gettheage( $r->{$bdprss_db->cupdatetime} ); $name = ($site == '') ? $url : ""."$site"; $class = ('alternate' == $class) ? '' : 'alternate'; echo "\n"; echo "\t\n"; echo "\t\n"; echo "\t\n"; echo "\t\n"; echo "\n"; } } ?>
CheckIDFeedCache Last Updated

And hit the edit button to complete