1 | <?php
2 |
3 | if( !class_exists('BDPRSS_DB') ) {
4 |
5 | class BDPRSS_DB
6 | {
7 | var $sitetable;
8 | var $cfeedurl, $csitename, $cdescription, $csiteurl, $clastpolltime, $curlindex,
9 | $cnextpolltime, $cgmtadjust, $cupdatetime, /*$ctimeindex,*/ $cidentifier,
10 | $csitenameoverride, $cpollingfreqmins;
11 |
12 | var $itemtable;
13 | var $iidentifier, $ifeedurl, $iitemname, $iitemtext, /*$iitemnum,*/ $iitemurl, $iitemtime,
14 | /*$ifeedindex,*/ /*$itimeindex,*/ /*$updateindex*/ $iitemdate;
15 |
16 | var $pbaoutputtable;
17 | var $pbaoidentifier, $pbaoname, $pbaopage2hookin,
18 | $pbaodefaultlist, $pbaomaxitems, $pbaoformattype,
19 | $pbaotemplate_ticker, $pbaoappend_extra_link, $pbaoappend_cache_link, $pbaoadd_social_bookmarks,
20 | $pbaosidebarwidget,
21 | $pbaomaxlength, $pbaomaxwordlength, $pbaoitem_date_format, $pbaoallowablexhtmltags,
22 | $pbaoiscachable, $otemplate_cache, $pbaocacheviewpage,
23 | $pba_channel_rssgenerationallowed,
24 | $pba_channel_title, $pba_channel_link,
25 | $pba_channel_description, $pba_channel_language, $pba_channel_copyright,
26 | $otemplate_kalender, $oarchive_date_format,
27 | $okalendermonthslist, $okalenderboxtablecaption, $okalender_last, $okalender_next,
28 | $okalenderboxdaysofweeklist, $pbao_superparameter;
29 |
30 | var $listtable;
31 | var $lidentifier, $lname, $lurls, $llistall;
32 |
33 | var $errortable;
34 | var $eidentifier, $efeedurl, $etime, $etext /* , $efeedindex */;
35 |
36 | var $mtablestatus;
37 | var $memtable, $mdatetime, $mstatus, $mnotice;
38 |
39 | var $now;
40 | var $bdprss_prevent_dupe_updates;
41 |
42 | var $memtablesok, $memtables_were_ok, $serverstatus;
43 |
44 | function BDPRSS_DB()
45 | {
46 | /* BDPRSS_DB() - initialisition function that sets constant names for later use */
47 |
48 | global $wpdb, $table_prefix;
49 |
50 | $this->now = time();
51 | $this->bdprss_prevent_dupe_updates=array();
52 |
53 | // --- site-table
54 | $this->sitetable = $table_prefix.'pba_sites';
55 | $this->cidentifier = 'identifier'; // primary key
56 | $this->cfeedurl = 'feed_url'; // indexed
57 | $this->csitename = 'site_name';
58 | $this->csitenameoverride = 'site_name_overriden'; // manual override for site feed names
59 | $this->cdescription = 'description';
60 | $this->csitelicense = 'site_license';
61 | $this->csiteurl = 'site_url';
62 | $this->clastpolltime = 'last_poll_time'; // time last polled
63 | $this->cnextpolltime = 'next_poll_time'; // next scheduked poll
64 | $this->cpollingfreqmins = 'polling_freq_in_mins'; // adjustable polling frequency
65 | $this->cupdatetime = 'site_update_time'; // time last updated
66 | $this->cgmtadjust = 'gmt_adjustment'; // GMT adjustment to pubDate
67 |
68 | // --- item-table
69 | $this->itemtable = $table_prefix."pba_items";
70 | $this->iidentifier = "identifier"; // primary key
71 | $this->ifeedurl = "item_feed_url"; // ( combined unique key
72 | $this->iitemurl = "item_url"; // ( combined unique key
73 | $this->iitemname = "item_name";
74 | $this->iitemsitename = "item_site_name";
75 | $this->iitemsiteurl = "item_site_url";
76 | $this->iitemlicense = "item_license";
77 | $this->iitemtext = "text_body";
78 | $this->iitemtime = "item_time"; // item pubDate time
79 | $this->iitemdate = "item_date"; // item date
80 | $this->iitemupdate = "item_update_time"; // item last updated time -- for debugging
81 |
82 | //pba options table
83 | $this->optionstable = $table_prefix."pba_options";
84 |
85 | // --- pbaoutputtable
86 | $this->pbaoutputtable = $table_prefix."pba_outputs";
87 |
88 | //management
89 | $this->pbaoidentifier = "identifier"; // primary key
90 | $this->pbaoname = "name"; // a useful handle
91 | $this->pbaopage2hookin = "page2hookin"; //wp page to hook output in
92 |
93 | //item selection
94 | $this->pbaodefaultlist = "default_list"; // default list filter
95 | $this->pbaomaxitems = "items_per_site"; //
96 | $this->pbaoformattype = "type"; // type of list:
97 |
98 | //ticker page formatting
99 | $this->pbaotemplate_ticker = "template_ticker";
100 |
101 | $this->pbaoappend_extra_link = "append_extra_link";
102 | $this->pbaoappend_cache_link = "append_cache_link";
103 | $this->pbaoadd_social_bookmarks = "add_social_bookmarks";
104 |
105 | $this->pbaosidebarwidget = "template_sidebarwidget";
106 |
107 | //item formatting
108 |
109 | $this->pbaomaxlength = "max_words_in_synposis";// 0 = no limit
110 | $this->pbaomaxwordlength = "max_word_length"; //
111 | $this->pbaoitem_date_format = "item_date_format"; //
112 | $this->pbaoallowablexhtmltags= "allowable_xhtml_tags"; //
113 |
114 | //cache
115 | $this->pbaoiscachable = "enable_caching";
116 | $this->otemplate_cache = "template_cache";
117 | $this->pbaocacheviewpage = "cache_view_page";
118 |
119 | //feed
120 | $this->pba_channel_rssgenerationallowed = "channel_rssgenerationallowed";
121 | $this->pba_channel_title = "channel_title";
122 | $this->pba_channel_link = "channel_link";
123 | $this->pba_channel_description = "channel_description";
124 | $this->pba_channel_language = "channel_language";
125 | $this->pba_channel_copyright = "channel_copyright";
126 |
127 | //kalender
128 | $this->otemplate_kalender = "template_kalender";
129 | $this->oarchive_date_format = "archive_date_format";
130 | $this->okalendermonthslist = "kalendermonthslist";
131 | $this->okalenderboxtablecaption = "kalenderboxtablecaption";
132 | $this->okalender_last = "kalender_last";
133 | $this->okalender_next = "kalender_next";
134 | $this->okalenderboxdaysofweeklist = "kalenderboxdaysofweeklist";
135 | $this->pbao_superparameter = "superparameter";
136 |
137 | // --- list-table
138 | $this->listtable = $table_prefix."pba_lists";
139 |
140 | $this->lidentifier = "identifier"; // primary key
141 | $this->lname = "name"; // a useful handle
142 | $this->lurls = "url_list"; // comma separate list
143 | $this->llistall = "list_all"; // list all url ids
144 |
145 | // --- error-table
146 | $this->errortable = $table_prefix.'pba_errors';
147 |
148 | $this->eidentifier = 'identifier';
149 | $this->efeedurl = 'feed_url';
150 | $this->etime = 'when_it_happened';
151 | $this->etext = 'error_text';
152 |
153 | // --- memory status table
154 | $this->mtablestatus = $table_prefix.'pba_m_tablestatus';
155 | $this->memtable = 'memtable';
156 | $this->mdatetime = 'datetime';
157 | $this->mstatus = 'status';
158 | $this->mnotice = 'notice';
159 |
160 | // --- site table in memory - probably obsolete - it is a small table and has to be a copy of sitetable on disk
161 | $this->msitetable = $table_prefix.'pba_m_sites';
162 | $this->midentifier = 'identifier'; // primary key
163 | $this->mfeedurl = 'feed_url'; // indexed
164 | $this->msitename = 'site_name';
165 | $this->msitenameoverride = 'site_name_overriden'; // manual override for site feed names
166 | $this->mdescription = 'description';
167 | $this->msitelicense = 'site_license';
168 | $this->msiteurl = 'site_url';
169 | $this->mlastpolltime = 'last_poll_time'; // time last polled
170 | $this->mnextpolltime = 'next_poll_time'; // next scheduked poll
171 | $this->mpollingfreqmins = 'polling_freq_in_mins'; // adjustable polling frequency
172 | $this->mupdatetime = 'site_update_time'; // time last updated
173 | $this->mgmtadjust = 'gmt_adjustment'; // GMT adjustment to pubDate
174 |
175 | // --- index item table in memory
176 | $this->mitemtable = $table_prefix.'pba_m_items';
177 | $this->miid = 'identifier'; // primary key
178 | $this->misiteid = 'site_id'; // / index
179 | $this->miitemtime = 'item_time'; // | index
180 | $this->miitemdate = 'item_date'; // \ index
181 |
182 | //initialize values to check serverstatus at class construction
183 | $this->serverstatus=array();
184 | $this->memtables_were_ok = 1;
185 | //debug begin
186 | //$this->create();
187 | //$this->prefill_table($this->pbaoutputtable);
188 | //debug end
189 | $this->memtablesok=$this->get_memtable_status($this->serverstatus);
190 | if($this->memtablesok == 0){
191 | $this->memtables_were_ok = 0;
192 | $this->create();
193 | $this->prefill_memtables();
194 | $this->memtablesok=$this->get_memtable_status($this->serverstatus);
195 | }
196 | $this->highserverload=false;
197 | if(isset($this->serverstatus['highloadthreshold']['notice']) && isset($this->serverstatus['pbaload']['notice'])){
198 | if($this->serverstatus['highloadthreshold']['notice'] < $this->serverstatus['pbaload']['notice']) $this->highserverload=true;
199 | }
200 | } // function BDPRSS_DB
201 |
202 | /* --- create --- */
203 | function jobaction($injobname="", $action="insert"){
204 | //what parameter to take here?
205 | //1. if injobname!="" we limit the processed jobs by parameter injobname
206 |
207 | //what to do here with the result?
208 | //1. action="insert" - we INSERT IGNORE new waiting jobs without replacing jobs and try to restore backup from optionstable before
209 | //2. action="kill" - we REPLACE a job/all jobs to become waiting
210 | //3. action="start" - we REPLACE a job to become running
211 |
212 | global $wpdb;
213 |
214 | $injobname=preg_replace('/[^a-zA_Z0-9_-]/','',$injobname);
215 |
216 | //uploading jobs from options table to memtable we will just do on startup
217 | if($action=="insert"){
218 | $sql="INSERT IGNORE into $this->mtablestatus ( memtable , datetime , status , notice )
219 | SELECT name as memtable, last_change as datetime, concat(type, value) as status,
220 | notice as notice FROM $this->optionstable WHERE type = 'job'";
221 | if($injobname != "") $sql .= " AND name = '".$injobname."'";
222 | $result=$wpdb->query($sql);
223 | }
224 |
225 | $sql="SELECT name, value FROM $this->optionstable WHERE type = 'jobdefinition' ";
226 | if($injobname != "") $sql .= " AND name = '".$injobname."_jobdefinition'";
227 | $raw_job_defintions=$wpdb->get_results($sql);
228 |
229 | if(!$raw_job_defintions) return false;
230 |
231 | //build up an array with jobs
232 | foreach($raw_job_defintions as $gotrow => $raw_job_defintion){
233 | $jobname=str_replace('_jobdefinition','',$raw_job_defintion->name);
234 | $valuepairs=explode(',',$raw_job_defintion->value); //a value of a raw_job_defintion to explode looks like: startpoint=a10,\r\nmaxexecutiontime=1000
235 | foreach($valuepairs as $valuenumber => $valuepair){
236 | $rawvalues=explode('=',$valuepair); // a valuepair to explode looks like \r\nmaxexecutiontime=1000\r\n
237 | $jobrow[$jobname][trim($rawvalues[0])]=trim($rawvalues[1]);
238 | }
239 | //fine - we have got parsed a jobdefinition - so let us now build the values for the job row to insert into db
240 | if(!isset($jobrow[$jobname]['startpoint'])){
241 | $jobrow[$jobname]['startpoint']='a10';
242 | }else{
243 | if(substr($jobrow[$jobname]['startpoint'],0,1)=='a'){
244 | $jobrow[$jobname]['nextstarttimestamp']=time() + abs(intval(substr($jobrow[$jobname]['startpoint'],1)));
245 | }elseif(substr($jobrow[$jobname]['startpoint'],0,1)=='d'){
246 | //we need to find out the timepoint of next start, we have pairs like startpoint=d00-03:00h
247 | //how can we specify, that a job shall be run each hour or each minute?
248 | //we need in the config a cron like syntax with placeholders?
249 | $daytmp=substr($jobrow[$jobname]['startpoint'],1,2);
250 | $shour=substr($jobrow[$jobname]['startpoint'],4,2);
251 | $sminute=substr($jobrow[$jobname]['startpoint'],7,2);
252 | //compare the time
253 | $later = 0;
254 | if((date("H") . date("i")) >= ($shour . $sminute)) $later = 1;
255 | if(intval($daytmp) == 0) {
256 | $sday = date("d") + $later;
257 | $smonth = date("m");
258 | }else{
259 | $nextmonth = 0;
260 | if((date("d") . date("H") . date("i")) >= ($daytmp . $shour . $sminute)) $nextmonth = 1;
261 | $sday = $daytmp;
262 | $smonth = date("m") + $nextmonth;
263 | }
264 | $jobrow[$jobname]['nextstarttimestamp'] = mktime($shour, $sminute, 0, $smonth, $sday, date("Y"));
265 | }//end if startpoint 0,1 ==
266 | $jobrow[$jobname]['nextstart']=date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $jobrow[$jobname]['nextstarttimestamp']);
267 | if(!isset($jobrow[$jobname]['maxexecutiontime']))$jobrow[$jobname]['maxexecutiontime'] = 10;
268 | $jobrow[$jobname]['killtimestamp']= time() + $jobrow[$jobname]['maxexecutiontime'];
269 | $jobrow[$jobname]['killtime']=date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $jobrow[$jobname]['killtimestamp']);
270 | }//end if isset startpoint
271 |
272 | //we have now the values for this jobdefinition
273 | $insert="REPLACE";
274 | if($action=="insert"){
275 | $insert="INSERT IGNORE";
276 | }
277 | $sqlbase=$insert . " INTO $this->mtablestatus ( memtable , datetime , status , notice ) VALUES ";
278 | $sqlvalues =" ( '".$jobname."', '".$jobrow[$jobname]['nextstart']."', 'jobwaiting', 'Created at: ".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."')";
279 | if($action=="start") $sqlvalues ="( '".$jobname."', '".$jobrow[$jobname]['killtime']."', 'jobrunning', 'Started at: ".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."')";
280 | $result=$wpdb->query($sqlbase . $sqlvalues);
281 | //echo "sql was: " . $sqlbase . $sqlvalues;
282 |
283 | //the optionstable shall be just read when memtables are crashed to reconstruct memtables,anyway we have to write
284 | $sqlbase=$insert . " INTO $this->optionstable ( name , last_change , type , value , notice ) VALUES ";
285 | $sqlvalues =" ( '".$jobname."', '".$jobrow[$jobname]['nextstart']."', 'job', 'waiting', 'Created at: ".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."')";
286 | if($action=="start") $sqlvalues = " ( '".$jobname."', '".$jobrow[$jobname]['killtime']."', 'job', 'running', 'Started at: ".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."')";
287 | $result=$wpdb->query($sqlbase . $sqlvalues);
288 | //echo "Query was: " . $sqlbase . $sqlvalues;
289 |
290 | }// end foreach raw job definitions
291 | //print_r($jobrow);
292 | return $jobrow;
293 | }
294 |
295 | function change_jobstatus($jobname, $newstatus){
296 | global $wpdb;
297 |
298 | $jobname=preg_replace('/[^a-zA_Z0-9_-]/','',$jobname);
299 | $killtime=date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time()+10);
300 | $sql="REPLACE INTO $this->mtablestatus ( memtable , datetime , status , notice ) VALUES ";
301 | $sql .=" ( '".$jobname."', '".$killtime."', 'job".$newstatus."', 'Advertized at: ".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."')";
302 | $result=$wpdb->query($sql);
303 |
304 | return $result;
305 | }
306 |
307 | function table_exists($tablename)
308 | {
309 | global $wpdb;
310 | return ($wpdb->get_var("show tables like '$tablename'") == $tablename);
311 | }
312 |
313 |
314 | function create($try_memtable_creation=true)
315 | {
316 | /* create() - create the database tables if they do not already exist */
317 |
318 | global $wpdb;
319 |
320 | $blog_name=get_option('blogname');
321 |
322 | $engine="MYISAM";
323 | $btree="";
324 | if($try_memtable_creation) $engine="memory";
325 | if($try_memtable_creation) $btree =" USING BTREE ";
326 |
327 | if(!$this->table_exists($this->optionstable)){
328 | $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $this->optionstable (
329 | id INT( 5 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY COMMENT 'an autoincrement id',
330 | name VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL COMMENT 'a unique name for the option',
331 | last_change TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT 'Just automatic timestamp of last update',
332 | type VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL COMMENT 'array, string, bool etc',
333 | value TEXT NOT NULL COMMENT 'Binary safe value of the pba option',
334 | notice TEXT NOT NULL COMMENT 'A notice for the option',
335 | UNIQUE ( name )
336 | ) ENGINE = MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci COMMENT = 'globals options for pba'";
337 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
338 | $this->prefill_table($this->optionstable);
339 | }
340 |
341 | if(!$this->table_exists($this->pbaoutputtable)){
342 | $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $this->pbaoutputtable (
343 | identifier int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
344 | name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '-',
345 | page2hookin int(11) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT 'The wordpress page to hook in this output',
346 | default_list int(11) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT 'The Default List Filter for the Output format',
347 | items_per_site int(4) NOT NULL default '10',
348 | type enum('countrecentitem','daterecentitem','sitealpha','siteupdate') NOT NULL default 'countrecentitem',
349 | template_ticker text COMMENT 'template for ticker',
350 | append_extra_link enum('Y','N') NOT NULL default 'Y',
351 | append_cache_link enum('Y','N') NOT NULL default 'Y',
352 | add_social_bookmarks enum('Y','N') NOT NULL default 'Y',
353 | template_sidebarwidget text COMMENT 'template for sidebar widgets',
354 | max_words_in_synposis int(4) NOT NULL default '10',
355 | max_word_length int(4) NOT NULL default '35',
356 | item_date_format varchar(30) default 'd.m.Y \\\u\\\m H:i\\\h',
357 | allowable_xhtml_tags varchar(150) default '',
358 | enable_caching enum('Y','N') NOT NULL default 'Y',
359 | template_cache text NOT NULL COMMENT 'template for the cache page',
360 | cache_view_page varchar(200) default NULL,
361 | channel_title varchar(100) default 'Feedmix von ".$blog_name."',
362 | channel_link varchar(100) default '',
363 | channel_description varchar(200) default 'Feedmix generiert mit dem Parteibuch Aggregator)',
364 | channel_language varchar(10) default 'de',
365 | channel_copyright varchar(100) default 'Verschiedene (Details Siehe Autorenlinks)',
366 | template_kalender text NOT NULL,
367 | archive_date_format varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'Y-m-d',
368 | kalendermonthslist varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'Januar, Februar, März, April, Mai, Juni, Juli, August, September, Oktober, November, Dezember',
369 | kalenderboxtablecaption varchar(255) NOT NULL default ' id=\"kalendertable\"',
370 | kalender_last varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'Früher',
371 | kalender_next varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'Später',
372 | kalenderboxdaysofweeklist varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag',
373 | superparameter text NOT NULL COMMENT 'free style paras',
374 | PRIMARY KEY (identifier)
376 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
377 | $this->prefill_table($this->pbaoutputtable);
378 | }
379 |
380 | if(!$this->table_exists($this->listtable)){
381 | $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $this->listtable (".
382 | // about the list
383 | "$this->lidentifier int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, " .
384 | "$this->lname varchar(255) NOT NULL default '-', ".
385 | "$this->lurls text, ".
386 | "$this->llistall enum('Y','N') NOT NULL default 'N', " .
387 | "PRIMARY KEY ($this->lidentifier) ) CHARSET=latin1";
388 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
389 | $this->prefill_table($this->listtable);
390 | }
391 |
392 | $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $this->errortable (".
393 | /* changed */ "$this->eidentifier int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, ".
394 | "$this->efeedurl varchar(240) NOT NULL, ".
395 | "$this->etime int(15) NOT NULL, ".
396 | "$this->etext text NOT NULL, ".
397 | "PRIMARY KEY ($this->eidentifier), ".
398 | /* changed */ "INDEX ($this->efeedurl) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci ";
399 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
400 |
401 | if(!$this->table_exists($this->sitetable)){
402 | $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $this->sitetable (".
403 | "$this->cidentifier int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, " .
404 | "$this->cfeedurl varchar(240) NOT NULL, ".
405 | "$this->csitename varchar(255), ".
406 | "$this->csitenameoverride enum('Y','N') NOT NULL default 'N', " .
407 | "$this->cdescription varchar(255), ".
408 | "$this->csitelicense varchar(255), ".
409 | "$this->csiteurl varchar(255), ".
410 | "$this->clastpolltime int(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, " .
411 | "$this->cnextpolltime int(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, " .
412 | "$this->cupdatetime int(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, " .
413 | "$this->cgmtadjust float(4,1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0, ".
414 | "$this->cpollingfreqmins int(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ".
415 | "PRIMARY KEY ($this->cidentifier), ".
416 | "UNIQUE KEY ($this->cfeedurl), ".
417 | "INDEX ($this->clastpolltime) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci ";
418 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
419 | $this->prefill_table($this->sitetable);
420 | }
421 |
422 | $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $this->itemtable (".
423 | "$this->iidentifier int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, ".
424 | "$this->ifeedurl varchar(240) NOT NULL, ".
425 | "$this->iitemurl varchar(255) NOT NULL, ".
426 | "$this->iitemname varchar(255) NOT NULL, ".
427 | "$this->iitemsitename varchar(255) NOT NULL, ".
428 | "$this->iitemsiteurl varchar(255) NOT NULL, ".
429 | "$this->iitemlicense varchar(255) NOT NULL, ".
430 | "$this->iitemtext text NOT NULL, ".
431 | "$this->iitemtime int(15) NOT NULL, ".
432 | "$this->iitemdate date NOT NULL, ".
433 | "$this->iitemupdate int(15) NOT NULL, ".
434 | "PRIMARY KEY ($this->iidentifier), " .
435 | "UNIQUE KEY ($this->ifeedurl (200), $this->iitemurl (100)), ".
436 | "INDEX ($this->iitemdate), ".
437 | "INDEX ($this->ifeedurl), ".
438 | "INDEX ($this->iitemtime) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci ";
439 | //echo $sql;
440 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
441 |
442 | $sql= "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $this->mtablestatus (
443 | $this->memtable CHAR( 60 ) NOT NULL ,
444 | $this->mdatetime DATETIME,
445 | $this->mstatus CHAR( 10 ) NOT NULL ,
446 | $this->mnotice CHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,
447 | PRIMARY KEY ( $this->memtable )
448 | ) ENGINE = " . $engine . " DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci ";
449 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
450 |
451 | $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $this->msitetable (".
452 | "$this->midentifier int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, " .
453 | "$this->mfeedurl varchar(240) NOT NULL, ".
454 | "$this->msitename varchar(255), ".
455 | "$this->msitenameoverride enum('Y','N') NOT NULL default 'N', " .
456 | "$this->mdescription varchar(255), ".
457 | "$this->msitelicense varchar(255), ".
458 | "$this->msiteurl varchar(255), ".
459 | "$this->mlastpolltime int(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, " .
460 | "$this->mnextpolltime int(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, " .
461 | "$this->mupdatetime int(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, " .
462 | "$this->mgmtadjust float(4,1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0, ".
463 | "$this->mpollingfreqmins int(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ".
464 | "PRIMARY KEY " . $btree . " ($this->midentifier), ".
465 | "UNIQUE KEY ($this->mfeedurl), ".
466 | "INDEX " . $btree . " ($this->mlastpolltime) ) ENGINE = " . $engine . " DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci ";
467 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
468 |
469 | $sql= "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $this->mitemtable (
470 | $this->miid mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL,
471 | $this->misiteid smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
472 | $this->miitemtime int(15) NOT NULL,
473 | $this->miitemdate date NOT NULL,
474 | PRIMARY KEY ($this->miid),
475 | KEY `Memory_index` " . $btree . " ($this->misiteid,$this->miitemtime),
476 | KEY `Memory_index_time_id` " . $btree . " ($this->miitemtime,$this->misiteid)
477 | ) ENGINE = " . $engine . " DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci ";
478 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
479 |
480 | if($try_memtable_creation){
481 | $this->create(false);
482 | }
483 |
484 | }
485 |
486 | function prefill_table($tablename){
487 | global $wpdb;
488 | if($tablename == $this->sitetable){
489 | $feed_url=mysql_real_escape_string(get_pbadefaultsite('feed_url'));
490 | $site_name=mysql_real_escape_string(get_pbadefaultsite('site_name'));
491 | $description=mysql_real_escape_string(get_pbadefaultsite('description'));
492 | $site_license=mysql_real_escape_string(get_pbadefaultsite('site_license'));
493 | $site_url=mysql_real_escape_string(get_pbadefaultsite('site_url'));
494 | $sql="INSERT INTO $this->sitetable (
495 | feed_url , site_name , description , site_license , site_url
496 | ) VALUES (
497 | '".$feed_url."',
498 | '".$site_name."', '".$description."',
499 | '".$site_license."' , '".$site_url."'
500 | )";
501 | }
502 | if($tablename == $this->listtable){
503 | $sql="INSERT INTO $this->listtable (identifier, name, url_list, list_all)
504 | VALUES (1, 'Full Text Ticker', '1', 'Y')";
505 | }
506 | if($tablename == $this->pbaoutputtable){
507 | $outputname=mysql_real_escape_string(get_pbadefaultparameter('outputname'));
508 | $template_ticker=mysql_real_escape_string(get_pbadefaultparameter('template_ticker'));
509 | $template_sidebarwidget=mysql_real_escape_string(get_pbadefaultparameter('template_sidebarwidget'));
510 |
511 | $channel_language=mysql_real_escape_string(get_pbadefaultparameter('channel_language'));
512 | $channel_copyright=mysql_real_escape_string(get_pbadefaultparameter('channel_copyright'));
513 |
514 | $template_cache=mysql_real_escape_string(get_pbadefaultparameter('template_cache'));
515 | $template_kalender=mysql_real_escape_string(get_pbadefaultparameter('template_kalender'));
516 | $kalendermonthslist=mysql_real_escape_string(get_pbadefaultparameter('kalendermonthslist'));
517 | $kalender_last=mysql_real_escape_string(get_pbadefaultparameter('kalender_last'));
518 | $kalender_next=mysql_real_escape_string(get_pbadefaultparameter('kalender_next'));
519 | $kalenderboxdaysofweeklist=mysql_real_escape_string(get_pbadefaultparameter('kalenderboxdaysofweeklist'));
520 |
521 | $sql="INSERT INTO $this->pbaoutputtable
522 | (name, page2hookin, default_list, items_per_site, type, template_ticker,
523 | append_extra_link, append_cache_link, add_social_bookmarks, template_sidebarwidget,
524 | max_words_in_synposis, max_word_length, item_date_format, allowable_xhtml_tags, enable_caching,
525 | template_cache, cache_view_page, channel_title, channel_link,
526 | channel_description, channel_language, channel_copyright, template_kalender, archive_date_format,
527 | kalendermonthslist,
528 | kalenderboxtablecaption, kalender_last, kalender_next,
529 | kalenderboxdaysofweeklist, superparameter)
530 | VALUES
531 | ('".$outputname."', 0, 1, 25, 'countrecentitem', '".$template_ticker."',
532 | 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', '".$template_sidebarwidget."',
533 | 100, 40, 'd.m.Y H:i\\\h', '', 'Y',
534 | '".$template_cache."', '', 'Parteibuch Aggregator Feed', '',
535 | 'Parteibuch Aggregator Feedmix', '".$channel_language."', '".$channel_copyright."', '".$template_kalender."', 'Y-m-d',
536 | '".$kalendermonthslist."',
537 | ' style="text-align: center;" id="kalendertable"',
538 | '".$kalender_last."', '".$kalender_next."', '".$kalenderboxdaysofweeklist."', '')
539 | ";
540 | }
541 | if($tablename == $this->optionstable){
542 | $sql="INSERT INTO $this->optionstable ( name , type , value , notice )
543 | VALUES
544 | ( 'enable_caching', 'string', 'auto', 'shall be one of Y, N, auto, if not set, default shall be auto' )
545 | , ( 'enable_rewriting', 'string', 'Y', 'shall be one of Y, N, if not set, default shall be Y' )
546 | , ( 'full_cache_time', 'int', '60', '0 shall disable this cache' )
547 | , ( 'kalenderquery_cache_time', 'int', '3600', '0 shall disable this cache' )
548 | , ( 'feedlistquery_cache_time', 'int', '7200', '0 shall disable this cache' )
549 | , ( 'enable_memtables', 'string', 'auto', 'shall be one of Y, N, auto, if not set, default shall be auto' )
550 | , ( 'enable_loaddetection', 'string', 'auto', 'shall be one of Y, N, auto, if not set, default shall be auto' )
551 | , ( 'highloadthreshold', 'int', '10', '0 may disable housekeeping jobs' )
552 | , ( 'update_oldest_jobdefinition', 'jobdefinition', 'startpoint=a10,\r\nmaxexecutiontime=100', 'shall be started not earlier than 10 seconds after the last time it finished')
553 | , ( 'housekeeping_cache_jobdefinition', 'jobdefinition', 'startpoint=d00-03:00h,\r\nmaxexecutiontime=3600', 'Shall be executed each day one time the next time after a page was called after 3 oclock in the morning')
554 | , ( 'process_updates_jobdefinition', 'jobdefinition', 'startpoint=a3600,\r\nmaxexecutiontime=100', 'shall be processed one hour - 3600 seconds - after this job ended the last time')
555 | , ( 'process_new_jobdefinition', 'jobdefinition', 'startpoint=a3600, \r\nmaxexecutiontime=500', 'new entries to the search index shall be processed 3600 seconds after it run the last time, but only, if there were no unprocessed new records left')
556 | , ( 'process_deletes_jobdefinition', 'jobdefinition', 'startpoint=a3600,\r\nmaxexecutiontime=100', 'deletions from the search index shall be done monthly at the first page call after day 3 04:17h.')
557 | ";
558 | }
559 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
560 | return mysql_insert_id();
561 | } //end function
562 |
563 | function get_mysql_variables($varname=""){
564 | global $wpdb;
565 | $sql="SHOW VARIABLES ";
566 | if(is_string($varname) && $varname != '') $sql .= " LIKE '".$varname."'";
567 | $result = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
568 | if(isset($result->Value)){
569 | return $result->Value;
570 | } else {
571 | return "";
572 | }
573 | }
574 |
575 | function get_mysql_tablestatus($tablename=""){
576 | global $wpdb;
577 | $sql="SHOW TABLE STATUS ";
578 | if(is_string($tablename) && $tablename != '') $sql .= " LIKE '".$tablename."'";
579 | $result = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
580 | if($result){
581 | return $result;
582 | } else {
583 | return false;
584 | }
585 | }
586 |
587 |
588 | function prefill_memtables(){
589 | global $wpdb;
590 |
591 | // echo "<br>Filling memtables ... ";
592 |
593 | //set memory status value for all tables to start
594 | $sql= "REPLACE INTO $this->mtablestatus (
595 | $this->memtable , $this->mdatetime , $this->mstatus, $this->mnotice
596 | ) VALUES ( 'sites', NOW( ) , 'start' , 'prefilling'),
597 | ( 'items', NOW( ) , 'start' , 'prefilling')";
598 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
599 |
600 | //fill site memory table
601 | $sql= "TRUNCATE TABLE $this->msitetable ";
602 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
603 |
604 | $sql= "INSERT INTO $this->msitetable
605 | SELECT * FROM $this->sitetable";
606 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
607 |
608 | //fill item index memory table
609 | $sql= "TRUNCATE TABLE $this->mitemtable ";
610 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
611 |
612 | $sql= "INSERT INTO $this->mitemtable
613 | SELECT itemtable.$this->iidentifier as $this->miid, msitetable.$this->midentifier as $this->misiteid,
614 | itemtable.$this->iitemtime as $this->miitemtime, itemtable.$this->iitemdate as $this->miitemdate
615 | FROM $this->itemtable itemtable, $this->msitetable msitetable
616 | WHERE itemtable.$this->ifeedurl = msitetable.$this->mfeedurl";
617 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
618 |
619 | //prefill jobtable
620 | $this->jobaction();
621 |
622 | //if all OK, set mem table status to OK
623 | $sql= "REPLACE INTO $this->mtablestatus (
624 | $this->memtable , $this->mdatetime , $this->mstatus, $this->mnotice
625 | ) VALUES ( 'sites', NOW( ) , 'ok', 'prefilled' ),
626 | ( 'items', NOW( ) , 'ok' , 'prefilled')";
627 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
628 |
629 | // echo "Memtables filled";
630 |
631 | return true;
632 | }
633 |
634 | function mark_entry_as_old_in_statustable($name){
635 | //this will make some memtablerows to be recreated at next pagecall
636 | global $wpdb;
637 | $sql= "UPDATE $this->mtablestatus SET $this->mdatetime = FROM_UNIXTIME( '0' )
638 | WHERE $this->memtable = '".$name."'";
639 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
640 | return $result;
641 | }
642 |
643 |
644 | //Check the status of the memory tables
645 | //possible returns
646 | // 0: not filled - need to be filled
647 | // 1: ok - filled and fine
648 | // 2: start - filling in progress going on - please wait
649 | // 3: start - filling in progress hanging already too long - need to be refilled
650 |
651 |
652 | function get_memtable_status(&$status)
653 | {
654 | global $wpdb;
655 | $maxstartingtime="7200";
656 | $memtablestatus=0;
657 | $totalstatus=0;
658 | $keycounter=0;
659 | $status=array();
660 | $status['memtablestatus']=0;
661 |
662 |
663 | $sql= "SELECT $this->memtable, UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - UNIX_TIMESTAMP($this->mdatetime) as age, $this->mstatus, $this->mnotice FROM $this->mtablestatus";
664 | $result=false;
665 | $result = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
666 | // echo "<br>Mem table status: ";
667 | if(!$result) {
668 | // echo "Mem tables not filled!";
669 | } else {
670 | $jobcounter=0;
671 | $maxagejob['age']=0;
672 | foreach($result as $key => $r)
673 | {
674 | $keycounter++;
675 | if($r->{$this->mstatus}=="ok" || $r->{$this->mstatus} == "unusable"
676 | || $r->{$this->mstatus} == "disabled" || $r->{$this->mstatus} == "value"
677 | || substr($r->{$this->mstatus},0,3) == "job"
678 | ) $totalstatus++;
679 | //$totalstatus.=$r->{$this->mstatus};
680 | if($r->{$this->mstatus}=="start"){
681 | $memtablestatus=2;
682 | if($r->age > $maxstartingtime) $memtablestatus=3;
683 | }
684 | //copy the detailed status into the overloaded array
685 | $status[$r->{$this->memtable}]['status'] = $r->{$this->mstatus};
686 | $status[$r->{$this->memtable}]['age'] = $r->age;
687 | $status[$r->{$this->memtable}]['notice'] = $r->{$this->mnotice};
688 | if(substr($r->{$this->mstatus}, 0,3) == "job") $jobcounter++;
689 | if(substr($r->{$this->mstatus}, 0,3) == "job" && $r->age > 0) {
690 | //we shall look if we shall do something with a joba job should be run or running
691 | if(substr($r->{$this->mstatus}, 3) == "running" ){
692 | $status['job2kill']=$r->{$this->memtable};
693 | }elseif(substr($r->{$this->mstatus}, 3) == "tostart"){
694 | $status['job2restart']=$r->{$this->memtable};
695 | }elseif(substr($r->{$this->mstatus}, 3) == "waiting"){
696 | if($r->age > $maxagejob['age']){
697 | $maxagejob['name']=$r->{$this->memtable};
698 | $maxagejob['age']=$r->age;
699 | $maxagejob['status']= $r->{$this->mstatus};
700 | }
701 | }
702 | }
703 | }
704 | }
705 |
706 | //now let's find out a mechanism to bring the whole status into one value
707 | if ($totalstatus > 0 && $keycounter == $totalstatus ) {
708 | $memtablestatus = 1;
709 | $status['memtablestatus']=1;
710 |
711 | //not really elegant to have the number of available jobs here hardcoded, but who cares
712 | if($jobcounter == 5){
713 | if(isset($status['job2kill'])){
714 | //job is running too long - kill this job - this fallback should just be hit in case of a job crash
715 | $this->change_jobstatus($status['job2kill'], 'waiting');
716 | }elseif(isset($status['job2restart'])){
717 | $this->change_jobstatus($status['job2restart'], 'tostart');
718 | $status['job2start']['name']=$status['job2restart'];
719 | $status['job2start']['time']=time();
720 | }elseif(isset($maxagejob['name'])){
721 | //announce a new job
722 | $this->change_jobstatus($maxagejob['name'], 'tostart');
723 | $status['job2start']['name']=$maxagejob['name'];
724 | $status['job2start']['time']=time();
725 | }
726 | }else{
727 | $this->jobaction();
728 | }
729 | }
730 |
731 | $this->check_load($status);
732 |
733 | if(!isset($status['pbacache']) || $status['pbacache']['age'] > 10800) {
734 | //check cache
735 | $this->check_cache($status);
736 | }
737 |
738 | //echo "Wea re here: status_pbacache is " . $status['pbacache'];
739 | if(isset($status['pbacache']['status']) && $status['pbacache']['status'] == 'ok') {
740 | if(!isset($status['full_cache_time']) || !isset($status['kalenderquery_cache_time']) || !isset($status['feedlistquery_cache_time'])){
741 | $this->check_options($status);
742 | }
743 | }
744 |
745 | if(!isset($status['rewriting']) || $status['rewriting']['age'] > 86400) {
746 | //check rewriting
747 | $this->check_rewriting($status);
748 | }
749 |
750 | //print_r($status);
751 |
752 | return $memtablestatus;
753 | }
754 |
755 | function check_rewriting(&$status){
756 | global $wpdb;
757 | $pbadefault=$this->pbaoption('enable_rewriting');
758 | if($pbadefault != 'Y') {
759 | $status['rewriting']['status'] = 'disabled';
760 | $status['rewriting']['notice'] = 'N00003: Rewriting option disabled';
761 | $return = false;
762 | }elseif($pbadefault == 'Y'){
763 | $rewrite_array=get_option('rewrite_rules');
764 | if(is_array($rewrite_array)){
765 | $rulematch=false;
766 | foreach($rewrite_array as $key => $value){
767 | if(strstr($key,'ticker-feed')) $rulematch=true;
768 | }
769 | if($rulematch){
770 | $status['rewriting']['status'] = 'ok';
771 | $status['rewriting']['notice'] = 'N00004: Permalinks in effect';
772 | $return = true;
773 | }
774 | }
775 | if(!isset($return)){
776 | $status['rewriting']['status'] = 'unusable';
777 | $status['rewriting']['notice'] = 'W00002: Wordpress has not enabled rewrite';
778 | $return = false;
779 | }
780 | }
781 | $sql= "REPLACE INTO $this->mtablestatus (
782 | $this->memtable , $this->mdatetime , $this->mstatus, $this->mnotice
783 | ) VALUES ( 'rewriting', NOW( ) , '".$status['rewriting']['status']."' , '".$status['rewriting']['notice']."')";
784 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
785 | return $return;
786 | }
787 |
788 | function check_options(&$status){
789 | global $wpdb;
790 | //initialisation
791 | $newstatus=array();
792 | $result = $this->get_all_options();
793 |
794 | if(!$result){
795 | return false;
796 | } else {
797 | foreach($result as $key => $r){
798 | if($r->name == 'full_cache_time') $newstatus['full_cache_time']=array('status' => 'value', 'notice' => $r->value);
799 | if($r->name == 'kalenderquery_cache_time') $newstatus['kalenderquery_cache_time']=array('status' => 'value', 'notice' => $r->value);
800 | if($r->name == 'feedlistquery_cache_time') $newstatus['feedlistquery_cache_time']=array('status' => 'value', 'notice' => $r->value);
801 | if($r->name == 'highloadthreshold') $newstatus['highloadthreshold']=array('status' => 'value', 'notice' => $r->value);
802 | if($r->name == 'enable_loaddetection') $newstatus['loaddetection']=array('status' => 'value', 'notice' => $r->value);
803 | }
804 |
805 | if(count($newstatus)>0){
806 | $sql= "REPLACE INTO $this->mtablestatus (
807 | $this->memtable , $this->mdatetime , $this->mstatus, $this->mnotice
808 | ) VALUES ";
809 |
810 | foreach($newstatus as $fieldname => $values){
811 | $sql .= "\n( '".$fieldname."', NOW( ) , '".$values['status']."' , '".$values['notice']."'), ";
812 | }
813 | $sql = preg_replace('/, $/','', $sql);
814 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
815 | $status=array_merge($status, $newstatus); //advertising
816 | return $result;
817 | }
818 | }
819 | return false;
820 | }
821 |
822 | function pba_loaddetection(){
823 | if(function_exists('sys_getloadavg')) {
824 | $load=sys_getloadavg();
825 | $load[1]=$load[0];
826 | }elseif(ini_get('safe_mode')){
827 | if(ini_get('safe_mode_exec_dir') == ""){
828 | $serverload = "0";
829 | } else {
830 | preg_match("/averages?: ([0-9\.]+),[\s]+([0-9\.]+),[\s]+([0-9\.]+)/",@exec(ini_get('safe_mode_exec_dir') . 'uptime_wrapper.sh'),$load);
831 | }
832 | }else{
833 | //no safe mode, so directly call system command
834 | preg_match("/averages?: ([0-9\.]+),[\s]+([0-9\.]+),[\s]+([0-9\.]+)/",@exec('uptime'),$load);
835 | if(!isset($load[1])) preg_match("/averages?: ([0-9\.]+),[\s]+([0-9\.]+),[\s]+([0-9\.]+)/",@exec(dirname(__FILE__) . '/wrapper/uptime_wrapper.sh'),$load);
836 | }
837 | if(!isset($load[1])) {
838 | $serverload = 0;
839 | }else{
840 | $serverload = abs($load[1]);
841 | }
842 | return $serverload;
843 | }
844 |
845 | function check_load(&$status){
846 | global $wpdb;
847 | $detectedload=0;
848 | //is load detection enabled?
849 |
850 | if(isset($status['loaddetection']['notice'])
851 | && isset($status['pbaload']['notice'])
852 | && isset($status['pbaload']['age'])
853 | ){
854 | //option disabled and load set to zero, nothing to do here
855 | if($status['loaddetection']['notice'] == 'N' && $status['pbaload']['notice'] == '0') return true;
856 |
857 | //call uptime just every three seconds
858 | if($status['loaddetection']['notice'] == 'Y' && $status['pbaload']['age'] < 3) return true;
859 |
860 | //retry once per hour
861 | if($status['loaddetection']['notice'] == 'retry' && $status['pbaload']['age'] < 3600) return true;
862 |
863 | if($status['loaddetection']['notice'] == 'Y'
864 | || $status['loaddetection']['notice'] == 'auto'
865 | || $status['loaddetection']['notice'] == 'retry'
866 | ){
867 | $detectedload=$this->pba_loaddetection();
868 | if($status['loaddetection']['notice'] == 'auto' || $status['loaddetection']['notice'] == 'retry'){
869 | $newstatus['loaddetection']['status']='value';
870 | if($detectedload > 0){
871 | $newstatus['loaddetection']['notice']='Y';
872 | }else{
873 | $newstatus['loaddetection']['notice']='retry';
874 | }
875 | $sql= "REPLACE INTO $this->mtablestatus (
876 | $this->memtable , $this->mdatetime , $this->mstatus, $this->mnotice
877 | ) VALUES ( 'loaddetection', NOW( ) , '".$newstatus['loaddetection']['status']."' , '".$newstatus['loaddetection']['notice']."')";
878 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
879 | }
880 | }
881 | } //end if isset status load detection
882 | $newstatus['pbaload']=array('status' => 'value', 'notice' => abs($detectedload));
883 | $sql= "REPLACE INTO $this->mtablestatus (
884 | $this->memtable , $this->mdatetime , $this->mstatus, $this->mnotice
885 | ) VALUES ( 'pbaload', NOW( ) , '".$newstatus['pbaload']['status']."' , '".$newstatus['pbaload']['notice']."')";
886 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
887 | $status=array_merge($status, $newstatus); //advertising
888 | return $result;
889 | }
890 |
891 | function check_cache(&$status){
892 | global $wpdb;
893 | //run on class construction, PBALIB not yet loaded here!!!
894 | $cache_status=true;
895 | //$cache_path=dirname(__FILE__)."/pbacache/";
896 | $cache_path=PBA_CACHE_PATH;
897 | $cache_file_handle = @fopen($cache_path."cachetest__t", 'w+');
898 | $content=rand() . 'test';
899 | if(!@fwrite($cache_file_handle, $content)) $cache_status=false;
900 | @fclose($cache_file_handle);
901 | if(!$get_cache=@file_get_contents($cache_path."cachetest__t")) $cache_status=false;
902 | if(!$get_cache == $content) $cache_status=false;
903 | //echo "cache_status " . $cache_status;
904 | //exit;
905 | @unlink($cache_path."cachetest__t");
906 | $pbadefault=$this->pbaoption('enable_caching');
907 | if($cache_status==false) {
908 | $status['pbacache']['status'] = 'unusable';
909 | $status['pbacache']['notice'] = 'W00001: Cachepath not writeable';
910 | $return = false;
911 | }elseif($pbadefault != 'Y' && $pbadefault != 'auto'){
912 | $status['pbacache']['status'] = 'disabled';
913 | $status['pbacache']['notice'] = 'N00005: Cachepath is writable';
914 | $return = true;
915 | }else{
916 | $status['pbacache']['status'] = 'ok';
917 | $status['pbacache']['notice'] = 'N00002: Checked';
918 | $return = true;
919 | }
920 |
921 | $sql= "REPLACE INTO $this->mtablestatus (
922 | $this->memtable , $this->mdatetime , $this->mstatus, $this->mnotice
923 | ) VALUES ( 'pbacache', NOW( ) , '".$status['pbacache']['status']."' , '".$status['pbacache']['notice']."')";
924 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
925 | return $return;
926 | }
927 |
928 | /* --- insert --- */
929 | function recordError($url, $text)
930 | {
931 | global $wpdb;
932 |
933 | if(!$url) return;
934 |
935 | // some SQL insertion protection using HTML entities
936 | $text = preg_replace("/'/", ''', $text);
937 | $text = preg_replace('/"/', '"', $text);
938 |
939 | if(!$text) $text = 'Unknown';
940 |
941 | $sql = "INSERT INTO $this->errortable ($this->efeedurl, $this->etime, $this->etext) ".
942 | "VALUES ('$url', '$this->now', '$text')";
943 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
944 | }
945 |
946 | function update_feedurl($feed_id, $pba_change_feed_to) {
947 | global $wpdb;
948 | //function will return false, if there shall no update of feed url in site tables made
949 | //check input values
950 | if($feed_id != abs(intval($feed_id)) || $feed_id == 0) return false;
951 | if(preg_match('/[\'"]/',$pba_change_feed_to)) return false;
952 |
953 | //return false if the feed url already exists, logic to merge feeds is not implemented
954 | $sql="SELECT count(*) + 1 as numberoffeeds from $this->msitetable WHERE $this->mfeedurl = '".$pba_change_feed_to."'";
955 | if( $wpdb->get_var($sql) != 1) return false;
956 | //OK, so now get the feed url to update
957 | $sql="SELECT $this->mfeedurl from $this->msitetable WHERE $this->midentifier = '".$feed_id."'";
958 | $oldfeedurl=$wpdb->get_var($sql);
959 | if(!$oldfeedurl) return false;
960 | $sql="UPDATE $this->itemtable set item_feed_url = '".$pba_change_feed_to."'
961 | WHERE item_feed_url = '".$oldfeedurl."'";
962 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
963 | if($result === false) return false;
964 | return true;
965 | }
966 |
967 | function createpbaoutput($as_copy_from=false)
968 | {
969 | /* createoutput() -- inserts an empty output format into the output table
970 | or copies one with ID as_copy from false*/
971 |
972 | global $wpdb;
973 |
974 | if($as_copy_from===false){
975 | return $this->prefill_table($this->pbaoutputtable);
976 | } else {
977 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->pbaoutputtable WHERE $this->pbaoidentifier = '$as_copy_from'";
978 | $row_to_copy = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
979 | if($row_to_copy){
980 | $fieldnames = $this->pbaoname . ", " . $this->pbaopage2hookin;
981 | $values = "'Copy of " . $row_to_copy->{$this->pbaoname} . "', 0";
982 | foreach($row_to_copy as $fieldname => $fieldvalue){
983 | if($fieldname != $this->pbaoidentifier
984 | && $fieldname != $this->pbaoname
985 | && $fieldname != $this->pbaopage2hookin
986 | ){
987 | $fieldnames .= ", " . $fieldname;
988 | $fieldvalue = mysql_real_escape_string($fieldvalue);
989 | $values .= ", '" . $fieldvalue . "'";
990 | }
991 | }
992 | $sql="INSERT INTO $this->pbaoutputtable ($fieldnames) ".
993 | "VALUES ($values)";
994 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
995 | return mysql_insert_id();
996 | }
997 | }
998 | }
999 |
1000 |
1001 |
1002 | function createlist($as_copy_from=false)
1003 | {
1004 | /* createlist() -- inserts an empty output format into the list table
1005 | or copies one with ID as_copy from false*/
1006 |
1007 | global $wpdb;
1008 |
1009 | if($as_copy_from===false){
1010 | $sql = "INSERT INTO $this->listtable ($this->lname) ".
1011 | "VALUES ('New list: please give it a meaningful name')";
1012 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
1013 | return mysql_insert_id();
1014 | } else {
1015 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->listtable WHERE $this->lidentifier = '$as_copy_from'";
1016 | $row_to_copy = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
1017 | if($row_to_copy){
1018 | $fieldnames = "$this->lname";
1019 | $values = "'Copy of " . $row_to_copy->{$this->lname} . "'";
1020 | foreach($row_to_copy as $fieldname => $fieldvalue){
1021 | if($fieldname != $this->lidentifier && $fieldname != $this->lname){
1022 | $fieldnames .= ", " . $fieldname;
1023 | $fieldvalue = mysql_real_escape_string($fieldvalue);
1024 | $values .= ", '" . $fieldvalue . "'";
1025 | }
1026 | }
1027 | $sql="INSERT INTO $this->listtable ($fieldnames) ".
1028 | "VALUES ($values)";
1029 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
1030 | return mysql_insert_id();
1031 | }
1032 | }
1033 | }
1034 |
1035 | function insert_in_sitetable($url, $polltime)
1036 | {
1037 | global $wpdb;
1038 |
1039 | $sql = "INSERT INTO $this->sitetable ".
1040 | "($this->cfeedurl, $this->clastpolltime) ".
1041 | "VALUES ('$url', '$polltime')";
1042 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
1043 |
1044 | //mem table
1045 | $sql = "INSERT INTO $this->msitetable ".
1046 | "($this->mfeedurl, $this->mlastpolltime) ".
1047 | "VALUES ('$url', '$polltime')";
1048 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
1049 |
1050 | }
1051 |
1052 |
1053 | /* --- insert or modify --- */
1054 |
1055 | function updateItem($url, $title, $counter, $text, $link, $ticks, $itemsitename="", $itemsiteurl="", $itemlicense="")
1056 | {
1057 | /* updateItem($url, $title, $counter, $text, $link, $ticks)
1058 | * -- this function either inserts or updates the item into the itemtable
1059 | * -- only enters the time ($ticks) into the database for an insert - we ignore $ticks for updates
1060 | * -- returns false on update and true on insert
1061 | */
1062 |
1063 | global $wpdb, $bdprss_search;
1064 |
1065 | $sql = "SELECT $this->iidentifier as id, $this->iitemsitename as sitename, $this->iitemname as itemname, $this->iitemtext as itemtext,
1066 | md5(concat($this->iitemsitename, ' ', $this->iitemname, ' ', $this->iitemtext)) as md5
1067 | FROM $this->itemtable ".
1068 | "WHERE $this->ifeedurl='$url' AND $this->iitemurl='$link'";
1069 | $hid = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
1070 |
1071 | $md5tocompare=md5($itemsitename . ' ' . $title . ' ' . $text);
1072 | if($hid) $hidfromdb2compare = md5($hid->sitename . ' ' . $hid->itemname . ' ' . $hid->itemtext);
1073 | $hidid=0;
1074 | if($hid) $hidid = $hid->id;
1075 |
1076 | if($hidid > 0 && (!isset($this->bdprss_prevent_dupe_updates[$hidid]) || (isset($this->bdprss_prevent_dupe_updates[$hidid]) && $this->bdprss_prevent_dupe_updates[$hidid]."" !="Done")))
1077 | {
1078 | if($md5tocompare != $hid->md5 && $md5tocompare != $hidfromdb2compare && rand(1,10) > 0){
1079 |
1080 | $md5debug="MD5 Debug on Update: MD5 in DB: " . $hid->md5 .
1081 | " md5compare: " . $md5tocompare .
1082 | " md5direct: " . md5($itemsitename . ' ' . $title . ' ' . $text) .
1083 | " mysql_real_escaped: " . md5(mysql_real_escape_string($itemsitename . ' ' . $title . ' ' . $text)) .
1084 | " mysql_stripped_escaped: " . md5(mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($itemsitename . ' ' . $title . ' ' . $text))) .
1085 | " hidfromdb2compare: " . $hidfromdb2compare;
1086 |
1087 | $sql = "UPDATE $this->itemtable ".
1088 | "SET $this->iitemupdate='".$this->now."', ".
1089 | "$this->iitemtext='".mysql_real_escape_string($text)."', ".
1090 | "$this->iitemname='".mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities($title))."', ".
1091 | "$this->iitemsitename='".mysql_real_escape_string($itemsitename)."', ".
1092 | "$this->iitemsiteurl='".mysql_real_escape_string($itemsiteurl)."', ".
1093 | "$this->iitemlicense='".mysql_real_escape_string($itemlicense)."' ".
1094 | "WHERE $this->ifeedurl='".mysql_real_escape_string($url)."' " .
1095 | "AND $this->iitemurl='".mysql_real_escape_string($link)."' ";
1096 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
1097 |
1098 | if(class_exists('BDPRSS_SEARCH')){
1099 | $result = $bdprss_search->markitem4update($hid->id, $md5tocompare);
1100 | if(!$result) $this->recordError($url, "Updated ID: " . $hid->id . " result: " .$result. " md5debug: " . $md5debug);
1101 | }
1102 |
1103 | }
1104 | $this->bdprss_prevent_dupe_updates[$hid->id]="Done";
1105 | return FALSE;
1106 | }
1107 |
1108 | $dateStamp = date('Y-m-d', $ticks);
1109 | //echo "<br />Title is: " . $title;
1110 | $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO $this->itemtable ($this->ifeedurl, $this->iitemurl, $this->iitemname, ".
1111 | "$this->iitemsitename, $this->iitemsiteurl, $this->iitemlicense, ".
1112 | "$this->iitemtext, $this->iitemupdate, $this->iitemtime, $this->iitemdate)".
1113 | " VALUES ('".mysql_real_escape_string($url)."',
1114 | '".mysql_real_escape_string($link)."',
1115 | '".mysql_real_escape_string($title)."',
1116 | '".mysql_real_escape_string($itemsitename)."',
1117 | '".mysql_real_escape_string($itemsiteurl)."',
1118 | '".mysql_real_escape_string($itemlicense)."', ".
1119 | "'".mysql_real_escape_string($text)."', '$this->now', '$ticks', '$dateStamp') ";
1120 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
1121 |
1122 | //updating the memtable
1123 | $inserted_row_id=mysql_insert_id();
1124 | if ($inserted_row_id>0){
1125 | //mem table preop - shall be replaced later by parameter
1126 | $sql = "SELECT $this->midentifier FROM $this->msitetable ".
1127 | "WHERE $this->mfeedurl='$url'";
1128 | $site_id = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
1129 |
1130 | //mem table update
1131 | $sql = "INSERT INTO $this->mitemtable
1132 | ($this->miid, $this->misiteid, $this->miitemtime, $this->miitemdate)".
1133 | " VALUES ('$inserted_row_id', '$site_id', '$ticks', '$dateStamp') ";
1134 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
1135 |
1136 | } //inserted row id > 0
1137 | $this->bdprss_prevent_dupe_updates[$inserted_row_id]="Done";
1138 | return TRUE;
1139 | }
1140 |
1141 | /* --- modify --- */
1142 |
1143 | function updateTable($tableName, &$valueArray, $identifier, $specialCase=FALSE)
1144 | {
1145 | global $wpdb;
1146 |
1147 | if(!isset($valueArray[$identifier]) || !$valueArray[$identifier])
1148 | {
1149 | $this->recordError('SNARK',
1150 | "BDPRSS_DB::updateTable() missing identifier ($identifier)".
1151 | "in valueArray for $tableName -- this should never happen");
1152 | return FALSE;
1153 | }
1154 |
1155 | if($specialCase && $tableName==$this->sitetable)
1156 | {
1157 | if(isset($valueArray['csitename'])) unset($valueArray['csitename']);
1158 | if(isset($valueArray['csiteurl'])) unset($valueArray['csiteurl']);
1159 | if(isset($valueArray['cdescription'])) unset($valueArray['cdescription']);
1160 | /*new*/ if(isset($valueArray['csitelicense'])) unset($valueArray['csitelicense']);
1161 | }
1162 |
1163 | $sql = "UPDATE $tableName SET ";
1164 | foreach($valueArray as $key => $value)
1165 | {
1166 | if($key==$identifier) continue;
1167 | $value = preg_replace('/"/', '"', $value);
1168 | $value = preg_replace("/'/", ''', $value);
1169 | $sql .= $this->{$key}."='$value', ";
1170 | }
1171 | //$sql = preg_replace('/^(.*), $/', '\\1', $sql);
1172 | $sql = preg_replace('/, $/', '', $sql);
1173 | $sql .= " WHERE ".$this->{$identifier}."='".$valueArray[$identifier]."' ";
1174 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
1175 | return $result;
1176 | }
1177 |
1178 | function process_new(){
1179 | //echo "we hit process_new";
1180 | global $bdprss_search;
1181 | $pba_search_config['addheap']=500;
1182 | $pba_search_config['heapmode']='bulk';
1183 | $pba_search_config['bdprss_getidmode']='notinstatus';
1184 | $pba_search_config['bdprss_debug_list_id']=0;
1185 | $pba_search_config['get_ids4heap2add_max_item_updatetimeage']=100000000;
1186 | $pba_search_config['get_ids4heap2add_min_updatetimeage']=0;
1187 |
1188 | //syntax for calling the search index processing:
1189 | // $bdprss_search->add_heap2search_index($pba_search_config['addheap'], $pba_search_config['heapmode'], false, $insertfromtemptable,
1190 | // $bdprss_getidmode, $bdprss_debug_list_id,
1191 | // $get_ids4heap2add_max_item_updatetimeage, $get_ids4heap2add_min_updatetimeage);
1192 |
1193 | $return = $bdprss_search->add_heap2search_index($pba_search_config['addheap'], $pba_search_config['heapmode'], false, true,
1194 | $pba_search_config['bdprss_getidmode'], $pba_search_config['bdprss_debug_list_id'],
1195 | $pba_search_config['get_ids4heap2add_max_item_updatetimeage'],
1196 | $pba_search_config['get_ids4heap2add_min_updatetimeage']);
1197 |
1198 | return $return;
1199 | }
1200 |
1201 | function process_updates(){
1202 | //echo "we hit process_new";
1203 | global $bdprss_search;
1204 |
1205 | $pba_search_config['addheap']=20;
1206 | $pba_search_config['heapmode']='bulk';
1207 | $pba_search_config['bdprss_getidmode']='processupdates';
1208 | $pba_search_config['bdprss_debug_list_id']=0;
1209 | $pba_search_config['get_ids4heap2add_max_item_updatetimeage']=100000000;
1210 | $pba_search_config['get_ids4heap2add_min_updatetimeage']=1800;
1211 |
1212 | $return = $bdprss_search->add_heap2search_index($pba_search_config['addheap'], $pba_search_config['heapmode'], false, true,
1213 | $pba_search_config['bdprss_getidmode'], $pba_search_config['bdprss_debug_list_id'],
1214 | $pba_search_config['get_ids4heap2add_max_item_updatetimeage'],
1215 | $pba_search_config['get_ids4heap2add_min_updatetimeage']);
1216 | return $return;
1217 | }
1218 |
1219 | function process_deletes(){
1220 | //echo "we hit process_new";
1221 | global $bdprss_search;
1222 |
1223 | $pba_search_config['addheap']=10;
1224 | $pba_search_config['heapmode']='bulk';
1225 | $pba_search_config['bdprss_getidmode']='processdeletes';
1226 | $pba_search_config['bdprss_debug_list_id']=0;
1227 | $pba_search_config['get_ids4heap2add_max_item_updatetimeage']=100000000;
1228 | $pba_search_config['get_ids4heap2add_min_updatetimeage']=1800;
1229 |
1230 | $return = $bdprss_search->add_heap2search_index($pba_search_config['addheap'], $pba_search_config['heapmode'], false, true,
1231 | $pba_search_config['bdprss_getidmode'], $pba_search_config['bdprss_debug_list_id'],
1232 | $pba_search_config['get_ids4heap2add_max_item_updatetimeage'],
1233 | $pba_search_config['get_ids4heap2add_min_updatetimeage']);
1234 | return $return;
1235 | }
1236 |
1237 |
1238 | function housekeeping_cache(){
1239 | $dummy1="";
1240 | $dummy2="";
1241 | $cachedeletecounter=PBALIB::pba_cache($dummy1, $dummy2, 'housekeeping', '', 'mixed', 86400, 'OK');
1242 | return $cachedeletecounter;
1243 | }
1244 |
1245 | function update_oldest()
1246 | {
1247 | global $wpdb;
1248 | // at most we only want to impose the burden of updating one feed on this site user
1249 |
1250 | //mem tables present
1251 | $sql ="SELECT * FROM $this->msitetable order by $this->mnextpolltime asc limit 1";
1252 |
1253 | //no mem tables present
1254 | $sql ="SELECT * FROM $this->sitetable order by $this->cnextpolltime asc limit 1";
1255 | $site = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
1256 |
1257 | // echo "DEBUG update oldest: the site is: ";
1258 | // print_r($site);
1259 |
1260 |
1261 | if(!$site) return;
1262 | if($site->{$this->mnextpolltime} > $this->now) return;
1263 |
1264 | BDPRSS2::update($site);
1265 | }
1266 |
1267 | function updateAll()
1268 | {
1269 | global $wpdb;
1270 |
1271 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->sitetable order by next_poll_time LIMIT 5";
1272 | $sites = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
1273 |
1274 | if($sites)
1275 | foreach($sites as $site)
1276 | BDPRSS2::update($site);
1277 | }
1278 |
1279 |
1280 | /* --- retrieve --- */
1281 |
1282 | function get_mysql_version()
1283 | {
1284 | global $wpdb;
1285 |
1286 | $sql = "SELECT version()";
1287 | $result = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
1288 |
1289 | return $result;
1290 | }
1291 |
1292 | function is_in_sitetable($url)
1293 | {
1294 | global $wpdb;
1295 |
1296 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->sitetable ".
1297 | "WHERE $this->cfeedurl='$url' LIMIT 1";
1298 | $result = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
1299 |
1300 | if($result && $result->{$this->cfeedurl} == $url) return TRUE;
1301 | return FALSE;
1302 | }
1303 |
1304 | function count_in_sitetable()
1305 | {
1306 | global $wpdb;
1307 |
1308 | $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $this->sitetable ";
1309 |
1310 | $result = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
1311 |
1312 | return $result;
1313 | }
1314 |
1315 | function countErrors($url='')
1316 | {
1317 | global $wpdb;
1318 |
1319 | $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $this->errortable";
1320 | if($url) $sql .= " WHERE $this->efeedurl='$url'";
1321 | $result = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
1322 |
1323 | return $result;
1324 | }
1325 |
1326 | function getErrors($url='')
1327 | {
1328 | global $wpdb;
1329 |
1330 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->errortable";
1331 | if($url) $sql .= " WHERE $this->efeedurl='$url'";
1332 | $sql .= " ORDER BY $this->efeedurl, $this->eidentifier";
1333 | $result = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
1334 |
1335 | return $result;
1336 | }
1337 |
1338 | function count_in_listtable()
1339 | {
1340 | global $wpdb;
1341 |
1342 | $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $this->listtable ";
1343 |
1344 | $result = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
1345 |
1346 | return $result;
1347 | }
1348 |
1349 | function is_in_itemtable($url)
1350 | {
1351 | global $wpdb;
1352 |
1353 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->itemtable ".
1354 | "WHERE $this->ifeedurl='$url' LIMIT 1";
1355 | $result = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
1356 |
1357 | if($result && $result->{$this->ifeedurl} == $url) return TRUE;
1358 | return FALSE;
1359 | }
1360 |
1361 | function get_all_lists()
1362 | {
1363 | global $wpdb;
1364 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->listtable ".
1365 | "ORDER BY $this->lidentifier ";
1366 | $result = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
1367 | return $result;
1368 | }
1369 |
1370 | function setoptions($optionsarray){
1371 | global $wpdb;
1372 | $sql = "REPLACE INTO $this->optionstable ( name , type , value , notice
1373 | ) VALUES ";
1374 | foreach($optionsarray as $fieldname => $values){
1375 | $sql .= "\n( '".$fieldname."', '".$values['type']."', '".$values['value']."', '".$values['notice']."'), ";
1376 | }
1377 | if(count($optionsarray)>0){
1378 | $sql = preg_replace('/, $/','', $sql);
1379 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
1380 | }
1381 | return $result;
1382 | }
1383 |
1384 | function get_all_options()
1385 | {
1386 | global $wpdb;
1387 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->optionstable ".
1388 | "ORDER BY name ";
1389 | $result = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
1390 | return $result;
1391 | }
1392 |
1393 | function detect_memtable($table){
1394 | global $wpdb;
1395 | $sql = "SHOW CREATE TABLE " . $table;
1396 | $show = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
1397 | if(stristr($show->{'Create Table'}, 'ENGINE=MEMORY')) return true;
1398 | return false;
1399 | }
1400 |
1401 | function pbaoption($name){
1402 | global $wpdb;
1403 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->optionstable ".
1404 | "WHERE name = '".$name."' LIMIT 0,1";
1405 | $result = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
1406 | if($result){
1407 | if($result->type == 'string') {
1408 | //special string handling needed to be binary safe?
1409 | return $result->value;
1410 | } elseif($result->type == 'int'){
1411 | return abs(intval($result->value));
1412 | }
1413 | }
1414 | return $result;
1415 | }
1416 |
1417 | function get_all_pbaoutputs()
1418 | {
1419 | global $wpdb;
1420 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->pbaoutputtable ".
1421 | "ORDER BY $this->pbaoidentifier ";
1422 | $result = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
1423 | return $result;
1424 | }
1425 |
1426 | function get_all_sites($ltype='sitealpha')
1427 | {
1428 | global $wpdb;
1429 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->sitetable ";
1430 |
1431 | if($ltype == 'sitealpha')
1432 | $sql .= "ORDER BY $this->csitename ";
1433 | elseif($ltype == 'siteupdate')
1434 | $sql .= "ORDER BY $this->cupdatetime DESC";
1435 |
1436 | $result = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
1437 | return $result;
1438 | }
1439 |
1440 | function get_site($url)
1441 | {
1442 | global $wpdb;
1443 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->sitetable WHERE $this->cfeedurl='$url' ";
1444 | $result = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
1445 | return $result;
1446 | }
1447 |
1448 | function get_site_by_id($id)
1449 | {
1450 | global $wpdb;
1451 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->sitetable WHERE $this->cidentifier='$id' ";
1452 | $result = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
1453 | return $result;
1454 | }
1455 |
1456 | //function will give back a numeric array of feeds when given in a numeric array of ids
1457 | function get_feedlist_by_ids($ids)
1458 | {
1459 | global $wpdb;
1460 | // echo "Overload: ";
1461 | // print_r($ids);
1462 | $return=false;
1463 | if($ids){
1464 | if($this->memtablesok==1){
1465 | $use_site_table=$this->msitetable;
1466 | $use_identifier=$this->midentifier;
1467 | $use_feed_url_column_name=$this->mfeedurl;
1468 | }else{
1469 | $use_site_table=$this->sitetable;
1470 | $use_identifier=$this->cidentifier;
1471 | $use_feed_url_column_name=$this->cfeedurl;
1472 | }
1473 | $sql = "SELECT $use_feed_url_column_name as feedurl
1474 | FROM $use_site_table WHERE $use_identifier in (";
1475 | $virgin = true;
1476 | foreach($ids as $id) {
1477 | if($virgin){
1478 | $sql .= " $id";
1479 | }else{
1480 | $sql .= ", $id";
1481 | }
1482 | $virgin = false;
1483 | }
1484 | $sql .= " ) ";
1485 | // print_r($sql);
1486 | $result = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
1487 | foreach($result as $r) {
1488 | $return[]=$r->feedurl;
1489 | }
1490 | }//if ids
1491 | return $return;
1492 | }
1493 |
1494 | function get_feedurl_from_site_id($id)
1495 | {
1496 | global $wpdb;
1497 | $sql = "SELECT $this->cfeedurl FROM $this->sitetable WHERE $this->cidentifier='$id' ";
1498 | $result = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
1499 | if(!$result) return FALSE;
1500 | return $result->{$this->cfeedurl};
1501 | }
1502 |
1503 | function get_siteurl_from_site_id($id)
1504 | {
1505 | global $wpdb;
1506 | $sql = "SELECT $this->csiteurl FROM $this->sitetable WHERE $this->cidentifier='$id' ";
1507 | $result = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
1508 | if(!$result) return FALSE;
1509 | return $result->{$this->csiteurl};
1510 | }
1511 |
1512 | function get_list($list_id)
1513 | {
1514 | global $wpdb;
1515 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->listtable WHERE $this->lidentifier='$list_id' ";
1516 | $result = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
1517 | return $result;
1518 | }
1519 |
1520 | function get_pbaoutput_from_page_id($page_id){
1521 | global $wpdb;
1522 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->pbaoutputtable WHERE page2hookin='$page_id' ORDER by identifier ASC LIMIT 0,1";
1523 | $result = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
1524 | return $result;
1525 | }
1526 |
1527 | function get_pbaoutput($output_id)
1528 | {
1529 | global $wpdb;
1530 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->pbaoutputtable WHERE identifier='$output_id' ";
1531 | $result = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
1532 | return $result;
1533 | }
1534 |
1535 | function get_item($feedurl, $itemurl)
1536 | {
1537 | global $wpdb;
1538 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->itemtable ".
1539 | "WHERE $this->ifeedurl='$feedurl' AND $this->iitemurl='$itemurl' ";
1540 | $result = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
1541 | return $result;
1542 | }
1543 |
1544 | function getItemByID($id)
1545 | {
1546 | global $wpdb;
1547 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->itemtable WHERE $this->iidentifier='$id' ";
1548 | $result = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
1549 | return $result;
1550 | }
1551 |
1552 |
1553 | function getsiteswithupdatetime($maxage=0, $list_id=0){
1554 |
1555 | global $wpdb;
1556 |
1557 | //check input values
1558 | $list_id=abs(intval($list_id));
1559 | $maxage=abs(intval($maxage)); //0 means filter disabled, age in seconds
1560 |
1561 | //initialisation
1562 | $search_query_conditions_list=" ";
1563 | $search_query_conditions_maxage=" ";
1564 |
1565 | if($list_id>0) $search_query_conditions_list =" AND r1.site_id in (select sites.identifier AS site_id from (" . $this->listtable . " lists join " . $this->sitetable . " sites) where ((concat(_latin1',',lists.url_list,_latin1',') like concat(_utf8'%,',sites.identifier,_utf8',%')) or (lists.list_all = _latin1'Y')) and lists.identifier = '" . $list_id . "') \n";
1566 | if($maxage>0) $search_query_conditions_maxage =" AND r1.item_time > ( UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - '" . $maxage . "' ) ";
1567 |
1568 | $sql = "SELECT r1.site_id, max( r1.item_time ) AS lastupdate, msi.*
1569 | FROM " . $this->mitemtable . " r1, " . $this->msitetable . " msi
1570 | WHERE r1.site_id = msi.identifier
1571 | " . $search_query_conditions_list . "
1572 | " . $search_query_conditions_maxage . "
1573 | GROUP BY r1.site_id
1574 | ORDER BY msi.site_name";
1575 |
1576 | $result = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
1577 | return $result;
1578 | }
1579 |
1580 |
1581 | function getmonthlyarchivedates($itemdate="", $list_id=0){
1582 | global $wpdb;
1583 |
1584 | //protect input vaues
1585 | $list_id=abs(intval($list_id));
1586 | if (!ereg("[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]", $itemdate)) $itemdate = date('Y-m-d');
1587 |
1588 | /* let's get all date results for the month according to itemdate
1589 | + the last hitting date before the month according to itemdate
1590 | + the next hitting date after the month according to itemdate
1591 | */
1592 |
1593 | $firstsecondthismonth=mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($itemdate,5,2), 1, substr($itemdate,0,4));
1594 | $firstsecondnextmonth=mktime(0, 0, 0, ( substr($itemdate,5,2) +1 ), 1, substr($itemdate,0,4));
1595 | if($list_id>0) $search_query_conditions_list="AND r1.site_id in (select sites.identifier AS site_id from (" . $this->listtable . " lists join " . $this->sitetable . " sites) where ((concat(_latin1',',lists.url_list,_latin1',') like concat(_utf8'%,',sites.identifier,_utf8',%')) or (lists.list_all = _latin1'Y')) and lists.identifier = '" . $list_id . "') \n";
1596 |
1597 | //let's try to build a quicker query - is it really quicker?
1598 | if($list_id>0) {
1599 | $search_table_addition_list=" , (select sites.identifier AS site_id from (" . $this->listtable . " lists join " . $this->msitetable . " sites) where ((concat(_latin1',',lists.url_list,_latin1',') like concat(_utf8'%,',sites.identifier,_utf8',%')) or (lists.list_all = _latin1'Y')) and lists.identifier = '" . $list_id . "') s \n";
1600 | $search_query_conditions_list="AND r1.site_id = s.site_id \n";
1601 | }
1602 |
1603 | /* //leave quicksql as comment, maybe it will be needed later, because for timezone conversions it is fine to use item_time instead of item_date
1604 | $quicksql = "(SELECT IFNULL( FROM_UNIXTIME( min( r1.item_time ) , '%Y-%m-%d' ),'0') AS item_date, 'next' AS type
1605 | FROM " . $this->mitemtable . " r1 " . $search_table_addition_list . "
1606 | WHERE r1.item_time >= '".$firstsecondnextmonth."' " . $search_query_conditions_list . " )
1608 | (SELECT DISTINCT FROM_UNIXTIME( r1.item_time, '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS item_date, 'normal' AS type
1609 | FROM " . $this->mitemtable . " r1 " . $search_table_addition_list . "
1610 | WHERE r1.item_time >= '".$firstsecondthismonth."'
1611 | AND r1.item_time < '".$firstsecondnextmonth."' " . $search_query_conditions_list . " )
1613 | ( SELECT IFNULL( FROM_UNIXTIME( max( r1.item_time ) , '%Y-%m-%d' ),'0') AS item_date, 'last' AS type
1614 | FROM " . $this->mitemtable . " r1 " . $search_table_addition_list . "
1615 | WHERE r1.item_time < '".$firstsecondthismonth."' " . $search_query_conditions_list . ") ";
1616 | $quicksql .= " ORDER BY type, item_date ASC LIMIT 0,40 ";
1617 | */ //just as demo how to use item_time fields instead of item_date
1618 |
1619 | $quickersql = "(SELECT IFNULL( FROM_UNIXTIME( min( r1.item_time ) , '%Y-%m-%d' ),'0') AS item_date, 'next' AS type
1620 | FROM " . $this->mitemtable . " r1 " . $search_table_addition_list . "
1621 | WHERE r1.item_time >= '".$firstsecondnextmonth."' " . $search_query_conditions_list . " )
1623 | (SELECT DISTINCT date_format( r1.item_date, '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS item_date, 'normal' AS type
1624 | FROM " . $this->mitemtable . " r1 " . $search_table_addition_list . "
1625 | WHERE r1.item_date >= FROM_UNIXTIME('".$firstsecondthismonth."','%Y-%m-%d')
1626 | AND r1.item_date < FROM_UNIXTIME('".$firstsecondnextmonth."','%Y-%m-%d') " . $search_query_conditions_list . "
1627 | group by r1.item_time )
1629 | ( SELECT IFNULL( FROM_UNIXTIME( max( r1.item_time ) , '%Y-%m-%d' ),'0') AS item_date, 'last' AS type
1630 | FROM " . $this->mitemtable . " r1 " . $search_table_addition_list . "
1631 | WHERE r1.item_time < '".$firstsecondthismonth."' " . $search_query_conditions_list . " ) ";
1632 | $quickersql .= " ORDER BY type, item_date ASC LIMIT 0,40 ";
1633 |
1634 |
1635 | //echo $quickersql . '<br />';
1636 | $result = $wpdb->get_results($quickersql);
1637 | return $result;
1638 |
1639 | }
1640 |
1641 |
1642 | function get_most_recent_item_time($feedurl)
1643 | {
1644 | global $wpdb;
1645 |
1646 | if($this->memtablesok == 1){
1647 | //if feedurl is numeric, we treat it as a site_id
1648 | if(abs(intval($feedurl))."" == $feedurl.""){
1649 | $sql = "SELECT MAX( $this->miitemtime ) as $this->iitemtime
1650 | FROM $this->mitemtable
1651 | WHERE $this->misiteid = '$feedurl'";
1652 | }else{
1653 | $sql = "SELECT MAX( $this->miitemtime ) as $this->iitemtime
1654 | FROM $this->mitemtable
1655 | WHERE $this->misiteid = (
1656 | SELECT $this->midentifier
1657 | FROM $this->msitetable
1658 | WHERE $this->mfeedurl = '$feedurl' ) ";
1659 | }
1660 | }else{
1661 | $sql = "SELECT MAX($this->iitemtime) FROM $this->itemtable ".
1662 | "WHERE $this->ifeedurl='$feedurl' ";
1663 | }
1664 | $result = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
1665 | return $result;
1666 | }
1667 |
1668 | //new function to query items for output
1669 | //input: object with ids - just to be overloaded, never to be changed, optional parameter order by site name
1670 | //output: object with set of rows
1671 | function getsitenitems(&$id_result, $orderbysitename=false){
1672 | global $wpdb;
1673 | if(!$id_result){
1674 | return false;
1675 | }
1676 | $sql = "SELECT i.identifier as itemid, s.identifier as siteid, i.*, s.* FROM $this->itemtable i, $this->msitetable s ";
1677 | $sql .= " WHERE i." . $this->ifeedurl . " = s." . $this->mfeedurl . " ";
1678 | $virgin = true;
1679 | foreach($id_result as $tr) {
1680 | if(!$tr->{$this->miid}) continue;
1681 | if($virgin)
1682 | $sql .= "AND ( ";
1683 | else
1684 | $sql .= "OR";
1685 | $sql .= " i." . $this->iidentifier . "='" . $tr->{$this->miid} . "' ";
1686 | $virgin = false;
1687 | }
1688 | if(!$virgin) $sql .= ") ";
1689 | if($orderbysitename){
1690 | $sql .= " ORDER BY s." . $this->msitename . " ASC ";
1691 | }else{
1692 | $sql .= " ORDER BY i." . $this->iitemtime . " DESC ";
1693 | }
1694 |
1695 | $itemset = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
1696 | return $itemset;
1697 | }
1698 |
1699 | /* --- delete --- */
1700 |
1701 | function deleteFeed($rss)
1702 | {
1703 | global $wpdb, $bdprss_search;
1704 |
1705 | $rss=trim($rss);
1706 | $url = $this->get_feedurl_from_site_id($rss);
1707 |
1708 | if(!$url) return;
1709 |
1710 | $sql = "DELETE FROM $this->sitetable WHERE $this->cfeedurl='$url'";
1711 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
1712 |
1713 | $sql = "DELETE FROM $this->itemtable WHERE $this->ifeedurl='$url'";
1714 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
1715 |
1716 | $sql = "DELETE FROM $this->errortable WHERE $this->efeedurl='$url'";
1717 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
1718 |
1719 | //delete from search tables
1720 | if(class_exists('BDPRSS_SEARCH')){
1721 | $result = $bdprss_search->markfeed4delete($rss);
1722 | $this->recordError("Attention", "Deleted Feed ID: " . $rss);
1723 | }
1724 |
1725 | //mem tables
1726 | $sql = "DELETE FROM $this->msitetable WHERE $this->midentifier='$rss'";
1727 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
1728 |
1729 | $sql = "DELETE FROM $this->mitemtable WHERE $this->misiteid='$rss'";
1730 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
1731 |
1732 | }
1733 |
1734 | function deletelist($list)
1735 | {
1736 | global $wpdb;
1737 |
1738 | $sql = "DELETE FROM $this->listtable WHERE $this->lidentifier='$list'";
1739 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
1740 | }
1741 |
1742 | function deletepbaoutput($list)
1743 | {
1744 | global $wpdb;
1745 |
1746 | $sql = "DELETE FROM $this->pbaoutputtable WHERE $this->pbaoidentifier='$list'";
1747 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
1748 | }
1749 |
1750 | function deleteErrors($url)
1751 | {
1752 | global $wpdb;
1753 |
1754 | $sql = "DELETE FROM $this->errortable ".
1755 | "WHERE $this->efeedurl='$url' ";
1756 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
1757 |
1758 | return $result;
1759 | }
1760 |
1761 | function droptable($tablename)
1762 | {
1763 | global $wpdb;
1764 |
1765 | $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $tablename";
1766 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
1767 |
1768 | return $result;
1769 | }
1770 |
1771 | function deleteErrorTable()
1772 | {
1773 | global $wpdb;
1774 |
1775 | $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $this->errortable";
1776 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
1777 |
1778 | $this->create();
1779 | }
1780 |
1781 | function delete_old_items($url)
1782 | {
1783 | /* delete_old_items($url)
1784 | */
1785 | global $wpdb, $bdprss_search;
1786 |
1787 | $oldDefined = (int) get_option('bdprss_keep_howlong');
1788 | if(!$oldDefined) return;
1789 | $oldDefined *= 60 * 60 * 24 * 31; // seconds in a month
1790 | $oldDefined = $this->now - $oldDefined;
1791 |
1792 | $sql = "DELETE FROM $this->itemtable ".
1793 | "WHERE $this->ifeedurl='$url' ".
1794 | "AND ($this->iitemtime<'$oldDefined' OR $this->iitemtime='')";
1795 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
1796 |
1797 | //delete from search tables
1798 | if(class_exists('BDPRSS_SEARCH')){
1799 | $result=$this->get_site($url);
1800 | $result = $bdprss_search->markfeed4delete($result->{$this->cidentifier}, $oldDefined);
1801 | $this->recordError($url, "Deleted Entries older as $oldDefined from this feed");
1802 | }
1803 |
1804 | //mem table
1805 | $sql = "DELETE FROM $this->mitemtable ".
1806 | "WHERE $this->misiteid in (
1807 | SELECT $this->midentifier FROM $this->msitetable
1808 | where $this->mfeedurl ='$url') ".
1809 | "AND ($this->miitemtime<'$oldDefined' OR $this->miitemtime='')";
1810 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
1811 |
1812 | return $result;
1813 | }
1814 |
1815 | function list_all_tables(){
1816 | global $bdprss_search;
1817 | $tables=$bdprss_search->pbasearch_list_tables();
1818 | $tablenames = array(
1819 | $this->errortable, $this->listtable, $this->itemtable, $this->sitetable,
1820 | $this->mtablestatus, $this->msitetable, $this->mitemtable, $this->optionstable, $this->pbaoutputtable
1821 | );
1822 | foreach($tablenames as $tablename){
1823 | $tables[$tablename]=true;
1824 | }
1825 | return $tables;
1826 | }
1827 |
1828 | function reset()
1829 | {
1830 | /* reset() -- delete the database tables -
1831 | * god knows why you would do this --
1832 | * this is the button of death
1833 | */
1834 | global $wpdb;
1835 |
1836 | $tablenames = $this->list_all_tables();
1837 | //print_r($tablenames);
1838 | $dummy1="";
1839 | $dummy2="";
1840 | $cachedeletecounter=@PBALIB::pba_cache($dummy1, $dummy2, 'clear', '', 'mixed', 180, 'OK');
1841 | //echo "<br>Uninstall outcommented in bdp-rssaggregator-db.php";
1842 | //exit;
1843 |
1844 | delete_option('bdprss_update_frequency');
1845 | delete_option('bdprss_keep_howlong');
1846 | delete_option('widget_name_multi');
1847 | foreach($tablenames as $t => $dummy)
1848 | {
1849 | $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $t ";
1850 | $result = $wpdb->query($sql);
1851 | }
1852 | return true;
1853 | }
1854 |
1855 | function get_wp_published_pages(){
1856 | global $wpdb, $table_prefix;
1857 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $table_prefix . "posts
1858 | WHERE post_type = 'page' AND post_status = 'publish'
1859 | ORDER BY ID";
1860 | $result = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
1861 | // return $sql;
1862 | return $result;
1863 | }
1864 |
1865 | } // class
1866 | }//if
1867 |
1868 | // Make a single global instance.
1869 | if ( !isset($bdprss_db) ) $bdprss_db = new BDPRSS_DB();
1870 |
1871 | ?>