1 | <?php
2 |
3 | if ($user_level < 6) die ( __('Cheatin’ uh?') );
4 |
5 | ?>
6 |
7 | <h2><a href="edit.php?page=parteibuch-aggregator/bdp-rssadmin.php">Parteibuch Aggregator</a>: Configuration of output format #<?php echo $pboutput; ?></h2>
8 |
9 | <fieldset>
10 |
11 | <form method="post" action="<?php echo $selfreference; ?>">
12 |
13 |
14 | <?php
15 |
16 | global $bdprss_db;
17 |
18 | $pbastartconfig=0;
19 | if(isset($_GET['pbstart'])){
20 | $pbastartconfig=abs(intval($_GET['pbstart']));
21 | }
22 | $pba_editpbaoutput_button='<input type="submit" name="pba_edit_output_button" value="»Save»" />';
23 |
24 | $result = $bdprss_db->get_pbaoutput($pboutput);
25 |
26 | if(!$result) {
27 | echo "<p><b>Unexpected error:</b> could not find output format #$pboutput </p>\n";
28 | } else {
29 | if($pbastartconfig > 0){
30 | echo '<input type="hidden" name="pbstart" value="'.$pbastartconfig.'" />';
31 | echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="status" />';
32 | }
33 |
34 | // setup stuff
35 | $pbaoname = bdpDisplayCode($result->{$bdprss_db->pbaoname});
36 | $pbaopage2hookin = abs(intval($result->{$bdprss_db->pbaopage2hookin}));
37 |
38 | //items to be displayed
39 | $pbaodefaultlist = $result->{$bdprss_db->pbaodefaultlist};
40 | $pbaoformattype = $result->{$bdprss_db->pbaoformattype};
41 | $pbaomaxitems = $result->{$bdprss_db->pbaomaxitems};
42 |
43 | //item formatting
44 | $pbaotemplate_ticker = bdpDisplayCode($result->{$bdprss_db->pbaotemplate_ticker});
45 |
46 | $pbaoappend_extra_link = $result->{$bdprss_db->pbaoappend_extra_link};
47 | $pbaoappend_cache_link = $result->{$bdprss_db->pbaoappend_cache_link};
48 | $pbaoadd_social_bookmarks = $result->{$bdprss_db->pbaoadd_social_bookmarks};
49 |
50 | $pbaosidebarwidget = bdpDisplayCode($result->{$bdprss_db->pbaosidebarwidget});
51 |
52 | $pbaomaxlength = $result->{$bdprss_db->pbaomaxlength};
53 | $pbaomaxwordlength = $result->{$bdprss_db->pbaomaxwordlength};
54 | $pbaoitem_date_format = bdpDisplayCode($result->{$bdprss_db->pbaoitem_date_format});
55 | $pbaoallowablexhtmltags = preg_split("','", $result->{$bdprss_db->pbaoallowablexhtmltags}, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
56 |
57 | //cachepage options
58 | $pbaoiscachable = bdpDisplayCode($result->{$bdprss_db->pbaoiscachable});
59 | $pbaocacheviewpage = bdpDisplayCode($result->{$bdprss_db->pbaocacheviewpage});
60 | $pba_otemplate_cache = bdpDisplayCode($result->{$bdprss_db->otemplate_cache});
61 |
62 | //feed options
63 | $pba_channel_title = bdpDisplayCode($result->{$bdprss_db->pba_channel_title});
64 | $pba_channel_link = bdpDisplayCode($result->{$bdprss_db->pba_channel_link});
65 | $pba_channel_description = bdpDisplayCode($result->{$bdprss_db->pba_channel_description});
66 | $pba_channel_language = bdpDisplayCode($result->{$bdprss_db->pba_channel_language});
67 | $pba_channel_copyright = bdpDisplayCode($result->{$bdprss_db->pba_channel_copyright});
68 |
69 | //kalender options
70 | $pba_otemplate_kalender = bdpDisplayCode($result->{$bdprss_db->otemplate_kalender});
71 | $pba_oarchive_date_format = bdpDisplayCode($result->{$bdprss_db->oarchive_date_format});
72 | $pba_okalendermonthslist = bdpDisplayCode($result->{$bdprss_db->okalendermonthslist});
73 | $pba_okalenderboxtablecaption = bdpDisplayCode($result->{$bdprss_db->okalenderboxtablecaption});
74 | $pba_okalender_last = bdpDisplayCode($result->{$bdprss_db->okalender_last});
75 | $pba_okalender_next = bdpDisplayCode($result->{$bdprss_db->okalender_next});
76 | $pba_okalenderboxdaysofweeklist = bdpDisplayCode($result->{$bdprss_db->okalenderboxdaysofweeklist});
77 |
78 | $pbao_superparameter = bdpDisplayCode($result->{$bdprss_db->pbao_superparameter});
79 |
80 | $pba_wp_pages=$bdprss_db->get_wp_published_pages();
81 |
82 | ?>
83 |
84 | <table width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5" class="editform">
85 |
86 | <tr valign="top">
87 | <td align="left" colspan="2"><h4>Basic configuration</h4>
88 | (You may change all values again as often as you like <a href="edit.php?page=parteibuch-aggregator/bdp-rssadmin.php">via the tools section of your blog's admin panel</a>)<br /> <br />
89 | </td>
90 | </tr>
91 |
92 | <tr valign="top">
93 | <th width="40%" scope="row" align="left">
94 | 1. Give this output stream a name:<br /> <br /> <br />
95 | </th>
96 | <td>
97 | <input type="hidden" name="pbaoidentifier" value="<?php echo $pboutput; ?>" />
98 | <input type="text" name="pbaoname" value="<?php echo $pbaoname; ?>" size="50" />
99 | <br/>(Just type in any name you like)<br /><br />
100 | </td>
101 | </tr>
102 |
103 | <tr valign="top">
104 | <th width="40%" scope="row" align="left">
105 | 2. Select a page where to display this output:
106 | <br /> <br /> <br />
107 | </th>
108 | <td>
109 |
110 | <select name="pbaopage2hookin">
111 |
112 | <?php
113 | $pba_pagecount=count($pba_wp_pages);
114 |
115 | //now comes the select element to hook into a wordpress page;
116 |
117 | if($pba_pagecount > 0){
118 | foreach($pba_wp_pages as $pba_page_key => $pba_wp_page){
119 | $pba_selected_page="";
120 | if ($pba_wp_page->ID == $pbaopage2hookin) $pba_selected_page=" selected";
121 | if(0 == $pbaopage2hookin && $pbastartconfig == 1 && ($pba_page_key + 1) == $pba_pagecount) $pba_selected_page=" selected";
122 | $pba_prepared_post_title=bdpDisplayCode($pba_wp_page->post_title);
123 | if(strlen($pba_prepared_post_title) > 60) $pba_prepared_post_title = substr($pba_prepared_post_title,0,60) . " ...";
124 | echo '<option value="'.$pba_wp_page->ID.'"'.$pba_selected_page.'>'.$pba_wp_page->ID.' - '.$pba_prepared_post_title.'</option>';
125 | }
126 | }
127 |
128 | $pba_selected_page="";
129 | if ((0 == $pbaopage2hookin && $pbastartconfig == 0) || $pba_pagecount == 0) $pba_selected_page=" selected";
130 | echo '<option value="0"'.$pba_selected_page.'>Do not display this output as a page of my blog </option>';
131 |
132 | echo '</select>';
133 | echo '<br />No choice fitting? Just <a title="Opens in new window: Create and publish a page on your blog" href="page-new.php" target="_blank">publish a new page</a> and then <a title="Refresh this page" href="">refresh</a>.<br /><br />';
134 |
135 | if($pba_pagecount == 0) echo '<br /><br /><b>Attentation please: No page found.</b> The Parteibuch Aggregator could not find any published <b>page</b> in your blog to hook into and show output. Maybe you want to <a title="Opens in new window: Create and publish a page on your blog" href="page-new.php" target="_blank">create and publish a page on your blog</a>? <br/><br/>After creating a page, you can come back here, <a title="Refresh this page" href="">refresh this page</a> and select the newly created page to hook this output stream into.<br /><br />';
136 | ?>
137 |
138 | </td>
139 | </tr>
140 |
141 | <?php
142 | //$mypbaformdebug .= $pbaopage2hookin;
143 | //if(true) echo '<tr valign="top"><td align="left" colspan="2">Debug: '.$mypbaformdebug . '</td></tr>';
144 | ?>
145 |
146 | <tr valign="top">
147 | <th width="40%" scope="row" align="left">
148 | 3. And hit the save button to complete:<br /> <br /> <br />
149 | </th>
150 | <td>
151 | <?php echo $pba_editpbaoutput_button; ?>
152 | </td>
153 | </tr>
154 |
155 | </table>
156 |
157 | <hr/>
158 |
159 | <script type="text/javascript">
160 | function toggledisplay(pbatoggleid){
161 | var pbatoggle = document.getElementById(pbatoggleid);
162 | if (pbatoggle.style.display != 'block') {
163 | pbatoggle.style.display = 'block';
164 | }else {
165 | if (pbatoggle.style.display == 'block') {
166 | pbatoggle.style.display = 'none';
167 | }
168 | }
169 | }
170 | document.write('Do you love lot's of parameters? The above configuration will be probably enough to display a nice RSS aggregated page on your blog. But if you like, you may view and change with the link beneath many additional parameters. If you are unsure, just don't use them at all and leave all the additional parameters unchanged.<br /><br />');
171 | document.write(' [<a href="#" onclick="toggledisplay(\'pbaoutextendedconfig\');return false;">Toggle Additional Parameters</a>]<div id="pbaoutextendedconfig" style="display:none;">');
172 | </script><noscript>
173 | The above settings will be probably enough to display a nice RSS aggregated page on your blog. But if you are a freak and love parameters and templates, here you have some additional parameters for this output stream. If you don't know what to do with the following parameters and templates, just leave all the following parameters unchanged.
174 | </noscript>
175 |
176 | <table width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5" class="editform">
177 | <tr valign="top"><td align="left" colspan="2"><h4>Additional parameters for this output configuration</h4></td></tr>
178 | <tr valign="top"><td align="left" colspan="2"><h4>Select which items shall be displayed in this output stream</h4></td></tr>
179 |
180 | <tr valign="top">
181 | <th width="40%" scope="row">
182 | Select a list filter:
183 | </th>
184 | <td>
185 |
186 | <input type="radio" name="pbaodefaultlist"
187 | value="0"<?php if(!$pbaodefaultlist) echo ' checked="checked"'; ?>>
188 | No list filter - display items of all lists<br />
189 | <?php
190 |
191 | global $bdprss_db;
192 | $result = $bdprss_db->get_all_lists();
193 | foreach($result as $r) {
194 | $checked="";
195 | if($r->identifier == $pbaodefaultlist) $checked=' checked="checked"';
196 | echo '<input type="radio" name="pbaodefaultlist"
197 | value="'.$r->identifier.'" '.$checked.'> '.$r->identifier.':
198 | '.$r->name.'<br />';
199 | }
200 | ?>
201 | </td>
202 | </tr>
203 |
204 | <tr valign="top">
205 | <th width="40%" scope="row">
206 | Maximum items per page:
207 | </th>
208 | <td>
209 | <input type="text" name="pbaomaxitems"
210 | value="<?php echo $pbaomaxitems; ?>" size="5" />
211 | (Zero (0) means as many as possible)
212 |
213 | </td>
214 | </tr>
215 |
216 | <tr valign="top">
217 | <th width="40%" scope="row">
218 | Output special sort order and time filter:
219 | </th>
220 | <td>
221 |
222 | <input type="radio" name="pbaoformattype"
223 | value="countrecentitem"<?php if($pbaoformattype == 'countrecentitem') echo ' checked="checked"'; ?>>
224 | Standard - list by most recent items<br />
225 | <input type="radio" name="pbaoformattype"
226 | value="daterecentitem"<?php if($pbaoformattype == 'daterecentitem') echo ' checked="checked"'; ?>>
227 | Special - list items of last 24 hours and sort by most recent item time<br />
228 | <input type="radio" name="pbaoformattype"
229 | value="sitealpha"<?php if($pbaoformattype == 'sitealpha') echo ' checked="checked"'; ?>>
230 | Special - list just one item per site of last 31 days and sort alphabetically<br />
231 | <input type="radio" name="pbaoformattype"
232 | value="siteupdate"<?php if($pbaoformattype == 'siteupdate') echo ' checked="checked"'; ?>>
233 | Special - list just one item per site of last 31 days and sort by most recent item time
234 | </td>
235 | </tr>
236 |
237 | <tr valign="top"><td align="left" colspan="2"><h4>Format the output page</h4></td></tr>
238 |
239 | <tr valign="top">
240 | <td width="40%">
241 | <p>Template for this output page: <br>
242 | see <a target="_blank" href="edit.php?page=parteibuch-aggregator/variables.php">here</a> some placeholder
243 | </p>
244 | </td>
245 | <td><textarea cols="60" rows="20" name="pbaotemplate_ticker"><?php
246 | echo $pbaotemplate_ticker;
247 | ?></textarea>
248 | </td>
249 | </tr>
250 |
251 | <tr valign="top">
252 | <th width="40%" scope="row">
253 | Append links to the items:
254 | </th>
255 | <td>
256 | Link to item: <input type="checkbox" name="pbaoappend_extra_link"
257 | value="Y" <?php if($pbaoappend_extra_link == 'Y') echo ' checked="checked"'; ?>>
258 | To cache: <input type="checkbox" name="pbaoappend_cache_link"
259 | value="Y" <?php if($pbaoappend_cache_link == 'Y') echo ' checked="checked"'; ?>>
260 | Social bookmarks: <input type="checkbox" name="pbaoadd_social_bookmarks"
261 | value="Y" <?php if($pbaoadd_social_bookmarks == 'Y') echo ' checked="checked"'; ?>>
262 | </td>
263 | </tr>
264 |
265 | <tr valign="top"><td align="left" colspan="2"><h4>Format the items</h4></td></tr>
266 |
267 | <tr valign="top">
268 | <th width="40%" scope="row">
269 | Maximum words for each item:
270 | </th>
271 | <td>
272 | <input type="text" name="pbaomaxlength" value="<?php echo $pbaomaxlength; ?>" size="5" /><br />
273 | (zero = no maximum word limit)
274 | </td>
275 | </tr>
276 |
277 | <tr valign="top">
278 | <th width="40%" scope="row">
279 | Maximum length of words in each item:
280 | </th>
281 | <td>
282 | <input type="text" name="pbaomaxwordlength"
283 | value="<?php echo $pbaomaxwordlength; ?>" size="5" /><br />
284 | (zero = no maximum word limit)
285 | </td>
286 | </tr>
287 |
288 |
289 | <tr valign="top">
290 | <th width="40%" scope="row">
291 | Item date format:
292 | </th>
293 | <td>
294 | <input type="text" name="pbaoitem_date_format"
295 | value="<?php echo $pbaoitem_date_format; ?>" size="30" /> (leave empty to show item age)
296 | </td>
297 | </tr>
298 |
299 | <tr valign="top">
300 | <th width="40%" scope="row">
301 | XHTML tags to retain in list output:
302 | </th>
303 | <td>
304 | </td>
305 | </tr>
306 |
307 | <?php
308 |
309 | foreach($bdprssTagSet as $key => $value)
310 | {
311 | $tag = BDPRSS2::tagalise($key);
312 | echo '<tr valign="top"><td width="40%" align="right">';
313 | echo $key;
314 | $checked = array_search($key, $pbaoallowablexhtmltags);
315 | if($checked !== FALSE) $checked = "checked='checked' "; else $checked='';
316 | echo "</td><td><input type='checkbox' name='$tag' $checked /> [";
317 | foreach($value as $v) echo " $v";
318 | echo " ] </td></tr>\n";
319 | }
320 | ?>
321 |
322 | <tr valign="top"><td align="left" colspan="2"><h4>Format the widget</h4></td></tr>
323 |
324 | <tr valign="top">
325 | <td width="40%">
326 | <p>
327 | <?php
328 | echo "This is the template for what is output by the RSS Aggregator <a href='widgets.php'>widget</a>.
329 | If you prefer to add the sidebar code manually to your sidebar, you may do it like this (the \"outputid\" defines which output you show):<br/>
330 | \$pba_config['outputid']=".$pboutput."; <br/>
331 | \$pba_config['show_sidebarwidget'] = 'Y'; <br/>
332 | \$pba_return=@PBA::outputwrapper(\$pba_config); <br/>
333 | echo \$pba_return['result'];";
334 |
335 | ?>
336 | <td><textarea cols="60" rows="10" name="pbaosidebarwidget"><?php
337 | echo $pbaosidebarwidget;
338 | ?></textarea>
339 | </td>
340 |
341 |
342 | <tr valign="top"><td align="left" colspan="2"><h4>Cache item presentation</h4></td></tr>
343 |
344 | <tr valign="top">
345 | <th width="40%" scope="row">
346 | Allow people to view the cache for the items:
347 | </th>
348 | <td>
349 | <input type="checkbox" name="pbaoiscachable"
350 | value="Y" <?php if($pbaoiscachable == 'Y') echo ' checked="checked"'; ?>>
351 | </td>
352 | </tr>
353 |
354 | <tr valign="top">
355 | <th width="40%" scope="row">
356 | Template of cache page:
357 | </th>
358 | <td><textarea cols="60" rows="10" name="pba_otemplate_cache"><?php
359 | echo $pba_otemplate_cache;
360 | ?></textarea>
361 | </td>
362 | </tr>
363 |
364 | <tr valign="top">
365 | <th width="40%" scope="row">
366 | Special page for cache viewing:
367 | </th>
368 | <td>
369 | <input type="text" name="pbaocacheviewpage"
370 | value="<?php echo $pbaocacheviewpage; ?>" size="50" /><br />
371 | (If you have a special page for cache viewing, put the URL in here)
372 | </td>
373 | </tr>
374 |
375 |
376 |
377 | <tr valign="top"><td align="left" colspan="2"><h4>Feed Output Options</h4></td></tr>
378 |
379 | <tr valign="top">
380 | <th width="40%" scope="row">
381 | Feed Title in Output:
382 | </th>
383 | <td>
384 | <input type="text" maxlength="100" name="pba_channel_title"
385 | value="<?php echo $pba_channel_title; ?>" size="50" />
386 | </td>
387 | </tr>
388 |
389 | <tr valign="top">
390 | <th width="40%" scope="row">
391 | Feed Channel WWW - Link:
392 | </th>
393 | <td>
394 | <input type="text" maxlength="100" name="pba_channel_link"
395 | value="<?php echo $pba_channel_link; ?>" size="50" /><br/>(if empty, post->guid from wordpress will be used)
396 | </td>
397 | </tr>
398 |
399 | <tr valign="top">
400 | <th width="40%" scope="row">
401 | Feed Channel Description:
402 | </th>
403 | <td>
404 | <input type="text" maxlength="200" name="pba_channel_description"
405 | value="<?php echo $pba_channel_description; ?>" size="50" />
406 | </td>
407 | </tr>
408 |
409 | <tr valign="top">
410 | <th width="40%" scope="row">
411 | Feed Channel Language Code:
412 | </th>
413 | <td>
414 | <input type="text" maxlength="10" name="pba_channel_language"
415 | value="<?php echo $pba_channel_language; ?>" size="10" />
416 | </td>
417 | </tr>
418 |
419 | <tr valign="top">
420 | <th width="40%" scope="row">
421 | Feed Channel License:
422 | </th>
423 | <td>
424 | <input type="text" maxlength="100" name="pba_channel_copyright"
425 | value="<?php echo $pba_channel_copyright; ?>" size="50" />
426 | </td>
427 | </tr>
428 |
429 | <tr valign="top">
430 | <td align="left" colspan="2">
431 | <h4>Calendar features</h4>
432 | <p>The following values affect all calendar related features</p>
433 | </td>
434 | </tr>
435 |
436 | <tr valign="top">
437 | <th width="40%" scope="row">
438 | Template of calendar page:
439 | </th>
440 | <td><textarea cols="60" rows="10" name="pba_otemplate_kalender"><?php
441 | echo $pba_otemplate_kalender;
442 | ?></textarea>
443 | </td>
444 | </tr>
445 |
446 | <tr valign="top">
447 | <th width="40%" scope="row">
448 | Format of calendar dates:
449 | </th>
450 | <td>
451 | <input type="text" name="pba_oarchive_date_format"
452 | value="<?php echo $pba_oarchive_date_format; ?>" size="30" /><br />
453 | (Uses <a href="http://www.php.net/date">PHP date format</a>)
454 | </td>
455 | </tr>
456 |
457 | <tr valign="top">
458 | <th width="40%" scope="row">
459 | Months in calendar:
460 | </th>
461 | <td>
462 | <input type="text" name="pba_okalendermonthslist"
463 | value="<?php echo $pba_okalendermonthslist; ?>" size="30" />
464 | </td>
465 | </tr>
466 |
467 | <tr valign="top">
468 | <td align="left" colspan="2">
469 | <p>Additional values just for the calendar box</p>
470 | </td>
471 | </tr>
472 |
473 | <tr valign="top">
474 | <th width="40%" scope="row">
475 | Caption id for calendar box table:
476 | </th>
477 | <td>
478 | <input type="text" name="pba_okalenderboxtablecaption"
479 | value="<?php echo $pba_okalenderboxtablecaption; ?>" size="20" />
480 | </td>
481 | </tr>
482 |
483 | <tr valign="top">
484 | <th width="40%" scope="row">
485 | Caption: Earlier:
486 | </th>
487 | <td>
488 | <input type="text" name="pba_okalender_last"
489 | value="<?php echo $pba_okalender_last; ?>" size="10" /><br />
490 | </td>
491 | </tr>
492 |
493 | <tr valign="top">
494 | <th width="40%" scope="row">
495 | Caption: Later
496 | </th>
497 | <td>
498 | <input type="text" name="pba_okalender_next"
499 | value="<?php echo $pba_okalender_next; ?>" size="10" /><br />
500 | </td>
501 | </tr>
502 |
503 | <tr valign="top">
504 | <th width="40%" scope="row">
505 | List of weeks:
506 | </th>
507 | <td>
508 | <input type="text" name="pba_okalenderboxdaysofweeklist"
509 | value="<?php echo $pba_okalenderboxdaysofweeklist; ?>" size="50" /><br />
510 | </td>
511 | </tr>
512 |
513 | <tr valign="top">
514 | <td align="left" colspan="2">
515 | <h4>Free flow parameter overwriting</h4>
516 | <p>The following box allows to overwrite any default parameter</p>
517 | </td>
518 | </tr>
519 |
520 | <tr valign="top">
521 | <td>Free parameter input:<br>
522 | Syntax: <br>
523 | ###SUPERPARAMETER_Defaultparameter1_BEGIN###
524 | New value for defaultparameter1
526 | ###SUPERPARAMETER_Defaultparameter2_BEGIN###
527 | New value for defaultparameter2
529 | etc, any newline breaks will be recognized as
530 | part of the parameter value, single true / false
531 | will be converted to bool true and false
532 | </td>
533 | <td><textarea cols="60" rows="10" name="pbao_superparameter"><?php
534 | echo $pbao_superparameter;
535 | ?></textarea>
536 | </td>
537 | </tr>
538 |
539 |
540 | <tr valign="top">
541 | <th width="40%" scope="row" align="left">
542 | Hit the save button to save this configuration:<br /> <br /> <br />
543 | </th>
544 | <td>
545 | <?php echo $pba_editpbaoutput_button; ?>
546 | </td>
547 | </tr>
548 |
549 | </table>
550 |
551 | <script type="text/javascript">
552 | document.write('</div>');
553 | </script>
554 |
555 | </form>
556 |
557 | </fieldset>
558 |
559 | <?php
560 | }
561 | ?>