[44] | 1 | <?php
| 2 |
| 3 | if ($user_level < 6) die ( __('Cheatin’ uh?') );
| 4 |
| 5 | global $bdprss_db, $bdprss_search;
| 6 |
| 7 | $pbastartconfig=0;
| 8 | if(isset($_POST['pbstart'])){
| 9 | $pbastartconfig=abs(intval($_POST['pbstart']));
| 10 | }elseif(isset($_GET['pbstart'])){
| 11 | $pbastartconfig=abs(intval($_GET['pbstart']));
| 12 | }
| 13 |
| 14 |
| 15 | //let's check if basic functionality is working
| 16 | $pba_wp_pages=$bdprss_db->get_wp_published_pages();
| 17 | $pba_all_outputs=$bdprss_db->get_all_pbaoutputs();
| 18 |
| 19 | if(isset($pba_all_outputs[0]->page2hookin)) {
| 20 | $pba_page_hooked_in['id']=$pba_all_outputs[0]->page2hookin;
| 21 | //echo '<br>We hooked into page: ' . $pba_page_hooked_in['id'];
| 22 | if($pba_page_hooked_in['id'] > 0){
| 23 | //let's get some more information about that page
| 24 | foreach($pba_wp_pages as $page_index => $pba_wp_page){
| 25 | //print_r($pba_wp_page);
| 26 | if($pba_wp_page->ID == $pba_page_hooked_in['id']){
| 27 | $pba_page_hooked_in['title']=preg_replace(array('/"/',"/'/"), array('"','''), $pba_wp_page->post_title);
| 28 | //echo '<br>Title of that page is: ' . $pba_page_hooked_in['title'];
| 29 | $pba_page_hooked_in['guid']=$pba_wp_page->guid;
| 30 | //echo '<br>guid of that page is: ' . $pba_page_hooked_in['guid'];
| 31 | }
| 32 | }
| 33 | if(function_exists('get_page_link')) {
| 34 | $pba_page_href = get_page_link($pba_page_hooked_in['id']);
| 35 | //echo '<br>href to that page is: ' . $pba_page_href;
| 36 | }elseif(isset($pba_page_hooked_in['guid'])){
| 37 | $pba_page_href = $pba_page_hooked_in['guid'];
| 38 | }
| 39 | }// end if isset($pba_all_outputs[0]->page2hookin)
| 40 | //check if we get output
| 41 | $pba_whileloopcounter=1;
| 42 | while ($pba_whileloopcounter <= 3) {
| 43 | $pba_whileloopcounter++;
| 44 | $pba_config['outputid']=$pba_all_outputs[0]->identifier;
| 45 | $pba_config["maxitems"]=1;
| 46 | if($pbastartconfig==0) $pba_config['listid']=0;
| 47 | $pba_result=@PBA::outputwrapper($pba_config);
| 48 | $pba_found_items=$pba_result['founditems'];
| 49 | if($pba_found_items > 1){
| 50 | //echo "You have already " . $pba_found_items . " items in your Aggregator.";
| 51 | break;
| 52 | }else{
| 53 | echo '<p>Please be patient for a minute. The Parteibuch Aggregator tries to poll some feeds for you.</p>';
| 54 | flush();
| 55 | $bdprss_db->updateAll();
| 56 | }
| 57 | }// end while loop
| 58 | } // end if isset($pba_all_outputs[0]->page2hookin)
| 59 |
| 60 | if($pbastartconfig == 1 && $pba_found_items > 0){
| 61 | $bdprss_db->process_new();
| 62 | echo '<h2>Congratulations!</h2>';
| 63 | }else{
| 64 | echo '<h2>Programmer's hell - Status page of the <a href="edit.php?page=parteibuch-aggregator/bdp-rssadmin.php">Parteibuch Aggregator</a> plugin</h2>';
| 65 | }
| 66 |
| 67 | echo '<table width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5" class="editform">';
| 68 |
| 69 | if($pbastartconfig == 1 && $pba_found_items > 0){
| 70 |
| 71 | echo '<tr valign="top">
| 72 | <td align="left" colspan="2"><h4>You successfully managed to install and configure the <a href="edit.php?page=parteibuch-aggregator/bdp-rssadmin.php">Parteibuch Aggregator</a> plugin.</h4>';
| 73 |
| 74 | echo '<br><br>Your Parteibuch Aggregator aggregated already ' . $pba_found_items . ' items.';
| 75 |
| 76 | echo '<br><br><b>So what's next?</b>';
| 77 |
| 78 | if(isset($pba_page_href)){
| 79 | echo '<br><br>Maybe you want to see your RSS page "'.$pba_page_hooked_in['title'].'"? So check it out <a target="_blank" title="Opens in new window: "'.$pba_page_hooked_in['title'].'"with output collected by the Parteibuch Aggregator" href="'.$pba_page_href.'">here</a>. Does it fit your likings? Fine.
| 80 |
| 81 | <br><br>Or do you want to change the layout of the output? If so, go into <a title="Modify configuration of output #1" href="edit.php?page=parteibuch-aggregator/bdp-rssadmin.php&action=editpbaoutput&pboutput=1">additional parameters of the output</a> and modify it.';
| 82 | }
| 83 | if(isset($pba_all_outputs[0])){
| 84 | echo '<br><br>Maybe you want to show RSS headlines in the sidebar of your blog? So just <a title="Put a RSS Aggregator widget into your sidebar" href="widgets.php">take the RSS Aggregator widget</a>.';
| 85 |
| 86 | echo "<br><br>Maybe you don't use widgets and you want to add the Parteibuch Aggregator sidebar code manually to your sidebar? <br/>
| 87 | So here is the code to add to your sidebar:<br/><br/>
| 88 | \$pba_config['outputid']=1; <br/>
| 89 | \$pba_config['show_sidebarwidget'] = 'Y'; <br/>
| 90 | \$pba_return=@PBA::outputwrapper(\$pba_config); <br/>
| 91 | echo \$pba_return['result'];";
| 92 | }
| 93 |
| 94 | echo '<br><br>Maybe you want to add your favorite feeds to your aggregator or find out about the options of your aggregator? So just go to your <a title="Go to Parteibuch Aggregator management page" href="edit.php?page=parteibuch-aggregator/bdp-rssadmin.php">Parteibuch Aggregator management page</a>.';
| 95 |
| 96 | //print_r($pba_all_outputs);
| 97 | //print_r($pba_wp_pages);
| 98 |
| 99 | echo '</td>
| 100 | </tr>';
| 101 | } elseif($pbastartconfig == 1) {
| 102 | echo '<tr valign="top">';
| 103 | echo '<td align="left" colspan="2"><h2>Oops, what's going on here?</h2>';
| 104 | echo '<br><br>You successfully installed the Parteibuch Aggregator, but we can't find any aggregated items. It may happen that the feed we tried to poll is just not available or not readable at the moment. We recommend <a title="Add your favorite feeds to your RSS Aggregator" href="edit.php?page=parteibuch-aggregator/bdp-rssadmin.php#addfeeds">to add your favorite feeds</a> or just wait for some hours until the preinstalled feed become readable again.';
| 105 | echo '</td>
| 106 | </tr>';
| 107 |
| 108 | }else{
| 109 | echo '<tr valign="top">';
| 110 | echo '<td align="left" colspan="2"><h4>Some basic information</h4>';
| 111 | echo '</td>
| 112 | </tr>';
| 113 |
| 114 | echo '<tr valign="top">
| 115 | <td width="40%" align="right">
| 116 | Available items:
| 117 | </td>
| 118 | <td>
| 119 | '.$pba_found_items .'
| 120 | </td>
| 121 | </tr>';
| 122 |
| 123 | echo '<tr valign="top">';
| 124 | echo '<td align="left" colspan="2"><h4>Information on hooked pages</h4>';
| 125 | echo '</td>
| 126 | </tr>';
| 127 |
| 128 | foreach($pba_all_outputs as $pba_output_index => $pba_all_output){
| 129 | $pageshookedin[$pba_all_output->page2hookin]=$pba_all_output->identifier;
| 130 | }
| 131 |
| 132 | foreach($pba_wp_pages as $page_index => $pba_wp_page){
| 133 | if(isset($pageshookedin[$pba_wp_page->ID])){
| 134 | echo '<tr valign="top">
| 135 | <td width="40%" align="right">
| 136 | Page '.$pba_wp_page->ID.':
| 137 | </td>
| 138 | <td>
| 139 | hooked by Output ID '.$pageshookedin[$pba_wp_page->ID] .'
| 140 | </td>
| 141 | </tr>';
| 142 | } //end if isset($pageshookedin[$pba_wp_page->ID])
| 143 | } // end foreach($pba_wp_pages as $page_index => $pba_wp_page)
| 144 |
| 145 | echo '<tr valign="top">';
| 146 | echo '<td align="left" colspan="2"><h4>Information about serverstatus variable</h4>';
| 147 | echo '</td>
| 148 | </tr>';
| 149 |
| 150 | foreach($bdprss_db->serverstatus as $stproperty => $stvalue){
| 151 | echo '<tr valign="top">
| 152 | <td width="40%" align="right">
| 153 | "'.$stproperty.'":
| 154 | </td>
| 155 | <td>
| 156 | '.PBALIB::get_r($stvalue) .'
| 157 | </td>
| 158 | </tr>';
| 159 | }
| 160 |
| 161 | echo '<tr valign="top">';
| 162 | echo '<td align="left" colspan="2"><h4>Information from options table</h4>';
| 163 | echo '</td>
| 164 | </tr>';
| 165 |
| 166 | foreach($bdprss_db->get_all_options() as $optionkey => $optionvalue){
| 167 | foreach($optionvalue as $optionkey => $optionvaltmp){
| 168 | if($optionkey != 'name') $optionvaltmp2[$optionkey] = $optionvaltmp;
| 169 | }
| 170 | echo '<tr valign="top">
| 171 | <td width="40%" align="right">
| 172 | Option "'.$optionvalue->name.'":
| 173 | </td>
| 174 | <td>
| 175 | '.PBALIB::get_r($optionvaltmp2) .'
| 176 | </td>
| 177 | </tr>';
| 178 | } // end foreach($bdprss_db->get_all_options() as $optionkey => $optionvalue)
| 179 |
| 180 | echo '<tr valign="top">';
| 181 | echo '<td align="left" colspan="2"><h4>Information about the Parteibuch Aggregator database tables</h4>';
| 182 | echo '</td>
| 183 | </tr>';
| 184 |
| 185 | $pba_tables=$bdprss_db->list_all_tables();
| 186 | foreach($pba_tables as $pba_table => $dummy){
| 187 | $tablestatus=$bdprss_db->get_mysql_tablestatus($pba_table);
| 188 | echo '<tr valign="top">
| 189 | <td width="40%" align="right">
| 190 | Table "'.$pba_table.'":
| 191 | </td>
| 192 | <td>
| 193 | '.PBALIB::get_r($tablestatus) .'
| 194 | </td>
| 195 | </tr>';
| 196 | }//end foreach pba tables
| 197 |
| 198 | echo '<tr valign="top">';
| 199 | echo '<td align="left" colspan="2"><h4>Information on wordpress rewrite rules option setting</h4>';
| 200 | echo '</td>
| 201 | </tr>';
| 202 |
| 203 | echo '<tr valign="top">';
| 204 | echo '<td align="left" colspan="2">';
| 205 | echo "This blog's wordpress option rewrite_rules is set to: " . str_replace("\n",'<br>',PBALIB::get_r(get_option('rewrite_rules')));
| 206 | echo '</td>
| 207 | </tr>';
| 208 |
| 209 |
| 210 | echo '<tr valign="top">';
| 211 | echo '<td align="left" colspan="2"><br><br><b>I have seen enough about this hell, let me out here going <a href="' . $selfreference . '">back to the Parteibuch Aggregator admin page</a></b>';
| 212 | echo '</td>
| 213 | </tr>';
| 214 |
| 215 | }//end no pbstart
| 216 |
| 217 | echo '</table>';
| 218 |
| 219 | //echo 'pbastartconfig is: ' . $pbastartconfig;
| 220 |
| 221 | ?>