heap_to_add=1000; //maximum possible heap, depends on memory and exec time restricts in php
$this->default_heapmode="bulk"; //possible values: "bulk", "temptable"
$this->bulklines=20; //never set to zero, may result in division by zero error, max possible value depends on ph memory
$this->get_ids4heap2add_mode_default="notinstatus"; //possible values: "notinstatus", "maxitem_id"
if($pba_search_database != "") $pba_search_database .= ".";
$this->bdprss_searchtable_prefix=$pba_search_database . $table_prefix . "pba_index_";
$this->bdprss_searchtable[9]=array($this->bdprss_searchtable_prefix . "9","w","{");
$this->bdprss_searchtable[8]=array($this->bdprss_searchtable_prefix . "8","u","w");
$this->bdprss_searchtable[7]=array($this->bdprss_searchtable_prefix . "7","s","u");
$this->bdprss_searchtable[6]=array($this->bdprss_searchtable_prefix . "6","n","s");
$this->bdprss_searchtable[5]=array($this->bdprss_searchtable_prefix . "5","j","n");
$this->bdprss_searchtable[4]=array($this->bdprss_searchtable_prefix . "4","h","j");
$this->bdprss_searchtable[3]=array($this->bdprss_searchtable_prefix . "3","e","h");
$this->bdprss_searchtable[2]=array($this->bdprss_searchtable_prefix . "2","d","e");
$this->bdprss_searchtable[1]=array($this->bdprss_searchtable_prefix . "1","a","d");
$this->bdprss_searchtable[0]=array($this->bdprss_searchtable_prefix . "0","0",":");
$this->bdprss_searchtable_temp=$this->bdprss_searchtable_prefix . "temp";
$this->bdprss_searchtable_status=$this->bdprss_searchtable_prefix . "status"; // 'OK', 'UPDATE', 'INTEMP'
} //init function BDPRSS_SEARCH
function bdprss_make_entities_from_searchphrase($searchword=""){
global $bdprsssearchdebug;
//find chunks enclosed by doublequots
$searchword_array=str_split(" " . $searchword . " ");
foreach($searchword_array as $searchword_pos => $searchword_letter){
if($continue){ $continue = false; continue; }
if($searchword_letter == " " && ($searchword_array[$searchword_pos + 1] == '"' || $searchword_array[$searchword_pos + 1] == "'") && $is_in_quot_mode==false){
if(strlen($return_array[$linepointer]['string'])>0) $linepointer++;
} elseif(($searchword_letter == '"' || $searchword_letter == "'") && $searchword_array[$searchword_pos + 1] == ' ' && $is_in_quot_mode==true){
if(strlen($return_array[$linepointer]['string'])>0) $linepointer++;
$return_array[$linepointer]['string']=$return_array[$linepointer]['string'] . $searchword_letter;
foreach($return_array as $linepointer => $line){
$return_array[$linepointer]['stemmed']= $this->stem_search_text($line['string']);
$sorted_array[$array_counter]= explode(' ', $this->stem_search_text($line['string']));
} else {
$plain_merger=$plain_merger . " " . $line['string'];
if(strlen($plain_merger)>0) $sorted_array[0] = explode(' ', $plain_merger);
if($bdprsssearchdebug) {echo "
Debug: sorted_array: "; print_r($sorted_array);}
return $sorted_array; //in array[0] is single words, in array [1-n] is search phrases
function bdprss_findtableforword($searchword=""){
foreach($this->bdprss_searchtable as $table_to_search){
if($char2compare >= ord($table_to_search[1]) && $char2compare < ord($table_to_search[2])) {
return $table_to_search[0];
return false;
function pbasearch_list_tables(){
foreach($this->bdprss_searchtable as $table_to_search){
return $tables;
function bdprss_create_proc(){
global $bdprss_db, $wpdb, $bdprsssearchdebug;
foreach($this->bdprss_searchtable as $table_to_search){
$sql="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $table_to_search[0] (
item_id int(10) NOT NULL,
index_word varchar(255) NOT NULL,
index_position int(10) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (item_id,index_position),
KEY idx_word_id (index_word,item_id)
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='$table_to_search[1]-$threshold'";
$result = $wpdb->query($sql);
$sql="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $this->bdprss_searchtable_temp (
item_id int(10) NOT NULL,
index_word varchar(255) NOT NULL,
index_position int(10) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (item_id,index_position)
$result = $wpdb->query($sql);
$sql="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $this->bdprss_searchtable_status (
item_id int(10) NOT NULL,
md5 char(32) NOT NULL,
status char(6) NOT NULL,
item_time int(15) NOT NULL,
item_update_time int(15) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (item_id),
KEY idx_status_item_id (status,item_id)
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='index status per item id'";
$result = $wpdb->query($sql);
return $result;
function stem_search_text($bdprss_itemtext2search){
//strip text of html and script tags
$bdprss_itemtext2search=BDPRSS2::packageItemText($bdprss_itemtext2search, 0, 1000000, FALSE, '');
//replace non text with blanks and decapitalize
$bdprss_itemtext2search=trim(preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]+/si',' ',$bdprss_itemtext2search));
return $bdprss_itemtext2search;
function delete_item_from_search($bdprss_delete_searchitem_id){
global $bdprss_db, $wpdb, $bdprsssearchdebug;
$this->bdprss_item_delete_sql .= ", '$bdprss_delete_searchitem_id'";
function add_item_to_search($bdprss_add_searchitem_id, $addheapmode="", $dodelete=false){
global $bdprss_db, $wpdb, $bdprsssearchdebug;
if($addheapmode == "") $addheapmode = $this->default_heapmode;
if( $this->process_updates ) $dodelete=true;
if(!$search_item->item_site_name && !$search_item->item_name && !$search_item->text_body) return;
//Here we got all the info needed for an entry in search index
$bdprss_itemtext2search=$search_item->item_site_name . " " . $search_item->item_name . " " . $search_item->text_body;
//delete previous items to search index
//add item to search index
if($addheapmode == "temptable"){
//echo "Just testing, no real insert done";
$bdprss_itemtext2searcharray=explode(' ',$bdprss_itemtext2search);
foreach($bdprss_itemtext2searcharray as $bdprss_itemtext2searcharraykey => $bdprss_itemtext2searcharrayvalue){
$bdprss_tmptable_sql .= ", ($bdprss_add_searchitem_id, '$bdprss_itemtext2searcharrayvalue', $bdprss_itemtext2searcharraykey)";
$bdprss_tmptable_sql= "INSERT INTO " . $this->bdprss_searchtable_temp . " (item_id, index_word , index_position) VALUES " . substr($bdprss_tmptable_sql,2);
//echo $bdprss_tmptable_sql;
$result = $wpdb->query($bdprss_tmptable_sql);
$this->bdprss_item_status_sql .= ", '$bdprss_add_searchitem_id'";
} elseif($addheapmode == "bulk"){
//echo "Just testing, no real insert done";
$bdprss_itemtext2searcharray=explode(' ',$bdprss_itemtext2search);
foreach($bdprss_itemtext2searcharray as $bdprss_itemtext2searcharraykey => $bdprss_itemtext2searcharrayvalue){
//echo " $bdprss_itemtext2searcharrayvalue -> $table4word";
if($table4word) {
if(!isset($this->bdprss_bulksql[$table4word])) $this->bdprss_bulksql[$table4word] ="";
$this->bdprss_bulksql[$table4word] .= ", ($bdprss_add_searchitem_id, '$bdprss_itemtext2searcharrayvalue', $bdprss_itemtext2searcharraykey)";
$this->bdprss_item_status_sql .= ", '$bdprss_add_searchitem_id'";
if($dodelete) $this->bdprss_item_delete_sql .= ", '$bdprss_add_searchitem_id'";
} else {
$sql = "call insme($bdprss_add_searchitem_id, '" . $bdprss_itemtext2search . "', $bdprss_itemtime2search)";
if($bdprsssearchdebug) echo "Debug: Error: no valid addheapmode: $addheapmode ";
//$result = $wpdb->query($sql); //broken procedure may be for new addheapmode
return false;
$insertcounter=substr_count(utf8_decode($bdprss_itemtext2search), ' ')+1;
if($bdprsssearchdebug) echo " " . $insertcounter . "w. ";
return true;
function bdprss_search4items($search_phrase, $start=0, $max=10, $ids=false, $list_id=0, $itemdate="", $feed="", $fromtimestamp=0, $totimestamp=0, $opsfilter=false, $orderbysitename=false, $itemid=false){
global $wpdb, $bdprss_db, $found_tickeritems, $bdprsssearchdebug;
//$itemdate="2009-02-28"; //leave for testing purposes
//$feed="http://evilboy.ej.am/blog/?feed=rss2"; //leave for testing purposes
//make variables secure
if($itemid) $itemid = abs(intval($itemid));
if($itemdate && $itemdate!=""){
if (!ereg("[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]", $itemdate)){
$itemdate = "";
} else {
$itemdate = "";
//just a test, switch model to be programmed later in a more fitting place
$infeed=preg_replace("/(feed:[^ ]+).*/",'${1}',$search_phrase);
if(strstr(substr($infeed, 0, 5), 'feed:')) {
$search_phrase=preg_replace("/(feed:[^ ]+)/",'',$search_phrase);
$infeed = mysql_real_escape_string(str_replace("feed:", "", $infeed));
if($bdprsssearchdebug) echo "
Debug: feed from switch is: " . $infeed . " Remaining searchphrase is: " . $search_phrase;
} else {
if($feed && $feed != ""){
$feed = mysql_real_escape_string($feed);
} else {
$feed = "";
//following is just for testing purposes, get site ids from list
if(false && $bdprsssearchdebug && $list_id > 0){
$listInfo = $bdprss_db->get_list($list_id);
$lurls = $listInfo->{$bdprss_db->lurls};
$ids = preg_split("','", $lurls, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
//stem search phrase
if(false) $straight=" STRAIGHT_JOIN ";
if($bdprsssearchdebug) $no_sqlcache=" SQL_NO_CACHE ";
if(count($sorted_array[0]) + count($sorted_array[1]) > 0) $checkstatus=true;
$found_rows = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ';
$search_query="SELECT $straight $no_sqlcache $found_rows distinct r1.identifier as $bdprss_db->miid FROM ";
foreach($sorted_array as $sorted_array_key => $sorted_array_value){
foreach($sorted_array_value as $sorted_array_value_key => $sorted_array_value_value){
$search_query_tables.=", " . $this->bdprss_findtableforword($sorted_array_value_value) . " i" . $argument_counter . "\n";
$search_query_conditions_items .= "AND r1.identifier = i" . $argument_counter . ".item_id \n";
$search_query_conditions_words .= "AND i" . $argument_counter . ".index_word = '" . $sorted_array_value_value . "' \n";
if($sorted_array_key > 0 && $sorted_array_value_key > 0) {
$argument_helper = $argument_counter -1;
$search_query_conditions_position .= "AND i" . $argument_counter . ".index_position = i" . $argument_helper . ".index_position + 1 \n";
if($argument_counter > 1) $search_query=str_replace('r1.identifier','i1.item_id', $search_query);
$search_query_tables=" " . $bdprss_db->mitemtable . " r1 " . $search_query_tables ;
if($checkstatus) {
$search_query_tables = " " . $this->bdprss_searchtable_status . " sts, " . $search_query_tables;
$search_query_conditions_status="AND r1.identifier = sts.item_id AND ( sts.status = 'OK' OR sts.status = 'UPDATE' ) \n";
//one page per site filter
//give only out one article per site
//tough query, but still far from perfect
//1st problem - cannot specify, give out two, three or n articles from each site
//2nd problem - search filter will search only in latest article per site,
//but better would be to search first and then filter doublettes
$search_query_tables = " ( SELECT max( ops4.identifier ) as identifier
FROM " . $bdprss_db->mitemtable . " ops4, (
SELECT ops3.site_id , max( ops3.item_time ) maxtime FROM " . $bdprss_db->mitemtable . " ops3 GROUP BY ops3.site_id
)ops2 WHERE ops4.site_id = ops2.site_id AND ops4.item_time = ops2.maxtime
GROUP BY ops4.site_id ) ops, " . $search_query_tables;
$search_query_conditions_ops="AND r1.identifier = ops.identifier \n";
if($feed != ""){
if($argument_counter > 1) {
$search_query_conditions_feed="AND r1.site_id = (select mst.identifier AS site_id from " . $bdprss_db->msitetable . " mst WHERE mst.feed_url = '" . $feed . "') \n";
} else {
$search_query_tables = " (select mst.identifier AS site_id from " . $bdprss_db->msitetable . " mst WHERE mst.feed_url = '" . $feed . "') s2, " . $search_query_tables;
$search_query_conditions_feed="AND r1.site_id = s2.site_id \n";
} elseif($infeed != ""){
if($argument_counter > 1) {
$search_query_conditions_feed="AND r1.site_id IN (select mst.identifier AS site_id from " . $bdprss_db->msitetable . " mst WHERE mst.feed_url LIKE '%" . $infeed . "%') \n";
} else {
$search_query_tables = " (select mst.identifier AS site_id from " . $bdprss_db->msitetable . " mst WHERE mst.feed_url LIKE '%" . $infeed . "%') s2, " . $search_query_tables;
$search_query_conditions_feed="AND r1.site_id = s2.site_id \n";
if($list_id > 0) {
if($argument_counter > 1) {
//both list options are logically synonym, but mysql optimizer treats both query styles very diffrent
$search_query_conditions_list="AND r1.site_id in (select sites.identifier AS site_id from (" . $bdprss_db->listtable . " lists join " . $bdprss_db->sitetable . " sites) where ((concat(_latin1',',lists.url_list,_latin1',') like concat(_utf8'%,',sites.identifier,_utf8',%')) or (lists.list_all = _latin1'Y')) and lists.identifier = '" . $list_id . "') \n";
} else {
$search_query_tables = " (select sites.identifier AS site_id from (" . $bdprss_db->listtable . " lists join " . $bdprss_db->msitetable . " sites) where ((concat(_latin1',',lists.url_list,_latin1',') like concat(_utf8'%,',sites.identifier,_utf8',%')) or (lists.list_all = _latin1'Y')) and lists.identifier = '" . $list_id . "') s1, " . $search_query_tables;
$search_query_conditions_list="AND r1.site_id = s1.site_id \n";
} elseif($ids) {
if($argument_counter > 1) {
$virgin = true;
foreach($ids as $id) {
if(!$id) continue;
$search_query_conditions_ids .= "AND ( ";
$search_query_conditions_ids .= "OR";
$search_query_conditions_ids .= " $bdprss_db->misiteid='" . abs(intval($id)) . "' ";
$virgin = false;
if(!$virgin) $search_query_conditions_ids .= ") ";
foreach($ids as $id) {
$replace_ids .= ", '".abs(intval($id))."'";
$replace_ids=str_replace("'-1',",'', $replace_ids);
$search_query_tables = " (select sites.identifier AS site_id from " . $bdprss_db->msitetable . " sites WHERE identifier IN (".$replace_ids.")) s1, " . $search_query_tables;
$search_query_conditions_ids="AND r1.site_id = s1.site_id \n";
if($itemdate!="") $search_query_conditions_itemdate .="AND r1.item_time >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP( '" . $itemdate . "' ) AND r1.item_time < UNIX_TIMESTAMP( '" . $itemdate . "' ) + 24 *60 *60 \n";
if($fromtimestamp > 0) $search_query_conditions_itemdate .="AND r1.item_time >= '" . $fromtimestamp . "' \n";
if($totimestamp > 0) $search_query_conditions_itemdate .="AND r1.item_time <= '" . $totimestamp . "' \n";
//this order seems to be only sensible together with opsfilter
$search_query_tables = " " . $bdprss_db->msitetable . " obsn, " . $search_query_tables;
$search_query_conditions_obsn="AND r1.site_id = obsn.identifier \n";
$search_query_order=" ORDER BY obsn.site_name ASC ";
$search_query_order=" ORDER BY r1.item_time DESC ";
//looks strange, but gives possibility to check, if item_id is hit with all the other filter applied
if($itemid) $search_query_conditions_itemid="AND r1.identifier = '".$itemid."' \n";
$search_query_conditions="WHERE 1 " . $search_query_conditions_words . $search_query_conditions_items . $search_query_conditions_position . $search_query_conditions_ids . $search_query_conditions_status . $search_query_conditions_list . $search_query_conditions_itemdate . $search_query_conditions_feed . $search_query_conditions_ops . $search_query_conditions_obsn . $search_query_conditions_itemid;
$search_query_conditions=str_replace('WHERE 1 AND','WHERE', $search_query_conditions);
$search_query_limits=" LIMIT $start , $max ";
$search_query= $search_query . $search_query_tables . $search_query_conditions . $search_query_order . $search_query_limits;
if($bdprsssearchdebug) echo "
Debug: search_query: " . $search_query;
$tmp_result = $wpdb->get_results($search_query);
if ( $search_query_limits ) {
$found_tickeritems_query = apply_filters( 'found_tickeritems_query', 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS()' );
$found_tickeritems = $wpdb->get_var( $found_tickeritems_query );
if($bdprsssearchdebug) echo "
Debug: Rows found: " . $found_tickeritems ;
//give out item_ids
return $tmp_result;
function process_delete_sql(){
global $wpdb, $bdprss_db, $bdprsssearchdebug;
foreach($this->bdprss_searchtable as $table_to_search){
$deletesql = "DELETE FROM $table_to_search[0] WHERE item_id IN ( " . substr($this->bdprss_item_delete_sql,2) . " ) \n";
if($bdprsssearchdebug) echo "
Debug " . date("H:i:s") . ": Deleting from " . $table_to_search[0];
$result = $wpdb->query($deletesql);
$deletesql = "DELETE FROM " . $this->bdprss_searchtable_status . " WHERE item_id IN ( " . substr($this->bdprss_item_delete_sql,2) . " ) \n";
if($bdprsssearchdebug) echo "
Debug " . date("H:i:s") . ": Deleting from statustable ... " . $deletesql;
$result = $wpdb->query($deletesql);
function process_bulk_sql(){
global $wpdb, $bdprss_db, $bdprsssearchdebug;
if($bdprsssearchdebug) echo "
Debug " . date("H:i:s") . ": Inserting ... ";
foreach($this->bdprss_bulksql as $bdprss_bulksql_table => $bdprss_bulksql_value){
$bdprss_bulksql_value = "INSERT INTO " . $bdprss_bulksql_table . " (item_id, index_word , index_position) VALUES " . substr($bdprss_bulksql_value,2) . "\n";
$result = $wpdb->query($bdprss_bulksql_value);
if($bdprsssearchdebug) echo " Debug " . date("H:i:s") . ": inserts done.";
if($result && strlen($this->bdprss_item_status_sql)>0){
$this->bdprss_item_status_sql = "REPLACE INTO " . $this->bdprss_searchtable_status . "
Select identifier as item_id, md5(concat(item_site_name, ' ', item_name, ' ', text_body)) as md5, 'OK' as status, item_time, item_update_time from " . $bdprss_db->itemtable . "
WHERE identifier IN ( " . substr($this->bdprss_item_status_sql,2) . ")";
$result = $wpdb->query($this->bdprss_item_status_sql);
$this->bdprss_item_status_sql ="";
function markitem4update($item_id="", $md5tocompare=""){
global $wpdb, $bdprss_db, $bdprsssearchdebug;
if($item_id > 0 || $item_id == '0'){
$sql="UPDATE " . $this->bdprss_searchtable_status . " sts, " . $bdprss_db->itemtable . " i
SET sts.status = 'UPDATE'
WHERE sts.item_id = '".$item_id."'
AND sts.status = 'OK'
AND sts.md5 != '" . $md5tocompare . "'
AND sts.item_id = i.identifier
AND sts.md5 != md5( concat( i.item_site_name, ' ', i.item_name, ' ', i.text_body ) )
$result = $wpdb->query($sql);
return $wpdb->rows_affected;
return false;
function markitem4delete($item_id=""){
global $wpdb, $bdprss_db, $bdprsssearchdebug;
if($item_id > 0 || $item_id == '0'){
$sql="UPDATE " . $this->bdprss_searchtable_status . "
SET status = 'DELETE'
WHERE item_id = '".$item_id."'";
$result = $wpdb->query($sql);
return true;
return false;
function markfeed4delete($feed_id="", $oldDefined=false){
global $wpdb, $bdprss_db, $bdprsssearchdebug;
if($feed_id > 0 || $feed_id == '0'){
$sql="UPDATE " . $this->bdprss_searchtable_status . " sts, " . $bdprss_db->mitemtable . " mi
SET sts.status = 'DELETE'
WHERE sts.item_id = mi.identifier
AND mi.site_id = '" . $feed_id . "'
AND (mi.item_time < '" . $oldDefined . "' OR mi.item_time = '')";
$result = $wpdb->query($sql);
return true;
if($feed_id > 0 || $feed_id == '0'){
$sql="UPDATE " . $this->bdprss_searchtable_status . " sts, " . $bdprss_db->mitemtable . " mi
SET sts.status = 'DELETE'
WHERE sts.item_id = mi.identifier
AND mi.site_id = '" . $feed_id . "'";
$result = $wpdb->query($sql);
return true;
return false;
function get_ids4heap2add($heap_to_add=1, $get_ids4heap2add_mode="",
$get_ids4heap2add_min_updatetimeage="", $get_ids4heap2add_max_item_updatetimeage="", $list_id=0){
global $wpdb, $bdprss_db, $bdprsssearchdebug;
if($get_ids4heap2add_mode=="") $get_ids4heap2add_mode=$this->get_ids4heap2add_mode_default;
if($get_ids4heap2add_min_updatetimeage==="") $get_ids4heap2add_min_updatetimeage=$this->get_ids4heap2add_min_updatetimeage_default;
if($get_ids4heap2add_max_item_updatetimeage==="") $get_ids4heap2add_max_item_updatetimeage=$this->get_ids4heap2add_max_item_updatetimeage_default;
if($list_id > 0) $list_condition=" AND site_id in (select sites.identifier AS site_id from (" . $bdprss_db->listtable . " lists join " . $bdprss_db->sitetable . " sites) where ((concat(_latin1',',lists.url_list,_latin1',') like concat(_utf8'%,',sites.identifier,_utf8',%')) or (lists.list_all = _latin1'Y')) and lists.identifier = '" . $list_id . "') \n";
$sql = "SELECT IFNULL(max(a.mval),0) from( \n";
foreach($this->bdprss_searchtable as $table_to_search){
$sql .= "SELECT IFNULL(max(item_id),0) mval FROM $table_to_search[0] union \n";
$sql .= "SELECT IFNULL(max(item_id),0) mval FROM $this->bdprss_searchtable_temp
) as a";
$sql = "SELECT identifier FROM " . $bdprss_db->mitemtable . "
WHERE identifier > (" . $sql . ") " . $list_condition . " order by identifier limit 0, $heap_to_add";
} elseif($get_ids4heap2add_mode=="notinstatus"){
//range scan not a problem when range is small
//item_update_time > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 86400 ran 0.1 seconds in test with newly created index
if($list_id > 0) $list_condition=" AND i.item_feed_url IN (select sites.feed_url AS item_feed_url from (" . $bdprss_db->listtable . " lists join " . $bdprss_db->sitetable . " sites) where ((concat(_latin1',',lists.url_list,_latin1',') like concat(_utf8'%,',sites.identifier,_utf8',%')) or (lists.list_all = _latin1'Y')) and lists.identifier = '" . $list_id . "') \n";
if($get_ids4heap2add_max_item_updatetimeage > 0) $maxagecondition=" AnD i.item_update_time > UNIX_TIMESTAMP( ) - " . $get_ids4heap2add_max_item_updatetimeage . " \n";
$sql="SELECT i.identifier as identifier
FROM " . $bdprss_db->itemtable . " i
LEFT JOIN " . $this->bdprss_searchtable_status . " sts
ON i.identifier = sts.item_id
WHERE sts.item_id IS NULL
AND i.item_update_time < UNIX_TIMESTAMP( ) - " . $get_ids4heap2add_min_updatetimeage . "
ORDER BY identifier
LIMIT 0, $heap_to_add";
$sql="SELECT i.identifier as identifier FROM " . $bdprss_db->itemtable . " i, " . $this->bdprss_searchtable_status . " sts
WHERE i.identifier = sts.item_id
AND sts.status = 'UPDATE'
AND i.item_update_time < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - " . $get_ids4heap2add_min_updatetimeage . "
ORDER BY identifier LIMIT 0, $heap_to_add";
//echo "Debug: getitem_id_sql:
". $sql . "
$sql="SELECT sts.item_id as identifier FROM " . $this->bdprss_searchtable_status . " sts
WHERE sts.status = 'DELETE'
ORDER BY identifier LIMIT 0, $heap_to_add";
//echo "Debug: getitem_id_sql:
". $sql . "
if($bdprsssearchdebug) echo "Debug: sql in get_ids4heap2add is: $sql";
if(strlen($sql)>0)$item_ids2add = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
//if($bdprsssearchdebug) print_r($item_ids2add);
if($bdprsssearchdebug) echo " Records found: " . $records_found;
return $item_ids2add;
function add_heap2search_index($heap_to_add=1, $addheapmode="", $item_ids2add=false,
$insertfromtemptable=true, $bdprss_getidmode="", $list_id=0, $get_ids4heap2add_max_item_updatetimeage="", $get_ids4heap2add_min_updatetimeage=""){
//get max item id in search index
global $wpdb, $bdprss_db, $bdprsssearchdebug;
if($bdprss_db->highserverload || $bdprss_db->memtablesok!=1){
if($bdprsssearchdebug) echo "
Debug: Load threshold is at: " . $bdprss_db->serverstatus['pbaload']['notice'] . " ... exiting!";
sleep (abs(intval($bdprss_db->serverstatus['pbaload']['notice'])) * 10);
return false;
if($addheapmode == "") $addheapmode = $this->default_heapmode;
if($addheapmode == "bulk" && $this->bulklines == 0) return false;
if($item_ids2add===false) $item_ids2add=$this->get_ids4heap2add($heap_to_add, $bdprss_getidmode, $get_ids4heap2add_min_updatetimeage, $get_ids4heap2add_max_item_updatetimeage, $list_id);
//add_items in loop
if(is_array($item_ids2add)) {
foreach($item_ids2add as $add_item_id){
if($bdprsssearchdebug) echo " Debug: #$bdprss_rowcounter: ID $add_item_id->identifier -";
} else {
$this->add_item_to_search($add_item_id->identifier, $addheapmode);
if($addheapmode == "bulk"){
if($bdprss_rowcounter/$this->bulklines == intval($bdprss_rowcounter/$this->bulklines)) {
if($bdprsssearchdebug) echo "Debug: Rows processed: " . $bdprss_rowcounter;
if(count($this->bdprss_bulksql)>0) $this->process_bulk_sql();
if(strlen($this->bdprss_item_delete_sql)>0) $this->process_delete_sql();
if($addheapmode == "temptable" && strlen($this->bdprss_item_status_sql)>0){
$this->bdprss_item_status_sql = "REPLACE into " . $this->bdprss_searchtable_status . "
Select identifier as item_id, md5(concat(item_site_name, ' ', item_name, ' ', text_body)) as md5, 'INTEMP' as status, item_time, item_update_time FROM " . $bdprss_db->itemtable . "
WHERE identifier IN ( " . substr($this->bdprss_item_status_sql,2) . ")";
if($bdprsssearchdebug) echo " Debug bdprss_item_status_sql: " . $this->bdprss_item_status_sql;
$result = $wpdb->query($this->bdprss_item_status_sql);
if(!$this->process_deletes && $insertfromtemptable && $addheapmode == "temptable"){
if($bdprsssearchdebug) echo "
Debug: Copying temp_table entries to indexed tables ...";
foreach($this->bdprss_searchtable as $table_to_search){
if($bdprsssearchdebug) echo "
Debug: Working on table $table_to_search[0]";
if($bdprsssearchdebug) echo " Debug " . date("H:i:s") . ": Deleting - ";
$deletesql="DELETE FROM $table_to_search[0] USING $table_to_search[0] INNER JOIN $this->bdprss_searchtable_status
WHERE " . $table_to_search[0] . ".item_id = " . $this->bdprss_searchtable_status . ".item_id
AND " . $this->bdprss_searchtable_status . ".status = 'INTEMP'";
if($bdprsssearchdebug) echo " Debug sql: " . $deletesql;
$result = $wpdb->query($deletesql);
if($bdprsssearchdebug) echo " Debug " . date("H:i:s") . ": Inserting - ";
$sql="Insert into $table_to_search[0] SELECT i.item_id AS item_id, i.index_word AS index_word, i.index_position
FROM $this->bdprss_searchtable_temp i
WHERE ASCII( SUBSTRING( index_word , 1, 1 ) ) >= ASCII('$table_to_search[1]')
AND ASCII( SUBSTRING( index_word , 1, 1 ) ) < ASCII('$table_to_search[2]')";
$result = $wpdb->query($sql);
if($bdprsssearchdebug) echo " Debug " . date("H:i:s") . ": Done " . $table_to_search[0];
$sql=" TRUNCATE TABLE $this->bdprss_searchtable_temp";
$result = $wpdb->query($sql);
$sql="UPDATE " . $this->bdprss_searchtable_status . " SET status = 'OK' WHERE status = 'INTEMP'";
$result = $wpdb->query($sql);
} elseif($addheapmode == "bulk"){
if(count($this->bdprss_bulksql)>0) $this->process_bulk_sql();
if(strlen($this->bdprss_item_delete_sql)>0) $this->process_delete_sql();
//only for debug purpose so far
function get_search_index_info(){
global $wpdb, $bdprss_db, $bdprsssearchdebug;
$sql = "SELECT status , count( status ) count
FROM " . $this->bdprss_searchtable_status . "
GROUP BY status";
if($bdprsssearchdebug) echo "\n
Debug: Status of search index: ";
if($bdprsssearchdebug) print_r($searchindex_status);
return $searchindex_status;
} //if class BDPRSS_SEARCH not exists
// Make a singleton global instance.
if ( !isset($bdprss_search) ) $bdprss_search = new BDPRSS_SEARCH();
//function is broken in direct use mode, neither tmp tables nor bulk mode is executed then!!!
//deletion before insert still missing, too
if($bdprss_heapmode == "temp") $bdprss_heapmode = "temptable"; //just a short alias
if($bdprss_getidmode!="notinstatus" && $bdprss_getidmode!="maxitem_id" && $bdprss_getidmode!="processupdates" && $bdprss_getidmode!="processdeletes") {
} else {
echo "Debug getidmode is $bdprss_getidmode ... ";
if(isset($_GET['mifd'])) $bdprss_mifd=abs(intval($_GET['mifd']));
if(isset($_GET['mifu'])) $bdprss_mifu=abs(intval($_GET['mifu']));
if(isset($_GET['listid'])) {
if(isset($_GET['maxage'])) {
if(isset($_GET['minage'])) {
if($bdprss_mifd > 0 || $bdprss_mifd == '0'){
echo "Marking item #" . $bdprss_mifd . " for delete ... ";
echo "
Debugresult given out:
}elseif($bdprss_mifu > 0 || $bdprss_mifu == '0'){
echo "Marking item #" . $bdprss_mifu . " for update ... ";
echo "
Debugresult given out:
}elseif($bdprss_create_proc > 0) {
echo "Recreating procedure ... ";
echo "
Debugresult given out:
}elseif($bdprss_searchphrase != "") {
echo "Searchphrase " . utf8_encode($bdprss_searchphrase) . " ... ";
$bdprss_search_result=$bdprss_search->bdprss_search4items(utf8_encode($bdprss_searchphrase),0, 20, false, $bdprss_debug_list_id);
echo "
Searchresult given out:
}elseif($bdprss_add_searchitem_id > 0) {
echo "item_id = $bdprss_add_searchitem_id";
//add_item_to_search($bdprss_add_searchitem_id); //broken !!! siehe oben
} elseif($bdprss_addheap > 0 || $bdprss_heapmode == "temptable") {
if($bdprss_addheap > $bdprss_search->heap_to_add) $bdprss_addheap = $bdprss_search->heap_to_add;
echo " processing $bdprss_addheap entries ...";
if($bdprss_heapmode == "temptable") {
if($bdprss_getidmode!="processdeletes") echo " using temp table $bdprss_search->bdprss_searchtable_temp ...";
} elseif($bdprss_heapmode == "justinsert2temptable") {
echo " inserting 2 temp table $bdprss_search->bdprss_searchtable_temp without copying temp table to productive tables...";
if($heapmode=="bulk") {
if($bdprss_search->bulklines>0) echo " using bulks of $bdprss_search->bulklines lines ...";
$bdprss_search->add_heap2search_index($bdprss_addheap, $heapmode, false, $insertfromtemptable, $bdprss_getidmode, $bdprss_debug_list_id, $get_ids4heap2add_max_item_updatetimeage, $get_ids4heap2add_min_updatetimeage);
} else {
echo " nothing to do, use GET switches to do something in debug mode";
if($bdprsssearchdebug_with_searchindex_info) $bdprss_search->get_search_index_info();
echo "
Debug: $bdprss_search->bdprss_globalcounter Words. " . $wpdb->num_queries . " queries. " . number_format(timer_stop(),3) . " seconds. ";
}// if bdprsssearchdebug