1 | <?php
2 |
3 | //let's make some widgets
4 | //Thanks to brainfart for the lesson ;-)
5 | //http://brainfart.com.ua/post/lesson-wordpress-multi-widgets/
6 |
7 | add_action('init', 'pba_register_widgets');
8 |
9 | function pba_register_widgets() {
10 | if(!function_exists('wp_register_sidebar_widget')) return false;
11 |
12 | $prefix = 'pba_itemtitles'; // $id prefix
13 | $name = __('RSS Aggregator');
14 | $widget_ops = array('classname' => 'widget_name_multi', 'description' => __('Add item titles of your aggregated feeds to your blog's sidebar'));
15 | $control_ops = array('width' => 200, 'height' => 200, 'id_base' => $prefix);
16 |
17 | $options = get_option('widget_name_multi');
18 | if(isset($options[0])) unset($options[0]);
19 |
20 | if(!empty($options)){
21 | foreach(array_keys($options) as $widget_number){
22 | wp_register_sidebar_widget($prefix.'-'.$widget_number, $name, 'widget_name_multi', $widget_ops, array( 'number' => $widget_number ));
23 | wp_register_widget_control($prefix.'-'.$widget_number, $name, 'widget_name_multi_control', $control_ops, array( 'number' => $widget_number ));
24 | }
25 | } else{
26 | $options = array();
27 | $widget_number = 1;
28 | wp_register_sidebar_widget($prefix.'-'.$widget_number, $name, 'widget_name_multi', $widget_ops, array( 'number' => $widget_number ));
29 | wp_register_widget_control($prefix.'-'.$widget_number, $name, 'widget_name_multi_control', $control_ops, array( 'number' => $widget_number ));
30 | }
31 | }
32 |
33 | function widget_name_multi($args) {
34 | if(!function_exists('wp_register_sidebar_widget')) return false;
35 | $prefix = 'pba_itemtitles'; // $id prefix
36 | extract($args);
37 | $options = get_option('widget_name_multi');
38 |
39 | // echo "<br>See the calling arguments for the widget with id " . $widget_id . ":<br>";
40 | // print_r($args);
41 | // echo "<br>See all the saved options:";
42 | // print_r($options);
43 |
44 | if(preg_match('/'.$prefix.'-([0-9]+)/i', $widget_id, $match)){
45 | $widget_number = $match[1];
46 | //echo "<br>Fine, this is our widget number " . $widget_number;
47 | if(isset($options[$widget_number])){
48 | $pba_option_set=$options[$widget_number];
49 | // echo "<br>Great, we have an option set, which we can use as input parameter to our stuff: ";
50 | //print_r($pba_option_set);
51 | echo $before_widget; echo $before_title;
52 | if(isset($pba_option_set['title'])) echo $pba_option_set['title'];
53 | echo $after_title;
54 | if(isset($pba_option_set['pba_outputid'])) {
55 | //echo "Output ID: " . $pba_option_set['pba_outputid'];
56 | $pba_config['outputid']=$pba_option_set['pba_outputid'];
57 | $pba_config['show_sidebarwidget'] = 'Y';
58 | $pba_return=@PBA::outputwrapper($pba_config);
59 | echo $pba_return["result"];
60 | }
61 | echo $after_widget;
62 | }
63 | }
64 | }
65 |
66 | function widget_name_multi_control($args) {
67 | if(!function_exists('wp_register_sidebar_widget')) return false;
68 |
69 | $prefix = 'pba_itemtitles'; // $id prefix
70 |
71 | $options = get_option('widget_name_multi');
72 | if(empty($options)) $options = array();
73 | if(isset($options[0])) unset($options[0]);
74 |
75 | // update options array
76 | if(!empty($_POST[$prefix]) && is_array($_POST)){
77 | foreach($_POST[$prefix] as $widget_number => $values){
78 | if(empty($values) && isset($options[$widget_number])) // user clicked cancel
79 | continue;
80 |
81 | if(!isset($options[$widget_number]) && $args['number'] == -1){
82 | $args['number'] = $widget_number;
83 | $options['last_number'] = $widget_number;
84 | }
85 | $options[$widget_number] = $values;
86 | }
87 |
88 | // update number
89 | if($args['number'] == -1 && !empty($options['last_number'])){
90 | $args['number'] = $options['last_number'];
91 | }
92 |
93 | // clear unused options and update options in DB. return actual options array
94 | $options = bf_smart_multiwidget_update($prefix, $options, $_POST[$prefix], $_POST['sidebar'], 'widget_name_multi');
95 | }
96 |
97 | // $number - is dynamic number for multi widget, gived by WP
98 | // by default $number = -1 (if no widgets activated). In this case we should use %i% for inputs
99 | // to allow WP generate number automatically
100 | $number = ($args['number'] == -1)? '%i%' : $args['number'];
101 |
102 | // now we can output control
103 | $opts = @$options[$number];
104 |
105 | $title = @$opts['title'];
106 |
107 | echo 'Please enter a name for your widget:<br />';
108 | echo '<input type="text" ' .
109 | 'name="' . $prefix . '[' . $number . '][title]" ' .
110 | 'value="' . $title . '" /><br /><br />';
111 |
112 | global $bdprss_db;
113 | $pba_output_streams=$bdprss_db->get_all_pbaoutputs();
114 | if($pba_output_streams) {
115 | //print_r($pba_output_streams);
116 | echo 'Please select an output stream:<br />';
117 | echo '<select name="' . $prefix . '[' . $number . '][pba_outputid]">';
118 | $didselect=false;
119 | foreach($pba_output_streams as $pbaosnr => $pba_os_object){
120 | $selected="";
121 | if($pba_os_object->identifier == @$opts['pba_outputid']) {
122 | $selected=" selected ";
123 | $didselect=true;
124 | }
125 | if(($pbaosnr + 1) == count($pba_output_streams) && !$didselect) $selected=" selected ";
126 | echo '<option value="'.$pba_os_object->identifier.'"'.$selected.' >ID: '.$pba_os_object->identifier.' - '.$pba_os_object->name.' </option>' . "\n";
127 | }
128 | echo '</select>';
129 | }else{
130 | echo 'Parteibuch Aggregator could not detect any output format to show in this widget.
131 | You need to <a href="edit.php?page=parteibuch-aggregator/bdp-rssadmin.php&action=createpbaoutput">create an output format</a> first.';
132 | }
133 | }
134 |
135 | // helper function can be defined in another plugin
136 | if(!function_exists('bf_smart_multiwidget_update')){
137 | function bf_smart_multiwidget_update($id_prefix, $options, $post, $sidebar, $option_name = ''){
138 | global $wp_registered_widgets;
139 | static $updated = false;
140 |
141 | // get active sidebar
142 | $sidebars_widgets = wp_get_sidebars_widgets();
143 | if ( isset($sidebars_widgets[$sidebar]) )
144 | $this_sidebar =& $sidebars_widgets[$sidebar];
145 | else
146 | $this_sidebar = array();
147 |
148 | // search unused options
149 | foreach ( $this_sidebar as $_widget_id ) {
150 | if(preg_match('/'.$id_prefix.'-([0-9]+)/i', $_widget_id, $match)){
151 | $widget_number = $match[1];
152 |
153 | // $_POST['widget-id'] contain current widgets set for current sidebar
154 | // $this_sidebar is not updated yet, so we can determine which was deleted
155 | if(!in_array($match[0], $_POST['widget-id'])){
156 | unset($options[$widget_number]);
157 | }
158 | }
159 | }
160 |
161 | // update database
162 | if(!empty($option_name)){
163 | update_option($option_name, $options);
164 | $updated = true;
165 | }
166 |
167 | // return updated array
168 | return $options;
169 | }
170 | }
171 |
172 | ?>