1 | <?php
2 |
3 | class PBALIB extends BDPRSS2
4 | {
5 |
6 | //this class is a collection of the following functions
7 | ////functions with parameter definitions
8 | // function getdefaultparameter(){ -- moved to get_pbadefaultparameter in pba-defaultparameter__LANG__.php
9 | // function get_para_definition(){
10 | // function geturlparameter(){
11 | // function getoutputconfigparameter($outputid=1){
12 | // function process_superparameter($superparameter){
13 | // function bootstrap_parameters($firstparafromfunctioncall){
14 | //
15 | ////functions needed for debugging
16 | // function get_r($invar){
17 | // function process_profiler($profilerarray=array()){
18 | //
19 | ////functions to process templates
20 | // function template_replacements($template, &$replacements){
21 | // function split_template($template, $bodytag=false){
22 | // function process_template_conditions($processed_template="", $conditionarray=array()){
23 | // function preprocess_headertemplate(&$resultparas, &$pbaout, $footer=false){
24 | // function formatheader(&$resultparas, &$pbaout, $footer=false, $formatteditem=false){
25 | // function preprocess_itemtemplate(&$resultparas){
26 | // function formatitem(&$item, &$resultparas, $resultrownumber){
27 | //
28 | ////functions to generate href values
29 | // function makesearchactionhref(&$resultparas){
30 | // function makehiddenformvalues(&$resultparas){
31 | // function makecachehref(&$resultparas, $itemid){
32 | // function makefeedhref(&$resultparas){
33 | // function makehtmlhref(&$resultparas){
34 | // function makelastpagehref($lastpage, &$resultparas){
35 | // function makenextpagehref($nextpage, &$resultparas){
36 | // function makedatepagehref($thedate="", &$resultparas, $regardkalenderlinkpart=false, $forcekalender=false){
37 | //
38 | ////functions to generate boxes with content
39 | // function formatted_feedlist(&$resultparas, $liststyle="sidebar"){
40 | // function formatkalender($kalenderdates, &$resultparas, $thedate="", &$pbaout){
41 | //
42 | //
43 | ////helper functions
44 | // function analysepagetype(&$resultparas){
45 | // function analyze_needed_boxes($rawtemplate){
46 | // function makebox($boxtomake, &$resultparas, &$pbaout){
47 | // function processtagset($tagsetfromdb){
48 | // function gettheage($seconds, &$resultparas=false, &$ageunitsstring=false){
49 | // function pba_cache(&$identifier, &$cache_content, $cache_mode='get', $name='c', $type='mixed', $cache_max_time=180, $serverstatus='OK'){
50 |
51 | //functions with parameter definitions
52 | function get_para_definition(){
53 | //outcommenting or setting values to false will disable parameters from url
54 |
55 | //list all possible url parameters for looping through
56 | $paralist["url"]["outputid"]=true; //forbidden anyway by default
57 | $paralist["url"]["searchphrase"]=true;
58 | $paralist["url"]["feedrequest"]=true;
59 | $paralist["url"]['opmlrequest']=true;
60 | $paralist["url"]['feedlistrequest']=true;
61 | $paralist["url"]["tickerpage"]=true;
62 | $paralist["url"]["archivdate"]=true;
63 | $paralist["url"]["maxitems"]=true;
64 | $paralist["url"]["listid"]=true; //forbidden anyway by default, may be opened by function call or later by config
65 | $paralist["url"]["kalreq"]=true;
66 | $paralist["url"]["cacheid"]=true;
67 | $paralist["url"]['srequri']=true; //this is the base url
68 |
69 | return $paralist;
70 | }
71 |
72 | function geturlparameter(){
73 |
74 | global $post;
75 | if(function_exists('get_page_link')){
76 | $stripped_guid=get_page_link();
77 | if(!strstr($stripped_guid,'?')
78 | && !preg_match('/\/$/',$stripped_guid)
79 | ) $stripped_guid = $stripped_guid . '/';
80 | $stripped_guid=str_replace($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],'',str_replace(array('http://','https://'),'',$stripped_guid));
81 | }else{
82 | $stripped_guid=str_replace($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],'',str_replace(array('http://','https://'),'',$post->guid));
83 | }
84 | $sanitized_request_uri= substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],strlen($stripped_guid));
85 |
86 | // echo "<br>stripped_guid: " . $stripped_guid;
87 | // echo "<br>request_uri: " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
88 | // echo "<br>sanitized_request_uri: " . $sanitized_request_uri;
89 |
90 | //searchphrase
91 | $paras['searchphrase']="";
92 | $paras['feedrequest']=false;
93 | $paras['opmlrequest']=false;
94 | $paras['feedlistrequest']=false;
95 | $paras['kalreq']=false;
96 | $paras['tickerpage']=1;
97 | $paras['cacheid']=false;
98 | $paras['archivdate']=false;
99 | $paras['outputid']=false;
100 | $paras['srequri']=$sanitized_request_uri;
101 |
102 | if(preg_match("/^opml\//", $sanitized_request_uri)){
103 | $paras['opmlrequest']=true;
104 | }elseif(preg_match("/^feedlist\//", $sanitized_request_uri)){
105 | $paras['feedlistrequest']=true;
106 | }elseif(preg_match("/^ticker-feed\//", $sanitized_request_uri)){
107 | $paras['feedrequest']=true;
108 | }elseif(preg_match("/^tickerpage\/([0-9]+)?\//", $sanitized_request_uri, $pagetemp)){
109 | if(preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/",$pagetemp[1])) {
110 | $paras['tickerpage']=abs(intval($pagetemp[1]));
111 | if($paras['tickerpage']<1) $paras['tickerpage']=1;
112 | }
113 | }elseif(preg_match("/^[kc]alend[ea]r\/([0-9]{4,4}-[0-9]{2,2}-[0-9]{2,2})?\/?/", $sanitized_request_uri, $kalendertemp)){
114 | $paras['kalreq']=true;
115 | if(preg_match("/^[0-9]{4,4}-[0-9]{2,2}-[0-9]{2,2}$/",$kalendertemp[1])) $paras['archivdate'] = $kalendertemp[1];
116 | }elseif(isset($_GET['kalender'])||isset($_GET['calendar'])){
117 | $paras['kalreq']=true;
118 | }elseif(isset($_GET['opml'])){
119 | $paras['opmlrequest']=true;
120 | }elseif(isset($_GET['feedlist'])){
121 | $paras['feedlistrequest']=true;
122 | }elseif(preg_match("/^([0-9]+)\//", $sanitized_request_uri, $cachetemp)){
123 | $paras['cacheid']=abs(intval($cachetemp[1]));
124 | }elseif(isset($_GET['cacheid'])){
125 | $paras['cacheid']=abs(intval($_GET['cacheid']));
126 | }elseif(preg_match("/([0-9]{4,4}-[0-9]{2,2}-[0-9]{2,2})(\/tickerpage\/)?([0-9]+)?\/(feed\/)?/", $sanitized_request_uri, $datetemp)) {
127 | if(strstr($datetemp[2] . $datetemp[3]. $datetemp[4],'feed')) $paras['feedrequest']=true;
128 | $paras['archivdate']=$datetemp[1];
129 | if(preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/",$datetemp[3])) {
130 | $paras['tickerpage']=abs(intval($datetemp[3]));
131 | if($paras['tickerpage']<1) $paras['tickerpage']=1;
132 | }
133 | }elseif(preg_match("/^s\/([a-zA-Z0-9-+%_]+)(\/tickerpage\/)?([0-9]+)?\/(feed\/)?/", $sanitized_request_uri, $searchtemp)){
134 | $paras['searchphrase']=utf8_encode(urldecode(str_replace("_","+",$searchtemp[1])));
135 | if(strstr($searchtemp[2] . $searchtemp[3]. $searchtemp[4],'feed')) $paras['feedrequest']=true;
136 | if(preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/",$searchtemp[3])) {
137 | $paras['tickerpage']=abs(intval($searchtemp[3]));
138 | if($paras['tickerpage']<1) $paras['tickerpage']=1;
139 | }
140 | }elseif(isset($_GET['searchphrase'])){
141 | $paras['searchphrase']=stripslashes($_GET['searchphrase']);
142 | $paras['searchphrase']=utf8_encode(urldecode(str_replace("_","+",$paras['searchphrase'])));
143 | }
144 | if(!$paras['cacheid'] && !$paras['kalreq']) {
145 | if(isset($_GET['feed'])) $paras['feedrequest'] = true;
146 | if(isset($_GET['tickerpage']) && abs(intval($_GET['tickerpage'])) > 0) $paras['tickerpage'] = abs(intval($_GET['tickerpage']));
147 | }
148 | if(!$paras['cacheid']){
149 | if(isset($_GET['bdprssarchivedate'])) {
150 | if(preg_match("/([0-9]{4,4}-[0-9]{2,2}-[0-9]{2,2})/", $_GET['bdprssarchivedate'], $badtemp)) $paras['archivdate'] = $badtemp[1];
151 | }elseif(isset($_GET['itemdate'])) {
152 | if(preg_match("/([0-9]{4,4}-[0-9]{2,2}-[0-9]{2,2})/", $_GET['itemdate'], $badtemp)) $paras['archivdate'] = $badtemp[1];
153 | }
154 | }
155 |
156 | //echo "itemdate: " . $_GET['itemdate'];
157 | //echo "archivdate: " . $paras['archivdate'];
158 |
159 | if(isset($_GET['bdprsslist'])) $paras['outputid']=abs(intval($_GET['bdprsslist']));
160 |
161 | //search parameter possible in GET: $search_phrase, $start=0, $max=10, $list_id=0, $itemdate="", $feed="", item_id
162 | //output parameter possible in GET: page, outputformat
163 |
164 | //parameter directly possible in url: search_phrase, itemdate, item_id, page, calendar
165 | //indirect parameter in url: list, max
166 |
167 | return $paras;
168 | }
169 |
170 | function getoutputconfigparameter(&$resultparas){
171 | //just overloading $resultparas for speed, not changing
172 | global $bdprss_db, $post;
173 |
174 | if($resultparas['getoutputconfigbypageid']===true){
175 | if(abs(intval($post->ID))>0){
176 | $outputinfo = $bdprss_db->get_pbaoutput_from_page_id(abs(intval($post->ID)));
177 | }
178 | }else{
179 | $outputid=$resultparas['outputid'];
180 | $outputinfo = $bdprss_db->get_pbaoutput(abs(intval($outputid)));
181 | }
182 |
183 | if(!isset($outputinfo->{$bdprss_db->pbaoidentifier})){
184 | return false;
185 | }
186 |
187 | //item selection
188 | $configparas["outputid"]=abs(intval($outputinfo->{$bdprss_db->pbaoidentifier}));
189 | $configparas['outputname']=BDPRSS2::codeQuotes($outputinfo->{$bdprss_db->pbaoname});
190 | $configparas["page2hookin"]=abs(intval($outputinfo->page2hookin));
191 |
192 | $configparas["listid"]=abs(intval($outputinfo->{$bdprss_db->pbaodefaultlist}));
193 | $configparas["maxitems"]=abs(intval($outputinfo->{$bdprss_db->pbaomaxitems}));
194 | $configparas["formattype"]=BDPRSS2::codeQuotes($outputinfo->{$bdprss_db->pbaoformattype});
195 |
196 | //item page formatting
197 | $configparas["template_ticker"]=BDPRSS2::codeQuotes($outputinfo->{$bdprss_db->pbaotemplate_ticker});
198 | $extralinkhelper=$outputinfo->{$bdprss_db->pbaoappend_extra_link};
199 | if($extralinkhelper != 'Y') $configparas['noextralink']= 'Y';
200 | $configparas["append_cache_link"]=$outputinfo->{$bdprss_db->pbaoappend_cache_link};
201 | $configparas["add_social_bookmarks"]=$outputinfo->{$bdprss_db->pbaoadd_social_bookmarks};
202 |
203 | //item formatting
204 | $configparas['maxbodylength']= abs(intval($outputinfo->{$bdprss_db->pbaomaxlength}));
205 | $configparas['maxwordlength']= abs(intval($outputinfo->{$bdprss_db->pbaomaxwordlength}));
206 | $configparas["itemdateformat"]= BDPRSS2::codeQuotes($outputinfo->{$bdprss_db->pbaoitem_date_format});
207 | $configparas["tagset"]= BDPRSS2::codeQuotes($outputinfo->{$bdprss_db->pbaoallowablexhtmltags});
208 |
209 | //widget paras
210 | $configparas['template_sidebarwidget'] = BDPRSS2::codeQuotes($outputinfo->template_sidebarwidget);
211 |
212 | //cache page options
213 | $configparas["iscachable"] = $outputinfo->{$bdprss_db->pbaoiscachable};
214 | $configparas["template_cache"]=BDPRSS2::codeQuotes($outputinfo->template_cache);
215 | $configparas["cacheviewpage"]= BDPRSS2::codeQuotes($outputinfo->cache_view_page);
216 |
217 | //feed options
218 | $configparas["channel_title"]= BDPRSS2::codeQuotes($outputinfo->channel_title);
219 | $configparas["htmlpage"]= BDPRSS2::codeQuotes($outputinfo->channel_link);
220 | $configparas["channel_description"]= BDPRSS2::codeQuotes($outputinfo->channel_description);
221 | $configparas["channel_language"]= BDPRSS2::codeQuotes($outputinfo->channel_language);
222 | $configparas["channel_copyright"]= BDPRSS2::codeQuotes($outputinfo->channel_copyright);
223 |
224 | //kalender options
225 | $configparas["template_kalender"]=BDPRSS2::codeQuotes($outputinfo->{$bdprss_db->otemplate_kalender});
226 | $configparas["archive_date_format"]=BDPRSS2::codeQuotes($outputinfo->{$bdprss_db->oarchive_date_format});
227 | $configparas["kalendermonthslist"]=BDPRSS2::codeQuotes($outputinfo->{$bdprss_db->okalendermonthslist});
228 | $configparas["kalenderboxtablecaption"]=BDPRSS2::codeQuotes($outputinfo->{$bdprss_db->okalenderboxtablecaption});
229 | $configparas["kalender_last"]=BDPRSS2::codeQuotes($outputinfo->{$bdprss_db->okalender_last});
230 | $configparas["kalender_next"]=BDPRSS2::codeQuotes($outputinfo->{$bdprss_db->okalender_next});
231 | $configparas["kalenderboxdaysofweeklist"]=BDPRSS2::codeQuotes($outputinfo->{$bdprss_db->okalenderboxdaysofweeklist});
232 |
233 | if($bdprss_db->serverstatus['pbacache']['status']=='ok'){
234 | if(isset($bdprss_db->serverstatus['full_cache_time']['notice'])) $configparas["pba_full_cache_time"]=$bdprss_db->serverstatus['full_cache_time']['notice'];
235 | if(isset($bdprss_db->serverstatus['kalenderquery_cache_time']['notice'])) $configparas["pba_kalenderquery_cache_time"]=$bdprss_db->serverstatus['kalenderquery_cache_time']['notice'];
236 | if(isset($bdprss_db->serverstatus['feedlistquery_cache_time']['notice'])) $configparas["pba_feedlistquery_cache_time"]=$bdprss_db->serverstatus['Delete feedlistquery_cache_time']['notice'];
237 | }
238 | if(isset($bdprss_db->serverstatus['rewriting']['status'])) $configparas["short_cache_link"] = ($bdprss_db->serverstatus['rewriting']['status']=='ok');
239 |
240 | $configparas["superparameter"]=BDPRSS2::codeQuotes($outputinfo->{$bdprss_db->pbao_superparameter});
241 |
242 | $superparameterarray=PBALIB::process_superparameter($configparas["superparameter"]);
243 | foreach($superparameterarray as $paraname => $paravalue){
244 | $configparas[$paraname]=$paravalue;
245 | }
246 | unset ($configparas["superparameter"]);
247 |
248 | return $configparas;
249 | }
250 |
251 | function process_superparameter($superparameter=""){
252 | $superparameterarray=array();
253 | preg_match_all("'###SUPERPARAMETER_([A-Za-z0-9_-]+?)_BEGIN###(.*?)###SUPERPARAMETER_[A-Za-z0-9_-]*?END###'s", $superparameter, $match);
254 | //print_r($match);
255 | if(is_array($match) && isset($match[1]) && isset($match[2])){
256 | foreach($match[1] as $match1key => $match1value){
257 | //echo "<br>matchkey is : " . $matchkey . "value is: ";
258 | if(trim($match[2][$match1key]) == "false") {
259 | $superparameterarray[$match1value]=false;
260 | }elseif(trim($match[2][$match1key]) == "true"){
261 | $superparameterarray[$match1value]=true;
262 | }else{
263 | $superparameterarray[$match1value]=$match[2][$match1key];
264 | }
265 | }
266 | //print_r($superparameterarray);
267 | }
268 | return $superparameterarray;
269 | }
270 |
271 | function bootstrap_parameters($firstparafromfunctioncall){
272 | global $post;
273 |
274 | //initialize all neeeded parameters with default values
275 | $resultparas=get_pbadefaultparameter();
276 | //get lists in array to name all possible parameters for looping through
277 | $paralist=PBALIB::get_para_definition();
278 |
279 | $resultparas['url2plugindir'] = get_option('home') . '/wp-content/plugins/'.PBA_DIRECTORY.'/';
280 |
281 | //$pbaout['debug'] .= "\n<br>Debug: Default resultparas: " . PBALIB::get_r($resultparas);
282 |
283 | //get function call parameters
284 | if(is_array($firstparafromfunctioncall)) $funcdefparas=$firstparafromfunctioncall;
285 |
286 | //'N' meaning not set used for backward compatibility
287 | //stupid idea? we possibly may use false to overwrite the maxitems in function call
288 | if($funcdefparas["maxitems"] == 'N') unset($funcdefparas["maxitems"]);
289 |
290 | //we have got all parameters from function call now and normalized them
291 | //$pbaout['debug'] .= "\n<br>Debug: funcdefparas: " . PBALIB::get_r($funcdefparas);
292 |
293 | //if exist, we overwrite default output id paras with paras from func call, do other later
294 | //we unset the output id function parameters, so they will not overwrite config parameter values later
295 | if(isset($funcdefparas['outputid'])) {
296 | $resultparas['outputid'] = $funcdefparas['outputid'];
297 | }else{
298 | if(isset($funcdefparas['getoutputconfigbypageid'])) $resultparas['getoutputconfigbypageid'] = $funcdefparas['getoutputconfigbypageid'];
299 | }
300 | unset($funcdefparas["outputid"]);
301 | unset($funcdefparas['getoutputconfigbypageid']);
302 | if(isset($funcdefparas['outputidfromurlallowed'])) $resultparas['outputidfromurlallowed'] = $funcdefparas['outputidfromurlallowed'];
303 | unset($funcdefparas["outputidfromurlallowed"]);
304 |
305 |
306 | //get parameters from url
307 | $urlparas=PBALIB::geturlparameter();
308 | //$pbaout['debug'] .= "\n<br>Debug: urlparas: " . PBALIB::get_r($urlparas);
309 |
310 | //now let's apply limits to url parameter output_id and find out the output id to take
311 | //first normalize output id parameter from url - check other values later
312 | $urlparas['outputid']=abs(intval($urlparas['outputid']));
313 | if(!$urlparas['outputid']>0) unset($urlparas['outputid']);
314 |
315 | if($resultparas['outputidfromurlallowed'] === false){
316 | unset($urlparas['outputid']);
317 | }elseif($resultparas['outputidfromurlallowed'] !== true){
318 | if(!strstr("," . str_replace(" ", '', $resultparas['outputidfromurlallowed']) . ",", $urlparas['outputid'])) unset($urlparas['outputid']);
319 | }
320 | if(isset($urlparas['outputid'])) $resultparas['outputid'] = intval($urlparas['outputid']);
321 |
322 | //now we know, which output definition we have to take from db -> let's get it
323 | $configparas=PBALIB::getoutputconfigparameter($resultparas);
324 | if(!is_array($configparas)) {
325 | return false;
326 | }
327 |
328 | if(function_exists('get_page_link')){
329 | if($funcdefparas['show_sidebarwidget'] == 'Y'
330 | && $configparas['page2hookin'] > 0){
331 | $resultparas['baseurl']=get_page_link($configparas['page2hookin']);
332 | $resultparas['search_page_baseurl']="";
333 | }else{
334 | $resultparas['baseurl']=get_page_link();
335 | }
336 | if(!strstr($resultparas['baseurl'],'?')
337 | && !preg_match('/\/$/',$resultparas['baseurl'])
338 | ) $resultparas['baseurl'] = $resultparas['baseurl'] . '/';
339 | }else{
340 | $resultparas['baseurl'] = $post->guid;
341 | }
342 | if($resultparas['search_page_baseurl']=="") $resultparas['search_page_baseurl'] = $resultparas['baseurl'];
343 | if($resultparas['htmlpage']=="")$resultparas['htmlpage'] = $resultparas['baseurl'];
344 | if($configparas["htmlpage"]=="") unset($configparas["htmlpage"]); //this will make the default post->guid be used
345 |
346 | //copy config paras over default paras
347 | if($configparas){
348 | foreach($configparas as $paraname => $paravalue){
349 | $resultparas[$paraname]=$paravalue;
350 | }
351 | }
352 |
353 | //copy func defined paras over default paras
354 | if($funcdefparas){
355 | foreach($funcdefparas as $paraname => $paravalue){
356 | $resultparas[$paraname]=$paravalue;
357 | }
358 | }
359 |
360 | //check if we want to show a sidebar
361 | if($resultparas['show_sidebarwidget'] == 'Y'){
362 | $resultparas['template_ticker']=$resultparas['template_sidebarwidget'];
363 | $resultparas["add_social_bookmarks"]='N';
364 | unset($urlparas['searchphrase']);
365 | unset($urlparas['cacheid']);
366 | unset($urlparas['kalreq']);
367 | }
368 |
369 | //to be completed filter url parameter to allowed values
370 | if($resultparas['listidfromurlallowed'] === false){
371 | unset($urlparas['listid']);
372 | }elseif($resultparas['listidfromurlallowed'] !== true){
373 | if(!strstr("," . str_replace(" ", '', $resultparas['listidfromurlallowed']) . ",", $urlparas['listid'])) unset($urlparas['listid']);
374 | }
375 | if($urlparas['kalreq'] === false) unset($paralist["url"]["kalreq"]);
376 | if($urlparas['feedrequest'] === false) unset($paralist["url"]["feedrequest"]);
377 | if($resultparas['searchenabled']){
378 | $resultparas['searchactionhref'] = PBALIB::makesearchactionhref($resultparas);
379 | $resultparas['hiddensearchformformvalues'] = PBALIB::makehiddenformvalues($resultparas);
380 | $urlparas['searchphrase']=utf8_decode($urlparas['searchphrase']);
381 | }else{
382 | unset($urlparas['searchphrase']);
383 | $resultparas['template_search_box']="";
384 | }
385 |
386 | //copy url paras over result got by funcdef paras copying
387 | foreach($paralist["url"] as $paraname => $paravalue){
388 | if(isset($urlparas[$paraname])){
389 | if($paravalue) $resultparas[$paraname]=$urlparas[$paraname]; //false means not overwriting !!!
390 | }
391 | }
392 | return $resultparas;
393 | }
394 |
395 | //functions needed for debugging
396 | function get_r($invar){
397 | ob_start();
398 | print_r($invar);
399 | $outvar = ob_get_contents();
400 | ob_end_clean();
401 | return $outvar;
402 | }
403 |
404 | function process_profiler($profilerarray=array()){
405 | $profilerself['Profiler reached at']=microtime();
406 | $profilerarray=array_merge($profilerarray, $profilerself);
407 | $precision=4;
408 | $first=true;
409 | $counter=0;
410 | $outstring="\nOutput from Profiler:";
411 | foreach($profilerarray as $point => $microtimer){
412 | $timearray = explode(" ", $microtimer);
413 | $microtimestamp = (substr($timearray[1],6,4) + substr($timearray[0],0,$precision + 2));
414 | if($first) { $starttime = $microtimestamp; $last=$microtimestamp; $first=false; $outstring .= "<table>"; }
415 | $outstring .= "<tr>\n<td>Checkpoint: " . $point .
416 | "</td><td> Time: " . substr($timearray[1],0,6) . $microtimestamp .
417 | "</td><td> Diff: " . round($microtimestamp - $last,$precision) .
418 | "</td><td> Total: " . round($microtimestamp - $starttime,$precision) . "</td>\n</tr>";
419 | $last=$microtimestamp;
420 | }
421 | $outstring .= "</table>";
422 | return $outstring;
423 | }
424 |
425 | //functions to process page templates
426 | function template_replacements($template, &$replacements){
427 | //we will not change input values, but pass replacements like eg resultparas by reference parameters to be quick,
428 | //is it really neccessary? or will the php optimizer understand itself not to pass variables as value,
429 | //until the value is not changed?
430 | preg_match_all('/###[0-9A-Z_]+###/', $template, $uppertags);
431 | foreach($uppertags[0] as $key => $uppertag){
432 | $tag=str_replace('#','',strtolower($uppertag));
433 | if(isset($replacements[$tag])) {
434 | $needle[]=$uppertag;
435 | $replace[]=$replacements[$tag];
436 | }
437 | }
438 | $processed_template=str_replace($needle, $replace, $template);
439 | return $processed_template;
440 | }
441 |
442 | function split_template($template, $bodytag=false, $looptag='LOOP', $headeronly=false){
443 | if($bodytag===false) $bodytag = '###INSIDELOOP###';
444 | $split_template['aroundloop']=preg_replace('/###'.$looptag.'BEGIN###.*?###'.$looptag.'END###/s',$bodytag,$template);
445 | preg_match("'(.*)###".$looptag."BEGIN###(.*?)###".$looptag."END###(.*)'s", $template, $match);
446 | $split_template['beforeloop']=$match[1];
447 | $split_template['inloop']=$match[2];
448 | $split_template['postloop']=$match[3];
449 | if($headeronly=="header"){
450 | return $split_template['beforeloop'];
451 | }elseif($headeronly=="footer"){
452 | return $split_template['postloop'];
453 | }elseif($headeronly=="body"){
454 | return $split_template['inloop'];
455 | }elseif($headeronly=="aroundloop"){
456 | return $split_template['aroundloop'];
457 | }
458 | return $split_template;
459 | }
460 |
461 | function process_template_conditions($processed_template="", $conditionarray=array()){
462 | foreach($conditionarray as $value){
463 | $conditionaltag=$value['tag'];
464 | $expression=$value['expression'];
465 | if($expression !== true) $expression = false;
466 | if($expression) {
467 | $conditionaltagarray=array('###'.$conditionaltag.'BEGIN###', '###'.$conditionaltag.'END###');
468 | $processed_template = str_replace($conditionaltagarray , '', $processed_template);
469 | } else {
470 | $processed_template=PBALIB::split_template($processed_template, '', $conditionaltag, 'aroundloop');
471 | }
472 | }
473 | return $processed_template;
474 | }
475 |
476 | function preprocess_headertemplate(&$resultparas, &$pbaout, $footer=false){
477 | $pre="pre";
478 | if($footer) $pre="post";
479 | if($resultparas["profiler_enabled"]) $pbaout['profiler']['Start making a ' . $pre . ' header']=microtime();
480 | if($resultparas['kalreq']) {
481 | $pbaheader = $resultparas['template_' . $resultparas['template']];
482 | }elseif($resultparas['pagetype'] == 'cachepage'){
483 | $pbaheader = $resultparas['template_' . $resultparas['template']];
484 | }elseif($resultparas['feedrequest']) {
485 | $pbaheader_tmp = $resultparas['template_' . $resultparas['template']];
486 | $headeronly="header";
487 | if($footer) $headeronly="footer";
488 | $pbaheader = PBALIB::split_template($pbaheader_tmp, false, 'LOOP', $headeronly);
489 | // $pbaheader=$resultparas[$pre . '_loop_feedtemplate'];
490 | } else {
491 | $pbaheader_tmp = $resultparas['template_' . $resultparas['template']];
492 | $headeronly="header";
493 | if($footer) $headeronly="footer";
494 | $pbaheader = PBALIB::split_template($pbaheader_tmp, false, 'LOOP', $headeronly);
495 | // $pbaheader=$resultparas[$pre . '_loop_template'];
496 | if($footer && $resultparas['add_social_bookmarks']=="Y") {
497 | //this looks stupid, why to format it here?
498 | $pbaheader = str_replace('###URL2PLUGINDIR###' , $resultparas['url2plugindir'], $resultparas['headersbtemplate']) . $pbaheader;
499 | }
500 | }
501 |
502 | //first let's cut out the condional parts, where the condition is false
503 | //Syntax: $conditionarray[]=array('tag' =>'MYCONDITIONALTAG','expression' => (true));
504 |
505 | //why to use such sloppy conditions here - haven't we calculated pagetype for this?
506 | $conditionarray[]=array('tag' =>'ISSEARCH','expression' => ($resultparas['searchphrase'] !=""));
507 | $conditionarray[]=array('tag' =>'ISDATE','expression' => ($resultparas['archivdate']!=""));
508 | $conditionarray[]=array('tag' =>'ISNODATENOSEARCH','expression' => ($resultparas['searchphrase'] =="" && $resultparas['archivdate']==""));
509 | $conditionarray[]=array('tag' =>'LASTLINK','expression' => ($pbaout['lastpageexists']));
510 | $conditionarray[]=array('tag' =>'NEXTLINK','expression' => ($pbaout['nextpageexists']));
511 |
512 | if($resultparas["debug"]) $pbaout['debug'] .= "\n<br>Debug: conditionarray: " . PBALIB::get_r($conditionarray);
513 | $pbaheader=PBALIB::process_template_conditions($pbaheader, $conditionarray);
514 |
515 | if($resultparas["debug"]) $pbaout['debug'] .= "\n<br>Debug: See the pbaheader: " . PBALIB::get_r($pbaheader);
516 |
517 | return $pbaheader;
518 | }
519 |
520 | function formatheader(&$resultparas, &$pbaout, $footer=false, $formatteditem=false, $pbaheader){
521 |
522 | //will see later if we need more paras
523 |
524 | //variables we understand
525 | if($resultparas['cacheid']>0) $formattedheader = $formatteditem; //copy over variables from loop to understand them here
526 | $formattedheader['searchphrase']=$resultparas['searchphrase'];
527 | $formattedheader['archivedate']=$resultparas['archivdate'];
528 | $formattedheader['feedhref']=$resultparas['feedhref'];
529 | $formattedheader['founditems']=$pbaout['founditems'];
530 | $formattedheader['startitem']=$pbaout['startitem'];
531 | $formattedheader['lastitem']=$pbaout['lastitem'];
532 | $formattedheader['lastpage']=$pbaout['lastpage'];
533 | $formattedheader['nextpage']=$pbaout['nextpage'];
534 | $formattedheader['lastpagehref']=$pbaout['lastpagehref'];
535 | $formattedheader['nextpagehref']=$pbaout['nextpagehref'];
536 | $formattedheader['kalenderhref']=$resultparas['kalenderhref'];
537 | $formattedheader['feedlisthref']=$resultparas['feedlisthref'];
538 | $formattedheader['feedopmlhref']=$resultparas['feedopmlhref'];
539 | $formattedheader['outputname']=$resultparas['outputname'];
540 |
541 | $formattedheader['channel_title']=$resultparas["channel_title"];
542 | $formattedheader['htmlpage']=$resultparas["htmlpage"];
543 | $formattedheader['channel_description']=$resultparas["channel_description"];
544 | $formattedheader['channel_language']=$resultparas["channel_language"];
545 | $formattedheader['channel_copyright']=$resultparas["channel_copyright"];
546 | $formattedheader['firstitem_datefeed']= $pbaout['firstitem_datefeed'];
547 | $formattedheader['htmlhref']= $resultparas['htmlhref'];
548 | $formattedheader['baseurl']=$resultparas['baseurl'];
549 | $formattedheader['pba_version']= PBA_PRODUCT . " " . PBA_VERSION;
550 |
551 | $formattedheader['kalenderdate']=$pbaout['kalenderdate'];
552 |
553 | //boxes we understand
554 | $formattedheader['kalenderlist_box']=$pbaout['kalenderlist_box'];
555 | $formattedheader['kalender_box']=$pbaout['kalender_box'];
556 | $formattedheader['feedlistsidebar_box']=$pbaout['feedlistsidebar_box'];
557 | $formattedheader['search_box']=$pbaout['search_box'];
558 |
559 | //now do the final replacements
560 | foreach($formattedheader as $key => $value){
561 | $needle[$key]="###" . strtoupper($key) . "###";
562 | //echo $needle[$key] . "\n"; //take this to find out with variables the engine understands
563 | $replace[$key]=$value;
564 | }
565 |
566 | // if($pre=="post" && $resultparas["debug"]) $pbaout['debug1'] .= "\n<br>Debug: See the needles: " . PBALIB::get_r($needle);
567 | // if($pre=="post" && $resultparas["debug"]) $pbaout['debug1'] .= "\n<br>Debug: See the replaces: " . PBALIB::get_r($replace);
568 | // if($pre=="post" && $resultparas["debug"]) $pbaout['debug1'] .= "\n<br>Debug: See the template: " . PBALIB::get_r($pbaheader);
569 |
570 | $formattedheader['result']=str_replace($needle, $replace, $pbaheader);
571 | return $formattedheader;
572 | }
573 |
574 | function preprocess_itemtemplate(&$resultparas){
575 | //get the item template
576 | if($resultparas['cacheid']>0){
577 | $itemtemplate=""; //just an empty template, we will print it with the footer - is this clever???
578 | }elseif($resultparas['feedrequest']){
579 | $itemtemplate_tmp = $resultparas['template_' . $resultparas['template']];//fixme later to template come from resultparas again, was before: $itemtemplate=$resultparas['in_loop_feedtemplate'];
580 | $itemtemplate = PBALIB::split_template($itemtemplate_tmp, false, 'LOOP', 'body');
581 | }else{
582 | $itemtemplate_tmp = $resultparas['template_' . $resultparas['template']];
583 | $itemtemplate = PBALIB::split_template($itemtemplate_tmp, false, 'LOOP', 'body');
584 | if($resultparas['add_social_bookmarks']=="Y") $itemtemplate = str_replace('###ITEM_BODY###' , '###ITEM_BODY###' . $resultparas['itemssbtemplate'], $itemtemplate);
585 | }
586 | //add some standard components to the template, if desired
587 | if($resultparas["iscachable"]=="Y" && $resultparas["append_cache_link"]=="Y") $itemtemplate = str_replace('###ITEM_BODY###' , '###ITEM_BODY###' . $resultparas['cachelinktemplate'], $itemtemplate);
588 | if($resultparas["noextralink"]!="Y") $itemtemplate = str_replace('###ITEM_BODY###' , '###ITEM_BODY###' . $resultparas['extralinktemplate'], $itemtemplate);
589 |
590 | return $itemtemplate;
591 | }
592 |
593 | function formatitem(&$item, &$resultparas, $itemtemplate, $resultrownumber, $itemvaluesneeded=false){
594 | //takes an item-site object row from dbquery and gives back
595 | //in array field result the result,
596 | //and further in array field debug some debug output
597 |
598 | //the row number in the list given out
599 | $formatteditem['result_rownumber']=$resultrownumber + 1;
600 |
601 | $formatteditem['baseurl']=$resultparas['baseurl'];
602 |
603 | //read in the row ... for site
604 | $formatteditem['site_id']=$item->siteid;
605 | $formatteditem['site_name']=$item->site_name;
606 | $formatteditem['site_feedurl']=$item->feed_url;
607 | $formatteditem['site_nameoverridden']=$item->site_name_overriden;
608 | $formatteditem['site_description']=$item->description;
609 | $formatteditem['site_license']=$item->site_license;
610 | $formatteditem['site_url']=$item->site_url;
611 | $formatteditem['site_updatetime']=$item->site_update_time;
612 |
613 | //read in the row ... for item
614 | $formatteditem['item_id']=$item->itemid;
615 | $formatteditem['item_url']=$item->item_url;
616 | $formatteditem['item_name']=$item->item_name;
617 | $formatteditem['item_sitename']=$item->item_site_name;
618 | $formatteditem['item_siteurl']=$item->item_site_url;
619 | $formatteditem['item_license']=$item->item_license;
620 | $formatteditem['item_timestamp']=$item->item_time;
621 | $formatteditem['item_updatetimestamp']=$item->item_update_time;
622 | $formatteditem['item_body']=$item->text_body;
623 |
624 | //we got the rows from database,
625 | //now do some quick processing with the raw row values
626 | //and get in this way some new values
627 |
628 | $formatteditem['cachehref']=PBALIB::makecachehref($resultparas, $formatteditem['item_id']);
629 |
630 | //make an item text as to be displayed as cache item
631 | if($itemvaluesneeded['item_cachebody']){
632 | $formatteditem['item_cachebody'] = BDPRSS2::codeQuotes($formatteditem['item_body']);
633 | $formatteditem['item_cachebody'] = eregi_replace('<' , '<', $formatteditem['item_cachebody']);
634 | $formatteditem['item_cachebody'] = eregi_replace('>' , '>', $formatteditem['item_cachebody']);
635 | }
636 |
637 | //process the item body
638 | if($itemvaluesneeded['item_body'] || $itemvaluesneeded['item_cachebody'] || $itemvaluesneeded['item_feedbody'] || $itemvaluesneeded['item_description']){
639 | $formatteditem['item_body']=BDPRSS2::remove_link_and_cache_links_from_item($formatteditem['item_body']);
640 | }
641 | //this seems to be for feed usage
642 | if($itemvaluesneeded['item_description']){
643 | $formatteditem['item_description'] = BDPRSS2::packageItemText($formatteditem['item_body'], $resultparas['maxbodylength'], $resultparas['maxwordlength'], false, $resultparas['formattedtagset']);
644 | }
645 | if($itemvaluesneeded['item_feedbody']){
646 | $formatteditem['item_feedbody']= $formatteditem['item_body'];
647 | }
648 | $formatteditem['item_datefeed']= date('r', $formatteditem['item_timestamp']);
649 | if($formatteditem['result_rownumber'] == 1) $formatteditem['firstitem_datefeed'] = $formatteditem['item_datefeed'];
650 |
651 | //package item text for list description display
652 | if($itemvaluesneeded['item_body']){
653 | $formatteditem['item_body'] = BDPRSS2::packageItemText($formatteditem['item_body'], $resultparas['maxbodylength'], $resultparas['maxwordlength'], true, $resultparas['formattedtagset']);
654 | }
655 | //process item titles decode ": " separator in item titles -- may be buggy, needs to come from site details overridden and have some testing
656 | if($formatteditem['site_nameoverridden'] != 'Y'){
657 | $itemtitlearray=explode(': ', $formatteditem['item_name'], 2);
658 | if(strlen($itemtitlearray[1])>0) {
659 | $formatteditem['item_name'] = $itemtitlearray[1];
660 | $formatteditem['site_name'] = $itemtitlearray[0];
661 | }else{
662 | //site name not overridden, but no : in item
663 | $formatteditem['site_name']=$formatteditem['item_sitename'];
664 | }
665 | } else {
666 | //site_name overridden
667 | $formatteditem['site_name'] = $formatteditem['site_name']; //bogus, no need for this
668 | }
669 |
670 | if(strlen($formatteditem['item_siteurl'])>0) $formatteditem['site_url'] = $formatteditem['item_siteurl'];
671 |
672 | $formatteditem['site_name'] = BDPRSS2::packageItemText($formatteditem['site_name']);
673 | $formatteditem['item_name'] = BDPRSS2::packageItemText($formatteditem['item_name']);
674 |
675 | //generate dates in some configured and standard formats
676 | if(strlen($resultparas["itemdateformat"]."") >0){
677 | $formatteditem['item_datetime'] = date($resultparas["itemdateformat"]."", ($formatteditem['item_timestamp'])+(0*3600));
678 | } else {
679 | $formatteditem['item_datetime'] = PBALIB::gettheage($formatteditem['item_timestamp'], $resultparas['ageunit'], $resultparas['ageunitsstring']);
680 | }
681 |
682 | if(strlen($resultparas["itemdateformat"]."") >0){
683 | $formatteditem['item_updatedatetime'] = date($resultparas["itemdateformat"]."", ($formatteditem['item_updatetimestamp'])+(0*3600));
684 | } else {
685 | $formatteditem['item_updatedatetime'] = PBALIB::gettheage($formatteditem['item_updatetimestamp'], $resultparas['ageunit'], $resultparas['ageunitsstring']);
686 | }
687 | $formatteditem['item_updatedate']= date('r', $formatteditem['item_updatetimestamp']);
688 |
689 | //unset not needed values, to be done later
690 | unset ($formatteditem['item_sitename']);
691 | unset ($formatteditem['item_siteurl']);
692 | unset ($formatteditem['site_nameoverridden']);
693 |
694 | //build up variables for the template
695 | $result=PBALIB::template_replacements($itemtemplate, &$formatteditem);
696 | $formatteditem['result']=$result;
697 | // foreach($formatteditem as $key => $value){
698 | // $needle[$key]="###" . strtoupper($key) . "###";
699 | // echo $needle[$key] . "\n"; //take this to find out with variables the engine understands
700 | // $replace[$key]=$value;
701 | // }
702 | // $formatteditem['result']=str_replace($needle, $replace, $itemtemplate);
703 | return $formatteditem;
704 | }
705 |
706 | //functions to generate href values
707 | function makefeedlisthref(&$resultparas){
708 | if($resultparas['short_cache_link']){
709 | $feedlisthref = $resultparas['baseurl'] . 'feedlist/';
710 | }else{
711 | $joiner='?';
712 | if(strstr($resultparas['baseurl'], '?')) $joiner = '&';
713 | $feedlisthref = $resultparas['baseurl'] . $joiner . 'feedlist';
714 | }
715 | return $feedlisthref;
716 | }
717 |
718 |
719 | function makefeedopmlhref(&$resultparas){
720 | if($resultparas['short_cache_link']){
721 | $feedopmlhref = $resultparas['baseurl'] . 'opml/';
722 | }else{
723 | $joiner='?';
724 | if(strstr($resultparas['baseurl'], '?')) $joiner = '&';
725 | $feedopmlhref = $resultparas['baseurl'] . $joiner . 'opml';
726 | }
727 | return $feedopmlhref;
728 | }
729 |
730 | function makesearchactionhref(&$resultparas){
731 | if(strstr($resultparas['search_page_baseurl'],'?')) {
732 | $searchactionhref=$resultparas['search_page_baseurl'];
733 | }else{
734 | $searchactionhref=$resultparas['search_page_baseurl'] . 'index.php';
735 | }
736 | return $searchactionhref;
737 | }
738 |
739 | function makehiddenformvalues(&$resultparas){
740 | $hiddenformvalues = "";
741 | if(preg_match('/\?(.+)$/',$resultparas['search_page_baseurl'],$baseurlquerystring)) {
742 | parse_str($baseurlquerystring[1], $baseurlgetarray);
743 | //print_r($baseurlgetarray);
744 | foreach($baseurlgetarray as $key => $value){
745 | $hiddenformvalues .= '<input type="hidden" name="'.$key.'" value="'.$value.'" />';
746 | }
747 | }
748 | return $hiddenformvalues;
749 | }
750 |
751 | function makecachehref(&$resultparas, $itemid){
752 | //not changing resultparas, just passing by reference to gain speed
753 | $itemid=abs(intval($itemid));
754 | $baseurl = $resultparas['baseurl'];
755 | if($resultparas['cacheviewpage'] != "" ) $baseurl = $resultparas['cacheviewpage'];
756 |
757 | if($resultparas['short_cache_link']){
758 | $cachehref = $baseurl . $itemid . '/';
759 | }else{
760 | $joiner='?';
761 | if(strstr($baseurl, '?')) $joiner = '&';
762 | $cachehref = $baseurl . $joiner . 'cacheid=' . $itemid;
763 | }
764 | return $cachehref;
765 | }
766 |
767 |
768 | function makefeedhref(&$resultparas){
769 | //not changing resultparas, just passing by reference to gain speed
770 | //calculate the link to the feedalized version of this page
771 | if(!$resultparas['feedrequest']){
772 | if($resultparas['feedpage']!="") {
773 | //use this url replaced by feedurlbase and strip page info
774 | $feedhref=$resultparas['feedpage'] . preg_replace("/[&\?]?tickerpage[\/=][0-9]+\/?/s", '', $resultparas['srequri']);
775 | }else{
776 | $feedhref= $resultparas['baseurl'] . preg_replace("/[&\?]?tickerpage[\/=][0-9]+\/?/s", '', $resultparas['srequri']);
777 | if(strstr($feedhref,'?')) {
778 | $feedhref .= '&feed';
779 | } else {
780 | if($resultparas['short_cache_link']){
781 | $feedhrefworkaround="";
782 | if($resultparas['searchphrase'] == "" && $resultparas['archivdate'] == "") $feedhrefworkaround="ticker-";
783 | $feedhref .= $feedhrefworkaround . 'feed/';
784 | }else{
785 | $feedhref .= '?feed';
786 | }
787 | }
788 | }
789 | } else {
790 | //this is a feedrequest, so let us give out a link to ourself
791 | //wrong idea - this could also be a feedlist?
792 | $feedhref = $resultparas['baseurl'] . $resultparas['srequri'];
793 | //to do: and calculate a nice html link for use in feed header
794 | }
795 | return $feedhref;
796 | }
797 |
798 | function makehtmlhref(&$resultparas){
799 | //used to calculate the href value to pba html page when displaying a feed
800 | if($resultparas['searchphrase'] == "" && $resultparas['archivdate'] == ""){
801 | $htmlhref = $resultparas['htmlpage'];
802 | } else {
803 | if($resultparas['short_cache_link']){
804 | $htmlhref = $resultparas['htmlpage'] . preg_replace("/\/(ticker-)?feed\//s", '/',$resultparas['srequri']);
805 | }else{
806 | $htmlhref = $resultparas['htmlpage'] . preg_replace("/[&\?]feed/s", '', str_replace('?feed&' , '&feed?', $resultparas['srequri']));
807 | }
808 | }
809 | return $htmlhref;
810 | }
811 |
812 | function makelastpagehref($lastpage, &$resultparas){
813 | //resultparas should not be changed, just overloaded by reference to gain speed in processing
814 | if($lastpage == 1) {
815 | if($resultparas['specialpage1url']
816 | && $resultparas['specialpage1url'] != 'N'
817 | && $resultparas['searchphrase']== ""
818 | && $resultparas['archivdate']== ""
819 | ){
820 | $lastpagehref = $resultparas['specialpage1url'];
821 | }else{
822 | $lastpagehref= $resultparas['baseurl'] . preg_replace("/[&\?]?tickerpage[\/=][0-9]+\/?/s", '', $resultparas['srequri']);
823 | }
824 | } else {
825 | if(strstr($resultparas['srequri'],"tickerpage/".$resultparas['tickerpage']."/")) {
826 | $lastpagehref=$resultparas['baseurl'] . str_replace("tickerpage/".$resultparas['tickerpage']."/","tickerpage/".$lastpage."/",$resultparas['srequri']);
827 | }else{
828 | $lastpagehref=$resultparas['baseurl'] . str_replace("tickerpage=".$resultparas['tickerpage'],"tickerpage=".$lastpage,$resultparas['srequri']);
829 | }
830 | }
831 | return $lastpagehref;
832 | }
833 |
834 | function makenextpagehref($nextpage, &$resultparas){
835 | //resultparas should not be changed, just overloaded by reference to gain speed in processing
836 | if($nextpage == 2){
837 | //add the page to the link
838 | //we have to decide, if we add a short uri rewritten page link or a query style link, on start page, there s no way to determine this from URI, so we need to get it from some config value
839 | if(strstr($resultparas['srequri'],'?')){
840 | if($resultparas['short_cache_link']){
841 | $slash ="/";
842 | if(strstr($resultparas['srequri'],'/?')) $slash ="";
843 | $nextpagehref= $resultparas['baseurl'] . str_replace('?', $slash . 'tickerpage/' . $nextpage . '?', $resultparas['srequri']);
844 | } else {
845 | $nextpagehref= $resultparas['baseurl'] . $resultparas['srequri'] . '&tickerpage=' . $nextpage;
846 | }
847 | }else{
848 | //no ? in url
849 | if($resultparas['short_cache_link']){
850 | $slash ="";
851 | if(substr($resultparas['baseurl'] . $resultparas['srequri'], strlen($resultparas['baseurl'] . $resultparas['srequri']) - 1) != '/') $slash ="/";
852 | $nextpagehref= $resultparas['baseurl'] . $resultparas['srequri'] . $slash . 'tickerpage/' . $nextpage . '/';
853 | } else {
854 | $joiner='?';
855 | if(strstr($resultparas['baseurl'], '?')) $joiner = '&';
856 | $nextpagehref= $resultparas['baseurl'] . $resultparas['srequri'] . $joiner . 'tickerpage=' . $nextpage;
857 | }
858 | }
859 | }else{
860 | // nextpage > 2 - replace existing page identifier
861 | //echo "srequri: " . $resultparas['srequri'] . "<br>";
862 | if(strstr($resultparas['srequri'],'tickerpage=')){
863 | $nextpagehref= $resultparas['baseurl'] . str_replace('tickerpage=' . $resultparas['tickerpage'], 'tickerpage=' . $nextpage, $resultparas['srequri']);
864 | }else{
865 | $nextpagehref= $resultparas['baseurl'] . str_replace('tickerpage/' . $resultparas['tickerpage'] . '/', 'tickerpage/' . $nextpage . '/', $resultparas['srequri']);
866 | }
867 | }
868 | return $nextpagehref;
869 | }
870 |
871 | function makedatepagehref($thedate="", &$resultparas, $regardkalenderlinkpart=false, $forcekalender=false){
872 | //check input values
873 | if ($thedate!="" && !ereg("[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]", $thedate)) $thedate = "";
874 | if($thedate=="") $forcekalender = true;
875 |
876 | //depends on $resultparas['short_cache_link']
877 | $kalender="";
878 | $datepart="";
879 | if($resultparas['short_cache_link']){
880 | if($forcekalender || ($regardkalenderlinkpart && (substr($resultparas['srequri'], 0, 8) == "calendar" || substr($resultparas['srequri'], 0, 8) == "kalender"))) $kalender="calendar/";
881 | if ($thedate!="") $datepart = $thedate . '/';
882 | $datepagehref = $resultparas['baseurl'] . $kalender . $datepart;
883 | } else {
884 | if($forcekalender || ($regardkalenderlinkpart && preg_match('/[&\?][kc]alend[ae]r/',$resultparas['srequri']))) $kalender="calendar";
885 | if ($thedate!="") {
886 | $datepart = 'itemdate=' . $thedate;
887 | if($kalender != "") $kalender = "&" . $kalender;
888 | }
889 | $joiner='?';
890 | if(strstr($resultparas['baseurl'], '?')) $joiner = '&';
891 | $datepagehref= $resultparas['baseurl'] . $joiner . $datepart . $kalender;
892 | }
893 | return $datepagehref;
894 | }
895 |
896 | //functions to generate boxes with content
897 | function formatted_feedlist(&$resultparas, $dateformat="", $template=false){
898 | global $bdprss_db;
899 |
900 | //$liststyle shall be one of sidebar, feedlist, opml
901 | $maxage=$resultparas['feedlistmaxage']; //to be done in parameter definition, 0 means filter disabled, age in seconds
902 | $list_id=$resultparas['listid'];
903 |
904 | $split_template=PBALIB::split_template($template, '###INSIDELOOP###');
905 |
906 | if($resultparas['pba_feedlistquery_cache_time'] > 0) {
907 | $key=array($maxage, $list_id);
908 | $feedlistcache=@PBALIB::pba_cache($key, $dummy, 'get', 'feedlist', 'mixed', $resultparas['pba_feedlistquery_cache_time'], 'OK');
909 | if($feedlistcache[1]) {
910 | if($resultparas["profiler_enabled"]) $pbaout['profiler']['Got feedlist cache']=microtime();
911 | $result = $feedlistcache[0];
912 | }
913 | }
914 | if(!$feedlistcache[1]){
915 | if($resultparas["profiler_enabled"]) $pbaout['profiler']['Start query for feedlist']=microtime();
916 | $result = $bdprss_db->getsiteswithupdatetime($maxage, $list_id);
917 | if($resultparas['pba_feedlistquery_cache_time'] > 0) {
918 | $pba_cachereturn=PBALIB::pba_cache($feedlistcache[0], $result, 'write', 'feedlist', 'mixed', 0, 'OK');
919 | }
920 | }
921 | foreach($result as $r) {
922 | //$feedlist_loop['feedlist_loop_site_id'] = $r->{$bdprss_db->cidentifier};
923 | $feedlist_loop['feedlist_loop_feedurl'] = $r->{$bdprss_db->cfeedurl};
924 | $feedlist_loop['feedlist_loop_siteurl'] = $r->{$bdprss_db->csiteurl};
925 | $feedlist_loop['feedlist_loop_site'] = $r->{$bdprss_db->csitename};
926 | $updated = $r->lastupdate;
927 | if(strlen($dateformat . "") >0){
928 | $feedlist_loop['feedlist_loop_date']=date($dateformat, $updated);
929 | }else{
930 | $feedlist_loop['feedlist_loop_date']=PBALIB::gettheage($updated, $resultparas['ageunit'], $resultparas['ageunitsstring']);
931 | }
932 | //build up variables for the inner template - here is potential for optimization - resul from test: optimization potential minimal - not measurable
933 | //we shall analyze the template above to find out, which variables we need in inner loop
934 | foreach($feedlist_loop as $key => $value){
935 | $needle[$key]="###" . strtoupper($key) . "###";
936 | $replace[$key]=$value;
937 | }
938 | $feedlist['insideloop'] .=str_replace($needle, $replace, $split_template['inloop']);
939 | }
940 | //now the outer template
941 |
942 | $feedlist['result'] =str_replace('###INSIDELOOP###', $feedlist['insideloop'], $split_template['aroundloop']);
943 | //print_r($feedlist);
944 | return $feedlist;
945 | }
946 |
947 | function formatkalender(&$resultparas, $thedate="", &$pbaout, $longtype="kalenderlist_box", $template=""){
948 | global $bdprss_db;
949 |
950 | if($resultparas["profiler_enabled"]) { $type="list"; if($longtype == 'kalender_box') $type="box"; }
951 | if($resultparas['pba_kalenderquery_cache_time'] > 0) {
952 | $key=array(substr($resultparas['archivdate'],0,7),$resultparas['listid']);
953 | $kalendercache=@PBALIB::pba_cache($key, $dummy, 'get', 'kalender', 'mixed', $resultparas['pba_kalenderquery_cache_time'], 'OK');
954 | if($kalendercache[1]) {
955 | if($resultparas["profiler_enabled"]) $pbaout['profiler']['Got '. $type .' kalender cache']=microtime();
956 | $kalenderdates = $kalendercache[0];
957 | }
958 | }
959 | if(!$kalendercache[1]){
960 | if($resultparas["profiler_enabled"]) $pbaout['profiler']['Start query for ' . $type . ' kalenderdates']=microtime();
961 | $kalenderdates=$bdprss_db->getmonthlyarchivedates($resultparas['archivdate'],$resultparas['listid']);
962 | if($resultparas['pba_kalenderquery_cache_time'] > 0) {
963 | $pba_cachereturn=PBALIB::pba_cache($kalendercache[0], $kalenderdates, 'write', 'kalender', 'mixed', 0, 'OK');
964 | }
965 | }
966 |
967 | if($resultparas["profiler_enabled"]) $pbaout['profiler']['Start to format ' . $type . ' kalender']=microtime();
968 |
969 | //check input values
970 | if (!ereg("[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]", $thedate)) $thedate = date('Y-m-d');
971 |
972 | //parameter for all kalender types
973 | $dateformatinnormallinktext=$resultparas['kalendernormaldateformat'];
974 | $kalendermonthslist=$resultparas['kalendermonthslist'];
975 |
976 | //get template for basic calendar and loop through to find subtemplates for earlierlink and laterlink
977 | if($longtype == 'kalenderlist_box'){
978 | $lastlinktpl=PBALIB::split_template($template, '###KALENDER_LASTLINK###','EARLIERLINK');
979 | $lastlinktemplate=$lastlinktpl['inloop'];
980 | $nextlinktpl=PBALIB::split_template($lastlinktpl['aroundloop'], '###KALENDER_NEXTLINK###','LATERLINK');
981 | $nextlinktemplate=$nextlinktpl['inloop'];
982 | $split_template=PBALIB::split_template($nextlinktpl['aroundloop'], '###INSIDELOOP###');
983 | }
984 |
985 | //calculate some values from paras
986 | $thetimestamp=mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($thedate, 5, 2), substr($thedate, 8, 2), substr($thedate, 0, 4));
987 | $kalendermonths=explode(",", preg_replace('/\s/','',$kalendermonthslist));
988 | $formattedkalender['kalenderdate']=$kalendermonths[(substr($thedate, 5, 2) - 1)] . ' ' . substr($thedate, 0, 4);
989 |
990 | //value initialization
991 | $formattedkalender['insideloop']="";
992 |
993 | //format the body, if not box, else, we need the routine to check later, if a value for a date exists
994 | foreach($kalenderdates as $k) {
995 | if($k->type == 'last') {
996 | $formattedkalender['kalender_lastlink'] = "";
997 | if ($k->item_date != '0') {
998 | $lasthref=PBALIB::makedatepagehref($k->item_date, $resultparas, true);
999 | if($longtype == 'kalenderlist_box') $formattedkalender['kalender_lastlink'] = str_replace('###KALENDER_LASTHREF###',$lasthref, $lastlinktemplate);
1000 | }
1001 | } elseif($k->type == 'next'){
1002 | $formattedkalender['kalender_nextlink'] = "";
1003 | if ($k->item_date != '0') {
1004 | $nexthref=PBALIB::makedatepagehref($k->item_date, $resultparas, true);
1005 | if($longtype == 'kalenderlist_box') $formattedkalender['kalender_nextlink'] = str_replace('###KALENDER_NEXTHREF###',$nexthref,$nextlinktemplate);
1006 | }
1007 | }elseif($k->type == 'normal') {
1008 | $inkalenderloop[$k->item_date]['kalenderloop_href']=PBALIB::makedatepagehref($k->item_date, $resultparas);
1009 | $kalenderloop_timestamp=mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($k->item_date, 5, 2), substr($k->item_date, 8, 2), substr($k->item_date, 0, 4));
1010 | $inkalenderloop[$k->item_date]['kalenderloop_inlinkdate']=date($dateformatinnormallinktext,$kalenderloop_timestamp);
1011 | if($longtype=="kalenderlist_box"){
1012 | foreach($inkalenderloop[$k->item_date] as $key => $value){
1013 | $needle[$key]="###" . strtoupper($key) . "###";
1014 | $replace[$key]=$value;
1015 | }
1016 | $formattedkalender['insideloop'] .= str_replace($needle, $replace, $split_template['inloop']);
1017 | }
1018 | }
1019 | }
1020 |
1021 | if($longtype=="kalenderlist_box"){
1022 | foreach($formattedkalender as $key => $value){
1023 | $needle[$key]="###" . strtoupper($key) . "###";
1024 | $replace[$key]=$value;
1025 | }
1026 | if($resultparas["debug"]) $formattedkalender['debug'] .= "\n<br>Debug: we understand the template keywords: " . PBALIB::get_r($needle);
1027 | $formattedkalender['kalenderlist_box']= str_replace($needle, $replace, $split_template['aroundloop']);
1028 | $formattedkalender['result']=$formattedkalender['kalenderlist_box'];
1029 | }
1030 | if($longtype=="kalender_box"){
1031 | //get templates and other parameters for box calendar
1032 | $kalenderdaysofweeklist=$resultparas['kalenderboxdaysofweeklist'];
1033 | $kalenderdaysofweek=explode(",", preg_replace('/\s/','',$kalenderdaysofweeklist));
1034 | $kalendertablecaption=$resultparas['kalenderboxtablecaption'];
1035 | $formattedkalender['kalender_last']=$resultparas['kalender_last'];
1036 | $formattedkalender['kalender_next']=$resultparas['kalender_next'];
1037 |
1038 | //calculating some special values
1039 | $firstsecondofthemonth=mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($thedate,5,2), 1, substr($thedate,0,4));
1040 | $weekdayoffirstsecondofthemonth=date('N', $firstsecondofthemonth);
1041 | $offsetdays=$weekdayoffirstsecondofthemonth-1;
1042 | $firstsecondofnextmonth=mktime(0, 0, 0, ( substr($thedate,5,2) +1 ), 1, substr($thedate,0,4));
1043 |
1044 | $formattedkalender['kalender_box']="<table".$kalendertablecaption."><caption>" . $formattedkalender['kalenderdate'] . "</caption>\n";
1045 | $formattedkalender['kalender_box'].=' <thead><tr>';
1046 | foreach($kalenderdaysofweek as $dayofweeknumber => $dayofweek){
1047 | $formattedkalender['kalender_box'].= '<th abbr="'.$dayofweek.'" scope="col" title="'.$dayofweek.'">'.substr($dayofweek,0,1).'</th>';
1048 | }
1049 | $formattedkalender['kalender_box'].= '</tr></thead>' . "\n";
1050 | $formattedkalender['kalender_box'].=' <tfoot><tr>';
1051 | if($lasthref) {
1052 | $formattedkalender['kalender_box'].='<td abbr="'.$formattedkalender['kalender_last'].'" colspan="3" id="prev"><a href="'.$lasthref.'" title="'.$formattedkalender['kalender_last'].'">'.$formattedkalender['kalender_last'].'</a></td>';
1053 | } else {
1054 | $formattedkalender['kalender_box'].='<td colspan="3" id="prev"> </td>';
1055 | }
1056 | $formattedkalender['kalender_box'].='<td> </td>';
1057 | if($nexthref) {
1058 | $formattedkalender['kalender_box'].='<td abbr="'.$formattedkalender['kalender_next'].'" colspan="3" id="next"><a href="'.$nexthref.'" title="'.$formattedkalender['kalender_next'].'">'.$formattedkalender['kalender_next'].'</a></td>';
1059 | } else {
1060 | $formattedkalender['kalender_box'].='<td colspan="3" id="next"> </td>';
1061 | }
1062 | $formattedkalender['kalender_box'].='</tr></tfoot><tbody>' . "\n";
1063 |
1064 | //loop through the rows
1065 | $startdate=date('Y-m-d',mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($thedate,5,2), (1 - $offsetdays), substr($thedate,0,4)));
1066 | while(mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($startdate,5,2), substr($startdate,8,2), substr($startdate,0,4)) < $firstsecondofnextmonth){
1067 | $formattedkalender['kalender_box'].='<tr>';
1068 | foreach($kalenderdaysofweek as $dayofweeknumber => $dayofweek){
1069 | $blank = "";
1070 | $daynumber=(substr($startdate,8,2)+0);
1071 | if($daynumber < 10) $blank = " ";
1072 | if(isset($inkalenderloop[$startdate]['kalenderloop_href'])){
1073 | //there exists a link due to db entry, so we want to link it
1074 | $formattedkalender['kalender_box'].='<td>'.$blank.'<a title="'.$inkalenderloop[$startdate]['kalenderloop_inlinkdate'].'" href="'.$inkalenderloop[$startdate]['kalenderloop_href'].'">'. $daynumber . '</a></td>';
1075 | }elseif(substr($startdate,0,7) == substr($thedate,0,7)){
1076 | //startdate in current month
1077 | $formattedkalender['kalender_box'].='<td>'. $blank . $daynumber . '</td>';
1078 | }else{
1079 | $formattedkalender['kalender_box'].='<td> </td>';
1080 | }
1081 | $startdate=date('Y-m-d',mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($startdate,5,2), (substr($startdate,8,2) + 1), substr($startdate,0,4)));
1082 | }
1083 | $formattedkalender['kalender_box'].='</tr>';
1084 | }
1085 | $formattedkalender['kalender_box'].='</tbody></table>';
1086 | $formattedkalender['result']=str_replace('###KALENDERBOX###',$formattedkalender['kalender_box'], $template);
1087 | }
1088 |
1089 | if($resultparas["profiler_enabled"]) $pbaout['profiler']['End of format ' . $type . ' kalender']=microtime();
1090 | return $formattedkalender;
1091 | }
1092 |
1093 | //helper functions
1094 |
1095 | function analysepagetype(&$resultparas){
1096 | // we have pages with templates:
1097 | // 1. tickerpage - a tickerpage is a basic output list page
1098 |
1099 | if($resultparas['archivdate'] == ""
1100 | && $resultparas['searchphrase']== ""
1101 | && $resultparas['feedrequest']==false
1102 | && $resultparas['cacheid']==false
1103 | && $resultparas['kalreq']==false
1104 | && $resultparas['tickerpage']>1
1105 | && !$resultparas['displayonlybox'] ) {
1106 | $pagetype['pagetype']='tickerpage';
1107 | $pagetype['template']='ticker';
1108 | }
1109 |
1110 | // 2. searchpage - almost same as tickerpage, but with search specifica
1111 | if($resultparas['archivdate'] == ""
1112 | && $resultparas['searchphrase']!= ""
1113 | && $resultparas['feedrequest']==false
1114 | && $resultparas['cacheid']==false
1115 | && $resultparas['kalreq']==false
1116 | && !$resultparas['displayonlybox']) {
1117 | $pagetype['pagetype']='searchpage';
1118 | $pagetype['template']='ticker';
1119 | }
1120 |
1121 | // 3. datepage - almost same as tickerpage, but with datepage specifica
1122 | if($resultparas['archivdate'] != ""
1123 | && $resultparas['searchphrase']== ""
1124 | && $resultparas['feedrequest']==false
1125 | && $resultparas['cacheid']==false
1126 | && $resultparas['kalreq']==false
1127 | && !$resultparas['displayonlybox'] ) {
1128 | $pagetype['pagetype']='datepage';
1129 | $pagetype['template']='ticker';
1130 | }
1131 |
1132 | // 8. startpage - almost a tickerpage, but headers can be suppressed and a special uri can be assigned
1133 | if($resultparas['archivdate'] == ""
1134 | && $resultparas['searchphrase']== ""
1135 | && $resultparas['feedrequest']==false
1136 | && $resultparas['cacheid']==false
1137 | && $resultparas['kalreq']==false
1138 | && $resultparas['tickerpage']==1
1139 | && !$resultparas['displayonlybox'] ) {
1140 | $pagetype['pagetype']='startpage';
1141 | $pagetype['template']='ticker';
1142 | }
1143 | // these pagetypes above may use the same template with a preprocessor doing some modifications?
1144 |
1145 | // 5. feedpage - a ticker- no search- no date - page with diffrent output preprocessing and diffrent template
1146 | if($resultparas['archivdate'] == ""
1147 | && $resultparas['searchphrase']== ""
1148 | && $resultparas['feedrequest']==true
1149 | && $resultparas['cacheid']==false
1150 | && $resultparas['kalreq']==false
1151 | && !$resultparas['displayonlybox'] ) {
1152 | $pagetype['pagetype']='feedpage';
1153 | $pagetype['template']='feed';
1154 | }
1155 |
1156 | // 5a. search feedpage - a feed ticker- with search - page
1157 | if($resultparas['archivdate'] == ""
1158 | && $resultparas['searchphrase']!= ""
1159 | && $resultparas['feedrequest']==true
1160 | && $resultparas['cacheid']==false
1161 | && $resultparas['kalreq']==false
1162 | && !$resultparas['displayonlybox'] ) {
1163 | $pagetype['pagetype']='feedsearchpage';
1164 | $pagetype['template']='feed';
1165 | }
1166 |
1167 | // 5b. date feedpage - a feed ticker- with date - page
1168 | if($resultparas['archivdate'] != ""
1169 | && $resultparas['searchphrase']== ""
1170 | && $resultparas['feedrequest']==true
1171 | && $resultparas['cacheid']==false
1172 | && $resultparas['kalreq']==false
1173 | && !$resultparas['displayonlybox'] ) {
1174 | $pagetype['pagetype']='feeddatepage';
1175 | $pagetype['template']='feed';
1176 | }
1177 |
1178 | // 7. cache page - a tickerpage with diffrent template and just one item requested
1179 | //these pages also use the main loop via search engine
1180 | //information which page was requested is in url, but limited by other config parameters
1181 | if($resultparas['archivdate'] == ""
1182 | && $resultparas['searchphrase']== ""
1183 | && $resultparas['feedrequest']==false //maybe have a cache page delivered as feed?
1184 | && $resultparas['cacheid']> 0
1185 | && $resultparas["iscachable"]=="Y"
1186 | && $resultparas['kalreq']==false
1187 | && !$resultparas['displayonlybox'] ) {
1188 | $pagetype['pagetype']='cachepage';
1189 | $pagetype['template']='cache';
1190 | }
1191 |
1192 | // 4. kalenderpage - a special page with no content but showing all our navigation and boxes
1193 | if( $resultparas['searchphrase']== ""
1194 | && $resultparas['feedrequest']==false
1195 | && $resultparas['cacheid']==false
1196 | && $resultparas['kalreq']==true
1197 | && !$resultparas['displayonlybox']) {
1198 | $pagetype['pagetype']='kalpage';
1199 | $pagetype['template']='kalender';
1200 | }
1201 |
1202 | // 9. nopage - maybe just a box was called? - great we could save a lot of time, when we know, that we don't need to process a page template
1203 | if($resultparas['feedrequest']==false
1204 | && $resultparas['displayonlybox'] // just a box
1205 | ) {
1206 | $pagetype['pagetype']='nopage';
1207 | $pagetype['template']= $resultparas['displayonlybox'];
1208 | // one of 'kalender_box', 'kalenderlist_box', 'search_box', 'feedlistsidebar_box', 'opml_box', 'feedlist_box', 'feedlistsidebar_box'
1209 | }
1210 |
1211 | //10. errorpage - probably nobody wants this page, but maybe our system is not ready or it is not understandable what the user wanted
1212 | if(!isset($pagetype['pagetype']) || !isset($pagetype['template'])
1213 | ) {
1214 | $pagetype['pagetype']='errorpage';
1215 | $pagetype['template']='error';
1216 | $pagetype['error'].='This error never should happen. Sorry for this. Cannot determine page type or template';
1217 | }
1218 | return $pagetype;
1219 | }
1220 |
1221 | function analyze_needed_elements($rawtemplate, $type=''){
1222 | //avaliable_boxes: 'search_box, kalender_box, kalenderlist_box, feedlist_box, sendfeedpermail_box'; //do we really need this?
1223 | preg_match_all('/###[0-9A-Z_]+'.$type.'###/', $rawtemplate, $elementname);
1224 | //$element['boxname']=$elementname;
1225 | foreach($elementname[0] as $key => $elementnameupper){
1226 | $element['result'][str_replace('#','',strtolower($elementnameupper))]=true;
1227 | }
1228 | if(!isset($element['result'])) $element['result'] = false;
1229 | return $element;
1230 | }
1231 |
1232 | function makebox($boxtomake, &$resultparas, &$pbaout){
1233 | $boxtemplate = $resultparas['template_' . $boxtomake]; //Fix this later to be a copy of resultparas
1234 | $preprocessed_boxtemplate=PBALIB::template_replacements($boxtemplate, $resultparas);
1235 |
1236 | if($boxtomake == 'kalender_box' || $boxtomake == 'kalenderlist_box'){
1237 | //this one is tricky:
1238 | //1. to query db only once, if we have diffrent kalenderboxes to make, we want them all make at once
1239 | //2. we want to give some (?) other global results back like kalenderdate
1240 | //formatted_kalender gives out:
1241 | //1. result - as specified with boxtomake
1242 | //2. kalenderdate - needed later in page templates,
1243 | //3. maybe profiler, when profiler enabled set -> now directly sent to pbaout
1244 |
1245 | //we shall better work with db query results cache ? - nice to see in profiler: mysql does caching automatically very well
1246 | $formatted_kalender=PBALIB::formatkalender($resultparas, $resultparas['archivdate'], $pbaout, $boxtomake, $preprocessed_boxtemplate);
1247 | $box['result']=$formatted_kalender['result']; //completely unused so far?
1248 | $pbaout['kalenderdate']=$formatted_kalender['kalenderdate'];
1249 |
1250 | }elseif($boxtomake == 'opml_box' || $boxtomake == 'feedlist_box' || $boxtomake == 'feedlistsidebar_box'){
1251 |
1252 | //we need to pass over dateformat for inside the loop
1253 | $dateformat="";
1254 | if (isset($resultparas['dateformat_' . $boxtomake])) $dateformat=$resultparas['dateformat_' . $boxtomake];
1255 | $feedlist = PBALIB::formatted_feedlist($resultparas, $dateformat, $preprocessed_boxtemplate);
1256 | $box['result']=$feedlist['result'];
1257 | }else{
1258 | //doing nothing special here is perfect for making a search box
1259 | $box['result']=$preprocessed_boxtemplate; //this
1260 | }
1261 |
1262 | return $box;
1263 | }
1264 |
1265 | function processtagset($tagsetfromdb){
1266 | //$bdprssTagSet: tags to possibly keep defined in programm code
1267 | //$tagsetfromdb - the tags defined as allowed as defined per output id
1268 | //$formattedtagset: the resulting tagset applied to the items in packageItemText
1269 | //to do: encapsulate this into function and store it in database!!!
1270 | global $bdprssTagSet;
1271 | $formattedtagset = '';
1272 | if($tagsetfromdb){
1273 | $kts = preg_split("','", $tagsetfromdb, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
1274 | foreach($kts as $t){
1275 | $u = $bdprssTagSet[$t];
1276 | foreach($u as $v)
1277 | $formattedtagset .= "$v,";
1278 | }
1279 | }
1280 | return $formattedtagset;
1281 | }
1282 |
1283 | function gettheage($seconds, &$resultparas=false, &$ageunitsstring=false){
1284 |
1285 | //this function is used inside inner loops and has to be quick
1286 | //we set $resultparas['ageunit'] on first call with just a string and no array,
1287 | //so in following calls we won't have to loop
1288 |
1289 | if(is_array($resultparas['ageunit'])){
1290 | $ageunit=$resultparas['ageunit'];
1291 | }else{
1292 | if(!$ageunitsstring) $ageunitsstring = get_pbadefaultparameter('ageunitsstring');
1293 | $ageunitsarray = explode(",", $ageunitsstring);
1294 | foreach($ageunitsarray as $valuepair){
1295 | $valuepairarray=explode(":", $valuepair);
1296 | $ageunit[trim($valuepairarray[0])]= trim($valuepairarray[1]);
1297 | }
1298 | $resultparas['ageunit']=$ageunit;
1299 | }
1300 | if($seconds < 100000) return $ageunit['never']; // usually true :)
1301 |
1302 | $age = (time() - $seconds);
1303 | if($age < 0) {
1304 | $future = TRUE;
1305 | $age = -$age;
1306 | }
1307 |
1308 | $unit = $ageunit['seconds'];
1309 | if($age>120.0) {
1310 | $age /= 60;
1311 | $unit = $ageunit['minutes'];
1312 | }
1313 |
1314 | if($age>120.0 && $unit==$ageunit['minutes']){
1315 | $age /= 60;
1316 | $unit = $ageunit['hours'];
1317 | }
1318 |
1319 | if($age>48.0 && $unit == $ageunit['hours']){
1320 | $age /= 24;
1321 | $unit = $ageunit['days'];
1322 | }
1323 |
1324 | if($age>21.0 && $unit==$ageunit['days']){
1325 | $age /= 7;
1326 | $unit = $ageunit['weeks'];
1327 | }
1328 |
1329 | if($age>13.0 && $unit==$ageunit['weeks'])
1330 | {
1331 | $age /= 4.34821;
1332 | $unit = $ageunit['months'];
1333 | }
1334 |
1335 | if($age>=24.0 && $unit==$ageunit['months']){
1336 | $age /= 12;
1337 | $unit = $ageunit['years'];
1338 | }
1339 |
1340 | $age = round($age, 0);
1341 | if(!isset($future)) {
1342 | if($ageunit['before'] != "") $ageunit['before'] = $ageunit['before'] . " ";
1343 | if($ageunit['beforeafter'] != "") $ageunit['beforeafter'] = " " . $ageunit['beforeafter'];
1344 | $return = $ageunit['before'] . "$age $unit" . $ageunit['beforeafter'];
1345 | } else {
1346 | $return = $ageunit['in'] . " $age $unit";
1347 | }
1348 | return $return;
1349 | }
1350 |
1351 | //pba_cache($identifier, $content, 'write', $name, 'mixed', 0, 'OK');
1352 | //pba_cache($identifier, $content, 'housekeeping', $name, 'mixed', 500, 'OK');
1353 | //pba_cache($identifier, $content, 'clear', $name, 'mixed', 180, 'OK');
1354 | //$cachereturn=pba_cache($identifier, $dummy, 'get', $name, 'mixed', 1800, 'OK');
1355 | //if($cachereturn[1]) echo "Here is what I got: " . print_r($cachereturn);
1356 | //if($cachereturn[0]) echo "Got no cache";
1357 |
1358 | function pba_cache(&$identifier, &$cache_content, $cache_mode='get', $name='c', $type='mixed', $cache_max_time=180, $serverstatus='OK'){
1359 | $cache_file=false;
1360 | $cache_path=PBA_CACHE_PATH;
1361 |
1362 | //if identifier is just a short string containing nothing else then a-zA-Z0-9_-, we will use it as part of filename instead of md5
1363 | if(is_string($identifier)) {
1364 | if(strlen($identifier)<=40){
1365 | if(preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/',$identifier)){
1366 | $cache_file=$cache_path . $name . '_' . $identifier;
1367 | }
1368 | }
1369 | }
1370 | if(!$cache_file){
1371 | $cache_file=$cache_path . $name . '_' . md5(serialize($identifier));
1372 | }
1373 |
1374 | //to the filenames on disk will be appended:
1375 | //__c for check files, __d for data files, __t for tmp files
1376 |
1377 | if($cache_mode=='write'){
1378 | $wrote_cache=false;
1379 | if ($serverstatus == 'OK' && !file_exists($cache_file."__t") && !(@filemtime($cache_file."__d") + $cache_max_time > time())){
1380 | $cache_file_handle = fopen($cache_file."__t", 'w+');
1381 |
1382 | if($type=='string') {
1383 | if(fwrite($cache_file_handle, $cache_content)) $wrote_cache=true;
1384 | } else {
1385 | if(fwrite($cache_file_handle, serialize($cache_content))) $wrote_cache=true;
1386 | }
1387 | fclose($cache_file_handle);
1388 | rename($cache_file."__t",$cache_file."__d");
1389 | @touch($cache_file."__c");
1390 | }
1391 | return $wrote_cache;
1392 | }
1393 | if($cache_mode=='get'){
1394 | $got_cache=false;
1395 | if (file_exists($cache_file."__c")){
1396 | if( @filemtime($cache_file."__d") + $cache_max_time > time() && $serverstatus == 'OK' ) {
1397 | if($type=='string') {
1398 | if($get_cache=file_get_contents($cache_file."__d")) $got_cache=true;
1399 | } else {
1400 | if($get_cache=unserialize(file_get_contents($cache_file."__d"))) {
1401 | $got_cache=true;
1402 | }
1403 | }
1404 | }
1405 | }
1406 | if(!$got_cache) $get_cache = $identifier;
1407 | return array($get_cache,$got_cache);
1408 | }
1409 |
1410 | if($cache_mode=='housekeeping'){
1411 | $counter=0;
1412 | if($serverstatus == 'OK'){
1413 | foreach (glob($cache_path . "*__?") as $filename) {
1414 | if(preg_match('/__[cd]$/',$filename)){
1415 | if(filemtime($filename) + $cache_max_time < time()) {
1416 | unlink($filename);
1417 | $counter++;
1418 | }
1419 | }
1420 | }
1421 | }
1422 | return $counter;
1423 | }
1424 |
1425 | if($cache_mode=='clear'){
1426 | $counter=0;
1427 | foreach (glob($cache_path . "*__?") as $filename) {
1428 | unlink($filename);
1429 | $counter++;
1430 | }
1431 | return $counter;
1432 | }
1433 | }
1434 |
1435 |
1436 | }// end class PBALIB
1437 | ?>