Line | |
1 | <?php get_header(); ?>
2 | <!--#content:start-->
3 | <div id="content">
4 | <?php if (have_posts()) : ?>
5 | <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
6 | <div class="entry" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">
7 | <?php
8 |
9 | if(!!get_option('crybook_aside_cat') and in_category(get_option('crybook_aside_cat'))) : ?>
10 | <p><strong><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><?php echo $post->post_title; ?></a></strong> — <?php echo $post->post_content; ?> <span class="aside-date"><?php the_date(); ?></span></p>
11 | <div class="meta-footer">
12 | <ul>
13 | <?php edit_post_link(__('Edit'), '<li>', '</li>'); ?>
14 | </ul>
15 | <div class="clear-left"></div>
16 | </div>
17 |
18 | <?php else : ?>
19 | <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
20 | <p class="meta-header"><?php _e("Ricevuto il"); ?> <?php the_time('d F , Y') ?> in <?php the_category(',') ?> da <?php the_author() ?> <?php edit_post_link(__('<span class="edit">Edit</a>')); ?></p>
21 | <?php
22 |
23 | the_content(__(''));
24 |
25 | ?>
26 |
27 | <div class="meta-footer">
28 | <ul>
29 | <?php edit_post_link(__('Edit'), '<li>', '</li>'); ?>
30 | </ul>
31 | <div class="clear-left"></div>
32 | </div>
33 | <?php endif; ?>
34 |
35 | </div>
36 |
37 | <?php comments_template(); ?>
38 |
39 | <?php endwhile; ?>
40 | <?php else: ?>
41 | <p>Sorry, nessun post con questo criterio.</p>
42 | <?php endif; ?>
43 |
44 | </div>
45 | <!--#content:end-->
46 | <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
47 | <?php get_footer(); ?>
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