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"._DISCLAIMER.""; if($xls!=1) $datipdf .= "
"; $datipdf .="


"; $html = ""; } // referendum if (!IsSet($num_ref)) { $num_ref=1; $resg = mysql_query("SELECT id_gruppo from ".$prefix."_ele_gruppo where id_cons='$id_cons'", $dbi); $num_refs= mysql_num_rows($resg); //quante pagine? } if($genere=='0'){ $resg = mysql_query("SELECT id_gruppo from ".$prefix."_ele_gruppo where id_cons='$id_cons' and num_gruppo='$num_ref'", $dbi); list($id_gruppo)=mysql_fetch_array($resg); } // icone stampa e grafici if (!$csv){ if(!isset($html)) $html=''; $html .= "
"._VER_GRAF." \"\" "._VER_STAMPA." \"\" \"\"


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"; } $cond= $genere==0 ? "and t3.id_gruppo='$id_gruppo'" : ""; $i=1; $res = mysql_query("SELECT num_sez,id_sez,t1.id_sede, t2.id_circ,maschi,femmine,(maschi+femmine) as elettori FROM ".$prefix."_ele_sezioni as t1, ".$prefix."_ele_sede as t2 where t1.id_cons='$id_cons' and t1.id_sede=t2.id_sede $circos order by num_sez", $dbi); while ($linka[$i++] = mysql_fetch_array($res)); # while (list($appo) = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {$i=$appo['num_sez']; $linka[$i] = $appo;echo "\nnum:$i:".$linka[$i]['num_sez'];}die(); $num_sez = mysql_num_rows($res); //numero totale delle sezioni $sez_da=$linka[1]['num_sez']; $sez_a=$sez_da+$num_sez-1; $tot_compl=0;$tot_u=0;$tot_d=0; // $ar['riga1'][0]="
"; $tot= array(); $ar[0][0]="TOTALI"; $ar['perc'][0]="Perc."; // $ar['riga2'][0]="
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".number_format($votiu,0,',','.')." ".number_format($votid,0,',','.')." ".number_format($somma,0,',','.')."
"; $perc_u=number_format($votiu*100/$tot_u,2); $perc_d=number_format($votid*100/$tot_d,2); $perc_c=number_format($somma*100/$tot_compl,2); } else $tot[$data.$ora]=$somma; } $ud=0;$ora_rif=""; while (list($data1,$ora1) = mysql_fetch_row($resril)) { $ud++; list($hour, $minute, $second) = explode(":", $ora1); $ora_ril=$hour.":".$minute; $html .= ""._ORE." ".$ora_ril; $resaff = mysql_query("SELECT count(data) FROM ".$prefix."_ele_voti_parziale as t3 left join ".$prefix."_ele_sezioni as t1 on t3.id_sez=t1.id_sez left join ".$prefix."_ele_sede as t2 on t1.id_sede=t2.id_sede where t1.id_cons='$id_cons' and data='$data1' and orario='$ora_ril' $circos group by t3.id_gruppo", $dbi); list($num_scr) = mysql_fetch_row($resaff); //numero delle sezioni inserite $html .= "
"._SEZIONI." $num_scr "._SU." $num_sez"; if ($ud==$num_ril and ($perc_u or $perc_d)) $html .= "
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$uomini $donne $complessivi
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Stampato: $data
"; $style .="
Eleonline by l. apolito & r. gigli - www.eleonline.it
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