msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WP Contact Form 7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-07-22 18:32+0900\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: jillij \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Poedit-Language: French\n" "X-Poedit-Country: FRANCE\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;__ngettext:1,2;_n:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_c,_nc:4c,1,2;_x:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;_nx_noop:4c,1,2\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ../..\n" "X-Textdomain-Support: yes\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: contact-form-7\n" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:293 msgid "Contact form" msgstr "Formulaire de contact" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:3 #: admin/admin.php:102 msgid "Contact Form 7" msgstr "Contact Form 7" #@ wpcf7 #: includes/functions.php:33 msgid "Your Name" msgstr "Votre Nom" #@ wpcf7 #: includes/functions.php:33 #: includes/functions.php:35 msgid "(required)" msgstr "(obligatoire)" #@ wpcf7 #: includes/functions.php:35 msgid "Your Email" msgstr "Votre Email" #@ wpcf7 #: includes/functions.php:37 msgid "Subject" msgstr "Sujet" #@ wpcf7 #: includes/functions.php:39 msgid "Your Message" msgstr "Votre Message" #@ wpcf7 #: includes/functions.php:41 #: modules/submit.php:37 msgid "Send" msgstr "Envoyer" #@ wpcf7 #: includes/functions.php:6 msgid "Your message was sent successfully. Thanks." msgstr "Votre message a bien été envoyé. Merci." #@ wpcf7 #: includes/functions.php:8 #: includes/functions.php:10 msgid "Failed to send your message. Please try later or contact administrator by other way." msgstr "Erreur lors de l'envoi du message. Veuillez réessayer plus tard, ou contacter l'administrateur d'une autre manière." #@ wpcf7 #: includes/functions.php:12 msgid "Validation errors occurred. Please confirm the fields and submit it again." msgstr "Erreur de validation. Veuillez vérifier les champs et soumettre à nouveau." #@ wpcf7 #: includes/functions.php:16 msgid "Email address seems invalid." msgstr "L'adresse Email semble invalide." #@ wpcf7 #: includes/functions.php:18 msgid "Please fill the required field." msgstr "Veuillez remplir les champs requis." #@ wpcf7 #: includes/functions.php:20 msgid "Your entered code is incorrect." msgstr "Le code entre est incorrect." #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:18 msgid "Add new" msgstr "Ajouter un nouveau" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:131 #: admin/admin-panel.php:184 msgid "Message body:" msgstr "Corps du message:" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:47 #: admin/admin-panel.php:279 msgid "Save" msgstr "Sauvegarder" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:60 msgid "" "You are about to delete this contact form.\n" " 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete." msgstr "" "Vous etes sur le point de supprimer ce formulaire de contact.\n" " 'Annuler' pour arreter, 'OK' pour supprimer." #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:179 msgid "Akismet" msgstr "Akismet" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:178 msgid "Default value" msgstr "Valeur par defaut" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:176 msgid "Choices" msgstr "Choix" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:194 msgid "* One choice per line." msgstr "* Un choix par ligne." #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:184 msgid "Foreground color" msgstr "Couleur de devant" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:185 msgid "Background color" msgstr "Couleur d'arrière plan" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:186 msgid "Image size" msgstr "Taille de l'image" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:187 msgid "Small" msgstr "Petit" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:188 msgid "Medium" msgstr "Moyen" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:189 msgid "Large" msgstr "Grand" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:177 msgid "Label" msgstr "Étiquette" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:40 msgid "Copy this code and paste it into your post, page or text widget content." msgstr "Copiez ce code et collez-le dans vos article, page ou widget-texte." #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:54 msgid "Copy" msgstr "Copier" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:58 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Supprimer" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:75 msgid "Form" msgstr "Formulaire" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:95 msgid "Mail" msgstr "Mail" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:102 #: admin/admin-panel.php:155 msgid "To:" msgstr "A:" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:106 #: admin/admin-panel.php:159 msgid "From:" msgstr "De:" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:110 #: admin/admin-panel.php:163 msgid "Subject:" msgstr "Sujet:" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:115 #: admin/admin-panel.php:168 msgid "Additional headers:" msgstr "En-têtes supplémentaires:" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:119 #: admin/admin-panel.php:172 msgid "File attachments:" msgstr "Dossier des pièces jointes:" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:126 #: admin/admin-panel.php:179 msgid "Use HTML content type" msgstr "Utilisez un type de contenu HTML" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:142 msgid "Mail (2)" msgstr "Mail (2)" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:149 msgid "Use mail (2)" msgstr "Utiliser le mail (2)" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:195 msgid "Messages" msgstr "Messages" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:203 msgid "Sender's message was sent successfully" msgstr "Votre message a été envoyé avec succès" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:207 msgid "Sender's message was failed to send" msgstr "Votre message n'a pas pu être envoyé" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:211 msgid "Akismet judged the sending activity as spamming" msgstr "Akismet a jugé que cet envoi est un spam" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:215 msgid "Validation errors occurred" msgstr "Des erreurs de validation sont survenues" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:219 msgid "There is a field that sender is needed to fill in" msgstr "Il y a un champs obligatoire qui n'a pas été rempli" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:223 msgid "Email address that sender entered is invalid" msgstr "L'adresse e-mail utilisée n'est pas valide" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:227 msgid "There is a field of term that sender is needed to accept" msgstr "Il y a un champ dont il est nécessaire d'accepter les termes" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:231 msgid "Sender doesn't enter the correct answer to the quiz" msgstr "Vous n'avez pas entré la bonne réponse au quiz" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:235 msgid "The code that sender entered does not match the CAPTCHA" msgstr "Le code entré ne correspond pas à la CAPTCHA" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:239 msgid "Uploading a file fails for any reason" msgstr "Le téléchargement de fichier a échoué pour une raison inconnue" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:243 msgid "Uploaded file is not allowed file type" msgstr "Le téléchargement n'autorise pas ce format de fichier" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:247 msgid "Uploaded file is too large" msgstr "Le fichier téléchargé est trop volumineux" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin-panel.php:260 msgid "Additional Settings" msgstr "Réglages additionnels" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:105 msgid "Edit Contact Forms" msgstr "Modifier les Formulaires de contact" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:105 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Modifier" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:152 msgid "optional" msgstr "facultatif" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:153 msgid "Generate Tag" msgstr "Générer des tags" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:154 msgid "Text field" msgstr "Champ texte" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:155 msgid "Email field" msgstr "Champ e-mail" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:156 msgid "Text area" msgstr "Zone de texte" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:157 msgid "Drop-down menu" msgstr "Menu déroulant" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:158 msgid "Checkboxes" msgstr "Cases à cocher" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:159 msgid "Radio buttons" msgstr "Boutons radio" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:160 msgid "Acceptance" msgstr "Acceptation" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:161 msgid "Make this checkbox checked by default?" msgstr "Spécifier que cette case soit cochée par défaut?" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:162 msgid "Make this checkbox work inversely?" msgstr "Spécifier que cette case à cocher fonctionne de façon inversée ?" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:163 msgid "* That means visitor who accepts the term unchecks it." msgstr "* Ceci signifie que le visiteur qui accepte les termes à valider doit décocher la case." #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:164 msgid "CAPTCHA" msgstr "CAPTCHA" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:165 msgid "Quiz" msgstr "Quiz" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:166 msgid "Quizzes" msgstr "Quizs" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:167 msgid "* quiz|answer (e.g. 1+1=?|2)" msgstr "* quiz|réponse (par exemple : 1 +1 =?|2)" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:168 msgid "File upload" msgstr "Fichier téléchargé" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:169 msgid "bytes" msgstr "octets" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:170 msgid "Submit button" msgstr "Bouton \\\"Soumettre\\\"" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:171 msgid "Name" msgstr "Nom" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:172 msgid "Required field?" msgstr "Champ obligatoire?" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:173 msgid "Allow multiple selections?" msgstr "Autoriser les sélections multiples?" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:174 msgid "Insert a blank item as the first option?" msgstr "Insérer un choix vide comme première option?" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:175 msgid "Make checkboxes exclusive?" msgstr "Insérer des cases à cocher exclusives?" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:180 msgid "This field requires author's name" msgstr "Ce champ requiert le nom de l'auteur" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:181 msgid "This field requires author's URL" msgstr "Ce champ requiert l'URL de l'auteur" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:182 msgid "This field requires author's email address" msgstr "Ce champ requiert l'adresse e-mail de l'auteur" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:183 msgid "Copy this code and paste it into the form left." msgstr "Copiez ce code et collez-le dans le formulaire à gauche." #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:190 msgid "Image settings" msgstr "Paramètres des images" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:191 msgid "Input field settings" msgstr "Paramètres des Champs de saisie" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:192 msgid "For image" msgstr "Pour l'image" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:193 msgid "For input field" msgstr "Pour le champ de saisie" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:195 msgid "Show" msgstr "Montrer" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:196 msgid "Hide" msgstr "Masquer" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:197 msgid "File size limit" msgstr "Taille maximale du fichier" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:198 msgid "Acceptable file types" msgstr "Formats de fichiers acceptés" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:199 msgid "Note: To use CAPTCHA, you need Really Simple CAPTCHA plugin installed." msgstr "Note: Pour utiliser la CAPTCHA, vous devez avoir installé l'extension \\\"Really Simple CAPTCHA\\\"." #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:214 msgid "Contact form created." msgstr "Formulaire de contact créé." #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:217 msgid "Contact form saved." msgstr "Formulaire de contact sauvegardé." #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:220 msgid "Contact form deleted." msgstr "Formulaire de contact supprimé." #: admin/admin.php:313 msgid "Settings" msgstr "" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:334 msgid "Contact Form 7 needs your support. Please donate today." msgstr "Contact Form 7 a besoin de votre soutien. Merci de faire un don dès aujourd'hui !" #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:335 msgid "Is this plugin useful for you? If you like it, please help the developer." msgstr "Est-ce que cette extension vous est utile ? Si vous l'aimez, merci d'aider le développeur." #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:336 msgid "Your contribution is needed for making this plugin better." msgstr "Votre contribution est nécessaire à rendre meilleure cette extension." #@ wpcf7 #: admin/admin.php:337 msgid "Developing a plugin and providing user support is really hard work. Please help." msgstr "Développer une extension et fournir de l'assistance à ses utilisateurs est réellement un travail conséquent. Merci d'aider l'auteur à le faire." #@ wpcf7 #: includes/classes.php:536 msgid "Untitled" msgstr "Sans titre" #@ wpcf7 #: includes/functions.php:14 msgid "Please accept the terms to proceed." msgstr "Merci de bien vouloir accepter les conditions pour continuer." #@ wpcf7 #: includes/functions.php:22 msgid "Your answer is not correct." msgstr "Votre réponse est incorrecte." #@ wpcf7 #: includes/functions.php:24 msgid "Failed to upload file." msgstr "Impossible de télécharger le fichier." #@ wpcf7 #: includes/functions.php:26 msgid "This file type is not allowed." msgstr "Ce type de fichier n'est pas autorisé." #@ wpcf7 #: includes/functions.php:28 msgid "This file is too large." msgstr "Ce fichier est trop volumineux." #@ wpcf7 #: modules/captcha.php:62 msgid "To use CAPTCHA, you need Really Simple CAPTCHA plugin installed." msgstr "Pour utiliser la CAPTCHA, vous devez avoir installé l'extension Really Simple CAPTCHA ."