found()) : $alter = array (); // Categories if (!empty($saveCats)) : $link->settings['cats'] = $saveCats; else : unset($link->settings['cats']); endif; // Tags $link->settings['tags'] = $syndicatedTags; // Unfamiliar categories if (isset($GLOBALS['fwp_post']["unfamiliar_category"])) : if ('site-default'==$GLOBALS['fwp_post']["unfamiliar_category"]) : unset($link->settings["unfamiliar category"]); else : $link->settings["unfamiliar category"] = $GLOBALS['fwp_post']["unfamiliar_category"]; endif; endif; // Category spitting regex if (isset($GLOBALS['fwp_post']['cat_split'])) : if (strlen(trim($GLOBALS['fwp_post']['cat_split'])) > 0) : $link->settings['cat_split'] = trim($GLOBALS['fwp_post']['cat_split']); else : unset($link->settings['cat_split']); endif; endif; $alter[] = "link_notes = '".$wpdb->escape($link->settings_to_notes())."'"; $alter_set = implode(", ", $alter); // issue update query $result = $wpdb->query(" UPDATE $wpdb->links SET $alter_set WHERE link_id='$link_id' "); $updated_link = true; // reload link information from DB if (function_exists('clean_bookmark_cache')) : clean_bookmark_cache($link_id); endif; $link =& new SyndicatedLink($link_id); else : // Categories if (!empty($saveCats)) : update_option('feedwordpress_syndication_cats', implode(FEEDWORDPRESS_CAT_SEPARATOR, $saveCats)); else : delete_option('feedwordpress_syndication_cats'); endif; // Tags if (!empty($syndicatedTags)) : update_option('feedwordpress_syndication_tags', implode(FEEDWORDPRESS_CAT_SEPARATOR, $syndicatedTags)); else : delete_option('feedwordpress_syndication_tags'); endif; update_option('feedwordpress_unfamiliar_category', $_REQUEST['unfamiliar_category']); $updated_link = true; endif; else : $updated_link = false; endif; //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get defaults from database ////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// $unfamiliar = array ('create'=>'','tag' => '', 'default'=>'','filter'=>''); if (is_object($link) and $link->found()) : $unfamiliar['site-default'] = ''; $ucKey = $link->settings["unfamiliar category"]; $ucDefault = 'site-default'; if (is_array($link->settings['cats'])) : $cats = $link->settings['cats']; else : $cats = array(); endif; $tags = $link->settings['tags']; else : $ucKey = FeedWordPress::on_unfamiliar('category'); $ucDefault = 'create'; $cats = array_map('trim', preg_split(FEEDWORDPRESS_CAT_SEPARATOR_PATTERN, get_option('feedwordpress_syndication_cats')) ); $tags = array_map('trim', preg_split(FEEDWORDPRESS_CAT_SEPARATOR_PATTERN, get_option('feedwordpress_syndication_tags')) ); endif; if (!is_string($ucKey) or !array_key_exists($ucKey, $unfamiliar)) : $ucKey = $ucDefault; endif; $unfamiliar[$ucKey] = ' checked="checked"'; $dogs = SyndicatedPost::category_ids($cats, /*unfamiliar=*/ NULL); ?>

Syndicated categories and tags settings updated.

Categories & Tags Settingsfound()) : ?>: link->link_name, 1); ?>

found()) : ?>

These settings only affect posts syndicated from link->link_name, 1); ?>.

These settings affect posts syndicated from any feed unless they are overridden by settings for that specific feed.

found()) : ?>
Unfamiliar categories:

When one of the categories on a syndicated post is a category that FeedWordPress has not encountered before ...

    found())) : ?>
Multiple categories:

Enter a Perl-compatible regular expression here if the feed provides multiple categories in a single category element. The regular expression should match the characters used to separate one category from the next. If the feed uses spaces (like, use the pattern "\s". If the feed does not provide multiple categories in a single element, leave this blank.

found()) ? ' from this feed':'')); ?> found()) ? ' from this feed':'')); fwp_linkedit_periodic_submit(); endif; ?>