# - HTTP Navigator 2 by Keyvan Minoukadeh # - Ultra-Liberal Feed Finder by Mark Pilgrim # according to the terms of the GNU General Public License. # # INSTALLATION: see readme.txt or # # USAGE: once FeedWordPress is installed, you manage just about everything from # the WordPress Dashboard, under the Syndication menu. To ensure that fresh # content is added as it becomes available, you can convince your contributors # to put your XML-RPC URI (if WordPress is installed at # , XML-RPC requests should be sent to # ), or update manually under the # Syndication menu, or set up automatic updates under Syndication --> Settings, # or use a cron job. # -- Don't change these unless you know what you're doing... define ('FEEDWORDPRESS_VERSION', '2009.0707'); define ('FEEDWORDPRESS_AUTHOR_CONTACT', 'http://radgeek.com/contact'); define ('DEFAULT_SYNDICATION_CATEGORY', 'Contributors'); $feedwordpress_debug = get_option('feedwordpress_debug'); if (is_string($feedwordpress_debug)) : $feedwordpress_debug = ($feedwordpress_debug == 'yes'); endif; define ('FEEDWORDPRESS_DEBUG', $feedwordpress_debug); define ('FEEDWORDPRESS_CAT_SEPARATOR_PATTERN', '/[:\n]/'); define ('FEEDWORDPRESS_CAT_SEPARATOR', "\n"); define ('FEEDVALIDATOR_URI', 'http://feedvalidator.org/check.cgi'); define ('FEEDWORDPRESS_FRESHNESS_INTERVAL', 10*60); // Every ten minutes define ('FWP_SCHEMA_HAS_USERMETA', 2966); define ('FWP_SCHEMA_20', 3308); // Database schema # for WP 2.0 define ('FWP_SCHEMA_21', 4772); // Database schema # for WP 2.1 define ('FWP_SCHEMA_23', 5495); // Database schema # for WP 2.3 define ('FWP_SCHEMA_25', 7558); // Database schema # for WP 2.5 define ('FWP_SCHEMA_26', 8201); // Database schema # for WP 2.6 define ('FWP_SCHEMA_27', 9872); // Database schema # for WP 2.7 define ('FWP_SCHEMA_28', 11548); // Database schema # for WP 2.8 if (FEEDWORDPRESS_DEBUG) : // Help us to pick out errors, if any. ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); ini_set('display_errors', true); define('MAGPIE_DEBUG', true); // When testing we don't want cache issues to interfere. But this is // a VERY BAD SETTING for a production server. Webmasters will eat your // face for breakfast if you use it, and the baby Jesus will cry. So // make sure FEEDWORDPRESS_DEBUG is FALSE for any site that will be // used for more than testing purposes! define('MAGPIE_CACHE_AGE', 1); else : define('MAGPIE_DEBUG', false); endif; // Note that the rss-functions.php that comes prepackaged with WordPress is // old & busted. For the new hotness, drop a copy of rss.php from // this archive into wp-includes/rss.php if (is_readable(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss.php')) : require_once (ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss.php'); else : require_once (ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss-functions.php'); endif; if (isset($wp_db_version)) : if ($wp_db_version >= FWP_SCHEMA_23) : require_once (ABSPATH . WPINC . '/registration.php'); // for wp_insert_user elseif ($wp_db_version >= FWP_SCHEMA_21) : // WordPress 2.1 and 2.2, but not 2.3 require_once (ABSPATH . WPINC . '/registration.php'); // for wp_insert_user require_once (ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-db.php'); // for wp_insert_category elseif ($wp_db_version >= FWP_SCHEMA_20) : // WordPress 2.0 require_once (ABSPATH . WPINC . '/registration-functions.php'); // for wp_insert_user require_once (ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-db.php'); // for wp_insert_category endif; endif; require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/compatability.php'); // LEGACY API: Replicate or mock up functions for legacy support purposes require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/feedwordpresshtml.class.php'); // Magic quotes are just about the stupidest thing ever. if (is_array($_POST)) : $fwp_post = stripslashes_deep($_POST); endif; // Get the path relative to the plugins directory in which FWP is stored preg_match ( '|/wp-content/plugins/(.+)$|', dirname(__FILE__), $ref ); if (isset($ref[1])) : $fwp_path = $ref[1]; else : // Something went wrong. Let's just guess. $fwp_path = 'feedwordpress'; endif; // If this is a FeedWordPress admin page, queue up scripts for AJAX functions that FWP uses // If it is a display page or a non-FeedWordPress admin page, don't. if (is_admin() and isset($_REQUEST['page']) and preg_match("|^{$fwp_path}/|", $_REQUEST['page'])) : if (function_exists('wp_enqueue_script')) : if (isset($wp_db_version) and $wp_db_version >= FWP_SCHEMA_25) : wp_enqueue_script('post'); // for magic tag and category boxes wp_enqueue_script('thickbox'); // for fold-up boxes wp_enqueue_script('admin-forms'); // for checkbox selection else : wp_enqueue_script( 'ajaxcat' ); // Provides the handy-dandy new category text box endif; endif; if (function_exists('wp_enqueue_style')) : if (fwp_test_wp_version(FWP_SCHEMA_25)) : wp_enqueue_style('dashboard'); endif; endif; if (function_exists('wp_admin_css')) : if (fwp_test_wp_version(FWP_SCHEMA_25)) : wp_admin_css('css/dashboard'); endif; endif; endif; if (!FeedWordPress::needs_upgrade()) : // only work if the conditions are safe! # Syndicated items are generally received in output-ready (X)HTML and # should not be folded, crumpled, mutilated, or spindled by WordPress # formatting filters. But we don't want to interfere with filters for # any locally-authored posts, either. # # What WordPress should really have is a way for upstream filters to # stop downstream filters from running at all. Since it doesn't, and # since a downstream filter can't access the original copy of the text # that is being filtered, what we will do here is (1) save a copy of the # original text upstream, before any other filters run, and then (2) # retrieve that copy downstream, after all the other filters run, *if* # this is a syndicated post add_filter('the_content', 'feedwordpress_preserve_syndicated_content', -10000); add_filter('the_content', 'feedwordpress_restore_syndicated_content', 10000); add_action('atom_entry', 'feedwordpress_item_feed_data'); # Filter in original permalinks if the user wants that add_filter('post_link', 'syndication_permalink', 1); # WTF? By default, wp_insert_link runs incoming link_url and link_rss # URIs through default filters that include `wp_kses()`. But `wp_kses()` # just happens to escape any occurrence of & to & -- which just # happens to fuck up any URI with a & to separate GET parameters. remove_filter('pre_link_rss', 'wp_filter_kses'); remove_filter('pre_link_url', 'wp_filter_kses'); # Admin menu add_action('admin_menu', 'fwp_add_pages'); add_action('admin_notices', 'fwp_check_debug'); add_action('admin_notices', 'fwp_check_magpie'); # Inbound XML-RPC update methods add_filter('xmlrpc_methods', 'feedwordpress_xmlrpc_hook'); # Outbound XML-RPC ping reform remove_action('publish_post', 'generic_ping'); // WP 1.5.x remove_action('do_pings', 'do_all_pings', 10, 1); // WP 2.1, 2.2 remove_action('publish_post', '_publish_post_hook', 5, 1); // WP 2.3 add_action('publish_post', 'fwp_publish_post_hook', 5, 1); add_action('do_pings', 'fwp_do_pings', 10, 1); add_action('feedwordpress_update', 'fwp_hold_pings'); add_action('feedwordpress_update_complete', 'fwp_release_pings'); # Hook in logging functions only if the logging option is ON $update_logging = get_option('feedwordpress_update_logging'); if ($update_logging == 'yes') : add_action('post_syndicated_item', 'log_feedwordpress_post', 100); add_action('update_syndicated_item', 'log_feedwordpress_update_post', 100); add_action('feedwordpress_update', 'log_feedwordpress_update_feeds', 100); add_action('feedwordpress_check_feed', 'log_feedwordpress_check_feed', 100); add_action('feedwordpress_update_complete', 'log_feedwordpress_update_complete', 100); endif; # Cron-less auto-update. Hooray! add_action('init', 'feedwordpress_auto_update'); add_action('init', 'feedwordpress_check_for_magpie_fix'); # Default sanitizers add_filter('syndicated_item_content', array('SyndicatedPost', 'resolve_relative_uris'), 0, 2); add_filter('syndicated_item_content', array('SyndicatedPost', 'sanitize_content'), 0, 2); else : # Hook in the menus, which will just point to the upgrade interface add_action('admin_menu', 'fwp_add_pages'); endif; // if (!FeedWordPress::needs_upgrade()) function feedwordpress_check_for_magpie_fix () { if (isset($_POST['action']) and $_POST['action']=='fix_magpie_version') : FeedWordPressCompatibility::validate_http_request(/*action=*/ 'feedwordpress_fix_magpie', /*capability=*/ 'edit_files'); $back_to = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (isset($_POST['ignore'])) : // kill error message by telling it we ignored the upgrade request for this version update_option('feedwordpress_magpie_ignored_upgrade_to', EXPECTED_MAGPIE_VERSION); $ret = 'ignored'; elseif (isset($_POST['upgrade'])) : $source = dirname(__FILE__)."/MagpieRSS-upgrade/rss.php"; $destination = ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss.php'; $success = @copy($source, $destination); $ret = (int) $success; endif; if (strpos($back_to, '?')===false) : $sep = '?'; else : $sep = '&'; endif; header("Location: {$back_to}{$sep}feedwordpress_magpie_fix=".$ret); exit; endif; } /* feedwordpress_check_for_magpie_fix() */ function feedwordpress_auto_update () { if (FeedWordPress::stale()) : $feedwordpress =& new FeedWordPress; $feedwordpress->update(); endif; if (FeedWordPress::update_requested()) : exit; endif; } /* feedwordpress_auto_update () */ ################################################################################ ## LOGGING FUNCTIONS: log status updates to error_log if you want it ########### ################################################################################ function log_feedwordpress_post ($id) { $post = wp_get_single_post($id); error_log("[".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."][feedwordpress] posted " ."'{$post->post_title}' ({$post->post_date})"); } function log_feedwordpress_update_post ($id) { $post = wp_get_single_post($id); error_log("[".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."][feedwordpress] updated " ."'{$post->post_title}' ({$post->post_date})" ." (as of {$post->post_modified})"); } function log_feedwordpress_update_feeds ($uri) { error_log("[".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."][feedwordpress] update('$uri')"); } function log_feedwordpress_check_feed ($feed) { $uri = $feed['link/uri']; $name = $feed['link/name']; error_log("[".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."][feedwordpress] Examining $name <$uri>"); } function log_feedwordpress_update_complete ($delta) { $mesg = array(); if (isset($delta['new'])) $mesg[] = 'added '.$delta['new'].' new posts'; if (isset($delta['updated'])) $mesg[] = 'updated '.$delta['updated'].' existing posts'; if (empty($mesg)) $mesg[] = 'nothing changed'; error_log("[".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."][feedwordpress] " .(is_null($delta) ? "Error: I don't syndicate that URI" : implode(' and ', $mesg))); } ################################################################################ ## TEMPLATE API: functions to make your templates syndication-aware ############ ################################################################################ function is_syndicated () { return (strlen(get_syndication_feed_id()) > 0); } function get_syndication_source_link ($original = NULL) { if (is_null($original)) : $original = FeedWordPress::use_aggregator_source_data(); endif; if ($original) : $vals = get_post_custom_values('syndication_source_uri_original'); else : $vals = array(); endif; if (count($vals) == 0) : $vals = get_post_custom_values('syndication_source_uri'); endif; if (count($vals) > 0) : $ret = $vals[0]; else : $ret = NULL; endif; return $ret; } /* function get_syndication_source_link() */ function the_syndication_source_link ($original = NULL) { echo get_syndication_source_link($original); } function get_syndication_source ($original = NULL) { if (is_null($original)) : $original = FeedWordPress::use_aggregator_source_data(); endif; if ($original) : $vals = get_post_custom_values('syndication_source_original'); else : $vals = array(); endif; if (count($vals) == 0) : $vals = get_post_custom_values('syndication_source'); endif; if (count($vals) > 0) : $ret = $vals[0]; else : $ret = NULL; endif; return $ret; } /* function get_syndication_source() */ function the_syndication_source ($original = NULL) { echo get_syndication_source($original); } function get_syndication_feed ($original = NULL) { if (is_null($original)) : $original = FeedWordPress::use_aggregator_source_data(); endif; if ($original) : $vals = get_post_custom_values('syndication_feed_original'); else : $vals = array(); endif; if (count($vals) == 0) : $vals = get_post_custom_values('syndication_feed'); endif; if (count($vals) > 0) : $ret = $vals[0]; else : $ret = NULL; endif; return $ret; } /* function get_syndication_feed() */ function the_syndication_feed ($original = NULL) { echo get_syndication_feed ($original); } function get_syndication_feed_guid ($original = NULL) { if (is_null($original)) : $original = FeedWordPress::use_aggregator_source_data(); endif; if ($original) : $vals = get_post_custom_values('syndication_source_id_original'); else : $vals = array(); endif; if (count($vals) == 0) : $vals = array(get_feed_meta('feed/id')); endif; if (count($vals) > 0) : $ret = $vals[0]; else : $ret = NULL; endif; return $ret; } /* function get_syndication_feed_guid () */ function the_syndication_feed_guid ($original = NULL) { echo get_syndication_feed_guid($original); } function get_syndication_feed_id () { list($u) = get_post_custom_values('syndication_feed_id'); return $u; } function the_syndication_feed_id () { echo get_syndication_feed_id(); } $feedwordpress_linkcache = array (); // only load links from database once function get_feed_meta ($key) { global $wpdb, $feedwordpress_linkcache; $feed_id = get_syndication_feed_id(); $ret = NULL; if (strlen($feed_id) > 0): if (isset($feedwordpress_linkcache[$feed_id])) : $link = $feedwordpress_linkcache[$feed_id]; else : $link =& new SyndicatedLink($feed_id); $feedwordpress_linkcache[$feed_id] = $link; endif; $ret = $link->settings[$key]; endif; return $ret; } /* get_feed_meta() */ function get_syndication_permalink () { list($u) = get_post_custom_values('syndication_permalink'); return $u; } function the_syndication_permalink () { echo get_syndication_permalink(); } ################################################################################ ## FILTERS: syndication-aware handling of post data for templates and feeds #### ################################################################################ $feedwordpress_the_syndicated_content = NULL; function feedwordpress_preserve_syndicated_content ($text) { global $feedwordpress_the_syndicated_content; $globalExpose = (get_option('feedwordpress_formatting_filters') == 'yes'); $localExpose = get_post_custom_values('_feedwordpress_formatting_filters'); $expose = ($globalExpose or ((count($localExpose) > 0) and $localExpose[0])); if ( is_syndicated() and !$expose ) : $feedwordpress_the_syndicated_content = $text; else : $feedwordpress_the_syndicated_content = NULL; endif; return $text; } function feedwordpress_restore_syndicated_content ($text) { global $feedwordpress_the_syndicated_content; if ( !is_null($feedwordpress_the_syndicated_content) ) : $text = $feedwordpress_the_syndicated_content; endif; return $text; } function feedwordpress_item_feed_data () { // In a post context.... if (is_syndicated()) : ?> <?php the_syndication_source(); ?> 0) : ?> 0) : ?> 0) ? $uri : $permalink); else: return $permalink; endif; } // function syndication_permalink () ################################################################################ ## ADMIN MENU ADD-ONS: register Dashboard management pages ##################### ################################################################################ function fwp_add_pages () { global $fwp_capability; global $fwp_path; $menu = array('Syndicated Sites', 'Syndication', $fwp_capability['manage_links'], $fwp_path.'/syndication.php', NULL); if (fwp_test_wp_version(FWP_SCHEMA_27)) : // add icon parameter $menu[] = WP_PLUGIN_URL.'/'.$fwp_path.'/feedwordpress-tiny.png'; endif; if (fwp_test_wp_version(FWP_SCHEMA_26)) : $options = __('Settings'); $longoptions = __('Syndication Settings'); else : $options = __('Options'); $longoptions = __('Syndication Options'); endif; call_user_func_array('add_menu_page', $menu); add_submenu_page($fwp_path.'/syndication.php', 'Syndicated Posts', 'Posts', $fwp_capability['manage_options'], $fwp_path.'/posts-page.php'); add_submenu_page($fwp_path.'/syndication.php', 'Syndicated Authors', 'Authors', $fwp_capability['manage_options'], $fwp_path.'/authors-page.php'); add_submenu_page($fwp_path.'/syndication.php', 'Categories & Tags', 'Categories & Tags', $fwp_capability['manage_options'], $fwp_path.'/categories-page.php'); add_submenu_page($fwp_path.'/syndication.php', $longoptions, $options, $fwp_capability['manage_options'], $fwp_path.'/syndication-options.php'); add_options_page($longoptions, 'Syndication', $fwp_capability['manage_options'], $fwp_path.'/syndication-options.php'); } /* function fwp_add_pages () */ function fwp_check_debug () { // This is a horrible fucking kludge that I have to do because the // admin notice code is triggered before the code that updates the // setting. if (isset($_POST['feedwordpress_debug'])) : $feedwordpress_debug = $_POST['feedwordpress_debug']; else : $feedwordpress_debug = get_option('feedwordpress_debug'); endif; if ($feedwordpress_debug==='yes') : ?>

FeedWordPress warning. Debugging mode is ON. While it remains on, FeedWordPress displays many diagnostic error messages, warnings, and notices that are ordinarily suppressed, and also turns off all caching of feeds. Use with caution: this setting is absolutely inappropriate for a production server.

O.K., we'll ignore the problem for now. FeedWordPress will not display any more error messages.

Congratulations! Your MagpieRSS has been successfully upgraded to the version shipped with FeedWordPress.

FeedWordPress was unable to automatically upgrade your copy of MagpieRSS.

It's likely that you need to change the file permissions on to allow FeedWordPress to overwrite it.

To perform the upgrade manually, you can use a SFTP or FTP client to upload a copy of rss.php from the MagpieRSS-upgrades/ directory of your FeedWordPress archive so that it overwrites . Or, if your web host provides shell access, you can issue the following command from a command prompt to perform the upgrade:


If you've fixed the file permissions, you can try the automatic upgrade again.

strongly recommended that you'; else : $youAre = 'this site is'; $itIsRecommendedThatYou = 'You may want to contact the administrator of the site; it is strongly recommended that they'; endif; print '
'; ?>

FeedWordPress has detected that currently using a version of MagpieRSS other than the upgraded version that ships with this version of FeedWordPress.

  • Currently running: MagpieRSS
  • Version included with FeedWordPress : MagpieRSS

install the upgraded version of MagpieRSS supplied with FeedWordPress. The version of MagpieRSS that ships with WordPress is very old and buggy, and encounters a number of errors when trying to parse modern Atom and RSS feeds.

'; endif; endif; } function feedwordpress_upgrade_old_and_busted_buttons() { if (current_user_can('edit_files')) : ?>
feeds = array (); $links = FeedWordPress::syndicated_links(); if ($links): foreach ($links as $link): $this->feeds[] =& new SyndicatedLink($link); endforeach; endif; } // FeedWordPress::FeedWordPress () # function update (): polls for updates on one or more Contributor feeds # # Arguments: # ---------- # * $uri (string): either the URI of the feed to poll, the URI of the # (human-readable) website whose feed you want to poll, or NULL. # # If $uri is NULL, then FeedWordPress will poll any feeds that are # ready for polling. It will not poll feeds that are marked as # "Invisible" Links (signifying that the subscription has been # de-activated), or feeds that are not yet stale according to their # TTL setting (which is either set in the feed, or else set # randomly within a window of 30 minutes - 2 hours). # # Returns: # -------- # * Normally returns an associative array, with 'new' => the number # of new posts added during the update, and 'updated' => the number # of old posts that were updated during the update. If both numbers # are zero, there was no change since the last poll on that URI. # # * Returns NULL if URI it was passed was not a URI that this # installation of FeedWordPress syndicates. # # Effects: # -------- # * One or more feeds are polled for updates # # * If the feed Link does not have a hardcoded name set, its Link # Name is synchronized with the feed's title element # # * If the feed Link does not have a hardcoded URI set, its Link URI # is synchronized with the feed's human-readable link element # # * If the feed Link does not have a hardcoded description set, its # Link Description is synchronized with the feed's description, # tagline, or subtitle element. # # * The time of polling is recorded in the feed's settings, and the # TTL (time until the feed is next available for polling) is set # either from the feed (if it is supplied in the ttl or syndication # module elements) or else from a randomly-generated time window # (between 30 minutes and 2 hours). # # * New posts from the polled feed are added to the WordPress store. # # * Updates to existing posts since the last poll are mirrored in the # WordPress store. # function update ($uri = null, $crash_ts = null) { global $wpdb; if (FeedWordPress::needs_upgrade()) : // Will make duplicate posts if we don't hold off return NULL; endif; if (!is_null($uri)) : $uri = trim($uri); else : // Update all update_option('feedwordpress_last_update_all', time()); endif; do_action('feedwordpress_update', $uri); if (is_null($crash_ts)) : $crash_dt = (int) get_option('feedwordpress_update_time_limit'); if ($crash_dt > 0) : $crash_ts = time() + $crash_dt; else : $crash_ts = NULL; endif; endif; // Randomize order for load balancing purposes $feed_set = $this->feeds; shuffle($feed_set); // Loop through and check for new posts $delta = NULL; foreach ($feed_set as $feed) : if (!is_null($crash_ts) and (time() > $crash_ts)) : // Check whether we've exceeded the time limit break; endif; $pinged_that = (is_null($uri) or in_array($uri, array($feed->uri(), $feed->homepage()))); if (!is_null($uri)) : // A site-specific ping always updates $timely = true; else : $timely = $feed->stale(); endif; if ($pinged_that and is_null($delta)) : // If at least one feed was hit for updating... $delta = array('new' => 0, 'updated' => 0); // ... don't return error condition endif; if ($pinged_that and $timely) : do_action('feedwordpress_check_feed', $feed->settings); $start_ts = time(); $added = $feed->poll($crash_ts); do_action('feedwordpress_check_feed_complete', $feed->settings, $added, time() - $start_ts); if (isset($added['new'])) : $delta['new'] += $added['new']; endif; if (isset($added['updated'])) : $delta['updated'] += $added['updated']; endif; endif; endforeach; do_action('feedwordpress_update_complete', $delta); return $delta; } function stale () { if (get_option('feedwordpress_automatic_updates')) : $last = get_option('feedwordpress_last_update_all'); // If we haven't updated all yet, give it a time window if (false === $last) : $ret = false; update_option('feedwordpress_last_update_all', time()); // Otherwise, check against freshness interval elseif (is_numeric($last)) : // Expect a timestamp $freshness = get_option('feedwordpress_freshness'); if (false === $freshness) : // Use default $freshness = FEEDWORDPRESS_FRESHNESS_INTERVAL; endif; $ret = ( (time() - $last) > $freshness); // This should never happen. else : FeedWordPress::critical_bug('FeedWordPress::stale::last', $last, __LINE__); endif; // Explicit request for an update (e.g. from a cron job). elseif (FeedWordPress::update_requested()) : $ret = true; else : $ret = false; endif; return $ret; } // FeedWordPress::stale() function update_requested () { return (isset($_REQUEST['update_feedwordpress']) and $_REQUEST['update_feedwordpress']); } // FeedWordPress::update_requested() function syndicate_link ($name, $uri, $rss) { global $wpdb; // Get the category ID# $cat_id = FeedWordPress::link_category_id(); // WordPress gets cranky if there's no homepage URI if (!isset($uri) or strlen($uri)<1) : $uri = $rss; endif; if (function_exists('wp_insert_link')) { // WordPress 2.x $link_id = wp_insert_link(array( "link_name" => $name, "link_url" => $uri, "link_category" => (fwp_test_wp_version(0, FWP_SCHEMA_21) ? $cat_id : array($cat_id)), "link_rss" => $rss )); } else { // WordPress 1.5.x $result = $wpdb->query(" INSERT INTO $wpdb->links SET link_name = '".$wpdb->escape($name)."', link_url = '".$wpdb->escape($uri)."', link_category = '".$wpdb->escape($cat_id)."', link_rss = '".$wpdb->escape($rss)."' "); $link_id = $wpdb->insert_id; } // if return $link_id; } // function FeedWordPress::syndicate_link() function on_unfamiliar ($what = 'author', $override = NULL) { $set = array( 'author' => array('create', 'default', 'filter'), 'category' => array('create', 'tag', 'default', 'filter'), ); if (is_string($override)) : $ret = strtolower($override); endif; if (!is_numeric($override) and !in_array($ret, $set[$what])) : $ret = get_option('feedwordpress_unfamiliar_'.$what); if (!is_numeric($ret) and !in_array($ret, $set[$what])) : $ret = 'create'; endif; endif; return $ret; } // function FeedWordPress::on_unfamiliar() function null_email_set () { $base = get_option('feedwordpress_null_email_set'); if ($base===false) : $ret = array('noreply@blogger.com'); // default else : $ret = array_map('strtolower', array_map('trim', explode("\n", $base))); endif; $ret = apply_filters('syndicated_item_author_null_email_set', $ret); return $ret; } /* FeedWordPress::null_email_set () */ function is_null_email ($email) { $ret = in_array(strtolower(trim($email)), FeedWordPress::null_email_set()); $ret = apply_filters('syndicated_item_author_is_null_email', $ret, $email); return $ret; } /* FeedWordPress::is_null_email () */ function use_aggregator_source_data () { $ret = get_option('feedwordpress_use_aggregator_source_data'); return apply_filters('syndicated_post_use_aggregator_source_data', ($ret=='yes')); } function syndicated_links () { $contributors = FeedWordPress::link_category_id(); if (function_exists('get_bookmarks')) : $links = get_bookmarks(array("category" => $contributors)); else: $links = get_linkobjects($contributors); // deprecated as of WP 2.1 endif; return $links; } // function FeedWordPress::syndicated_links() function link_category_id () { global $wpdb, $wp_db_version; $cat_id = get_option('feedwordpress_cat_id'); // If we don't yet *have* the category, we'll have to create it if ($cat_id === false) : $cat = $wpdb->escape(DEFAULT_SYNDICATION_CATEGORY); // Look for something with the right name... // ----------------------------------------- // WordPress 2.3 introduces a new taxonomy/term API if (function_exists('is_term')) : $cat_id = is_term($cat, 'link_category'); // WordPress 2.1 and 2.2 use a common table for both link and post categories elseif (fwp_test_wp_version(FWP_SCHEMA_21, FWP_SCHEMA_23)) : $cat_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT cat_id FROM {$wpdb->categories} WHERE cat_name='$cat'"); // WordPress 1.5 and 2.0.x have a separate table for link categories elseif (fwp_test_wp_version(0, FWP_SCHEMA_21)): $cat_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT cat_id FROM {$wpdb->linkcategories} WHERE cat_name='$cat'"); // This should never happen. else : FeedWordPress::critical_bug('FeedWordPress::link_category_id::wp_db_version', $wp_db_version, __LINE__); endif; // If you still can't find anything, make it for yourself. // ------------------------------------------------------- if (!$cat_id) : // WordPress 2.3+ term/taxonomy API if (function_exists('wp_insert_term')) : $term = wp_insert_term($cat, 'link_category'); $cat_id = $term['term_id']; // WordPress 2.1, 2.2 category API. By the way, why the fuck is this API function only available in a wp-admin module? elseif (function_exists('wp_insert_category') and !fwp_test_wp_version(FWP_SCHEMA_20, FWP_SCHEMA_21)) : $cat_id = wp_insert_category(array('cat_name' => $cat)); // WordPress 1.5 and 2.0.x elseif (fwp_test_wp_version(0, FWP_SCHEMA_21)) : $result = $wpdb->query(" INSERT INTO $wpdb->linkcategories SET cat_id = 0, cat_name='$cat', show_images='N', show_description='N', show_rating='N', show_updated='N', sort_order='name' "); $cat_id = $wpdb->insert_id; // This should never happen. else : FeedWordPress::critical_bug('FeedWordPress::link_category_id::wp_db_version', $wp_db_version, __LINE__); endif; endif; update_option('feedwordpress_cat_id', $cat_id); endif; return $cat_id; } // function FeedWordPress::link_category_id() # Upgrades and maintenance... function needs_upgrade () { global $wpdb; $fwp_db_version = get_option('feedwordpress_version'); $ret = false; // innocent until proven guilty if (!$fwp_db_version or $fwp_db_version < FEEDWORDPRESS_VERSION) : // This is an older version or a fresh install. Does it // require a database upgrade or database initialization? if ($fwp_db_version <= 0.96) : // Yes. Check to see whether this is a fresh install or an upgrade. $syn = $wpdb->get_col(" SELECT post_id FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = 'syndication_feed' "); if (count($syn) > 0) : // contains at least one syndicated post $ret = true; else : // fresh install; brand it as ours update_option('feedwordpress_version', FEEDWORDPRESS_VERSION); endif; elseif ($fwp_db_version < 2009.0707) : // We need to clear out any busted AJAX crap if (fwp_test_wp_version(FWP_SCHEMA_HAS_USERMETA)) : $wpdb->query(" DELETE FROM $wpdb->usermeta WHERE LOCATE('feedwordpress', meta_key) AND LOCATE('box', meta_key); "); endif; update_option('feedwordpress_version', FEEDWORDPRESS_VERSION); else : // No. Just brand it with the new version. update_option('feedwordpress_version', FEEDWORDPRESS_VERSION); endif; endif; return $ret; } function upgrade_database ($from = NULL) { global $wpdb; if (is_null($from) or $from <= 0.96) : $from = 0.96; endif; switch ($from) : case 0.96: // account for changes to syndication custom values and guid echo "

Upgrading database from {$from} to ".FEEDWORDPRESS_VERSION."...

\n"; $cat_id = FeedWordPress::link_category_id(); // Avoid duplicates $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM `{$wpdb->postmeta}` WHERE meta_key = 'syndication_feed_id'"); // Look up all the link IDs $wpdb->query(" CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_custom_values SELECT NULL AS meta_id, post_id, 'syndication_feed_id' AS meta_key, link_id AS meta_value FROM `{$wpdb->postmeta}`, `{$wpdb->links}` WHERE meta_key='syndication_feed' AND meta_value=link_rss AND link_category = {$cat_id} "); // Now attach them to their posts $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO `{$wpdb->postmeta}` SELECT * FROM tmp_custom_values"); // And clean up after ourselves. $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE tmp_custom_values"); // Now fix the guids to avoid duplicate posts echo "
    "; foreach ($this->feeds as $feed) : echo "
  • Fixing post meta-data for ".$feed['link/name']." … "; flush(); $rss = @fetch_rss($feed['link/uri']); if (is_array($rss->items)) : foreach ($rss->items as $item) : $guid = $wpdb->escape(FeedWordPress::guid($item, $feed)); // new GUID algorithm $link = $wpdb->escape($item['link']); $wpdb->query(" UPDATE `{$wpdb->posts}` SET guid='{$guid}' WHERE guid='{$link}' "); endforeach; endif; echo "complete.
  • \n"; endforeach; echo "
\n"; // Mark the upgrade as successful. update_option('feedwordpress_version', FEEDWORDPRESS_VERSION); endswitch; echo "

Upgrade complete. FeedWordPress is now ready to use again.

"; } /* FeedWordPress::upgrade_database() */ function create_guid_index () { global $wpdb; $wpdb->query(" CREATE INDEX {$wpdb->posts}_guid_idx ON {$wpdb->posts}(guid) "); } /* FeedWordPress::create_guid_index () */ function magpie_version () { if (!defined('MAGPIE_VERSION')) : $magpie_version = $GLOBALS['wp_version'].'-default'; else : $magpie_version = MAGPIE_VERSION; endif; return $magpie_version; } # Utility functions for handling text settings function negative ($f, $setting) { $nego = array ('n', 'no', 'f', 'false'); return (isset($f[$setting]) and in_array(strtolower($f[$setting]), $nego)); } function affirmative ($f, $setting) { $affirmo = array ('y', 'yes', 't', 'true', 1); return (isset($f[$setting]) and in_array(strtolower($f[$setting]), $affirmo)); } # Internal debugging functions function critical_bug ($varname, $var, $line) { global $wp_version; if (defined('MAGPIE_VERSION')) : $mv = MAGPIE_VERSION; else : $mv = 'WordPress '.$wp_version.' default.'; endif; echo '

There may be a bug in FeedWordPress. Please contact the author and paste the following information into your e-mail:

'; echo "\n"; echo "Triggered at line # ".$line."\n"; echo "FeedWordPress version: ".FEEDWORDPRESS_VERSION."\n"; echo "MagpieRSS version: {$mv}\n"; echo "WordPress version: {$wp_version}\n"; echo "PHP version: ".phpversion()."\n"; echo "\n"; echo $varname.": "; var_dump($var); echo "\n"; die; } function noncritical_bug ($varname, $var, $line) { if (FEEDWORDPRESS_DEBUG) : // halt only when we are doing debugging FeedWordPress::critical_bug($varname, $var, $line); endif; } } // class FeedWordPress require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/syndicatedpost.class.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/syndicatedlink.class.php'); ################################################################################ ## XML-RPC HOOKS: accept XML-RPC update pings from Contributors ################ ################################################################################ function feedwordpress_xmlrpc_hook ($args = array ()) { $args['weblogUpdates.ping'] = 'feedwordpress_pong'; return $args; } function feedwordpress_pong ($args) { $feedwordpress =& new FeedWordPress; $delta = @$feedwordpress->update($args[1]); if (is_null($delta)): return array('flerror' => true, 'message' => "Sorry. I don't syndicate <$args[1]>."); else: $mesg = array(); if (isset($delta['new'])) { $mesg[] = ' '.$delta['new'].' new posts were syndicated'; } if (isset($delta['updated'])) { $mesg[] = ' '.$delta['updated'].' existing posts were updated'; } return array('flerror' => false, 'message' => "Thanks for the ping.".implode(' and', $mesg)); endif; } # The upgraded MagpieRSS also uses this class. So if we have it loaded # in, don't load it again. if (!class_exists('Relative_URI')) { require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/relative_uri.class.php'); } // take your best guess at the realname and e-mail, given a string define('FWP_REGEX_EMAIL_ADDY', '([^@"(<\s]+@[^"@(<\s]+\.[^"@(<\s]+)'); define('FWP_REGEX_EMAIL_NAME', '("([^"]*)"|([^"<(]+\S))'); define('FWP_REGEX_EMAIL_POSTFIX_NAME', '/^\s*'.FWP_REGEX_EMAIL_ADDY."\s+\(".FWP_REGEX_EMAIL_NAME.'\)\s*$/'); define('FWP_REGEX_EMAIL_PREFIX_NAME', '/^\s*'.FWP_REGEX_EMAIL_NAME.'\s*<'.FWP_REGEX_EMAIL_ADDY.'>\s*$/'); define('FWP_REGEX_EMAIL_JUST_ADDY', '/^\s*'.FWP_REGEX_EMAIL_ADDY.'\s*$/'); define('FWP_REGEX_EMAIL_JUST_NAME', '/^\s*'.FWP_REGEX_EMAIL_NAME.'\s*$/'); function parse_email_with_realname ($email) { if (preg_match(FWP_REGEX_EMAIL_POSTFIX_NAME, $email, $matches)) : ($ret['name'] = $matches[3]) or ($ret['name'] = $matches[2]); $ret['email'] = $matches[1]; elseif (preg_match(FWP_REGEX_EMAIL_PREFIX_NAME, $email, $matches)) : ($ret['name'] = $matches[2]) or ($ret['name'] = $matches[3]); $ret['email'] = $matches[4]; elseif (preg_match(FWP_REGEX_EMAIL_JUST_ADDY, $email, $matches)) : $ret['name'] = NULL; $ret['email'] = $matches[1]; elseif (preg_match(FWP_REGEX_EMAIL_JUST_NAME, $email, $matches)) : $ret['email'] = NULL; ($ret['name'] = $matches[2]) or ($ret['name'] = $matches[3]); else : $ret['name'] = NULL; $ret['email'] = NULL; endif; return $ret; }