Syndication. # # Fields used are: # # * link_rss: the URI of the Atom/RSS feed to syndicate # # * link_notes: user-configurable options, with keys and values # like so: # # key: value # cats: computers\nweb # feed/key: value # # Keys that start with "feed/" are gleaned from the data supplied # by the feed itself, and will be overwritten with each update. # # Values have linebreak characters escaped with C-style # backslashes (so, for example, a newline becomes "\n"). # # The value of `cats` is used as a newline-separated list of # default categories for any post coming from a particular feed. # (In the example above, any posts from this feed will be placed # in the "computers" and "web" categories--*in addition to* any # categories that may already be applied to the posts.) # # Values of keys in link_notes are accessible from templates using # the function `get_feed_meta($key)` if this plugin is activated. class SyndicatedLink { var $id = null; var $link = null; var $settings = array (); var $magpie = null; function SyndicatedLink ($link) { global $wpdb; if (is_object($link)) : $this->link = $link; $this->id = $link->link_id; else : $this->id = $link; if (function_exists('get_bookmark')) : // WP 2.1+ $this->link = get_bookmark($link); else : $this->link = $wpdb->get_row(" SELECT * FROM $wpdb->links WHERE (link_id = '".$wpdb->escape($link)."')" ); endif; endif; if (strlen($this->link->link_rss) > 0) : // Read off feed settings from link_notes $notes = explode("\n", $this->link->link_notes); foreach ($notes as $note): $pair = explode(": ", $note, 2); $key = (isset($pair[0]) ? $pair[0] : null); $value = (isset($pair[1]) ? $pair[1] : null); if (!is_null($key) and !is_null($value)) : // Unescape and trim() off the whitespace. // Thanks to Ray Lischner for pointing out the // need to trim off whitespace. $this->settings[$key] = stripcslashes (trim($value)); endif; endforeach; // "Magic" feed settings $this->settings['link/uri'] = $this->link->link_rss; $this->settings['link/name'] = $this->link->link_name; $this->settings['link/id'] = $this->link->link_id; // `hardcode categories` and `unfamiliar categories` are deprecated in favor of `unfamiliar category` if ( isset($this->settings['unfamiliar categories']) and !isset($this->settings['unfamiliar category']) ) : $this->settings['unfamiliar category'] = $this->settings['unfamiliar categories']; endif; if ( FeedWordPress::affirmative($this->settings, 'hardcode categories') and !isset($this->settings['unfamiliar category']) ) : $this->settings['unfamiliar category'] = 'default'; endif; // Set this up automagically for $bits = parse_url($this->link->link_rss); $tagspacers = array('', ''); if (!isset($this->settings['cat_split']) and in_array($bits['host'], $tagspacers)) : $this->settings['cat_split'] = '\s'; // Whitespace separates multiple tags in RSS feeds endif; if (isset($this->settings['cats'])): $this->settings['cats'] = preg_split(FEEDWORDPRESS_CAT_SEPARATOR_PATTERN, $this->settings['cats']); endif; if (isset($this->settings['tags'])): $this->settings['tags'] = preg_split(FEEDWORDPRESS_CAT_SEPARATOR_PATTERN, $this->settings['tags']); endif; if (isset($this->settings['map authors'])) : $author_rules = explode("\n\n", $this->settings['map authors']); $ma = array(); foreach ($author_rules as $rule) : list($rule_type, $author_name, $author_action) = explode("\n", $rule); // Normalize for case and whitespace $rule_type = strtolower(trim($rule_type)); $author_name = strtolower(trim($author_name)); $author_action = strtolower(trim($author_action)); $ma[$rule_type][$author_name] = $author_action; endforeach; $this->settings['map authors'] = $ma; endif; endif; } /* SyndicatedLink::SyndicatedLink () */ function found () { return is_object($this->link); } /* SyndicatedLink::found () */ function stale () { $stale = true; if (isset($this->settings['update/hold']) and ($this->settings['update/hold']=='ping')) : $stale = false; // don't update on any timed updates; pings only elseif (isset($this->settings['update/hold']) and ($this->settings['update/hold']=='next')) : $stale = true; // update on the next timed update elseif (!isset($this->settings['update/ttl']) or !isset($this->settings['update/last'])) : $stale = true; // initial update else : $after = ((int) $this->settings['update/last']) +((int) $this->settings['update/ttl'] * 60); $stale = (time() >= $after); endif; return $stale; } /* SyndicatedLink::stale () */ function poll ($crash_ts = NULL) { global $wpdb; $this->magpie = fetch_rss($this->link->link_rss); $new_count = NULL; $resume = FeedWordPress::affirmative($this->settings, 'update/unfinished'); if ($resume) : // pick up where we left off $processed = array_map('trim', explode("\n", $this->settings['update/processed'])); else : // begin at the beginning $processed = array(); endif; if (is_object($this->magpie)) : $new_count = array('new' => 0, 'updated' => 0); # -- Update Link metadata live from feed $channel = $this->magpie->channel; if (!isset($channel['id'])) : $channel['id'] = $this->link->link_rss; endif; $update = array(); if (!$this->hardcode('url') and isset($channel['link'])) : $update[] = "link_url = '".$wpdb->escape($channel['link'])."'"; endif; if (!$this->hardcode('name') and isset($channel['title'])) : $update[] = "link_name = '".$wpdb->escape($channel['title'])."'"; endif; if (!$this->hardcode('description')) : if (isset($channel['tagline'])) : $update[] = "link_description = '".$wpdb->escape($channel['tagline'])."'"; elseif (isset($channel['description'])) : $update[] = "link_description = '".$wpdb->escape($channel['description'])."'"; endif; endif; $this->settings = array_merge($this->settings, $this->flatten_array($channel)); $this->settings['update/last'] = time(); $ttl = $this->ttl(); if (!is_null($ttl)) : $this->settings['update/ttl'] = $ttl; $this->settings['update/timed'] = 'feed'; else : $this->settings['update/ttl'] = rand(30, 120); // spread over time interval for staggered updates $this->settings['update/timed'] = 'automatically'; endif; if (!isset($this->settings['update/hold']) or $this->settings['update/hold']!='ping') : $this->settings['update/hold'] = 'scheduled'; endif; $this->settings['update/unfinished'] = 'yes'; $update[] = "link_notes = '".$wpdb->escape($this->settings_to_notes())."'"; $update_set = implode(',', $update); // Update the properties of the link from the feed information $result = $wpdb->query(" UPDATE $wpdb->links SET $update_set WHERE link_id='$this->id' "); # -- Add new posts from feed and update any updated posts $crashed = false; if (is_array($this->magpie->items)) : foreach ($this->magpie->items as $item) : $post =& new SyndicatedPost($item, $this); if (!$resume or !in_array(trim($post->guid()), $processed)) : $processed[] = $post->guid(); if (!$post->filtered()) : $new = $post->store(); if ( $new !== false ) $new_count[$new]++; endif; if (!is_null($crash_ts) and (time() > $crash_ts)) : $crashed = true; break; endif; endif; endforeach; endif; // Copy back any changes to feed settings made in the course of updating (e.g. new author rules) $to_notes = $this->settings; $this->settings['update/processed'] = $processed; if (!$crashed) : $this->settings['update/unfinished'] = 'no'; endif; $update_set = "link_notes = '".$wpdb->escape($this->settings_to_notes())."'"; // Update the properties of the link from the feed information $result = $wpdb->query(" UPDATE $wpdb->links SET $update_set WHERE link_id='$this->id' "); endif; return $new_count; } /* SyndicatedLink::poll() */ function map_name_to_new_user ($name, $newuser_name) { global $wpdb; if (strlen($newuser_name) > 0) : $userdata = array(); $userdata['ID'] = NULL; $userdata['user_login'] = sanitize_user($newuser_name); $userdata['user_login'] = apply_filters('pre_user_login', $userdata['user_login']); $userdata['user_nicename'] = sanitize_title($newuser_name); $userdata['user_nicename'] = apply_filters('pre_user_nicename', $userdata['user_nicename']); $userdata['display_name'] = $wpdb->escape($newuser_name); $newuser_id = wp_insert_user($userdata); if (is_numeric($newuser_id)) : if (is_null($name)) : // Unfamiliar author $this->settings['unfamiliar author'] = $newuser_id; else : $this->settings['map authors']['name'][$name] = $newuser_id; endif; else : // TODO: Add some error detection and reporting endif; else : // TODO: Add some error reporting endif; } /* SyndicatedLink::map_name_to_new_user () */ function settings_to_notes () { $to_notes = $this->settings; unset($to_notes['link/id']); // Magic setting; don't save unset($to_notes['link/uri']); // Magic setting; don't save unset($to_notes['link/name']); // Magic setting; don't save unset($to_notes['hardcode categories']); // Deprecated unset($to_notes['unfamiliar categories']); // Deprecated // Collapse array settings if (isset($to_notes['update/processed']) and (is_array($to_notes['update/processed']))) : $to_notes['update/processed'] = implode("\n", $to_notes['update/processed']); endif; if (isset($to_notes['cats']) and is_array($to_notes['cats'])) : $to_notes['cats'] = implode(FEEDWORDPRESS_CAT_SEPARATOR, $to_notes['cats']); endif; if (isset($to_notes['tags']) and is_array($to_notes['tags'])) : $to_notes['tags'] = implode(FEEDWORDPRESS_CAT_SEPARATOR, $to_notes['tags']); endif; // Collapse the author mapping rule structure back into a flat string if (isset($to_notes['map authors'])) : $ma = array(); foreach ($to_notes['map authors'] as $rule_type => $author_rules) : foreach ($author_rules as $author_name => $author_action) : $ma[] = $rule_type."\n".$author_name."\n".$author_action; endforeach; endforeach; $to_notes['map authors'] = implode("\n\n", $ma); endif; $notes = ''; foreach ($to_notes as $key => $value) : $notes .= $key . ": ". addcslashes($value, "\0..\37".'\\') . "\n"; endforeach; return $notes; } /* SyndicatedLink::settings_to_notes () */ function uri () { return (is_object($this->link) ? $this->link->link_rss : NULL); } /* SyndicatedLink::uri () */ function homepage () { return (isset($this->settings['feed/link']) ? $this->settings['feed/link'] : NULL); } /* SyndicatedLink::homepage () */ function ttl () { if (is_object($this->magpie)) : $channel = $this->magpie->channel; else : $channel = array(); endif; if (isset($channel['ttl'])) : // "ttl stands for time to live. It's a number of // minutes that indicates how long a channel can be // cached before refreshing from the source." // $ret = $channel['ttl']; elseif (isset($channel['sy']['updatefrequency']) or isset($channel['sy']['updateperiod'])) : $period_minutes = array ( 'hourly' => 60, /* minutes in an hour */ 'daily' => 1440, /* minutes in a day */ 'weekly' => 10080, /* minutes in a week */ 'monthly' => 43200, /* minutes in a month */ 'yearly' => 525600, /* minutes in a year */ ); // "sy:updatePeriod: Describes the period over which the // channel format is updated. Acceptable values are: // hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. If omitted, // daily is assumed." if (isset($channel['sy']['updateperiod'])) : $period = $channel['sy']['updateperiod']; else : $period = 'daily'; endif; // "sy:updateFrequency: Used to describe the frequency // of updates in relation to the update period. A // positive integer indicates how many times in that // period the channel is updated. ... If omitted a value // of 1 is assumed." if (isset($channel['sy']['updatefrequency'])) : $freq = (int) $channel['sy']['updatefrequency']; else : $freq = 1; endif; $ret = (int) ($period_minutes[$period] / $freq); else : $ret = NULL; endif; return $ret; } /* SyndicatedLink::ttl() */ // SyndicatedLink::flatten_array (): flatten an array. Useful for // hierarchical and namespaced elements. // // Given an array which may contain array or object elements in it, // return a "flattened" array: a one-dimensional array of scalars // containing each of the scalar elements contained within the array // structure. Thus, for example, if $a['b']['c']['d'] == 'e', then the // returned array for FeedWordPress::flatten_array($a) will contain a key // $a['feed/b/c/d'] with value 'e'. function flatten_array ($arr, $prefix = 'feed/', $separator = '/') { $ret = array (); if (is_array($arr)) : foreach ($arr as $key => $value) : if (is_scalar($value)) : $ret[$prefix.$key] = $value; else : $ret = array_merge($ret, $this->flatten_array($value, $prefix.$key.$separator, $separator)); endif; endforeach; endif; return $ret; } /* SyndicatedLink::flatten_array () */ function hardcode ($what) { $default = get_option("feedwordpress_hardcode_$what"); if ( $default === 'yes' ) : // If the default is to hardcode, then we want the // negation of negative(): TRUE by default and FALSE if // the setting is explicitly "no" $ret = !FeedWordPress::negative($this->settings, "hardcode $what"); else : // If the default is NOT to hardcode, then we want // affirmative(): FALSE by default and TRUE if the // setting is explicitly "yes" $ret = FeedWordPress::affirmative($this->settings, "hardcode $what"); endif; return $ret; } /* SyndicatedLink::hardcode () */ function syndicated_status ($what, $default) { global $wpdb; $ret = get_option("feedwordpress_syndicated_{$what}_status"); if ( isset($this->settings["$what status"]) ) : $ret = $this->settings["$what status"]; elseif (!$ret) : $ret = $default; endif; return $wpdb->escape(trim(strtolower($ret))); } /* SyndicatedLink:syndicated_status () */ } // class SyndicatedLink