=== Wordbook === Contributors: cvele Donate link: http://wordbook.ferdinand.rs/ Tags: comments, posts, aggregation, facebook, social, gallery Requires at least: 2.6.2 Tested up to: 2.6.2 Stable tag: 0.47.6 Wordbook is Wordpress plugin designed to integrate Facebook in your blog and your blog into Facebook. == Description == Wordbook is Wordpress plugin designed to integrate Facebook in your blog and your blog into Facebook. Some of the features include Facebook gallery widget,blog posts appear on Facebook Mini-Feed, display almost anything from your Facebook account to your blog. This is Facebook and Wordpress only plugin, it will not be extended to other social network sites or other blogging software. == Installation == 1. Unpack tarball 2. Upload wordbook folder to /wp-content/plugins/ 3. Chmod /wp-content/plugins/wordbook/cache/ and /wp-content/plugins/wordbook/phpthumb/cache/ to 777 4. Activate the plugin from Wordbress interface == Features == 1. Facebook Gallery Widget 2. Facebook Photo tagging 3. New Posts in Facebook Mini-Feed 4. New Comments in Facebook Mini-Feed 5. Facebook Account Info