* @version $Revision: 1.21 $ * @internal resource_context is not supported * @since PHP 5 */ function file_get_contents($filename, $incpath = false, $resource_context = null) { if (false === $fh = fopen($filename, 'rb', $incpath)) { user_error('file_get_contents() failed to open stream: No such file or directory', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } clearstatcache(); if ($fsize = @filesize($filename)) { $data = fread($fh, $fsize); } else { $data = ''; while (!feof($fh)) { $data .= fread($fh, 8192); } } fclose($fh); return $data; } } if(!function_exists('file_put_contents')) { if (!defined('FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH')) { define('FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH', 1); } if (!defined('LOCK_EX')) { define('LOCK_EX', 2); } if (!defined('FILE_APPEND')) { define('FILE_APPEND', 8); } /** * Replace file_put_contents() * * @category PHP * @package PHP_Compat * @link http://php.net/function.file_put_contents * @author Aidan Lister * @version $Revision: 1.25 $ * @internal resource_context is not supported * @since PHP 5 * @require PHP 4.0.0 (user_error) */ function file_put_contents($filename, $content, $flags = null, $resource_context = null) { // If $content is an array, convert it to a string if (is_array($content)) { $content = implode('', $content); } // If we don't have a string, throw an error if (!is_scalar($content)) { user_error('file_put_contents() The 2nd parameter should be either a string or an array',E_USER_WARNING); return false; } // Get the length of data to write $length = strlen($content); // Check what mode we are using $mode = ($flags & FILE_APPEND)?'a':'wb'; // Check if we're using the include path $use_inc_path = ($flags & FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH)?true:false; // Open the file for writing if (($fh = @fopen($filename, $mode, $use_inc_path)) === false) { user_error('file_put_contents() failed to open stream: Permission denied',E_USER_WARNING); return false; } // Attempt to get an exclusive lock $use_lock = ($flags & LOCK_EX) ? true : false ; if ($use_lock === true) { if (!flock($fh, LOCK_EX)) { return false; } } // Write to the file $bytes = 0; if (($bytes = @fwrite($fh, $content)) === false) { $errormsg = sprintf('file_put_contents() Failed to write %d bytes to %s',$length,$filename); user_error($errormsg, E_USER_WARNING); return false; } // Close the handle @fclose($fh); // Check all the data was written if ($bytes != $length) { $errormsg = sprintf('file_put_contents() Only %d of %d bytes written, possibly out of free disk space.',$bytes,$length); user_error($errormsg, E_USER_WARNING); return false; } // Return length return $bytes; } } #endregion /** * Represents the status (success and failures) of a building process * @author Arne Brachhold * @package sitemap * @since 3.0b5 */ class GoogleSitemapGeneratorStatus { function GoogleSitemapGeneratorStatus() { $this->_startTime = $this->GetMicrotimeFloat(); $exists = get_option("sm_status"); if($exists === false) add_option("sm_status","","Status","no"); $this->Save(); } function Save() { update_option("sm_status",$this); } function Load() { $status = @get_option("sm_status"); if(is_a($status,"GoogleSitemapGeneratorStatus")) return $status; else return null; } /** * @var float $_startTime The start time of the building process * @access private */ var $_startTime = 0; /** * @var float $_endTime The end time of the building process * @access private */ var $_endTime = 0; /** * @var bool $$_hasChanged Indicates if the sitemap content has changed * @access private */ var $_hasChanged = true; /** * @var int $_memoryUsage The amount of memory used in bytes * @access private */ var $_memoryUsage = 0; /** * @var int $_lastPost The number of posts processed. This value is updated every 50 posts. * @access private */ var $_lastPost = 0; /** * @var int $_lastTime The time when the last step-update occured. This value is updated every 50 posts. * @access private */ var $_lastTime = 0; function End($hasChanged = true) { $this->_endTime = $this->GetMicrotimeFloat(); $this->SetMemoryUsage(); $this->_hasChanged = $hasChanged; $this->Save(); } function SetMemoryUsage() { if(function_exists("memory_get_peak_usage")) { $this->_memoryUsage = memory_get_peak_usage(true); } else if(function_exists("memory_get_usage")) { $this->_memoryUsage = memory_get_usage(true); } } function GetMemoryUsage() { return round($this->_memoryUsage / 1024 / 1024,2); } function SaveStep($postCount) { $this->SetMemoryUsage(); $this->_lastPost = $postCount; $this->_lastTime = $this->GetMicrotimeFloat(); $this->Save(); } function GetTime() { return round($this->_endTime - $this->_startTime,2); } function GetStartTime() { return round($this->_startTime, 2); } function GetLastTime() { return round($this->_lastTime - $this->_startTime,2); } function GetLastPost() { return $this->_lastPost; } var $_usedXml = false; var $_xmlSuccess = false; var $_xmlPath = ''; var $_xmlUrl = ''; function StartXml($path,$url) { $this->_usedXml = true; $this->_xmlPath = $path; $this->_xmlUrl = $url; $this->Save(); } function EndXml($success) { $this->_xmlSuccess = $success; $this->Save(); } var $_usedZip = false; var $_zipSuccess = false; var $_zipPath = ''; var $_zipUrl = ''; function StartZip($path,$url) { $this->_usedZip = true; $this->_zipPath = $path; $this->_zipUrl = $url; $this->Save(); } function EndZip($success) { $this->_zipSuccess = $success; $this->Save(); } var $_usedGoogle = false; var $_googleUrl = ''; var $_gooogleSuccess = false; var $_googleStartTime = 0; var $_googleEndTime = 0; function StartGooglePing($url) { $this->_googleUrl = true; $this->_usedGoogle = true; $this->_googleStartTime = $this->GetMicrotimeFloat(); $this->Save(); } function EndGooglePing($success) { $this->_googleEndTime = $this->GetMicrotimeFloat(); $this->_gooogleSuccess = $success; $this->Save(); } function GetGoogleTime() { return round($this->_googleEndTime - $this->_googleStartTime,2); } var $_usedYahoo = false; var $_yahooUrl = ''; var $_yahooSuccess = false; var $_yahooStartTime = 0; var $_yahooEndTime = 0; function StartYahooPing($url) { $this->_yahooUrl = $url; $this->_usedYahoo = true; $this->_yahooStartTime = $this->GetMicrotimeFloat(); $this->Save(); } function EndYahooPing($success) { $this->_yahooEndTime = $this->GetMicrotimeFloat(); $this->_yahooSuccess = $success; $this->Save(); } function GetYahooTime() { return round($this->_yahooEndTime - $this->_yahooStartTime,2); } var $_usedAsk = false; var $_askUrl = ''; var $_askSuccess = false; var $_askStartTime = 0; var $_askEndTime = 0; function StartAskPing($url) { $this->_usedAsk = true; $this->_askUrl = $url; $this->_askStartTime = $this->GetMicrotimeFloat(); $this->Save(); } function EndAskPing($success) { $this->_askEndTime = $this->GetMicrotimeFloat(); $this->_askSuccess = $success; $this->Save(); } function GetAskTime() { return round($this->_askEndTime - $this->_askStartTime,2); } var $_usedMsn = false; var $_msnUrl = ''; var $_msnSuccess = false; var $_msnStartTime = 0; var $_msnEndTime = 0; function StartMsnPing($url) { $this->_usedMsn = true; $this->_msnUrl = $url; $this->_msnStartTime = $this->GetMicrotimeFloat(); $this->Save(); } function EndMsnPing($success) { $this->_msnEndTime = $this->GetMicrotimeFloat(); $this->_msnSuccess = $success; $this->Save(); } function GetMsnTime() { return round($this->_msnEndTime - $this->_msnStartTime,2); } function GetMicrotimeFloat() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } } /** * Represents an item in the page list * @author Arne Brachhold * @package sitemap * @since 3.0 */ class GoogleSitemapGeneratorPage { /** * @var string $_url Sets the URL or the relative path to the blog dir of the page * @access private */ var $_url; /** * @var float $_priority Sets the priority of this page * @access private */ var $_priority; /** * @var string $_changeFreq Sets the chanfe frequency of the page. I want Enums! * @access private */ var $_changeFreq; /** * @var int $_lastMod Sets the lastMod date as a UNIX timestamp. * @access private */ var $_lastMod; /** * Initialize a new page object * * @since 3.0 * @access public * @author Arne Brachhold * @param bool $enabled Should this page be included in thesitemap * @param string $url The URL or path of the file * @param float $priority The Priority of the page 0.0 to 1.0 * @param string $changeFreq The change frequency like daily, hourly, weekly * @param int $lastMod The last mod date as a unix timestamp */ function GoogleSitemapGeneratorPage($url="",$priority=0.0,$changeFreq="never",$lastMod=0) { $this->SetUrl($url); $this->SetProprity($priority); $this->SetChangeFreq($changeFreq); $this->SetLastMod($lastMod); } /** * Returns the URL of the page * * @return string The URL */ function GetUrl() { return $this->_url; } /** * Sets the URL of the page * * @param string $url The new URL */ function SetUrl($url) { $this->_url=(string) $url; } /** * Returns the priority of this page * * @return float the priority, from 0.0 to 1.0 */ function GetPriority() { return $this->_priority; } /** * Sets the priority of the page * * @param float $priority The new priority from 0.1 to 1.0 */ function SetProprity($priority) { $this->_priority=floatval($priority); } /** * Returns the change frequency of the page * * @return string The change frequncy like hourly, weekly, monthly etc. */ function GetChangeFreq() { return $this->_changeFreq; } /** * Sets the change frequency of the page * * @param string $changeFreq The new change frequency */ function SetChangeFreq($changeFreq) { $this->_changeFreq=(string) $changeFreq; } /** * Returns the last mod of the page * * @return int The lastmod value in seconds */ function GetLastMod() { return $this->_lastMod; } /** * Sets the last mod of the page * * @param int $lastMod The lastmod of the page */ function SetLastMod($lastMod) { $this->_lastMod=intval($lastMod); } function Render() { if($this->_url == "/" || empty($this->_url)) return ''; $r=""; $r.= "\t\n"; $r.= "\t\t" . $this->EscapeXML($this->_url) . "\n"; if($this->_lastMod>0) $r.= "\t\t" . date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s+00:00',$this->_lastMod) . "\n"; if(!empty($this->_changeFreq)) $r.= "\t\t" . $this->_changeFreq . "\n"; if($this->_priority!==false && $this->_priority!=="") $r.= "\t\t" . number_format($this->_priority,1) . "\n"; $r.= "\t\n"; return $r; } function EscapeXML($string) { return str_replace ( array ( '&', '"', "'", '<', '>'), array ( '&' , '"', ''' , '<' , '>'), $string); } } class GoogleSitemapGeneratorXmlEntry { var $_xml; function GoogleSitemapGeneratorXmlEntry($xml) { $this->_xml = $xml; } function Render() { return $this->_xml; } } class GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry extends GoogleSitemapGeneratorXmlEntry { function Render() { return ""; } } /** * Base class for all priority providers * @author Arne Brachhold * @package sitemap * @since 3.0 */ class GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioProviderBase { /** * @var int $_totalComments The total number of comments of all posts * @access protected */ var $_totalComments=0; /** * @var int $_totalComments The total number of posts * @access protected */ var $_totalPosts=0; /** * Returns the (translated) name of this priority provider * * @since 3.0 * @access public * @author Arne Brachhold * @return string The translated name */ function GetName() { return ""; } /** * Returns the (translated) description of this priority provider * * @since 3.0 * @access public * @author Arne Brachhold * @return string The translated description */ function GetDescription() { return ""; } /** * Initializes a new priority provider * * @param $totalComments int The total number of comments of all posts * @param $totalPosts int The total number of posts * @since 3.0 * @access public * @author Arne Brachhold */ function GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioProviderBase($totalComments,$totalPosts) { $this->_totalComments=$totalComments; $this->_totalPosts=$totalPosts; } /** * Returns the priority for a specified post * * @param $postID int The ID of the post * @param $commentCount int The number of comments for this post * @since 3.0 * @access public * @author Arne Brachhold * @return int The calculated priority */ function GetPostPriority($postID,$commentCount) { return 0; } } /** * Priority Provider which calculates the priority based on the number of comments * @author Arne Brachhold * @package sitemap * @since 3.0 */ class GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioByCountProvider extends GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioProviderBase { /** * Returns the (translated) name of this priority provider * * @since 3.0 * @access public * @author Arne Brachhold * @return string The translated name */ function GetName() { return __("Comment Count",'sitemap'); } /** * Returns the (translated) description of this priority provider * * @since 3.0 * @access public * @author Arne Brachhold * @return string The translated description */ function GetDescription() { return __("Uses the number of comments of the post to calculate the priority",'sitemap'); } /** * Initializes a new priority provider which calculates the post priority based on the number of comments * * @param $totalComments int The total number of comments of all posts * @param $totalPosts int The total number of posts * @since 3.0 * @access public * @author Arne Brachhold */ function GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioByCountProvider($totalComments,$totalPosts) { parent::GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioProviderBase($totalComments,$totalPosts); } /** * Returns the priority for a specified post * * @param $postID int The ID of the post * @param $commentCount int The number of comments for this post * @since 3.0 * @access public * @author Arne Brachhold * @return int The calculated priority */ function GetPostPriority($postID,$commentCount) { $prio=0; if($this->_totalComments>0 && $commentCount>0) { $prio = round(($commentCount*100/$this->_totalComments)/100,1); } else { $prio = 0; } return $prio; } } /** * Priority Provider which calculates the priority based on the average number of comments * @author Arne Brachhold * @package sitemap * @since 3.0 */ class GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioByAverageProvider extends GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioProviderBase { /** * @var int $_average The average number of comments per post * @access protected */ var $_average=0.0; /** * Returns the (translated) name of this priority provider * * @since 3.0 * @access public * @author Arne Brachhold * @return string The translated name */ function GetName() { return __("Comment Average",'sitemap'); } /** * Returns the (translated) description of this priority provider * * @since 3.0 * @access public * @author Arne Brachhold * @return string The translated description */ function GetDescription() { return __("Uses the average comment count to calculate the priority",'sitemap'); } /** * Initializes a new priority provider which calculates the post priority based on the average number of comments * * @param $totalComments int The total number of comments of all posts * @param $totalPosts int The total number of posts * @since 3.0 * @access public * @author Arne Brachhold */ function GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioByAverageProvider($totalComments,$totalPosts) { parent::GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioProviderBase($totalComments,$totalPosts); if($this->_totalComments>0 && $this->_totalPosts>0) { $this->_average= (double) $this->_totalComments / $this->_totalPosts; } } /** * Returns the priority for a specified post * * @param $postID int The ID of the post * @param $commentCount int The number of comments for this post * @since 3.0 * @access public * @author Arne Brachhold * @return int The calculated priority */ function GetPostPriority($postID,$commentCount) { $prio = 0; //Do not divide by zero! if($this->_average==0) { if($commentCount>0) $prio = 1; else $prio = 0; } else { $prio = $commentCount/$this->_average; if($prio>1) $prio = 1; else if($prio<0) $prio = 0; } return round($prio,1); } } /** * Priority Provider which calculates the priority based on the popularity by the PopularityContest Plugin * @author Arne Brachhold * @package sitemap * @since 3.0 */ class GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioByPopularityContestProvider extends GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioProviderBase { /** * Returns the (translated) name of this priority provider * * @since 3.0 * @access public * @author Arne Brachhold * @return string The translated name */ function GetName() { return __("Popularity Contest",'sitemap'); } /** * Returns the (translated) description of this priority provider * * @since 3.0 * @access public * @author Arne Brachhold * @return string The translated description */ function GetDescription() { return str_replace("%4","index.php?page=popularity-contest.php",str_replace("%3","options-general.php?page=popularity-contest.php",str_replace("%2","http://www.alexking.org/",str_replace("%1","http://www.alexking.org/index.php?content=software/wordpress/content.php",__("Uses the activated Popularity Contest Plugin from Alex King. See Settings and Most Popular Posts",'sitemap'))))); } /** * Initializes a new priority provider which calculates the post priority based on the popularity by the PopularityContest Plugin * * @param $totalComments int The total number of comments of all posts * @param $totalPosts int The total number of posts * @since 3.0 * @access public * @author Arne Brachhold */ function GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioByPopularityContestProvider($totalComments,$totalPosts) { parent::GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioProviderBase($totalComments,$totalPosts); } /** * Returns the priority for a specified post * * @param $postID int The ID of the post * @param $commentCount int The number of comments for this post * @since 3.0 * @access public * @author Arne Brachhold * @return int The calculated priority */ function GetPostPriority($postID,$commentCount) { //$akpc is the global instance of the Popularity Contest Plugin global $akpc,$posts; $res=0; //Better check if its there if(!empty($akpc) && is_object($akpc)) { //Is the method we rely on available? if(method_exists($akpc,"get_post_rank")) { if(!is_array($posts) || !$posts) $posts = array(); if(!isset($posts[$postID])) $posts[$postID] = get_post($postID); //popresult comes as a percent value $popresult=$akpc->get_post_rank($postID); if(!empty($popresult) && strpos($popresult,"%")!==false) { //We need to parse it to get the priority as an int (percent) $matches=null; preg_match("/([0-9]{1,3})\%/si",$popresult,$matches); if(!empty($matches) && is_array($matches) && count($matches)==2) { //Divide it so 100% = 1, 10% = 0.1 $res=round(intval($matches[1])/100,1); } } } } return $res; } } /** * Class to generate a sitemaps.org Sitemaps compliant sitemap of a WordPress blog. * * @package sitemap * @author Arne Brachhold * @since 3.0 */ class GoogleSitemapGenerator { /** * @var Version of the generator in SVN */ var $_svnVersion = '$Id: sitemap-core.php 150610 2009-08-30 21:11:36Z arnee $'; /** * @var array The unserialized array with the stored options */ var $_options = array(); /** * @var array The saved additional pages */ var $_pages = array(); /** * @var array The values and names of the change frequencies */ var $_freqNames = array(); /** * @var array A list of class names which my be called for priority calculation */ var $_prioProviders = array(); /** * @var bool True if init complete (options loaded etc) */ var $_initiated = false; /** * @var string Holds the last error if one occurs when writing the files */ var $_lastError=null; /** * @var int The last handled post ID */ var $_lastPostID = 0; /** * @var bool Defines if the sitemap building process is active at the moment */ var $_isActive = false; /** * @var bool Defines if the sitemap building process has been scheduled via Wp cron */ var $_isScheduled = false; /** * @var object The file handle which is used to write the sitemap file */ var $_fileHandle = null; /** * @var object The file handle which is used to write the zipped sitemap file */ var $_fileZipHandle = null; /** * Returns the path to the blog directory * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @return string The full path to the blog directory */ function GetHomePath() { $res=""; //Check if we are in the admin area -> get_home_path() is avaiable if(function_exists("get_home_path")) { $res = get_home_path(); } else { //get_home_path() is not available, but we can't include the admin //libraries because many plugins check for the "check_admin_referer" //function to detect if you are on an admin page. So we have to copy //the get_home_path function in our own... $home = get_option( 'home' ); if ( $home != '' && $home != get_option( 'siteurl' ) ) { $home_path = parse_url( $home ); $home_path = $home_path['path']; $root = str_replace( $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], '', $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] ); $home_path = trailingslashit( $root.$home_path ); } else { $home_path = ABSPATH; } $res = $home_path; } return $res; } /** * Returns the path to the directory where the plugin file is located * @since 3.0b5 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @return string The path to the plugin directory */ function GetPluginPath() { $path = dirname(__FILE__); return trailingslashit(str_replace("\\","/",$path)); } /** * Returns the URL to the directory where the plugin file is located * @since 3.0b5 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @return string The URL to the plugin directory */ function GetPluginUrl() { //Try to use WP API if possible, introduced in WP 2.6 if (function_exists('plugins_url')) return trailingslashit(plugins_url(basename(dirname(__FILE__)))); //Try to find manually... can't work if wp-content was renamed or is redirected $path = dirname(__FILE__); $path = str_replace("\\","/",$path); $path = trailingslashit(get_bloginfo('wpurl')) . trailingslashit(substr($path,strpos($path,"wp-content/"))); return $path; } /** * Returns the URL to default XSLT style if it exists * @since 3.0b5 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @return string The URL to the default stylesheet, empty string if not available. */ function GetDefaultStyle() { $p = $this->GetPluginPath(); if(file_exists($p . "sitemap.xsl")) { $url = $this->GetPluginUrl(); //If called over the admin area using HTTPS, the stylesheet would also be https url, even if the blog frontend is not. if(substr(get_bloginfo('url'),0,5) !="https" && substr($url,0,5)=="https") $url="http" . substr($url,5); return $url . 'sitemap.xsl'; } return ''; } /** * Sets up the default configuration * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold */ function InitOptions() { $this->_options=array(); $this->_options["sm_b_prio_provider"]="GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioByCountProvider"; //Provider for automatic priority calculation $this->_options["sm_b_filename"]="sitemap.xml"; //Name of the Sitemap file $this->_options["sm_b_debug"]=true; //Write debug messages in the xml file $this->_options["sm_b_xml"]=true; //Create a .xml file $this->_options["sm_b_gzip"]=true; //Create a gzipped .xml file(.gz) file $this->_options["sm_b_ping"]=true; //Auto ping Google $this->_options["sm_b_pingyahoo"]=false; //Auto ping YAHOO $this->_options["sm_b_yahookey"]=''; //YAHOO Application Key $this->_options["sm_b_pingask"]=true; //Auto ping Ask.com $this->_options["sm_b_pingmsn"]=true; //Auto ping MSN $this->_options["sm_b_manual_enabled"]=false; //Allow manual creation of the sitemap via GET request $this->_options["sm_b_auto_enabled"]=true; //Rebuild sitemap when content is changed $this->_options["sm_b_auto_delay"]=true; //Use WP Cron to execute the building process in the background $this->_options["sm_b_manual_key"]=md5(microtime());//The secret key to build the sitemap via GET request $this->_options["sm_b_memory"] = ''; //Set Memory Limit (e.g. 16M) $this->_options["sm_b_time"] = -1; //Set time limit in seconds, 0 for unlimited, -1 for disabled $this->_options["sm_b_max_posts"] = -1; //Maximum number of posts, <= 0 for all $this->_options["sm_b_safemode"] = false; //Enable MySQL Safe Mode (doesn't use unbuffered results) $this->_options["sm_b_style_default"] = true; //Use default style $this->_options["sm_b_style"] = ''; //Include a stylesheet in the XML $this->_options["sm_b_robots"] = true; //Add sitemap location to WordPress' virtual robots.txt file $this->_options["sm_b_exclude"] = array(); //List of post / page IDs to exclude $this->_options["sm_b_exclude_cats"] = array(); //List of post / page IDs to exclude $this->_options["sm_b_location_mode"]="auto"; //Mode of location, auto or manual $this->_options["sm_b_filename_manual"]=""; //Manuel filename $this->_options["sm_b_fileurl_manual"]=""; //Manuel fileurl $this->_options["sm_in_home"]=true; //Include homepage $this->_options["sm_in_posts"]=true; //Include posts $this->_options["sm_in_posts_sub"]=false; //Include post pages ( tag) $this->_options["sm_in_pages"]=true; //Include static pages $this->_options["sm_in_cats"]=false; //Include categories $this->_options["sm_in_arch"]=false; //Include archives $this->_options["sm_in_auth"]=false; //Include author pages $this->_options["sm_in_tags"]=false; //Include tag pages $this->_options["sm_in_lastmod"]=true; //Include the last modification date $this->_options["sm_cf_home"]="daily"; //Change frequency of the homepage $this->_options["sm_cf_posts"]="monthly"; //Change frequency of posts $this->_options["sm_cf_pages"]="weekly"; //Change frequency of static pages $this->_options["sm_cf_cats"]="weekly"; //Change frequency of categories $this->_options["sm_cf_auth"]="weekly"; //Change frequency of author pages $this->_options["sm_cf_arch_curr"]="daily"; //Change frequency of the current archive (this month) $this->_options["sm_cf_arch_old"]="yearly"; //Change frequency of older archives $this->_options["sm_cf_tags"]="weekly"; //Change frequency of tags $this->_options["sm_pr_home"]=1.0; //Priority of the homepage $this->_options["sm_pr_posts"]=0.6; //Priority of posts (if auto prio is disabled) $this->_options["sm_pr_posts_min"]=0.2; //Minimum Priority of posts, even if autocalc is enabled $this->_options["sm_pr_pages"]=0.6; //Priority of static pages $this->_options["sm_pr_cats"]=0.3; //Priority of categories $this->_options["sm_pr_arch"]=0.3; //Priority of archives $this->_options["sm_pr_auth"]=0.3; //Priority of author pages $this->_options["sm_pr_tags"]=0.3; //Priority of tags $this->_options["sm_i_donated"]=false; //Did you donate? Thank you! :) $this->_options["sm_i_hide_donated"]=false; //And hide the thank you.. $this->_options["sm_i_install_date"]=time(); //The installation date $this->_options["sm_i_hide_note"]=false; //Hide the note which appears after 30 days $this->_options["sm_i_hide_donors"]=false; //Hide the list of donations } /** * Loads the configuration from the database * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold */ function LoadOptions() { $this->InitOptions(); //First init default values, then overwrite it with stored values so we can add default //values with an update which get stored by the next edit. $storedoptions=get_option("sm_options"); if($storedoptions && is_array($storedoptions)) { foreach($storedoptions AS $k=>$v) { $this->_options[$k]=$v; } } else update_option("sm_options",$this->_options); //First time use, store default values } /** * Initializes a new Google Sitemap Generator * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold */ function GoogleSitemapGenerator() { } /** * Returns the version of the generator * * @since 3.0 * @access public * @author Arne Brachhold * @return int The version */ function GetVersion() { return GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::GetVersion(); } /** * Returns all parent classes of a class * * @param $className string The name of the class * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @return array An array which contains the names of the parent classes */ function GetParentClasses($classname) { $parent = get_parent_class($classname); $parents = array(); if (!empty($parent)) { $parents = $this->GetParentClasses($parent); $parents[] = strtolower($parent); } return $parents; } /** * Returns if a class is a subclass of another class * * @param $className string The name of the class * @param $$parentName string The name of the parent class * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @return bool true if the given class is a subclass of the other one */ function IsSubclassOf($className, $parentName) { $className = strtolower($className); $parentName = strtolower($parentName); if(empty($className) || empty($parentName) || !class_exists($className) || !class_exists($parentName)) return false; $parents=$this->GetParentClasses($className); return in_array($parentName,$parents); } /** * Loads up the configuration and validates the prioity providers * * This method is only called if the sitemaps needs to be build or the admin page is displayed. * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold */ function Initate() { if(!$this->_initiated) { //Loading language file... //load_plugin_textdomain('sitemap'); //Hmm, doesn't work if the plugin file has its own directory. //Let's make it our way... load_plugin_textdomain() searches only in the wp-content/plugins dir. $currentLocale = get_locale(); if(!empty($currentLocale)) { $moFile = dirname(__FILE__) . "/lang/sitemap-" . $currentLocale . ".mo"; if(@file_exists($moFile) && is_readable($moFile)) load_textdomain('sitemap', $moFile); } $this->_freqNames = array( "always"=>__("Always","sitemap"), "hourly"=>__("Hourly","sitemap"), "daily"=>__("Daily","sitemap"), "weekly"=>__("Weekly","sitemap"), "monthly"=>__("Monthly","sitemap"), "yearly"=>__("Yearly","sitemap"), "never"=>__("Never","sitemap") ); $this->LoadOptions(); $this->LoadPages(); //Register our own priority providers add_filter("sm_add_prio_provider",array(&$this, 'AddDefaultPrioProviders')); //Let other plugins register their providers $r = apply_filters("sm_add_prio_provider",$this->_prioProviders); //Check if no plugin return null if($r != null) $this->_prioProviders = $r; $this->ValidatePrioProviders(); $this->_initiated = true; } } /** * Returns the instance of the Sitemap Generator * * @since 3.0 * @access public * @return GoogleSitemapGenerator The instance or null if not available. * @author Arne Brachhold */ function &GetInstance() { if(isset($GLOBALS["sm_instance"])) { return $GLOBALS["sm_instance"]; } else return null; } /** * Returns if the sitemap building process is currently active * * @since 3.0 * @access public * @return bool true if active * @author Arne Brachhold */ function IsActive() { $inst = &GoogleSitemapGenerator::GetInstance(); return ($inst != null && $inst->_isActive); } /** * Returns if the compressed sitemap was activated * * @since 3.0b8 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @return true if compressed */ function IsGzipEnabled() { return ($this->GetOption("b_gzip")===true && function_exists("gzwrite")); } /** * Returns if this version of WordPress supports the new taxonomy system * * @since 3.0b8 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @return true if supported */ function IsTaxonomySupported() { return (function_exists("get_taxonomy") && function_exists("get_terms")); } /** * Enables the Google Sitemap Generator and registers the WordPress hooks * * @since 3.0 * @access public * @author Arne Brachhold */ function Enable() { if(!isset($GLOBALS["sm_instance"])) { $GLOBALS["sm_instance"]=new GoogleSitemapGenerator(); } } /** * Checks if sitemap building after content changed is enabled and rebuild the sitemap * * @param int $postID The ID of the post to handle. Used to avoid double rebuilding if more than one hook was fired. * @since 3.0 * @access public * @author Arne Brachhold */ function CheckForAutoBuild($postID) { global $wp_version; $this->Initate(); //Build one time per post and if not importing. if($this->GetOption("b_auto_enabled")===true && $this->_lastPostID != $postID && (!defined('WP_IMPORTING') || WP_IMPORTING != true)) { //Build the sitemap directly or schedule it with WP cron if($this->GetOption("b_auto_delay")==true && floatval($wp_version) >= 2.1) { if(!$this->_isScheduled) { //Schedule in 15 seconds, this should be enough to catch all changes. //Clear all other existing hooks, so the sitemap is only built once. wp_clear_scheduled_hook('sm_build_cron'); wp_schedule_single_event(time()+15,'sm_build_cron'); $this->_isScheduled = true; } } else { //Build sitemap only once and never in bulk mode if(!$this->_lastPostID && (!isset($_GET["delete"]) || count((array) $_GET['delete'])<=0)) { $this->BuildSitemap(); } } $this->_lastPostID = $postID; } } /** * Checks if the rebuild request was send and starts to rebuilt the sitemap * * @since 3.0 * @access public * @author Arne Brachhold */ function CheckForManualBuild() { if(!empty($_GET["sm_command"]) && !empty($_GET["sm_key"])) { $this->Initate(); if($this->GetOption("b_manual_enabled")===true && $_GET["sm_command"]=="build" && $_GET["sm_key"]==$this->GetOption("b_manual_key")) { $this->BuildSitemap(); echo "DONE"; exit; } } } /** * Validates all given Priority Providers by checking them for required methods and existence * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold */ function ValidatePrioProviders() { $validProviders=array(); for($i=0; $i_prioProviders); $i++) { if(class_exists($this->_prioProviders[$i])) { if($this->IsSubclassOf($this->_prioProviders[$i],"GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioProviderBase")) { array_push($validProviders,$this->_prioProviders[$i]); } } } $this->_prioProviders=$validProviders; if(!$this->GetOption("b_prio_provider")) { if(!in_array($this->GetOption("b_prio_provider"),$this->_prioProviders,true)) { $this->SetOption("b_prio_provider",""); } } } /** * Adds the default Priority Providers to the provider list * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold */ function AddDefaultPrioProviders($providers) { array_push($providers,"GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioByCountProvider"); array_push($providers,"GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioByAverageProvider"); if(class_exists("ak_popularity_contest")) { array_push($providers,"GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioByPopularityContestProvider"); } return $providers; } /** * Loads the stored pages from the database * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold */ function LoadPages() { global $wpdb; $needsUpdate=false; $pagesString=$wpdb->get_var("SELECT option_value FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name = 'sm_cpages'"); //Class sm_page was renamed with 3.0 -> rename it in serialized value for compatibility if(!empty($pagesString) && strpos($pagesString,"sm_page")!==false) { $pagesString = str_replace("O:7:\"sm_page\"","O:26:\"GoogleSitemapGeneratorPage\"",$pagesString); $needsUpdate=true; } if(!empty($pagesString)) { $storedpages=unserialize($pagesString); $this->_pages=$storedpages; } else { $this->_pages=array(); } if($needsUpdate) $this->SavePages(); } /** * Saved the additional pages back to the database * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @return true on success */ function SavePages() { $oldvalue = get_option("sm_cpages"); if($oldvalue == $this->_pages) { return true; } else { delete_option("sm_cpages"); //Add the option, Note the autoload=false because when the autoload happens, our class GoogleSitemapGeneratorPage doesn't exist add_option("sm_cpages",$this->_pages,"Storage for custom pages of the sitemap plugin","no"); return true; } } /** * Returns the URL for the sitemap file * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @param bool $forceAuto Force the return value to the autodetected value. * @return The URL to the Sitemap file */ function GetXmlUrl($forceAuto=false) { if(!$forceAuto && $this->GetOption("b_location_mode")=="manual") { return $this->GetOption("b_fileurl_manual"); } else { return trailingslashit(get_bloginfo('siteurl')). $this->GetOption("b_filename"); } } /** * Returns the URL for the gzipped sitemap file * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @param bool $forceAuto Force the return value to the autodetected value. * @return The URL to the gzipped Sitemap file */ function GetZipUrl($forceAuto=false) { return $this->GetXmlUrl($forceAuto) . ".gz"; } /** * Returns the file system path to the sitemap file * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @param bool $forceAuto Force the return value to the autodetected value. * @return The file system path; */ function GetXmlPath($forceAuto=false) { if(!$forceAuto && $this->GetOption("b_location_mode")=="manual") { return $this->GetOption("b_filename_manual"); } else { return $this->GetHomePath() . $this->GetOption("b_filename"); } } /** * Returns the file system path to the gzipped sitemap file * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @param bool $forceAuto Force the return value to the autodetected value. * @return The file system path; */ function GetZipPath($forceAuto=false) { return $this->GetXmlPath($forceAuto) . ".gz"; } /** * Returns the option value for the given key * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @param $key string The Configuration Key * @return mixed The value */ function GetOption($key) { $key="sm_" . $key; if(array_key_exists($key,$this->_options)) { return $this->_options[$key]; } else return null; } /** * Sets an option to a new value * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @param $key string The configuration key * @param $value mixed The new object */ function SetOption($key,$value) { if(strstr($key,"sm_")!==0) $key="sm_" . $key; $this->_options[$key]=$value; } /** * Saves the options back to the database * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @return bool true on success */ function SaveOptions() { $oldvalue = get_option("sm_options"); if($oldvalue == $this->_options) { return true; } else return update_option("sm_options",$this->_options); } /** * Retrieves the number of comments of a post in a asso. array * The key is the postID, the value the number of comments * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @return array An array with postIDs and their comment count */ function GetComments() { global $wpdb; $comments=array(); //Query comments and add them into the array $commentRes=$wpdb->get_results("SELECT `comment_post_ID` as `post_id`, COUNT(comment_ID) as `comment_count` FROM `" . $wpdb->comments . "` WHERE `comment_approved`='1' GROUP BY `comment_post_ID`"); if($commentRes) { foreach($commentRes as $comment) { $comments[$comment->post_id]=$comment->comment_count; } } return $comments; } /** * Calculates the full number of comments from an sm_getComments() generated array * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @param $comments array The Array with posts and c0mment count * @see sm_getComments * @return The full number of comments */ function GetCommentCount($comments) { $commentCount=0; foreach($comments AS $k=>$v) { $commentCount+=$v; } return $commentCount; } /** * Adds a url to the sitemap. You can use this method or call AddElement directly. * * @since 3.0 * @access public * @author Arne Brachhold * @param $loc string The location (url) of the page * @param $lastMod int The last Modification time as a UNIX timestamp * @param $changeFreq string The change frequenty of the page, Valid values are "always", "hourly", "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "yearly" and "never". * @param $priorty float The priority of the page, between 0.0 and 1.0 * @see AddElement * @return string The URL node */ function AddUrl($loc, $lastMod = 0, $changeFreq = "monthly", $priority = 0.5) { //Strip out the last modification time if activated if($this->GetOption('in_lastmod')===false) $lastMod = 0; $page = new GoogleSitemapGeneratorPage($loc, $priority, $changeFreq, $lastMod); $this->AddElement($page); } /** * Adds an element to the sitemap * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @param $page The element */ function AddElement(&$page) { if(empty($page)) return; $s = $page->Render(); if($this->_fileZipHandle && $this->IsGzipEnabled()) { gzwrite($this->_fileZipHandle,$s); } if($this->_fileHandle && $this->GetOption("b_xml")) { fwrite($this->_fileHandle,$s); } } /** * Checks if a file is writable and tries to make it if not. * * @since 3.05b * @access private * @author VJTD3 * @return bool true if writable */ function IsFileWritable($filename) { //can we write? if(!is_writable($filename)) { //no we can't. if(!@chmod($filename, 0666)) { $pathtofilename = dirname($filename); //Lets check if parent directory is writable. if(!is_writable($pathtofilename)) { //it's not writeable too. if(!@chmod($pathtoffilename, 0666)) { //darn couldn't fix up parrent directory this hosting is foobar. //Lets error because of the permissions problems. return false; } } } } //we can write, return 1/true/happy dance. return true; } function DoRobots() { $this->Initate(); if($this->GetOption('b_robots') === true) { $smUrl = $this->GetXmlUrl(); if($this->IsGzipEnabled()) { $smUrl = $this->GetZipUrl(); } echo "\nSitemap: " . $smUrl . "\n"; } } /** * Builds the sitemap and writes it into a xml file. * * @since 3.0 * @access public * @author Arne Brachhold * @return array An array with messages such as failed writes etc. */ function BuildSitemap() { global $wpdb, $posts, $wp_version; $this->Initate(); if($this->GetOption("b_memory")!='') { @ini_set("memory_limit",$this->GetOption("b_memory")); } if($this->GetOption("b_time")!=-1) { @set_time_limit($this->GetOption("b_time")); } //This object saves the status information of the script directly to the database $status = new GoogleSitemapGeneratorStatus(); //Other plugins can detect if the building process is active $this->_isActive = true; //$this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorXmlEntry()); //Debug mode? $debug=$this->GetOption("b_debug"); if($this->GetOption("b_xml")) { $fileName = $this->GetXmlPath(); $status->StartXml($this->GetXmlPath(),$this->GetXmlUrl()); if($this->IsFileWritable($fileName)) { $this->_fileHandle = fopen($fileName,"w"); if(!$this->_fileHandle) $status->EndXml(false,"Not openable"); } else $status->EndXml(false,"not writable"); } //Write gzipped sitemap file if($this->IsGzipEnabled()) { $fileName = $this->GetZipPath(); $status->StartZip($this->GetZipPath(),$this->GetZipUrl()); if($this->IsFileWritable($fileName)) { $this->_fileZipHandle = gzopen($fileName,"w1"); if(!$this->_fileZipHandle) $status->EndZip(false,"Not openable"); } else $status->EndZip(false,"not writable"); } if(!$this->_fileHandle && !$this->_fileZipHandle) { $status->End(); return; } //Content of the XML file $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorXmlEntry('')); $styleSheet = ($this->GetDefaultStyle() && $this->GetOption('b_style_default')===true?$this->GetDefaultStyle():$this->GetOption('b_style')); if(!empty($styleSheet)) { $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorXmlEntry('<' . '?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="' . $styleSheet . '"?' . '>')); } $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("generator=\"wordpress/" . get_bloginfo('version') . "\"")); $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("sitemap-generator-url=\"http://www.arnebrachhold.de\" sitemap-generator-version=\"" . $this->GetVersion() . "\"")); $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("generated-on=\"" . date(get_option("date_format") . " " . get_option("time_format")) . "\"")); //All comments as an asso. Array (postID=>commentCount) $comments=($this->GetOption("b_prio_provider")!=""?$this->GetComments():array()); //Full number of comments $commentCount=(count($comments)>0?$this->GetCommentCount($comments):0); if($debug && $this->GetOption("b_prio_provider")!="") { $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("Debug: Total comment count: " . $commentCount)); } //Go XML! $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorXmlEntry('')); $home = get_bloginfo('url'); $homePid = 0; //Add the home page (WITH a slash!) if($this->GetOption("in_home")) { if('page' == get_option('show_on_front') && get_option('page_on_front')) { $pageOnFront = get_option('page_on_front'); $p = get_page($pageOnFront); if($p) { $homePid = $p->ID; $this->AddUrl(trailingslashit($home),$this->GetTimestampFromMySql(($p->post_modified_gmt && $p->post_modified_gmt!='0000-00-00 00:00:00'?$p->post_modified_gmt:$p->post_date_gmt)),$this->GetOption("cf_home"),$this->GetOption("pr_home")); } } else { $this->AddUrl(trailingslashit($home),$this->GetTimestampFromMySql(get_lastpostmodified('GMT')),$this->GetOption("cf_home"),$this->GetOption("pr_home")); } } //Add the posts if($this->GetOption("in_posts") || $this->GetOption("in_pages")) { if($debug) $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("Debug: Start Postings")); //Pre 2.1 compatibility. 2.1 introduced 'future' as post_status so we don't need to check post_date $wpCompat = (floatval($wp_version) < 2.1); $useQTransLate = false; //function_exists('qtrans_convertURL') && function_exists('qtrans_getEnabledLanguages'); Not really working yet $excludes = $this->GetOption('b_exclude'); //Excluded posts $exclCats = $this->GetOption("b_exclude_cats"); // Excluded cats if($exclCats && count($exclCats)>0 && $this->IsTaxonomySupported()) { $exPosts = get_objects_in_term($exclCats,"category"); // Get all posts in excl. cats if(is_array($exPosts) && count($exPosts) > 0) { //Merge it with the list of user excluded posts $excludes = array_merge($excludes, $exPosts); } } $contentStmt = ''; if($useQTransLate) { $contentStmt.=', post_content '; } $postPageStmt = ''; $inSubPages = ($this->GetOption('in_posts_sub')===true); if($inSubPages && $this->GetOption('in_posts')===true) { $pageDivider=''; $postPageStmt = ", (character_length(`post_content`) - character_length(REPLACE(`post_content`, '$pageDivider', ''))) / " . strlen($pageDivider) . " as postPages"; } $sql="SELECT `ID`, `post_author`, `post_date`, `post_date_gmt`, `post_status`, `post_name`, `post_modified`, `post_modified_gmt`, `post_parent`, `post_type` $postPageStmt $contentStmt FROM `" . $wpdb->posts . "` WHERE "; $where = '('; if($this->GetOption('in_posts')) { //WP < 2.1: posts are post_status = publish //WP >= 2.1: post_type must be 'post', no date check required because future posts are post_status='future' if($wpCompat) $where.="(post_status = 'publish' AND post_date_gmt <= '" . gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:59') . "')"; else $where.=" (post_status = 'publish' AND (post_type = 'post' OR post_type = '')) "; } if($this->GetOption('in_pages')) { if($this->GetOption('in_posts')) { $where.=" OR "; } if($wpCompat) { //WP < 2.1: posts have post_status = published, pages have post_status = static $where.=" post_status='static' "; } else { //WP >= 2.1: posts have post_type = 'post' and pages have post_type = 'page'. Both must be published. $where.=" (post_status = 'publish' AND post_type = 'page') "; } } $where.=") "; if(is_array($excludes) && count($excludes)>0) { $where.=" AND ID NOT IN ('" . implode("','",$excludes) . "')"; } $where.=" AND post_password='' ORDER BY post_modified DESC"; $sql .= $where; if($this->GetOption("b_max_posts")>0) { $sql.=" LIMIT 0," . $this->GetOption("b_max_posts"); } $postCount = intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM `" . $wpdb->posts . "` WHERE ". $where,0,0)); //Create a new connection because we are using mysql_unbuffered_query and don't want to disturb the WP connection //Safe Mode for other plugins which use mysql_query() without a connection handler and will destroy our resultset :( $con = $postRes = null; //In 2.2, a bug which prevented additional DB connections was fixed if(floatval($wp_version) < 2.2) { $this->SetOption("b_safemode",true); } if($this->GetOption("b_safemode")===true) { $postRes = mysql_query($sql,$wpdb->dbh); if(!$postRes) { trigger_error("MySQL query failed: " . mysql_error(),E_USER_NOTICE); //E_NOTE will be displayed on our debug mode return; } } else { $con = mysql_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PASSWORD,true); if(!$con) { trigger_error("MySQL Connection failed: " . mysql_error(),E_USER_NOTICE); return; } if(!mysql_select_db(DB_NAME,$con)) { trigger_error("MySQL DB Select failed: " . mysql_error(),E_USER_NOTICE); return; } $postRes = mysql_unbuffered_query($sql,$con); if(!$postRes) { trigger_error("MySQL unbuffered query failed: " . mysql_error(),E_USER_NOTICE); return; } } if($postRes) { //#type $prioProvider GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioProviderBase $prioProvider=NULL; if($this->GetOption("b_prio_provider") != '') { $providerClass=$this->GetOption('b_prio_provider'); $prioProvider = new $providerClass($commentCount,$postCount); } //$posts is used by Alex King's Popularity Contest plugin //if($posts == null || !is_array($posts)) { // $posts = &$postRes; //} $z = 1; $zz = 1; //Default priorities $default_prio_posts = $this->GetOption('pr_posts'); $default_prio_pages = $this->GetOption('pr_pages'); //Change frequencies $cf_pages = $this->GetOption('cf_pages'); $cf_posts = $this->GetOption('cf_posts'); $minPrio=$this->GetOption('pr_posts_min'); //Cycle through all posts and add them while($post = mysql_fetch_object($postRes)) { //Fill the cache with our DB result. Since it's incomplete (no text-content for example), we will clean it later. $cache = array(&$post); update_post_cache($cache); //Set the current working post for other plugins which depend on "the loop" $GLOBALS['post'] = &$post; $permalink = get_permalink($post->ID); if($permalink != $home && $post->ID != $homePid) { $isPage = false; if($wpCompat) { $isPage = ($post->post_status == 'static'); } else { $isPage = ($post->post_type == 'page'); } //Default Priority if auto calc is disabled $prio = 0; if($isPage) { //Priority for static pages $prio = $default_prio_pages; } else { //Priority for normal posts $prio = $default_prio_posts; } //If priority calc. is enabled, calculate (but only for posts, not pages)! if($prioProvider !== null && !$isPage) { //Comment count for this post $cmtcnt = (isset($comments[$post->ID])?$comments[$post->ID]:0); $prio = $prioProvider->GetPostPriority($post->ID, $cmtcnt, $post); if($debug) $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry('Debug: Priority report of postID ' . $post->ID . ': Comments: ' . $cmtcnt . ' of ' . $commentCount . ' = ' . $prio . ' points')); } if(!$isPage && $minPrio>0 && $prio<$minPrio) { $prio = $minPrio; } //Add it $this->AddUrl($permalink,$this->GetTimestampFromMySql(($post->post_modified_gmt && $post->post_modified_gmt!='0000-00-00 00:00:00'?$post->post_modified_gmt:$post->post_date_gmt)),($isPage?$cf_pages:$cf_posts),$prio); if($inSubPages) { $subPage = ''; for($p = 1; $p <= $post->postPages; $p++) { if(get_option('permalink_structure') == '') { $subPage = $permalink . '&page=' . ($p+1); } else { $subPage = trailingslashit($permalink) . user_trailingslashit($p+1, 'single_paged'); } $this->AddUrl($subPage,$this->GetTimestampFromMySql(($post->post_modified_gmt && $post->post_modified_gmt!='0000-00-00 00:00:00'?$post->post_modified_gmt:$post->post_date_gmt)),($isPage?$cf_pages:$cf_posts),$prio); } } // Multilingual Support with qTranslate, thanks to Qian Qin if($useQTransLate) { global $q_config; foreach(qtrans_getEnabledLanguages($post->post_content) as $language) { if($language!=$q_config['default_language']) { $this->AddUrl(qtrans_convertURL($permalink,$language),$this->GetTimestampFromMySql(($post->post_modified_gmt && $post->post_modified_gmt!='0000-00-00 00:00:00'?$post->post_modified_gmt:$post->post_date_gmt)),($isPage?$cf_pages:$cf_posts),$prio); } } } } //Update the status every 100 posts and at the end. //If the script breaks because of memory or time limit, //we have a "last reponded" value which can be compared to the server settings if($zz==100 || $z == $postCount) { $status->SaveStep($z); $zz=0; } else $zz++; $z++; //Clean cache because it's incomplete if(version_compare($wp_version,"2.5",">=")) { //WP 2.5 makes a mysql query for every clean_post_cache to clear the child cache //so I've copied the function here until a patch arrives... wp_cache_delete($post->ID, 'posts'); wp_cache_delete($post->ID, 'post_meta'); clean_object_term_cache($post->ID, 'post'); } else { clean_post_cache($post->ID); } } unset($postRes); unset($prioProvider); if($this->GetOption("b_safemode")!==true && $con) mysql_close($con); } if($debug) $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("Debug: End Postings")); } //Add the cats if($this->GetOption("in_cats")) { if($debug) $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("Debug: Start Cats")); $exclCats = $this->GetOption("b_exclude_cats"); // Excluded cats if($exclCats == null) $exclCats=array(); if(!$this->IsTaxonomySupported()) { $catsRes=$wpdb->get_results(" SELECT c.cat_ID AS ID, MAX(p.post_modified_gmt) AS last_mod FROM `" . $wpdb->categories . "` c, `" . $wpdb->post2cat . "` pc, `" . $wpdb->posts . "` p WHERE pc.category_id = c.cat_ID AND p.ID = pc.post_id AND p.post_status = 'publish' AND p.post_type='post' GROUP BY c.cat_id "); if($catsRes) { foreach($catsRes as $cat) { if($cat && $cat->ID && $cat->ID>0 && !in_array($cat->ID, $exclCats)) { if($debug) if($debug) $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("Cat-ID:" . $cat->ID)); $this->AddUrl(get_category_link($cat->ID),$this->GetTimestampFromMySql($cat->last_mod),$this->GetOption("cf_cats"),$this->GetOption("pr_cats")); } } } } else { $cats = get_terms("category",array("hide_empty"=>true,"hierarchical"=>false)); if($cats && is_array($cats) && count($cats)>0) { foreach($cats AS $cat) { if(!in_array($cat->term_id, $exclCats)) $this->AddUrl(get_category_link($cat->term_id),0,$this->GetOption("cf_cats"),$this->GetOption("pr_cats")); } } } if($debug) $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("Debug: End Cats")); } //Add the archives if($this->GetOption("in_arch")) { if($debug) $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("Debug: Start Archive")); $now = current_time('mysql'); //WP2.1 introduced post_status='future', for earlier WP versions we need to check the post_date_gmt $arcresults = $wpdb->get_results(" SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(post_date_gmt) AS `year`, MONTH(post_date_gmt) AS `month`, MAX(post_date_gmt) as last_mod, count(ID) as posts FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_date < '$now' AND post_status = 'publish' AND post_type = 'post' " . (floatval($wp_version) < 2.1?"AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_date_gmt <= '" . gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:59') . "'":"") . " GROUP BY YEAR(post_date_gmt), MONTH(post_date_gmt) ORDER BY post_date_gmt DESC"); if ($arcresults) { foreach ($arcresults as $arcresult) { $url = get_month_link($arcresult->year, $arcresult->month); $changeFreq=""; //Archive is the current one if($arcresult->month==date("n") && $arcresult->year==date("Y")) { $changeFreq=$this->GetOption("cf_arch_curr"); } else { // Archive is older $changeFreq=$this->GetOption("cf_arch_old"); } $this->AddUrl($url,$this->GetTimestampFromMySql($arcresult->last_mod),$changeFreq,$this->GetOption("pr_arch")); } } if($debug) $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("Debug: End Archive")); } //Add the author pages if($this->GetOption("in_auth")) { if($debug) $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("Debug: Start Author pages")); $linkFunc = null; //get_author_link is deprecated in WP 2.1, try to use get_author_posts_url first. if(function_exists('get_author_posts_url')) { $linkFunc = 'get_author_posts_url'; } else if(function_exists('get_author_link')) { $linkFunc = 'get_author_link'; } //Who knows what happens in later WP versions, so check again if it worked if($linkFunc !== null) { //Unfortunately there is no API function to get all authors, so we have to do it the dirty way... //We retrieve only users with published and not password protected posts (and not pages) //WP2.1 introduced post_status='future', for earlier WP versions we need to check the post_date_gmt $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT {$wpdb->users}.ID, {$wpdb->users}.user_nicename, MAX({$wpdb->posts}.post_modified_gmt) AS last_post FROM {$wpdb->users}, {$wpdb->posts} WHERE {$wpdb->posts}.post_author = {$wpdb->users}.ID AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_status = 'publish' AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_type = 'post' AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_password = '' " . (floatval($wp_version) < 2.1?"AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_date_gmt <= '" . gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:59') . "'":"") . " GROUP BY {$wpdb->users}.ID, {$wpdb->users}.user_nicename"; $authors = $wpdb->get_results($sql); if($authors && is_array($authors)) { foreach($authors as $author) { if($debug) if($debug) $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("Author-ID:" . $author->ID)); $url = ($linkFunc=='get_author_posts_url'?get_author_posts_url($author->ID,$author->user_nicename):get_author_link(false,$author->ID,$author->user_nicename)); $this->AddUrl($url,$this->GetTimestampFromMySql($author->last_post),$this->GetOption("cf_auth"),$this->GetOption("pr_auth")); } } } else { //Too bad, no author pages for you :( if($debug) $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("Debug: No valid author link function found")); } if($debug) $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("Debug: End Author pages")); } //Add tag pages if($this->GetOption("in_tags") && $this->IsTaxonomySupported()) { if($debug) $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("Debug: Start Tags")); $tags = get_terms("post_tag",array("hide_empty"=>true,"hierarchical"=>false)); if($tags && is_array($tags) && count($tags)>0) { foreach($tags AS $tag) { $this->AddUrl(get_tag_link($tag->term_id),0,$this->GetOption("cf_tags"),$this->GetOption("pr_tags")); } } if($debug) $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("Debug: End Tags")); } //Add the custom pages if($debug) $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("Debug: Start Custom Pages")); if($this->_pages && is_array($this->_pages) && count($this->_pages)>0) { //#type $page GoogleSitemapGeneratorPage foreach($this->_pages AS $page) { $this->AddUrl($page->GetUrl(),$page->getLastMod(),$page->getChangeFreq(),$page->getPriority()); } } if($debug) $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("Debug: End Custom Pages")); if($debug) $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("Debug: Start additional URLs")); do_action("sm_buildmap"); if($debug) $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorDebugEntry("Debug: End additional URLs")); $this->AddElement(new GoogleSitemapGeneratorXmlEntry("")); $pingUrl=''; if($this->GetOption("b_xml")) { if($this->_fileHandle && fclose($this->_fileHandle)) { $this->_fileHandle = null; $status->EndXml(true); $pingUrl=$this->GetXmlUrl(); } else $status->EndXml(false,"Could not close the sitemap file."); } if($this->IsGzipEnabled()) { if($this->_fileZipHandle && fclose($this->_fileZipHandle)) { $this->_fileZipHandle = null; $status->EndZip(true); $pingUrl=$this->GetZipUrl(); } else $status->EndZip(false,"Could not close the zipped sitemap file"); } //Ping Google if($this->GetOption("b_ping") && !empty($pingUrl)) { $sPingUrl="http://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/ping?sitemap=" . urlencode($pingUrl); $status->StartGooglePing($sPingUrl); $pingres=$this->RemoteOpen($sPingUrl); if($pingres==NULL || $pingres===false) { $status->EndGooglePing(false,$this->_lastError); trigger_error("Failed to ping Google: " . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($pingres)),E_USER_NOTICE); } else { $status->EndGooglePing(true); } } //Ping Ask.com if($this->GetOption("b_pingask") && !empty($pingUrl)) { $sPingUrl="http://submissions.ask.com/ping?sitemap=" . urlencode($pingUrl); $status->StartAskPing($sPingUrl); $pingres=$this->RemoteOpen($sPingUrl); if($pingres==NULL || $pingres===false || strpos($pingres,"successfully received and added")===false) { //Ask.com returns 200 OK even if there was an error, so we need to check the content. $status->EndAskPing(false,$this->_lastError); trigger_error("Failed to ping Ask.com: " . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($pingres)),E_USER_NOTICE); } else { $status->EndAskPing(true); } } //Ping YAHOO if($this->GetOption("b_pingyahoo")===true && $this->GetOption("b_yahookey")!="" && !empty($pingUrl)) { $sPingUrl="http://search.yahooapis.com/SiteExplorerService/V1/updateNotification?appid=" . $this->GetOption("b_yahookey") . "&url=" . urlencode($pingUrl); $status->StartYahooPing($sPingUrl); $pingres=$this->RemoteOpen($sPingUrl); if($pingres==NULL || $pingres===false || strpos(strtolower($pingres),"success")===false) { trigger_error("Failed to ping YAHOO: " . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($pingres)),E_USER_NOTICE); $status->EndYahooPing(false,$this->_lastError); } else { $status->EndYahooPing(true); } } //Ping Bing if($this->GetOption("b_pingmsn") && !empty($pingUrl)) { $sPingUrl="http://www.bing.com/webmaster/ping.aspx?siteMap=" . urlencode($pingUrl); $status->StartMsnPing($sPingUrl); $pingres=$this->RemoteOpen($sPingUrl); if($pingres==NULL || $pingres===false || strpos($pingres,"Thanks for submitting your sitemap")===false) { trigger_error("Failed to ping Bing: " . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($pingres)),E_USER_NOTICE); $status->EndMsnPing(false,$this->_lastError); } else { $status->EndMsnPing(true); } } $status->End(); $this->_isActive = false; //done... return $status; } function RemoteOpen($url,$method = 'get', $postData = null, $timeout = 10) { global $wp_version; //Before WP 2.7, wp_remote_fopen was quite crappy so Snoopy was favoured. if(floatval($wp_version) < 2.7) { if(!file_exists(ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/class-snoopy.php')) { trigger_error('Snoopy Web Request failed: Snoopy not found.',E_USER_NOTICE); return false; //Hoah? } require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/class-snoopy.php'); $s = new Snoopy(); $s->read_timeout = $timeout; if($method == 'get') { $s->fetch($url); } else { $s->submit($url,$postData); } if($s->status != "200") trigger_error('Snoopy Web Request failed: Status: ' . $s->status . "; Content: " . htmlspecialchars($s->results),E_USER_NOTICE); return $s->results; } else { $options = array(); $options['timeout'] = $timeout; if($method == 'get') { $response = wp_remote_get( $url, $options ); } else { $response = wp_remote_post($url, array_merge($options,array('body'=>$postData))); } if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { $errs = $response->get_error_messages(); $errs = htmlspecialchars(implode('; ', $errs)); trigger_error('WP HTTP API Web Request failed: ' . $errs,E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } return $response['body']; } return false; } /** * Tracks the last error (gets called by PHP) * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold */ function TrackError($log_level, $log_text, $error_file, $error_line) { $this->_lastError = $log_text; } /** * Echos option fields for an select field containing the valid change frequencies * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @param $currentVal The value which should be selected * @return all valid change frequencies as html option fields */ function HtmlGetFreqNames($currentVal) { foreach($this->_freqNames AS $k=>$v) { echo ""; } } /** * Echos option fields for an select field containing the valid priorities (0- 1.0) * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @param $currentVal string The value which should be selected * @return 0.0 - 1.0 as html option fields */ function HtmlGetPriorityValues($currentVal) { $currentVal=(float) $currentVal; for($i=0.0; $i<=1.0; $i+=0.1) { $v = number_format($i,1,".",""); $t = number_format_i18n($i,1); echo ""; } } /** * Returns the checked attribute if the given values match * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @param $val string The current value * @param $equals string The value to match * @return The checked attribute if the given values match, an empty string if not */ function HtmlGetChecked($val,$equals) { if($val==$equals) return $this->HtmlGetAttribute("checked"); else return ""; } /** * Returns the selected attribute if the given values match * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @param $val string The current value * @param $equals string The value to match * @return The selected attribute if the given values match, an empty string if not */ function HtmlGetSelected($val,$equals) { if($val==$equals) return $this->HtmlGetAttribute("selected"); else return ""; } /** * Returns an formatted attribute. If the value is NULL, the name will be used. * * @since 3.0 * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @param $attr string The attribute name * @param $value string The attribute value * @return The formatted attribute */ function HtmlGetAttribute($attr,$value=NULL) { if($value==NULL) $value=$attr; return " " . $attr . "=\"" . $value . "\" "; } /** * Returns an array with GoogleSitemapGeneratorPage objects which is generated from POST values * * @since 3.0 * @see GoogleSitemapGeneratorPage * @access private * @author Arne Brachhold * @return array An array with GoogleSitemapGeneratorPage objects */ function HtmlApplyPages() { // Array with all page URLs $pages_ur=(!isset($_POST["sm_pages_ur"]) || !is_array($_POST["sm_pages_ur"])?array():$_POST["sm_pages_ur"]); //Array with all priorities $pages_pr=(!isset($_POST["sm_pages_pr"]) || !is_array($_POST["sm_pages_pr"])?array():$_POST["sm_pages_pr"]); //Array with all change frequencies $pages_cf=(!isset($_POST["sm_pages_cf"]) || !is_array($_POST["sm_pages_cf"])?array():$_POST["sm_pages_cf"]); //Array with all lastmods $pages_lm=(!isset($_POST["sm_pages_lm"]) || !is_array($_POST["sm_pages_lm"])?array():$_POST["sm_pages_lm"]); //Array where the new pages are stored $pages=array(); //Loop through all defined pages and set their properties into an object if(isset($_POST["sm_pages_mark"]) && is_array($_POST["sm_pages_mark"])) { for($i=0; $iSetUrl($pages_ur[$i]); $p->SetProprity($pages_pr[$i]); $p->SetChangeFreq($pages_cf[$i]); //Try to parse last modified, if -1 (note ===) automatic will be used (0) $lm=(!empty($pages_lm[$i])?strtotime($pages_lm[$i],time()):-1); if($lm===-1) $p->setLastMod(0); else $p->setLastMod($lm); //Add it to the array array_push($pages,$p); } } return $pages; } function GetTimestampFromMySql($mysqlDateTime) { list($date, $hours) = split(' ', $mysqlDateTime); list($year,$month,$day) = split('-',$date); list($hour,$min,$sec) = split(':',$hours); return mktime(intval($hour), intval($min), intval($sec), intval($month), intval($day), intval($year)); } function GetRedirectLink($redir) { return trailingslashit("http://www.arnebrachhold.de/redir/" . $redir); } function GetBackLink() { $page = basename(__FILE__); if(isset($_GET['page']) && !empty($_GET['page'])) { $page = preg_replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\_\-]','',$_GET['page']); } if(function_exists("admin_url")) return admin_url(basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])) . "?page=" . $page; else return $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?page=" . $page; } function HtmlShowOptionsPage() { $ui = $this->GetUI(); if($ui) { $ui->HtmlShowOptionsPage(); return true; } return false; } var $_ui = null; function GetUI() { global $wp_version; if($this->_ui === null) { $className='GoogleSitemapGeneratorUI'; $fileName='sitemap-ui.php'; if(!class_exists($className)) { $path = trailingslashit(dirname(__FILE__)); if(!file_exists( $path . $fileName)) return false; require_once($path. $fileName); } $this->_ui = new $className($this); } return $this->_ui; } function HtmlShowHelp() { } }