Configuration Page Version: 3.1.6 Author: Arne Brachhold Author URI: */ /** * Loader class for the Google Sitemap Generator * * This class takes care of the sitemap plugin and tries to load the different parts as late as possible. * On normal requests, only this small class is loaded. When the sitemap needs to be rebuild, the generator itself is loaded. * The last stage is the user interface which is loaded when the administration page is requested. */ class GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader { /** * Enabled the sitemap plugin with registering all required hooks * * If the sm_command and sm_key GET params are given, the function will init the generator to rebuild the sitemap. */ function Enable() { //Register the sitemap creator to wordpress... add_action('admin_menu', array('GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader', 'RegisterAdminPage')); //Nice icon for Admin Menu (requires Ozh Admin Drop Down Plugin) add_filter('ozh_adminmenu_icon', array('GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader', 'RegisterAdminIcon')); //Additional links on the plugin page add_filter('plugin_row_meta', array('GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader', 'RegisterPluginLinks'),10,2); //Existing posts was deleted add_action('delete_post', array('GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader', 'CallCheckForAutoBuild'),9999,1); //Existing post was published add_action('publish_post', array('GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader', 'CallCheckForAutoBuild'),9999,1); //Existing page was published add_action('publish_page', array('GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader', 'CallCheckForAutoBuild'),9999,1); //WP Cron hook add_action('sm_build_cron', array('GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader', 'CallBuildSitemap'),1,0); //Robots.txt request add_action('do_robots', array('GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader', 'CallDoRobots'),100,0); //Help topics for context sensitive help add_filter('contextual_help_list', array('GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader', 'CallHtmlShowHelpList'),9999,2); //Check if this is a BUILD-NOW request (key will be checked later) if(!empty($_GET["sm_command"]) && !empty($_GET["sm_key"])) { GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::CallCheckForManualBuild(); } } /** * Registers the plugin in the admin menu system */ function RegisterAdminPage() { if (function_exists('add_options_page')) { add_options_page(__('XML-Sitemap Generator','sitemap'), __('XML-Sitemap','sitemap'), 10, 'sitemap.php', array('GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader','CallHtmlShowOptionsPage')); } } function RegisterAdminIcon($hook) { if ( $hook == 'sitemap.php' && function_exists('plugins_url')) { return plugins_url('img/icon-arne.gif',GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::GetBaseName()); } return $hook; } function RegisterPluginLinks($links, $file) { $base = GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::GetBaseName(); if ($file == $base) { $links[] = '' . __('Settings') . ''; $links[] = '' . __('FAQ') . ''; $links[] = '' . __('Support') . ''; $links[] = '' . __('Donate') . ''; } return $links; } /** * Invokes the HtmlShowOptionsPage method of the generator */ function CallHtmlShowOptionsPage() { if(GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::LoadPlugin()) { $gs = GoogleSitemapGenerator::GetInstance(); $gs->HtmlShowOptionsPage(); } } /** * Invokes the CheckForAutoBuild method of the generator */ function CallCheckForAutoBuild($args) { if(GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::LoadPlugin()) { $gs = GoogleSitemapGenerator::GetInstance(); $gs->CheckForAutoBuild($args); } } /** * Invokes the BuildSitemap method of the generator */ function CallBuildSitemap() { if(GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::LoadPlugin()) { $gs = GoogleSitemapGenerator::GetInstance(); $gs->BuildSitemap(); } } /** * Invokes the CheckForManualBuild method of the generator */ function CallCheckForManualBuild() { if(GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::LoadPlugin()) { $gs = GoogleSitemapGenerator::GetInstance(); $gs->CheckForManualBuild(); } } function CallHtmlShowHelpList($filterVal,$screen) { if($screen == "settings_page_sitemap") { $links = array( __('Plugin Homepage','sitemap')=>'', __('Sitemap FAQ')=>'' ); $filterVal["settings_page_sitemap"] = ''; $i=0; foreach($links AS $text=>$url) { $filterVal["settings_page_sitemap"].='' . $text . '' . ($i < (count($links)-1)?'
':'') ; $i++; } } return $filterVal; } function CallDoRobots() { if(GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader::LoadPlugin()) { $gs = GoogleSitemapGenerator::GetInstance(); $gs->DoRobots(); } } /** * Loads the actual generator class and tries to raise the memory and time limits if not already done by WP * * @return boolean true if run successfully */ function LoadPlugin() { $mem = abs(intval(@ini_get('memory_limit'))); if($mem && $mem < 32) { @ini_set('memory_limit', '32M'); } $time = abs(intval(@ini_get("max_execution_time"))); if($time != 0 && $time < 120) { @set_time_limit(120); } if(!class_exists("GoogleSitemapGenerator")) { $path = trailingslashit(dirname(__FILE__)); if(!file_exists( $path . 'sitemap-core.php')) return false; require_once($path. 'sitemap-core.php'); } GoogleSitemapGenerator::Enable(); return true; } /** * Returns the plugin basename of the plugin (using __FILE__) * * @return string The plugin basename, "sitemap" for example */ function GetBaseName() { return plugin_basename(__FILE__); } /** * Returns the name of this loader script, using __FILE__ * * @return string The __FILE__ value of this loader script */ function GetPluginFile() { return __FILE__; } /** * Returns the plugin version * * Uses the WP API to get the meta data from the top of this file (comment) * * @return string The version like 3.1.1 */ function GetVersion() { if(!function_exists('get_plugin_data')) { if(file_exists(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php')) require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'); //2.3+ else if(file_exists(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-functions.php')) require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-functions.php'); //2.1 else return "0.ERROR"; } $data = get_plugin_data(__FILE__); return $data['Version']; } } //Enable the plugin for the init hook, but only if WP is loaded. Calling this php file directly will do nothing. if(defined('ABSPATH') && defined('WPINC')) { add_action("init",array("GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader","Enable"),1000,0); } ?>