=== Google Website Optimizer for WordPress === Contributors: Filippo Toso Donate link: http://www.masteringlandingpages.com/ Tags: google website optimizer, landing page optimization Requires at least: 2.7.0 Tested up to: 2.7.1 Stable tag: 1.2 Optimize your landing pages using the Google Website Optimizer == Description == This simple plugin lets you optimize your landing pages (as posts or pages) using the Google Website Optimizer without needing to edit the HTML code of the theme. == Installation == The installation is straight forward: 1. Upload the `gwo4wp` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Create the landing pages and the conversion page 4. Create the experiment in the Google Website Optimizer 5. Use the textareas added in the page or post edit form to embed the control, tracking and conversion code provided by the Google Website Optimizer == Frequently Asked Questions == = How much does it cost Google Website Optimizer? = The Google Website Optimizer is a free tool provided by Google. You only need a Google AdWords account, but you can use the Optimizer to test Landing Pages other than those create for your AdWords campaigns. == Screenshots == 1. The user interface added to the pages/posts edit form.