prefix . 'jcsp_post_permalinks'; } public function getCategoryArchiveTableName() { global $wpdb; return $wpdb->prefix . 'jcsp_category_permalinks'; } public function getPostPermalink( $postId ) { $permalink = get_permalink( $postId ); //cut out the $permalink = explode( '/', $permalink ); array_shift( $permalink ); array_shift( $permalink ); array_shift( $permalink ); $permalink = implode( '/', $permalink ); if( substr( $permalink, -1 ) == '/' ) { $permalink = substr( $permalink, 0, -1 ); } return $permalink; } public function getCategoryPermalink( $categoryId ) { global $wpdb; $permalink = get_category_link( $categoryId ); //TODO: This is a little hack that gives a permalink as it will be AFTER the new category is saved, due to the fact that wordpress for some reason calls the edit_category action BEFORE the data is saved... If wp ever decides to change field names then this will break... But I doubt that if( isset( $_POST[ 'category_nicename' ] ) ) { $category = $wpdb->get_results( 'SELECT category_nicename FROM ' . $wpdb->categories . ' WHERE cat_ID = ' . $categoryId ); $permalink = str_replace( $category->category_nicename, $_POST[ 'category_nicename' ], $permalink ); } //cut out the $permalink = explode( '/', $permalink ); array_shift( $permalink ); array_shift( $permalink ); array_shift( $permalink ); $permalink = implode( '/', $permalink ); if( substr( $permalink, -1 ) == '/' ) { $permalink = substr( $permalink, 0, -1 ); } return $permalink; } public function postUpdated( $postId ) { global $wpdb; $permalink = $this->getPostPermalink( $postId ); $exists = $wpdb->get_results( 'SELECT post_id FROM ' . $this->getPostArchiveTableName() . ' WHERE post_permalink = "' . $wpdb->escape( $permalink ) . '"' ); if( count( $exists ) > 0 ) { $wpdb->query( 'UPDATE ' . $this->getPostArchiveTableName() . ' SET post_id = ' . $postId . ' WHERE post_permalink = "' . $wpdb->escape( $permalink ) . '"' ); } else { $wpdb->query( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->getPostArchiveTableName() . ' ( post_id, post_permalink ) VALUES ( ' . $postId . ', "' . $wpdb->escape( $permalink ) . '")' ); } } public function categoryUpdated( $categoryId ) { global $wpdb; $posts = $wpdb->get_results( 'SELECT post_id FROM ' . $wpdb->post2cat . ' WHERE category_id = ' . $categoryId ); foreach( $posts as $post ) { $this->postUpdated( $post->post_id ); } $permalink = $this->getCategoryPermalink( $categoryId ); $exists = $wpdb->get_results( 'SELECT category_id FROM ' . $this->getCategoryArchiveTableName() . ' WHERE category_permalink = "' . $wpdb->escape( $permalink ) . '"' ); if( count( $exists ) > 0 ) { $wpdb->query( 'UPDATE ' . $this->getCategoryArchiveTableName() . ' SET category_id = ' . $categoryId . ' WHERE category_permalink = "' . $wpdb->escape( $permalink ) . '"' ); } else { $wpdb->query( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->getCategoryArchiveTableName() . ' ( category_id, category_permalink ) VALUES ( ' . $categoryId . ', "' . $wpdb->escape( $permalink ) . '")' ); } } function ensureTables() { $this->ensurePostArchiveTable(); $this->ensureCategoryArchiveTable(); } function ensurePostArchiveTable() { global $wpdb; $table_name = $this->getPostArchiveTableName(); if( $wpdb->get_var( 'show tables like "' . $table_name . '"' ) != $table_name ) { $sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $table_name . ' ( post_archive_id mediumint(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, post_id mediumint(9) NOT NULL, post_permalink VARCHAR(55) NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY post_archive_id (post_archive_id) );'; require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/upgrade-functions.php'; dbDelta($sql); $this->initializePostArchiveTable(); add_option( 'JCSP_DB_VERSION', JCSP_DB_VERSION ); } } function ensureCategoryArchiveTable() { global $wpdb; $table_name = $this->getCategoryArchiveTableName(); if( $wpdb->get_var( 'show tables like "' . $table_name . '"' ) != $table_name ) { $sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $table_name . ' ( category_archive_id mediumint(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, category_id mediumint(9) NOT NULL, category_permalink VARCHAR(55) NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY category_archive_id (category_archive_id) );'; require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/upgrade-functions.php'; dbDelta( $sql ); $this->initializeCategoryArchiveTable(); add_option( 'JCSP_DB_VERSION', JCSP_DB_VERSION ); } } function initializePostArchiveTable() { global $wpdb; $posts = $wpdb->get_results( 'SELECT ID FROM ' . $wpdb->posts ); foreach( $posts as $post ) { $permalink = $this->getPostPermalink( $post->ID ); $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->getPostArchiveTableName() . ' ( post_id, post_permalink ) VALUES ( ' . $post->ID . ', "' . $wpdb->escape( $permalink ) . '" )'; $wpdb->query( $sql ); } } function initializeCategoryArchiveTable() { global $wpdb; $categories = $wpdb->get_results( 'SELECT cat_ID FROM ' . $wpdb->categories ); foreach( $categories as $category ) { $permalink = $this->getCategoryPermalink( $category->cat_ID ); $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->getCategoryArchiveTableName() . ' ( category_id, category_permalink ) VALUES ( ' . $category->cat_ID . ', "' . $wpdb->escape( $permalink ) . '" )'; $wpdb->query( $sql ); } } function tryRedirect() { global $wpdb; $inLink = $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ]; if( substr( $inLink, 0, 1 ) == '/' ) { $inLink = substr( $inLink, 1 ); } if( substr( $inLink, -1 ) == '/' ) { $inLink = substr( $inLink, 0, -1 ); } //user is accessing the index page, we have to return or this will cause problems if( $inLink == '' ) { return; } //try a post redirect $destination = $wpdb->get_results( 'SELECT post_id FROM ' . $this->getPostArchiveTableName() . ' WHERE post_permalink = "' . $wpdb->escape( $inLink ) . '"' ); if( count( $destination ) > 0 ) { $permalink = $this->getPostPermalink( $destination[ 0 ]->post_id ); if( $permalink != $inLink ) { wp_redirect( '/' . $permalink ); exit; } } //try a category redirect $destination = $wpdb->get_results( 'SELECT category_id FROM ' . $this->getCategoryArchiveTableName() . ' WHERE category_permalink = "' . $wpdb->escape( $inLink ) . '"' ); if( count( $destination ) > 0 ) { $permalink = $this->getCategoryPermalink( $destination[ 0 ]->category_id ); if( $permalink != $inLink ) { wp_redirect( '/' . $permalink ); exit; } } } } ?>