=== Minimax === Contributors: sebaxtian Tags: AJAX Requires at least: 2.4 Tested up to: 2.7.1 Stable tag: 0.2.5 Minimax is a minimal Ajax library. == Description == This plugin is required by other plugins I have developed. Take a look at the readme.txt in the `/doc/` directory to know what can minimax do. These are the plugins that use minimax: * [iRate](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/irate/ "iRateMyDay plugin") * [Lexi](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/lexi/ "RSS widget using Ajax") == Installation == 1. Decompress minimax.zip and upload `/minimax/` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 2. Activate the plugin through the __Plugins__ menu in WordPress == Frequently Asked Questions == = Why minimax? = Because it's a minimal ajax library. = How do yo dare to create another Ajax library? = Yes, I know there are many Ajax libraries available, but they are too complex and I need just the basic part. Also add those libraries in each plugin would be a __redundanct code__ situation. = But, you know, there is an Ajax library in WP! = Yes, there is an Ajax library in WP, but I need an extra element it hasn't, and hacking the WP Ajax library wasn't an user friendly situation in order to make a plugin easy to install by common users. A common user wants to install, not to hack. = Can I use minimax with my plugins? = Yes you can. Take a look at the readme file in `/doc/` directory, and see the example. Remember this is an Ajax library, so it has the same limits other Ajax libraries do have.