start configuration here Version: 0.5.2 Author: Mein Parteibuch Author URI: The Parteibuch Aggregator is based on Bryan Palmers ( BDP RSS Aggregator. Thank Bryan for the great work, but please don't bother him with support requests for the Parteibuch Aggregator. Bookmarks come from social bookmarks plugin. Note: tabs set to two spaces */ /* Copyright 2009 Mein Parteibuch (email : This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* ----- constants ----- */ define ('PBA_PRODUCT', 'Parteibuch Aggregator'); // Doh! define ('PBA_VERSION', '0.5.2'); // CHECK: should be the same as above! define ('PBA_DIRECTORY', 'parteibuch-aggregator'); // base in plugins directory define ('PBA_CACHE_PATH',dirname(__FILE__)."/pbacache/"); // the directory to be used as disk cache define ('BDPRSS2_DEBUG', FALSE); /* ----- initialisation ----- */ if ( !(phpversion() >= '5.0') ) die( 'Your server is running PHP version ' . phpversion() . ' but the Parteibuch Aggregator Wordpress plugin requires at least 5.0' ); if( !function_exists('mb_internal_encoding') || !function_exists('mb_regex_encoding') ) die( 'Your installation of PHP does not appear to support multibyte strings. '. 'This support is needed by the Parteibuch Aggregator plugin. '. 'You should ask your web-hoster to install it; it is easy to install. '. 'For more information, refer to '. ''); //$timeshift=get_option('gmt_offset'); //echo $timeshift; /* ----- includes ----- */ if( !class_exists('Snoopy') ) require_once(ABSPATH."wp-includes/class-snoopy.php"); if(defined('WPLANG') && file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/pba-defaultparameter_'. substr(WPLANG,0,2) .'.php')){ include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/pba-defaultparameter_'. substr(WPLANG,0,2) .'.php'); }else{ include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/pba-defaultparameter.php'); } require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/bdp-rssaggregator-db.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/bdp-rssfeed.php'); /* ----- main game ----- */ if( !class_exists('BDPRSS2') ) // for protection only { /* ----- globals ----- */ // this seems to be the first reliable header, let us test, when it is called, just testing, it seems to be loaded before headers are sent //add_action('plugins_loaded', array('BDPRSS2', 'testingheaders')); // this seems to be the first reliable header, let us test, when it is called, just testing, it seems usually to be loaded before headers are sent //add_action('init', array('BDPRSS2', 'testingheaders')); add_action('template_redirect', array('BDPRSS2', 'pba_catch_template_redirect')); add_action('wp_head', array('BDPRSS2', 'tag')); // advertising add_action('admin_menu', array('BDPRSS2', 'adminMenu')); // link in the relevant admin menus add_action('shutdown', array('BDPRSS2', 'pba_shutdown')); // routine updating add_filter('the_content', array('BDPRSS2', 'replace_page_content')); add_filter('rewrite_rules_array', array('BDPRSS2', 'pba_rewrite')); if(function_exists('register_deactivation_hook')) register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, 'pba_uninstaller' ); function pba_uninstaller(){ global $bdprss_db; if($bdprss_db->pbaoption('delete_alldata') == 'Y'){ //echo 'Parteibuch Aggregator: "Delete all data" option set'; $bdprss_db->reset(); }else{ true; //nothing to do, we are before sending headers, so we can't send a message to the user //echo 'Parteibuch Aggregator: "Delete all data" option not set, keeping data for reactivation of the aggregator plugin.'; } } //like to have some widgets? here you have: include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/pba-widgets.php'); $bdprssTagSet = array( 'Links' => array('a'), 'Images' => array('img'), 'Paragraphs' => array('p'), 'Line breaks' => array('br'), 'Italics' => array('em', 'i'), 'Underlining' => array('u'), 'Bolding' => array('b', 'strong'), 'Spans' => array('span'), 'Text formating'=> array('abbr', 'cite', 'code', 'dfn', 'kbd', 'object', 'pre', 'quote', 'ruby', 'samp', 'strike', 'style', 'sub', 'sup', 'var' ), 'Tables' => array('table', 'tr', 'th', 'td', 'thead', 'tbody', 'tfoot'), 'Lists' => array('ol', 'ul', 'dl', 'nl', 'li', 'di', 'dd', 'dt', 'label'), 'Headings' => array('h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'), 'Block quotes' => array('blockquote'), 'Divisions' => array('div'), 'Separators' => array('separator', 'hr') ); $bdprssdate = "bdprssarchivedate"; $bdprssCacheItem = "bdprsscacheitem"; $bdprssList = "bdprsslist"; //globals $remember_pbapage=false; class BDPRSS2 { /* --- hooks --- */ //some functions triggered by the hooks function pba_rewrite(&$rules){ global $bdprss_db; $pbadefault=$bdprss_db->pbaoption('enable_rewriting'); // can we access this already when generating rewrite rules? $doit=false; if(isset($pbadefault)) { if($pbadefault == 'Y' && count($rules) > 5) $doit = true; } //hook and function is only fired, when rewrite rules are recreated //Now the funny part $pba_rules = array( //tickersucheregex '(.+?)?/s/[^/]+(/tickerpage/[0-9]+)?(/feed)?/?$' => 'index.php?&pagename=$matches[1]', //kalenderregex '([^/]+?)/([kc]alend[ae]r|opml|feedlist|ticker-feed|tickerpage)(/[0-9/-]+)?/?$' => 'index.php?&pagename=$matches[1]', //dateregex '(.+?)?/?[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}(/tickerpage/[0-9]{1,}|/feed|/ticker-feed)?/?$' => 'index.php?&pagename=$matches[1]', //cacheregex '([^/page0-9]+?)/([0-9]+)/?$' => 'index.php?&pagename=$matches[1]' ); //echo "Debug: myrules: " . print_r($pba_rules); if($doit) $rules = array_merge($pba_rules, $rules); //tricky stuff: the following line will make the rewrite entry in mstatustable be recreated at next page call //if we would just recreate the memtablestatus rewriting row now, then the rules change would //not be detected, because wordpress is not finished processing the rule $bdprss_db->mark_entry_as_old_in_statustable('rewriting'); return $rules; } //see here, MSIE is buggy function isBuggyIe() { $ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // quick escape for non-IEs if (0 !== strpos($ua, 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE ') || false !== strpos($ua, 'Opera')) { return false; } // no regex = faaast $version = (float)substr($ua, 30); return ( $version <= 8 ); } function pba_catch_template_redirect(){ //here some lines to debug rewrite rules //global $post; //echo "
We passed pba_catch_template_redirect, post is: " . PBALIB::get_r($post) . ""; //echo "The rules are: " . str_replace("\n",'
',PBALIB::get_r(get_option('rewrite_rules'))); if(is_page()){ global $remember_pbapage; $pba_page_config['getoutputconfigbypageid']=true; $pba_page=@PBA::outputwrapper($pba_page_config); if(isset($pba_page['shutdown']) && $pba_page['shutdown'] === true) { BDPRSS2::isBuggyIe() || ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); echo $pba_page['result']; //xml output goes here do_action('shutdown'); wp_cache_close(); exit; } elseif(isset($pba_page['redirect']) && $pba_page['redirect'] === true){ //do redirect header("Location: " . $pba_page['result']); exit; } else { if($pba_page['result'] !== false){ $remember_pbapage=$pba_page; } } } } function tag() { /* tag() * -- called early on to place a comment tag in the page * -- I use the tag when people ask for help debugging why the plugin doesn't work for them. */ global $bdprss_db; // echo "\n\t\n"; //parteibuch deactiveated due to security concerns if( $bdprss_db->get_mysql_version() < '4.0' ) //parteibuch deactiveated due to security concerns echo "\t\n"; } function adminMenu() { /* adminMenu() -- called when the administration pages are being displayed * -- this function hooks the RSS Feeds page into the admin menus */ if (function_exists('add_management_page')) add_management_page('Parteibuch RSS Aggregator', 'RSS Aggregator', 9, dirname(__FILE__).'/bdp-rssadmin.php'); } function pba_shutdown() { // pba_shutdown() -- called at shutdown - processed the jobs //print_r(getrusage()); global $bdprss_db; //print_r($bdprss_db->serverstatus); ignore_user_abort(true); wp_cache_close(); flush(); if(!ini_get('safe_mode')) set_time_limit(0); // sleep(15); //just for simulating time intensive operations if(isset($bdprss_db->serverstatus['job2start']['name'])&& isset($bdprss_db->serverstatus['job2start']['time'])){ //we will not touch any jobs announced more than 8 seconds ago, the job manager could be already trying to reassign them if(time() - $bdprss_db->serverstatus['job2start']['time'] < 8) $pba_job=$bdprss_db->serverstatus['job2start']['name']; } if(isset($pba_job) && !$bdprss_db->highserverload && $bdprss_db->memtablesok && method_exists($bdprss_db, $pba_job) ){ $bdprss_db->jobaction($pba_job, "start"); $return=$bdprss_db->$pba_job(); } if(isset($pba_job)){ //echo "killing the job ... "; $bdprss_db->jobaction($pba_job, "kill"); //echo "... done"; } } //see an example of wp hooks here: function replace_page_content($content = ''){ global $remember_pbapage; if($remember_pbapage !== false){ $content .= $remember_pbapage['result']; } return $content; } /* ----- utilities ----- */ function tagalise($key) { return 'bdprss_xhtml_' . preg_replace("'[\s]*'", '', strtolower($key)); } /* --- core input functions --- */ function update(&$row) { /* update(&$row) * -- does the grunt work of updating a feed, * -- specified by a row from the site-table */ global $bdprss_db; //$bdprss_db->recordError('Debug', 'Im here 1 at update'); // Check we have a row from the site-table if(!isset($row) || !$row || !$row->{$bdprss_db->cidentifier} || !$row->{$bdprss_db->cfeedurl}) { $bdprss_db->recordError('Snark', "Snark: update() called without a row from the siteTable (this should never happen)"); return; } $now = time(); $cidentifier = $row->{$bdprss_db->cidentifier}; $url = $row->{$bdprss_db->cfeedurl}; $lastupdated = (int) $row->{$bdprss_db->cupdatetime}; // set the next poll time $siteArray = array(); $siteArray['cidentifier'] = $cidentifier; $siteArray['clastpolltime'] = $now; if($row->{$bdprss_db->cpollingfreqmins}) $siteArray['cnextpolltime'] = $now + (60 * (int) $row->{$bdprss_db->cpollingfreqmins}); else $siteArray['cnextpolltime'] = $now + (60 * (int) get_option('bdprss_update_frequency')); $bdprss_db->updateTable($bdprss_db->sitetable, $siteArray, 'cidentifier'); //mem table update $bdprss_db->updateTable($bdprss_db->msitetable, $siteArray, 'cidentifier'); // Clear errorBase $bdprss_db->deleteErrors($url); // Get the feed $feed = new BDPFeed($url); $pfeed = $feed->parse(); if(!$pfeed) { $bdprss_db->recordError($url, "Failed to parse $url"); return; } // extract and save key site information if(isset($pfeed['title'])) { $siteArray['csitename'] = mb_substr($pfeed['title'], 0, 250); } else { $siteArray['csitename'] = ""; }; $siteArray['csiteurl'] = mb_substr($pfeed['link'], 0, 250); if(isset($pfeed['copyright'])) $siteArray['csitelicense'] = mb_substr($pfeed['copyright'], 0, 250); if(isset($pfeed['description'])) { $siteArray['cdescription'] = mb_substr($pfeed['description'], 0, 250); }elseif(isset($pfeed['tagline'])){ $siteArray['cdescription'] = mb_substr($pfeed['tagline'], 0, 250); }else{ $siteArray['cdescription'] = ""; } $siteArray['cupdatetime'] = $now; $bdprss_db->updateTable($bdprss_db->sitetable, $siteArray, 'cidentifier', $row->{$bdprss_db->csitenameoverride}=='Y'); //mem table $bdprss_db->updateTable($bdprss_db->msitetable, $siteArray, 'cidentifier', $row->{$bdprss_db->csitenameoverride}=='Y'); // Establish virginity - an important concept for sites that don't provide item timestamps $virgin = ($lastupdated == 1); if(BDPRSS2_DEBUG) $bdprss_db->recordError($url, "I am a virgin site"); // extract and save key item information $counter = 1; foreach ($pfeed['items'] as $item) { $ticks = 0; $link = $item['link']; if(isset($item['title'])) { $title = $item['title']; }else{ $title=false; } //parteibuch fill the new item site name, url and license info $itemsitename=""; $itemsiteurl=""; $itemlicense=""; $itemsitename .= $row->{$bdprss_db->csitename}; $itemsiteurl .= $row->{$bdprss_db->csiteurl}; $itemlicense .= $row->{$bdprss_db->csitelicense}; if(!($row->{$bdprss_db->csitenameoverride}=='Y')){ if(isset($item['dc:creator']) && strlen($item['dc:creator'])>0) { $itemsitename = $item['dc:creator']; } elseif(strlen(mb_substr($pfeed['title'], 0, 250))>0){ $itemsitename = mb_substr($pfeed['title'], 0, 250); } if(isset($item['dc:source']) && strlen($item['dc:source'])>0) { $itemsiteurl = $item['dc:source']; } elseif(strlen(mb_substr($pfeed['link'], 0, 250))>0){ $itemsiteurl = mb_substr($pfeed['link'], 0, 250); } if(isset($item['dc:rights']) && strlen($item['dc:rights'])>0) { $itemlicense = $item['dc:rights']; } elseif(isset($pfeed['copyright']) && strlen(mb_substr($pfeed['copyright'], 0, 250))>0){ $itemlicense = mb_substr($pfeed['copyright'], 0, 250); } } if(!$link && isset($item['guid'])) { // A work around for Penny Sharpe's blog - $link = $item['guid']; // in RSS guid stands for globally unique identifier } // some error reporting sequences if($link) { $preError = ""; $postError = ''; } if($title && $link) $errorLink = ' ('.$preError.$title.$postError.') '; elseif($title && !$link) $errorLink = ' ('.$title.') '; elseif($link && !$title) $errorLink = ' ['.$preError.'link'.$postError.'] '; else $errorLink = ''; if(!$title) { $bdprss_db->recordError($url, "No title in feed for item $errorLink"); // lets see if we can make a half a meaningful title from the link $title = 'No title'; } if(!$link) { $bdprss_db->recordError($url, "No link in feed for item $errorLink"); continue; // a URL link for the item is needed for the database } //Parteibuch Debug if(false && $url=='') { $bdprss_db->recordError($url, "Debug about wrong link for $errorLink"); } $link = mb_substr($link, 0, 250); // keep it short buddy $title = mb_substr($title, 0, 250); // keep it short buddy // get the itemtext if(isset($item['content:encoded'])) $itemtext = $item['content:encoded']; elseif(isset($item['description'])) $itemtext = $item['description']; elseif(isset($item['content'])) $itemtext = $item['content']; elseif(isset($item['summary'])) $itemtext = $item['summary']; else $itemtext = ''; // get the time - this is tricky because many feeds don't provide a timestamp $ticks = 0; $timeType = array('pubDate', 'dc:date', 'created', 'issued', 'published', 'updated', 'modified'); $done = FALSE; foreach($timeType as $t) { if(isset($item[$t])) { $done = TRUE; $ticks = strtotime($item[$t]); if($ticks > 0) break; $ticks = preg_replace("'[- +a-z]*$'si", '', $item[$t]); $ticks = strtotime($ticks); if($ticks > 0) break; $ticks = BDPRSS2::w3cdtf($item[$t]); if($ticks > 0) break; $bdprss_db->recordError($url, 'Exact time of item post not correctly encoded: '. $t.'['.$item[$t]."] $errorLink"); $done = FALSE; } if($ticks < 0) $ticks = 0; } if(!$done) $bdprss_db->recordError($url, "No time-stamp in feed for post item $errorLink"); $rawTicks = $ticks; $gmtadjust_seconds = intval(floatval($row->{$bdprss_db->cgmtadjust}) * 3600); $ticks += $gmtadjust_seconds; // make time adjustments -- including for those feeds without timestamps $windforward = FALSE; $windback = FALSE; $gmt_adjust = 0.0; if($ticks <= 1000000) { if($virgin) $ticks = 0; else $ticks = $now - $counter; } else { if (!$virgin) { // reprogram any necessary GMT adjustments for out of sync time stamps // we can change $ticks here as ... // ... $bdprss_db->update_itemstable() only updates $ticks on inserts // ... it will not affect updates if($ticks > intval($now+300)) { $windback = TRUE; $gmt_adjust = -0.5; } if($ticks < intval($lastupdated-300)) { $windforward = TRUE; $ticks = $now - $counter; $gmt_adjust = 0.5; } } } // one final tweak to prevent forward time if($ticks > $now) $ticks = $now - $counter; // update/insert item information if ($bdprss_db->updateItem($url, $title, $counter, $itemtext, $link, $ticks, $itemsitename, $itemsiteurl, $itemlicense) && !$virgin) { // it was an item insert (and not an update) for an old feedurl // -- let's see if we need to do an automatic adjustmemt to the time! if($windback || $windforward) { $bdprss_db->recordError($url, "Raw time stamp: " . PBALIB::gettheage($rawTicks). $errorLink); $gmt_adjust += floatval($row->{$bdprss_db->cgmtadjust}); if($gmt_adjust > 48.0) $gmt_adjust = 48.0; if($gmt_adjust < -48.0) $gmt_adjust = -48.0; $siteArray['cgmtadjust'] = $gmt_adjust; $bdprss_db->updateTable($bdprss_db->sitetable, $siteArray, 'cidentifier', $row->{$bdprss_db->csitenameoverride}=='Y'); //mem table $bdprss_db->updateTable($bdprss_db->msitetable, $siteArray, 'cidentifier', $row->{$bdprss_db->csitenameoverride}=='Y'); $bdprss_db->recordError($url, "New GMT adjustment: $gmt_adjust hours $errorLink"); } } $counter++; } $bdprss_db->delete_old_items($url); } function w3cdtf($dateString='') { /* w3cdtf() -- modified from parse_w3cdtf() in functions-rss.php in Wordpress! */ //parteibuch: get rid of milliseconds if any $dateString=preg_replace('/\.\d{3}/','',$dateString); // regex to match wc3dtf $pat = "/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2})(:(\d{2}))?(?:([-+])(\d{2}):?(\d{2})|(Z))?/i"; if ( preg_match( $pat, $dateString, $match ) ) { list( $year, $month, $day, $hours, $minutes, $seconds) = array( intval($match[1]), intval($match[2]), intval($match[3]), intval($match[4]), intval($match[5]), intval($match[6])); if ( $match[10] != 'Z' ) { list( $tz_mod, $tz_hour, $tz_min ) = array( $match[8], intval($match[9]), intval($match[10])); // zero out the variables if ( ! $tz_hour ) { $tz_hour = 0; } if ( ! $tz_min ) { $tz_min = 0; } $offset = (($tz_hour*60)+$tz_min)*60; // is timezone ahead of GMT? then subtract offset if ( $tz_mod == '+' ) { $offset *= -1; } } else { $offset = 0; } $secondsSinceEpoch = gmmktime( $hours, $minutes, $seconds, $month, $day, $year) + $offset; } else { $secondsSinceEpoch = -1; // error } return $secondsSinceEpoch; } /* --- core output functions --- */ function remove_link_and_cache_links_from_item($itemtext=''){ //Remove old Cache Link at end of posting $itemtext=preg_replace('/\[[^\]]*>Cache<\/a>\]$/','',$itemtext); //Remove old Link Link at end of posting $itemtext=preg_replace('/\[[^\]]*>Link<\/a>\] ?$/','',$itemtext); return $itemtext; } function packageItemText($string, $wordCount=0, $maxWordLength=50, $processTags=FALSE, $tagSet='') { global $bdp_output; // keep acceptable tags $string = mb_eregi_replace("\<", '<', $string); $string = mb_eregi_replace("\>", '>', $string); if($processTags && $tagSet) { $tagSet = preg_split("','", $tagSet, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach($tagSet as $ts) { // space out tags so they are are easy to identify $string = mb_eregi_replace("<($ts [^>]*)>", " <\\1>", $string); $string = mb_eregi_replace("<($ts)>", " <\\1>", $string); $string = mb_eregi_replace("<(/$ts)>", " <\\1>", $string); } } // delete unrequired tags $string = mb_eregi_replace("<[a-zA-Z]+[^>]*>", '', $string); $string = mb_eregi_replace("]*>", '', $string); // restore required tags $string = mb_eregi_replace("\<", '<', $string); $string = mb_eregi_replace("\>", '>', $string); // count words $words = explode(' ', $string); $outWords = array(); $count = count($words); $inTag = false; $HTMLclosure = array(); $token = false; if(!$wordCount) $wordCount= -1; // backward compatibility so that zero = no limit for($i=0; $i<$count && $wordCount!=0; $i++) { // trim $outWords[$i] = mb_ereg_replace("^\s+", "", $words[$i]); $outWords[$i] = mb_ereg_replace("\s+$", "", $outWords[$i]); if(!$outWords[$i]) continue; if($processTags) { if(mb_ereg('^<', $outWords[$i])) { if($inTag) $bdp_output .= "\n"; $inTag = TRUE; if(mb_ereg('^<([a-zA-Z]+)', $outWords[$i], $matches)) { //open tag $m = mb_strtolower($matches[1]); array_push($HTMLclosure, $m); $token = $m; } if(mb_ereg('^', $outWords[$i])) { // closure $m = $token; $t = array_pop($HTMLclosure); if($t && $t!=$m) array_push($HTMLclosure, $t); } // quotes in tags must be respected $outWords[$i] = mb_eregi_replace('"', '"', $outWords[$i]); $outWords[$i] = mb_eregi_replace(''', "'", $outWords[$i]); if(mb_ereg('>', $outWords[$i])) { $inTag = FALSE; $token = FALSE; } continue; } } $len = mb_strlen($outWords[$i]); if($maxWordLength && $len > $maxWordLength) { $outWords[$i] = mb_substr($outWords[$i], 0, $maxWordLength); $outWords[$i] .= '~'; } $wordCount--; } $ret = implode(' ', $outWords); if($inTag) $ret .= '>'; if(count($words) > count($outWords)) $ret .= ' ...'; if($processTags) { // close open tags while($t = array_pop($HTMLclosure)) $ret .= ""; // tighten up the HTML $ret = mb_eregi_replace(" ()", "\\1", $ret); $ret = mb_eregi_replace("([\(\$\[\{]) (<[a-zA-Z]+[^\>]*>)", "\\1\\2", $ret); $ret = mb_eregi_replace("" (<[a-zA-Z]+[^\>]*>)", ""\\1", $ret); $ret = mb_eregi_replace("" (<[a-zA-Z]+[^\>]*>)", ""\\1", $ret); $ret = mb_eregi_replace("' (<[a-zA-Z]+[^\>]*>)", "'\\1", $ret); $ret = mb_eregi_replace("‘ (<[a-zA-Z]+[^\>]*>)", "‘\\1", $ret); $ret = mb_eregi_replace("‘ (<[a-zA-Z]+[^\>]*>)", "‘\\1", $ret); $ret = mb_eregi_replace("“ (<[a-zA-Z]+[^\>]*>)", "“\\1", $ret); $ret = mb_eregi_replace("“ (<[a-zA-Z]+[^\>]*>)", "“\\1", $ret); $ret = mb_eregi_replace("(<[a-zA-Z]+[^\>]*>) (<[a-zA-Z]+[^\>]*>)", "\\1\\2", $ret); } return ($ret); } function codeQuotes($text) { $text = ereg_replace(''' ,"'", $text); $text = eregi_replace('"' ,'"' , $text); return $text; } // begin old function dummies function print_item_set(&$itemSet, $listInfo, $relative='relative', $short_cache_link=false, $add_social_bookmarks=false, $useitemtitles=false){ echo "Debug: functionality of print_item_set function has been replaced by PBA::outputwrapper"; return false; } function putsiteheader($prehead, $posthead, $siteaddress, $description, $sitename){ echo "Debug: functionality of putsiteheader function has been replaced by PBA::outputwrapper"; return false; } function output($output_id, $overwrite_items_per_site='N', $short_cache_link=false, $outputdate="", $add_social_bookmarks=false, $tickerpage=1, $search="", $useitemtitles=false, $overwrite_listfilter=false){ echo "Debug: functionality of output function has been replaced by PBA::outputwrapper"; return false; } function archiveDate($output_id){ echo "Debug: functionality of archiveDate function has been replaced by PBA::outputwrapper"; return false; } function archiveList($output_id, $query_string_archive=true){ echo "Debug: functionality of archiveList function has been replaced by PBA::outputwrapper"; return false; } function viewCache($listnum=0,$itemnum=0){ echo "Debug: functionality of viewCache function has been replaced by PBA::outputwrapper"; return false; } function rss_print_item_set(&$itemSet, $listInfo, $relative='relative', $short_cache_link=false, $itemdate, $search) { echo "Debug: functionality of rss_print_item_set function has been replaced by PBA::outputwrapper"; return false; } function rss_output($output_id, $short_cache_link=false){ // rss_output() -- just a reference on historic reasons to output() $feeditems=BDPRSS2::output($output_id, 'N', $short_cache_link, "", false, 'feed', "", false); return $feeditems; } function feeds_in_ticker($feedinlist=1,$age=604800){ echo "Debug: functionality of feeds_in_ticker function has been replaced by PBA::outputwrapper"; return false; } function feedlist($output_id=1, $maxage=604800, $list_id=false){ echo "Debug: functionality of feeds_in_ticker function has been replaced by PBA::outputwrapper"; return false; } function process_url_parameter(){ echo "Debug: function process_url_parameter has been removed to class PBALIB in pba_output_library.php"; return false; } // end old function dummies } // class BDPRSS2 } // if( !class_exists('BDPRSS2') ) //here cames the parteibuch aggregator stuff if(!(isset($bdprsssearchdebug) && $bdprsssearchdebug ===true)&& !class_exists('BDPRSS_SEARCH') ) { require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/pba-rsssearch.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/pba_output_function.php'); global $bdprss_db; if($bdprss_db->memtables_were_ok == 0) $result=$bdprss_search->bdprss_create_proc(); } ?>