source: trunk/ 44

Last change on this file since 44 was 44, checked in by luciano, 14 years ago
File size: 90.5 KB
2Class SimpleTagsAdmin {
3 var $version = '';
5 var $info;
6 var $options;
7 var $default_options;
8 var $db_options = 'simpletags';
10 var $admin_base_url = '';
12 // Error management
13 var $message = '';
14 var $status = '';
16 // Generic pagination
17 var $datas;
18 var $found_datas = 0;
19 var $max_num_pages = 0;
20 var $data_per_page = 20;
21 var $actual_page = 1;
23 // Tags for Editor
24 var $all_tags = false;
26 // Tags list (management)
27 var $nb_tags = 50;
29 /**
30 * PHP4 Constructor - Intialize Admin
31 *
32 * @return SimpleTagsAdmin
33 */
34 function SimpleTagsAdmin( $default_options = array(), $version = '', $info = array() ) {
35 // 1. load version number
36 $this->version = $version;
37 unset($version);
39 // 2. Set class property for default options
40 $this->default_options = $default_options;
42 // 3. Get options from WP
43 $options_from_table = get_option( $this->db_options );
45 // 4. Update default options by getting not empty values from options table
46 foreach( (array) $default_options as $default_options_name => $default_options_value ) {
47 if ( !is_null($options_from_table[$default_options_name]) ) {
48 if ( is_int($default_options_value) ) {
49 $default_options[$default_options_name] = (int) $options_from_table[$default_options_name];
50 } else {
51 $default_options[$default_options_name] = $options_from_table[$default_options_name];
52 }
53 }
54 }
56 // 5. Set the class property and unset no used variable
57 $this->options = $default_options;
58 unset($default_options);
59 unset($options_from_table);
60 unset($default_options_value);
62 // 6. Get info data from constructor
63 $this->info = $info;
64 unset($info);
66 // 8. Admin URL and Pagination
67 $this->admin_base_url = $this->info['siteurl'] . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=';
68 if ( isset($_GET['pagination']) ) {
69 $this->actual_page = (int) $_GET['pagination'];
70 }
72 // 9. Admin Capabilities
73 $role = get_role('administrator');
74 if( !$role->has_cap('simple_tags') ) {
75 $role->add_cap('simple_tags');
76 }
78 // 10. Admin menu
79 add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'adminMenu'));
81 // 11. Ajax action and JS Helper
82 add_action('init', array(&$this, 'ajaxCheck'));
84 // 12. ST CSS Helper
85 add_action('admin_head', array(&$this, 'helperCSS'));
87 // 13. Embedded Tags
88 if ( $this->options['use_embed_tags'] == 1 ) {
89 add_action('save_post', array(&$this, 'saveEmbedTags'));
90 add_action('publish_post', array(&$this, 'saveEmbedTags'));
91 add_action('post_syndicated_item', array(&$this, 'saveEmbedTags'));
92 }
94 // 14. Auto tags
95 if ( $this->options['use_auto_tags'] == 1 ) {
96 add_action('save_post', array(&$this, 'saveAutoTags'));
97 add_action('publish_post', array(&$this, 'saveAutoTags'));
98 add_action('post_syndicated_item', array(&$this, 'saveAutoTags'));
99 }
101 // 15. Tags helper for page
102 if ( $this->options['use_tag_pages'] == 1 ) {
103 add_action('edit_page_form', array(&$this, 'helperTagsPage'), 1); // Tag input
105 if ( $this->options['use_autocompletion'] == 1 ) {
106 add_action('dbx_page_advanced', array(&$this, 'helperBCompleteJS'));
107 }
108 if ( $this->options['use_click_tags'] == 1 ) {
109 add_action('edit_page_form', array(&$this, 'helperClickTags'), 1);
110 }
111 if ( $this->options['use_suggested_tags'] == 1 ) {
112 add_action('edit_page_form', array(&$this, 'helperSuggestTags'), 1);
113 }
114 }
116 // 16. Tags helper for post
117 if ( $this->options['use_autocompletion'] == 1 ) {
118 add_action('dbx_post_advanced', array(&$this, 'helperBCompleteJS'));
119 }
120 if ( $this->options['use_click_tags'] == 1 ) {
121 add_action('edit_form_advanced', array(&$this, 'helperClickTags'), 1);
122 }
123 if ( $this->options['use_suggested_tags'] == 1 ) {
124 add_action('edit_form_advanced', array(&$this, 'helperSuggestTags'), 1);
125 }
127 // 17. Helper JS & jQuery & Prototype
128 global $pagenow;
129 $wp_pages = array('post.php', 'post-new.php', 'page.php', 'page-new.php');
130 $st_pages = array('st_manage', 'st_mass_tags', 'st_auto', 'st_mass_terms', 'st_options');
131 if ( in_array($pagenow, $wp_pages) || in_array($_GET['page'], $st_pages) ) {
132 wp_enqueue_script('jquery');
133 wp_enqueue_script('prototype');
134 }
136 // 18. Helper Bcomplete JS
137 if ( $_GET['page'] == 'st_mass_tags' && $this->options['use_autocompletion'] == 1 ) {
138 add_action('admin_head', array(&$this, 'helperMassBCompleteJS'));
139 }
141 return;
142 }
144 /**
145 * Add WP admin menu for Tags
146 *
147 */
148 function adminMenu() {
149 add_management_page( __('Simple Tags: Manage Tags', 'simpletags'), __('Manage Tags', 'simpletags'), 'simple_tags', 'st_manage', array(&$this, 'pageManageTags'));
150 add_management_page( __('Simple Tags: Mass Edit Tags', 'simpletags'), __('Mass Edit Tags', 'simpletags'), 'simple_tags', 'st_mass_tags', array(&$this, 'pageMassEditTags'));
151 add_management_page( __('Simple Tags: Auto Tags', 'simpletags'), __('Auto Tags', 'simpletags'), 'simple_tags', 'st_auto', array(&$this, 'pageAutoTags'));
152 add_options_page( __('Simple Tags: Options', 'simpletags'), __('Simple Tags', 'simpletags'), 'simple_tags', 'st_options', array(&$this, 'pageOptions'));
153 }
155 /**
156 * WP Page - Auto Tags
157 *
158 */
159 function pageAutoTags() {
160 $action = false;
161 if ( isset($_POST['update_auto_list']) ) {
162 // Tags list
163 $tags_list = stripslashes($_POST['auto_list']);
164 $tags = explode(',', $tags_list);
166 // Remove empty and duplicate elements
167 $tags = array_filter($tags, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement'));
168 $tags = array_unique($tags);
170 $this->setOption( 'auto_list', maybe_serialize($tags) );
172 // Active auto tags ?
173 if ( $_POST['use_auto_tags'] == '1' ) {
174 $this->setOption( 'use_auto_tags', '1' );
175 } else {
176 $this->setOption( 'use_auto_tags', '0' );
177 }
179 // All tags ?
180 if ( $_POST['at_all'] == '1' ) {
181 $this->setOption( 'at_all', '1' );
182 } else {
183 $this->setOption( 'at_all', '0' );
184 }
186 // Empty only ?
187 if ( $_POST['at_empty'] == '1' ) {
188 $this->setOption( 'at_empty', '1' );
189 } else {
190 $this->setOption( 'at_empty', '0' );
191 }
193 $this->saveOptions();
194 $this->message = __('Auto tags options updated !', 'simpletags');
195 } elseif ( $_GET['action'] == 'auto_tag' ) {
196 $action = true;
197 $n = ( isset($_GET['n']) ) ? intval($_GET['n']) : 0;
198 }
200 $tags_list = '';
201 $tags = maybe_unserialize($this->options['auto_list']);
202 if ( is_array($tags) ) {
203 $tags_list = implode(', ', $tags);
204 }
206 $this->displayMessage();
207 ?>
208 <div class="wrap st_wrap">
209 <h2><?php _e('Simple Tags: Auto Tags', 'simpletags'); ?></h2>
210 <p><?php _e('Visit the <a href="">plugin\'s homepage</a> for further details. If you find a bug, or have a fantastic idea for this plugin, <a href="">ask me</a> !', 'simpletags'); ?></p>
212 <?php if ( $action === false ) : ?>
214 <h3><?php _e('Auto tags list', 'simpletags'); ?></h3>
215 <p><?php _e('This feature allows Wordpress to look into post content and title for specified tags when saving posts. If your post content or title contains the word "WordPress" and you have "wordpress" in auto tags list, Simple Tags will add automatically "wordpress" as tag for this post.', 'simpletags'); ?></p>
217 <form action="<?php echo $this->admin_base_url.'st_auto'; ?>" method="post">
218 <p><input type="checkbox" id="use_auto_tags" name="use_auto_tags" value="1" <?php echo ( $this->options['use_auto_tags'] == 1 ) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> />
219 <label for="use_auto_tags"><?php _e('Active Auto Tags.', 'simpletags'); ?></label></p>
221 <p><input type="checkbox" id="at_all" name="at_all" value="1" <?php echo ( $this->options['at_all'] == 1 ) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> />
222 <label for="at_all"><?php _e('Use also local tags database with auto tags. (Warning, this option can increases the CPU consumption a lot if you have many tags)', 'simpletags'); ?></label></p>
224 <p><input type="checkbox" id="at_empty" name="at_empty" value="1" <?php echo ( $this->options['at_empty'] == 1 ) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> />
225 <label for="at_empty"><?php _e('Autotag only posts without tags.', 'simpletags'); ?></label></p>
227 <p><label for="auto_list"><?php _e('Keywords list: (separated with a comma)', 'simpletags'); ?></label><br />
228 <input type="text" id="auto_list" class="auto_list" name="auto_list" value="<?php echo $tags_list; ?>" /></p>
230 <?php $this->helperBCompleteJS( 'auto_list', false ); ?>
232 <p class="submit">
233 <input type="submit" name="update_auto_list" value="<?php _e('Update list &raquo;', 'simpletags'); ?>" />
234 </form>
236 <h3><?php _e('Auto tags old content', 'simpletags'); ?></h3>
237 <p><?php _e('Simple Tags can also tag all existing contents of your blog. This feature use auto tags list above-mentioned.', 'simpletags'); ?>
238 <br /><strong><a href="<?php echo $this->admin_base_url.'st_auto'; ?>&amp;action=auto_tag"><?php _e('Auto tags all content', 'simpletags'); ?></a></strong></p>
240 <?php else:
242 // Page or not ?
243 $post_type_sql = ( $this->options['use_tag_pages'] == '1' ) ? "post_type IN('page', 'post')" : "post_type = 'post'";
245 // Get objects
246 global $wpdb;
247 $objects = (array) $wpdb->get_results("SELECT p.ID, p.post_title, p.post_content FROM {$wpdb->posts} p WHERE {$post_type_sql} ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT {$n}, 20");
249 if( !empty($objects) ) {
250 echo '<ul>';
251 foreach( $objects as $object ) {
252 $this->autoTagsPost( $object->ID, $object->post_content, $object->post_title );
254 echo '<li>#'. $object->ID .' '. $object->post_title .'</li>';
255 unset($object);
256 }
257 echo '</ul>';
258 ?>
259 <p><?php _e("If your browser doesn't start loading the next page automatically click this link:", 'simpletags'); ?> <a href="<?php echo $this->admin_base_url.'st_auto'; ?>&amp;action=auto_tag&amp;n=<?php echo ($n + 20) ?>"><?php _e('Next content', 'simpletags'); ?></a></p>
260 <script type="text/javascript">
261 // <![CDATA[
262 function nextPage() {
263 location.href = '<?php echo $this->admin_base_url.'st_auto'; ?>&action=auto_tag&n=<?php echo ($n + 20) ?>';
264 }
265 window.setTimeout( 'nextPage()', 300 );
266 // ]]>
267 </script>
268 <?php
269 } else {
270 wp_cache_flush();
271 echo '<p><strong>'.__('All done!', 'simpletags').'</strong></p>';
272 }
274 endif;
275 $this->printAdminFooter(); ?>
276 </div>
277 <?php
278 }
280 /**
281 * WP Page - Tags options
282 *
283 */
284 function pageOptions() {
285 $option_data = array(
286 'general' => array(
287 array('inc_page_tag_search', __('Include page in tag search:', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1',
288 __('This feature need that option "Add page in tags management" is enabled.', 'simpletags')),
289 array('allow_embed_tcloud', __('Allow tag cloud in post/page content:', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1',
290 __('Enabling this will allow Wordpress to look for tag cloud marker <code>&lt;!--st_tag_cloud--&gt;</code> when displaying posts. WP replace this marker by a tag cloud.', 'simpletags')),
291 array('auto_link_tags', __('Active auto link tags into post content:', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1',
292 __('Example: You have a tag called "WordPress" and your post content contains "wordpress", this feature will replace "wordpress" by a link to "wordpress" tags page. (', 'simpletags')),
293 array('auto_link_min', __('Min usage for auto link tags:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 10,
294 __('This parameter allows to fix a minimal value of use of tags. Default: 1.', 'simpletags')),
295 array('auto_link_case', __('Ignore case for auto link feature ?', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1',
296 __('Example: If you ignore case, auto link feature will replace the word "wordpress" by the tag link "WordPress".', 'simpletags')),
297 array('no_follow', __('Add the rel="nofollow" on each tags link ?', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1',
298 __("Nofollow is a non-standard HTML attribute value used to instruct search engines that a hyperlink should not influence the link target's ranking in the search engine's index.",'simpletags'))
299 ),
300 'administration' => array(
301 array('use_tag_pages', __('Add page in tags management:', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1',
302 __('Add a tag input (and tag posts features) in page edition', 'simpletags')),
303 array('use_click_tags', __('Activate click tags feature:', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1',
304 __('This feature add a link allowing you to display all the tags of your database. Once displayed, you can click over to add tags to post.', 'simpletags')),
305 array('use_autocompletion', __('Activate autocompletion feature:', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1',
306 __('This feature displays a visual help allowing to enter tags more easily.', 'simpletags')),
307 array('use_suggested_tags', __('Activate suggested tags feature: (Yahoo! Term Extraction API, Tag The Net, Local DB)', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1',
308 __('This feature add a box allowing you get suggested tags, by comparing post content and various sources of tags. (external and internal)', 'simpletags'))
309 ),
310 'metakeywords' => array(
311 array('meta_autoheader', __('Automatically include in header:', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1',
312 __('Includes the meta keywords tag automatically in your header (most, but not all, themes support this). These keywords are sometimes used by search engines.<br /><strong>Warning:</strong> If the plugin "All in One SEO Pack" is installed and enabled. This feature is disabled.', 'simpletags')),
313 array('meta_always_include', __('Always add these keywords:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80),
314 array('meta_keywords_qty', __('Max keywords display:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 10,
315 __('You must set zero (0) for display all keywords in HTML header.', 'simpletags')),
316 ),
317 'embeddedtags' => array(
318 array('use_embed_tags', __('Use embedded tags:', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1',
319 __('Enabling this will allow Wordpress to look for embedded tags when saving and displaying posts. Such set of tags is marked <code>[tags]like this, and this[/tags]</code>, and is added to the post when the post is saved, but does not display on the post.', 'simpletags')),
320 array('start_embed_tags', __('Prefix for embedded tags:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 40),
321 array('end_embed_tags', __('Suffix for embedded tags:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 40)
322 ),
323 'tagspost' => array(
324 array('tt_feed', __('Automatically display tags list into feeds', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1'),
325 array('tt_embedded', __('Automatically display tags list into post content:', 'simpletags'), 'dropdown', 'no/all/blogonly/feedonly/homeonly/singularonly/pageonly/singleonly',
326 '<ul>
327 <li>'.__('<code>no</code> &ndash; Nowhere (default)', 'simpletags').'</li>
328 <li>'.__('<code>all</code> &ndash; On your blog and feeds.', 'simpletags').'</li>
329 <li>'.__('<code>blogonly</code> &ndash; Only on your blog.', 'simpletags').'</li>
330 <li>'.__('<code>homeonly</code> &ndash; Only on your home page.', 'simpletags').'</li>
331 <li>'.__('<code>singularonly</code> &ndash; Only on your singular view (single & page).', 'simpletags').'</li>
332 <li>'.__('<code>singleonly</code> &ndash; Only on your single view.', 'simpletags').'</li>
333 <li>'.__('<code>pageonly</code> &ndash; Only on your page view.', 'simpletags').'</li>
334 </ul>'),
335 array('tt_separator', __('Post tag separator string:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 10),
336 array('tt_before', __('Text to display before tags list:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 40),
337 array('tt_after', __('Text to display after tags list:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 40),
338 array('tt_number', __('Max tags display:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 10,
339 __('You must set zero (0) for display all tags.', 'simpletags')),
340 array('tt_inc_cats', __('Include categories in result ?', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1'),
341 array('tt_xformat', __('Tag link format:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80,
342 __('You can find markers and explanations <a href="">in the online documentation.</a>', 'simpletags')),
343 array('tt_notagstext', __('Text to display if no tags found:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80),
344 array('tt_adv_usage', __('<strong>Advanced usage</strong>:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80,
345 __('You can use the same syntax as <code>st_the_tags()</code> function to customize display. See <a href="">documentation</a> for more details.', 'simpletags'))
346 ),
347 'relatedposts' => array(
348 array('rp_feed', __('Automatically display related posts into feeds', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1'),
349 array('rp_embedded', __('Automatically display related posts into post content', 'simpletags'), 'dropdown', 'no/all/blogonly/feedonly/homeonly/singularonly/pageonly/singleonly',
350 '<ul>
351 <li>'.__('<code>no</code> &ndash; Nowhere (default)', 'simpletags').'</li>
352 <li>'.__('<code>all</code> &ndash; On your blog and feeds.', 'simpletags').'</li>
353 <li>'.__('<code>blogonly</code> &ndash; Only on your blog.', 'simpletags').'</li>
354 <li>'.__('<code>homeonly</code> &ndash; Only on your home page.', 'simpletags').'</li>
355 <li>'.__('<code>singularonly</code> &ndash; Only on your singular view (single & page).', 'simpletags').'</li>
356 <li>'.__('<code>singleonly</code> &ndash; Only on your single view.', 'simpletags').'</li>
357 <li>'.__('<code>pageonly</code> &ndash; Only on your page view.', 'simpletags').'</li>
358 </ul>'),
359 array('rp_order', __('Related Posts Order:', 'simpletags'), 'dropdown', 'count-asc/count-desc/date-asc/date-desc/name-asc/name-desc/random',
360 '<ul>
361 <li>'.__('<code>date-asc</code> &ndash; Older Entries.', 'simpletags').'</li>
362 <li>'.__('<code>date-desc</code> &ndash; Newer Entries.', 'simpletags').'</li>
363 <li>'.__('<code>count-asc</code> &ndash; Least common tags between posts', 'simpletags').'</li>
364 <li>'.__('<code>count-desc</code> &ndash; Most common tags between posts (default)', 'simpletags').'</li>
365 <li>'.__('<code>name-asc</code> &ndash; Alphabetical.', 'simpletags').'</li>
366 <li>'.__('<code>name-desc</code> &ndash; Inverse Alphabetical.', 'simpletags').'</li>
367 <li>'.__('<code>random</code> &ndash; Random.', 'simpletags').'</li>
368 </ul>'),
369 array('rp_xformat', __('Post link format:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80,
370 __('You can find markers and explanations <a href="">in the online documentation.</a>', 'simpletags')),
371 array('rp_limit_qty', __('Maximum number of related posts to display: (default: 5)', 'simpletags'), 'text', 10),
372 array('rp_notagstext', __('Enter the text to show when there is no related post:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80),
373 array('rp_title', __('Enter the positioned title before the list, leave blank for no title:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80),
374 array('rp_adv_usage', __('<strong>Advanced usage</strong>:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80,
375 __('You can use the same syntax as <code>st_related_posts()</code>function to customize display. See <a href="">documentation</a> for more details.', 'simpletags'))
376 ),
377 'relatedtags' => array(
378 array('rt_number', __('Maximum number of related tags to display: (default: 5)', 'simpletags'), 'text', 10),
379 array('rt_order', __('Order related tags:', 'simpletags'), 'dropdown', 'count-asc/count-desc/name-asc/name-desc/random',
380 '<ul>
381 <li>'.__('<code>count-asc</code> &ndash; Least used.', 'simpletags').'</li>
382 <li>'.__('<code>count-desc</code> &ndash; Most popular. (default)', 'simpletags').'</li>
383 <li>'.__('<code>name-asc</code> &ndash; Alphabetical.', 'simpletags').'</li>
384 <li>'.__('<code>name-desc</code> &ndash; Inverse Alphabetical.', 'simpletags').'</li>
385 <li>'.__('<code>random</code> &ndash; Random.', 'simpletags').'</li>
386 </ul>'),
387 array('rt_format', __('Related tags type format:', 'simpletags'), 'dropdown', 'list/flat',
388 '<ul>
389 <li>'.__('<code>list</code> &ndash; Display a formatted list (ul/li).', 'simpletags').'</li>
390 <li>'.__('<code>flat</code> &ndash; Display inline (no list, just a div)', 'simpletags').'</li>
391 </ul>'),
392 array('rt_method', __('Method of tags intersections and unions used to build related tags link:', 'simpletags'), 'dropdown', 'OR/AND',
393 '<ul>
394 <li>'.__('<code>OR</code> &ndash; Fetches posts with either the "Tag1" <strong>or</strong> the "Tag2" tag. (default)', 'simpletags').'</li>
395 <li>'.__('<code>AND</code> &ndash; Fetches posts with both the "Tag1" <strong>and</strong> the "Tag2" tag.', 'simpletags').'</li>
396 </ul>'),
397 array('rt_xformat', __('Related tags link format:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80,
398 __('You can find markers and explanations <a href="">in the online documentation.</a>', 'simpletags')),
399 array('rt_separator', __('Related tags separator:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 10,
400 __('Leave empty for list format.', 'simpletags')),
401 array('rt_notagstext', __('Enter the text to show when there is no related tags:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80),
402 array('rt_title', __('Enter the positioned title before the list, leave blank for no title:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80),
403 array('rt_adv_usage', __('<strong>Advanced usage</strong>:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80,
404 __('You can use the same syntax as <code>st_related_tags()</code>function to customize display. See <a href="">documentation</a> for more details.', 'simpletags')),
405 // Remove related tags
406 array('text_helper', 'text_helper', 'helper', '', '<hr /><h2>'.__('Remove related Tags', 'simpletags').'</h2>'),
407 array('rt_format', __('Remove related Tags type format:', 'simpletags'), 'dropdown', 'list/flat',
408 '<ul>
409 <li>'.__('<code>list</code> &ndash; Display a formatted list (ul/li).', 'simpletags').'</li>
410 <li>'.__('<code>flat</code> &ndash; Display inline (no list, just a div)', 'simpletags').'</li>
411 </ul>'),
412 array('rt_remove_separator', __('Remove related tags separator:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 10,
413 __('Leave empty for list format.', 'simpletags')),
414 array('rt_remove_notagstext', __('Enter the text to show when there is no remove related tags:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80),
415 array('rt_remove_xformat', __('Remove related tags link format:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80,
416 __('You can find markers and explanations <a href="">in the online documentation.</a>', 'simpletags')),
417 ),
418 'tagcloud' => array(
419 array('text_helper', 'text_helper', 'helper', '', __('Which difference between <strong>&#8216;Order tags selection&#8217;</strong> and <strong>&#8216;Order tags display&#8217;</strong> ?<br />', 'simpletags')
420 . '<ul style="list-style:square;">
421 <li>'.__('<strong>&#8216;Order tags selection&#8217;</strong> is the first step during tag\'s cloud generation, corresponding to collect tags.', 'simpletags').'</li>
422 <li>'.__('<strong>&#8216;Order tags display&#8217;</strong> is the second. Once tags choosen, you can reorder them before display.', 'simpletags').'</li>
423 </ul>'.
424 __('<strong>Example:</strong> You want display randomly the 100 tags most popular.<br />', 'simpletags').
425 __('You must set &#8216;Order tags selection&#8217; to <strong>count-desc</strong> for retrieve the 100 tags most popular and &#8216;Order tags display&#8217; to <strong>random</strong> for randomize cloud.', 'simpletags')),
426 array('cloud_selection', __('Order tags selection:', 'simpletags'), 'dropdown', 'count-asc/count-desc/name-asc/name-desc/random',
427 '<ul>
428 <li>'.__('<code>count-asc</code> &ndash; Least used.', 'simpletags').'</li>
429 <li>'.__('<code>count-desc</code> &ndash; Most popular. (default)', 'simpletags').'</li>
430 <li>'.__('<code>name-asc</code> &ndash; Alphabetical.', 'simpletags').'</li>
431 <li>'.__('<code>name-desc</code> &ndash; Inverse Alphabetical.', 'simpletags').'</li>
432 <li>'.__('<code>random</code> &ndash; Random.', 'simpletags').'</li>
433 </ul>'),
434 array('cloud_sort', __('Order tags display:', 'simpletags'), 'dropdown', 'count-asc/count-desc/name-asc/name-desc/random',
435 '<ul>
436 <li>'.__('<code>count-asc</code> &ndash; Least used.', 'simpletags').'</li>
437 <li>'.__('<code>count-desc</code> &ndash; Most popular.', 'simpletags').'</li>
438 <li>'.__('<code>name-asc</code> &ndash; Alphabetical.', 'simpletags').'</li>
439 <li>'.__('<code>name-desc</code> &ndash; Inverse Alphabetical.', 'simpletags').'</li>
440 <li>'.__('<code>random</code> &ndash; Random. (default)', 'simpletags').'</li>
441 </ul>'),
442 array('cloud_inc_cats', __('Include categories in tag cloud ?', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1'),
443 array('cloud_format', __('Tags cloud type format:', 'simpletags'), 'dropdown', 'list/flat',
444 '<ul>
445 <li>'.__('<code>list</code> &ndash; Display a formatted list (ul/li).', 'simpletags').'</li>
446 <li>'.__('<code>flat</code> &ndash; Display inline (no list, just a div)', 'simpletags').'</li>
447 </ul>'),
448 array('cloud_xformat', __('Tag link format:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80,
449 __('You can find markers and explanations <a href="">in the online documentation.</a>', 'simpletags')),
450 array('cloud_limit_qty', __('Maximum number of tags to display: (default: 45)', 'simpletags'), 'text', 10),
451 array('cloud_notagstext', __('Enter the text to show when there is no tag:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80),
452 array('cloud_title', __('Enter the positioned title before the list, leave blank for no title:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80),
453 array('cloud_max_color', __('Most popular color:', 'simpletags'), 'text-color', 10,
454 __("The colours are hexadecimal colours, and need to have the full six digits (#eee is the shorthand version of #eeeeee).", 'simpletags')),
455 array('cloud_min_color', __('Least popular color:', 'simpletags'), 'text-color', 10),
456 array('cloud_max_size', __('Most popular font size:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 10,
457 __("The two font sizes are the size of the largest and smallest tags.", 'simpletags')),
458 array('cloud_min_size', __('Least popular font size:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 10),
459 array('cloud_unit', __('The units to display the font sizes with, on tag clouds:', 'simpletags'), 'dropdown', 'pt/px/em/%',
460 __("The font size units option determines the units that the two font sizes use.", 'simpletags')),
461 array('cloud_adv_usage', __('<strong>Advanced usage</strong>:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80,
462 __('You can use the same syntax as <code>st_tag_cloud()</code> function to customize display. See <a href="">documentation</a> for more details.', 'simpletags'))
463 ),
464 );
466 // Update or reset options
467 if ( isset($_POST['updateoptions']) ) {
468 foreach((array) $this->options as $key => $value) {
469 $newval = ( isset($_POST[$key]) ) ? stripslashes($_POST[$key]) : '0';
470 $skipped_options = array('use_auto_tags', 'auto_list');
471 if ( $newval != $value && !in_array($key, $skipped_options) ) {
472 $this->setOption( $key, $newval );
473 }
474 }
475 $this->saveOptions();
476 $this->message = __('Options saved', 'simpletags');
477 $this->status = 'updated';
478 } elseif ( isset($_POST['reset_options']) ) {
479 $this->resetToDefaultOptions();
480 $this->message = __('Simple Tags options resetted to default options!', 'simpletags');
481 }
483 // Delete all options ?
484 if ( $_POST['delete_all_options'] == 'true' ) {
485 $this->deleteAllOptions();
486 $this->message = sprintf( __('All Simple Tags options are deleted ! You <a href="%s">deactive plugin</a> now !', 'simpletags'), $this->info['siteurl']. '/wp-admin/plugins.php');
487 }
489 $this->displayMessage();
490 ?>
491 <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $this->info['install_url'] ?>/inc/tabs/jquery.tabs.pack.js?ver=<?php echo $this->version; ?>"></script>
492 <script type="text/javascript">
493 jQuery(document).ready( function() {
494 jQuery('#printOptions').tabs({fxSlide: true});
496 jQuery('input#cloud_max_color')
497 .ready(function(){cloudMaxColor()})
498 .click(function(){cloudMaxColor()})
499 .blur(function(){cloudMaxColor()})
500 .change(function(){cloudMaxColor()})
501 .focus(function(){cloudMaxColor()});
502 function cloudMaxColor() {
503 jQuery('div.cloud_max_color').css({
504 backgroundColor: jQuery('input#cloud_max_color').val()
505 });
506 }
508 jQuery('input#cloud_min_color')
509 .ready(function(){cloudMinColor()})
510 .click(function(){cloudMinColor()})
511 .blur(function(){cloudMinColor()})
512 .change(function(){cloudMinColor()})
513 .focus(function(){cloudMinColor()});
514 function cloudMinColor() {
515 jQuery('div.cloud_min_color').css({
516 backgroundColor: jQuery('input#cloud_min_color').val()
517 });
518 }
519 });
520 </script>
521 <div class="wrap st_wrap">
522 <h2><?php _e('Simple Tags: Options', 'simpletags'); ?></h2>
523 <p><?php _e('Visit the <a href="">plugin\'s homepage</a> for further details. If you find a bug, or have a fantastic idea for this plugin, <a href="">ask me</a> !', 'simpletags'); ?></p>
524 <form action="<?php echo $this->admin_base_url.'st_options'; ?>" method="post">
525 <p class="submit">
526 <input type="submit" name="updateoptions" value="<?php _e('Update Options &raquo;', 'simpletags'); ?>" />
527 <input type="submit" name="reset_options" onclick="return confirm('<?php _e('Do you really want to restore the default options?', 'simpletags'); ?>');" value="<?php _e('Reset Options', 'simpletags'); ?>" /></p>
529 <div id="printOptions">
530 <ul class="st_submenu">
531 <?php foreach ( $option_data as $key => $val ) {
532 echo '<li><a href="#'. sanitize_title ( $key ) .'">'.$this->getNiceTitleOptions($key).'</a></li>';
533 } ?>
534 <li><a href="#uninstallation"><?php _e('Uninstallation', 'simpletags'); ?></a></li>
535 </ul>
537 <?php echo $this->printOptions( $option_data ); ?>
539 <div id="uninstallation" style="padding:0 30px;">
540 <p><?php _e('Generally, deactivating this plugin does not erase any of its data, if you like to quit using Simple Tags for good, please erase <strong>all</strong> options before deactivating the plugin.', 'simpletags'); ?></p>
541 <p><?php _e('This erases all Simple Tags options. <strong>This is irrevocable! Be careful.</strong>', 'simpletags'); ?></p>
542 <p>
543 <input type="checkbox" value="true" name="delete_all_options" id="delete_all_options" />
544 <label for="delete_all_options"><?php _e('Delete all options ?', 'simpletags'); ?></label></p>
546 </div>
547 </div>
549 <p class="submit">
550 <input type="submit" name="updateoptions" value="<?php _e('Update Options &raquo;', 'simpletags'); ?>" />
551 <input type="submit" name="reset_options" onclick="return confirm('<?php _e('Do you really want to restore the default options?', 'simpletags'); ?>');" value="<?php _e('Reset Options', 'simpletags'); ?>" /></p>
552 </form>
553 <?php $this->printAdminFooter(); ?>
554 </div>
556 <?php
557 }
559 /**
560 * WP Page - Manage tags
561 *
562 */
563 function pageManageTags() {
564 // Control Post data
565 if ( isset($_POST['tag_action']) ) {
566 // Origination and intention
567 if ( !wp_verify_nonce($_POST['tag_nonce'], 'simpletags_admin') ) {
568 $this->message = __('Security problem. Try again. If this problem persist, contact <a href="">plugin author</a>.', 'simpletags');
569 $this->status = 'error';
570 }
571 elseif ( $_POST['tag_action'] == 'renametag' ) {
572 $oldtag = (isset($_POST['renametag_old'])) ? $_POST['renametag_old'] : '';
573 $newtag = (isset($_POST['renametag_new'])) ? $_POST['renametag_new'] : '';
574 $this->renameTags( $oldtag, $newtag );
575 }
576 elseif ( $_POST['tag_action'] == 'deletetag' ) {
577 $todelete = (isset($_POST['deletetag_name'])) ? $_POST['deletetag_name'] : '';
578 $this->deleteTagsByTagList( $todelete );
579 }
580 elseif ( $_POST['tag_action'] == 'addtag' ) {
581 $matchtag = (isset($_POST['addtag_match'])) ? $_POST['addtag_match'] : '';
582 $newtag = (isset($_POST['addtag_new'])) ? $_POST['addtag_new'] : '';
583 $this->addMatchTags( $matchtag, $newtag );
584 }
585 elseif ( $_POST['tag_action'] == 'editslug' ) {
586 $matchtag = (isset($_POST['tagname_match'])) ? $_POST['tagname_match'] : '';
587 $newslug = (isset($_POST['tagslug_new'])) ? $_POST['tagslug_new'] : '';
588 $this->editTagSlug( $matchtag, $newslug );
589 } elseif ( $_POST['tag_action'] == 'cleandb' ) {
590 $this->cleanDatabase();
591 }
592 }
594 // Manage URL
595 $sort_order = ( isset($_GET['tag_sortorder']) ) ? attribute_escape(stripslashes($_GET['tag_sortorder'])) : 'desc';
596 $search_url = ( isset($_GET['search']) ) ? '&amp;search=' . stripslashes($_GET['search']) : '';
597 $action_url = $this->admin_base_url . attribute_escape(stripslashes($_GET['page'])) . '&amp;tag_sortorder=' . $sort_order. $search_url;
599 // TagsFilters
600 $order_array = array(
601 'desc' => __('Most popular', 'simpletags'),
602 'asc' => __('Least used', 'simpletags'),
603 'natural' => __('Alphabetical', 'simpletags'));
605 // Build Tags Param
606 switch ($sort_order) {
607 case 'natural' :
608 $param = 'number='.$this->nb_tags.'&hide_empty=false&cloud_selection=name-asc';
609 break;
610 case 'asc' :
611 $param = 'number='.$this->nb_tags.'&hide_empty=false&cloud_selection=count-asc';
612 break;
613 default :
614 $param = 'number='.$this->nb_tags.'&hide_empty=false&cloud_selection=count-desc';
615 break;
616 }
619 // Search
620 if ( !empty($_GET['search']) ) {
621 $search = stripslashes($_GET['search']);
622 $param = str_replace('number='.$this->nb_tags, 'number=200&st_name_like='.$search, $param );
623 }
625 $this->displayMessage();
626 ?>
627 <div class="wrap st_wrap">
628 <h2><?php _e('Simple Tags: Manage Tags', 'simpletags'); ?></h2>
629 <p><?php _e('Visit the <a href="">plugin\'s homepage</a> for further details. If you find a bug, or have a fantastic idea for this plugin, <a href="">ask me</a> !', 'simpletags'); ?></p>
630 <table>
631 <tr>
632 <td class="list_tags">
633 <fieldset class="options" id="taglist">
634 <legend><?php _e('Existing Tags', 'simpletags'); ?></legend>
636 <form method="get">
637 <p>
638 <label for="search"><?php _e('Search tags', 'simpletags'); ?></label><br />
639 <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php echo attribute_escape(stripslashes($_GET['page'])); ?>" />
640 <input type="hidden" name="tag_sortorder" value="<?php echo $sort_order; ?>" />
641 <input type="text" name="search" id="search" size="10" value="<?php echo stripslashes($_GET['search']); ?>" />
642 <input class="button" type="submit" value="<?php _e('Go', 'simpletags'); ?>" /></p>
643 </form>
645 <div><?php _e('Sort Order:', 'simpletags'); ?></div>
646 <p style="margin:0 0 10px 10px; padding:0;">
647 <?php
648 foreach( $order_array as $sort => $title ) {
649 echo ($sort == $sort_order) ? '<span style="color: red;">'.$title.'</span><br />' : '<a href="'.$this->admin_base_url.attribute_escape(stripslashes($_GET['page'])).'&amp;tag_sortorder='.$sort.$search_url.'">'.$title.'</a><br/>';
650 }
651 ?>
652 </p>
654 <div id="ajax_area_tagslist">
655 <ul>
656 <?php
657 global $simple_tags;
658 $tags = (array) $simple_tags->getTags($param, true);
659 foreach( $tags as $tag ) {
660 echo '<li><strong>'.$tag->term_id.'.</strong> <span>'.$tag->name.'</span>&nbsp;<a href="'.(get_tag_link( $tag->term_id )).'" title="'.sprintf(__('View all posts tagged with %s', 'simpletags'), $tag->name).'">('.$tag->count.')</a></li>'."\n";
661 }
662 unset($tags);
663 ?>
664 </ul>
666 <?php
667 $total = wp_count_terms('post_tag');
668 if ( empty($_GET['search']) && ($total > $this->nb_tags ) ) :
669 ?>
670 <div class="navigation">
671 <a href="<?php echo get_option('siteurl'). '/wp-admin/admin.php?st_ajax_action=get_tags&amp;pagination=1'. ( (isset($_GET['tag_sortorder'])) ? '&amp;order='.$sort_order : '' ); ?>"><?php _e('Previous tags', 'simpletags'); ?></a> | <?php _e('Next tags', 'simpletags'); ?>
672 </div>
673 <?php endif; ?>
674 </div>
675 </fieldset>
676 </td>
677 <td style="vertical-align: top;">
679 <fieldset class="options"><legend><?php _e('Rename Tag', 'simpletags'); ?></legend>
680 <p><?php _e('Enter the tag to rename and its new value. You can use this feature to merge tags too. Click "Rename" and all posts which use this tag will be updated.', 'simpletags'); ?></p>
681 <p><?php _e('You can specify multiple tags to rename by separating them with commas.', 'simpletags'); ?></p>
682 <form action="<?php echo $action_url; ?>" method="post">
683 <input type="hidden" name="tag_action" value="renametag" />
684 <input type="hidden" name="tag_nonce" value="<?php echo wp_create_nonce('simpletags_admin'); ?>" />
685 <table>
686 <tr><th><label><?php _e('Tag(s) to rename:', 'simpletags'); ?></label></th><td> <input type="text" id="renametag_old" name="renametag_old" value="" size="40" /> </td></tr>
687 <tr><th><label><?php _e('New tag name(s):', 'simpletags'); ?></label></th><td> <input type="text" id="renametag_new" name="renametag_new" value="" size="40" /> </td></tr>
688 <tr><th></th><td> <input class="button" type="submit" name="rename" value="<?php _e('Rename', 'simpletags'); ?>" /> </td></tr>
689 </table>
690 </form>
691 </fieldset>
693 <fieldset class="options"><legend><?php _e('Delete Tag', 'simpletags'); ?></legend>
694 <p><?php _e('Enter the name of the tag to delete. This tag will be removed from all posts.', 'simpletags'); ?></p>
695 <p><?php _e('You can specify multiple tags to delete by separating them with commas', 'simpletags'); ?>.</p>
696 <form action="<?php echo $action_url; ?>" method="post">
697 <input type="hidden" name="tag_action" value="deletetag" />
698 <input type="hidden" name="tag_nonce" value="<?php echo wp_create_nonce('simpletags_admin'); ?>" />
699 <table>
700 <tr><th><label><?php _e('Tag(s) to delete:', 'simpletags'); ?></label></th><td> <input type="text" id="deletetag_name" name="deletetag_name" value="" size="40" /> </td></tr>
701 <tr><th></th><td> <input class="button" type="submit" name="delete" value="<?php _e('Delete', 'simpletags'); ?>" /> </td></tr>
702 </table>
703 </form>
704 </fieldset>
706 <fieldset class="options"><legend><?php _e('Add Tag', 'simpletags'); ?></legend>
707 <p><?php _e('This feature lets you add one or more new tags to all posts which match any of the tags given.', 'simpletags'); ?></p>
708 <p><?php _e('You can specify multiple tags to add by separating them with commas. If you want the tag(s) to be added to all posts, then don\'t specify any tags to match.', 'simpletags'); ?></p>
709 <form action="<?php echo $action_url; ?>" method="post">
710 <input type="hidden" name="tag_action" value="addtag" />
711 <input type="hidden" name="tag_nonce" value="<?php echo wp_create_nonce('simpletags_admin'); ?>" />
712 <table>
713 <tr><th><label><?php _e('Tag(s) to match:', 'simpletags'); ?></label></th><td> <input type="text" id="addtag_match" name="addtag_match" value="" size="40" /> </td></tr>
714 <tr><th><label><?php _e('Tag(s) to add:', 'simpletags'); ?></label></th><td> <input type="text" id="addtag_new" name="addtag_new" value="" size="40" /> </td></tr>
715 <tr><th></th><td> <input class="button" type="submit" name="Add" value="<?php _e('Add', 'simpletags'); ?>" /> </td></tr>
716 </table>
717 </form>
718 </fieldset>
720 <fieldset class="options"><legend><?php _e('Edit Tag Slug', 'simpletags'); ?></legend>
721 <p><?php _e('Enter the tag name to edit and its new slug. <a href="">Slug definition</a>', 'simpletags'); ?></p>
722 <p><?php _e('You can specify multiple tags to rename by separating them with commas.', 'simpletags'); ?></p>
723 <form action="<?php echo $action_url; ?>" method="post">
724 <input type="hidden" name="tag_action" value="editslug" />
725 <input type="hidden" name="tag_nonce" value="<?php echo wp_create_nonce('simpletags_admin'); ?>" />
726 <table>
727 <tr>
728 <th><label><?php _e('Tag(s) to match:', 'simpletags'); ?></label></th>
729 <td><input type="text" id="tagname_match" name="tagname_match" value="" size="40" /></td>
730 </tr>
731 <tr>
732 <th><label><?php _e('Slug(s) to set:', 'simpletags'); ?></label></th>
733 <td><input type="text" id="tagslug_new" name="tagslug_new" value="" size="40" /></td>
734 </tr>
735 <tr>
736 <th></th>
737 <td><input class="button" type="submit" name="edit" value="<?php _e('Edit', 'simpletags'); ?>" /></td>
738 </tr>
739 </table>
740 </form>
741 </fieldset>
743 <fieldset class="options"><legend><?php _e('Remove empty terms', 'simpletags'); ?></legend>
744 <p><?php _e('WordPress 2.3 have a small bug and can create empty terms. Remove it !', 'simpletags'); ?></p>
745 <form action="<?php echo $action_url; ?>" method="post">
746 <input type="hidden" name="tag_action" value="cleandb" />
747 <input type="hidden" name="tag_nonce" value="<?php echo wp_create_nonce('simpletags_admin'); ?>" />
748 <p><input class="button" type="submit" name="clean" value="<?php _e('Clean !', 'simpletags'); ?>" /></p>
749 </form>
750 </fieldset>
751 </td>
752 </tr>
753 </table>
754 <script type="text/javascript">
755 // <![CDATA[
756 // Register onclick event
757 function registerClick() {
758 jQuery('#taglist ul li span').bind("click", function(){
759 addTag(this.innerHTML, "renametag_old");
760 addTag(this.innerHTML, "deletetag_name");
761 addTag(this.innerHTML, "addtag_match");
762 addTag(this.innerHTML, "tagname_match");
763 });
764 }
765 // Register ajax nav and reload event once ajax data loaded
766 function registerAjaxNav() {
767 jQuery(".navigation a").click(function() {
768 jQuery("#ajax_area_tagslist").load(this.href, function(){
769 registerClick();
770 registerAjaxNav();
771 });
772 return false;
773 });
774 }
775 // Register initial event
776 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
777 registerClick();
778 registerAjaxNav();
779 });
780 // Add tag into input
781 function addTag( tag, name_element ) {
782 var input_element = document.getElementById( name_element );
784 if ( input_element.value.length > 0 && !input_element.value.match(/,\s*$/) )
785 input_element.value += ", ";
787 var re = new RegExp(tag + ",");
788 if ( !input_element.value.match(re) )
789 input_element.value += tag + ", ";
791 return true;
792 }
793 // ]]>
794 </script>
795 <?php $this->printAdminFooter(); ?>
796 </div>
797 <?php
798 }
800 /**
801 * WP Page - Mass edit tags
802 *
803 */
804 function pageMassEditTags() {
805 // Search
806 $search = stripslashes($_GET['s']);
808 // Quantity
809 $quantity = (int) stripslashes($_GET['quantity']);
810 if ( $quantity < 10 || $quantity > 200 ) {
811 $quantity = 20;
812 }
814 // Author
815 $author = ( empty($_GET['author']) ) ? (int) $_GET['author'] : 0;
817 // Type (future add link)
818 $type = attribute_escape($_GET['type']);
819 if ( $type != 'post' && $type != 'page' ) {
820 $type = 'post';
821 }
823 // Order content
824 $order = ( empty($_GET['order']) ) ? 'date_desc' : attribute_escape(stripslashes($_GET['order']));
826 // Filter
827 $filter = ( $_GET['filter'] == 'untagged' ) ? 'untagged' : 'all';
829 // Check and update tags
830 $this->checkFormMassEdit( $type );
832 // Action Post URL
833 $page = '';
834 if ( $this->actual_page != 1 ) {
835 $page = '&amp;pagination='.$this->actual_page;
836 }
837 $action_url = $this->admin_base_url.'st_mass_tags&amp;s='.$search.'&amp;quantity='.$quantity.'&amp;author='.$author.'&amp;type='.$type.'&amp;filter='.$filter.'&amp;order='.$order.$page;
838 $objects = $this->getObjects( $type, $quantity, $author, $order, $filter, $search );
840 $this->displayMessage();
841 ?>
842 <div class="wrap st_wrap">
843 <h2><?php _e('Simple Tags: Mass Edit Tags', 'simpletags'); ?></h2>
844 <p><?php _e('Visit the <a href="">plugin\'s homepage</a> for further details. If you find a bug, or have a fantastic idea for this plugin, <a href="">ask me</a> !', 'simpletags'); ?></p>
846 <form action="<?php echo $this->admin_base_url; ?>" id="searchform" method="get">
847 <input type="hidden" name="page" value="st_mass_tags" />
849 <fieldset><legend><?php _e('Search terms&hellip;', 'simpletags'); ?></legend>
850 <input type="text" name="s" id="s" value="<?php echo $search; ?>" size="12" />
851 </fieldset>
853 <fieldset>
854 <legend><?php _e('Quantity&hellip;', 'simpletags'); ?></legend>
855 <select name="quantity" id="quantity">
856 <option <?php if ( $quantity == 10 ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> value="10">10</option>
857 <option <?php if ( $quantity == 20 ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> value="20">20</option>
858 <option <?php if ( $quantity == 30 ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> value="30">30</option>
859 <option <?php if ( $quantity == 40 ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> value="40">40</option>
860 <option <?php if ( $quantity == 50 ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> value="50">50</option>
861 <option <?php if ( $quantity == 100 ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> value="100">100</option>
862 <option <?php if ( $quantity == 200 ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> value="200">200</option>
863 </select>
864 </fieldset>
866 <?php
867 global $user_ID;
868 $editable_ids = get_editable_user_ids( $user_ID );
869 if ( $editable_ids && count( $editable_ids ) > 1 ) :
870 ?>
871 <fieldset>
872 <legend><?php _e('Author&hellip;', 'simpletags'); ?></legend>
873 <?php wp_dropdown_users( array('include' => $editable_ids, 'show_option_all' => __('Any'), 'name' => 'author', 'selected' => isset($_GET['author']) ? $_GET['author'] : 0) ); ?>
874 </fieldset>
875 <?php endif; ?>
877 <fieldset>
878 <legend><?php _e('Type&hellip;', 'simpletags'); ?></legend>
879 <select name='type' id='type'>
880 <option <?php if ( $type == 'post' ) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> value='post'><?php _e('Post', 'simpletags'); ?></option>
881 <?php if ( $this->options['use_tag_pages'] == '1' ) : ?>
882 <option <?php if ( $type == 'page' ) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> value='page'><?php _e('Page', 'simpletags'); ?></option>
883 <?php endif; ?>
884 </select>
885 </fieldset>
887 <fieldset>
888 <legend><?php _e('Order&hellip;', 'simpletags'); ?></legend>
889 <select name='order' id='order'>
890 <option <?php if ( $order == 'date_desc' ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> value="date_desc"><?php _e('Date (descending)', 'simpletags'); ?></option>
891 <option <?php if ( $order == 'date_asc' ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> value="date_asc"><?php _e('Date (ascending)', 'simpletags'); ?></option>
892 <option <?php if ( $order == 'id_desc' ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> value="id_desc"><?php _e('ID (descending)', 'simpletags'); ?></option>
893 <option <?php if ( $order == 'id_asc' ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> value="id_asc"><?php _e('ID (ascending)', 'simpletags'); ?></option>
894 </select>
895 </fieldset>
897 <fieldset>
898 <legend><?php _e('Filter&hellip;', 'simpletags'); ?></legend>
899 <select name='filter' id='filter'>
900 <option <?php if ( $filter == 'all' ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> value="all"><?php _e('All', 'simpletags'); ?></option>
901 <option <?php if ( $filter == 'untagged' ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> value="untagged"><?php _e('Untagged only', 'simpletags'); ?></option>
902 </select>
903 </fieldset>
905 <input type="submit" id="post-query-submit" value="<?php _e('Filter &#187;', 'simpletags'); ?>" class="button" />
906 <br style="clear:both;" />
907 </form>
909 <?php if ( is_array($objects) && count($objects) > 0 ) : ?>
910 <form name="post" id="post" action="<?php echo $action_url; ?>" method="post">
911 <p class="submit">
912 <input type="submit" name="update_mass" value="<?php _e('Update all', 'simpletags'); ?>" /></p>
913 <?php $this->printPagination( $action_url ); ?>
914 <?php
915 foreach ( $objects as $object_id => $object ) {
916 echo '<p><strong>#'.$object_id.'</strong> <a href="'.get_permalink($object_id).'">'.$object['title'].'</a> [<a href="'.$type.'.php?action=edit&amp;post=' .$object_id . '">' . __('Edit', 'simpletags') . '</a>]<br />'."\n";
917 echo '<input id="tags-input'.$object_id.'" class="tags-input" type="text" size="100" name="tags['.$object_id.']" value="'.get_tags_to_edit( $object_id ).'" /></p>'."\n";
918 }
919 ?>
920 <p class="submit">
921 <input type="hidden" name="secure_mass" value="<?php echo wp_create_nonce('st_mass_tags'); ?>" />
922 <input type="submit" name="update_mass" value="<?php _e('Update all', 'simpletags'); ?>" /></p>
923 </form>
924 <?php $this->printPagination( $action_url ); ?>
925 <?php if ( $this->all_tags === true ) : ?>
926 <script type="text/javascript">
927 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
928 <?php foreach ( (array) $objects as $object_id => $object ) { ?>
929 var tag_<?php echo $object_id; ?> = new BComplete('tags-input<?php echo $object_id; ?>');
930 tag_<?php echo $object_id; ?>.setData(collection);
931 <?php } ?>
932 });
933 </script>
934 <?php endif; ?>
935 <?php else: ?>
936 <p><?php _e('No content to edit.', 'simpletags'); ?>
937 <?php endif; ?>
938 <?php $this->printAdminFooter(); ?>
939 </div>
940 <?php
941 }
943 /**
944 * Save embedded tags
945 *
946 * @param integer $post_id
947 * @param array $post_data
948 */
949 function saveEmbedTags( $post_id = null, $post_data = null ) {
950 $object = get_post($post_id);
951 if ( $object == false || $object == null ) {
952 return;
953 }
955 // Return Tags
956 $matches = $tags = array();
957 preg_match_all('/(' . $this->regexEscape($this->options['start_embed_tags']) . '(.*?)' . $this->regexEscape($this->options['end_embed_tags']) . ')/is', $object->post_content, $matches);
959 foreach ( $matches[2] as $match) {
960 foreach( (array) explode(',', $match) as $tag) {
961 $tags[] = $tag;
962 }
963 }
965 if( !empty($tags) ) {
966 // Remove empty and duplicate elements
967 $tags = array_filter($tags, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement'));
968 $tags = array_unique($tags);
970 wp_set_post_tags( $post_id, $tags, true ); // Append tags
971 wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache
972 }
973 }
975 /**
976 * Check post data for auto tags
977 *
978 * @param integer $post_id
979 * @param array $post_data
980 */
981 function saveAutoTags( $post_id = null, $post_data = null ) {
982 $object = get_post($post_id);
983 if ( $object == false || $object == null ) {
984 return false;
985 }
987 $result = $this->autoTagsPost( $object->ID, $object->post_content, $object->post_title );
988 if ( $result == true ) {
989 wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache
990 }
991 return true;
992 }
994 function autoTagsPost( $post_id = 0, $content = '', $title = '' ) {
995 if ( get_the_tags($post_id) != false && $this->options['at_empty'] == 1 ) {
996 return false; // Skip post with tags, if tag only empty post option is checked
997 }
999 $tags_to_add = array();
1001 // Auto tag with specifik auto tags list
1002 $tags = (array) maybe_unserialize($this->options['auto_list']);
1003 foreach ( $tags as $tag ) {
1004 if ( is_string($tag) && !empty($tag) && ( stristr($content, $tag) || stristr($title, $tag) ) ) {
1005 $tags_to_add[] = $tag;
1006 }
1007 }
1008 unset($tags, $tag);
1010 // Auto tags with all posts
1011 if ( $this->options['at_all'] == 1 ) {
1012 global $simple_tags;
1013 $total = wp_count_terms('post_tag');
1014 $counter = 0;
1016 while ( ( $counter * 200 ) < $total ) {
1017 // Get tags
1018 $tags = (array) $simple_tags->getTags('hide_empty=false&cloud_selection=count-desc&number=LIMIT '. $counter * 200 . ', '. 200, true);
1020 foreach ( $tags as $tag ) {
1021 if ( is_string($tag->name) && !empty($tag->name) && ( stristr($content, $tag->name) || stristr($title, $tag->name) ) ) {
1022 $tags_to_add[] = $tag->name;
1023 }
1024 }
1025 unset($tags, $tag);
1027 // Increment counter
1028 $counter++;
1029 }
1030 }
1032 // Append tags if tags to add
1033 if ( !empty($tags_to_add) ) {
1034 // Remove empty and duplicate elements
1035 $tags_to_add = array_filter($tags_to_add, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement'));
1036 $tags_to_add = array_unique($tags_to_add);
1038 wp_set_object_terms( $post_id, $tags_to_add, 'post_tag', true );
1039 return true;
1040 }
1041 return false;
1042 }
1044 ############## Helper Write Pages ##############
1045 /**
1046 * Display tags input for page
1047 *
1048 */
1049 function helperTagsPage() {
1050 global $post_ID;
1051 ?>
1052 <fieldset class="tags_page" id="tagdiv">
1053 <legend><?php _e('Tags (separate multiple tags with commas: cats, pet food, dogs)'); ?></legend>
1054 <div><input type="text" name="tags_input" class="tags-input" id="tags-input" size="30" tabindex="3" value="<?php echo get_tags_to_edit( $post_ID ); ?>" /></div>
1055 </fieldset>
1056 <?php
1057 }
1060 /**
1061 * Helper type-ahead (single post)
1062 *
1063 */
1064 function helperBCompleteJS( $name_id = 'tags-input', $use_fct_js = true ) {
1065 if ( $use_fct_js == true ) :
1066 ?>
1067 <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $this->info['install_url'] ?>/inc/functions.js?ver=<?php echo $this->version; ?>"></script>
1068 <?php
1069 endif;
1071 // Get total
1072 $tags = (int) wp_count_terms('post_tag');
1074 // If no tags => exit !
1075 if ( $tags == 0 ) {
1076 return;
1077 }
1078 ?>
1079 <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $this->info['siteurl'] ?>/wp-admin/admin.php?st_ajax_action=helper_js_collection&ver=<?php echo $this->version; ?>"></script>
1080 <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $this->info['install_url'] ?>/inc/bcomplete/bcomplete.js?ver=<?php echo $this->version; ?>"></script>
1081 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $this->info['install_url'] ?>/inc/bcomplete/bcomplete.css?ver=<?php echo $this->version; ?>" />
1082 <?php if ( 'rtl' == get_bloginfo( 'text_direction' ) ) : ?>
1083 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $this->info['install_url'] ?>/inc/bcomplete/bcomplete-rtl.css?ver=<?php echo $this->version; ?>" />
1084 <?php endif; ?>
1085 <script type="text/javascript">
1086 // <![CDATA[
1087 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
1088 var tags_input = new BComplete('<?php echo ( empty($name_id) ) ? 'tags-input' : $name_id; ?>');
1089 tags_input.setData(collection);
1090 });
1091 // ]]>
1092 </script>
1093 <?php
1094 }
1096 ############## Manages Tags Pages ##############
1097 /*
1098 * Rename or merge tags
1099 *
1100 * @param string $old
1101 * @param string $new
1102 */
1103 function renameTags( $old = '', $new = '' ) {
1104 if ( trim( str_replace(',', '', stripslashes($new)) ) == '' ) {
1105 $this->message = __('No new tag specified!', 'simpletags');
1106 $this->status = 'error';
1107 return;
1108 }
1110 // Stripslashes and htmlspecialchars tags
1111 $old = htmlspecialchars($this->unHtmlEntities(stripslashes($old)));
1112 $new = htmlspecialchars($this->unHtmlEntities(stripslashes($new)));
1114 // String to array
1115 $old_tags = explode(',', $old);
1116 $new_tags = explode(',', $new);
1118 // Remove empty element and trim
1119 $old_tags = array_filter($old_tags, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement'));
1120 $new_tags = array_filter($new_tags, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement'));
1122 // If old/new tag are empty => exit !
1123 if ( empty($old_tags) || empty($new_tags) ) {
1124 $this->message = __('No new/old valid tag specified!', 'simpletags');
1125 $this->status = 'error';
1126 return;
1127 }
1129 $counter = 0;
1130 if( count($old_tags) == count($new_tags) ) { // Rename only
1131 foreach ( (array) $old_tags as $i => $old_tag ) {
1132 $new_name = $new_tags[$i];
1134 // Get term by name
1135 $term = get_term_by('name', addslashes($old_tag), 'post_tag');
1136 if ( !$term ) {
1137 continue;
1138 }
1140 // Get objects from term ID
1141 $objects_id = get_objects_in_term( $term->term_id, 'post_tag', array('fields' => 'all_with_object_id'));
1143 // Delete old term
1144 wp_delete_term( $term->term_id, 'post_tag' );
1146 // Set objects to new term ! (Append no replace)
1147 foreach ( (array) $objects_id as $object_id ) {
1148 wp_set_object_terms( $object_id, $new_name, 'post_tag', true );
1149 }
1151 // Increment
1152 $counter++;
1153 }
1155 if ( $counter == 0 ) {
1156 $this->message = __('No tag renamed.', 'simpletags');
1157 } else {
1158 wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache
1159 $this->message = sprintf(__('Renamed tag(s) &laquo;%1$s&raquo; to &laquo;%2$s&raquo;', 'simpletags'), $old, $new);
1160 }
1161 }
1162 elseif ( count($new_tags) == 1 ) { // Merge
1163 // Set new tag
1164 $new_tag = $new_tags[0];
1165 if ( empty($new_tag) ) {
1166 $this->message = __('No valid new tag.', 'simpletags');
1167 $this->status = 'error';
1168 return;
1169 }
1171 // Get terms ID from old terms names
1172 $terms_id = array();
1173 foreach ( (array) $old_tags as $old_tag ) {
1174 $term = get_term_by('name', addslashes($old_tag), 'post_tag');
1175 $terms_id[] = (int) $term->term_id;
1176 }
1178 // Get objects from terms ID
1179 $objects_id = get_objects_in_term( $terms_id, 'post_tag', array('fields' => 'all_with_object_id'));
1181 // No objects ? exit !
1182 if ( !$objects_id ) {
1183 $this->message = __('No objects (post/page) found for specified old tags.', 'simpletags');
1184 $this->status = 'error';
1185 return;
1186 }
1188 // Delete old terms
1189 foreach ( (array) $terms_id as $term_id ) {
1190 wp_delete_term( $term_id, 'post_tag' );
1191 }
1193 // Set objects to new term ! (Append no replace)
1194 foreach ( (array) $objects_id as $object_id ) {
1195 wp_set_object_terms( $object_id, $new_tag, 'post_tag', true );
1196 $counter++;
1197 }
1199 // Test if term is also a category
1200 if ( is_term($new_tag, 'category') ) {
1201 // Edit the slug to use the new term
1202 $slug = sanitize_title($new_tag);
1203 $this->editTagSlug( $new_tag, $slug );
1204 unset($slug);
1205 }
1207 if ( $counter == 0 ) {
1208 $this->message = __('No tag merged.', 'simpletags');
1209 } else {
1210 wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache
1211 $this->message = sprintf(__('Merge tag(s) &laquo;%1$s&raquo; to &laquo;%2$s&raquo;. %3$s objects edited.', 'simpletags'), $old, $new, $counter);
1212 }
1213 } else { // Error
1214 $this->message = sprintf(__('Error. No enough tags for rename. Too for merge. Choose !', 'simpletags'), $old);
1215 $this->status = 'error';
1216 }
1217 return;
1218 }
1220 /**
1221 * trim and remove empty element
1222 *
1223 * @param string $element
1224 * @return string
1225 */
1226 function deleteEmptyElement( &$element ) {
1227 $element = trim($element);
1228 if ( !empty($element) ) {
1229 return $element;
1230 }
1231 }
1233 /**
1234 * Delete list of tags
1235 *
1236 * @param string $delete
1237 */
1238 function deleteTagsByTagList( $delete ) {
1239 if ( trim( str_replace(',', '', stripslashes($delete)) ) == '' ) {
1240 $this->message = __('No tag specified!', 'simpletags');
1241 $this->status = 'error';
1242 return;
1243 }
1245 // Stripslashes and htmlspecialchars tags
1246 $delete = htmlspecialchars($this->unHtmlEntities(stripslashes($delete)));
1248 // In array + filter
1249 $delete_tags = explode(',', $delete);
1250 $delete_tags = array_filter($delete_tags, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement'));
1252 // Delete tags
1253 $counter = 0;
1254 foreach ( (array) $delete_tags as $tag ) {
1255 $term = get_term_by('name', addslashes($tag), 'post_tag');
1256 $term_id = (int) $term->term_id;
1258 if ( $term_id != 0 ) {
1259 wp_delete_term( $term_id, 'post_tag');
1260 $counter++;
1261 }
1262 }
1264 if ( $counter == 0 ) {
1265 $this->message = __('No tag deleted.', 'simpletags');
1266 } else {
1267 wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache
1268 $this->message = sprintf(__('%1s tag(s) deleted.', 'simpletags'), $counter);
1269 }
1270 }
1272 /**
1273 * Add tags for all or specified posts
1274 *
1275 * @param string $match
1276 * @param string $new
1277 */
1278 function addMatchTags( $match, $new ) {
1279 if ( trim( str_replace(',', '', stripslashes($new)) ) == '' ) {
1280 $this->message = __('No new tag(s) specified!', 'simpletags');
1281 $this->status = 'error';
1282 return;
1283 }
1285 // Stripslashes and htmlspecialchars tags
1286 $match = htmlspecialchars($this->unHtmlEntities(stripslashes($match)));
1287 $new = htmlspecialchars($this->unHtmlEntities(stripslashes($new)));
1289 $match_tags = explode(',', $match);
1290 $new_tags = explode(',', $new);
1292 $match_tags = array_filter($match_tags, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement'));
1293 $new_tags = array_filter($new_tags, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement'));
1295 $counter = 0;
1296 if ( !empty($match_tags) ) { // Match and add
1297 // Get terms ID from old match names
1298 $terms_id = array();
1299 foreach ( (array) $match_tags as $match_tag ) {
1300 $term = get_term_by('name', addslashes($match_tag), 'post_tag');
1301 $terms_id[] = (int) $term->term_id;
1302 }
1304 // Get object ID with terms ID
1305 $objects_id = get_objects_in_term( $terms_id, 'post_tag', array('fields' => 'all_with_object_id') );
1307 // Add new tags for specified post
1308 foreach ( (array) $objects_id as $object_id ) {
1309 wp_set_object_terms( $object_id, $new_tags, 'post_tag', true ); // Append tags
1310 $counter++;
1311 }
1312 } else { // Add for all posts
1313 // Page or not ?
1314 $post_type_sql = ( $this->options['use_tag_pages'] == '1' ) ? "post_type IN('page', 'post')" : "post_type = 'post'";
1316 // Get all posts ID
1317 global $wpdb;
1318 $posts_id = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE {$post_type_sql}");
1320 // Add new tags for all posts
1321 foreach ( (array) $posts_id as $post_id ) {
1322 wp_set_object_terms( $post_id, $new_tags, 'post_tag', true ); // Append tags
1323 $counter++;
1324 }
1325 }
1327 if ( $counter == 0 ) {
1328 $this->message = __('No tag added.', 'simpletags');
1329 } else {
1330 wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache
1331 $this->message = sprintf(__('Tag(s) added to %1s post(s).', 'simpletags'), $counter);
1332 }
1333 }
1335 /**
1336 * Edit one or lots tags slugs
1337 *
1338 * @param string $names
1339 * @param string $slugs
1340 */
1341 function editTagSlug( $names = '', $slugs = '') {
1342 if ( trim( str_replace(',', '', stripslashes($slugs)) ) == '' ) {
1343 $this->message = __('No new slug(s) specified!', 'simpletags');
1344 $this->status = 'error';
1345 return;
1346 }
1348 // Stripslashes and htmlspecialchars tags
1349 $names = htmlspecialchars($this->unHtmlEntities(stripslashes($names)));
1350 $slugs = htmlspecialchars($this->unHtmlEntities(stripslashes($slugs)));
1352 $match_names = explode(',', $names);
1353 $new_slugs = explode(',', $slugs);
1355 $match_names = array_filter($match_names, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement'));
1356 $new_slugs = array_filter($new_slugs, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement'));
1358 if ( count($match_names) != count($new_slugs) ) {
1359 $this->message = __('Tags number and slugs number isn\'t the same!', 'simpletags');
1360 $this->status = 'error';
1361 return;
1362 } else {
1363 $counter = 0;
1364 foreach ( (array) $match_names as $i => $match_name ) {
1365 // Sanitize slug + Escape
1366 $new_slug = sanitize_title($new_slugs[$i]);
1368 // Get term by name
1369 $term = get_term_by('name', addslashes($match_name), 'post_tag');
1370 if ( !$term ) {
1371 continue;
1372 }
1374 // Increment
1375 $counter++;
1377 // Update term
1378 wp_update_term($term->term_id, 'post_tag', array('slug' => $new_slug));
1379 }
1380 }
1382 if ( $counter == 0 ) {
1383 $this->message = __('No slug edited.', 'simpletags');
1384 } else {
1385 wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache
1386 $this->message = sprintf(__('%s slug(s) edited.', 'simpletags'), $counter);
1387 }
1388 return;
1389 }
1391 /**
1392 * Clean database - Remove empty terms
1393 *
1394 */
1395 function cleanDatabase() {
1396 global $wpdb;
1398 // Counter
1399 $counter = 0;
1401 // Get terms id empty
1402 $terms_id = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT term_id FROM {$wpdb->terms} WHERE name IN ('', ' ', ' ', '&nbsp;') GROUP BY term_id");
1403 if ( empty($terms_id) ) {
1404 $this->message = __('Nothing to muck. Good job !', 'simpletags');
1405 return;
1406 }
1408 // Prepare terms SQL List
1409 $terms_list = "'" . implode("', '", $terms_id) . "'";
1411 // Remove term empty
1412 $counter += $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->terms} WHERE term_id IN ( {$terms_list} )");
1414 // Get term_taxonomy_id from term_id on term_taxonomy table
1415 $tts_id = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE term_id IN ( {$terms_list} ) GROUP BY term_taxonomy_id");
1417 if ( !empty($tts_id) ) {
1418 // Clean term_taxonomy table
1419 $counter += $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE term_id IN ( {$terms_list} )");
1421 // Prepare terms SQL List
1422 $tts_list = "'" . implode("', '", $tts_id) . "'";
1424 // Clean term_relationships table
1425 $counter += $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->term_relationships} WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN ( {$tts_list} )");
1426 }
1428 wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache
1429 $this->message = sprintf(__('%s rows deleted. WordPress DB is clean now !', 'simpletags'), $counter);
1430 return;
1431 }
1433 /**
1434 * Add compatibility PHP4 for htmlspecialchars_decode()
1435 *
1436 * @param string $value
1437 * @return string
1438 */
1439 function unHtmlEntities( $value = '' ) {
1440 return strtr( $value, array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS, ENT_COMPAT)) );
1441 }
1443 /**
1444 * Click tags
1445 *
1446 */
1447 function helperClickTags() {
1448 ?>
1449 <script type="text/javascript">
1450 // <![CDATA[
1451 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
1452 jQuery("#tagdiv").prepend('<a href="#st_click_tags" id="clicktags"><?php _e('Display click tags', 'simpletags'); ?></a><a href="#st_click_tags" id="close_clicktags"><?php _e('Hide click tags', 'simpletags'); ?></a>');
1453 jQuery("#tagdiv").after('<div id="st_click_tags"></div>');
1455 if ( jQuery.browser.mozilla ) {
1456 jQuery("#tagdiv a").css({top:'-17px'}); // fix a Mozilla bug
1457 }
1459 jQuery("a#clicktags").click(function() {
1460 jQuery("#st_click_tags")
1461 .fadeIn('slow')
1462 .load('<?php echo $this->info['siteurl']; ?>/wp-admin/admin.php?st_ajax_action=click_tags', function(){
1463 jQuery("#st_click_tags span").click(function() { addTag(this.innerHTML); });
1464 jQuery("a#clicktags").hide();
1465 jQuery("a#close_clicktags").show();
1466 });
1467 return false;
1468 });
1469 jQuery("a#close_clicktags").click(function() {
1470 jQuery("#st_click_tags").fadeOut('slow', function() {
1471 jQuery("a#clicktags").show();
1472 jQuery("a#close_clicktags").hide();
1473 });
1474 return false;
1475 });
1476 });
1477 // ]]>
1478 </script>
1479 <?php
1480 }
1482 ############## Suggested tags ##############
1483 /**
1484 * Suggested tags
1485 *
1486 */
1487 function helperSuggestTags() {
1488 ?>
1489 <style type="text/css">
1490 #advancedstuff_tag h3.dbx-handle{margin-left:7px;margin-bottom:-7px;height:19px;font-size:12px;background:#2685af url(images/box-head-right.gif) no-repeat top right;padding:6px 1em 0 3px;}
1491 #advancedstuff_tag div.dbx-h-andle-wrapper{background:#fff url(images/box-head-left.gif) no-repeat top left;margin:0 0 0 -7px;position:relative;}
1492 #advancedstuff_tag div.dbx-content{margin-left:8px;background:url(images/box-bg-right.gif) repeat-y right;padding:10px 10px 15px 0;}
1493 #advancedstuff_tag div.dbx-c-ontent-wrapper{margin-left:-7px;margin-right:0;background:url(images/box-bg-left.gif) repeat-y left;}
1494 #advancedstuff_tag fieldset.dbx-box{padding-bottom:9px;margin-left:6px;background:url(images/box-butt-right.gif) no-repeat bottom right;}
1495 #advancedstuff_tag div.dbx-b-ox-wrapper{background:url(images/box-butt-left.gif) no-repeat bottom left;}
1496 #advancedstuff_tag .dbx-box-closed div.dbx-c-ontent-wrapper{padding-bottom:2px;background:url(images/box-butt-left.gif) no-repeat bottom left;}
1497 #advancedstuff_tag .dbx-box{background:url(images/box-butt-right.gif) no-repeat bottom right;}
1498 </style>
1499 <div id="advancedstuff_tag" class="dbx-group" >
1500 <div class="dbx-b-ox-wrapper">
1501 <fieldset id="suggesttagsdiv" class="dbx-box">
1502 <div class="dbx-h-andle-wrapper">
1503 <h3 class="dbx-handle">
1504 <?php _e('Suggested tags from :', 'simpletags'); ?>&nbsp;&nbsp;
1505 <a class="local_db" href="#advancedstuff_tag"><?php _e('Local tags', 'simpletags'); ?></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp;
1506 <a class="yahoo_api" href="#advancedstuff_tag"><?php _e('Yahoo', 'simpletags'); ?></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp;
1507 <a class="ttn_api" href="#advancedstuff_tag"><?php _e('Tag The Net', 'simpletags'); ?></a>
1508 </h3>
1509 <img id="st_ajax_loading" src="<?php echo $this->info['install_url']; ?>/inc/images/ajax-loader.gif" alt="Ajax loading" />
1510 </div>
1511 <div class="dbx-c-ontent-wrapper">
1512 <div class="dbx-content">
1513 <?php _e('Choose a provider to get suggested tags (local, yahoo or tag the net).', 'simpletags'); ?>
1514 <div class="clearer"></div>
1515 </div>
1516 </div>
1517 </fieldset>
1518 </div>
1519 </div>
1520 <script type="text/javascript">
1521 // <![CDATA[
1522 function getContentFromEditor() {
1523 var data = '';
1524 if ( typeof tinyMCE != "undefined" && tinyMCE.configs.length > 0 ) { // Tiny MCE
1525 data = tinyMCE.getContent().stripTags();
1526 } else if ( typeof FCKeditorAPI != "undefined" ) { // FCK Editor
1527 var oEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('content') ;
1528 data = oEditor.GetHTML().stripTags();
1529 } else if ( typeof WYM_INSTANCES != "undefined" ) { // Simple WYMeditor
1530 data = WYM_INSTANCES[0].xhtml().stripTags();
1531 } else { // No editor, just quick tags
1532 data = jQuery("#content").val().stripTags();
1533 }
1534 return data;
1535 }
1537 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
1538 function loadAndRegisterSuggestedTags() {
1539 jQuery("#advancedstuff_tag .dbx-content span").click(function() { addTag(this.innerHTML); });
1540 jQuery('#st_ajax_loading').hide();
1541 }
1543 jQuery("a.yahoo_api").click(function() {
1544 jQuery('#st_ajax_loading').show();
1545 jQuery("#advancedstuff_tag .dbx-content").load('<?php echo $this->info['siteurl']; ?>/wp-admin/admin.php?st_ajax_action=tags_from_yahoo', {content:getContentFromEditor(),title:jQuery("#title").val(),tags:jQuery("#tags-input").val()}, function(){
1546 loadAndRegisterSuggestedTags();
1547 });
1548 return false;
1549 });
1551 jQuery("a.local_db").click(function() {
1552 jQuery('#st_ajax_loading').show();
1553 jQuery("#advancedstuff_tag .dbx-content").load('<?php echo $this->info['siteurl']; ?>/wp-admin/admin.php?st_ajax_action=tags_from_local_db', {content:getContentFromEditor(),title:jQuery("#title").val()}, function(){
1554 loadAndRegisterSuggestedTags();
1555 });
1556 return false;
1557 });
1559 jQuery("a.local_all").click(function() {
1560 jQuery('#st_ajax_loading').show();
1561 jQuery("#advancedstuff_tag .dbx-content").load('<?php echo $this->info['siteurl']; ?>/wp-admin/admin.php?st_ajax_action=tags_from_local_db', {all:'true'}, function(){
1562 loadAndRegisterSuggestedTags();
1563 });
1564 return false;
1565 });
1567 jQuery("a.ttn_api").click(function() {
1568 jQuery('#st_ajax_loading').show();
1569 jQuery("#advancedstuff_tag .dbx-content").load('<?php echo $this->info['siteurl']; ?>/wp-admin/admin.php?st_ajax_action=tags_from_tagthenet', {content:getContentFromEditor(),title:jQuery("#title").val()}, function(){
1570 loadAndRegisterSuggestedTags();
1571 });
1572 return false;
1573 });
1574 });
1575 // ]]>
1576 </script>
1577 <?php
1578 }
1580 ############## Mass Edit Pages ##############
1581 /**
1582 * Javascript helper for mass edit tags
1583 *
1584 */
1585 function helperMassBCompleteJS() {
1586 // Get total
1587 $tags = (int) wp_count_terms('post_tag');
1589 // If no tags => exit !
1590 if ( $tags == 0 ) {
1591 return;
1592 }
1593 $this->all_tags = true;
1594 ?>
1595 <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $this->info['siteurl'] ?>/wp-admin/admin.php?st_ajax_action=helper_js_collection&ver=<?php echo $this->version; ?>"></script>
1596 <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $this->info['install_url'] ?>/inc/bcomplete/bcomplete.js?ver=<?php echo $this->version; ?>"></script>
1597 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $this->info['install_url'] ?>/inc/bcomplete/bcomplete.css?ver=<?php echo $this->version; ?>" />
1598 <?php if ( 'rtl' == get_bloginfo( 'text_direction' ) ) : ?>
1599 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $this->info['install_url'] ?>/inc/bcomplete/bcomplete-rtl.css?ver=<?php echo $this->version; ?>" />
1600 <?php endif;
1601 }
1603 /**
1604 * Get posts/pages data for edit
1605 *
1606 * @param string $type
1607 * @param integer $quantity
1608 * @param integer $author
1609 * @param string $order
1610 * @param string $filter
1611 * @param string $search
1612 * @return array|boolean
1613 */
1614 function getObjects( $type = 'post', $quantity = 20, $author = 0, $order = 'date_desc', $filter = 'all', $search = '' ) {
1615 global $wpdb;
1617 // Quantity
1618 $this->data_per_page = $quantity;
1620 if ( $type == 'post' || $type == 'page' ) { // Posts and Pages
1621 // Order
1622 switch ($order) {
1623 case 'date_asc':
1624 $order_sql = 'ORDER BY p.post_date ASC';
1625 break;
1626 case 'id_desc':
1627 $order_sql = 'ORDER BY p.ID DESC';
1628 break;
1629 case 'id_asc':
1630 $order_sql = 'ORDER BY p.ID ASC';
1631 break;
1632 default:
1633 $order_sql = 'ORDER BY p.post_date DESC';
1634 break;
1635 }
1637 // Search
1638 $search_sql = '';
1639 $search = trim($search);
1640 if ( !empty($search) ) {
1641 $search = addslashes_gpc($search);
1642 $search_sql = "AND ( (p.post_title LIKE '%{$search}%') OR (p.post_content LIKE '%{$search}%') )";
1643 }
1645 // Restrict Author
1646 $author_sql = ( $author != 0 ) ? "AND p.post_author = '{$author}'" : '';
1648 // Status
1649 $filter_sql = '';
1650 if ( $filter == 'untagged' ) {
1651 $p_id_used = $wpdb->get_col("
1652 SELECT tr.object_id
1653 FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} AS tt, {$wpdb->term_relationships} AS tr, {$wpdb->posts} AS p
1654 WHERE tt.taxonomy = 'post_tag'
1655 AND tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id
1656 AND tr.object_id = p.ID
1657 AND p.post_type = '{$type}'
1658 GROUP BY tr.object_id");
1660 $filter_sql = 'AND p.ID NOT IN ("'.implode( '", "', $p_id_used ).'")';
1661 unset($p_id_used);
1662 }
1664 // Get datas with pagination
1665 $this->found_datas = (int) $wpdb->get_var("
1667 FROM {$wpdb->posts} AS p
1668 WHERE p.post_type = '{$type}'
1669 {$search_sql}
1670 {$author_sql}
1671 {$filter_sql}");
1673 $this->max_num_pages = ceil($this->found_datas/$this->data_per_page);
1675 if( $this->actual_page != 1 ) {
1676 if($this->actual_page > $this->max_num_pages) {
1677 $this->actual_page = $this->max_num_pages;
1678 }
1679 }
1681 $limit_sql = 'LIMIT '.(($this->actual_page - 1) * $this->data_per_page).', '.$this->data_per_page;
1683 $ps = (array) $wpdb->get_results("
1684 SELECT p.ID, p.post_title
1685 FROM {$wpdb->posts} AS p
1686 WHERE p.post_type = '{$type}'
1687 {$search_sql}
1688 {$author_sql}
1689 {$filter_sql}
1690 {$order_sql}
1691 {$limit_sql}");
1693 foreach ( $ps as $p ) {
1694 $objects[$p->ID]['title'] = $p->post_title;
1695 }
1696 return $objects;
1697 } elseif ( $type == 'link' ) {
1698 // link_owner -- future
1699 return false;
1700 }
1701 return false;
1702 }
1705 /**
1706 * Control POST data for mass edit tags
1707 *
1708 * @param string $type
1709 */
1710 function checkFormMassEdit( $type = 'post' ) {
1711 if ( isset($_POST['update_mass']) ) {
1712 // origination and intention
1713 if ( ! ( wp_verify_nonce($_POST['secure_mass'], 'st_mass_tags') ) ) {
1714 $this->message = __('Security problem. Try again. If this problem persist, contact <a href="">plugin author</a>.', 'simpletags');
1715 $this->status = 'error';
1716 return;
1717 }
1719 if ( $type == 'post' || $type == 'page' ) {
1720 $taxonomy = 'post_tag';
1721 }
1723 if ( isset($_POST['tags']) ) {
1724 $counter = 0;
1725 foreach ( (array) $_POST['tags'] as $object_id => $tag_list ) {
1726 // Trim data
1727 $tag_list = trim(stripslashes($tag_list));
1729 // String to array
1730 $tags = explode( ',', $tag_list );
1732 // Remove empty and trim tag
1733 $tags = array_filter($tags, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement'));
1735 // Add new tag (no append ! replace !)
1736 wp_set_object_terms( $object_id, $tags, $taxonomy );
1737 $counter++;
1738 }
1740 wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache
1741 if ( $type == 'post' ) {
1742 $this->message = sprintf(__('%s post(s) tags updated with success !', 'simpletags'), $counter);
1743 } elseif ( $type == 'page' ) {
1744 $this->message = sprintf(__('%s page(s) tags updated with success !', 'simpletags'), $counter);
1745 }
1746 }
1747 }
1748 }
1750 ############## WP Options ##############
1751 /**
1752 * Update an option value -- note that this will NOT save the options.
1753 *
1754 * @param string $optname
1755 * @param string $optval
1756 */
1757 function setOption($optname, $optval) {
1758 $this->options[$optname] = $optval;
1759 }
1761 /**
1762 * Save all current options
1763 *
1764 */
1765 function saveOptions() {
1766 update_option($this->db_options, $this->options);
1767 wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache
1768 }
1770 /**
1771 * Reset to default options
1772 *
1773 */
1774 function resetToDefaultOptions() {
1775 update_option($this->db_options, $this->default_options);
1776 $this->options = $this->default_options;
1777 wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache
1778 }
1780 /**
1781 * Delete Simple Tags options from DB.
1782 *
1783 */
1784 function deleteAllOptions() {
1785 delete_option($this->db_options, $this->default_options);
1786 wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache
1787 }
1789 ############## Ajax ##############
1790 /**
1791 * Ajax Dispatcher, Choose right function depending $_GET value
1792 *
1793 */
1794 function ajaxCheck() {
1795 if ( $_GET['st_ajax_action'] == 'get_tags' ) {
1796 $this->ajaxListTags();
1797 } elseif ( $_GET['st_ajax_action'] == 'tags_from_yahoo' ) {
1798 $this->ajaxYahooTermExtraction();
1799 } elseif ( $_GET['st_ajax_action'] == 'tags_from_tagthenet' ) {
1800 $this->ajaxTagTheNet();
1801 } elseif ( $_GET['st_ajax_action'] == 'helper_js_collection' ) {
1802 $this->ajaxHelperJsCollection();
1803 } elseif ( $_GET['st_ajax_action'] == 'tags_from_local_db' ) {
1804 $this->ajaxSuggestLocal();
1805 } elseif ( $_GET['st_ajax_action'] == 'click_tags' ) {
1806 $this->ajaxClickTags();
1807 }
1808 }
1810 /**
1811 * Get tags list for manage tags page.
1812 *
1813 */
1814 function ajaxListTags() {
1815 status_header( 200 );
1816 header("Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=" . get_bloginfo('charset'));
1818 // Build param for tags
1819 $sort_order = attribute_escape(stripslashes($_GET['order']));
1820 switch ($sort_order) {
1821 case 'natural' :
1822 $param = 'hide_empty=false&cloud_selection=name-asc';
1823 break;
1824 case 'asc' :
1825 $param = 'hide_empty=false&cloud_selection=count-asc';
1826 break;
1827 default :
1828 $param = 'hide_empty=false&cloud_selection=count-desc';
1829 break;
1830 }
1832 $total = wp_count_terms('post_tag');
1834 $current_page = (int) $_GET['pagination'];
1835 $param .= '&number=LIMIT '. $current_page * $this->nb_tags . ', '.$this->nb_tags;
1837 // Get tags
1838 global $simple_tags;
1839 $tags = (array) $simple_tags->getTags($param, true);
1841 // Build output
1842 echo '<ul class="ajax_list">';
1843 foreach( $tags as $tag ) {
1844 echo '<li><strong>'.$tag->term_id.'.</strong> <span>'.$tag->name.'</span>&nbsp;<a href="'.(get_tag_link( $tag->term_id )).'" title="'.sprintf(__('View all posts tagged with %s', 'simpletags'), $tag->name).'">('.$tag->count.')</a></li>'."\n";
1845 }
1846 unset($tags);
1847 echo '</ul>';
1849 // Build pagination
1850 $ajax_url = $this->info['siteurl']. '/wp-admin/admin.php?st_ajax_action=get_tags';
1852 // Order
1853 if ( isset($_GET['order']) ) {
1854 $ajax_url = $ajax_url . '&amp;order='.$sort_order ;
1855 }
1856 ?>
1857 <div class="navigation">
1858 <?php if ( ($current_page * $this->nb_tags) + $this->nb_tags > $total ) : ?>
1859 <?php _e('Previous tags', 'simpletags'); ?>
1860 <?php else : ?>
1861 <a href="<?php echo $ajax_url. '&amp;pagination='. ($current_page + 1); ?>"><?php _e('Previous tags', 'simpletags'); ?></a>
1862 <?php endif; ?>
1863 |
1864 <?php if ( $current_page == 0 ) : ?>
1865 <?php _e('Next tags', 'simpletags'); ?>
1866 <?php else : ?>
1867 <a href="<?php echo $ajax_url. '&amp;pagination='. ($current_page - 1) ?>"><?php _e('Next tags', 'simpletags'); ?></a>
1868 <?php endif; ?>
1869 </div>
1870 <?php
1871 exit();
1872 }
1874 /**
1875 * Get suggest tags from Yahoo Term Extraction
1876 *
1877 */
1878 function ajaxYahooTermExtraction() {
1879 status_header( 200 );
1880 header("Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=" . get_bloginfo('charset'));
1882 // Application entrypoint ->
1883 // Yahoo ID : h4c6gyLV34Fs7nHCrHUew7XDAU8YeQ_PpZVrzgAGih2mU12F0cI.ezr6e7FMvskR7Vu.AA--
1884 $yahoo_id = 'h4c6gyLV34Fs7nHCrHUew7XDAU8YeQ_PpZVrzgAGih2mU12F0cI.ezr6e7FMvskR7Vu.AA--';
1885 $yahoo_api_host = ''; // Api URL
1886 $yahoo_api_path = '/ContentAnalysisService/V1/termExtraction'; // Api URL
1888 // Get data
1889 $content = stripslashes($_POST['content']) .' '. stripslashes($_POST['title']);
1890 $content = trim($content);
1891 if ( empty($content) ) {
1892 exit();
1893 }
1894 $tags = stripslashes($_POST['tags']);
1896 // Build params
1897 $param = 'appid='.$yahoo_id; // Yahoo ID
1898 $param .= '&context='.urlencode($content); // Post content
1899 if ( !empty($tags) ) {
1900 $param .= '&query='.urlencode($tags); // Existing tags
1901 }
1902 $param .= '&output=php'; // Get PHP Array !
1904 $data = '';
1905 if ( function_exists('curl_init') ) { // Curl exist ?
1906 $curl = curl_init();
1908 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://'.$yahoo_api_host.$yahoo_api_path.'?'.$param);
1909 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
1910 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
1912 $data = curl_exec($curl);
1913 curl_close($curl);
1915 $data = unserialize($data);
1916 } else { // Fsocket
1917 $request = 'appid='.$yahoo_id.$param;
1919 $http_request = "POST $yahoo_api_path HTTP/1.0\r\n";
1920 $http_request .= "Host: $yahoo_api_host\r\n";
1921 $http_request .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\r\n";
1922 $http_request .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($request) . "\r\n";
1923 $http_request .= "\r\n";
1924 $http_request .= $request;
1926 if( false != ( $fs = @fsockopen( $yahoo_api_host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 3) ) && is_resource($fs) ) {
1927 fwrite($fs, $http_request);
1929 while ( !feof($fs) )
1930 $data .= fgets($fs, 1160); // One TCP-IP packet
1931 fclose($fs);
1932 $data = explode("\r\n\r\n", $data, 2);
1933 }
1935 $data = unserialize($data[1]);
1936 }
1938 $data = (array) $data['ResultSet']['Result'];
1940 // Remove empty terms
1941 $data = array_filter($data, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement'));
1943 foreach ( $data as $term ) {
1944 echo '<span class="yahoo">'.$term.'</span>'."\n";
1945 }
1946 echo '<div class="clearer"></div>';
1947 exit();
1948 }
1950 /**
1951 * Get suggest tags from Tag The Net
1952 *
1953 */
1954 function ajaxTagTheNet() {
1955 status_header( 200 );
1956 header("Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=" . get_bloginfo('charset'));
1958 $api_host = ''; // Api URL
1959 $api_path = '/api/'; // Api URL
1961 // Get data
1962 $content = stripslashes($_POST['content']) .' '. stripslashes($_POST['title']);
1963 $content = trim($content);
1964 if ( empty($content) ) {
1965 exit();
1966 }
1968 // Build params
1969 $param .= 'text='.urlencode($content); // Post content
1970 $param .= '&view=xml&count=50';
1972 $data = '';
1973 $request = $param;
1975 $http_request = "POST $api_path HTTP/1.0\r\n";
1976 $http_request .= "Host: $api_host\r\n";
1977 $http_request .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\r\n";
1978 $http_request .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($request) . "\r\n";
1979 $http_request .= "\r\n";
1980 $http_request .= $request;
1982 if( false != ( $fs = @fsockopen( $api_host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 3) ) && is_resource($fs) ) {
1983 fwrite($fs, $http_request);
1985 while ( !feof($fs) )
1986 $data .= fgets($fs, 1160); // One TCP-IP packet
1987 fclose($fs);
1988 $data = explode("\r\n\r\n", $data, 2);
1989 }
1991 $data = $data[1];
1992 $terms = $all_topics = $all_locations = $all_persons = $persons = $topics = $locations = array();
1994 // Get all topics
1995 preg_match_all("/(.*?)<dim type=\"topic\">(.*?)<\/dim>(.*?)/s", $data, $all_topics );
1996 $all_topics = $all_topics[2][0];
1998 preg_match_all("/(.*?)<item>(.*?)<\/item>(.*?)/s", $all_topics, $topics );
1999 $topics = $topics[2];
2001 foreach ( (array) $topics as $topic ) {
2002 $terms[] = '<span class="ttn_topic">'.$topic.'</span>';
2003 }
2005 // Get all locations
2006 preg_match_all("/(.*?)<dim type=\"location\">(.*?)<\/dim>(.*?)/s", $data, $all_locations );
2007 $all_locations = $all_locations[2][0];
2009 preg_match_all("/(.*?)<item>(.*?)<\/item>(.*?)/s", $all_locations, $locations );
2010 $locations = $locations[2];
2012 foreach ( (array) $locations as $location ) {
2013 $terms[] = '<span class="ttn_location">'.$location.'</span>';
2014 }
2016 // Get all persons
2017 preg_match_all("/(.*?)<dim type=\"person\">(.*?)<\/dim>(.*?)/s", $data, $all_persons );
2018 $all_persons = $all_persons[2][0];
2020 preg_match_all("/(.*?)<item>(.*?)<\/item>(.*?)/s", $all_persons, $persons );
2021 $persons = $persons[2];
2023 foreach ( (array) $persons as $person ) {
2024 $terms[] = '<span class="ttn_person">'.$person.'</span>';
2025 }
2027 // Remove empty terms
2028 $terms = array_filter($terms, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement'));
2030 shuffle($terms);
2031 echo implode("\n", $terms);
2032 echo '<div class="clearer"></div>';
2033 exit();
2034 }
2036 /**
2037 * Get suggest tags from local database
2038 *
2039 */
2040 function ajaxSuggestLocal() {
2041 $total = wp_count_terms('post_tag');
2043 // No tags to suggest.
2044 if ( $total == 0 ) {
2045 exit();
2046 }
2047 status_header( 200 );
2048 header("Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=" . get_bloginfo('charset'));
2049 global $simple_tags;
2051 // Get data
2052 $content = stripslashes($_POST['content']) .' '. stripslashes($_POST['title']);
2053 $content = trim($content);
2054 if ( empty($content) ) {
2055 exit();
2056 }
2058 $counter = 0;
2059 while ( ( $counter * 200 ) < $total ) {
2060 // Get tags
2061 $tags = $simple_tags->getTags('hide_empty=false&cloud_selection=count-desc&number=LIMIT '. $counter * 200 . ', '. 200, true);
2063 foreach ( (array) $tags as $tag ) {
2064 if ( is_string($tag->name) && !empty($tag->name) && stristr($content, $tag->name) ) {
2065 echo '<span class="local">'.$tag->name.'</span>'."\n";
2066 }
2067 }
2068 unset($tags, $tag);
2070 // Increment counter
2071 $counter++;
2072 }
2073 echo '<div class="clearer"></div>';
2074 exit();
2075 }
2077 function ajaxClickTags() {
2078 $total = wp_count_terms('post_tag');
2080 // No tags to suggest.
2081 if ( $total == 0 ) {
2082 exit();
2083 }
2084 status_header( 200 );
2085 header("Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=" . get_bloginfo('charset'));
2086 global $simple_tags;
2088 $counter = 0;
2089 while ( ( $counter * 200 ) < $total ) {
2090 // Get tags
2091 $tags = $simple_tags->getTags('hide_empty=false&cloud_selection=count-desc&number=LIMIT '. $counter * 200 . ', '. 200, true);
2093 foreach ( (array) $tags as $tag ) {
2094 echo '<span class="local">'.$tag->name.'</span>'."\n";
2095 }
2096 unset($tags, $tag);
2098 // Increment counter
2099 $counter++;
2100 }
2101 echo '<div class="clearer"></div>';
2102 exit();
2103 }
2105 /**
2106 * Output full list tags (collection for bcomplete.js)
2107 *
2108 */
2109 function ajaxHelperJsCollection() {
2110 global $simple_tags;
2112 if ( is_null($simple_tags) ) {
2113 exit();
2114 }
2116 $total = wp_count_terms('post_tag');
2118 status_header( 200 );
2119 cache_javascript_headers();
2121 echo 'collection = [';
2123 $flag = false;
2124 $counter = 0;
2125 while ( ( $counter * 200 ) < $total ) {
2126 // Get tags
2127 $tags = $simple_tags->getTags('hide_empty=false&cloud_selection=count-desc&number=LIMIT '. $counter * 200 . ', '. 200, true);
2129 foreach ( (array) $tags as $tag ) {
2130 $tag_name = str_replace('"', '\"', $tag->name);
2131 if ( $flag === false) {
2132 echo '"'.$tag_name.'"';
2133 $flag = true;
2134 } else {
2135 echo ', "'.$tag_name.'"';
2136 }
2137 }
2138 unset($tags, $tag);
2140 // Increment counter
2141 $counter++;
2142 }
2144 echo '];';
2145 exit();
2146 }
2148 ############## Admin WP Helper ##############
2149 /**
2150 * Display plugin Copyright
2151 *
2152 */
2153 function printAdminFooter() {
2154 ?>
2155 <p class="tags_admin"><?php printf(__('&copy; Copyright 2007 <a href="" title="Here With Me">Amaury Balmer</a> | <a href="">Simple Tags</a> | Version %s', 'simpletags'), $this->version); ?></p>
2156 <?php
2157 }
2159 /**
2160 * Display WP alert
2161 *
2162 */
2163 function displayMessage() {
2164 if ( $this->message != '') {
2165 $message = $this->message;
2166 $status = $this->status;
2167 $this->message = $this->status = ''; // Reset
2168 }
2170 if ( $message ) {
2171 ?>
2172 <div id="message" class="<?php echo ($status != '') ? $status :'updated'; ?> fade">
2173 <p><strong><?php echo $message; ?></strong></p>
2174 </div>
2175 <?php
2176 }
2177 }
2179 /**
2180 * Print link to ST File CSS
2181 *
2182 */
2183 function helperCSS() {
2184 echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.$this->info['install_url'].'/inc/simple-tags.admin.css?ver='.$this->version.'" type="text/css" />';
2185 }
2187 /**
2188 * Display generic pagination
2189 *
2190 * @param string $action_url
2191 */
2192 function printPagination( $action_url ) {
2193 if ( $this->max_num_pages > 1 ) {
2194 $output = '<div class="pagination">';
2195 $output .= '<strong>'. __('Page: ', 'simpletags') .'</strong>';
2196 for ( $i = 1; $i <= $this->max_num_pages; $i++ ) {
2197 $output .= '<a href="'.$action_url.'&amp;pagination='.$i.'">'.$i.'</a>'."\n";
2198 }
2199 $output = str_replace('pagination='.$this->actual_page.'">', 'pagination='.$this->actual_page.'" class="current_page">', $output);
2200 $output .= '</div>';
2201 echo $output;
2202 }
2203 }
2205 /**
2206 * Ouput formatted options
2207 *
2208 * @param array $option_data
2209 * @return string
2210 */
2211 function printOptions( $option_data ) {
2212 // Get actual options
2213 $option_actual = (array) $this->options;
2215 // Generate output
2216 $output = '';
2217 foreach( $option_data as $section => $options) {
2218 $output .= "\n" . '<div id="'. sanitize_title($section) .'"><fieldset class="options"><legend>' . $this->getNiceTitleOptions($section) . '</legend><table class="optiontable">' . "\n";
2219 foreach((array) $options as $option) {
2220 // Helper
2221 if ( $option[2] == 'helper' ) {
2222 $output .= '<tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td class="helper" colspan="2">' . $option[4] . '</td></tr>' . "\n";
2223 continue;
2224 }
2226 switch ( $option[2] ) {
2227 case 'checkbox':
2228 $input_type = '<input type="checkbox" id="' . $option[0] . '" name="' . $option[0] . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($option[3]) . '" ' . ( ($option_actual[ $option[0] ]) ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' />' . "\n";
2229 break;
2231 case 'dropdown':
2232 $selopts = explode('/', $option[3]);
2233 $seldata = '';
2234 foreach( (array) $selopts as $sel) {
2235 $seldata .= '<option value="' . $sel . '" ' .(($option_actual[ $option[0] ] == $sel) ? 'selected="selected"' : '') .' >' . ucfirst($sel) . '</option>' . "\n";
2236 }
2237 $input_type = '<select id="' . $option[0] . '" name="' . $option[0] . '">' . $seldata . '</select>' . "\n";
2238 break;
2240 case 'text-color':
2241 $input_type = '<input type="text" ' . (($option[3]>50) ? ' style="width: 95%" ' : '') . 'id="' . $option[0] . '" name="' . $option[0] . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($option_actual[ $option[0] ]) . '" size="' . $option[3] .'" /><div class="box_color ' . $option[0] . '"></div>' . "\n";
2242 break;
2244 case 'text':
2245 default:
2246 $input_type = '<input type="text" ' . (($option[3]>50) ? ' style="width: 95%" ' : '') . 'id="' . $option[0] . '" name="' . $option[0] . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($option_actual[ $option[0] ]) . '" size="' . $option[3] .'" />' . "\n";
2247 break;
2248 }
2250 // Additional Information
2251 $extra = '';
2252 if( !empty($option[4]) ) {
2253 $extra = '<div class="stpexplan">' . __($option[4]) . '</div>' . "\n";
2254 }
2256 // Output
2257 $output .= '<tr style="vertical-align: top;"><th scope="row"><label for="'.$option[0].'">' . __($option[1]) . '</label></th><td>' . $input_type . ' ' . $extra . '</td></tr>' . "\n";
2258 }
2259 $output .= '</table>' . "\n";
2260 $output .= '</fieldset></div>' . "\n";
2261 }
2262 return $output;
2263 }
2265 /**
2266 * Get nice title for tabs title option
2267 *
2268 * @param string $id
2269 * @return string
2270 */
2271 function getNiceTitleOptions( $id = '' ) {
2272 switch ( $id ) {
2273 case 'general':
2274 return __('General', 'simpletags');
2275 break;
2276 case 'administration':
2277 return __('Administration', 'simpletags');
2278 break;
2279 case 'metakeywords':
2280 return __('Meta Keyword', 'simpletags');
2281 break;
2282 case 'embeddedtags':
2283 return __('Embedded Tags', 'simpletags');
2284 break;
2285 case 'tagspost':
2286 return __('Tags for Current Post', 'simpletags');
2287 break;
2288 case 'relatedposts':
2289 return __('Related Posts', 'simpletags');
2290 break;
2291 case 'relatedtags':
2292 return __('Related Tags', 'simpletags');
2293 break;
2294 case 'tagcloud':
2295 return __('Tag cloud', 'simpletags');
2296 break;
2297 }
2298 return '';
2299 }
2301 /**
2302 * Escape string so that it can used in Regex. E.g. used for [tags]...[/tags]
2303 *
2304 * @param string $content
2305 * @return string
2306 */
2307 function regexEscape( $content ) {
2308 return strtr($content, array("\\" => "\\\\", "/" => "\\/", "[" => "\\[", "]" => "\\]"));
2309 }
2311 /**
2312 * Add initial ST options in DB
2313 *
2314 */
2315 function installSimpleTags() {
2316 $options_from_table = get_option( $this->db_options );
2317 if ( !$options_from_table ) {
2318 $this->resetToDefaultOptions();
2319 }
2320 }
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.