version = $version; unset($version); // 2. Set class property for default options $this->default_options = $default_options; // 3. Get options from WP $options_from_table = get_option( $this->db_options ); // 4. Update default options by getting not empty values from options table foreach( (array) $default_options as $default_options_name => $default_options_value ) { if ( !is_null($options_from_table[$default_options_name]) ) { if ( is_int($default_options_value) ) { $default_options[$default_options_name] = (int) $options_from_table[$default_options_name]; } else { $default_options[$default_options_name] = $options_from_table[$default_options_name]; } } } // 5. Set the class property and unset no used variable $this->options = $default_options; unset($default_options); unset($options_from_table); unset($default_options_value); // 6. Get info data from constructor $this->info = $info; unset($info); // 8. Admin URL and Pagination $this->admin_base_url = $this->info['siteurl'] . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page='; if ( isset($_GET['pagination']) ) { $this->actual_page = (int) $_GET['pagination']; } // 9. Admin Capabilities $role = get_role('administrator'); if( !$role->has_cap('simple_tags') ) { $role->add_cap('simple_tags'); } // 10. Admin menu add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'adminMenu')); // 11. Ajax action and JS Helper add_action('init', array(&$this, 'ajaxCheck')); // 12. ST CSS Helper add_action('admin_head', array(&$this, 'helperCSS')); // 13. Embedded Tags if ( $this->options['use_embed_tags'] == 1 ) { add_action('save_post', array(&$this, 'saveEmbedTags')); add_action('publish_post', array(&$this, 'saveEmbedTags')); add_action('post_syndicated_item', array(&$this, 'saveEmbedTags')); } // 14. Auto tags if ( $this->options['use_auto_tags'] == 1 ) { add_action('save_post', array(&$this, 'saveAutoTags')); add_action('publish_post', array(&$this, 'saveAutoTags')); add_action('post_syndicated_item', array(&$this, 'saveAutoTags')); } // 15. Tags helper for page if ( $this->options['use_tag_pages'] == 1 ) { add_action('edit_page_form', array(&$this, 'helperTagsPage'), 1); // Tag input if ( $this->options['use_autocompletion'] == 1 ) { add_action('dbx_page_advanced', array(&$this, 'helperBCompleteJS')); } if ( $this->options['use_click_tags'] == 1 ) { add_action('edit_page_form', array(&$this, 'helperClickTags'), 1); } if ( $this->options['use_suggested_tags'] == 1 ) { add_action('edit_page_form', array(&$this, 'helperSuggestTags'), 1); } } // 16. Tags helper for post if ( $this->options['use_autocompletion'] == 1 ) { add_action('dbx_post_advanced', array(&$this, 'helperBCompleteJS')); } if ( $this->options['use_click_tags'] == 1 ) { add_action('edit_form_advanced', array(&$this, 'helperClickTags'), 1); } if ( $this->options['use_suggested_tags'] == 1 ) { add_action('edit_form_advanced', array(&$this, 'helperSuggestTags'), 1); } // 17. Helper JS & jQuery & Prototype global $pagenow; $wp_pages = array('post.php', 'post-new.php', 'page.php', 'page-new.php'); $st_pages = array('st_manage', 'st_mass_tags', 'st_auto', 'st_mass_terms', 'st_options'); if ( in_array($pagenow, $wp_pages) || in_array($_GET['page'], $st_pages) ) { wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); wp_enqueue_script('prototype'); } // 18. Helper Bcomplete JS if ( $_GET['page'] == 'st_mass_tags' && $this->options['use_autocompletion'] == 1 ) { add_action('admin_head', array(&$this, 'helperMassBCompleteJS')); } return; } /** * Add WP admin menu for Tags * */ function adminMenu() { add_management_page( __('Simple Tags: Manage Tags', 'simpletags'), __('Manage Tags', 'simpletags'), 'simple_tags', 'st_manage', array(&$this, 'pageManageTags')); add_management_page( __('Simple Tags: Mass Edit Tags', 'simpletags'), __('Mass Edit Tags', 'simpletags'), 'simple_tags', 'st_mass_tags', array(&$this, 'pageMassEditTags')); add_management_page( __('Simple Tags: Auto Tags', 'simpletags'), __('Auto Tags', 'simpletags'), 'simple_tags', 'st_auto', array(&$this, 'pageAutoTags')); add_options_page( __('Simple Tags: Options', 'simpletags'), __('Simple Tags', 'simpletags'), 'simple_tags', 'st_options', array(&$this, 'pageOptions')); } /** * WP Page - Auto Tags * */ function pageAutoTags() { $action = false; if ( isset($_POST['update_auto_list']) ) { // Tags list $tags_list = stripslashes($_POST['auto_list']); $tags = explode(',', $tags_list); // Remove empty and duplicate elements $tags = array_filter($tags, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement')); $tags = array_unique($tags); $this->setOption( 'auto_list', maybe_serialize($tags) ); // Active auto tags ? if ( $_POST['use_auto_tags'] == '1' ) { $this->setOption( 'use_auto_tags', '1' ); } else { $this->setOption( 'use_auto_tags', '0' ); } // All tags ? if ( $_POST['at_all'] == '1' ) { $this->setOption( 'at_all', '1' ); } else { $this->setOption( 'at_all', '0' ); } // Empty only ? if ( $_POST['at_empty'] == '1' ) { $this->setOption( 'at_empty', '1' ); } else { $this->setOption( 'at_empty', '0' ); } $this->saveOptions(); $this->message = __('Auto tags options updated !', 'simpletags'); } elseif ( $_GET['action'] == 'auto_tag' ) { $action = true; $n = ( isset($_GET['n']) ) ? intval($_GET['n']) : 0; } $tags_list = ''; $tags = maybe_unserialize($this->options['auto_list']); if ( is_array($tags) ) { $tags_list = implode(', ', $tags); } $this->displayMessage(); ?>

plugin\'s homepage for further details. If you find a bug, or have a fantastic idea for this plugin, ask me !', 'simpletags'); ?>

options['use_auto_tags'] == 1 ) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> />

options['at_all'] == 1 ) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> />

options['at_empty'] == 1 ) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> />

helperBCompleteJS( 'auto_list', false ); ?>

options['use_tag_pages'] == '1' ) ? "post_type IN('page', 'post')" : "post_type = 'post'"; // Get objects global $wpdb; $objects = (array) $wpdb->get_results("SELECT p.ID, p.post_title, p.post_content FROM {$wpdb->posts} p WHERE {$post_type_sql} ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT {$n}, 20"); if( !empty($objects) ) { echo ''; ?>

'.__('All done!', 'simpletags').'

'; } endif; $this->printAdminFooter(); ?>
array( array('inc_page_tag_search', __('Include page in tag search:', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1', __('This feature need that option "Add page in tags management" is enabled.', 'simpletags')), array('allow_embed_tcloud', __('Allow tag cloud in post/page content:', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1', __('Enabling this will allow Wordpress to look for tag cloud marker <!--st_tag_cloud--> when displaying posts. WP replace this marker by a tag cloud.', 'simpletags')), array('auto_link_tags', __('Active auto link tags into post content:', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1', __('Example: You have a tag called "WordPress" and your post content contains "wordpress", this feature will replace "wordpress" by a link to "wordpress" tags page. (', 'simpletags')), array('auto_link_min', __('Min usage for auto link tags:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 10, __('This parameter allows to fix a minimal value of use of tags. Default: 1.', 'simpletags')), array('auto_link_case', __('Ignore case for auto link feature ?', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1', __('Example: If you ignore case, auto link feature will replace the word "wordpress" by the tag link "WordPress".', 'simpletags')), array('no_follow', __('Add the rel="nofollow" on each tags link ?', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1', __("Nofollow is a non-standard HTML attribute value used to instruct search engines that a hyperlink should not influence the link target's ranking in the search engine's index.",'simpletags')) ), 'administration' => array( array('use_tag_pages', __('Add page in tags management:', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1', __('Add a tag input (and tag posts features) in page edition', 'simpletags')), array('use_click_tags', __('Activate click tags feature:', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1', __('This feature add a link allowing you to display all the tags of your database. Once displayed, you can click over to add tags to post.', 'simpletags')), array('use_autocompletion', __('Activate autocompletion feature:', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1', __('This feature displays a visual help allowing to enter tags more easily.', 'simpletags')), array('use_suggested_tags', __('Activate suggested tags feature: (Yahoo! Term Extraction API, Tag The Net, Local DB)', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1', __('This feature add a box allowing you get suggested tags, by comparing post content and various sources of tags. (external and internal)', 'simpletags')) ), 'metakeywords' => array( array('meta_autoheader', __('Automatically include in header:', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1', __('Includes the meta keywords tag automatically in your header (most, but not all, themes support this). These keywords are sometimes used by search engines.
Warning: If the plugin "All in One SEO Pack" is installed and enabled. This feature is disabled.', 'simpletags')), array('meta_always_include', __('Always add these keywords:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80), array('meta_keywords_qty', __('Max keywords display:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 10, __('You must set zero (0) for display all keywords in HTML header.', 'simpletags')), ), 'embeddedtags' => array( array('use_embed_tags', __('Use embedded tags:', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1', __('Enabling this will allow Wordpress to look for embedded tags when saving and displaying posts. Such set of tags is marked [tags]like this, and this[/tags], and is added to the post when the post is saved, but does not display on the post.', 'simpletags')), array('start_embed_tags', __('Prefix for embedded tags:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 40), array('end_embed_tags', __('Suffix for embedded tags:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 40) ), 'tagspost' => array( array('tt_feed', __('Automatically display tags list into feeds', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1'), array('tt_embedded', __('Automatically display tags list into post content:', 'simpletags'), 'dropdown', 'no/all/blogonly/feedonly/homeonly/singularonly/pageonly/singleonly', ''), array('tt_separator', __('Post tag separator string:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 10), array('tt_before', __('Text to display before tags list:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 40), array('tt_after', __('Text to display after tags list:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 40), array('tt_number', __('Max tags display:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 10, __('You must set zero (0) for display all tags.', 'simpletags')), array('tt_inc_cats', __('Include categories in result ?', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1'), array('tt_xformat', __('Tag link format:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80, __('You can find markers and explanations in the online documentation.', 'simpletags')), array('tt_notagstext', __('Text to display if no tags found:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80), array('tt_adv_usage', __('Advanced usage:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80, __('You can use the same syntax as st_the_tags() function to customize display. See documentation for more details.', 'simpletags')) ), 'relatedposts' => array( array('rp_feed', __('Automatically display related posts into feeds', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1'), array('rp_embedded', __('Automatically display related posts into post content', 'simpletags'), 'dropdown', 'no/all/blogonly/feedonly/homeonly/singularonly/pageonly/singleonly', ''), array('rp_order', __('Related Posts Order:', 'simpletags'), 'dropdown', 'count-asc/count-desc/date-asc/date-desc/name-asc/name-desc/random', ''), array('rp_xformat', __('Post link format:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80, __('You can find markers and explanations in the online documentation.', 'simpletags')), array('rp_limit_qty', __('Maximum number of related posts to display: (default: 5)', 'simpletags'), 'text', 10), array('rp_notagstext', __('Enter the text to show when there is no related post:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80), array('rp_title', __('Enter the positioned title before the list, leave blank for no title:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80), array('rp_adv_usage', __('Advanced usage:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80, __('You can use the same syntax as st_related_posts()function to customize display. See documentation for more details.', 'simpletags')) ), 'relatedtags' => array( array('rt_number', __('Maximum number of related tags to display: (default: 5)', 'simpletags'), 'text', 10), array('rt_order', __('Order related tags:', 'simpletags'), 'dropdown', 'count-asc/count-desc/name-asc/name-desc/random', ''), array('rt_format', __('Related tags type format:', 'simpletags'), 'dropdown', 'list/flat', ''), array('rt_method', __('Method of tags intersections and unions used to build related tags link:', 'simpletags'), 'dropdown', 'OR/AND', ''), array('rt_xformat', __('Related tags link format:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80, __('You can find markers and explanations in the online documentation.', 'simpletags')), array('rt_separator', __('Related tags separator:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 10, __('Leave empty for list format.', 'simpletags')), array('rt_notagstext', __('Enter the text to show when there is no related tags:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80), array('rt_title', __('Enter the positioned title before the list, leave blank for no title:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80), array('rt_adv_usage', __('Advanced usage:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80, __('You can use the same syntax as st_related_tags()function to customize display. See documentation for more details.', 'simpletags')), // Remove related tags array('text_helper', 'text_helper', 'helper', '', '

'.__('Remove related Tags', 'simpletags').'

'), array('rt_format', __('Remove related Tags type format:', 'simpletags'), 'dropdown', 'list/flat', ''), array('rt_remove_separator', __('Remove related tags separator:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 10, __('Leave empty for list format.', 'simpletags')), array('rt_remove_notagstext', __('Enter the text to show when there is no remove related tags:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80), array('rt_remove_xformat', __('Remove related tags link format:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80, __('You can find markers and explanations in the online documentation.', 'simpletags')), ), 'tagcloud' => array( array('text_helper', 'text_helper', 'helper', '', __('Which difference between ‘Order tags selection’ and ‘Order tags display’ ?
', 'simpletags') . ''. __('Example: You want display randomly the 100 tags most popular.
', 'simpletags'). __('You must set ‘Order tags selection’ to count-desc for retrieve the 100 tags most popular and ‘Order tags display’ to random for randomize cloud.', 'simpletags')), array('cloud_selection', __('Order tags selection:', 'simpletags'), 'dropdown', 'count-asc/count-desc/name-asc/name-desc/random', ''), array('cloud_sort', __('Order tags display:', 'simpletags'), 'dropdown', 'count-asc/count-desc/name-asc/name-desc/random', ''), array('cloud_inc_cats', __('Include categories in tag cloud ?', 'simpletags'), 'checkbox', '1'), array('cloud_format', __('Tags cloud type format:', 'simpletags'), 'dropdown', 'list/flat', ''), array('cloud_xformat', __('Tag link format:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80, __('You can find markers and explanations in the online documentation.', 'simpletags')), array('cloud_limit_qty', __('Maximum number of tags to display: (default: 45)', 'simpletags'), 'text', 10), array('cloud_notagstext', __('Enter the text to show when there is no tag:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80), array('cloud_title', __('Enter the positioned title before the list, leave blank for no title:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80), array('cloud_max_color', __('Most popular color:', 'simpletags'), 'text-color', 10, __("The colours are hexadecimal colours, and need to have the full six digits (#eee is the shorthand version of #eeeeee).", 'simpletags')), array('cloud_min_color', __('Least popular color:', 'simpletags'), 'text-color', 10), array('cloud_max_size', __('Most popular font size:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 10, __("The two font sizes are the size of the largest and smallest tags.", 'simpletags')), array('cloud_min_size', __('Least popular font size:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 10), array('cloud_unit', __('The units to display the font sizes with, on tag clouds:', 'simpletags'), 'dropdown', 'pt/px/em/%', __("The font size units option determines the units that the two font sizes use.", 'simpletags')), array('cloud_adv_usage', __('Advanced usage:', 'simpletags'), 'text', 80, __('You can use the same syntax as st_tag_cloud() function to customize display. See documentation for more details.', 'simpletags')) ), ); // Update or reset options if ( isset($_POST['updateoptions']) ) { foreach((array) $this->options as $key => $value) { $newval = ( isset($_POST[$key]) ) ? stripslashes($_POST[$key]) : '0'; $skipped_options = array('use_auto_tags', 'auto_list'); if ( $newval != $value && !in_array($key, $skipped_options) ) { $this->setOption( $key, $newval ); } } $this->saveOptions(); $this->message = __('Options saved', 'simpletags'); $this->status = 'updated'; } elseif ( isset($_POST['reset_options']) ) { $this->resetToDefaultOptions(); $this->message = __('Simple Tags options resetted to default options!', 'simpletags'); } // Delete all options ? if ( $_POST['delete_all_options'] == 'true' ) { $this->deleteAllOptions(); $this->message = sprintf( __('All Simple Tags options are deleted ! You deactive plugin now !', 'simpletags'), $this->info['siteurl']. '/wp-admin/plugins.php'); } $this->displayMessage(); ?>

plugin\'s homepage for further details. If you find a bug, or have a fantastic idea for this plugin, ask me !', 'simpletags'); ?>

printOptions( $option_data ); ?>

all options before deactivating the plugin.', 'simpletags'); ?>

This is irrevocable! Be careful.', 'simpletags'); ?>

printAdminFooter(); ?>
message = __('Security problem. Try again. If this problem persist, contact plugin author.', 'simpletags'); $this->status = 'error'; } elseif ( $_POST['tag_action'] == 'renametag' ) { $oldtag = (isset($_POST['renametag_old'])) ? $_POST['renametag_old'] : ''; $newtag = (isset($_POST['renametag_new'])) ? $_POST['renametag_new'] : ''; $this->renameTags( $oldtag, $newtag ); } elseif ( $_POST['tag_action'] == 'deletetag' ) { $todelete = (isset($_POST['deletetag_name'])) ? $_POST['deletetag_name'] : ''; $this->deleteTagsByTagList( $todelete ); } elseif ( $_POST['tag_action'] == 'addtag' ) { $matchtag = (isset($_POST['addtag_match'])) ? $_POST['addtag_match'] : ''; $newtag = (isset($_POST['addtag_new'])) ? $_POST['addtag_new'] : ''; $this->addMatchTags( $matchtag, $newtag ); } elseif ( $_POST['tag_action'] == 'editslug' ) { $matchtag = (isset($_POST['tagname_match'])) ? $_POST['tagname_match'] : ''; $newslug = (isset($_POST['tagslug_new'])) ? $_POST['tagslug_new'] : ''; $this->editTagSlug( $matchtag, $newslug ); } elseif ( $_POST['tag_action'] == 'cleandb' ) { $this->cleanDatabase(); } } // Manage URL $sort_order = ( isset($_GET['tag_sortorder']) ) ? attribute_escape(stripslashes($_GET['tag_sortorder'])) : 'desc'; $search_url = ( isset($_GET['search']) ) ? '&search=' . stripslashes($_GET['search']) : ''; $action_url = $this->admin_base_url . attribute_escape(stripslashes($_GET['page'])) . '&tag_sortorder=' . $sort_order. $search_url; // TagsFilters $order_array = array( 'desc' => __('Most popular', 'simpletags'), 'asc' => __('Least used', 'simpletags'), 'natural' => __('Alphabetical', 'simpletags')); // Build Tags Param switch ($sort_order) { case 'natural' : $param = 'number='.$this->nb_tags.'&hide_empty=false&cloud_selection=name-asc'; break; case 'asc' : $param = 'number='.$this->nb_tags.'&hide_empty=false&cloud_selection=count-asc'; break; default : $param = 'number='.$this->nb_tags.'&hide_empty=false&cloud_selection=count-desc'; break; } // Search if ( !empty($_GET['search']) ) { $search = stripslashes($_GET['search']); $param = str_replace('number='.$this->nb_tags, 'number=200&st_name_like='.$search, $param ); } $this->displayMessage(); ?>

plugin\'s homepage for further details. If you find a bug, or have a fantastic idea for this plugin, ask me !', 'simpletags'); ?>

$title ) { echo ($sort == $sort_order) ? ''.$title.'
' : ''.$title.'
'; } ?>

    getTags($param, true); foreach( $tags as $tag ) { echo '
  • '.$tag->term_id.'. '.$tag->name.' ('.$tag->count.')
  • '."\n"; } unset($tags); ?>
$this->nb_tags ) ) : ?>


Slug definition', 'simpletags'); ?>

printAdminFooter(); ?>
200 ) { $quantity = 20; } // Author $author = ( empty($_GET['author']) ) ? (int) $_GET['author'] : 0; // Type (future add link) $type = attribute_escape($_GET['type']); if ( $type != 'post' && $type != 'page' ) { $type = 'post'; } // Order content $order = ( empty($_GET['order']) ) ? 'date_desc' : attribute_escape(stripslashes($_GET['order'])); // Filter $filter = ( $_GET['filter'] == 'untagged' ) ? 'untagged' : 'all'; // Check and update tags $this->checkFormMassEdit( $type ); // Action Post URL $page = ''; if ( $this->actual_page != 1 ) { $page = '&pagination='.$this->actual_page; } $action_url = $this->admin_base_url.'st_mass_tags&s='.$search.'&quantity='.$quantity.'&author='.$author.'&type='.$type.'&filter='.$filter.'&order='.$order.$page; $objects = $this->getObjects( $type, $quantity, $author, $order, $filter, $search ); $this->displayMessage(); ?>

plugin\'s homepage for further details. If you find a bug, or have a fantastic idea for this plugin, ask me !', 'simpletags'); ?>

1 ) : ?>
$editable_ids, 'show_option_all' => __('Any'), 'name' => 'author', 'selected' => isset($_GET['author']) ? $_GET['author'] : 0) ); ?>

0 ) : ?>

printPagination( $action_url ); ?> $object ) { echo '

#'.$object_id.' '.$object['title'].' [' . __('Edit', 'simpletags') . ']
'."\n"; echo '

'."\n"; } ?>

printPagination( $action_url ); ?> all_tags === true ) : ?>

printAdminFooter(); ?>

regexEscape($this->options['start_embed_tags']) . '(.*?)' . $this->regexEscape($this->options['end_embed_tags']) . ')/is', $object->post_content, $matches); foreach ( $matches[2] as $match) { foreach( (array) explode(',', $match) as $tag) { $tags[] = $tag; } } if( !empty($tags) ) { // Remove empty and duplicate elements $tags = array_filter($tags, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement')); $tags = array_unique($tags); wp_set_post_tags( $post_id, $tags, true ); // Append tags wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache } } /** * Check post data for auto tags * * @param integer $post_id * @param array $post_data */ function saveAutoTags( $post_id = null, $post_data = null ) { $object = get_post($post_id); if ( $object == false || $object == null ) { return false; } $result = $this->autoTagsPost( $object->ID, $object->post_content, $object->post_title ); if ( $result == true ) { wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache } return true; } function autoTagsPost( $post_id = 0, $content = '', $title = '' ) { if ( get_the_tags($post_id) != false && $this->options['at_empty'] == 1 ) { return false; // Skip post with tags, if tag only empty post option is checked } $tags_to_add = array(); // Auto tag with specifik auto tags list $tags = (array) maybe_unserialize($this->options['auto_list']); foreach ( $tags as $tag ) { if ( is_string($tag) && !empty($tag) && ( stristr($content, $tag) || stristr($title, $tag) ) ) { $tags_to_add[] = $tag; } } unset($tags, $tag); // Auto tags with all posts if ( $this->options['at_all'] == 1 ) { global $simple_tags; $total = wp_count_terms('post_tag'); $counter = 0; while ( ( $counter * 200 ) < $total ) { // Get tags $tags = (array) $simple_tags->getTags('hide_empty=false&cloud_selection=count-desc&number=LIMIT '. $counter * 200 . ', '. 200, true); foreach ( $tags as $tag ) { if ( is_string($tag->name) && !empty($tag->name) && ( stristr($content, $tag->name) || stristr($title, $tag->name) ) ) { $tags_to_add[] = $tag->name; } } unset($tags, $tag); // Increment counter $counter++; } } // Append tags if tags to add if ( !empty($tags_to_add) ) { // Remove empty and duplicate elements $tags_to_add = array_filter($tags_to_add, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement')); $tags_to_add = array_unique($tags_to_add); wp_set_object_terms( $post_id, $tags_to_add, 'post_tag', true ); return true; } return false; } ############## Helper Write Pages ############## /** * Display tags input for page * */ function helperTagsPage() { global $post_ID; ?>
exit ! if ( $tags == 0 ) { return; } ?> message = __('No new tag specified!', 'simpletags'); $this->status = 'error'; return; } // Stripslashes and htmlspecialchars tags $old = htmlspecialchars($this->unHtmlEntities(stripslashes($old))); $new = htmlspecialchars($this->unHtmlEntities(stripslashes($new))); // String to array $old_tags = explode(',', $old); $new_tags = explode(',', $new); // Remove empty element and trim $old_tags = array_filter($old_tags, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement')); $new_tags = array_filter($new_tags, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement')); // If old/new tag are empty => exit ! if ( empty($old_tags) || empty($new_tags) ) { $this->message = __('No new/old valid tag specified!', 'simpletags'); $this->status = 'error'; return; } $counter = 0; if( count($old_tags) == count($new_tags) ) { // Rename only foreach ( (array) $old_tags as $i => $old_tag ) { $new_name = $new_tags[$i]; // Get term by name $term = get_term_by('name', addslashes($old_tag), 'post_tag'); if ( !$term ) { continue; } // Get objects from term ID $objects_id = get_objects_in_term( $term->term_id, 'post_tag', array('fields' => 'all_with_object_id')); // Delete old term wp_delete_term( $term->term_id, 'post_tag' ); // Set objects to new term ! (Append no replace) foreach ( (array) $objects_id as $object_id ) { wp_set_object_terms( $object_id, $new_name, 'post_tag', true ); } // Increment $counter++; } if ( $counter == 0 ) { $this->message = __('No tag renamed.', 'simpletags'); } else { wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache $this->message = sprintf(__('Renamed tag(s) «%1$s» to «%2$s»', 'simpletags'), $old, $new); } } elseif ( count($new_tags) == 1 ) { // Merge // Set new tag $new_tag = $new_tags[0]; if ( empty($new_tag) ) { $this->message = __('No valid new tag.', 'simpletags'); $this->status = 'error'; return; } // Get terms ID from old terms names $terms_id = array(); foreach ( (array) $old_tags as $old_tag ) { $term = get_term_by('name', addslashes($old_tag), 'post_tag'); $terms_id[] = (int) $term->term_id; } // Get objects from terms ID $objects_id = get_objects_in_term( $terms_id, 'post_tag', array('fields' => 'all_with_object_id')); // No objects ? exit ! if ( !$objects_id ) { $this->message = __('No objects (post/page) found for specified old tags.', 'simpletags'); $this->status = 'error'; return; } // Delete old terms foreach ( (array) $terms_id as $term_id ) { wp_delete_term( $term_id, 'post_tag' ); } // Set objects to new term ! (Append no replace) foreach ( (array) $objects_id as $object_id ) { wp_set_object_terms( $object_id, $new_tag, 'post_tag', true ); $counter++; } // Test if term is also a category if ( is_term($new_tag, 'category') ) { // Edit the slug to use the new term $slug = sanitize_title($new_tag); $this->editTagSlug( $new_tag, $slug ); unset($slug); } if ( $counter == 0 ) { $this->message = __('No tag merged.', 'simpletags'); } else { wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache $this->message = sprintf(__('Merge tag(s) «%1$s» to «%2$s». %3$s objects edited.', 'simpletags'), $old, $new, $counter); } } else { // Error $this->message = sprintf(__('Error. No enough tags for rename. Too for merge. Choose !', 'simpletags'), $old); $this->status = 'error'; } return; } /** * trim and remove empty element * * @param string $element * @return string */ function deleteEmptyElement( &$element ) { $element = trim($element); if ( !empty($element) ) { return $element; } } /** * Delete list of tags * * @param string $delete */ function deleteTagsByTagList( $delete ) { if ( trim( str_replace(',', '', stripslashes($delete)) ) == '' ) { $this->message = __('No tag specified!', 'simpletags'); $this->status = 'error'; return; } // Stripslashes and htmlspecialchars tags $delete = htmlspecialchars($this->unHtmlEntities(stripslashes($delete))); // In array + filter $delete_tags = explode(',', $delete); $delete_tags = array_filter($delete_tags, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement')); // Delete tags $counter = 0; foreach ( (array) $delete_tags as $tag ) { $term = get_term_by('name', addslashes($tag), 'post_tag'); $term_id = (int) $term->term_id; if ( $term_id != 0 ) { wp_delete_term( $term_id, 'post_tag'); $counter++; } } if ( $counter == 0 ) { $this->message = __('No tag deleted.', 'simpletags'); } else { wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache $this->message = sprintf(__('%1s tag(s) deleted.', 'simpletags'), $counter); } } /** * Add tags for all or specified posts * * @param string $match * @param string $new */ function addMatchTags( $match, $new ) { if ( trim( str_replace(',', '', stripslashes($new)) ) == '' ) { $this->message = __('No new tag(s) specified!', 'simpletags'); $this->status = 'error'; return; } // Stripslashes and htmlspecialchars tags $match = htmlspecialchars($this->unHtmlEntities(stripslashes($match))); $new = htmlspecialchars($this->unHtmlEntities(stripslashes($new))); $match_tags = explode(',', $match); $new_tags = explode(',', $new); $match_tags = array_filter($match_tags, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement')); $new_tags = array_filter($new_tags, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement')); $counter = 0; if ( !empty($match_tags) ) { // Match and add // Get terms ID from old match names $terms_id = array(); foreach ( (array) $match_tags as $match_tag ) { $term = get_term_by('name', addslashes($match_tag), 'post_tag'); $terms_id[] = (int) $term->term_id; } // Get object ID with terms ID $objects_id = get_objects_in_term( $terms_id, 'post_tag', array('fields' => 'all_with_object_id') ); // Add new tags for specified post foreach ( (array) $objects_id as $object_id ) { wp_set_object_terms( $object_id, $new_tags, 'post_tag', true ); // Append tags $counter++; } } else { // Add for all posts // Page or not ? $post_type_sql = ( $this->options['use_tag_pages'] == '1' ) ? "post_type IN('page', 'post')" : "post_type = 'post'"; // Get all posts ID global $wpdb; $posts_id = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE {$post_type_sql}"); // Add new tags for all posts foreach ( (array) $posts_id as $post_id ) { wp_set_object_terms( $post_id, $new_tags, 'post_tag', true ); // Append tags $counter++; } } if ( $counter == 0 ) { $this->message = __('No tag added.', 'simpletags'); } else { wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache $this->message = sprintf(__('Tag(s) added to %1s post(s).', 'simpletags'), $counter); } } /** * Edit one or lots tags slugs * * @param string $names * @param string $slugs */ function editTagSlug( $names = '', $slugs = '') { if ( trim( str_replace(',', '', stripslashes($slugs)) ) == '' ) { $this->message = __('No new slug(s) specified!', 'simpletags'); $this->status = 'error'; return; } // Stripslashes and htmlspecialchars tags $names = htmlspecialchars($this->unHtmlEntities(stripslashes($names))); $slugs = htmlspecialchars($this->unHtmlEntities(stripslashes($slugs))); $match_names = explode(',', $names); $new_slugs = explode(',', $slugs); $match_names = array_filter($match_names, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement')); $new_slugs = array_filter($new_slugs, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement')); if ( count($match_names) != count($new_slugs) ) { $this->message = __('Tags number and slugs number isn\'t the same!', 'simpletags'); $this->status = 'error'; return; } else { $counter = 0; foreach ( (array) $match_names as $i => $match_name ) { // Sanitize slug + Escape $new_slug = sanitize_title($new_slugs[$i]); // Get term by name $term = get_term_by('name', addslashes($match_name), 'post_tag'); if ( !$term ) { continue; } // Increment $counter++; // Update term wp_update_term($term->term_id, 'post_tag', array('slug' => $new_slug)); } } if ( $counter == 0 ) { $this->message = __('No slug edited.', 'simpletags'); } else { wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache $this->message = sprintf(__('%s slug(s) edited.', 'simpletags'), $counter); } return; } /** * Clean database - Remove empty terms * */ function cleanDatabase() { global $wpdb; // Counter $counter = 0; // Get terms id empty $terms_id = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT term_id FROM {$wpdb->terms} WHERE name IN ('', ' ', ' ', ' ') GROUP BY term_id"); if ( empty($terms_id) ) { $this->message = __('Nothing to muck. Good job !', 'simpletags'); return; } // Prepare terms SQL List $terms_list = "'" . implode("', '", $terms_id) . "'"; // Remove term empty $counter += $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->terms} WHERE term_id IN ( {$terms_list} )"); // Get term_taxonomy_id from term_id on term_taxonomy table $tts_id = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE term_id IN ( {$terms_list} ) GROUP BY term_taxonomy_id"); if ( !empty($tts_id) ) { // Clean term_taxonomy table $counter += $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE term_id IN ( {$terms_list} )"); // Prepare terms SQL List $tts_list = "'" . implode("', '", $tts_id) . "'"; // Clean term_relationships table $counter += $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->term_relationships} WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN ( {$tts_list} )"); } wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache $this->message = sprintf(__('%s rows deleted. WordPress DB is clean now !', 'simpletags'), $counter); return; } /** * Add compatibility PHP4 for htmlspecialchars_decode() * * @param string $value * @return string */ function unHtmlEntities( $value = '' ) { return strtr( $value, array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS, ENT_COMPAT)) ); } /** * Click tags * */ function helperClickTags() { ?>

     -     -  

Ajax loading
exit ! if ( $tags == 0 ) { return; } $this->all_tags = true; ?> data_per_page = $quantity; if ( $type == 'post' || $type == 'page' ) { // Posts and Pages // Order switch ($order) { case 'date_asc': $order_sql = 'ORDER BY p.post_date ASC'; break; case 'id_desc': $order_sql = 'ORDER BY p.ID DESC'; break; case 'id_asc': $order_sql = 'ORDER BY p.ID ASC'; break; default: $order_sql = 'ORDER BY p.post_date DESC'; break; } // Search $search_sql = ''; $search = trim($search); if ( !empty($search) ) { $search = addslashes_gpc($search); $search_sql = "AND ( (p.post_title LIKE '%{$search}%') OR (p.post_content LIKE '%{$search}%') )"; } // Restrict Author $author_sql = ( $author != 0 ) ? "AND p.post_author = '{$author}'" : ''; // Status $filter_sql = ''; if ( $filter == 'untagged' ) { $p_id_used = $wpdb->get_col(" SELECT tr.object_id FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} AS tt, {$wpdb->term_relationships} AS tr, {$wpdb->posts} AS p WHERE tt.taxonomy = 'post_tag' AND tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id AND tr.object_id = p.ID AND p.post_type = '{$type}' GROUP BY tr.object_id"); $filter_sql = 'AND p.ID NOT IN ("'.implode( '", "', $p_id_used ).'")'; unset($p_id_used); } // Get datas with pagination $this->found_datas = (int) $wpdb->get_var(" SELECT COUNT(p.ID) FROM {$wpdb->posts} AS p WHERE p.post_type = '{$type}' {$search_sql} {$author_sql} {$filter_sql}"); $this->max_num_pages = ceil($this->found_datas/$this->data_per_page); if( $this->actual_page != 1 ) { if($this->actual_page > $this->max_num_pages) { $this->actual_page = $this->max_num_pages; } } $limit_sql = 'LIMIT '.(($this->actual_page - 1) * $this->data_per_page).', '.$this->data_per_page; $ps = (array) $wpdb->get_results(" SELECT p.ID, p.post_title FROM {$wpdb->posts} AS p WHERE p.post_type = '{$type}' {$search_sql} {$author_sql} {$filter_sql} {$order_sql} {$limit_sql}"); foreach ( $ps as $p ) { $objects[$p->ID]['title'] = $p->post_title; } return $objects; } elseif ( $type == 'link' ) { // link_owner -- future return false; } return false; } /** * Control POST data for mass edit tags * * @param string $type */ function checkFormMassEdit( $type = 'post' ) { if ( isset($_POST['update_mass']) ) { // origination and intention if ( ! ( wp_verify_nonce($_POST['secure_mass'], 'st_mass_tags') ) ) { $this->message = __('Security problem. Try again. If this problem persist, contact plugin author.', 'simpletags'); $this->status = 'error'; return; } if ( $type == 'post' || $type == 'page' ) { $taxonomy = 'post_tag'; } if ( isset($_POST['tags']) ) { $counter = 0; foreach ( (array) $_POST['tags'] as $object_id => $tag_list ) { // Trim data $tag_list = trim(stripslashes($tag_list)); // String to array $tags = explode( ',', $tag_list ); // Remove empty and trim tag $tags = array_filter($tags, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement')); // Add new tag (no append ! replace !) wp_set_object_terms( $object_id, $tags, $taxonomy ); $counter++; } wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache if ( $type == 'post' ) { $this->message = sprintf(__('%s post(s) tags updated with success !', 'simpletags'), $counter); } elseif ( $type == 'page' ) { $this->message = sprintf(__('%s page(s) tags updated with success !', 'simpletags'), $counter); } } } } ############## WP Options ############## /** * Update an option value -- note that this will NOT save the options. * * @param string $optname * @param string $optval */ function setOption($optname, $optval) { $this->options[$optname] = $optval; } /** * Save all current options * */ function saveOptions() { update_option($this->db_options, $this->options); wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache } /** * Reset to default options * */ function resetToDefaultOptions() { update_option($this->db_options, $this->default_options); $this->options = $this->default_options; wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache } /** * Delete Simple Tags options from DB. * */ function deleteAllOptions() { delete_option($this->db_options, $this->default_options); wp_cache_flush(); // Delete cache } ############## Ajax ############## /** * Ajax Dispatcher, Choose right function depending $_GET value * */ function ajaxCheck() { if ( $_GET['st_ajax_action'] == 'get_tags' ) { $this->ajaxListTags(); } elseif ( $_GET['st_ajax_action'] == 'tags_from_yahoo' ) { $this->ajaxYahooTermExtraction(); } elseif ( $_GET['st_ajax_action'] == 'tags_from_tagthenet' ) { $this->ajaxTagTheNet(); } elseif ( $_GET['st_ajax_action'] == 'helper_js_collection' ) { $this->ajaxHelperJsCollection(); } elseif ( $_GET['st_ajax_action'] == 'tags_from_local_db' ) { $this->ajaxSuggestLocal(); } elseif ( $_GET['st_ajax_action'] == 'click_tags' ) { $this->ajaxClickTags(); } } /** * Get tags list for manage tags page. * */ function ajaxListTags() { status_header( 200 ); header("Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=" . get_bloginfo('charset')); // Build param for tags $sort_order = attribute_escape(stripslashes($_GET['order'])); switch ($sort_order) { case 'natural' : $param = 'hide_empty=false&cloud_selection=name-asc'; break; case 'asc' : $param = 'hide_empty=false&cloud_selection=count-asc'; break; default : $param = 'hide_empty=false&cloud_selection=count-desc'; break; } $total = wp_count_terms('post_tag'); $current_page = (int) $_GET['pagination']; $param .= '&number=LIMIT '. $current_page * $this->nb_tags . ', '.$this->nb_tags; // Get tags global $simple_tags; $tags = (array) $simple_tags->getTags($param, true); // Build output echo ''; // Build pagination $ajax_url = $this->info['siteurl']. '/wp-admin/admin.php?st_ajax_action=get_tags'; // Order if ( isset($_GET['order']) ) { $ajax_url = $ajax_url . '&order='.$sort_order ; } ?> // Yahoo ID : h4c6gyLV34Fs7nHCrHUew7XDAU8YeQ_PpZVrzgAGih2mU12F0cI.ezr6e7FMvskR7Vu.AA-- $yahoo_id = 'h4c6gyLV34Fs7nHCrHUew7XDAU8YeQ_PpZVrzgAGih2mU12F0cI.ezr6e7FMvskR7Vu.AA--'; $yahoo_api_host = ''; // Api URL $yahoo_api_path = '/ContentAnalysisService/V1/termExtraction'; // Api URL // Get data $content = stripslashes($_POST['content']) .' '. stripslashes($_POST['title']); $content = trim($content); if ( empty($content) ) { exit(); } $tags = stripslashes($_POST['tags']); // Build params $param = 'appid='.$yahoo_id; // Yahoo ID $param .= '&context='.urlencode($content); // Post content if ( !empty($tags) ) { $param .= '&query='.urlencode($tags); // Existing tags } $param .= '&output=php'; // Get PHP Array ! $data = ''; if ( function_exists('curl_init') ) { // Curl exist ? $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://'.$yahoo_api_host.$yahoo_api_path.'?'.$param); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true); $data = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); $data = unserialize($data); } else { // Fsocket $request = 'appid='.$yahoo_id.$param; $http_request = "POST $yahoo_api_path HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $http_request .= "Host: $yahoo_api_host\r\n"; $http_request .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\r\n"; $http_request .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($request) . "\r\n"; $http_request .= "\r\n"; $http_request .= $request; if( false != ( $fs = @fsockopen( $yahoo_api_host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 3) ) && is_resource($fs) ) { fwrite($fs, $http_request); while ( !feof($fs) ) $data .= fgets($fs, 1160); // One TCP-IP packet fclose($fs); $data = explode("\r\n\r\n", $data, 2); } $data = unserialize($data[1]); } $data = (array) $data['ResultSet']['Result']; // Remove empty terms $data = array_filter($data, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement')); foreach ( $data as $term ) { echo ''.$term.''."\n"; } echo '
'; exit(); } /** * Get suggest tags from Tag The Net * */ function ajaxTagTheNet() { status_header( 200 ); header("Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=" . get_bloginfo('charset')); $api_host = ''; // Api URL $api_path = '/api/'; // Api URL // Get data $content = stripslashes($_POST['content']) .' '. stripslashes($_POST['title']); $content = trim($content); if ( empty($content) ) { exit(); } // Build params $param .= 'text='.urlencode($content); // Post content $param .= '&view=xml&count=50'; $data = ''; $request = $param; $http_request = "POST $api_path HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $http_request .= "Host: $api_host\r\n"; $http_request .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\r\n"; $http_request .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($request) . "\r\n"; $http_request .= "\r\n"; $http_request .= $request; if( false != ( $fs = @fsockopen( $api_host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 3) ) && is_resource($fs) ) { fwrite($fs, $http_request); while ( !feof($fs) ) $data .= fgets($fs, 1160); // One TCP-IP packet fclose($fs); $data = explode("\r\n\r\n", $data, 2); } $data = $data[1]; $terms = $all_topics = $all_locations = $all_persons = $persons = $topics = $locations = array(); // Get all topics preg_match_all("/(.*?)(.*?)<\/dim>(.*?)/s", $data, $all_topics ); $all_topics = $all_topics[2][0]; preg_match_all("/(.*?)(.*?)<\/item>(.*?)/s", $all_topics, $topics ); $topics = $topics[2]; foreach ( (array) $topics as $topic ) { $terms[] = ''.$topic.''; } // Get all locations preg_match_all("/(.*?)(.*?)<\/dim>(.*?)/s", $data, $all_locations ); $all_locations = $all_locations[2][0]; preg_match_all("/(.*?)(.*?)<\/item>(.*?)/s", $all_locations, $locations ); $locations = $locations[2]; foreach ( (array) $locations as $location ) { $terms[] = ''.$location.''; } // Get all persons preg_match_all("/(.*?)(.*?)<\/dim>(.*?)/s", $data, $all_persons ); $all_persons = $all_persons[2][0]; preg_match_all("/(.*?)(.*?)<\/item>(.*?)/s", $all_persons, $persons ); $persons = $persons[2]; foreach ( (array) $persons as $person ) { $terms[] = ''.$person.''; } // Remove empty terms $terms = array_filter($terms, array(&$this, 'deleteEmptyElement')); shuffle($terms); echo implode("\n", $terms); echo '
'; exit(); } /** * Get suggest tags from local database * */ function ajaxSuggestLocal() { $total = wp_count_terms('post_tag'); // No tags to suggest. if ( $total == 0 ) { exit(); } status_header( 200 ); header("Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=" . get_bloginfo('charset')); global $simple_tags; // Get data $content = stripslashes($_POST['content']) .' '. stripslashes($_POST['title']); $content = trim($content); if ( empty($content) ) { exit(); } $counter = 0; while ( ( $counter * 200 ) < $total ) { // Get tags $tags = $simple_tags->getTags('hide_empty=false&cloud_selection=count-desc&number=LIMIT '. $counter * 200 . ', '. 200, true); foreach ( (array) $tags as $tag ) { if ( is_string($tag->name) && !empty($tag->name) && stristr($content, $tag->name) ) { echo ''.$tag->name.''."\n"; } } unset($tags, $tag); // Increment counter $counter++; } echo '
'; exit(); } function ajaxClickTags() { $total = wp_count_terms('post_tag'); // No tags to suggest. if ( $total == 0 ) { exit(); } status_header( 200 ); header("Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=" . get_bloginfo('charset')); global $simple_tags; $counter = 0; while ( ( $counter * 200 ) < $total ) { // Get tags $tags = $simple_tags->getTags('hide_empty=false&cloud_selection=count-desc&number=LIMIT '. $counter * 200 . ', '. 200, true); foreach ( (array) $tags as $tag ) { echo ''.$tag->name.''."\n"; } unset($tags, $tag); // Increment counter $counter++; } echo '
'; exit(); } /** * Output full list tags (collection for bcomplete.js) * */ function ajaxHelperJsCollection() { global $simple_tags; if ( is_null($simple_tags) ) { exit(); } $total = wp_count_terms('post_tag'); status_header( 200 ); cache_javascript_headers(); echo 'collection = ['; $flag = false; $counter = 0; while ( ( $counter * 200 ) < $total ) { // Get tags $tags = $simple_tags->getTags('hide_empty=false&cloud_selection=count-desc&number=LIMIT '. $counter * 200 . ', '. 200, true); foreach ( (array) $tags as $tag ) { $tag_name = str_replace('"', '\"', $tag->name); if ( $flag === false) { echo '"'.$tag_name.'"'; $flag = true; } else { echo ', "'.$tag_name.'"'; } } unset($tags, $tag); // Increment counter $counter++; } echo '];'; exit(); } ############## Admin WP Helper ############## /** * Display plugin Copyright * */ function printAdminFooter() { ?>

Amaury Balmer | Simple Tags | Version %s', 'simpletags'), $this->version); ?>

message != '') { $message = $this->message; $status = $this->status; $this->message = $this->status = ''; // Reset } if ( $message ) { ?>

info['install_url'].'/inc/simple-tags.admin.css?ver='.$this->version.'" type="text/css" />'; } /** * Display generic pagination * * @param string $action_url */ function printPagination( $action_url ) { if ( $this->max_num_pages > 1 ) { $output = ''; echo $output; } } /** * Ouput formatted options * * @param array $option_data * @return string */ function printOptions( $option_data ) { // Get actual options $option_actual = (array) $this->options; // Generate output $output = ''; foreach( $option_data as $section => $options) { $output .= "\n" . '
' . $this->getNiceTitleOptions($section) . '' . "\n"; foreach((array) $options as $option) { // Helper if ( $option[2] == 'helper' ) { $output .= '' . "\n"; continue; } switch ( $option[2] ) { case 'checkbox': $input_type = '' . "\n"; break; case 'dropdown': $selopts = explode('/', $option[3]); $seldata = ''; foreach( (array) $selopts as $sel) { $seldata .= '' . "\n"; } $input_type = '' . "\n"; break; case 'text-color': $input_type = '50) ? ' style="width: 95%" ' : '') . 'id="' . $option[0] . '" name="' . $option[0] . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($option_actual[ $option[0] ]) . '" size="' . $option[3] .'" />
' . "\n"; break; case 'text': default: $input_type = '50) ? ' style="width: 95%" ' : '') . 'id="' . $option[0] . '" name="' . $option[0] . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($option_actual[ $option[0] ]) . '" size="' . $option[3] .'" />' . "\n"; break; } // Additional Information $extra = ''; if( !empty($option[4]) ) { $extra = '
' . __($option[4]) . '
' . "\n"; } // Output $output .= '' . "\n"; } $output .= '
' . $option[4] . '
' . $input_type . ' ' . $extra . '
' . "\n"; $output .= '
' . "\n"; } return $output; } /** * Get nice title for tabs title option * * @param string $id * @return string */ function getNiceTitleOptions( $id = '' ) { switch ( $id ) { case 'general': return __('General', 'simpletags'); break; case 'administration': return __('Administration', 'simpletags'); break; case 'metakeywords': return __('Meta Keyword', 'simpletags'); break; case 'embeddedtags': return __('Embedded Tags', 'simpletags'); break; case 'tagspost': return __('Tags for Current Post', 'simpletags'); break; case 'relatedposts': return __('Related Posts', 'simpletags'); break; case 'relatedtags': return __('Related Tags', 'simpletags'); break; case 'tagcloud': return __('Tag cloud', 'simpletags'); break; } return ''; } /** * Escape string so that it can used in Regex. E.g. used for [tags]...[/tags] * * @param string $content * @return string */ function regexEscape( $content ) { return strtr($content, array("\\" => "\\\\", "/" => "\\/", "[" => "\\[", "]" => "\\]")); } /** * Add initial ST options in DB * */ function installSimpleTags() { $options_from_table = get_option( $this->db_options ); if ( !$options_from_table ) { $this->resetToDefaultOptions(); } } } ?>