__construct($keyword, $region, $language, $num_results, $options); } /** * PHP 5 Constructor */ function __construct($keyword, $region, $language, $num_results = 30, $meta = '') { $this->keyword = (string) trim($keyword); $this->region = (string) $region; $this->language = (string) $language; $this->num_results = (int) $num_results; $this->meta = (string) $meta; $this->query = (string) ( $this->build_query() !== false ) ? $this->build_query() : $this->keyword; $this->url = (string) $this->build_url(); } /** * Get the results for a certain keyword */ function set_results() { // fetch the result for the url of this queryObject $parse_result = array(); $parse_result = (array)$this->parse($this->url); if ( is_array($parse_result) && count($parse_result) > 0 ) { // remove first one array_splice( $parse_result, 0, 1); // remove last two array_splice( $parse_result, (count($parse_result)-2), 2); } if ( count($parse_result) > 0 ) $this->num_queries++; $this->results = (array) $parse_result; } /** * Parses an URL through Snoopy * @return string */ function parse($url) { global $snoopy; $snoopy->results = ''; // set browser $snoopy->agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; nl; rv:"; // set a raw-header $snoopy->rawheaders["Pragma"] = "no-cache"; // fetch the links of the website if ($snoopy->fetchlinks($url)) { return $snoopy->results; } else { return $snoopy->error; } } /** * Returns a querified representation of a keyword * @return string */ function build_query() { $query_keyword = ''; if ($this->keyword) { $keyword = $this->keyword; if (!preg_match('#\"(.*?)\"#i', $keyword) ) { // split on spaces $keywords = explode(' ', $keyword); // url encode each part $keywords = array_map("urlencode", $keywords); // glue back together with + $query = implode("+", $keywords); } else { $query = urlencode($keyword); } return $query; } else return false; } /** * Returns the url of the Google query * @return string */ function build_url() { $url = ''; $url = $this->url; $url .= $this->region; $url .= "/ie?hl=". $this->language; $url .= "&q=".$this->query; $url .= "&num=".$this->num_results; $url .= "&sa=N"; $url .= "&filter=0"; $url .= $this->options; return $url; } /** * Returns matches in an array as an array * @return array */ function find_matches($results, $url) { $matches = array(); $matches = preg_grep("#^$url#", $results); if ( count($matches) > 0 ) { $this->matches = $matches; return $matches; } else return 0; } /** * Returns highest position in matches * @return int */ function find_top_position() { if ( count($this->matches) > 0 ) { $top = 0; while ($top == 0 && (list($position, $url) = each($this->matches))) { $top = (int)((int)$position + 1); $top_url = $url; } $this->top_position = $top; $this->top_url = $top_url; } } /** * Returns highest competitor position in competitormatches * @return int */ function find_top_competitor_position($results) { $top["position"] = 0; $top["url"] = ''; if ( is_array($results) ) { while ( $top["position"] == 0 && (list($position, $url) = each($results) ) ) { $top["position"] = (int)((int)$position + 1); $top["url"] = $url; } } return $top; } /** * Returns a string representation of a query * @return string */ function to_string($display = 'raw') { switch($display) { case "list": { echo "
print as list"; } break; case "row": { echo "
print as table row"; } break; case "raw": { pyPre($this); } break; } //return $string; } } ?>