=')) { add_action('admin_notices', create_function( '', "echo '

WP Mobile is incorrectly installed. Please check the README.

';" ) ); } } if (isset($_COOKIE['cf_mobile']) && $_COOKIE['cf_mobile'] == 'false') { add_action('the_content', 'cfmobi_mobile_available'); } } add_action('init', 'cfmobi_init'); function cfmobi_check_mobile() { global $cfmobi_mobile_browsers, $cfmobi_touch_browsers; $mobile = null; if (!isset($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]) || (isset($_COOKIE['cf_mobile']) && $_COOKIE['cf_mobile'] == 'false')) { $mobile = false; } else if (isset($_COOKIE['cf_mobile']) && $_COOKIE['cf_mobile'] == 'true') { $mobile = true; } $browsers = array_merge($cfmobi_mobile_browsers, $cfmobi_touch_browsers); if (is_null($mobile) && count($browsers)) { foreach ($browsers as $browser) { if (!empty($browser) && strpos($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], trim($browser)) !== false) { $mobile = true; } } } if (is_null($mobile)) { $mobile = false; } return apply_filters('cfmobi_check_mobile', $mobile); } if (cfmobi_check_mobile()) { add_filter('template', 'cfmobi_template'); add_filter('option_template', 'cfmobi_template'); add_filter('option_stylesheet', 'cfmobi_template'); } function cfmobi_template($theme) { if (cfmobi_installed()) { return apply_filters('cfmobi_template', CF_MOBILE_THEME); } else { return $theme; } } function cfmobi_installed() { return is_dir(ABSPATH.'/wp-content/themes/'.CF_MOBILE_THEME); } function cfmobi_mobile_exit() { echo '

Esci dalla Edizione per Cellulare (vai alla versione standard del browser).

'; } function cfmobi_mobile_available($content) { if (!defined('WPCACHEHOME')) { $content = $content.'

Ritorna all\'Edizione per Cellulare.

'; } return $content; } function cfmobi_mobile_link() { if (!defined('WPCACHEHOME')) { echo 'Mobile Editione'; } } // TODO - add sidebar widget for link, with some sort of graphic? function cfmobi_request_handler() { if (!empty($_GET['cf_action'])) { $url = parse_url(get_bloginfo('home')); $domain = $url['host']; if (!empty($url['path'])) { $path = $url['path']; } else { $path = '/'; } $redirect = false; switch ($_GET['cf_action']) { case 'cfmobi_admin_js': cfmobi_admin_js(); break; case 'cfmobi_admin_css': cfmobi_admin_css(); die(); break; case 'reject_mobile': setcookie( 'cf_mobile' , 'false' , time() + 300000 , $path , $domain ); $redirect = true; break; case 'show_mobile': setcookie( 'cf_mobile' , 'true' , time() + 300000 , $path , $domain ); $redirect = true; break; case 'cfmobi_who': if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { header("Content-type: text/plain"); echo sprintf(__('Browser: %s', 'cf-mobile'), strip_tags($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); die(); } break; } if ($redirect) { if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $go = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; } else { $go = get_bloginfo('home'); } header('Location: '.$go); die(); } } if (!empty($_POST['cf_action'])) { switch ($_POST['cf_action']) { case 'cfmobi_update_settings': cfmobi_save_settings(); wp_redirect(trailingslashit(get_bloginfo('wpurl')).'wp-admin/options-general.php?page=wp-mobile.php&updated=true'); die(); break; } } } add_action('init', 'cfmobi_request_handler'); function cfmobi_admin_js() { global $cfmobi_default_mobile_browsers, $cfmobi_default_touch_browsers; header('Content-type: text/javascript'); $mobile = str_replace(array("'","\r", "\n"), array("\'", '', ''), implode('\\n', cfmobi_default_browsers('mobile'))); $touch = str_replace(array("'","\r", "\n"), array("\'", '', ''), implode('\\n', cfmobi_default_browsers('touch'))); ?> jQuery(function($) { $('#cfmobi_mobile_reset').click(function() { $('#cfmobi_mobile_browsers').val(''); return false; }); $('#cfmobi_touch_reset').click(function() { $('#cfmobi_touch_browsers').val(''); return false; }); }); fieldset.options div.option { background: #EAF3FA; margin-bottom: 8px; padding: 10px; } fieldset.options div.option label { display: block; float: left; font-weight: bold; margin-right: 10px; width: 150px; } fieldset.options div.option span.help { color: #666; font-size: 11px; margin-left: 8px; } #cfmobi_mobile_browsers, #cfmobi_touch_browsers { height: 200px; width: 300px; } #cfmobi_mobile_reset, #cfmobi_touch_reset { display: block; font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal; } '; } add_action('admin_head', 'cfmobi_admin_head'); $cfmobi_settings = array( 'cfmobi_mobile_browsers' => array( 'type' => 'textarea', 'label' => 'Mobile Browsers Reset to Default', 'default' => cfmobi_default_browsers('mobile'), 'help' => '', ), 'cfmobi_touch_browsers' => array( 'type' => 'textarea', 'label' => 'Touch Browsers Reset to Default', 'default' => cfmobi_default_browsers('touch'), 'help' => '(iPhone, Android G1, BlackBerry Storm, etc.)', ), ); function cfmobi_setting($option) { $value = get_option($option); if (empty($value)) { global $cfmobi_settings; $value = $cfmobi_settings[$option]['default']; } return $value; } function cfmobi_admin_menu() { if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { add_options_page( __('WordPress Mobile Edition', 'cf-mobile') , __('Mobile', 'cf-mobile') , 10 , basename(__FILE__) , 'cfmobi_settings_form' ); } } add_action('admin_menu', 'cfmobi_admin_menu'); function cfmobi_plugin_action_links($links, $file) { $plugin_file = basename(__FILE__); if ($file == $plugin_file) { $settings_link = ''.__('Settings', 'cf-mobile').''; array_unshift($links, $settings_link); } return $links; } add_filter('plugin_action_links', 'cfmobi_plugin_action_links', 10, 2); if (!function_exists('cf_settings_field')) { function cf_settings_field($key, $config) { $option = get_option($key); $label = ''; $help = ''.$config['help'].''; switch ($config['type']) { case 'select': $output = $label.''.$help; break; case 'textarea': if (is_array($option)) { $option = implode("\n", $option); } $output = $label.''.$help; break; case 'string': case 'int': default: $output = $label.''.$help; break; } return '
'; } } function cfmobi_settings_form() { global $cfmobi_settings; print('

'.__('WordPress Mobile Edition', 'cf-mobile').'

'.__('Browsers that have a User Agent matching a key below will be shown the mobile version of your site instead of the normal theme.', 'cf-mobile').'

'); foreach ($cfmobi_settings as $key => $config) { echo cf_settings_field($key, $config); } print('

'.sprintf(__('To see the User Agent for your browser, click here.', 'cf-mobile'), trailingslashit(get_bloginfo('home')).'?cf_action=cfmobi_who').'

'); do_action('cfmobi_settings_form'); } function cfmobi_save_settings() { if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) { return; } global $cfmobi_settings; foreach ($cfmobi_settings as $key => $option) { $value = ''; switch ($option['type']) { case 'int': $value = intval($_POST[$key]); break; case 'select': $test = stripslashes($_POST[$key]); if (isset($option['options'][$test])) { $value = $test; } break; case 'string': case 'textarea': default: $value = stripslashes($_POST[$key]); break; } update_option($key, $value); } } if (!function_exists('get_snoopy')) { function get_snoopy() { include_once(ABSPATH.'/wp-includes/class-snoopy.php'); return new Snoopy; } } //a:22:{s:11:"plugin_name";s:24:"WordPress Mobile Edition";s:10:"plugin_uri";s:42:"http://crowdfavorite.com/wordpress/plugins";s:18:"plugin_description";s:277:"Show your mobile visitors a site presentation designed just for them. Rich experience for iPhone, Android, etc. and clean simple formatting for less capable mobile browsers. Cache-friendly with a Carrington-based theme, and progressive enhancement for advanced mobile browsers.";s:14:"plugin_version";s:3:"3.0";s:6:"prefix";s:6:"cfmobi";s:8:"filename";s:13:"wp-mobile.php";s:12:"localization";s:9:"cf-mobile";s:14:"settings_title";s:24:"WordPress Mobile Edition";s:13:"settings_link";s:6:"Mobile";s:4:"init";s:1:"1";s:7:"install";s:1:"1";s:9:"post_edit";b:0;s:12:"comment_edit";b:0;s:6:"jquery";b:0;s:6:"wp_css";b:0;s:5:"wp_js";b:0;s:9:"admin_css";s:1:"1";s:8:"admin_js";s:1:"1";s:15:"request_handler";s:1:"1";s:6:"snoopy";s:1:"1";s:11:"setting_cat";b:0;s:14:"setting_author";b:0;} ?>