anything.[jpg|gif|png] i.e. hfk7wdfw8.gif, IMAGE_1475.jpg, bla.png to /wp-content/themes/[theme-name]/images/header/ through FTP. You will need a \"FTP Client\" software such as Filezilla (free), the Firefox extension FireFTP (free) or SmartFTP ($36.95)."; $header_image_text_wpmu = "To upload your own header images, you'll need to prepare your header image(s) on your harddrive first. Rename your header images to atahualpa_header_X.[jpg|gif|png|bmp] (Example: atahualpa_header_1.jpg, atahualpa_header_3.png, atahualpa_header_182.gif) and then, upload them to your WordPress site through the WordPress Editor.

There may be no \"upload\" tab in the admin area though. In that case, start as if you were going to add an image to a post: Go to Admin -> Manage -> Posts, and click on the title of an existing post to open the editor. Click on the \"Add Media\" link, and in the next window click on the \"Choose files to upload\" button. That will open a window on your local computer where you can find and select the header image (which you've already renamed as described before) on your local harddrive. Select \"Full Size\" and, do NOT click on \"Insert into Post\" but click on \"Save all changes\" instead. Now reload your Homepage and the new header image should appear. If you want more than one header image (to have them rotate) simply repeat all these steps. The theme will autmatically recognize all images that are named atahualpa_header_X.[jpg|png|gif]. If there's only one image, then it'll be your single, \"static\" header image. If there's more than one image, then the theme will rotate them with every pageview."; $logo_icon_text_wp = "To show your own graphic, upload an image to /wp-content/themes/atahualpa3/images/ and put the file name of the image into this field.


Make sure you have no spaces or exotic characters in the image file name. Your Windows or Mac Computer may display them but the hosting server probably won't. The image file can have a .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png or .bmp extension."; $logo_icon_text_wpmu = "To show your own graphic, upload an image through the WordPress Editor. There may be no \"upload\" tab in your WordPress version. To upload the image start as if you were going to add an image to a post: Go to Admin -> Manage -> Posts, and click on the title of an existing post to open the editor. Click on the \"Add Media\" link, and in the next window click on the \"Choose files to upload\" button. That will open a window on your local computer where you can select the image on your local harddrive. After you've selected the image, choose \"Full Size\" and, instead of clicking on \"Insert into Post\", click on \"Save all changes\". Then put the file name of your image into this field, i.e. my-new-logo.jpg and click \"Save changes\" at the bottom fo this page. Now reload your Homepage and your new logo should appear instead of the default one.

Make sure you have no spaces or exotic characters in the image file name. Your Windows or Mac Computer may display them but the hosting server probably won't. The image file can have a .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png or .bmp extension."; if (defined('ABSPATH')) { if (file_exists(ABSPATH."/wpmu-settings.php")) { $header_image_text = $header_image_text_wpmu; $logo_icon_text = $logo_icon_text_wpmu; } } else {$header_image_text = $header_image_text_wp; $logo_icon_text = $logo_icon_text_wp;} // different options text for different WP versions // WP 2.7+ if( function_exists('wp_list_comments') ) { $go_to_pages = "go to Site Admin -> Pages -> Edit"; $go_to_cats = "go to Site Admin -> Posts -> Categories"; $path_to_widgets = "Appearance"; } else { // WP 2.6 and older $go_to_pages = "go to Site Admin -> Manage -> Pages"; $go_to_cats = "go to Site Admin -> Manage -> Categories"; $path_to_widgets = "Design (\"Presentation\" in WP 2.3 and older)"; } // array of theme options starts here. Set the category of the first option of every new option category to "category_name", except for the very first option, which will be hard coded in functions.php $themename = "Atahualpa"; $shortname = "bfa_ata"; $options1 = array( array( "name" => "Thank you for using Atahualpa", "category" => "start-here", "id" => $shortname."_start_here", "type" => "info", "lastoption" => "yes", "info" => "
Atahualpa is a solid theme that works on all popular browsers and screen sizes.
Discuss the Atahualpa theme at the Bytes For All Forum.

Crafting a theme like this...

...takes a lot of time: Please donate, no matter how small the amount may be.
See the \"Donate\" links at and

Additional ways to support the author: Answer other's questions about the theme at the BFA Forum
and the Forum, and vote for Atahualpa over at WordPress Themes.

Caching the theme

Due to its many features Atahualpa may be slightly slower than a theme without options. Like any other theme
Atahualpa will be fast with a caching plugin such as WP Cache 2 (easy installation) or WP Super Cache.

Customizing with CSS

For greater flexibility many site elements have to be styled with CSS rather than color pickers and select menus. But the theme takes care of the layout and cross-browser related issues and leaves only the fun part of CSS for you: borders, colors, fonts, padding (inner spacing) and margin (outer spacing).

CSS usage instructions


Enhance your site with plugins. Atahualpa should work with most plugins. It has plug & play support for these: Subscribe to Comments, Paged Comments, LMB Box Comment Quicktags, WP-PageNavi, WP-Email, WP-Print, WP-PostViews and Sociable. Tested with WP Super Cache, WP Cache 2 and WP-Syntax. Atahualpa automatically recognizes 12 popular SEO plugins (incl. All-in-one-SEO and Headspace2) and disables its own SEO features to avoid conflicts.
"), // New category: seo array( "name" => "Use Bytes For All SEO options?", "category" => "seo", "switch" => "yes", "id" => $shortname."_use_bfa_seo", "type" => "select", "std" => "No", "options" => array("No", "Yes"), "info" => "Leave this at \"No\" if you're using ANY SEO plugin such as \"All-in-one-SEO\", or any plugin that deals with meta tags in some way. If both a SEO plugin and the theme's SEO functions are activated, the meta tags of your site may get messed up, which might affect your search engine rankings.

If you leave this at \"No\", the next SEO options (except the last one, \"Nofollow RSS...\") will become obsolete, you may just skip them.

Note: Even if you set this to \"Yes\", the SEO functions listed below (except \"Nofollow RSS...\") will NOT be activated IF the theme recognizes that a SEO plugin is activated."), array( "name" => "Homepage Meta Description", "category" => "seo", "id" => $shortname."_homepage_meta_description", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea", "escape" => "yes", "info" => "Type 1-3 sentences, about 20-30 words total. Will be used as Meta Description for (only) the homepage. If left blank, no Meta Description will be added to the homepage.

Single and double quotes: Yes"), array( "name" => "Homepage Meta Keywords", "category" => "seo", "id" => $shortname."_homepage_meta_keywords", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea", "escape" => "yes", "info" => "Type 5-30 words or phrases, separated by comma. Will be used as the Meta Keywords for (only) the homepage. If left blank, no Meta Keywords will be added to the homepage.

Single and double quotes: Technically, Yes, but search engines might object to it. Probably better to avoid quotes here."), array( "name" => "Meta Title Tag format", "category" => "seo", "id" => $shortname."_add_blogtitle", "type" => "select", "std" => "Page Title - Blog Title", "options" => array("Page Title - Blog Title", "Blog Title - Page Title", "Page Title"), "info" => "Show the blog title in front of or after the page title, in the meta title tag of every page? Or, show only the page title?"), array( "name" => "Meta Title Tag Separator", "category" => "seo", "id" => $shortname."_title_separator_code", "type" => "select", "std" => "1", "options" => array("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13"), "info" => "If you chose to include the blog title in the meta title (the option above), choose here what to put between the page and the blog title (or vice versa):

1 «     2 »     3 :     4:     5 >     6 <     7 -

8     9     10     11 ·     12     13"), array( "name" => "Noindex Date Archive Pages?", "category" => "seo", "id" => $shortname."_archive_noindex", "type" => "select", "std" => "No", "options" => array("No", "Yes"), "info" => "Include meta tag \"noindex, follow\" into date based archive pages? The purpose is to keep search engines from spidering duplicate content from your site."), array( "name" => "Noindex Category pages?", "category" => "seo", "id" => $shortname."_cat_noindex", "type" => "select", "std" => "No", "options" => array("No", "Yes"), "info" => "Include meta tag \"noindex, follow\" into category pages? Same purpose as above."), array( "name" => "Noindex Tag pages?", "category" => "seo", "id" => $shortname."_tag_noindex", "type" => "select", "std" => "No", "options" => array("No", "Yes"), "info" => "Include meta tag \"noindex, follow\" into tag pages? Same purpose as above."), array( "name" => "Nofollow RSS, trackback & admin links?", "category" => "seo", "id" => $shortname."_nofollow", "type" => "select", "std" => "No", "options" => array("No", "Yes"), "lastoption" => "yes", "info" => "Make RSS, trackback & admin links \"nofollow\"? Same purpose as above."), // New category: body-font-links array( "name" => "Body Style", "category" => "body-font-links", "switch" => "yes", "id" => $shortname."_body_style", "std" => "font-family: tahoma, arial, sans-serif;\nfont-size: 0.8em;\ncolor: #000000;\nbackground: #ffffff;", "type" => "textarea", "info" => "The styles you set here will apply to everything that doesn't get its own style.


Setting a background image for the body:
background: url(/wp-content/themes/atahualpa3/images/backgr.gif) repeat top left;
To use your own image upload it to /wp-content/themes/[theme-name]/images/

To put space above and below the layout:
padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px;

Set padding here, instead of margin on the layout container (see tab \"Layout\") because that won't work for the bottom, in Internet Explorer."), array( "name" => "Link Default Color", "category" => "body-font-links", "id" => $shortname."_link_color", "std" => "666666", "type" => "text", "info" => "All hex color codes."), array( "name" => "Link Hover Color", "category" => "body-font-links", "id" => $shortname."_link_hover_color", "std" => "cc0000", "type" => "text", "info" => "Color of links when \"hovering\" over them with the mouse pointer. All hex color codes."), array( "name" => "Link Default Decoration", "category" => "body-font-links", "id" => $shortname."_link_default_decoration", "type" => "select", "std" => "none", "options" => array("none", "underline"), "info" => "Underline links or not, in their default state?"), array( "name" => "Link Hover Decoration", "category" => "body-font-links", "id" => $shortname."_link_hover_decoration", "type" => "select", "std" => "underline", "options" => array("underline", "none"), "info" => "When the mouse pointer hovers over a link, underline it or not?"), array( "name" => "Link Text Bold or Not", "category" => "body-font-links", "id" => $shortname."_link_weight", "type" => "select", "std" => "bold", "options" => array("bold", "normal"), "lastoption" => "yes", "info" => "Make link text bold or not?"), // New category: layout array( "name" => "Layout WIDTH and type (FLUID or FIXED)", "category" => "layout", "switch" => "yes", "id" => $shortname."_layout_width", "std" => "99%", "type" => "text", "size" => "7", "info" => "This setting must contain either % (percent) or px after the number.

Examples"), array( "name" => "Layout MIN width", "category" => "layout", "id" => $shortname."_layout_min_width", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "size" => "5", "info" => "OPTIONAL, and for FLUID layouts only: You may set a MINIMUM width (in pixels) for fluid layouts, to limit the resizing behaviour.

Example: 770"), array( "name" => "Layout MAX width", "category" => "layout", "id" => $shortname."_layout_max_width", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "size" => "5", "info" => "OPTIONAL, and for FLUID layouts only: You may set a MAXIMUM width (in pixels) for fluid layouts, to limit the resizing behaviour.

Example: 1250"), array( "name" => "Layout Container Style", "category" => "layout", "id" => $shortname."_layout_style", "std" => "padding: 0;", "type" => "textarea", "info" => "Style the layout container here. The layout container holds the whole page including header, sidebars, center column and footer. Example:

border: solid 2px #cccccc;
padding: 10px;
(This effectively only affects top/bottom padding)
background: #ffffff;
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
-khtml-border-radius: 10px;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;

NOTE: The rounded corners won't be round in Internet Explorer."), array( "name" => "Layout Container Padding Left/Right", "category" => "layout", "id" => $shortname."_layout_style_leftright_padding", "std" => "0", "type" => "text", "size" => "4", "lastoption" => "yes", "info" => "If you want left/right padding on the layout container, put the pixel value here. The Theme needs this as a separate style, in order to include it in the min/max width calculation. Example: 20"), // New category: favicon array( "name" => "Favicon", "category" => "favicon", "switch" => "yes", "id" => $shortname."_favicon_file", "std" => "20-favicon.ico", "type" => "text", "size" => "30", "lastoption" => "yes", "info" => "" . "Put the file name of the favicon here, i.e. fff-sport_soccer.ico. To use your own graphic, upload a your-file-name.ico to /atahualpa3/images/favicon/

Leave blank to show no favicon.

If the icon doesn't show: In some browsers such as IE6 you might have to clear cache and history and restart the browser

1-favicon.ico - 44-favicon.ico are available as big .png files (up to 128x128) at Nuvola Icon Set if you want to create a matching logo.

NOTE: If you create your own favicon: Simply renaming a .gif, .png or jpg file won't work in Internet Explorer. .ico is an actual file format. Create a 32 bit .png (optional: with transparent background) and a size of 16x16 pixels and convert it into an .ico file with a software such as @Icon Sushi" . ""), // New category: header array( "name" => "Configure Header Area", "category" => "header", "switch" => "yes", "id" => $shortname."_configure_header", "type" => "text", "size" => "30", "std" => "%pages %logo %bar1 %image %bar2", "info" => "Choose from 6 header items to arrange a custom header area:You can style and configure these header items individually further down on this page, and on the menu tabs \"Page Menu Bar\" and \"Category Menu Bar\".

This section here is just for the overall configuration of the header area.

List the header items you want to display, in the order you want to display them.
