source: trunk/ 44

Last change on this file since 44 was 44, checked in by luciano, 14 years ago
File size: 130.0 KB
2// different options text for WP and WPMU, because image upload works differently
4$header_image_text_wp = "To add your own header image(s), upload one or several images with any file names
5<code>anything.[jpg|gif|png]</code> i.e. <code>hfk7wdfw8.gif</code>, <code>IMAGE_1475.jpg</code>, <code>bla.png</code>
6to /wp-content/themes/[theme-name]/images/header/ through FTP. You will need a \"FTP Client\" software such as
7<a href=\"\">Filezilla</a> (free), the Firefox extension
8<a href=\"\">FireFTP</a> (free) or
9<a href=\"\">SmartFTP</a> ($36.95).";
11$header_image_text_wpmu = "To upload your own header images, you'll need to prepare your header image(s)
12on your harddrive first. Rename your header images to <code>atahualpa_header_X.[jpg|gif|png|bmp]</code>
13(Example: <code>atahualpa_header_1.jpg</code>, <code>atahualpa_header_3.png</code>,
14<code>atahualpa_header_182.gif</code>) and then, upload them to your WordPress site through the WordPress Editor</strong>.
15<br /><br />There may be no \"upload\" tab in the admin area though. In that case, start as if you were going to
16add an image to a post: Go to Admin -> Manage -> Posts, and click on the title of an existing post to open the editor.
17Click on the \"Add Media\" link, and in the next window click on the \"Choose files to upload\" button.
18That will open a window on your local computer where you can find and select the header image
19(which you've already renamed as described before) on your local harddrive. Select \"Full Size\" and,
20do NOT click on \"Insert into Post\" but click on \"Save all changes\" instead. Now reload your Homepage
21and the new header image should appear. If you want more than one header image (to have them rotate) simply
22repeat all these steps. The theme will autmatically recognize all images that are named
23<code>atahualpa_header_X.[jpg|png|gif]</code>. If there's only one image, then it'll be your single,
24\"static\" header image. If there's more than one image, then the theme will rotate them with every pageview.";
26$logo_icon_text_wp = "To show your own graphic, upload an image to <strong>/wp-content/themes/atahualpa3/images/</strong>
27and put the file name of the image into this field. <br /><br /><strong>Example:</strong><br /><code>myownlogo.gif</code>
28<br /><br />Make sure you have <strong>no spaces</strong> or exotic characters in the image file name.
29Your Windows or Mac Computer may display them but the hosting server probably won't. The image file can
30have a .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png or .bmp extension.";
32$logo_icon_text_wpmu = "To show your own graphic, upload an image through the WordPress Editor.
33There may be no \"upload\" tab in your WordPress version. To upload the image start as if you were going to
34add an image to a post: Go to Admin -> Manage -> Posts, and click on the title of an existing post to open
35the editor. Click on the \"Add Media\" link, and in the next window click on the \"Choose files to upload\" button.
36That will open a window on your local computer where you can select the image on your local harddrive.
37After you've selected the image, choose \"Full Size\" and, instead of clicking on \"Insert into Post\",
38click on \"Save all changes\". Then put the file name of your image into this field, i.e. <code>my-new-logo.jpg</code>
39and click \"Save changes\" at the bottom fo this page. Now reload your Homepage and your new logo should appear
40instead of the default one.<br /><br />Make sure you have no spaces or exotic characters in the image file name.
41Your Windows or Mac Computer may display them but the hosting server probably won't. The image file can have
42a .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png or .bmp extension.";
44if (defined('ABSPATH')) { if (file_exists(ABSPATH."/wpmu-settings.php")) {
45$header_image_text = $header_image_text_wpmu;
46$logo_icon_text = $logo_icon_text_wpmu; } }
47else {$header_image_text = $header_image_text_wp;
48$logo_icon_text = $logo_icon_text_wp;}
50// different options text for different WP versions
51// WP 2.7+
52if( function_exists('wp_list_comments') ) {
53$go_to_pages = "go to Site Admin -> Pages -> Edit";
54$go_to_cats = "go to Site Admin -> Posts -> Categories";
55$path_to_widgets = "Appearance";
56} else {
57// WP 2.6 and older
58$go_to_pages = "go to Site Admin -> Manage -> Pages";
59$go_to_cats = "go to Site Admin -> Manage -> Categories";
60$path_to_widgets = "Design (\"Presentation\" in WP 2.3 and older)";
63// array of theme options starts here. Set the category of the first option of every new option category to "category_name", except for the very first option, which will be hard coded in functions.php
64$themename = "Atahualpa";
65$shortname = "bfa_ata";
66$options1 = array(
68 array( "name" => "Thank you for using Atahualpa",
69 "category" => "start-here",
70 "id" => $shortname."_start_here",
71 "type" => "info",
72 "lastoption" => "yes",
73 "info" => "<br />Atahualpa is a solid theme that works on all popular browsers and screen sizes.<br />
74 Discuss the Atahualpa theme at the <a href=\"\">Bytes For All Forum</a>.<br />
75 <h3>Crafting a theme like this...</h3>...takes a <strong>lot</strong> of time: Please donate, no matter
76 how small the amount may be.<br />See the \"Donate\" links at <a href=\"\">
77</a> and <a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />
78 Additional ways to support the author: Answer other's questions about the theme at the
79 <a href=\"\">BFA Forum</a><br />and the <a href=\"\">
80 Forum</a>, and vote for Atahualpa over at <a href=\"\">
81 WordPress Themes</a>. <br />
82 <h3>Caching the theme</h3>Due to its many features Atahualpa may be slightly slower than a theme without options.
83 Like any other theme<br />Atahualpa will be fast with a caching plugin such as <a href=\"\">
84 WP Cache 2</a> (easy installation) or <a href=\"\">WP Super Cache</a>.<br />
85 <h3>Customizing with CSS</h3>For greater flexibility many site elements have to be styled with CSS rather than
86 color pickers and select menus. But the theme takes care of the layout and cross-browser related issues and leaves
87 only the fun part of CSS for you: borders, colors, fonts, padding (inner spacing) and margin (outer spacing).
88 <h3>CSS usage instructions</h3><ul><li>The theme's CSS is spread over two files: header.php and style.css. style.css contains
89 the static CSS (that does not change) and header.php contains the dynamic CSS. The rules in header.php will overwrite any identical
90 rule that may appear in style.css. Keep this CSS structure in mind when you want to manually edit the CSS styles of the theme.</li><li>When customizing CSS via the theme options, you'll only be editing what's between the brackets, the part in red:
91 <code>selector {<i>property:value; property2:value2;</i>}</code></li><li>Finish every property:value pair with
92 a semicolon <code>;</code> unless the descripton, the example or the default settings indicate that a semicolon
93 <code>;</code> should not be added. </li><li>To add completely new styles (incl. selectors &amp; brackets),
94 add them as \"CSS insert\", see menu tab <strong>HTML/CSS Inserts</strong></li><li>More about CSS at the
95 <a href=\"\">W3 Schools</a></li></ul>
96 <h3>Plugins</h3>Enhance your site with <a href=\"\">plugins</a>.
97 Atahualpa should work with most plugins. It has plug &amp; play support for these:
98 <a href=\"\">Subscribe to Comments</a>,
99 <a href=\"\">Paged Comments</a>,
100 <a href=\"\">LMB Box Comment Quicktags</a>,
101 <a href=\"\">WP-PageNavi</a>,
102 <a href=\"\">WP-Email</a>,
103 <a href=\"\">WP-Print</a>,
104 <a href=\"\">WP-PostViews</a> and
105 <a href=\"\">Sociable</a>. Tested with
106 <a href=\"\">WP Super Cache</a>,
107 <a href=\"\">WP Cache 2</a> and
108 <a href=\"\">WP-Syntax</a>.
109 Atahualpa automatically recognizes 12 popular SEO plugins (incl. All-in-one-SEO and Headspace2) and disables its
110 own SEO features to avoid conflicts.<br />
111 "),
113// New category: seo
115 array( "name" => "Use Bytes For All SEO options?",
116 "category" => "seo",
117 "switch" => "yes",
118 "id" => $shortname."_use_bfa_seo",
119 "type" => "select",
120 "std" => "No",
121 "options" => array("No", "Yes"),
122 "info" => "<strong>Leave this at \"No\" if you're using ANY SEO plugin</strong> such as \"All-in-one-SEO\",
123 or any plugin that deals with meta tags in some way. If both a SEO plugin and the theme's SEO functions are
124 activated, the meta tags of your site may get messed up, which might affect your search engine rankings.
125 <br /><br />If you leave this at \"No\", the next SEO options (except the last one, \"Nofollow RSS...\")
126 will become obsolete, you may just skip them. <br /><br /><em>Note: Even if you set this to \"Yes\", the
127 SEO functions listed below (except \"Nofollow RSS...\") will NOT be activated IF the theme recognizes that
128 a SEO plugin is activated.</em>"),
130 array( "name" => "Homepage Meta Description",
131 "category" => "seo",
132 "id" => $shortname."_homepage_meta_description",
133 "std" => "",
134 "type" => "textarea",
135 "escape" => "yes",
136 "info" => "Type 1-3 sentences, about 20-30 words total. Will be used as Meta Description for (only) the
137 homepage. If left blank, no Meta Description will be added to the homepage.<br /><br />HTML: No<br />
138 Single and double quotes: Yes"),
140 array( "name" => "Homepage Meta Keywords",
141 "category" => "seo",
142 "id" => $shortname."_homepage_meta_keywords",
143 "std" => "",
144 "type" => "textarea",
145 "escape" => "yes",
146 "info" => "Type 5-30 words or phrases, separated by comma. Will be used as the Meta Keywords for (only)
147 the homepage. If left blank, no Meta Keywords will be added to the homepage.<br /><br />HTML: No<br />
148 Single and double quotes: Technically, Yes, but search engines might object to it. Probably better to avoid
149 quotes here."),
151 array( "name" => "Meta Title Tag format",
152 "category" => "seo",
153 "id" => $shortname."_add_blogtitle",
154 "type" => "select",
155 "std" => "Page Title - Blog Title",
156 "options" => array("Page Title - Blog Title", "Blog Title - Page Title", "Page Title"),
157 "info" => "Show the blog title in front of or after the page title, in the meta title tag of every page?
158 Or, show only the page title?"),
160 array( "name" => "Meta Title Tag Separator",
161 "category" => "seo",
162 "id" => $shortname."_title_separator_code",
163 "type" => "select",
164 "std" => "1",
165 "options" => array("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13"),
166 "info" => "If you chose to include the blog title in the meta title (the option above), choose here what
167 to put <strong>between</strong> the page and the blog title (or vice versa):<br /><br /> 1<code> &#171;
168 </code> &nbsp; &nbsp; 2<code> &#187; </code> &nbsp; &nbsp; 3<code> &#58; </code> &nbsp; &nbsp;
169 4<code>&#58; </code> &nbsp; &nbsp; 5<code> &#62; </code> &nbsp; &nbsp; 6<code> &#60; </code> &nbsp;
170 &nbsp; 7<code> &#45; </code><br /><br />8<code> &#8249; </code> &nbsp; &nbsp; 9<code> &#8250; </code>
171 &nbsp; &nbsp; 10<code> &#8226; </code> &nbsp; &nbsp; 11<code> &#183; </code> &nbsp; &nbsp; 12<code>
172 &#151; </code> &nbsp; &nbsp; 13<code> &#124;&nbsp;</code>"),
174 array( "name" => "Noindex Date Archive Pages?",
175 "category" => "seo",
176 "id" => $shortname."_archive_noindex",
177 "type" => "select",
178 "std" => "No",
179 "options" => array("No", "Yes"),
180 "info" => "Include meta tag \"noindex, follow\" into date based archive pages? The purpose is to keep
181 search engines from spidering duplicate content from your site."),
183 array( "name" => "Noindex Category pages?",
184 "category" => "seo",
185 "id" => $shortname."_cat_noindex",
186 "type" => "select",
187 "std" => "No",
188 "options" => array("No", "Yes"),
189 "info" => "Include meta tag \"noindex, follow\" into category pages? Same purpose as above."),
191 array( "name" => "Noindex Tag pages?",
192 "category" => "seo",
193 "id" => $shortname."_tag_noindex",
194 "type" => "select",
195 "std" => "No",
196 "options" => array("No", "Yes"),
197 "info" => "Include meta tag \"noindex, follow\" into tag pages? Same purpose as above."),
199 array( "name" => "Nofollow RSS, trackback & admin links?",
200 "category" => "seo",
201 "id" => $shortname."_nofollow",
202 "type" => "select",
203 "std" => "No",
204 "options" => array("No", "Yes"),
205 "lastoption" => "yes",
206 "info" => "Make RSS, trackback & admin links \"nofollow\"? Same purpose as above."),
208// New category: body-font-links
210 array( "name" => "Body Style",
211 "category" => "body-font-links",
212 "switch" => "yes",
213 "id" => $shortname."_body_style",
214 "std" => "font-family: tahoma, arial, sans-serif;\nfont-size: 0.8em;\ncolor: #000000;\nbackground: #ffffff;",
215 "type" => "textarea",
216 "info" => "The styles you set here will apply to everything that doesn't get its own style. <br /><br />
217 <strong>Examples:</strong> <br /><br />Setting a background image for the body:<br /><code>background:
218 url(/wp-content/themes/atahualpa3/images/backgr.gif) repeat top left;</code><br />To use your own image upload it to <code>
219 /wp-content/themes/[theme-name]/images/</code><br /><br />To put space above and below the layout:<br />
220 <code>padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px;</code><br /><br />Set padding here, instead of margin on the
221 layout container (see tab \"Layout\") because that won't work for the bottom, in Internet Explorer."),
223 array( "name" => "Link Default Color",
224 "category" => "body-font-links",
225 "id" => $shortname."_link_color",
226 "std" => "666666",
227 "type" => "text",
228 "info" => "All hex color codes."),
230 array( "name" => "Link Hover Color",
231 "category" => "body-font-links",
232 "id" => $shortname."_link_hover_color",
233 "std" => "cc0000",
234 "type" => "text",
235 "info" => "Color of links when \"hovering\" over them with the mouse pointer. All hex color codes."),
237 array( "name" => "Link Default Decoration",
238 "category" => "body-font-links",
239 "id" => $shortname."_link_default_decoration",
240 "type" => "select",
241 "std" => "none",
242 "options" => array("none", "underline"),
243 "info" => "Underline links or not, in their default state?"),
245 array( "name" => "Link Hover Decoration",
246 "category" => "body-font-links",
247 "id" => $shortname."_link_hover_decoration",
248 "type" => "select",
249 "std" => "underline",
250 "options" => array("underline", "none"),
251 "info" => "When the mouse pointer hovers over a link, underline it or not?"),
253 array( "name" => "Link Text Bold or Not",
254 "category" => "body-font-links",
255 "id" => $shortname."_link_weight",
256 "type" => "select",
257 "std" => "bold",
258 "options" => array("bold", "normal"),
259 "lastoption" => "yes",
260 "info" => "Make link text bold or not?"),
262// New category: layout
264 array( "name" => "Layout WIDTH and type (FLUID or FIXED)",
265 "category" => "layout",
266 "switch" => "yes",
267 "id" => $shortname."_layout_width",
268 "std" => "99%",
269 "type" => "text",
270 "size" => "7",
271 "info" => "This setting must contain either <code>%</code> (percent) or <code>px</code> after the number.
272 <br /><br /><strong>Examples</strong><ul><li><code>990px</code> Fixed width of 990 pixels</li><li><code>92%</code>
273 Fluid width of 92%</li><li><code>100%</code> Fluid width spanning the whole browser viewport</li></ul>"),
275 array( "name" => "Layout MIN width",
276 "category" => "layout",
277 "id" => $shortname."_layout_min_width",
278 "std" => "",
279 "type" => "text",
280 "size" => "5",
281 "info" => "OPTIONAL, and for FLUID layouts only: You may set a MINIMUM width (in pixels) for fluid layouts,
282 to limit the resizing behaviour.<br /><br /><strong>Example:</strong> <code>770</code>"),
284 array( "name" => "Layout MAX width",
285 "category" => "layout",
286 "id" => $shortname."_layout_max_width",
287 "std" => "",
288 "type" => "text",
289 "size" => "5",
290 "info" => "OPTIONAL, and for FLUID layouts only: You may set a MAXIMUM width (in pixels) for fluid layouts,
291 to limit the resizing behaviour.<br /><br /><strong>Example:</strong> <code>1250</code>"),
293 array( "name" => "Layout Container Style",
294 "category" => "layout",
295 "id" => $shortname."_layout_style",
296 "std" => "padding: 0;",
297 "type" => "textarea",
298 "info" => "Style the layout container here. The layout container holds the whole page including header,
299 sidebars, center column and footer. <ul><li>Don't use <code>margin</code> here. margin-left and margin-right
300 are needed to center the layout container. There's also no real need for left/right margin. You can get
301 space on the left and right of the layout with a layout-width such as 98%. And instead of <code>margin-top</code>
302 and <code>margin-bottom</code> use padding on the body (see menu tab \"Body, Text & Links\")</li>
303 <li>Left/Right padding must be set separately in the next option. It will be ignored (set to 0) here.</li></ul>
304 <strong>Example:</strong><br /><br /><code>border: solid 2px #cccccc;<br />padding: 10px;</code>
305 (This effectively only affects top/bottom padding)<br /><code>background: #ffffff;<br />-moz-border-radius:
306 10px;<br />-khtml-border-radius: 10px;<br />-webkit-border-radius: 10px;<br />border-radius: 10px;</code><br />
307 <br />NOTE: The rounded corners won't be round in Internet Explorer."),
309 array( "name" => "Layout Container Padding Left/Right",
310 "category" => "layout",
311 "id" => $shortname."_layout_style_leftright_padding",
312 "std" => "0",
313 "type" => "text",
314 "size" => "4",
315 "lastoption" => "yes",
316 "info" => "If you want left/right padding on the layout container, put the pixel value here.
317 The Theme needs this as a separate style, in order to include it in the min/max width calculation.
318 <strong>Example:</strong> <code>20</code>"),
320// New category: favicon
322 array( "name" => "Favicon",
323 "category" => "favicon",
324 "switch" => "yes",
325 "id" => $shortname."_favicon_file",
326 "std" => "20-favicon.ico",
327 "type" => "text",
328 "size" => "30",
329 "lastoption" => "yes",
330 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/favicon-locations.gif\"
331 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Put the file name of the favicon here, i.e.
332 <code>fff-sport_soccer.ico</code>. To use your own graphic, upload a <code>your-file-name.ico</code>
333 to <strong>/atahualpa3/images/favicon/</strong><br /><br />Leave blank to show no favicon.<br /><br />
334 <em>If the icon doesn't show: In some browsers such as IE6 you might have to clear cache and history
335 and restart the browser</em><br /><br /><em>1-favicon.ico - 44-favicon.ico are available as big .png
336 files (up to 128x128) at <a href=\"\">Nuvola Icon Set</a>
337 if you want to create a matching logo.</em><br /><br /><em>NOTE: If you create your own favicon:
338 Simply renaming a .gif, .png or jpg file won't work in Internet Explorer. <code>.ico</code> is an
339 actual file format. Create a 32 bit .png (optional: with transparent background) and a size of 16x16
340 pixels and convert it into an <code>.ico</code> file with a software such as
341 <a href=\"\">@Icon Sushi</a></em>" .
342 "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/favicons.gif\" style=\"display: block; margin: 10px;\">"),
344// New category: header
346 array( "name" => "Configure Header Area",
347 "category" => "header",
348 "switch" => "yes",
349 "id" => $shortname."_configure_header",
350 "type" => "text",
351 "size" => "30",
352 "std" => "%pages %logo %bar1 %image %bar2",
353 "info" => "Choose from 6 header items to arrange a custom header area:<ul><li><code>%pages</code> -
354 The horizontal drop down menu bar for \"Page\" pages</li><li><code>%cats</code> - The horizontal drop
355 down menu bar for categories</li><li><code>%logo</code> - The logo area, including the logo icon,
356 the blog title & description, the search box and the RSS/Email icons</li><li><code>%image</code> -
357 The rotating (or static) header image with the (optional) opacity overlay left & right and an
358 (optional) overlayed blog title & blog tagline</li><li><code>%bar1</code> - A horizontal bar, to be
359 used as decoration on top, bottom of between header items. Can be used multiple times.</li>
360 <li><code>%bar2</code> - A second horizontal bar, that can be styled differently. Can be used
361 multiple times.</li></ul>You can style and configure these header items individually further down on
362 this page, and on the menu tabs \"Page Menu Bar\" and \"Category Menu Bar\". <br /><br />This section
363 here is just for the overall configuration of the header area.<br /><br />List the header items you
364 want to display, in the order you want to display them.<br /><br />
365 Examples:<ul><li><code>%image %bar1 %logo %bar1 %pages</code></li><li><code>%pages %image %cats</code></li>
366 <li><code>%bar1 %logo %cats %bar2 %pages %bar1</code></li>"),
368 array( "name" => "Logo Area: Styling",
369 "category" => "header",
370 "id" => $shortname."_logoarea_style",
371 "std" => "",
372 "type" => "textarea",
373 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/logo-area.jpg\" style=\"float: right;
374 margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Style the header's logo area. The logo area is the container that holds
375 the logo / logo icon, the blog title, the blog tagline, the search box and the RSS/Email icons.
376 The height of the logo area will be determined by its content. If you want more height, set the height here.
377 You can set the height, borders and the background. Avoid margin and padding for this container - it's a table.
378 <br /><br /><strong>Example:</strong><br /><code>height: 150px;<br />background: #eeeeee;<br />
379 border: solid 1px #000000;</code>"),
381 array( "name" => "Show Logo Image?",
382 "category" => "header",
383 "id" => $shortname."_logo",
384 "type" => "text",
385 "std" => "logo.gif",
386 "info" => "Show a logo in the logo area? Leave blank to show no logo. To test this, put <code>huge-logo.gif</code>
387 here and set both \"Show Blog Title\" and \"Show Blog Tagline\" to \"No\" below. <br /><br />" . $logo_icon_text),
389 array( "name" => "Logo Image: Styling",
390 "category" => "header",
391 "id" => $shortname."_logo_style",
392 "std" => "margin: 0 10px 0 0;",
393 "type" => "textarea",
394 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/logo-style.gif\" style=\"float: right;
395 margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Style the logo here, i.e. give it a border or move it around by applying margins.
396 <br /><br /><strong>Example:</strong><br /><br /><code>margin: 30px 30px 30px 30px;</code>"),
398 array( "name" => "Show Blog Title?",
399 "category" => "header",
400 "id" => $shortname."_blog_title_show",
401 "type" => "select",
402 "std" => "Yes",
403 "options" => array("Yes", "No"),
404 "info" => "You can remove the blog title, i.e. if you want to have just a (bigger) graphical logo instead
405 of a small logo icon plus the blog title in HTML. If you set this to \"No\" you'll probably want to remove
406 the Blog Tagline as well (see below)"),
408 array( "name" => "Blog Title",
409 "category" => "header",
410 "id" => $shortname."_blog_title_style",
411 "std" => "margin: 0;\npadding:0;\nletter-spacing:-1px;\nline-height: 1.0em;\n
412 font-family: tahoma, arial, sans-serif;\nfont-size: 240%;",
413 "type" => "textarea",
414 "info" => "Style the blog title font except the color and font-weight (= next options)."),
416 array( "name" => "Blog Title: Font Weight",
417 "category" => "header",
418 "id" => $shortname."_blog_title_weight",
419 "type" => "select",
420 "std" => "bold",
421 "options" => array("bold", "normal"),
422 "info" => "Make blog title bold or not."),
424 array( "name" => "Blog Title Color",
425 "category" => "header",
426 "id" => $shortname."_blog_title_color",
427 "std" => "666666",
428 "type" => "text",
429 "info" => "The blog title default color."),
431 array( "name" => "Blog Title Color: Hover",
432 "category" => "header",
433 "id" => $shortname."_blog_title_color_hover",
434 "std" => "000000",
435 "type" => "text",
436 "info" => "The blog title hover color."),
438 array( "name" => "Show Blog Tagline?",
439 "category" => "header",
440 "id" => $shortname."_blog_tagline_show",
441 "type" => "select",
442 "std" => "Yes",
443 "options" => array("Yes", "No"),
444 "info" => "You can remove the blog tagline here. The blog tagline is the short blog description under
445 the blog title. It can be set at Settings -> General -> Tagline."),
447 array( "name" => "Blog Tagline",
448 "category" => "header",
449 "id" => $shortname."_blog_tagline_style",
450 "std" => "margin: 0;\npadding: 0;\nfont-size:1.2em;\nfont-weight: bold;\ncolor: #666666;",
451 "type" => "textarea",
452 "info" => "Style the blog tagline."),
454 array( "name" => "Show search box?",
455 "category" => "header",
456 "id" => $shortname."_show_search_box",
457 "type" => "select",
458 "std" => "Yes",
459 "options" => array("Yes", "No"),
460 "info" => "You can remove the search box from the header here.<br /><br /><em>To put a search box into
461 one of the sidebars, go to Site Admin -> " . $path_to_widgets . " -> Widgets, and add the \"Search\"
462 widget to one of the sidebars.</em>"),
464 array( "name" => "Search box",
465 "category" => "header",
466 "id" => $shortname."_searchbox_style",
467 "std" => "border-top: 1px dashed #ccc;\nborder-right: 1px dashed #ccc;\nborder-bottom: 0;\n
468 border-left: 1px dashed #ccc;\nwidth: 200px;\nmargin: 0;\npadding: 0;",
469 "type" => "textarea",
470 "info" => "Style the searchbox in the header."),
472 array( "name" => "Text in header search box",
473 "category" => "header",
474 "id" => $shortname."_searchbox_text",
475 "std" => "",
476 "type" => "text",
477 "size" => "30",
478 "info" => "Show pre-filled text in the header search box, such as <code>Type + Enter to search</code> ?"),
480 array( "name" => "Horizontal Bar 1: Styling",
481 "category" => "header",
482 "id" => $shortname."_horbar1",
483 "std" => "height: 5px;\nbackground: #ffffff;\nborder-top: dashed 1px #cccccc;",
484 "type" => "textarea",
485 "info" => "2 (empty) horizontal bars are available, both of which you can style differently and use once or
486 multiple times as additional styling elements for the header area. These bars will span the whole layout width.
487 You can style their background color, height and all 4 borders (top, right, bottom, left)."),
489 array( "name" => "Horizontal Bar 2: Styling",
490 "category" => "header",
491 "id" => $shortname."_horbar2",
492 "std" => "height: 5px;\nbackground: #ffffff;\nborder-bottom: dashed 1px #cccccc;",
493 "type" => "textarea",
494 "lastoption" => "yes",
495 "info" => "Style the 2nd horizontal bar here. You can use each one of these bars multiple times (or not at all)."),
497// New category: header-image
499 array( "name" => "Header Images",
500 "category" => "header-image",
501 "switch" => "yes",
502 "id" => $shortname."_header_image_info",
503 "type" => "info",
504 "info" => "<br />All header images are located in /[theme-name]/images/header. All images in that directory will
505 be rotated. If you don't want rotating header images, leave only one image in that directory. <ul><li>If you
506 chose a fixed width layout, the image(s) should be as wide as your layout width.</li><li>If you chose a fluid layout,
507 the images should be as wide as your \"max width\" setting.</li><li>If you chose no \"max-width\" setting, your
508 images should be as wide as the widest screen resolution (of your visitors) you want to cater for. 1280 pixels is
509 common today, so the images should be that wide or wider. The next common screen widths are 1440, 1600, 1680 and
510 1920 pixels. </li></ul>" . $header_image_text),
512 array( "name" => "Make header image clickable?",
513 "category" => "header-image",
514 "id" => $shortname."_header_image_clickable",
515 "type" => "select",
516 "std" => "No",
517 "options" => array("No", "Yes"),
518 "info" => "Select \"Yes\" to make the header image clickable and to link it to the homepage."),
520 array( "name" => "Header Image: Height",
521 "category" => "header-image",
522 "id" => $shortname."_headerimage_height",
523 "std" => "150",
524 "type" => "text",
525 "size" => "5",
526 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/header-image-height.jpg\"
527 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Visible height of the header image(s), <strong>in pixels</strong>.
528 Change this value to show a taller or less tall area of the header image(s). <br /><br /><em>This value
529 does not need to match the actual height of your header image(s). In fact, all your header images could
530 have different (actual) heights. Only the top XXX (= value that you set here) pixels of each image will
531 be shown, the rest will be hidden. </em>"),
533 array( "name" => "Header Image: Alignment",
534 "category" => "header-image",
535 "id" => $shortname."_headerimage_alignment",
536 "type" => "select",
537 "std" => "top center",
538 "options" => array("top center", "top left", "top right", "center left", "center center", "center right",
539 "bottom left", "bottom center", "bottom right"),
540 "info" => "The aligned edge or end of the image will be the fixed part, and the image will be cut off from
541 the opposite edge or end if it doesn't fit into the visitor's browser viewport. <br /><br />
542 <strong>Example:</strong> If you choose \"Top Left\" as the alignment, then the image(s) will be cut off
543 from the opposite edge, which would be \"Bottom Right\" in this case."),
545 array( "name" => "Opacity LEFT: Value",
546 "category" => "header-image",
547 "id" => $shortname."_header_opacity_left",
548 "std" => "40",
549 "type" => "select",
550 "options" => array("0", "5", "10", "15", "20", "25", "30", "35", "40", "45", "50", "55", "60", "65",
551 "70", "75", "80", "85", "90", "95"),
552 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/opacity.jpg\" style=\"float: right;
553 margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Opacity overlay for the LEFT hand side of the header image.
554 Choose 0 to remove the Opacity."),
556 array( "name" => "Opacity LEFT: Width",
557 "category" => "header-image",
558 "id" => $shortname."_header_opacity_left_width",
559 "std" => "200",
560 "type" => "text",
561 "size" => "5",
562 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/opacity-left-width.jpg\" style=\"float: right;
563 margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Width of the Opacity overlay for the LEFT hand side of the header image,
564 <strong>in pixels</strong>. To match this to the left sidebar's width, add up the left sidebar's width plus
565 its left and right paddings, if you've set any."),
567 array( "name" => "Opacity LEFT: Color",
568 "category" => "header-image",
569 "id" => $shortname."_header_opacity_left_color",
570 "std" => "ffffff",
571 "type" => "text",
572 "info" => "Color of the Opacity overlay for the LEFT hand side of the header image."),
574 array( "name" => "Opacity RIGHT: Value",
575 "category" => "header-image",
576 "id" => $shortname."_header_opacity_right",
577 "std" => "40",
578 "type" => "select",
579 "options" => array("0", "5", "10", "15", "20", "25", "30", "35", "40", "45", "50", "55", "60", "65",
580 "70", "75", "80", "85", "90", "95"),
581 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/opacity.jpg\" style=\"float: right;
582 margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Opacity overlay for the RIGHT hand side of the header image.
583 Choose 0 to remove the Opacity."),
585 array( "name" => "Opacity RIGHT: Width",
586 "category" => "header-image",
587 "id" => $shortname."_header_opacity_right_width",
588 "std" => "200",
589 "type" => "text",
590 "size" => "5",
591 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/opacity-right-width.jpg\" style=\"float: right;
592 margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Width of the Opacity overlay for the RIGHT hand side of the header image,
593 <strong>in pixels</strong>. To match this to the right sidebar's width, add up the left sidebar's width plus
594 its left and right paddings, if you've set any."),
596 array( "name" => "Opacity RIGHT: Color",
597 "category" => "header-image",
598 "id" => $shortname."_header_opacity_right_color",
599 "std" => "ffffff",
600 "type" => "text",
601 "info" => "Color of the Opacity overlay for the RIGHT hand side of the header image."),
603 array( "name" => "Overlay Blog TITLE over Header Image(s)?",
604 "category" => "header-image",
605 "id" => $shortname."_overlay_blog_title",
606 "type" => "select",
607 "std" => "No",
608 "options" => array("No", "Yes"),
609 "info" => "An alternative location for the blog title."),
611 array( "name" => "Overlay Blog TAGLINE over Header Image(s)?",
612 "category" => "header-image",
613 "id" => $shortname."_overlay_blog_tagline",
614 "type" => "select",
615 "std" => "No",
616 "options" => array("No", "Yes"),
617 "info" => "An alternative location for the blog tagline."),
619 array( "name" => "Overlayed Blog Title/Tagline Style",
620 "category" => "header-image",
621 "id" => $shortname."_overlay_box_style",
622 "std" => "margin-top: 30px;\nmargin-left: 30px;",
623 "type" => "textarea",
624 "lastoption" => "yes",
625 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/header-overlay.jpg\" style=\"float: right;
626 margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "The overlayed blog title and blog tagline will be in a div container.
627 Move that container around by changing the <code>margin-top</code> and <code>margin-left</code> values.
628 To right-align the overlayed container, add <code>float: right;</code> and replace <code>margin-left</code>
629 with <code>margin-right</code>. To center it, add <code>float:none; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;
630 text-align:center;</code> and, instead of adding margin-top here, add padding-top to
631 the parent container, via HTML/CSS Inserts -> CSS Inserts:
632 <code>div.header-image-container { padding-top: 30px; height: XXXpx; }</code> with XXX = desired image height -
633 padding-top value.<br />
634 <br />You can add background color, borders and padding, too.
635 <br /><br /><strong>Example (as shown in the image):</strong><br /><br /><code>margin-top: 30px;<br />margin-left: 30px;<br />
636 width: 300px;<br />padding: 7px;<br />background: #ffffff;<br />border: solid 2px #000000;<br />
637 filter: alpha(opacity=60);<br />-moz-opacity:.60;<br />opacity:.60;<br />-moz-border-radius: 7px;<br />
638 -khtml-border-radius: 7px;<br />-webkit-border-radius: 7px;<br />border-radius: 7px;</code><br /><br />
639 Leave <code>width: ...;</code> out to let the box adjust to the width of the blog title or tagline, whichever is longer.<br />
640 <br />To change the styles of the blog title or the blog tagline individually, see the menu tab \"Header\"."),
642// New category: feed-links
644 array( "name" => "RSS settings",
645 "category" => "feed-links",
646 "switch" => "yes",
647 "id" => $shortname."_rss_settings_info",
648 "type" => "info",
649 "info" => "<br />Choose from 4 types of RSS links:<ul><li>Subscribe to the Posts feed</li><li>Subscribe to
650 the Comments feed</li><li>Subscribe by Email, via Feedburner</li><li>Subscribe to the comments of a single
651 post</li></ul>There are 4 different locations to place these RSS links:<ul><li>On the right hand side of
652 the logo area: Small buttons and/or text links.<br />Configuration: Menu tab \"RSS Settings\" (the page you're
653 looking at right now)</li><li>In a sidebar, via the widget \"BFA Subscribe\". Bigger buttons and text, plus
654 a Email form field.<br />Configuration: Site Admin -> Design (\"Presentation\" in WP 2.3 and older) -> Widgets
655 -> BFA Subscribe.</li><li>In the footer area: Text links.<br />Configuration: Menu tab \"Footer\".</li><li>
656 Above or below a post: Buttons and/or Text links<br />Configuration: Menu tab \"Post/Page Info Items\".</li></ul>
657 After you've configured everything...<ul><li>... the \"Subscribe by Email\" link will go to Feedburner</li><li>...
658 the \"Subscribe by Email\" form field will be submitted to Feedburner</li><li>... but all Posts and Comments
659 Feed links will still go to the default WordPress RSS links</li></ul><strong>If you want to redirect all the
660 Posts and Comments RSS links to Feedburner, you will need to install the
661 <a href=\"\">Feedburner Feedsmith</a>
662 plugin.</strong> <em>Note: When copying and pasting your Feedburner feed URL from your Feedburner account into
663 the options page of Feedsmith here on your blog, make sure there is <strong>no space</strong> at the end of the
664 URL or Feedburner account name.</em><br /><br />This theme does not send RSS subscribers (other than Email subscribers)
665 straight away to Feedburner, because...<ul><li>... that would not cover existing subscribers</li><li>...
666 Feedsmith is a global solution that covers each and any RSS link on your site, including those a third party
667 plugin may add</li><li>... with a Feedsmith redirection readers subscribe to the URLs that you control
668 ( Should you ever want to stop using Feedburner, simply uninstall the Feedsmith plugin
669 and you'll keep all your subscribers - they just won't be redirected anymore.</li></ul>"),
671 array( "name" => "RSS Box Width",
672 "category" => "feed-links",
673 "id" => $shortname."_rss_box_width",
674 "std" => "280",
675 "type" => "text",
676 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/rss-box.gif\" style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" .
677 "Give the box containing the RSS buttons/links a fixed width, <strong>in pixels</strong>, to keep them in
678 one line, to avoid early wrapping. You shouldn't make this wider than needed for the given content."),
680 array( "name" => "Show Post Feed icon?",
681 "category" => "feed-links",
682 "id" => $shortname."_show_posts_icon",
683 "type" => "select",
684 "std" => "Yes",
685 "options" => array("Yes", "No"),
686 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/show_posts_icon.gif\" style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" .
687 "Show the Post RSS Feed icon on the right hand side of the logo area?"),
689 array( "name" => "Post Feed Link Text",
690 "category" => "feed-links",
691 "id" => $shortname."_post_feed_link",
692 "std" => "Posts",
693 "type" => "text",
694 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/post_feed_link.gif\" style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" .
695 "Leave blank to show no Post Feed Text Link in the logo area."),
697 array( "name" => "Post Feed Link \"Title\"",
698 "category" => "feed-links",
699 "id" => $shortname."_post_feed_link_title",
700 "std" => "Subscribe to the POSTS feed",
701 "type" => "text",
702 "size" => "30",
703 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/post_feed_link_title.gif\" style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" .
704 "This is not the link anchor text (that was one option above), but the link \"title\", a text that will pop up when the mouse points at the link."),
706 array( "name" => "Show Comment Feed icon?",
707 "category" => "feed-links",
708 "id" => $shortname."_show_comments_icon",
709 "type" => "select",
710 "std" => "Yes",
711 "options" => array("Yes", "No"),
712 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/show_comments_icon.gif\" style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" .
713 "Show the Comment RSS Feed icon on the right hand side of the logo area?"),
715 array( "name" => "Comment Feed Link Text",
716 "category" => "feed-links",
717 "id" => $shortname."_comment_feed_link",
718 "std" => "Comments",
719 "type" => "text",
720 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/comment_feed_link.gif\" style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" .
721 "Leave blank to show no Comment Feed Text Link in the logo area."),
723 array( "name" => "Comment Feed Link \"Title\"",
724 "category" => "feed-links",
725 "id" => $shortname."_comment_feed_link_title",
726 "std" => "Subscribe to the COMMENTS feed",
727 "type" => "text",
728 "size" => "30",
729 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/comment_feed_link_title.gif\" style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" .
730 "This is not the link anchor text (that was one option above), but the link \"title\", a text that will pop up when the mouse points at the link."),
732 array( "name" => "Show Feedburner Email icon?",
733 "category" => "feed-links",
734 "id" => $shortname."_show_email_icon",
735 "type" => "select",
736 "std" => "No",
737 "options" => array("No", "Yes"),
738 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/show_email_icon.gif\" style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" .
739 "Show a Feedburner \"Subscribe by Email\" icon on the right hand side of the logo area?"),
741 array( "name" => "Feedburner Email Link Text",
742 "category" => "feed-links",
743 "id" => $shortname."_email_subscribe_link",
744 "std" => "By Email",
745 "type" => "text",
746 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/email_subscribe_link.gif\" style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" .
747 "Leave blank to show no \"Subscribe by Email\" Text Link in the logo area"),
749 array( "name" => "Feedburner Email Link \"Title\"",
750 "category" => "feed-links",
751 "id" => $shortname."_email_subscribe_link_title",
752 "std" => "Subscribe by EMAIL",
753 "type" => "text",
754 "size" => "30",
755 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/email_subscribe_link_title.gif\" style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" .
756 "This is not the link anchor text (that was one option above), but the link \"title\", a text that will pop up when the mouse points at the link."),
758 array( "name" => "Feedburner ID for this site?",
759 "category" => "feed-links",
760 "id" => $shortname."_feedburner_email_id",
761 "type" => "text",
762 "std" => "",
763 "size" => "25",
764 "info" => "If you chose to show the Feedburner \"Subscribe by Email\" link, put the ID of the Feedburner feed for this site here.
765 <br /><br />The ID will be a number (around 7 digits) if you have an OLD account at If you have a NEW account
766 at, the ID will not be a number but a string that probably resembles your site name but without spaces.
767 <br /><br />Log in your Feedburner account, click \"My Feeds\" -> \"[Title of the feed/site in question]\"
768 -> \"Publicize\" -> \"Email Subscriptions\". (If you have not activated the Email subscription yet do it now and proceed with the
769 next step afterwards). Now check out the two textareas.<br /><br /><strong>If you have a account:</strong>
770 The smaller one of the two textareas, the one at the bottom, will contain something like this:
771 <code><i>bytesforall/lzoG</i>&amp;loc=en_US</code> The highlighted
772 text is your Google/Feedburner ID. Note: <strong>bytesforall/lzoG</strong> will NOT be your ID. This is just a sample to show you where the
773 ID starts and where it ends. It starts after <code>?uri=</code> and it ends before <code>&amp;loc=</code><br /><br /><strong>
774 If you have an (old, original) account:</strong> With an old feedburner account, that is not transferred to google yet,
775 the smaller one of the two textareas, the one at the bottom, will contain something like this:
776 <code><i>1234567</i>&amp;loc=en_US</code> The highlighted number is
777 your (old, original) ID. Note: <strong>1234567</strong> will NOT be your ID. This is just a sample to show you where the
778 ID starts and where it ends. It starts after <code>?feedId=</code> and it ends before <code>&amp;loc=</code><br /><br />
779 Now that you got your (new Google/Feedburner OR old ID put it into this field here"),
781 array( "name" => "OLD or NEW Feedburner account?",
782 "category" => "feed-links",
783 "id" => $shortname."_feedburner_old_new",
784 "type" => "select",
785 "std" => "New - at",
786 "lastoption" => "yes",
787 "options" => array("New - at", "Old - at"),
788 "info" => "Whether your account qualifies as old or new does not depend on whether you log in at or at
789 See one option above to determine whether your account is OLD or NEW."),
791// New category: page-menu-bar
793 array( "name" => "Home link in Page Menu Bar",
794 "category" => "page-menu-bar",
795 "switch" => "yes",
796 "id" => $shortname."_home_page_menu_bar",
797 "std" => "Home",
798 "type" => "text",
799 "info" => "<ul><li>Leave this blank to have no \"Home\" link in the page menu bar</li><li>Or, put text here
800 to include a link to your homepage into the page menu bar</li><li>The text doesn't have to be \"Home\", it
801 can be anything</li></ul>"),
803 array( "name" => "Exclude pages from Page Menu Bar?",
804 "category" => "page-menu-bar",
805 "id" => $shortname."_exclude_page_menu_bar",
806 "std" => "",
807 "type" => "text",
808 "size" => "30",
809 "info" => "<ul><li>Leave blank to include all pages in the page menu bar</li><li>To exclude certain pages from the
810 page menu bar, put their ID's into this field, separated by comma</li></ul><strong>Example:</strong> <code>13,29,102,117</code>
811 <br /><br />To get the ID of a page, go to Site Admin -> Manage -> Pages, point your mouse at the title of the page
812 in question, and watch your browser's status bar (it's at the bottom) for an URL ending on \"...action=edit&post=<strong>XX</strong>\".
813 <strong>XX</strong> is the ID of the page."),
815 array( "name" => "Depth of Page Menu Bar",
816 "category" => "page-menu-bar",
817 "id" => $shortname."_levels_page_menu_bar",
818 "std" => "0",
819 "type" => "select",
820 "options" => array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10),
821 "info" => "<ul><li>Choose 0 to include ALL levels of pages (top level, sub pages, sub sub pages...) in the page
822 menu bar</li><li>Choose a number between 1 and 10 to include only the respective amount of page levels</li></ul>"),
824 array( "name" => "Sorting order of Page Menu Bar",
825 "category" => "page-menu-bar",
826 "id" => $shortname."_sorting_page_menu_bar",
827 "type" => "select",
828 "std" => "menu_order",
829 "options" => array("menu_order", "post_title"),
830 "info" => "<ul><li><code>menu_order</code> - Sort the pages chronologically, as you created them (Change the page
831 order at Manage -> Pages -> Click on page title -> Page Order)</li><li><code>post_title</code> - alphabetically</li></ul>"),
833 array( "name" => "Title tags in Page Menu Bar",
834 "category" => "page-menu-bar",
835 "id" => $shortname."_titles_page_menu_bar",
836 "type" => "select",
837 "std" => "No",
838 "options" => array("No", "Yes"),
839 "info" => "Include a \"title\" tag for each item in the page menu? These will pop up when hovering over a menu item."),
841 array( "name" => "Border around all menu items",
842 "category" => "page-menu-bar",
843 "id" => $shortname."_anchor_border_page_menu_bar",
844 "std" => "dashed 1px #cccccc",
845 "type" => "text",
846 "info" => "Every item of the menu bar, plus the menu bar itself, will be wrapped into this border.
847 To have no borders in the first level, give it the same color as the background color for first level items.
848 Don't use semicolons here.<br /><br />Note: Leave the border width at 1px, match colors if you want to make
849 it dissapear."),
851 array( "name" => "Background color",
852 "category" => "page-menu-bar",
853 "id" => $shortname."_page_menu_bar_background_color",
854 "std" => "ffffff",
855 "type" => "text",
856 "info" => "Background color for menu items in their default state and the menu bar itself."),
859 array( "name" => "Background color: Hover",
860 "category" => "page-menu-bar",
861 "id" => $shortname."_page_menu_bar_background_color_hover",
862 "std" => "eeeeee",
863 "type" => "text",
864 "info" => "Background color for menu items in hover state."),
866 array( "name" => "Background color: Parent",
867 "category" => "page-menu-bar",
868 "id" => $shortname."_page_menu_bar_background_color_parent",
869 "std" => "dddddd",
870 "type" => "text",
871 "info" => "Background color for parent menu item while hovering over its sub menu."),
873 array( "name" => "Font Size &amp; Face",
874 "category" => "page-menu-bar",
875 "id" => $shortname."_page_menu_font",
876 "std" => "11px Arial, Verdana, sans-serif",
877 "type" => "text",
878 "size" => "30",
879 "info" => "Set both the font size and the font face for the menu items. Enclose font face names with a
880 space in quotes, i.e.:<br /><code>12px \"comic sans ms\", \"courier new\", arial, sans-serif</code><br />
881 <br />Don't use semicolons here."),
883 array( "name" => "Link Color",
884 "category" => "page-menu-bar",
885 "id" => $shortname."_page_menu_bar_link_color",
886 "std" => "777777",
887 "type" => "text",
888 "info" => "Color of the link text."),
890 array( "name" => "Link Color: Hover",
891 "category" => "page-menu-bar",
892 "id" => $shortname."_page_menu_bar_link_color_hover",
893 "std" => "000000",
894 "type" => "text",
895 "info" => "Color of the link text in hover state."),
897 array( "name" => "Transform text in Page Menu Bar?",
898 "category" => "page-menu-bar",
899 "id" => $shortname."_page_menu_transform",
900 "type" => "select",
901 "std" => "uppercase",
902 "options" => array("uppercase", "lowercase", "capitalize", "none"),
903 "info" => "You can transform the link titles in the page menu bar."),
905 array( "name" => "White or Black Arrows as Sub Menu Indicator?",
906 "category" => "page-menu-bar",
907 "id" => $shortname."_page_menu_arrows",
908 "type" => "select",
909 "std" => "black",
910 "options" => array("black", "white"),
911 "info" => "If a menu item has sub menus, it will be indicated with down/right arrows. Choose the color for these arrows."),
913 array( "name" => "Width of Sub Menus",
914 "category" => "page-menu-bar",
915 "id" => $shortname."_page_menu_submenu_width",
916 "type" => "select",
917 "std" => "11",
918 "lastoption" => "yes",
919 "options" => array("7", "7.5", "8", "8.5", "9", "9.5", "10", "10.5", "11", "11.5", "12", "12.5", "13",
920 "13.5", "14", "14.5", "15", "15.5", "16", "16.5", "17", "17.5", "18", "18.5", "19", "19.5", "20", "20.5",
921 "21", "21.5", "22", "22.5", "23", "23.5", "24", "24.5", "25"),
922 "info" => "The width of top level items will adjust to the width of the links inside, but the sub menus
923 need a defined width, <strong>in \"em\"</strong>."),
925// New category: cat-menu-bar
927 array( "name" => "Home link in Category Menu Bar",
928 "category" => "cat-menu-bar",
929 "switch" => "yes",
930 "id" => $shortname."_home_cat_menu_bar",
931 "std" => "",
932 "type" => "text",
933 "info" => "<ul><li>Leave this blank to have no \"Home\" link in the category menu bar</li><li>Or, put text
934 here to include a link to your homepage into the category menu bar</li><li>The text doesn't have to be \"Home\",
935 it can be anything</li></ul>"),
937 array( "name" => "Exclude categories from Category Menu Bar?",
938 "category" => "cat-menu-bar",
939 "id" => $shortname."_exclude_cat_menu_bar",
940 "std" => "",
941 "type" => "text",
942 "size" => "30",
943 "info" => "<ul><li>Leave blank to include all categories in the category menu bar</li><li>To exclude certain
944 categories put their ID into this field, separated by comma</li></ul><strong>Example:</strong> <code>13,29,102,117</code>
945 <br /><br />To get the ID of a category, go to Site Admin -> Manage -> Categories, point your mouse at the
946 title of the category in question, and watch your browser's status bar (it's at the bottom) for an URL ending
947 on \"...action=edit&cat_ID=<strong>XX</strong>\". <strong>XX</strong> is the ID of the category."),
949 array( "name" => "Depth of Category Menu Bar",
950 "category" => "cat-menu-bar",
951 "id" => $shortname."_levels_cat_menu_bar",
952 "std" => "0",
953 "type" => "select",
954 "options" => array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10),
955 "info" => "<ul><li>Choose 0 to include ALL levels of categories (top level, sub cats, sub sub cats...) in the
956 category menu bar</li><li>Choose a number between 1 and 10 to include only the respective amount of category levels</li></ul>"),
958 array( "name" => "Sorting order of Category Menu Bar",
959 "category" => "cat-menu-bar",
960 "id" => $shortname."_sorting_cat_menu_bar",
961 "type" => "select",
962 "std" => "ID",
963 "options" => array("ID", "name", "count"),
964 "info" => "<ul><li><code>ID</code> - Sort the categories chronologically, as you created them</li>
965 <li><code>name</code> - alphabetically</li><li><code>count</code> - by number of posts</li></ul>"),
967 array( "name" => "Title tags in Category Menu Bar",
968 "category" => "cat-menu-bar",
969 "id" => $shortname."_titles_cat_menu_bar",
970 "type" => "select",
971 "std" => "No",
972 "options" => array("No", "Yes"),
973 "info" => "Include a \"title\" tag for each item in the category menu bar? Title tags are the little
974 boxes that pop up when hovering over a menu item. Setting this to yes makes sense if you've set a
975 \"description\" for each category (Manage -> Categories -> Click on category name). Otherwise the
976 title tag will just repeat the category name."),
978 array( "name" => "Border around all menu items",
979 "category" => "cat-menu-bar",
980 "id" => $shortname."_anchor_border_cat_menu_bar",
981 "std" => "solid 1px #000000",
982 "type" => "text",
983 "info" => "Every item of the menu bar, plus the menu bar itself, will be wrapped into this border.
984 To have no borders in the first level, give it the same color as the background color for first level items.
985 Don't use semicolons here. <br /><br />Note: Leave the border width at 1px, match colors if you want to make it dissapear."),
987 array( "name" => "Background color",
988 "category" => "cat-menu-bar",
989 "id" => $shortname."_cat_menu_bar_background_color",
990 "std" => "777777",
991 "type" => "text",
992 "info" => "Background color for menu items in their default state and the menu bar itself."),
994 array( "name" => "Background color: Hover",
995 "category" => "cat-menu-bar",
996 "id" => $shortname."_cat_menu_bar_background_color_hover",
997 "std" => "cc0000",
998 "type" => "text",
999 "info" => "Background color for menu items in hover state."),
1001 array( "name" => "Background color: Parent",
1002 "category" => "cat-menu-bar",
1003 "id" => $shortname."_cat_menu_bar_background_color_parent",
1004 "std" => "000000",
1005 "type" => "text",
1006 "info" => "Background color for parent menu item while hovering over its sub menu."),
1008 array( "name" => "Font for Category Menu Bar",
1009 "category" => "cat-menu-bar",
1010 "id" => $shortname."_cat_menu_font",
1011 "std" => "11px Arial, Verdana, sans-serif",
1012 "type" => "text",
1013 "size" => "30",
1014 "info" => "Set both the font size and the font face for the menu items. Enclose font face names
1015 with a space in quotes, i.e.:<br /><code>12px \"comic sans ms\", \"courier new\", arial, sans-serif</code>
1016 <br /><br />Don't use semicolons here."),
1018 array( "name" => "Link Color",
1019 "category" => "cat-menu-bar",
1020 "id" => $shortname."_cat_menu_bar_link_color",
1021 "std" => "ffffff",
1022 "type" => "text",
1023 "info" => "Color of the link text in default state."),
1025 array( "name" => "Link Color: Hover",
1026 "category" => "cat-menu-bar",
1027 "id" => $shortname."_cat_menu_bar_link_color_hover",
1028 "std" => "ffffff",
1029 "type" => "text",
1030 "info" => "Color of the link text in hover state."),
1032 array( "name" => "Transform text in Category Menu Bar?",
1033 "category" => "cat-menu-bar",
1034 "id" => $shortname."_cat_menu_transform",
1035 "type" => "select",
1036 "std" => "uppercase",
1037 "options" => array("uppercase", "lowercase", "capitalize", "none"),
1038 "info" => "You can transform the link titles in the category menu bar."),
1040 array( "name" => "White or Black Arrows as Sub Menu Indicator?",
1041 "category" => "cat-menu-bar",
1042 "id" => $shortname."_cat_menu_arrows",
1043 "type" => "select",
1044 "std" => "white",
1045 "options" => array("white", "black"),
1046 "info" => "If a menu item has sub menus, it will be indicated with down/right arrows.
1047 Choose the color for these arrows."),
1049 array( "name" => "Width of Sub Menus",
1050 "category" => "cat-menu-bar",
1051 "id" => $shortname."_cat_menu_submenu_width",
1052 "type" => "select",
1053 "std" => "11",
1054 "lastoption" => "yes",
1055 "options" => array("7", "7.5", "8", "8.5", "9", "9.5", "10", "10.5", "11", "11.5", "12", "12.5",
1056 "13", "13.5", "14", "14.5", "15", "15.5", "16", "16.5", "17", "17.5", "18", "18.5", "19", "19.5", "20",
1057 "20.5", "21", "21.5", "22", "22.5", "23", "23.5", "24", "24.5", "25"),
1058 "info" => "The width of top level items will adjust to the width of the links inside, but the sub menus
1059 need a defined width, <strong>in \"em\"</strong>."),
1061// new category: center
1063 array( "name" => "Center column style",
1064 "category" => "center",
1065 "switch" => "yes",
1066 "id" => $shortname."_center_column_style",
1067 "std" => "padding: 10px 15px;",
1068 "type" => "textarea",
1069 "lastoption" => "yes",
1070 "info" => "Style the center column here. The center column is the container for everything in the middle:
1071 All posts (including \"page\" posts) and the next/prev navigation."),
1074// New category: next/prev navigation
1076 array( "name" => "NEWER / OLDER orientation",
1077 "category" => "next-prev-nav",
1078 "switch" => "yes",
1079 "id" => $shortname."_next_prev_orientation",
1080 "std" => "Newer Left, Older Right",
1081 "type" => "select",
1082 "options" => array("Newer Left, Older Right", "Older Left, Newer Right"),
1083 "info" => "Show the link to the NEWER post/page on the LEFT or the RIGHT hand side of the navigation bar(s)?"),
1085 array( "name" => "Home link in Nav. on MULTI post pages?",
1086 "category" => "next-prev-nav",
1087 "id" => $shortname."_home_multi_next_prev",
1088 "std" => "",
1089 "type" => "text",
1090 "info" => "On multi post pages, show a \"Home\" link between the 2 links pointing to the previous and
1091 the next page?<ul><li>Leave blank to show no \"Home\" link</li><li>Or, put any text here to use it as
1092 the text for the link to the homepage</li><li>If you use the WP-PageNavi plugin, this setting becomes
1093 obsolete as then the page numbers of WP-PageNavi will be displayed instead of the default next/prev links</li></ul>"),
1095 array( "name" => "Home link in Nav. on SINGLE post pages?",
1096 "category" => "next-prev-nav",
1097 "id" => $shortname."_home_single_next_prev",
1098 "std" => "",
1099 "type" => "text",
1100 "info" => "On single post pages, show a \"Home\" link between the 2 links pointing to the previous and
1101 the next post?<ul><li>Leave blank to show no \"Home\" link</li><li>Or, put any text here to use it as
1102 the text for the link to the homepage</li></ul>"),
1104 array( "name" => "\"Newer Page\" link on MULTI post pages",
1105 "category" => "next-prev-nav",
1106 "id" => $shortname."_multi_next_prev_newer",
1107 "std" => "&laquo; Newer Entries",
1108 "type" => "text",
1109 "size" => "30",
1110 "editable" => "yes",
1111 "info" => "You can use single and double quotes, and HTML. Examples:<ul><li><code>&lt;br /&gt;</code>
1112 for line breaks</li><li><code>&lt;strong&gt; ... &lt;/strong&gt;</code> to make text <strong>bold</strong></li>
1113 <li><code>&lt;em&gt; ... &lt;/em&gt;</code> to make text <em>italic</em></li><li><code>&amp;nbsp;</code> to
1114 include a non-breaking space</li><li><code>&amp;raquo;</code> for a right angle quote
1115 <span style=\"font-size: 25px\">&raquo;</span></li><li><code>&amp;laquo;</code> for a left angle quote
1116 <span style=\"font-size: 25px\">&laquo;</span></li><li><code>&amp;rsaquo;</code> for a right single angle quote
1117 <span style=\"font-size: 25px\">&rsaquo;</span></li><li><code>&amp;lsaquo;</code> for a left single angle quote
1118 <span style=\"font-size: 25px\">&lsaquo;</span></li><li><code>&amp;rarr;</code> for a right arrow
1119 <span style=\"font-size: 25px\">&rarr;</span></li><li><code>&amp;larr;</code> for a left arrow
1120 <span style=\"font-size: 25px\">&larr;</span></li></ul>
1121 <em>NOTE: If you use WP-PageNavi then this and the next setting become obsolete</em>"),
1123 array( "name" => "\"Older Page\" link on MULTI post pages",
1124 "category" => "next-prev-nav",
1125 "id" => $shortname."_multi_next_prev_older",
1126 "std" => "Older Entries &raquo;",
1127 "type" => "text",
1128 "size" => "30",
1129 "editable" => "yes",
1130 "info" => "See above for HTML examples."),
1132 array( "name" => "\"Newer Post\" link on SINGLE post pages",
1133 "category" => "next-prev-nav",
1134 "id" => $shortname."_single_next_prev_newer",
1135 "std" => "&laquo; %link",
1136 "type" => "text",
1137 "size" => "30",
1138 "editable" => "yes",
1139 "info" => "See above for HTML examples.<br /><br />To include the linked title of the newer post, use <code>%link</code>"),
1141 array( "name" => "\"Older Post\" link on SINGLE post pages",
1142 "category" => "next-prev-nav",
1143 "id" => $shortname."_single_next_prev_older",
1144 "std" => "%link &raquo;",
1145 "type" => "text",
1146 "size" => "30",
1147 "editable" => "yes",
1148 "info" => "See above for HTML examples.<br /><br />To include the linked title of the older post, use <code>%link</code>"),
1152$options2 = array(
1154 array( "name" => "\"Newer Comments\" link for COMMENTS navigation",
1155 "category" => "next-prev-nav",
1156 "id" => $shortname."_comments_next_prev_newer",
1157 "std" => "Newer Comments &raquo;",
1158 "type" => "text",
1159 "size" => "30",
1160 "editable" => "yes",
1161 "info" => "See above for HTML examples. If you choose to show page numbers (see below) the
1162 \"Newer Comments\" link will be on the left hand side of the page numbers."),
1164 array( "name" => "\"Older Comments\" link for COMMENTS navigation",
1165 "category" => "next-prev-nav",
1166 "id" => $shortname."_comments_next_prev_older",
1167 "std" => "&laquo; Older Comments",
1168 "type" => "text",
1169 "size" => "30",
1170 "editable" => "yes",
1171 "info" => "See above for HTML examples. If you choose to show page numbers (see below) the
1172 \"Older Comments\" link will be on the right hand side of the page numbers."),
1174 array( "name" => "Location of Paged COMMENTS Navigation",
1175 "category" => "next-prev-nav",
1176 "id" => $shortname."_location_comments_next_prev",
1177 "std" => "Above and Below Comments",
1178 "type" => "select",
1179 "options" => array("Above Comments", "Below Comments", "Above and Below Comments"),
1180 "info" => "Show the Next/Previous comments navigation above or below the comments?<br /><br />
1181 "),
1183 array( "name" => "Style the COMMENTS ABOVE Box",
1184 "category" => "next-prev-nav",
1185 "id" => $shortname."_next_prev_style_comments_above",
1186 "std" => "margin: 0 0 10px 0;\npadding: 5px 0 5px 0;",
1187 "type" => "textarea",
1188 "info" => "Style the box that contains the next/previous navigation for comments, when it is above the comments."),
1190 array( "name" => "Style the COMMENTS BELOW Box",
1191 "category" => "next-prev-nav",
1192 "id" => $shortname."_next_prev_style_comments_below",
1193 "std" => "margin: 0 0 10px 0;\npadding: 5px 0 5px 0;",
1194 "type" => "textarea",
1195 "info" => "Style the box that contains the next/previous navigation for comments, when it is below the comments."),
1197 array( "name" => "Show Page Numbers (Pagination) for COMMENTS Navigation",
1198 "category" => "next-prev-nav",
1199 "id" => $shortname."_next_prev_comments_pagination",
1200 "std" => "Yes",
1201 "type" => "select",
1202 "options" => array("Yes", "No"),
1203 "info" => "Instead of the regular Newer Comments / Older Comments links you can show the page numbers plus
1204 previous/next links. Your settings for \"Newer Comments\" link and \"Older Comments\" link from above
1205 will be used as the next/previous link texts."),
1209$options3 = array(
1211 array( "name" => "Location of Next/Previous Page Navigation on MULTI Post Pages",
1212 "category" => "next-prev-nav",
1213 "id" => $shortname."_location_multi_next_prev",
1214 "std" => "Bottom",
1215 "type" => "select",
1216 "options" => array("Top", "Bottom", "Top and Bottom", "None"),
1217 "info" => "On multi post pages, show the Next/Previous navigation on top (above all posts), at the bottom
1218 (below all posts), or on top AND at the bottom?"),
1220 array( "name" => "Location of Next/Previous Post Navigation on SINGLE Post Pages",
1221 "category" => "next-prev-nav",
1222 "id" => $shortname."_location_single_next_prev",
1223 "std" => "Top",
1224 "type" => "select",
1225 "options" => array("Top", "Middle", "Bottom", "Top and Middle", "Top and Bottom", "Middle and Bottom",
1226 "Top, Middle and Bottom", "None"),
1227 "info" => "On single post pages, show the Next/Previous navigation on top, in the middle
1228 (between the post and the comments), or at the bottom?"),
1230 array( "name" => "Style the Navigation TOP Box",
1231 "category" => "next-prev-nav",
1232 "id" => $shortname."_next_prev_style_top",
1233 "std" => "margin: 0 0 10px 0;\npadding: 10px 0 10px 0;\nborder-bottom: dashed 1px #ccc;",
1234 "type" => "textarea",
1235 "info" => "Style the box that contains the next/previous navigation, when it is at the top."),
1237 array( "name" => "Style the Navigation MIDDLE Box",
1238 "category" => "next-prev-nav",
1239 "id" => $shortname."_next_prev_style_middle",
1240 "std" => "margin: 10px 0 20px 0;\npadding: 10px 0 10px 0;\nborder-top: dashed 1px #ccc;\nborder-bottom: dashed 1px #ccc;",
1241 "type" => "textarea",
1242 "info" => "Style the box that contains the next/previous navigation, when it is in the middle."),
1244 array( "name" => "Style the Navigation BOTTOM Box",
1245 "category" => "next-prev-nav",
1246 "id" => $shortname."_next_prev_style_bottom",
1247 "std" => "margin: 20px 0 0 0;\npadding: 10px 0 10px 0;\nborder-top: dashed 1px #ccc;",
1248 "type" => "textarea",
1249 "lastoption" => "yes",
1250 "info" => "Style the box that contains the next/previous navigation, when it is at the bottom."),
1252// New category: sidebars
1254 array( "name" => "LEFT sidebar: Display on:",
1255 "category" => "sidebars",
1256 "switch" => "yes",
1257 "id" => $shortname."_leftcol_on",
1258 "std" => array ("homepage" => "on",
1259 "frontpage" => "on",
1260 "single" => "on",
1261 "page" => "on",
1262 "category" => "on",
1263 "date" => "on",
1264 "tag" => "on",
1265 "search" => "on",
1266 "author" => "on",
1267 "404" => "on",
1268 "attachment" => "on",
1269 "check-if-saved-once" => FALSE),
1270 "type" => "displayon",
1271 "stripslashes" => "no",
1272 "info" => "(*) \"Front Page\" will only affect WP 2.5 and newer: For those newer WP versions,
1273 IF you select a static \"Page\" page as the home page, then \"Front Page\" becomes the actual homepage,
1274 while the \"Homepage\" will be the home page for Posts (but not the whole blog). If no static front page
1275 is selected, Homepage and Front Page will be the same."),
1277 array( "name" => "LEFT sidebar: Don't display on Pages:",
1278 "category" => "sidebars",
1279 "id" => $shortname."_left_col_pages_exclude",
1280 "std" => "",
1281 "type" => "text",
1282 "size" => "30",
1283 "info" => "To turn off the left sidebar on <strong>individual</strong> pages, put the ID's of
1284 those pages here, separated by comma<br /><br /><strong>Example:</strong><br /><code>29,8,111</code><br /><br />
1285 To get the ID of a page, " . $go_to_pages . ", point your mouse at the title of the page in question, and
1286 watch your browser's status bar (it's at the bottom) for an URL ending on \"...action=edit&post=<strong>XX</strong>\".
1287 <strong>XX</strong> is the ID of the page."),
1289 array( "name" => "LEFT sidebar: Don't display on Categories:",
1290 "category" => "sidebars",
1291 "id" => $shortname."_left_col_cats_exclude",
1292 "std" => "",
1293 "type" => "text",
1294 "size" => "30",
1295 "info" => "To turn off the left sidebar on <strong>individual</strong> category pages, put the ID's of
1296 those categories here, separated by comma<br /><br /><strong>Example:</strong><br /><code>13,5,87</code><br /><br />
1297 To get the ID of a category, " . $go_to_cats . ", point your mouse at the title of the category in question,
1298 and watch your browser's status bar (it's at the bottom) for an URL ending on \"...action=edit&cat_ID=<strong>XX</strong>\".
1299 <strong>XX</strong> is the ID of the category.<br /><br />Note: This will turn on/off sidebars on category pages
1300 (pages that list the posts in the given category), but not on \"all single post pages of posts in category XX\"."),
1302 array( "name" => "RIGHT sidebar: Display on:",
1303 "category" => "sidebars",
1304 "id" => $shortname."_rightcol_on",
1305 "std" => array ("homepage" => "on",
1306 "frontpage" => "on",
1307 "single" => "on",
1308 "page" => "on",
1309 "category" => "on",
1310 "date" => "on",
1311 "tag" => "on",
1312 "search" => "on",
1313 "author" => "on",
1314 "404" => "on",
1315 "attachment" => "on",
1316 "check-if-saved-once" => FALSE),
1317 "type" => "displayon",
1318 "stripslashes" => "no",
1319 "info" => "(*) \"Front Page\" will only affect WP 2.5 and newer: For those newer WP versions, IF you
1320 select a static \"Page\" page as the home page, then \"Front Page\" becomes the actual homepage, while the
1321 \"Homepage\" will be the home page for Posts (but not the whole blog). If no static front page is selected,
1322 Homepage and Front Page will be the same."),
1324 array( "name" => "RIGHT sidebar: Don't display on Pages:",
1325 "category" => "sidebars",
1326 "id" => $shortname."_right_col_pages_exclude",
1327 "std" => "",
1328 "type" => "text",
1329 "size" => "30",
1330 "info" => "To turn off the right sidebar on <strong>individual</strong> pages, put the ID's of
1331 those pages here, separated by comma<br /><br /><strong>Example:</strong><br /><code>29,8,111</code><br /><br />
1332 To get the ID of a page, " . $go_to_pages . ", point your mouse at the title of the page in question, and
1333 watch your browser's status bar (it's at the bottom) for an URL ending on \"...action=edit&post=<strong>XX</strong>\".
1334 <strong>XX</strong> is the ID of the page."),
1336 array( "name" => "RIGHT sidebar: Don't display on Categories:",
1337 "category" => "sidebars",
1338 "id" => $shortname."_right_col_cats_exclude",
1339 "std" => "",
1340 "type" => "text",
1341 "size" => "30",
1342 "info" => "To turn off the right sidebar on <strong>individual</strong> categories, put the ID's of
1343 those categories here, separated by comma<br /><br /><strong>Example:</strong><br /><code>13,5,87</code><br /><br />
1344 To get the ID of a category, " . $go_to_cats . ", point your mouse at the title of the category in question, and
1345 watch your browser's status bar (it's at the bottom) for an URL ending on \"...action=edit&cat_ID=<strong>XX</strong>\".
1346 <strong>XX</strong> is the ID of the category.<br /><br />Note: This will turn on/off sidebars on category pages
1347 (pages that list the posts in the given category), but not on \"all single post pages of posts in category XX\""),
1349 array( "name" => "LEFT sidebar WIDTH",
1350 "category" => "sidebars",
1351 "id" => $shortname."_left_sidebar_width",
1352 "std" => "200",
1353 "type" => "text",
1354 "size" => "6",
1355 "info" => "Width of the left sidebar in pixels. <strong>Example:</strong> <code>165</code>"),
1357 array( "name" => "RIGHT sidebar WIDTH",
1358 "category" => "sidebars",
1359 "id" => $shortname."_right_sidebar_width",
1360 "std" => "200",
1361 "type" => "text",
1362 "size" => "6",
1363 "info" => "Width of the right sidebar in pixels. <strong>Example:</strong> <code>220</code>"),
1365 array( "name" => "LEFT sidebar style",
1366 "category" => "sidebars",
1367 "id" => $shortname."_left_sidebar_style",
1368 "std" => "border-right: dashed 1px #CCCCCC;\npadding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;\nbackground: #ffffff;",
1369 "type" => "textarea",
1370 "info" => "Style the LEFT sidebar here. Usually all content in a sidebar would be inside of widgets,
1371 so there should be no need to set text styles for the sidebar. The widgets can be styled separately,
1372 see the menu tabs above."),
1374 array( "name" => "RIGHT sidebar style",
1375 "category" => "sidebars",
1376 "id" => $shortname."_right_sidebar_style",
1377 "std" => "border-left: dashed 1px #CCCCCC;\npadding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;\nbackground: #ffffff;",
1378 "type" => "textarea",
1379 "lastoption" => "yes",
1380 "info" => "Style the RIGHT sidebar here."),
1382// New category: widgets
1384 array( "name" => "Widget Container",
1385 "category" => "widgets",
1386 "switch" => "yes",
1387 "id" => $shortname."_widget_container",
1388 "std" => "margin: 0 0 15px 0;",
1389 "type" => "textarea",
1390 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/widget.gif\"
1391 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" .
1392 "The widget container contains the \"Widget Title\" (-Box) and the \"Widget Content\" (-Box),
1393 both of which you can style independently."),
1395 array( "name" => "Widget Title Box",
1396 "category" => "widgets",
1397 "id" => $shortname."_widget_title_box",
1398 "std" => "",
1399 "type" => "textarea",
1400 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/widget-title-box.gif\"
1401 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" .
1402 "The Widget Title box contains the widget title. Text, calendar and search widgets may have no
1403 title if you chose none. In that case there will be no Widget Title box in the widget container."),
1405 array( "name" => "Widget Title",
1406 "category" => "widgets",
1407 "id" => $shortname."_widget_title",
1408 "std" => "",
1409 "type" => "textarea",
1410 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/widget-title.gif\"
1411 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Style the Widget Title Font."),
1413 array( "name" => "Widget Content Box",
1414 "category" => "widgets",
1415 "id" => $shortname."_widget_content",
1416 "std" => "",
1417 "type" => "textarea",
1418 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/widget-content.gif\"
1419 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "The widget Content box contains all the widget
1420 content except the title."),
1422 array( "name" => "Widget List Items",
1423 "category" => "widgets",
1424 "id" => $shortname."_widget_lists",
1425 "std" => array (
1426 "li-margin-left" => 0,
1427 "link-weight" => "normal",
1428 "link-padding-left" => 5,
1429 "link-border-left-width" => 7,
1430 "link-color" => "666666",
1431 "link-hover-color" => "000000",
1432 "link-border-left-color" => "cccccc",
1433 "link-border-left-hover-color" => "000000"),
1434 "type" => "widget-list-items",
1435 "stripslashes" => "no",
1436 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/widget-list-items-1.gif\"
1437 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "List items and links in widgets."),
1439 array( "name" => "Widget List Items, 2nd level",
1440 "category" => "widgets",
1441 "id" => $shortname."_widget_lists2",
1442 "std" => array (
1443 "li-margin-left" => 5,
1444 "link-weight" => "normal",
1445 "link-padding-left" => 5,
1446 "link-border-left-width" => 7,
1447 "link-color" => "666666",
1448 "link-hover-color" => "000000",
1449 "link-border-left-color" => "cccccc",
1450 "link-border-left-hover-color" => "000000"),
1451 "type" => "widget-list-items",
1452 "stripslashes" => "no",
1453 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/widget-list-items-2.gif\"
1454 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Second level list items and links in widgets."),
1456 array( "name" => "Widget List Items, 3rd and lower level",
1457 "category" => "widgets",
1458 "id" => $shortname."_widget_lists3",
1459 "std" => array (
1460 "li-margin-left" => 5,
1461 "link-weight" => "normal",
1462 "link-padding-left" => 5,
1463 "link-border-left-width" => 7,
1464 "link-color" => "666666",
1465 "link-hover-color" => "000000",
1466 "link-border-left-color" => "cccccc",
1467 "link-border-left-hover-color" => "000000"),
1468 "type" => "widget-list-items",
1469 "stripslashes" => "no",
1470 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/widget-list-items-3.gif\"
1471 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Third and lower level list items and links in widgets."),
1473 array( "name" => "Category Widget Display Type",
1474 "category" => "widgets",
1475 "id" => $shortname."_category_widget_display_type",
1476 "std" => "inline",
1477 "type" => "select",
1478 "options" => array("inline", "block"),
1479 "info" => "The category widget needs this extra setting because it is the only widget that can
1480 have both a link and a non-linked text (the \"post count\") inside a single list item AND be
1481 hierarchical AND be too long to fit into a single line. For the most pleasing result across
1482 browsers, choose... <ul><li><code>inline</code> if you are displaying the post count</li>
1483 <li><code>block</code> if you're <strong>not</strong> displaying the post count</li></ul>"),
1485 array( "name" => "Adjust SELECT menu font size",
1486 "category" => "widgets",
1487 "id" => $shortname."_select_font_size",
1488 "std" => "Default",
1489 "type" => "select",
1490 "options" => array("Default", "12px", "11px", "10px", "9px"),
1491 "lastoption" => "yes",
1492 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/select-cutoff.gif\"
1493 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "In <strong>Internet Explorer</strong>,
1494 \"Select\" drop down menus will be cut off if one or more of the select menu items (in this
1495 case: category titles) are too long. <br /><br />To avoid this, set a (small) fixed pixel font
1496 size for the select menu items here, such as <strong>11px</strong> (11 pixels) if you feel
1497 (or see, because you use IE) that your select menus might be too wide for the set sidebar
1498 width. (OR: Make your sidebar wider)"),
1500// New category: postinfos
1502 array( "name" => "KICKER: Homepage",
1503 "category" => "postinfos",
1504 "switch" => "yes",
1505 "id" => $shortname."_post_kicker_home",
1506 "type" => "postinfos",
1507 "std" => "",
1508 "info" => "Leave blank to display no kicker on posts on the homepage.<br /><strong>Example:
1509 </strong> <code>%category%</code>"),
1511 array( "name" => "KICKER: Multi Post Pages",
1512 "category" => "postinfos",
1513 "id" => $shortname."_post_kicker_multi",
1514 "type" => "postinfos",
1515 "std" => "",
1516 "info" => "Leave blank to display no kicker on posts on multi post pages.<br /><strong>Example:
1517 </strong> <code>%category-linked%</code>"),
1519 array( "name" => "KICKER: Single Post Pages",
1520 "category" => "postinfos",
1521 "id" => $shortname."_post_kicker_single",
1522 "type" => "postinfos",
1523 "std" => "",
1524 "info" => "Leave blank to display no kicker on posts on single post pages.<br /><strong>Example:
1525 </strong> <code>%category-linked%</code>"),
1527 array( "name" => "KICKER: \"Page\" Pages",
1528 "category" => "postinfos",
1529 "id" => $shortname."_post_kicker_page",
1530 "type" => "postinfos",
1531 "std" => "",
1532 "info" => "Leave blank to display no kicker on \"page\" pages.<br /><em>NOTE: \"Page\"
1533 pages don't have categories or tags</em>"),
1535 array( "name" => "BYLINE: Homepage",
1536 "category" => "postinfos",
1537 "id" => $shortname."_post_byline_home",
1538 "type" => "postinfos",
1539 "std" => "",
1540 "info" => "Leave blank to display no byline on posts on the homepage.<br /><strong>Example:
1541 </strong> <code>By %author%, on %date('<i>F jS, Y</i>')%</code>"),
1543 array( "name" => "BYLINE: Multi Post Pages",
1544 "category" => "postinfos",
1545 "id" => $shortname."_post_byline_multi",
1546 "type" => "postinfos",
1547 "std" => "",
1548 "info" => "Leave blank to display no byline on posts on multi post pages.<br /><strong>Example:
1549 </strong> <code>By %author%, on %date('<i>F jS, Y</i>')%</code>"),
1551 array( "name" => "BYLINE: Single Post Pages",
1552 "category" => "postinfos",
1553 "id" => $shortname."_post_byline_single",
1554 "type" => "postinfos",
1555 "std" => "",
1556 "info" => "Leave blank to display no byline on posts on single post pages.<br /><strong>Example:
1557 </strong> <code>By %author%, on %date('<i>F jS, Y</i>')%</code>"),
1559 array( "name" => "BYLINE: \"Page\" Pages",
1560 "category" => "postinfos",
1561 "id" => $shortname."_post_byline_page",
1562 "type" => "postinfos",
1563 "std" => "",
1564 "info" => "Leave blank to display no byline on \"page\" pages.<br /><em>NOTE: \"Page\"
1565 pages don't have categories or tags</em>"),
1567 array( "name" => "FOOTER: Homepage",
1568 "category" => "postinfos",
1569 "id" => $shortname."_post_footer_home",
1570 "type" => "postinfos",
1571 "std" => "%date('F jS, Y')% | %tags-linked('Tags: ', ', ', ' | ')% Category: %categories-linked(', ')% |
1572 %comments('Leave a comment', 'One comment', '% comments', 'Comments are closed')%",
1573 "info" => "Leave blank to display no footer on posts on the homepage.<br /><strong>Example:</strong>
1574 <code>%tags-linked('<i>&lt;strong&gt;Tags:&lt;/strong&gt; </i>', '<i>, </i>', '<i> - </i>')%
1575 &lt;strong&gt;Categories:&lt;/strong&gt; %categories-linked('<i>, </i>')%&lt;br /&gt;
1576 %comments('<i>Leave a comment</i>', '<i>One comment so far</i>', '<i>% comments - be the next!</i>',
1577 '<i>Comments are closed</i>')% %edit(' | ', 'Edit', '')%</code>"),
1579 array( "name" => "FOOTER: Multi Post Pages",
1580 "category" => "postinfos",
1581 "id" => $shortname."_post_footer_multi",
1582 "type" => "postinfos",
1583 "std" => "%date('F jS, Y')% | %tags-linked('Tags: ', ', ', ' | ')% Category: %categories-linked(', ')% |
1584 %comments('Leave a comment', 'One comment', '% comments', 'Comments are closed')%",
1585 "info" => "Leave blank to display no footer on posts on multi post pages.<br /><strong>Example:</strong>
1586 <code>%tags-linked('<i>&lt;strong&gt;Tags:&lt;/strong&gt; </i>', '<i>, </i>', '<i> - </i>')% &lt;strong&gt;
1587 Categories:&lt;/strong&gt; %categories-linked('<i>, </i>')%&lt;br /&gt;%comments('<i>Leave a comment</i>',
1588 '<i>One comment so far</i>', '<i>% comments - be the next!</i>', '<i>Comments are closed</i>')% %edit(' | ', 'Edit', '')%</code>"),
1590 array( "name" => "FOOTER: Single Post Pages",
1591 "category" => "postinfos",
1592 "id" => $shortname."_post_footer_single",
1593 "type" => "postinfos",
1594 "std" => "%date('F jS, Y')% | %tags-linked('Tags: ', ', ', ' | ')% Category: %categories-linked(', ')% |
1595 %comments('Leave a comment', 'One comment', '% comments', 'Comments are closed')%",
1596 "info" => "Leave blank to display no footer on posts on single post pages.<br /><strong>Example:</strong>
1597 <code>%tags-linked('<i>&lt;strong&gt;Tags:&lt;/strong&gt; </i>', '<i>, </i>', '<i> - </i>')% &lt;strong&gt;
1598 Categories:&lt;/strong&gt; %categories-linked('<i>, </i>')%&lt;br /&gt;%comments('<i>Leave a comment</i>',
1599 '<i>One comment so far</i>', '<i>% comments - be the next!</i>', '<i>Comments are closed</i>')% %edit(' | ', 'Edit', '')%</code>"),
1601 array( "name" => "FOOTER: \"Page\" Pages",
1602 "category" => "postinfos",
1603 "id" => $shortname."_post_footer_page",
1604 "type" => "postinfos",
1605 "std" => "",
1606 "lastoption" => "yes",
1607 "info" => "Leave blank to have no footer on \"page\" pages.<br /><em>NOTE: \"Page\" pages
1608 don't have categories or tags</em>"),
1610// New category: posts
1612 array( "name" => "POST Container",
1613 "category" => "posts",
1614 "switch" => "yes",
1615 "id" => $shortname."_post_container_style",
1616 "std" => "margin: 0 0 30px 0;\n",
1617 "type" => "textarea",
1618 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/post-container.gif\"
1619 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Style <strong>the container</strong>
1620 that contains the whole post/page."),
1622 array( "name" => "POST Container: STICKY",
1623 "category" => "posts",
1624 "id" => $shortname."_post_container_sticky_style",
1625 "std" => "background: #eee url(" . $stylesheet_directory . "/images/sticky.gif) 99% 5% no-repeat;\nborder: dashed 1px #ccc;\npadding: 10px;",
1626 "type" => "textarea",
1627 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/post-container.gif\"
1628 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Additional styles for <strong>the container
1629 </strong> when it is <strong>STICKY</strong>. This works only in WP 2.7 and newer.
1630 In WP 2.7, posts can be marked as \"sticky\" which will make them stay on the top of the homepage."),
1632 array( "name" => "KICKER Box",
1633 "category" => "posts",
1634 "id" => $shortname."_post_kicker_style",
1635 "std" => "margin: 0 0 5px 0;\n",
1636 "type" => "textarea",
1637 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/post-kicker.gif\"
1638 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Style <strong>the box</strong> that
1639 contains the post/page \"kicker\", <strong>and the text</strong> inside, except the links."),
1641 array( "name" => "KICKER Box: Links",
1642 "category" => "posts",
1643 "id" => $shortname."_post_kicker_style_links",
1644 "std" => "color: #000000;\ntext-decoration: none;\ntext-transform: uppercase;",
1645 "type" => "textarea",
1646 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/post-kicker-links.gif\"
1647 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Style <strong>the links</strong> in the kicker box."),
1649 array( "name" => "KICKER Box: Links: Hover",
1650 "category" => "posts",
1651 "id" => $shortname."_post_kicker_style_links_hover",
1652 "std" => "color: #cc0000;",
1653 "type" => "textarea",
1654 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/post-kicker-links-hover.gif\"
1655 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Style <strong>the links</strong> in the
1656 kicker box, in their <strong>hover</strong> state."),
1658 array( "name" => "HEADLINE Box",
1659 "category" => "posts",
1660 "id" => $shortname."_post_headline_style",
1661 "std" => "",
1662 "type" => "textarea",
1663 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/post-headline.gif\"
1664 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Style <strong>the box</strong> that contains
1665 the post/page title. The text inside (= the post/page title) will be styled in the next section."),
1667 array( "name" => "HEADLINE Box: Text",
1668 "category" => "posts",
1669 "id" => $shortname."_post_headline_style_text",
1670 "std" => "padding: 0;\nmargin: 0;\n",
1671 "type" => "textarea",
1672 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/post-headline-text.gif\"
1673 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Style <strong>the post/page titles, when
1674 they are NOT links</strong>, but regular text (= on single post pages and \"page\" pages)."),
1676 array( "name" => "HEADLINE Box: Links",
1677 "category" => "posts",
1678 "id" => $shortname."_post_headline_style_links",
1679 "std" => "color: #666666;\ntext-decoration: none;\n",
1680 "type" => "textarea",
1681 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/post-headline-links.gif\"
1682 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Style <strong>the post/page titles, when
1683 they ARE links</strong> (= on multi post pages such as home, archive, category, tag, search...).
1684 \"Page\" page titles are usually never links, but they might become links, i.e. if you expand
1685 WordPress' search capabilities with a plugin."),
1687 array( "name" => "HEADLINE Box: Links: Hover",
1688 "category" => "posts",
1689 "id" => $shortname."_post_headline_style_links_hover",
1690 "std" => "color: #000000;\ntext-decoration: none;\n",
1691 "type" => "textarea",
1692 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/post-headline-links-hover.gif\"
1693 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Style the <strong>hover</strong> state of
1694 <strong>post/page titles</strong>, when they are links."),
1696 array( "name" => "BYLINE Box",
1697 "category" => "posts",
1698 "id" => $shortname."_post_byline_style",
1699 "type" => "textarea",
1700 "std" => "margin: 5px 0 10px 0;",
1701 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/post-byline.gif\"
1702 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Style <strong>the box</strong> that contains
1703 the post/page byline, <strong>and the text</strong> inside, except the links."),
1705 array( "name" => "BYLINE Box: Links",
1706 "category" => "posts",
1707 "id" => $shortname."_post_byline_style_links",
1708 "type" => "textarea",
1709 "std" => "",
1710 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/post-byline-links.gif\"
1711 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Style <strong>the links</strong> in
1712 the byline box."),
1714 array( "name" => "BYLINE Box: Links: Hover",
1715 "category" => "posts",
1716 "id" => $shortname."_post_byline_style_links_hover",
1717 "type" => "textarea",
1718 "std" => "",
1719 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/post-byline-links-hover.gif\"
1720 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Style <strong>the links</strong> in the
1721 byline box, in their <strong>hover</strong> state."),
1723 array( "name" => "BODY Box",
1724 "category" => "posts",
1725 "id" => $shortname."_post_bodycopy_style",
1726 "type" => "textarea",
1727 "std" => "",
1728 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/post-body.gif\"
1729 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Style <strong>the box</strong> that
1730 contains the post/page main text (= the \"body copy\"). The text and links in
1731 the post/page main text box can be styled on the main tab \"Text & Link Styling\"."),
1733 array( "name" => "FOOTER Box",
1734 "category" => "posts",
1735 "id" => $shortname."_post_footer_style",
1736 "type" => "textarea",
1737 "std" => "margin: 0;\npadding: 5px;\nbackground: #eeeeee;\ncolor: #666;\nline-height: 18px;",
1738 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/post-footer.gif\"
1739 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Style <strong>the box</strong> that
1740 contains the post/page footer, <strong>and the text</strong> inside, except the links."),
1742 array( "name" => "FOOTER Box: Links",
1743 "category" => "posts",
1744 "id" => $shortname."_post_footer_style_links",
1745 "type" => "textarea",
1746 "std" => "color: #333;\nfont-weight: normal;\ntext-decoration: none;",
1747 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/post-footer-links.gif\"
1748 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Style <strong>the links</strong> in the footer box."),
1750 array( "name" => "FOOTER Box: Links: Hover",
1751 "category" => "posts",
1752 "id" => $shortname."_post_footer_style_links_hover",
1753 "type" => "textarea",
1754 "std" => "color: #333;\nfont-weight: normal;\ntext-decoration: underline;",
1755 "lastoption" => "yes",
1756 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/post-footer-links-hover.gif\"
1757 style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" . "Style <strong>the links</strong> in the
1758 footer box, in their <strong>hover</strong> state."),
1761// New category: posts-or-excerpts
1763 array( "name" => "Posts or excerpts on HOME page?",
1764 "category" => "posts-or-excerpts",
1765 "switch" => "yes",
1766 "id" => $shortname."_excerpts_home",
1767 "type" => "select",
1768 "std" => "Full Posts",
1769 "options" => array("Only Excerpts", "Full Posts"),
1770 "info" => "Show full posts or only excerpts, on the Homepage?"),
1772 array( "name" => "Show the first X posts on HOME page as full posts?",
1773 "category" => "posts-or-excerpts",
1774 "id" => $shortname."_full_posts_homepage",
1775 "type" => "select",
1776 "std" => 0,
1777 "options" => array(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10),
1778 "info" => "By setting a number here and setting the option above (Posts or excerpts on HOME page?) to
1779 \"Only Excerpts\" you can show X full posts on top of the Homepage, followed by excerpts."),
1781 array( "name" => "Posts or excerpts on CATEGORY pages?",
1782 "category" => "posts-or-excerpts",
1783 "id" => $shortname."_excerpts_category",
1784 "type" => "select",
1785 "std" => "Only Excerpts",
1786 "options" => array("Only Excerpts", "Full Posts"),
1787 "info" => "Show full posts or only excerpts, on Category pages?"),
1789 array( "name" => "Posts or excerpts on ARCHIVE pages?",
1790 "category" => "posts-or-excerpts",
1791 "id" => $shortname."_excerpts_archive",
1792 "type" => "select",
1793 "std" => "Only Excerpts",
1794 "options" => array("Only Excerpts", "Full Posts"),
1795 "info" => "Show full posts or only excerpts, on (date based) Archive pages?"),
1797 array( "name" => "Posts or excerpts on TAG pages?",
1798 "category" => "posts-or-excerpts",
1799 "id" => $shortname."_excerpts_tag",
1800 "type" => "select",
1801 "std" => "Only Excerpts",
1802 "options" => array("Only Excerpts", "Full Posts"),
1803 "info" => "Show full posts or only excerpts, on Tag pages?"),
1805 array( "name" => "Posts or excerpts on SEARCH RESULT pages?",
1806 "category" => "posts-or-excerpts",
1807 "id" => $shortname."_excerpts_search",
1808 "type" => "select",
1809 "std" => "Only Excerpts",
1810 "options" => array("Only Excerpts", "Full Posts"),
1811 "info" => "Show full posts or only excerpts, on Search Result pages?"),
1813 array( "name" => "Posts or excerpts on AUTHOR pages?",
1814 "category" => "posts-or-excerpts",
1815 "id" => $shortname."_excerpts_author",
1816 "type" => "select",
1817 "std" => "Only Excerpts",
1818 "options" => array("Only Excerpts", "Full Posts"),
1819 "lastoption" => "yes",
1820 "info" => "Show full posts or only excerpts, on Author pages?"),
1822// New category: more-tag
1824 array( "name" => "Read More",
1825 "category" => "more-tag",
1826 "switch" => "yes",
1827 "id" => $shortname."_more_tag",
1828 "std" => "Continue reading %post-title%",
1829 "type" => "text",
1830 "size" => "30",
1831 "editable" => "yes",
1832 "lastoption" => "yes",
1833 "info" => "Configure the \"Read More\" text here. The text you put here will be displayed whenever you use
1834 <code>&lt;!--more--&gt;</code> in a post, either by manually inserting that tag into a post or by using the
1835 more button (see images below). This is a more fine-grained method of generating post excerpts than setting
1836 the post display type to \"Excerpts\" (see menu tab \"Posts or Excerpts\"). <br /><br />Whenever you insert
1837 <code>&lt;!--more--&gt;</code> into a post or page, only the text before that tag will be displayed on
1838 multi-post-pages while the whole post will be displayed on its dedicated single post page. <br /><br />
1839 Use <code>%post-title%</code> to include the post title in the \"More\" text.<br /><br />
1840 Example:<br /> <code>Continue reading \"&lt;strong&gt;%post-title%&lt/strong&gt;\" &amp;raquo;</code><br /><br />
1841 You can use single and double quotes, and HTML. Examples:<ul><li><code>&lt;br /&gt;</code> for line breaks</li>
1842 <li><code>&lt;strong&gt; ... &lt;/strong&gt;</code> to make text <strong>bold</strong></li>
1843 <li><code>&lt;em&gt; ... &lt;/em&gt;</code> to make text <em>italic</em></li><li><code>&amp;nbsp;</code> to
1844 include a non-breaking space</li><li><code>&amp;raquo;</code> for a right angle quote
1845 <span style=\"font-size: 25px\">&raquo;</span></li><li><code>&amp;laquo;</code> for a left angle quote
1846 <span style=\"font-size: 25px\">&laquo;</span></li><li><code>&amp;rsaquo;</code> for a right single angle quote
1847 <span style=\"font-size: 25px\">&rsaquo;</span></li><li><code>&amp;lsaquo;</code> for a left single angle quote
1848 <span style=\"font-size: 25px\">&lsaquo;</span></li><li><code>&amp;rarr;</code> for a right arrow
1849 <span style=\"font-size: 25px\">&rarr;</span></li><li><code>&amp;larr;</code> for a left arrow
1850 <span style=\"font-size: 25px\">&larr;</span></li></ul>The WordPress editor buttons to insert the
1851 \"Read More\" tag into a post or page. They look different depending on whether you're in Visual or HTML mode.<br /><br >" .
1852 "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/readmore1.gif\" /><br /><br />
1853 <img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/readmore2.gif\" />"),
1855// New category: comments
1857 array( "name" => "Highlight Author comments?",
1858 "category" => "comments",
1859 "switch" => "yes",
1860 "id" => $shortname."_author_highlight",
1861 "type" => "select",
1862 "std" => "Yes",
1863 "options" => array("Yes", "No"),
1864 "info" => "Highlight author (blog owner) comments with a different background color?"),
1866 array( "name" => "Color for Author comment highlighting",
1867 "category" => "comments",
1868 "id" => $shortname."_author_highlight_color",
1869 "std" => "ffecec",
1870 "type" => "text",
1871 "info" => "If you chose Yes above, set the background color for author comments here."),
1873 array( "name" => "Regular Comment Background Color",
1874 "category" => "comments",
1875 "id" => $shortname."_comment_background_color",
1876 "std" => "ffffff",
1877 "type" => "text",
1878 "info" => "Background color for comments"),
1880 array( "name" => "Alternating Comment Background Color",
1881 "category" => "comments",
1882 "id" => $shortname."_comment_alt_background_color",
1883 "std" => "f6f6f6",
1884 "type" => "text",
1885 "info" => "Background color for every second comment. Choose the same color as one option above if
1886 you want the same background color for all comments."),
1888 array( "name" => "Border between single comments",
1889 "category" => "comments",
1890 "id" => $shortname."_comment_border",
1891 "std" => "dotted 1px #cccccc",
1892 "type" => "text",
1893 "info" => "Style the line that separates every comment from the next. No semicolon here."),
1895 array( "name" => "Comment Author Name Size",
1896 "category" => "comments",
1897 "id" => $shortname."_comment_author_size",
1898 "type" => "select",
1899 "std" => "110%",
1900 "options" => array("100%", "105%", "110%", "115%", "120%", "125%", "130%", "135%", "140%", "145%", "150%"),
1901 "info" => "Font size of comment author names relative to base font size."),
1903 array( "name" => "Allow comments on \"Page\" pages, too?",
1904 "category" => "comments",
1905 "id" => $shortname."_comments_on_pages",
1906 "type" => "select",
1907 "std" => "No",
1908 "options" => array("No", "Yes"),
1909 "info" => "Set to Yes to have a comment form (and comments if any) on \"Page\" pages, too, and not only on Post pages."),
1911 array( "name" => "Separate trackbacks/pings from comments?",
1912 "category" => "comments",
1913 "id" => $shortname."_separate_trackbacks",
1914 "type" => "select",
1915 "std" => "No",
1916 "options" => array("Yes", "No"),
1917 "info" => "For WP 2.6 and older: List comments, trackbacks and pings in the order they come in, or put all
1918 trackbacks and pings below the comments?<br /><br /><em>Note: This works well with the theme's own functions
1919 but not if you use the plugin <a href=\"\">Paged Comments</a>
1920 or Wordpress 2.7</em>"),
1922 array( "name" => "Avatar Size",
1923 "category" => "comments",
1924 "id" => $shortname."_avatar_size",
1925 "type" => "select",
1926 "std" => "55",
1927 "options" => array("0", "20", "25", "30", "35", "40", "45", "50", "55", "60", "65", "70", "75", "80"),
1928 "info" => "The size of avatars, in pixels. 55 means 55 x 55 pixels. Choose 0 here to show no avatars
1929 (or turn them off in the WordPress admin panel if your WP version has built in avatar support)."),
1931 array( "name" => "Avatar Style",
1932 "category" => "comments",
1933 "id" => $shortname."_avatar_style",
1934 "std" => "margin: 0 8px 1px 0;\npadding: 3px;\nborder: solid 1px #ddd;\nbackground-color: #f3f3f3;\n
1935 -moz-border-radius: 3px;\n-khtml-border-radius: 3px;\n-webkit-border-radius: 3px;\nborder-radius: 3px;",
1936 "type" => "textarea",
1937 "info" => "Style avatars. The lines with \"radius\" create rounded corners in Firefox and Safari."),
1939 array( "name" => "Show XHTML tags?",
1940 "category" => "comments",
1941 "id" => $shortname."_show_xhtml_tags",
1942 "type" => "select",
1943 "std" => "Yes",
1944 "options" => array("Yes", "No"),
1945 "info" => "Show the \"You can use these HTML tags\" info above the comment form?"),
1947 array( "name" => "Comment Form Style",
1948 "category" => "comments",
1949 "id" => $shortname."_comment_form_style",
1950 "std" => "margin: 25px 0;\npadding: 25px;\nbackground: #eee;\n-moz-border-radius: 8px;\n-khtml-border-radius: 8px;\n-webkit-border-radius: 8px;\nborder-radius: 8px;",
1951 "type" => "textarea",
1952 "info" => "Style the comment form area = Box that contains the Name, Email, Website input fields, the comment textarea and the submit button."),
1954 array( "name" => "Submit Button Style",
1955 "category" => "comments",
1956 "id" => $shortname."_submit_button_style",
1957 "std" => "padding: 4px 10px 4px 10px;\nfont-size: 1.2em;\nline-height: 1.5em;\nheight: 36px;",
1958 "type" => "textarea",
1959 "info" => "Style the comment submit button, i.e. give it margin to move it around. This section here is
1960 specifically for the <strong>comment</strong> submit button. Additionally, default button styles will be applied, see
1961 menu tab \"Forms\", options \"Submit Buttons: Default Style\" and \"Submit Buttons: Hover Style\"."),
1963 array( "name" => "Comment display order",
1964 "category" => "comments",
1965 "id" => $shortname."_comment_display_order",
1966 "type" => "select",
1967 "std" => "Oldest on top",
1968 "options" => array("Oldest on top", "Newest on top"),
1969 "lastoption" => "yes",
1970 "info" => "For WP 2.6 and older: To list comments in reverse order choose \"Newest on top\".
1971 In WP 2.7+ you can set this at Settings -> Discussion."),
1973// New category: footer-style (don't name this "footer", Wordpress already uses that for their own footer in the admin area)
1975 array( "name" => "Footer Style",
1976 "category" => "footer-style",
1977 "switch" => "yes",
1978 "id" => $shortname."_footer_style",
1979 "std" => "background-color: #ffffff;\nborder-top: dashed 1px #cccccc;\npadding: 10px;\n
1980 text-align: center;\ncolor: #777777;\nfont-size: 95%;",
1981 "type" => "textarea",
1982 "info" => "Style the footer box and the text inside."),
1984 array( "name" => "Footer Style: Links",
1985 "category" => "footer-style",
1986 "id" => $shortname."_footer_style_links",
1987 "std" => "text-decoration: none;\ncolor: #777777;\nfont-weight: normal;",
1988 "type" => "textarea",
1989 "info" => "Style the links in the footer."),
1991 array( "name" => "Footer Style: Links: Hover",
1992 "category" => "footer-style",
1993 "id" => $shortname."_footer_style_links_hover",
1994 "std" => "text-decoration: none;\ncolor: #777777;\nfont-weight: normal;",
1995 "type" => "textarea",
1996 "info" => "Style the links in the footer in hover state."),
1998 array( "name" => "Footer: Content",
1999 "category" => "footer-style",
2000 "id" => $shortname."_footer_style_content",
2001 "std" => "Copyright &copy; %current-year% %home% - All Rights Reserved",
2002 "type" => "textarea",
2003 "editable" => "yes",
2004 "info" => "Content in the footer area. You can use (X)HTML and these placeholders ...
2005 <ul><li><code>%current-year%</code> to display the current year</li>
2006 <li><code>%page-XX%</code> to display the full link for a specific page. Replace XX with the ID of the page
2007 you want to display the link for.</li><li><code>%home%</code> to display a full link to the homepage.</li>
2008 <li><code>%loginout%</code> to display a full Login/Logout link</li><li><code>%admin%</code> to display a
2009 full link to the admin area. (Will only be displayed for logged in users.)</li>
2010 <li><code>%register%</code> to display a full register link</li><li><code>%rss%</code> to display (only)
2011 the URL for the RSS feed. This is not a full link, just the URL. Use something like
2012 <code>&lt;a href=\"%rss%\" rel=\"nofollow\"&gt;Posts Feed&lt;/a&gt;</code></li>
2013 <li><code>%comments-rss%</code> to display (only) the URL for the Comments RSS feed. This is not a full link,
2014 just the URL. Use something like <code>&lt;a href=\"%comments-rss%\" rel=\"nofollow\"&gt;Comments Feed&lt;/a&gt;</code>.
2015 (The BFA SEO option \"Nofollow RSS\" will not work here - nofollow would have to be included manually as
2016 shown in these examples).</li>
2017 <li>In HTML, <span style=\"font-size:24px\">&copy;</span> can be displayed with <code>&amp;copy;</code>,
2018 <span style=\"font-size:24px\">&trade;</span> with <code>&amp;trade;</code> and
2019 <span style=\"font-size:24px\">&reg;</span> with <code>&amp;reg;</code></li></ul>"),
2021 array( "name" => "Show number of queries &amp; timer?",
2022 "category" => "footer-style",
2023 "id" => $shortname."_footer_show_queries",
2024 "type" => "select",
2025 "std" => "No",
2026 "options" => array("No", "Yes - visible", "Yes - in source code"),
2027 "lastoption" => "yes",
2028 "info" => "Show the amount of database queries and the time required to render the given page,
2029 at the bottom of every page? This can be useful to see how certain settings or plugins add to
2030 the page rendering time."),
2032// New category: tables
2034 array( "name" => "Table Style",
2035 "category" => "tables",
2036 "switch" => "yes",
2037 "id" => $shortname."_table",
2038 "std" => "border-collapse: collapse;\nmargin: 10px 0;",
2039 "type" => "textarea",
2040 "info" => "Style the table as a whole <code>&lt;table&gt;</code> ... <code>&lt;/table&gt;</code>"),
2042 array( "name" => "Table Caption Style",
2043 "category" => "tables",
2044 "id" => $shortname."_table_caption",
2045 "std" => "background: #eeeeee;\nborder: #999999;\npadding: 4px 8px;\ncolor: #666666;",
2046 "type" => "textarea",
2047 "info" => "The table caption (if you use any) is (usually) the first row in a table.<br /><br />
2048 <strong>Example:</strong><br /><br /><code>&lt;table&gt;<br /><i>&lt;caption&gt;Results May 2008&lt;/caption&gt;</i><br />
2049 &lt;thead&gt;&lt;tr&gt;&lt;th&gt;Name&lt;/th&gt;&lt;th&gt;Address&lt;/th&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;&lt;/thead&gt;<br />
2050 &lt;tfoot&gt;&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td&gt;Previous&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td&gt;Next&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;&lt;/tfoot&gt;<br />
2051 &lt;tbody&gt;&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td&gt;John&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td&gt;Smallville&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;&lt;/tbody&gt;<br />
2052 &lt;/table&gt;</code><br /><br /><em>Note how the table footer <code>tfoot</code> comes <strong>before</strong>
2053 the body <code>tbody</code></em>"),
2055 array( "name" => "Table Header Cells",
2056 "category" => "tables",
2057 "id" => $shortname."_table_th",
2058 "std" => "background: #888888;\ncolor: #ffffff;\nfont-weight: bold;\nfont-size: 90%;\npadding: 4px 8px;\n
2059 border: solid 1px #ffffff;\ntext-align: left;",
2060 "type" => "textarea",
2061 "info" => "Style the table header cells <code>&lt;th&gt;</code> ... <code>&lt;/th&gt;</code>"),
2063 array( "name" => "Table Body Cells",
2064 "category" => "tables",
2065 "id" => $shortname."_table_td",
2066 "std" => "padding: 4px 8px;\nbackground-color: #ffffff;\nborder-bottom: 1px solid #dddddd;\ntext-align: left;",
2067 "type" => "textarea",
2068 "info" => "Style the regular table cells <code>&lt;td&gt;</code> ... <code>&lt;/td&gt;</code>"),
2070 array( "name" => "Table Footer Cells",
2071 "category" => "tables",
2072 "id" => $shortname."_table_tfoot_td",
2073 "std" => "",
2074 "type" => "textarea",
2075 "info" => "You can style the table footer cells individually.<br /><br /><em>Or else they'll get the
2076 same style as the Table Body Cells.</em>"),
2078 array( "name" => "Zebra stripe all tables?",
2079 "category" => "tables",
2080 "id" => $shortname."_table_zebra_stripes",
2081 "type" => "select",
2082 "std" => "Yes",
2083 "options" => array("Yes", "No"),
2084 "info" => "Add a different style to every second row in <strong>all</strong> tables in posts and pages?<br /><br />
2085 Alternatively, set this to \"No\" and add the class <code>zebra</code> to individual tables that you want to
2086 zebra stripe. Example: <br /><br /><code>&lt;table class=\"zebra\"&gt; ... &lt;/table&gt;</code>"),
2088 array( "name" => "Zebra row TD style",
2089 "category" => "tables",
2090 "id" => $shortname."_table_zebra_td",
2091 "std" => "background: #f4f4f4;",
2092 "type" => "textarea",
2093 "info" => "If you chose to zebra stripe tables, set the style for the cells in every second row here."),
2095 array( "name" => "Hover effect for all tables?",
2096 "category" => "tables",
2097 "id" => $shortname."_table_hover_rows",
2098 "type" => "select",
2099 "std" => "Yes",
2100 "options" => array("Yes", "No"),
2101 "info" => "Change the style of table rows when the mouse pointer hovers over them, for <strong>all</strong>
2102 tables in posts and pages?<br /><br />Alternatively, set this to \"No\" and add the class <code>hover</code>
2103 to individual tables that you want to apply the hover effect on. Example: <br /><br />
2104 <code>&lt;table class=\"hover\"&gt; ... &lt;/table&gt;</code><br /><br />Multiple classes can be added, too,
2105 i.e. to add both the zebra and the hover effect to an individual table:<br /><br />
2106 <code>&lt;table class=\"zebra hover\"&gt; ... &lt;/table&gt;</code>"),
2108 array( "name" => "Hover row TD style",
2109 "category" => "tables",
2110 "id" => $shortname."_table_hover_td",
2111 "std" => "background: #e2e2e2;",
2112 "type" => "textarea",
2113 "lastoption" => "yes",
2114 "info" => "If you chose to use a hover efect for table rows, set the style for the cells in hovered table rows here."),
2116// New category: forms
2118 array( "name" => "Form fields: Style",
2119 "category" => "forms",
2120 "switch" => "yes",
2121 "id" => $shortname."_form_input_field_style",
2122 "std" => "color: #000000;\nborder-top: solid 1px #333333;\nborder-left: solid 1px #333333;\n
2123 border-right: solid 1px #999999;\nborder-bottom: solid 1px #cccccc;",
2124 "type" => "textarea",
2125 "info" => "Style the text input fields and textareas in forms. "),
2127 array( "name" => "Form fields: Background image",
2128 "category" => "forms",
2129 "id" => $shortname."_form_input_field_background",
2130 "std" => "inputbackgr.gif",
2131 "type" => "text",
2132 "size" => "35",
2133 "info" => "The \"shadow\" inside of text fields and texareas. <br /><br />Other available shadows are <code>inputbackgr-red.gif</code>,
2134 <code>inputbackgr-green.gif</code> and <code>inputbackgr-blue.gif</code>, or upload you own image to atahualpa3/images/.
2135 Leave blank to have no background image in form fields."),
2137 array( "name" => "Highlight form fields?",
2138 "category" => "forms",
2139 "id" => $shortname."_highlight_forms",
2140 "type" => "select",
2141 "std" => "Yes",
2142 "options" => array("Yes", "No"),
2143 "info" => "Highlight form input fields when they get focus (when someone clicks into the field)?"),
2145 array( "name" => "Highlight form fields: Style",
2146 "category" => "forms",
2147 "id" => $shortname."_highlight_forms_style",
2148 "std" => "background: #e8eff7;\nborder-color: #37699f;",
2149 "type" => "textarea",
2150 "info" => "If you chose \"Yes\" above, style the highlighted state of input fields here."),
2152 array( "name" => "Submit Buttons: Default Style",
2153 "category" => "forms",
2154 "id" => $shortname."_button_style",
2155 "std" => "background-color: #777777;\ncolor: #ffffff;\nborder: solid 2px #555555;\nfont-weight: bold;",
2156 "type" => "textarea",
2157 "info" => "Style submit buttons in their <strong>default</strong> state."),
2159 array( "name" => "Submit Buttons: Hover Style",
2160 "category" => "forms",
2161 "id" => $shortname."_button_style_hover",
2162 "std" => "background-color: #6b9c6b;\ncolor: #ffffff;\nborder: solid 2px #496d49;",
2163 "type" => "textarea",
2164 "lastoption" => "yes",
2165 "info" => "Style submit buttons in their <strong>hover</strong> state."),
2167// New category: blockquotes
2169 array( "name" => "Blockquotes: Style",
2170 "category" => "blockquotes",
2171 "switch" => "yes",
2172 "id" => $shortname."_blockquote_style",
2173 "std" => "color: #555555;\npadding: 1em 1em;\nbackground: #f4f4f4;\nborder: solid 1px #e1e1e1;",
2174 "type" => "textarea",
2175 "info" => "<img src=\"" . $stylesheet_directory . "/options/images/blockquotes.gif\" style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 10px 10px;\">" .
2176 "Style blockquotes. <br /><br /><strong>Example:</strong><br /><br /><code>font: italic 1.1em georgia, serif;<br />color: #336699;<br />
2177 padding: 0 1em;<br />background: #c9dbed;<br />border: dashed 5px #336699;</code><br /><br />Example Screenshot is from IE7.
2178 It will look different on non-IE browsers."),
2180 array( "name" => "Blockquotes in blockquotes: Style",
2181 "category" => "blockquotes",
2182 "id" => $shortname."_blockquote_style_2nd_level",
2183 "std" => "color: #444444;\npadding: 1em 1em;\nbackground: #e1e1e1;\nborder: solid 1px #d3d3d3;",
2184 "type" => "textarea",
2185 "lastoption" => "yes",
2186 "info" => "Style blockquotes inside of blockquotes."),
2188// New category: images
2190 array( "name" => "Images in Posts",
2191 "category" => "images",
2192 "switch" => "yes",
2193 "id" => $shortname."_post_image_style",
2194 "std" => "padding: 5px;\nborder: solid 1px #dddddd;\nbackground-color: #f3f3f3;\n-moz-border-radius: 3px;\n
2195 -khtml-border-radius: 3px;\n-webkit-border-radius: 3px;\nborder-radius: 3px;",
2196 "type" => "textarea",
2197 "info" => "Style images in posts, when they have no caption.<br /><br />The lines with \"radius\" create
2198 rounded corners in Firefox and Safari.<br /><br />To remove the border around images, delete everything in this box."),
2200 array( "name" => "Images in Posts: Caption Style",
2201 "category" => "images",
2202 "id" => $shortname."_post_image_caption_style",
2203 "std" => "border: 1px solid #dddddd;\ntext-align: center;\nbackground-color: #f3f3f3;\npadding-top: 4px;\n
2204 margin: 10px 0 0 0;\n-moz-border-radius: 3px;\n-khtml-border-radius: 3px;\n-webkit-border-radius: 3px;\nborder-radius: 3px;",
2205 "type" => "textarea",
2206 "info" => "Style the caption box for images in posts, that have a caption.<br /><br />The lines with \"radius\"
2207 create rounded corners in Firefox and Safari.<br /><br />To remove the border around images with caption, delete everything in this box."),
2209 array( "name" => "Caption Text: Style",
2210 "category" => "images",
2211 "id" => $shortname."_image_caption_text",
2212 "std" => "font-size: 0.8em;\nline-height: 13px;\npadding: 2px 4px 5px;\nmargin: 0;\ncolor: #666666;",
2213 "type" => "textarea",
2214 "lastoption" => "yes",
2215 "info" => "Style the caption text."),
2217// New category: html-inserts
2219 array( "name" => "HTML Inserts: Header",
2220 "category" => "html-inserts",
2221 "switch" => "yes",
2222 "id" => $shortname."_html_inserts_header",
2223 "std" => "",
2224 "type" => "textarea",
2225 "editable" => "yes",
2226 "info" => "Add code here (JavaScript, HTML, CSS) that you want to put into the header section of the website,
2227 between <code>&lt;head&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;/head&gt;</code>."),
2229 array( "name" => "HTML Inserts: Body Tag",
2230 "category" => "html-inserts",
2231 "id" => $shortname."_html_inserts_body_tag",
2232 "std" => "",
2233 "type" => "textarea",
2234 "editable" => "yes",
2235 "info" => "Add code here that you want to add to the opening body tag <code>&lt;body&gt;</code> of the website.<br /><br />
2236 <strong>Example:</strong><br /><br /><code>onLoad=\"alert('The page is loading... now!')\"</code><br />would result
2237 in an output of<br /><code>&lt;body <i>onLoad=\"alert('The page is loading... now!')\"</i>&gt;</code><br />instead
2238 of the regular<br /><code>&lt;body&gt;</code>"),
2240 array( "name" => "HTML Inserts: Body Top",
2241 "category" => "html-inserts",
2242 "id" => $shortname."_html_inserts_body_top",
2243 "std" => "",
2244 "type" => "textarea",
2245 "editable" => "yes",
2246 "info" => "Add code here (JavaScript, HTML, CSS) that you want to put into the body section of the website, between
2247 <code>&lt;body&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;/body&gt;</code>, right after <code>&lt;body&gt;</code>."),
2249 array( "name" => "HTML Inserts: Body Bottom",
2250 "category" => "html-inserts",
2251 "id" => $shortname."_html_inserts_body_bottom",
2252 "std" => "",
2253 "type" => "textarea",
2254 "editable" => "yes",
2255 "info" => "Add code here (JavaScript, HTML, CSS) that you want to put into the body section of the website,
2256 between <code>&lt;body&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;/body&gt;</code>, right before <code>&lt;/body&gt;</code>.<br /><br />
2257 <strong>Google Analytics</strong> code would go here, and most other tracking code probably too."),
2259 array( "name" => "CSS Inserts",
2260 "category" => "html-inserts",
2261 "id" => $shortname."_html_inserts_css",
2262 "std" => "",
2263 "type" => "textarea",
2264 "editable" => "yes",
2265 "lastoption" => "yes",
2266 "info" => "Add CSS code here that you want to append to the theme's CSS file. <strong>Example</strong><br /><br />
2267 <code>.newclass {<br />color: #123456;<br />border: solid 1px #000000;<br />
2268 font-family: arial, \"comic sans ms\", sans-serif;<br />}</code>"),
2270// New category: Archives page
2272 array( "name" => "Archives Page ID",
2273 "category" => "archives-page",
2274 "switch" => "yes",
2275 "id" => $shortname."_archives_page_id",
2276 "std" => "",
2277 "type" => "text",
2278 "size" => "5",
2279 "info" => "This theme has no Archives page by default but you can create a custom one:<ul>
2280 <li>Put the ID of an existing page into this field to make that page the Archives page.</li>
2281 <li>This can be an empty page or a page with content.</li><li>If the page has content, the archives
2282 will be appended at the bottom.</li></ul>An Archives page is a \"Page\" page listing the links to
2283 (usually: monthly) archives and the categories, similar to a sitemap, but usually without a list
2284 of \"Page\" pages. The difference to the archive links or select menu in the sidebar is that the
2285 links will be displayed as regular content in the middle column"),
2287 array( "name" => "Show Archives by Date?",
2288 "category" => "archives-page",
2289 "id" => $shortname."_archives_date_show",
2290 "type" => "select",
2291 "std" => "Yes",
2292 "options" => array("Yes", "No"),
2293 "info" => "Show archives by date?"),
2295 array( "name" => "Archives by Date: Title",
2296 "category" => "archives-page",
2297 "id" => $shortname."_archives_date_title",
2298 "std" => "Archives by Month",
2299 "type" => "text",
2300 "info" => "The headline for the yearly/monthly/daily/postbypost archives"),
2302 array( "name" => "Archives by Date: Type",
2303 "category" => "archives-page",
2304 "id" => $shortname."_archives_date_type",
2305 "type" => "select",
2306 "std" => "monthly",
2307 "options" => array("yearly", "monthly", "weekly", "daily", "postbypost"),
2308 "info" => "List the date based archives by year, month, week, day or post by post?"),
2310 array( "name" => "Archives by Date: Limit",
2311 "category" => "archives-page",
2312 "id" => $shortname."_archives_date_limit",
2313 "std" => "",
2314 "type" => "text",
2315 "info" => "Optional: Limit the amount of date based archive links. Leave blank for no limit.
2316 <strong>Example:</strong> <code>30</code>"),
2318 array( "name" => "Archives by Date: Show post count?",
2319 "category" => "archives-page",
2320 "id" => $shortname."_archives_date_count",
2321 "type" => "select",
2322 "std" => "Yes",
2323 "options" => array("Yes", "No"),
2324 "info" => "Show the post count for each date based archive link? Won't be used if you chose \"postbypost\" above."),
2326 array( "name" => "Show Archives by Category?",
2327 "category" => "archives-page",
2328 "id" => $shortname."_archives_category_show",
2329 "type" => "select",
2330 "std" => "Yes",
2331 "options" => array("Yes", "No"),
2332 "info" => "Show archives by category?"),
2334 array( "name" => "Archives by Category: Title",
2335 "category" => "archives-page",
2336 "id" => $shortname."_archives_category_title",
2337 "std" => "Archives by Category",
2338 "type" => "text",
2339 "info" => "The headline for the category archives"),
2341 array( "name" => "Archives by Category: Show post count?",
2342 "category" => "archives-page",
2343 "id" => $shortname."_archives_category_count",
2344 "type" => "select",
2345 "std" => "Yes",
2346 "options" => array("Yes", "No"),
2347 "info" => "Display the post count after each category link?"),
2349 array( "name" => "Archives by Category: Depth",
2350 "category" => "archives-page",
2351 "id" => $shortname."_archives_category_depth",
2352 "type" => "select",
2353 "std" => "0",
2354 "options" => array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"),
2355 "info" => "Limit the depth of category levels to be displayed. Choose 0 to display all categories (= no depth limit)"),
2357 array( "name" => "Archives by Category: Order by",
2358 "category" => "archives-page",
2359 "id" => $shortname."_archives_category_orderby",
2360 "type" => "select",
2361 "std" => "name",
2362 "options" => array("ID", "name", "count"),
2363 "info" => "Sort the category archive links by <ul><li><strong>ID</strong> - chronologically</li>
2364 <li><strong>name</strong> - alphabetically</li><li><strong>count</strong> - post count</li></ul>"),
2366 array( "name" => "Archives by Category: Order",
2367 "category" => "archives-page",
2368 "id" => $shortname."_archives_category_order",
2369 "type" => "select",
2370 "std" => "ASC",
2371 "options" => array("ASC", "DESC"),
2372 "info" => "Sort the category list<ul><li><strong>ASC</strong> - ascending</li>
2373 <li><strong>DESC</strong> - descending</li></ul>"),
2375 array( "name" => "Archives by Category: Feed Link",
2376 "category" => "archives-page",
2377 "id" => $shortname."_archives_category_feed",
2378 "type" => "select",
2379 "std" => "No",
2380 "options" => array("Yes", "No"),
2381 "lastoption" => "yes",
2382 "info" => "Show a linked RSS icon after each category link?"),
2385// Merge arrays to get different options sets for WP 2.7+ (with new paged comments settings) and WP 2.6 and older
2386if (function_exists('wp_list_comments')) {
2387$options = array_merge($options1, $options2, $options3); // WP 2.7 and newer
2388} else {
2389$options = array_merge($options1, $options3); // WP 2.6 and older
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.